Пример #1
    def data_to_delays(self, **kwargs):
        '''data = dictionary of visibilities. 
           info = FirstCalRedundantInfo class
           can give it kwargs:
                supports 'window': window function for fourier transform. default is none
                         'tune'  : to fit and remove a linear slope to phase.
                         'plot'  : Low level plotting in the red.redundant_bl_cal_simple script.
                         'clean' : Clean level when deconvolving sampling function out.
           Returns 2 dictionaries:
                1. baseline pair : delays
                2. baseline pari : offset 
        verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', False)
        blpair2delay = {}
        blpair2offset = {}

        blpair2noise = {}

        dd = self.info.order_data(self.data)
        ww = self.info.order_data(self.wgts)
        for (bl1, bl2) in self.info.bl_pairs:
            if verbose:
                print(bl1, bl2)
            d1 = dd[:, :, self.info.bl_index(bl1)]
            w1 = ww[:, :, self.info.bl_index(bl1)]
            d2 = dd[:, :, self.info.bl_index(bl2)]
            w2 = ww[:, :, self.info.bl_index(bl2)]
            delay, offset = red.redundant_bl_cal_simple(
                d1, w1, d2, w2, self.fqs, **kwargs)
            blpair2delay[(bl1, bl2)] = delay
            blpair2offset[(bl1, bl2)] = offset
            blpair2noise[(bl1, bl2)] = noiseproxy
        return blpair2delay, blpair2offset, blpair2noise
Пример #2
 def data_to_delays(self, **kwargs):
     '''data = dictionary of visibilities. 
        info = FirstCalRedundantInfo class
        can give it kwargs:
             supports 'window': window function for fourier transform. default is none
                      'tune'  : to fit and remove a linear slope to phase.
                      'plot'  : Low level plotting in the red.redundant_bl_cal_simple script.
                      'clean' : Clean level when deconvolving sampling function out.
        Returns 2 dictionaries:
             1. baseline pair : delays
             2. baseline pari : offset 
     verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', False)
     blpair2delay = {}
     blpair2offset = {}
     blpair2noise = {}
     dd = self.info.order_data(self.data)
     ww = self.info.order_data(self.wgts)
     for (bl1,bl2) in self.info.bl_pairs:
         if verbose:
             print (bl1, bl2)
         d1 = dd[:,:,self.info.bl_index(bl1)]
         w1 = ww[:,:,self.info.bl_index(bl1)]
         d2 = dd[:,:,self.info.bl_index(bl2)]
         w2 = ww[:,:,self.info.bl_index(bl2)]
         delay,offset = red.redundant_bl_cal_simple(d1,w1,d2,w2,self.fqs,**kwargs)
         blpair2delay[(bl1,bl2)] = delay
         blpair2offset[(bl1,bl2)] = offset
         blpair2noise[(bl1,bl2)] = noiseproxy
     return blpair2delay, blpair2offset, blpair2noise
Пример #3
    def data_to_delays(self, verbose=False, **kwargs):
        '''data = dictionary of visibilities. 
           info = FirstCalRedundantInfo class
           can give it kwargs:
                supports 'window': window function for fourier transform. default is none
                         'tune'  : to fit and remove a linear slope to phase.
                         'plot'  : Low level plotting in the red.redundant_bl_cal_simple script.
                         'clean' : Clean level when deconvolving sampling function out.
           Returns 2 dictionaries:
                1. baseline pair : delays
                2. baseline pari : offset 
#        use_offset = kwargs.get('use_offset',False)
        blpair2delay = {}
        blpair2offset = {}
        dd = self.info.order_data(self.data)
        ww = self.info.order_data(self.wgts)
        for (bl1,bl2) in self.info.bl_pairs:
            if verbose:
                print (bl1, bl2)
            d1 = dd[:,:,self.info.bl_index(bl1)]
            w1 = ww[:,:,self.info.bl_index(bl1)]
            d2 = dd[:,:,self.info.bl_index(bl2)]
            w2 = ww[:,:,self.info.bl_index(bl2)]
            if True:
                delay,offset = red.redundant_bl_cal_simple(d1,w1,d2,w2,self.fqs,window=window,tune=tune,plot=plot,verbose=verbose,clean=clean)
            if False:
                _,(delay,offset),_ = red.redundant_bl_cal(d1,w1,d2,w2,self.fqs,window=window,verbose=verbose,use_offset=use_offset)
            blpair2delay[(bl1,bl2)] = delay
            blpair2offset[(bl1,bl2)] = offset
        return blpair2delay, blpair2offset
Пример #4
    def data_to_delays(self, verbose=False, **kwargs):
        '''data = dictionary of visibilities. 
           info = FirstCalRedundantInfo class
           can give it kwargs:
                supports 'window': window function for fourier transform. default is none
           Returns a dictionary with keys baseline pairs and values delays.'''
        self.blpair2delay = {}
        dd = self.info.order_data(self.data)
#        ww = self.info.order_data(self.wgts)
        for (bl1,bl2) in self.info.bl_pairs:
            if verbose:
                print (bl1, bl2)
            d1 = dd[:,:,self.info.bl_index(bl1)]
#            w1 = ww[:,:,self.info.bl_index(bl1)]
            d2 = dd[:,:,self.info.bl_index(bl2)]
#            w2 = ww[:,:,self.info.bl_index(bl2)]
            #delay = red.redundant_bl_cal_simple(d1,w1,d2,w2,self.fqs)
            delay = red.redundant_bl_cal_simple(d1,d2,self.fqs,window=window,tune=tune)
            self.blpair2delay[(bl1,bl2)] = delay
        return self.blpair2delay
Пример #5
 def data_to_delays(self, **kwargs):
     '''data = dictionary of visibilities. 
        info = FirstCalRedundantInfo class
        can give it kwargs:
             supports 'window': window function for fourier transform. default is none
        Returns a dictionary with keys baseline pairs and values delays.'''
     window = kwargs.get('window', 'none')
     self.blpair2delay = {}
     dd = self.info.order_data(self.data)
     #        ww = self.info.order_data(self.wgts)
     for (bl1, bl2) in self.info.bl_pairs:
         d1 = dd[:, :, self.info.bl_index(bl1)]
         #            w1 = ww[:,:,self.info.bl_index(bl1)]
         d2 = dd[:, :, self.info.bl_index(bl2)]
         #            w2 = ww[:,:,self.info.bl_index(bl2)]
         #delay = red.redundant_bl_cal_simple(d1,w1,d2,w2,self.fqs)
         delay = red.redundant_bl_cal_simple(d1,
         self.blpair2delay[(bl1, bl2)] = delay
     return self.blpair2delay