Пример #1
    def __init__(self,
        :param str xslt: XSLT object
        :param str xml_in: Name of the variable containing the xml
        :param str xml_out: Produced xml will be stored in this variable

        super(xslt2py, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.xls_ns = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform'

        self.xpath_prefix = ''

        self.xin = xml_in
        self.xout = xml_out

        self.action_mapping = self.get_action_mapping()
        self.operator_mapping = self.get_operator_mapping()

        self.py = Codebuffer()
        self.py.addline(self.xout + ' = \'\'')
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, xslt=None, xml_in="xin", xml_out="xout", *args, **kwargs):
        :param str xslt: XSLT object
        :param str xml_in: Name of the variable containing the xml
        :param str xml_out: Produced xml will be stored in this variable

        super(xslt2py, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.xls_ns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"

        self.xpath_prefix = ""

        self.xin = xml_in
        self.xout = xml_out

        self.action_mapping = self.get_action_mapping()
        self.operator_mapping = self.get_operator_mapping()

        self.py = Codebuffer()
        self.py.addline(self.xout + " = ''")
Пример #3
class xslt2py(object):
    Converts xslt markups in python code. The method used to parse xslt
    and compile it in python code is based on this tutorial :

    def __init__(self, xslt=None, xml_in="xin", xml_out="xout", *args, **kwargs):
        :param str xslt: XSLT object
        :param str xml_in: Name of the variable containing the xml
        :param str xml_out: Produced xml will be stored in this variable

        super(xslt2py, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.xls_ns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"

        self.xpath_prefix = ""

        self.xin = xml_in
        self.xout = xml_out

        self.action_mapping = self.get_action_mapping()
        self.operator_mapping = self.get_operator_mapping()

        self.py = Codebuffer()
        self.py.addline(self.xout + " = ''")

    def start(self, tag, attrib):
        cf http://lxml.de/parsing.html#the-target-parser-interface
        if self.xls_ns in tag:

    def end(self, tag):
        cf http://lxml.de/parsing.html#the-target-parser-interface
        if self.xls_ns in tag:
            self.xmlnode(tag, close=True)

    def data(self, data):
        cf http://lxml.de/parsing.html#the-target-parser-interface
        stripped = data.strip("\n\t\r ")
        if stripped != "":

    def comment(self, text):
        cf http://lxml.de/parsing.html#the-target-parser-interface

    def close(self):
        cf http://lxml.de/parsing.html#the-target-parser-interface
        return self.py()

    def get_action_mapping(self):
        In order to translate xslt to python, here are defined
        functions to call when a xslt node is detected (open and close)

        :return: dictionnary with xslt nodes in keys and mapped
           functions in values
        :rtype: dict
        xs = "{" + self.xls_ns + "}"
        mapping = {
            xs + "stylesheet": [lambda node: None, lambda: None],
            xs + "output": [lambda node: None, lambda: None],
            xs + "template": [self.template, lambda: None],
            xs + "value-of": [self.valueof, lambda: None],
            xs + "choose": [lambda node: None, lambda: None],
            xs + "when": [self.when_open, self.when_close],
            xs + "otherwise": [self.otherwise_open, self.otherwise_close],
        return mapping

    def get_operator_mapping(self):
        Some xslt operators are different in xslt and python. This
        function returns a matching table between the two langages.

        :return: dictonnary with xslt operator tokens and their
           equivalent in python
        :rtype: dict
        mapping = {"=": "=", "!=": "!=", "<": "<", "<=": "<=", ">": ">", ">=": ">="}
        return mapping

    def xml_out(self, expression):
        Add a factored expression to transformed xml data

        :param str expression: some piece of xml (or format of the
           returned data)
        self.py.addline(self.xout + " += {}".format(expression))

    def xmlnode(self, tag, close=False):
        Provide an easy way to create xml nodes in transformed xml data

        :param str tag: name of the xml tag (text in '<' and '>')
        :param bool close: wether or not the node ends with '>' or '/>'
        out = "<"
        if close is True:
            out += "/"
        out += tag
        out += ">"


    def xpath(self, *args):
        An easy way to query a value in input xml data.

        :param *args: identificatier for node to query
        xpath_query = self.xin + ".xpath('"
        xpath_query += self.xpath_prefix
        for arg in args:
            xpath_query += "/*[local-name() = \\'{}\\']".format(arg)
        xpath_query += "')[0].text"

        return xpath_query

    def convert_test(self, expression):
        Convert a xslt test expression in python test expression.

        :param str expression: xslt expression
        :return: test expression in python
        :rtype: str
        :raises SyntaxError: if expression syntax is not recognized
        for operator in self.operator_mapping:
            if operator in expression:
            raise SyntaxError("No operator found in expression '{}'".format(expression))

        splited_expression = expression.split(operator)
        value = splited_expression[0].strip()
        compared = splited_expression[1].strip()

        pytest = self.xpath(value)
        pytest += " "
        pytest += self.operator_mapping[operator]
        pytest += " {}".format(compared)

        return pytest

    def template(self, attrib):
        Triggered when a `template` xslt node is detected.

        Loads xml prefix (`match` parameter of `template` node)
        prefix_nodes = attrib["match"].split("/")
        for node in prefix_nodes:
            if node != "":
                self.xpath_prefix += "/*[local-name() = \\'{}\\']".format(node)

    def valueof(self, attrib):
        Triggered when a `value-of` xslt node is detected.

        Copies the content in transformed data.

    def when_open(self, attrib):
        Triggered when a `when` xslt node is opened.

        Open a conditional indented bloc in factored code.
        pyif = "if " + self.convert_test(attrib["test"]) + ":"


    def when_close(self):
        Triggered when a `when` node is closed.

        Dedent a bloc in factored code.

    def otherwise_open(self, attrib):
        Triggered when an `otherwise` node is opened.

        Open a conditional alternative indented bloc in factored code

    def otherwise_close(self):
        Triggered when an `otherwise` node is closed.

        Dedent a bloc in factored code.
Пример #4
class xslt2py(object):
    Converts xslt markups in python code. The method used to parse xslt
    and compile it in python code is based on this tutorial :
    def __init__(self,
        :param str xslt: XSLT object
        :param str xml_in: Name of the variable containing the xml
        :param str xml_out: Produced xml will be stored in this variable

        super(xslt2py, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.xls_ns = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform'

        self.xpath_prefix = ''

        self.xin = xml_in
        self.xout = xml_out

        self.action_mapping = self.get_action_mapping()
        self.operator_mapping = self.get_operator_mapping()

        self.py = Codebuffer()
        self.py.addline(self.xout + ' = \'\'')

    def start(self, tag, attrib):
        cf http://lxml.de/parsing.html#the-target-parser-interface
        if self.xls_ns in tag:

    def end(self, tag):
        cf http://lxml.de/parsing.html#the-target-parser-interface
        if self.xls_ns in tag:
            self.xmlnode(tag, close=True)

    def data(self, data):
        cf http://lxml.de/parsing.html#the-target-parser-interface
        stripped = data.strip('\n\t\r ')
        if stripped != '':

    def comment(self, text):
        cf http://lxml.de/parsing.html#the-target-parser-interface

    def close(self):
        cf http://lxml.de/parsing.html#the-target-parser-interface
        return self.py()

    def get_action_mapping(self):
        In order to translate xslt to python, here are defined
        functions to call when a xslt node is detected (open and close)

        :return: dictionnary with xslt nodes in keys and mapped
           functions in values
        :rtype: dict
        xs = '{' + self.xls_ns + '}'
        mapping = {
            xs + 'stylesheet': [lambda node: None, lambda: None],
            xs + 'output': [lambda node: None, lambda: None],
            xs + 'template': [self.template, lambda: None],
            xs + 'value-of': [self.valueof, lambda: None],
            xs + 'choose': [lambda node: None, lambda: None],
            xs + 'when': [self.when_open, self.when_close],
            xs + 'otherwise': [self.otherwise_open, self.otherwise_close],
        return mapping

    def get_operator_mapping(self):
        Some xslt operators are different in xslt and python. This
        function returns a matching table between the two langages.

        :return: dictonnary with xslt operator tokens and their
           equivalent in python
        :rtype: dict
        mapping = {
            '=': '=',
            '!=': '!=',
            '<': '<',
            '<=': '<=',
            '>': '>',
            '>=': '>=',
        return mapping

    def xml_out(self, expression):
        Add a factored expression to transformed xml data

        :param str expression: some piece of xml (or format of the
           returned data)
        self.py.addline(self.xout + ' += {}'.format(expression))

    def xmlnode(self, tag, close=False):
        Provide an easy way to create xml nodes in transformed xml data

        :param str tag: name of the xml tag (text in '<' and '>')
        :param bool close: wether or not the node ends with '>' or '/>'
        out = '<'
        if close is True:
            out += '/'
        out += tag
        out += '>'


    def xpath(self, *args):
        An easy way to query a value in input xml data.

        :param *args: identificatier for node to query
        xpath_query = self.xin + '.xpath(\''
        xpath_query += self.xpath_prefix
        for arg in args:
            xpath_query += '/*[local-name() = \\\'{}\\\']'.format(arg)
        xpath_query += '\')[0].text'

        return xpath_query

    def convert_test(self, expression):
        Convert a xslt test expression in python test expression.

        :param str expression: xslt expression
        :return: test expression in python
        :rtype: str
        :raises SyntaxError: if expression syntax is not recognized
        for operator in self.operator_mapping:
            if operator in expression:
            raise SyntaxError(
                'No operator found in expression \'{}\''.format(expression))

        splited_expression = expression.split(operator)
        value = splited_expression[0].strip()
        compared = splited_expression[1].strip()

        pytest = self.xpath(value)
        pytest += ' '
        pytest += self.operator_mapping[operator]
        pytest += ' {}'.format(compared)

        return pytest

    def template(self, attrib):
        Triggered when a `template` xslt node is detected.

        Loads xml prefix (`match` parameter of `template` node)
        prefix_nodes = attrib['match'].split('/')
        for node in prefix_nodes:
            if node != '':
                self.xpath_prefix += '/*[local-name() = \\\'{}\\\']'.format(

    def valueof(self, attrib):
        Triggered when a `value-of` xslt node is detected.

        Copies the content in transformed data.

    def when_open(self, attrib):
        Triggered when a `when` xslt node is opened.

        Open a conditional indented bloc in factored code.
        pyif = 'if ' + self.convert_test(attrib['test']) + ':'


    def when_close(self):
        Triggered when a `when` node is closed.

        Dedent a bloc in factored code.

    def otherwise_open(self, attrib):
        Triggered when an `otherwise` node is opened.

        Open a conditional alternative indented bloc in factored code

    def otherwise_close(self):
        Triggered when an `otherwise` node is closed.

        Dedent a bloc in factored code.