def convert(infile, outfileName, **options): dbs = {} print("Importing " + infile + " ... ") if infile[-3:] == 'dbc': dbs[""] = im.importDbc(infile, **options) elif infile[-3:] == 'dbf': dbs[""] = im.importDbf(infile, **options) elif infile[-3:] == 'sym': dbs[""] = im.importSym(infile, **options) elif infile[-3:] == 'kcd': dbs[""] = im.importKcd(infile) elif infile[-3:] == 'xls': dbs[""] = im.importXls(infile, **options) elif infile[-4:] == 'xlsx' : dbs[""] = im.importXlsx(infile, **options) elif infile[-5:] == 'arxml': dbs = im.importArxml(infile, **options) elif infile[-4:] == 'yaml': dbs[""] = im.importYaml(infile) else: sys.stderr.write('\nFile not recognized: ' + infile + "\n") print("done\n") print("Exporting " + outfileName + " ... ") for name in dbs: db = dbs[name] print(name) print("%d Frames found" % (db._fl._list.__len__())) if len(name) > 0: path = os.path.split(outfileName) outfile = os.path.join(path[0], name + "_" + path[1]) else: outfile = outfileName if outfile[-3:] == 'dbc': ex.exportDbc(db, outfile, **options) elif outfile[-3:] == 'dbf': ex.exportDbf(db, outfile, **options) elif outfile[-3:] == 'sym': ex.exportSym(db, outfile, **options) elif outfile[-3:] == 'kcd': ex.exportKcd(db, outfile) elif outfile[-4:] == 'xlsx': ex.exportXlsx(db, outfile, **options) elif outfile[-3:] == 'xls': ex.exportXls(db, outfile, **options) elif outfile[-4:] == 'json': ex.exportJson(db, outfile) elif outfile[-5:] == 'arxml': ex.exportArxml(db, outfile) elif outfile[-4:] == 'yaml': ex.exportYaml(db, outfile) elif outfile[-3:] == 'csv': ex.exportCsv(db, outfile) else: sys.stderr.write('File not recognized: ' + outfileName + "\n") print("done")
def convert(infile, outfileName, **options): import canmatrix.exportall as ex import canmatrix.importall as im dbs = {}"Importing " + infile + " ... ") if infile[-3:] == 'dbc': dbs[""] = im.importDbc(infile, **options) elif infile[-3:] == 'dbf': dbs[""] = im.importDbf(infile, **options) elif infile[-3:] == 'sym': dbs[""] = im.importSym(infile, **options) elif infile[-3:] == 'kcd': dbs[""] = im.importKcd(infile) elif infile[-3:] == 'xls': dbs[""] = im.importXls(infile, **options) elif infile[-4:] == 'xlsx' : dbs[""] = im.importXlsx(infile, **options) elif infile[-5:] == 'arxml': dbs = im.importArxml(infile, **options) elif infile[-4:] == 'yaml': dbs[""] = im.importYaml(infile) else: logger.error('\nFile not recognized: ' + infile + "\n")"done\n")"Exporting " + outfileName + " ... ") for name in dbs: db = dbs[name] if 'deleteZeroSignals' in options and options['deleteZeroSignals']: db.deleteZeroSignals() if 'recalcDLC' in options and options['recalcDLC']: db.recalcDLC(options['recalcDLC'])"%d Frames found" % (db._fl._list.__len__())) if len(name) > 0: path = os.path.split(outfileName) outfile = os.path.join(path[0], name + "_" + path[1]) else: outfile = outfileName # Get output file extension fileext = '' if 'force_output' in options and options['force_output']: # Provided by the command line fileext = options['force_output'] else: # Get extension from output filename fileext = os.path.splitext(outfile)[1] # Strip leading '.' from extension, of exists fileext = fileext[1:] if fileext.startswith('.') else fileext if fileext == 'dbc': ex.exportDbc(db, outfile, **options) elif fileext == 'dbf': ex.exportDbf(db, outfile, **options) elif fileext == 'sym': ex.exportSym(db, outfile, **options) elif fileext == 'kcd': ex.exportKcd(db, outfile) elif fileext == 'xlsx': ex.exportXlsx(db, outfile, **options) elif fileext == 'xls': ex.exportXls(db, outfile, **options) elif fileext == 'json': ex.exportJson(db, outfile) elif fileext == 'arxml': ex.exportArxml(db, outfile) elif fileext == 'yaml': ex.exportYaml(db, outfile) elif fileext == 'csv': ex.exportCsv(db, outfile) else: logger.error('File not recognized: ' + outfileName + "\n")"done")
# create target Matrix # db3 = CanMatrix() # # Here a new Can-Matrix can be 'programmed': # ----------------------------------------------------- # #Copy Can-ID 1234 from second CAN-Matrix to target-Matrix copyFrame(1234, db2, db3) #Copy frame "Engine_123" from first CAN-Matrix to target-Matrix copyFrame("Engine_123", db1, db3) #Copy ECU (with all Frames) "Gateway" from first CAN-Matrix to target-Matrix copyBUwithFrames("Gateway", db1, db3) # # ----------------------------------------------------- # # # # export the new (target)-Matrix for example as .dbc: # ex.exportDbc(db3, "target.dbc")
def convert(infile, outfileName, **options): import canmatrix.exportall as ex import canmatrix.importany as im import canmatrix.canmatrix as cm import canmatrix.copy as cmcp dbs = {}"Importing " + infile + " ... ") dbs = im.importany(infile, **options)"done\n")"Exporting " + outfileName + " ... ") for name in dbs: db = None if 'ecus' in options and options['ecus'] != None: ecuList = options['ecus'].split(',') db = cm.CanMatrix() for ecu in ecuList:"Copying ECU " + ecu) cmcp.copyBUwithFrames(ecu, dbs[name], db) if 'frames' in options and options['frames'] != None: frameList = options['frames'].split(',') db = cm.CanMatrix() for frame in frameList:"Copying Frame " + frame) cmcp.copyFrame(frame, dbs[name], db) if db == None: db = dbs[name] if 'merge' in options and options['merge'] != None: mergeFiles = options['merge'].split(',') for database in mergeFiles: mergeString = database.split(':') dbTempList = im.importany(mergeString[0]) for dbTemp in dbTempList: if mergeString.__len__() == 1: print ("merge complete: " + mergeString[0]) for frame in dbTempList[dbTemp]._fl._list: cmcp.copyFrame (frame._Id, dbTempList[dbTemp], db) for mergeOpt in mergeString[1:]: if mergeOpt.split('=')[0] == "ecu": cmcp.copyBUwithFrames(mergeOpt.split('=')[1], dbTempList[dbTemp], db) if mergeOpt.split('=')[0] == "frame": cmcp.copyFrame(mergeOpt.split('=')[1], dbTempList[dbTemp], db) if 'deleteZeroSignals' in options and options['deleteZeroSignals']: db.deleteZeroSignals() if 'recalcDLC' in options and options['recalcDLC']: db.recalcDLC(options['recalcDLC'])"%d Frames found" % (db._fl._list.__len__())) if len(name) > 0: path = os.path.split(outfileName) outfile = os.path.join(path[0], name + "_" + path[1]) else: outfile = outfileName # Get output file extension fileext = '' if 'force_output' in options and options['force_output']: # Provided by the command line fileext = options['force_output'] else: # Get extension from output filename fileext = os.path.splitext(outfile)[1] # Strip leading '.' from extension, of exists fileext = fileext[1:] if fileext.startswith('.') else fileext if fileext == 'dbc': ex.exportDbc(db, outfile, **options) elif fileext == 'dbf': ex.exportDbf(db, outfile, **options) elif fileext == 'sym': ex.exportSym(db, outfile, **options) elif fileext == 'kcd': ex.exportKcd(db, outfile) elif fileext == 'xlsx': ex.exportXlsx(db, outfile, **options) elif fileext == 'xls': ex.exportXls(db, outfile, **options) elif fileext == 'json': ex.exportJson(db, outfile, **options) elif fileext == 'arxml': ex.exportArxml(db, outfile) elif fileext == 'yaml': ex.exportYaml(db, outfile) elif fileext == 'csv': ex.exportCsv(db, outfile) else: logger.error('File not recognized: ' + outfileName + "\n")"done")
mySignal2.addValues(3, "three") mySignal.addComment( "Multi \n Line \n Signal comment with a-umlaut: ä".decode("utf-8")) myFrame.addComment("Multi \n Line \n Frame comment") myFrame.addSignal(mySignal) myFrame.addSignal(mySignal2) myFrame2 = Frame(0x12, "extendedFrame", 8, "testBU") myFrame2._extended = 1 db._fl.addFrame(myFrame) db._fl.addFrame(myFrame2) db.boardUnitByName("testBU").addComment("sender ECU") db.boardUnitByName("testBU").addAttribute("NetworkNode", 0x111) db.boardUnitByName("recBU").addComment("receiver ECU") db.frameByName("testFrame1").addAttribute("GenMsgCycleTime", 100) db.addFrameDefines("GenMsgCycleTime", 'INT 0 65535') db.addBUDefines("NetworkNode", 'INT 0 65535') # # # export the new (target)-Matrix for example as .dbc: # ex.exportDbc(db, "test.dbc", 'iso-8859-1', 'iso-8859-1')
mySignal2 = Signal("Signal", 20, 3, 1, "+", 1.0, 0.0, 0, 6, "someUnit", ["recBU"]) mySignal2.addValues(1, "one") mySignal2.addValues(2, "two") mySignal2.addValues(3, "three") mySignal.addComment("Multi \n Line \n Signal comment with a-umlaut: ä".decode("utf-8")) myFrame.addComment("Multi \n Line \n Frame comment") myFrame.addSignal(mySignal) myFrame.addSignal(mySignal2) db._fl.addFrame(myFrame) db.boardUnitByName("testBU").addComment("sender ECU") db.boardUnitByName("testBU").addAttribute("NetworkNode", 0x111) db.boardUnitByName("recBU").addComment("reciever ECU") db.frameByName("testFrame1").addAttribute("GenMsgCycleTime", 100) db.addFrameDefines("GenMsgCycleTime", 'INT 0 65535') # # # export the new (target)-Matrix for example as .dbc: # ex.exportDbc(db, "test.dbc", 'iso-8859-1', 'iso-8859-1')
mySignal2.addValues(3, "three") mySignal.addComment("Multi \n Line \n Signal comment with a-umlaut: ä".decode("utf-8")) myFrame.addComment("Multi \n Line \n Frame comment") myFrame.addSignal(mySignal) myFrame.addSignal(mySignal2) myFrame2 = Frame(0x12, "extendedFrame", 8, "testBU") myFrame2._extended = 1 db._fl.addFrame(myFrame) db._fl.addFrame(myFrame2) db.boardUnitByName("testBU").addComment("sender ECU") db.boardUnitByName("testBU").addAttribute("NetworkNode", 0x111) db.boardUnitByName("recBU").addComment("receiver ECU") db.frameByName("testFrame1").addAttribute("GenMsgCycleTime", 100) db.addFrameDefines("GenMsgCycleTime", "INT 0 65535") db.addBUDefines("NetworkNode", "INT 0 65535") # # # export the new (target)-Matrix for example as .dbc: # ex.exportDbc(db, "test.dbc", "iso-8859-1", "iso-8859-1")
def convert(infile, outfileName, **options): import canmatrix.exportall as ex import canmatrix.importany as im import canmatrix.canmatrix as cm import canmatrix.copy as cmcp dbs = {}"Importing " + infile + " ... ") dbs = im.importany(infile, **options)"done\n")"Exporting " + outfileName + " ... ") for name in dbs: db = None if 'ecus' in options and options['ecus'] != None: ecuList = options['ecus'].split(',') db = cm.CanMatrix() for ecu in ecuList:"Copying ECU " + ecu) cmcp.copyBUwithFrames(ecu, dbs[name], db) if 'frames' in options and options['frames'] != None: frameList = options['frames'].split(',') db = cm.CanMatrix() for frame in frameList:"Copying Frame " + frame) cmcp.copyFrame(frame, dbs[name], db) if db == None: db = dbs[name] if 'merge' in options and options['merge'] != None: mergeFiles = options['merge'].split(',') for database in mergeFiles: mergeString = database.split(':') dbTempList = im.importany(mergeString[0]) for dbTemp in dbTempList: if mergeString.__len__() == 1: print("merge complete: " + mergeString[0]) for frame in dbTempList[dbTemp]._fl._list: cmcp.copyFrame(frame._Id, dbTempList[dbTemp], db) for mergeOpt in mergeString[1:]: if mergeOpt.split('=')[0] == "ecu": cmcp.copyBUwithFrames( mergeOpt.split('=')[1], dbTempList[dbTemp], db) if mergeOpt.split('=')[0] == "frame": cmcp.copyFrame( mergeOpt.split('=')[1], dbTempList[dbTemp], db) if 'deleteZeroSignals' in options and options['deleteZeroSignals']: db.deleteZeroSignals() if 'recalcDLC' in options and options['recalcDLC']: db.recalcDLC(options['recalcDLC'])"%d Frames found" % (db._fl._list.__len__())) if len(name) > 0: path = os.path.split(outfileName) outfile = os.path.join(path[0], name + "_" + path[1]) else: outfile = outfileName # Get output file extension fileext = '' if 'force_output' in options and options['force_output']: # Provided by the command line fileext = options['force_output'] else: # Get extension from output filename fileext = os.path.splitext(outfile)[1] # Strip leading '.' from extension, of exists fileext = fileext[1:] if fileext.startswith('.') else fileext if fileext == 'dbc': ex.exportDbc(db, outfile, **options) elif fileext == 'dbf': ex.exportDbf(db, outfile, **options) elif fileext == 'sym': ex.exportSym(db, outfile, **options) elif fileext == 'kcd': ex.exportKcd(db, outfile) elif fileext == 'xlsx': ex.exportXlsx(db, outfile, **options) elif fileext == 'xls': ex.exportXls(db, outfile, **options) elif fileext == 'json': ex.exportJson(db, outfile, **options) elif fileext == 'arxml': ex.exportArxml(db, outfile) elif fileext == 'yaml': ex.exportYaml(db, outfile) elif fileext == 'csv': ex.exportCsv(db, outfile) else: logger.error('File not recognized: ' + outfileName + "\n")"done")
mySignal2 = Signal("Signal", 20, 3, 1, "+", 1.0, 0.0, 0, 6, "someUnit", ["recBU"]) mySignal2.addValues(1, "one") mySignal2.addValues(2, "two") mySignal2.addValues(3, "three") mySignal.addComment("Multi \n Line \n Signal comment with a-umlaut: ä".decode("utf-8")) myFrame.addComment("Multi \n Line \n Frame comment") myFrame.addSignal(mySignal) myFrame.addSignal(mySignal2) db._fl.addFrame(myFrame) db.boardUnitByName("testBU").addComment("sender ECU") db.boardUnitByName("testBU").addAttribute("NetworkNode", 0x111) db.boardUnitByName("recBU").addComment("reciever ECU") db.frameByName("testFrame1").addAttribute("GenMsgCycleTime", 100) db.addFrameDefines("GenMsgCycleTime", 'INT 0 65535') # # # export the new (target)-Matrix for example as .dbc: # ex.exportDbc(db, "test.dbc", 'utf-8', 'utf-8')
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import canmatrix.exportall as ex from canmatrix.join import join_frame_by_signal_startbit files = ["../test/db_B.dbc", "../test/db_A.dbc"] target = join_frame_by_signal_startbit(files) # # export the new (target)-Matrix for example as .dbc: # ex.exportDbc(target, "target.dbc") ex.exportXlsx(target, "target.xlsx")
mySignal.addComment("Multi \n Line \n Signal comment with a-umlaut: ä".decode("utf-8")) myFrame.addComment("Multi \n Line \n Frame comment") myFrame.addSignal(mySignal) myFrame.addSignal(mySignal2) myFrame2 = Frame("extendedFrame", Id = 0x12, dlc = 8, transmitter = "testBU" ) myFrame2._extended = 1 db._fl.addFrame(myFrame) db._fl.addFrame(myFrame2) db.boardUnitByName("testBU").addComment("sender ECU") db.boardUnitByName("testBU").addAttribute("NetworkNode", 0x111) db.boardUnitByName("recBU").addComment("receiver ECU") db.frameByName("testFrame1").addAttribute("GenMsgCycleTime", 100) db.addFrameDefines("GenMsgCycleTime", 'INT 0 65535') db.addBUDefines("NetworkNode", 'INT 0 65535') # # # export the new (target)-Matrix for example as .dbc: # ex.exportDbc(db, "test.dbc", dbcExportEncoding='iso-8859-1', dbcExportCommentEncoding='iso-8859-1')
"Multi \n Line \n Signal comment with a-umlaut: ä".decode("utf-8")) myFrame.addComment("Multi \n Line \n Frame comment") myFrame.addSignal(mySignal) myFrame.addSignal(mySignal2) myFrame2 = Frame("extendedFrame", Id=0x12, dlc=8, transmitter="testBU") myFrame2._extended = 1 db._fl.addFrame(myFrame) db._fl.addFrame(myFrame2) db.boardUnitByName("testBU").addComment("sender ECU") db.boardUnitByName("testBU").addAttribute("NetworkNode", 0x111) db.boardUnitByName("recBU").addComment("receiver ECU") db.frameByName("testFrame1").addAttribute("GenMsgCycleTime", 100) db.addFrameDefines("GenMsgCycleTime", 'INT 0 65535') db.addBUDefines("NetworkNode", 'INT 0 65535') # # # export the new (target)-Matrix for example as .dbc: # ex.exportDbc(db, "test.dbc", dbcExportEncoding='iso-8859-1', dbcExportCommentEncoding='iso-8859-1')