Пример #1
 def intersect(metric, today):
     yesterday = today - datetime.timedelta(1)
     yesterday_signups = Metrics.signup.uniques(yesterday)
     today_metric = metric.uniques(today)
     returning_metric = RedisSet(gen_temp_key())
     redis.sinterstore(returning_metric.key, [yesterday_signups.key, today_metric.key])
     return safediv(returning_metric.scard(), yesterday_signups.scard())
Пример #2
def _get_aggregate_rlbb(groups, nav):
    groups = list(groups)

    if not groups:
        return []
        rlbb = RedisLastBumpedBuffer(gen_temp_key(), size=None)
        buffers = [_get_buffer(group, nav).key for group in groups]
        redis.zunionstore(rlbb.key, buffers, aggregate='MAX')
        return rlbb
Пример #3
    def update_scores(self):

        for algo in self.algorithms:
            ranking = algo.fun()
            temp_list = RedisList(gen_temp_key())

            if ranking:
                for comment in ranking:

                # Atomically replace the frontpage with the new version.
                # If the ranking is empty, we just delete the frontpage key (the rename will fail)
Пример #4
def numbers(request):
    now = time.time()
    trailing_7day = now - 7 * 24 * 60 * 60

    fmt = lambda n, tot: "%0.0f (%0.2f%%)" % (n, float(n)/tot*100) if tot else None

    all_users = User.objects.all()
    all_images = Content.all_objects.count()
    all_remixes = Content.all_objects.exclude(remix_of=None).count()

    l7d_images = Content.all_objects.filter(timestamp__gt=trailing_7day).count()
    l7d_remixes = Content.all_objects.exclude(remix_of=None).filter(timestamp__gt=trailing_7day).count()

    max_user_id = User.objects.order_by('-id')[0].id
    trailing_1000_users = User.objects.filter(id__gte=max_user_id-1000)

    women = lambda u: u.filter(facebookuser__gender=Gender.FEMALE).count()
    viral = lambda u: (u.aggregate(c=Count('sent_invites__invitee')).get('c', 0)
                       + u.aggregate(c=Count('facebook_sent_invites__invitee')).get('c', 0))

    sections = [
        (   'All time',
            [('Images', all_images), ('Remixes', fmt(all_remixes, all_images))]
        (   'Last 7 days',
            [('Images', l7d_images), ('Remixes', fmt(l7d_remixes, l7d_images))]
        (   'Trailing 1000 users',
            [('Women', women(trailing_1000_users)), ('Invited users (virality)', viral(trailing_1000_users))]
        (   'All Users',
            [('Women', women(all_users)), ('Invited users (virality)', viral(all_users))]

    trailing_7day_dau = [Metrics.view.daily_uniques(d) for d in days(7)]
    users = User.objects.count()
    daily = sum(trailing_7day_dau) / 7.0
    weekly = redis.scard(Metrics.view.trailing_uniques(7, gen_temp_key()))
    monthly = redis.scard(Metrics.view.trailing_uniques(30, gen_temp_key()))

    sections += [
        (   'Uniques (by view)',
                ('all users', users),
                ('daily (trailing 7day average)', fmt(daily, users)),
                ('weekly (trailing 7day cumulative)', fmt(weekly, users)),
                ('monthly (trailing 30day cumulative)', fmt(monthly, users)),

    #u = lambda table, cutoff: fmt(User.objects.annotate(count=Count(table)).filter(count__gt=cutoff).count(), users)
    #sections += [
    #    (   'Uniques (actions)',
    #        [
    #            ('all users', users),
    #            ('stickered', u('commentsticker', 0)),
    #            ('stickered 25 times', u('commentsticker', 24)),
    #            ('posted', u('comment', 0)),
    #            ('posted 25 times', u('comment', 24)),
    #            ('remixed', u('comment__reply_content__remix_of', 0)),
    #            ('remixed 25 times', u('comment__reply_content__remix_of', 24)),
    #        ],
    #    ),

    return r2r('staff/numbers.django.html', locals())