Пример #1
def initializeExtraTollLane():
    global TOL_COUNT
    global freeway
    global REG_COUNT
    global TIME_SECONDS
    global starterTimeVal
    global MILES
    global LANES
    global timec
    global toll
    global numAttributes
    global timeStepList
    global numLanes
    global numTollLanes
    global simName
    LANES = 5
    simName = "Extra Toll Lane"

    toll = 1
    timec = 4.5
    numLanes = 2
    numTollLanes = 2
    s = (MILES, LANES, numAttributes)
    freeway = np.zeros(s, dtype=object)

    freeway[:, :, 2] = None  # initilaize all cars to none
    freeway[:, 1:3, 0] = REGULAR
    freeway[:, 3:5, 0] = TOLL
    freeway[:, 0, 0] = NOT_USED
    freeway[:, :, 3] = CANNOT_CHANGE_LANES
    freeway[:, :, 1] = starterTimeVal

    # getting number of regular cars that were initialized in the control simulation
    regCount = timeStepList[0][0]
    # getting number of toll cars
    tollCount = timeStepList[0][1]

    # we pick a random spot on the freeway to initialize a car, and set it to a car
    while regCount > 0:
        x = random.randint(1, 2)
        y = random.randint(0, freeway.shape[0] - 1)

        # check if the spot is occupied
        if (freeway[y, x, 2] == None):
            speed = random.randint(0, 1)
            freeway[y, x, 2] = car_agent.Car(y, x, False, TIME_SECONDS, speed)
            regCount -= 1

        # Here we initialize the toll lane
    while tollCount > 0:
        x = random.randint(3, 4)
        y = random.randint(0, freeway.shape[0] - 1)
        if (freeway[y, x, 2] == None):
            speed = random.randint(0, 1)
            freeway[y, x, 2] = car_agent.Car(y, x, False, TIME_SECONDS, speed)
            tollCount -= 1

Пример #2
def addAgent():
    global REG_COUNT
    global TOL_COUNT
    global TIME_SECONDS
    global redLightSpeed
    global onramp1B
    global onramp2B
    global onramp3B
    global offramp4B
    global tollTrackedCount
    global trackedCount
    global trackedSpeed
    global timeStepList
    regAddCount = 0
    tollAddCount = 0

    for i in range(freeway.shape[1]):
        val = np.random.uniform(0, 1)
        hasSet = False
        if ((i == 1 or i == 2) and val < percentReg
                and freeway[0, i, 1] != TIME_SECONDS):
            freeway[0][i][2] = car_agent.Car(0, i, False, TIME_SECONDS, speed)
            REG_COUNT += 1
            regAddCount += 1
            if (TIME_SECONDS % trackedSpeed == 0 and hasSet == False):
                freeway[0][i][2].tracked = True
                trackedCount += 1
                hasSet = True
        elif (i == 3 and val < percentTol
              and freeway[0, i, 1] != TIME_SECONDS):
            freeway[0, i, 2] = car_agent.Car(0, i, False, TIME_SECONDS, speed)
            TOL_COUNT += 1
            tollAddCount += 1
            if (TIME_SECONDS % trackedSpeed == 0 and hasSet == False):
                freeway[0][i][2].tracked = True
                tollTrackedCount += 1
                hasSet = True
    t = (regAddCount, tollAddCount)
    timeStepList.append(t)  # take timeseconds out of tuple
    regAddCount = 0
    tollAddCount = 0

    # adding cars to the on ramps
    if (TIME_SECONDS % redLightSpeed == 0):

        # each onramp is a different onramp point on the freeway. All the stoplights are synced up in this simulation
        freeway[onramp1][0][2] = car_agent.Car(onramp1, 0, False, TIME_SECONDS,
        freeway[onramp2][0][2] = car_agent.Car(onramp2, 0, False, TIME_SECONDS,
        freeway[onramp3][0][2] = car_agent.Car(onramp3, 0, False, TIME_SECONDS,
        REG_COUNT += 3
Пример #3
def initializeRoad():
    global TOL_COUNT
    global freeway
    global timec
    global toll
    global REG_COUNT
    global TIME_SECONDS
    global starterTimeVal
    global MILES
    global LANES
    global numLanes
    global timeStepList
    global speed
    global simName

    # Lane type, time last visited, car, can change
    s = (MILES, LANES, numAttributes)
    freeway = np.zeros(s, dtype=object)

    freeway[:, :, 2] = None  # initilaize all cars to none
    freeway[:, 1:3, 0] = REGULAR
    freeway[:, 3, 0] = TOLL
    freeway[:, 0, 0] = NOT_USED
    freeway[:, :, 3] = CANNOT_CHANGE_LANES
    freeway[:, :, 1] = starterTimeVal

    #If cars are not initialized all added vehicles will make it to the end of the freeway in 6.5 minutes

    for i in range(freeway.shape[0]):  # placing vehicles on the map\
        for j in range(freeway.shape[1]):
            val = np.random.uniform(0, 1)
            speed = random.randint(0, 1)
            if ((j == 1 or j == 2)
                    and val < percentReg):  # placing vehicles on regular lanes
                freeway[i][j][2] = car_agent.Car(i, j, False, TIME_SECONDS,
                REG_COUNT += 1
            elif (j == 3
                  and val < percentTol):  # placing vehicles on toll lanes
                freeway[i][j][2] = car_agent.Car(i, j, False, TIME_SECONDS,
                TOL_COUNT += 1

Пример #4
def test_freeway():
    global small_freeway
    freeway[:, :, 2] = None  # initilaize all cars to none
    freeway[:, 1:3, 0] = REGULAR
    freeway[:, 3, 0] = TOLL
    freeway[:, 0, 0] = NOT_USED
    freeway[:, :, 3] = CAN_CHANGE_LANES

    for i in range(freeway.shape[0]):  # placing vehicles on the map\
        for j in range(freeway.shape[1]):
            val = np.random.uniform(0, 1)
            if ((j == 1 or j == 2)
                    and val < .5):  # placing vehicles on regular lanes
                freeway[i][j][2] = car_agent.Car(i, j, False, TIME_SECONDS,
            elif (j == 3 and val < .25):  # placing vehicles on toll lanes
                freeway[i][j][2] = car_agent.Car(i, j, False, TIME_SECONDS,
Пример #5
def makeTollRegular():
    global TOL_COUNT
    global freeway
    global REG_COUNT
    global TIME_SECONDS
    global starterTimeVal
    global timec
    global toll
    global MILES
    global LANES
    global numLanes
    global timeStepList
    global simName
    numLanes = 3
    numTollLanes = 0
    timec = 3.9
    simName = "Make Toll Lane into Actual Lane"

    # Lane type, time last visited, car, can change
    s = (MILES, LANES, numAttributes)
    freeway = np.zeros(s, dtype=object)

    freeway[:, :, 2] = None  # initilaize all cars to none
    freeway[:, 1:4, 0] = REGULAR
    freeway[:, 0, 0] = NOT_USED
    freeway[:, :, 3] = CANNOT_CHANGE_LANES
    freeway[:, :, 1] = starterTimeVal

    # getting number of regular cars that were initialized in the control simulation
    regCount = timeStepList[0][0]
    # getting number of toll cars
    tollCount = timeStepList[0][1]
    regCount += tollCount

    # we pick a random spot on the freeway to initialize a car, and set it to a car
    while regCount > 0:
        x = random.randint(1, 3)
        y = random.randint(0, freeway.shape[0] - 1)

        # check if the spot is occupied
        if (freeway[y, x, 2] == None):
            speed = random.randint(0, 1)
            freeway[y, x, 2] = car_agent.Car(y, x, False, TIME_SECONDS, speed)
            regCount -= 1

Пример #6
def AddingRampsToFreeway():
    global REG_COUNT

    for i in range(len(freeway)):
        val = np.random.uniform(0, 1)
        #setting the off ramps values to the freeway
        if (i >= offramp1B
                and i <= offramp1E) or (i >= offramp2B and i <= offramp2E) or (
                    i >= offramp3B and i <= offramp3E) or (i >= offramp4B
                                                           and i <= offramp4E):
            freeway[i, 0, 0] = OFF_RAMP
        #setting the on ramps values to the freeway
        if (i >= onramp1B and i <= onramp1E) or (
                i >= onramp2B and i <= onramp2E) or (i >= onramp3B
                                                     and i <= onramp3E):
            freeway[i, 0, 0] = ON_RAMP
            if (val < percentOnramp):
                freeway[i, 0, 2] = car_agent.Car(i, 0, False, TIME_SECONDS,
                REG_COUNT += 1
        #setting the dotted lines on the toll lane
        if (i >= 0 and i <= 106) or (i >= 489 and i <= 630) or (i >= 1054
                                                                and i <= 1265):
            freeway[i, 3, 3] = CAN_CHANGE_LANES
Пример #7
def addAgentNewLayout():
    global REG_COUNT
    global TOL_COUNT
    global TIME_SECONDS
    global redLightSpeed
    global onramp1
    global onramp2
    global onramp3
    global onramp4
    global tollTrackedCount
    global trackedCount
    global trackedSpeed
    global timeStepList
    global numLanes
    global numTollLanes
    backup = 0
    tollBackup = 0
    laneStart = -1
    tollStart = -1

    # finding when the lanes/toll lanes start
    for i in range(freeway.shape[1]):
        if freeway[0, i, 0] == 1 and laneStart == -1:
            laneStart = i
        elif freeway[0, i, 0] == 3 and tollStart == -1:
            tollStart = i

    if tollStart == -1:
        hasSet = False
        carsToAdd = timeStepList[TIME_SECONDS +
                                 1][0] + timeStepList[TIME_SECONDS + 1][0]
        loopCount = 0
        loopCountMax = numLanes * 20  # if loop count Max is reached TIME_SECONDS must be off
        while carsToAdd > 0 and loopCount != loopCountMax:
            loopCount += 1
            x = random.randint(laneStart, laneStart + numLanes - 1)
            if freeway[0, x, 2] == None and freeway[0, x, 1] != TIME_SECONDS:
                freeway[0, x, 2] = car_agent.Car(0, x, False, TIME_SECONDS,
                carsToAdd -= 1
                if (TIME_SECONDS % trackedSpeed == 0 and hasSet == False):
                    freeway[0][x][2].tracked = True
                    trackedCount += 1
                    hasSet = True

        # if there are more cars to be added then there are lanes
        if timeStepList[TIME_SECONDS + 1][0] > numLanes:
            backup = timeStepList[TIME_SECONDS][0] - numLanes
            for j in range(freeway.shape[1]):
                if freeway[0, j, 0] == 1:
                    freeway[0, j, 2] = car_agent.Car(0, j, False, TIME_SECONDS,

            hasSet = False
            carsToAdd = timeStepList[TIME_SECONDS + 1][0]
            loopCount = 0
            loopCountMax = numLanes * 10  # if loop count Max is reached TIME_SECONDS must be off
            #print("before while loop")
            while carsToAdd > 0 and loopCount != loopCountMax:
                x = random.randint(laneStart, laneStart + numLanes - 1)
                loopCount += 1
                if freeway[0, x,
                           2] == None and freeway[0, x, 1] != TIME_SECONDS:
                    freeway[0, x, 2] = car_agent.Car(0, x, False, TIME_SECONDS,
                    carsToAdd -= 1
                    if (TIME_SECONDS % trackedSpeed == 0 and hasSet == False):
                        freeway[0][x][2].tracked = True
                        trackedCount += 1
                        hasSet = True
            backup += carsToAdd

            # adding backed up cars into the simulation
            if backup > 0:
                for j in range(laneStart, laneStart + numLanes):
                    if backup > 0:
                        if freeway[0, j,
                                   2] == None and freeway[0, x,
                                                          1] != TIME_SECONDS:
                            freeway[0, j,
                                    2] = car_agent.Car(0, j, False,
                                                       TIME_SECONDS, speed)
                            backup -= 1

            # adding cars to the toll lanes
            tollCarsToAdd = timeStepList[TIME_SECONDS + 1][1]
            loopCount = 0
            loopCountMax = numTollLanes * 10  # if loop count Max is reached TIME_SECONDS must be off
            while tollCarsToAdd > 0 and loopCount != loopCountMax:
                loopCount += 1
                x = random.randint(tollStart, tollStart + numTollLanes - 1)
                if freeway[0, x,
                           2] == None and freeway[0, x, 1] != TIME_SECONDS:
                    freeway[0, x, 2] = car_agent.Car(0, x, False, TIME_SECONDS,
                    tollCarsToAdd -= 1
                    if (TIME_SECONDS % trackedSpeed == 0 and hasSet == False):
                        freeway[0][x][2].tracked = True
                        tollTrackedCount += 1
                        hasSet = True
            tollBackup += tollCarsToAdd

            # adding backed up toll cars into the simulation
            if tollBackup > 0:
                for j in range(freeway.shape[1]):
                    if tollBackup > 0:
                        if freeway[0, j,
                                   2] == None and freeway[0, x,
                                                          1] != TIME_SECONDS:
                            freeway[0, j,
                                    2] = car_agent.Car(0, j, False,
                                                       TIME_SECONDS, speed)
                            tollBackup -= 1

    # adding cars to the on ramps
    if (TIME_SECONDS % redLightSpeed == 0):
        freeway[onramp1][0][2] = car_agent.Car(onramp1, 0, False, TIME_SECONDS,
        freeway[onramp2][0][2] = car_agent.Car(onramp2, 0, False, TIME_SECONDS,
        freeway[onramp3][0][2] = car_agent.Car(onramp3, 0, False, TIME_SECONDS,
        REG_COUNT += 3