def verbose_callback(self, cam_info, features):
     with self._lock:
         if self._mode is "verbose":
             # Populate measurement message                                                                                                                                   
             msg = CameraMeasurement()
             msg.header.stamp = cam_info.header.stamp
             msg.camera_id = self._cam_id
             msg.cam_info = cam_info
             msg.features = features
             self._callback(self._cam_id, msg)
Пример #2
 def verbose_callback(self, cam_info, features):
     with self._lock:
         if self._mode is "verbose":
             # Populate measurement message
             msg = CameraMeasurement()
             msg.header.stamp = cam_info.header.stamp
             msg.camera_id = self._cam_id
             msg.cam_info = cam_info
             msg.features = features
             self._callback(self._cam_id, msg)
Пример #3
cal_samples = []
for target in cal_estimate.targets:
    cal_sample = RobotMeasurement()
    for camera in cal_estimate.cameras:
        meas = CameraMeasurement()    
        meas.camera_id = camera.camera_id
        for pnt_c in check_points:
            pnt_msg = posemath.fromMsg(camera.pose).Inverse() * posemath.fromMsg(target) * pnt_c
            pnt_mat = P_mat * matrix([pnt_msg[0], pnt_msg[1], pnt_msg[2], 1]).T
            pnt = ImagePoint()
            pnt.x = (pnt_mat[0]/pnt_mat[2]) + random.random()*noise
            pnt.y = (pnt_mat[1]/pnt_mat[2]) + random.random()*noise
            pnt.d = 1
        meas.cam_info.P = P
        meas.features = cal_pattern
print cal_samples

# add offset
cal_estimate.cameras[0].pose = posemath.toMsg(posemath.fromMsg(cal_estimate.cameras[0].pose) * offset)
#cal_estimate.cameras[1].pose = posemath.toMsg(posemath.fromMsg(cal_estimate.cameras[1].pose) * PyKDL.Frame(offset))

# Run optimization
estimate.enhance(cal_samples, cal_estimate)

#residual, J = estimate.calculate_residual_and_jacobian(cal_samples, cal_estimate)

#set_printoptions(linewidth=300, precision=5, suppress=True)