Пример #1
 def parse_cabspec_dict(self, cabspec_seq):
     """Turns sequence of cabspecs into a Stimela cabspec dict"""
     cabspecs = OrderedDict()
     speclists = OrderedDict()
     # collect all specs encountered, sort them by cab
     for spec in cabspec_seq:
         name, version, tag = spec["name"], spec.get("version") or None, spec.get("tag") or None
         if not version and not tag:
             log.warning(f"Neither version nor tag specified for cabspec {name}, ignoring")
         speclists.setdefault(name, []).append((version, tag))
     # now process each cab's list of specs.
     for name, speclist in speclists.items():
         if len(speclist) == 1:
             version, tag = speclist[0]
             if version is None:
                 log.info(f"  {name}: forcing tag {tag} for all invocations")
                 cabspecs[name] = dict(tag=tag, force=True)
             elif tag is None:
                 log.info(f"  {name}: forcing version {version} for all invocations")
                 cabspecs[name] = dict(version=version)
         # else make dict of version: tag pairs
         cabspecs[name] = dict(version={version: tag for version, tag in speclist}, force=True)
         for version, tag in speclist:
             log.info(f"  {name}: using tag {tag} for version {version}")
     return cabspecs
Пример #2
 def make_symlink(link, target):
     if os.path.lexists(link):
         if os.path.islink(link):
             os.unlink(link)  # old symlink can go
             log.warning("{} already exists and is not a symlink, can't relink".format(link))
             return False
     if not os.path.lexists(link):
         os.symlink(target, link)
         log.info("{} links to {}".format(link, target))
Пример #3
    def __run(debug=False):
        """ Executes pipeline """
#        with stream_director(log) as director:  # stdout and stderr needs to go to the log as well -- nah

            # Obtain some divine knowledge
            cdb = mkct.calibrator_database()

            pipeline = worker_administrator(config,
                           add_all_first=False, prefix=options.general_prefix,
                           configFileName=options.config, singularity_image_dir=options.singularity_image_dir,
                           container_tech=options.container_tech, start_worker=options.start_worker,
                           end_worker=options.end_worker, generate_reports=not options.no_reports)

            if options.report:
        except SystemExit as e:
            # if e.code != 0:
            log.error("A pipeline worker initiated sys.exit({0:}). This is likely a bug, please report.".format(e.code))
            log.info("  More information can be found in the logfile at {0:s}".format(caracal.CARACAL_LOG))
            log.info("  You are running version {0:s}".format(str(__version__)), extra=dict(logfile_only=True))
            if debug:
                log.warning("you are running with -debug enabled, dropping you into pdb. Use Ctrl+D to exit.")
            sys.exit(1)  # indicate failure

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            log.error("Ctrl+C received from user, shutting down. Goodbye!")
        except Exception as exc:
            log.error("{} [{}]".format(exc, type(exc).__name__), extra=dict(boldface=True))
            log.info("  More information can be found in the logfile at {0:s}".format(caracal.CARACAL_LOG))
            log.info("  You are running version {0:s}".format(str(__version__)), extra=dict(logfile_only=True))
            for line in traceback.format_exc().splitlines():
                log.error(line, extra=dict(traceback_report=True))
            if debug:
                log.warning("you are running with -debug enabled, dropping you into pdb. Use Ctrl+D to exit.")
            log.info("exiting with error code 1")
            sys.exit(1)  # indicate failure
Пример #4
def generate_report_notebooks(notebooks, output_dir, prefix, container_tech):
    opts = ["--non-interactive"]

    if container_tech == "docker":
    elif container_tech == "singularity":
            "Container technology '{}' not supported by radiopadre, skipping report rendering"

    if caracal.DEBUG:
        opts += ['-v', '2', '--container-debug']

    ## disabling as per https://github.com/caracal-pipeline/caracal/issues/1161
    # # first time run with -u
    # global _radiopadre_updated
    # if not _radiopadre_updated:
    #     opts.append('--update')
    #     _radiopadre_updated = True
    start_time = time.time()

    log.info("Rendering report(s)")
    for notebook in notebooks:
        if prefix:
            notebook = "{}-{}".format(prefix, notebook)
        nbdest = os.path.join(output_dir, notebook + ".ipynb")
        nbhtml = os.path.join(output_dir, notebook + ".html")
        if os.path.exists(nbdest):
                xrun("run-radiopadre", opts + ["--nbconvert", nbdest], log=log)
            except StimelaCabRuntimeError as exc:
                    "Report {} failed to render ({}). HTML report will not be available."
                    .format(nbhtml, exc))
            # check that HTML file actually showed up (sometimes the container doesn't report an error)
            if os.path.exists(
                    nbhtml) and os.path.getmtime(nbhtml) >= start_time:
                log.info("Rendered report {}".format(nbhtml))
                log.warning("Report {} failed to render".format(nbhtml))
                "Report notebook {} not found, skipping report rendering".
Пример #5
 def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
     # Delay caracal log import
     from caracal import log
     log.warning("Skipping %s.\n%s", fn.__name__, msg)
     return msg
Пример #6
def worker(pipeline, recipe, config):
    uvrange = config['uvrange']
    plotter = config['standard_plotter']

    label_in = config['label_in']
    nobs = pipeline.nobs

    subdir = config['dirname']
    output_dir = os.path.join(pipeline.diagnostic_plots, subdir) if subdir else pipeline.diagnostic_plots

    if config['field'] == 'calibrators':
        fields = ['bpcal', 'gcal', 'fcal']
    elif config['field'] == 'target':
        fields = ['target']
        fields = config['field'].split(',')
        if set(fields).difference(['fcal', 'bpcal', 'gcal']):
            raise ValueError("Eligible values for 'field': 'target', 'calibrators', 'fcal', 'bpcal' or 'gcal'. " \
                             "User selected {}".format(",".join(fields)))
    log.info(f"plotting fields: {' '.join(fields)}")

    for iobs in range(nobs):
        label = config['label_plot']

        mslist  = pipeline.get_mslist(iobs, label_in, target=(config['field'] == 'target'))

        for msname in mslist:
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(pipeline.msdir, msname)):
                raise IOError("MS {0:s} does not exist. Please check that is where it should be.".format(msname))

        for msname in mslist:
            log.info(f"plotting MS: {msname}")
            msbase = os.path.splitext(msname)[0]

            ms_info_dict = pipeline.get_msinfo(msname)

            corr = config['correlation']
            ms_corrs = ms_info_dict['CORR']['CORR_TYPE']

            if corr == 'auto' or corr == 'all':
                corr = ','.join(ms_corrs)
            elif corr == 'diag' or corr == 'parallel':
                corr = ','.join([c for c in ms_corrs if len(c) == 2 and c[0] == c[1]])
            if not corr:
                log.warning(f"No correlations found to plot for {msname}")
            log.info(f"plotting correlations: {corr}")

            # new-school plots
            if config['shadems']['enable']:
                # make dict of substitutions
                basesubst = OrderedDict(msbase=os.path.splitext(msname)[0])

                # make a map: {(fields): field_type}, so we can loop over fields below, but only include unique fields
                field_map = OrderedDict()
                # make a reverse map: field_type -> "field_name,field_name"
                field_map_names = OrderedDict()
                # make set of all field names
                all_fields = set()
                for field_type in fields:
                    if (label_in != '') and (config['field'] == 'target'):
                        field_names = tuple(ms_info_dict['FIELD']['NAME'])
                        field_names = tuple(getattr(pipeline, field_type)[iobs])
                    field_map.setdefault(field_names, field_type)
                    basesubst[field_type] = field_map_names[field_type] = ",".join(field_names)
                basesubst["all_fields"] = ",".join(all_fields)

                plot_args = []
                def collect_plots(args, plotspecs, extra_args, subst=None):
                    """Generic helper function to parse a list of shadems plot specs, and add them to plot_args"""
                    for iplot, plotspec in enumerate(plotspecs):
                        if plotspec:
                            plotspec = plotspec.format(**(subst or basesubst))
                            # add arguments from args, if not present in plotspec
                            plotspec = plotspec.split()
                            for arg, value in args.items():
                                arg = "--" + arg
                                if arg not in plotspec:
                                    plotspec += [arg, value]
                            plotspec += extra_args

                            plot_args.append(" ".join(plotspec))

                baseargs = OrderedDict(
                    png="{}-{}-{}".format(msbase, label,
                    title="'{ms} {_field}{_Spw}{_Scan}{_Ant}{_title}{_Alphatitle}{_Colortitle}'",
                    corr=corr.replace(' ', ''))

                # collect generic plots
                collect_plots(baseargs, config['shadems']['plots'], [])

                # collect plots_by_corr
                args = baseargs.copy()
                args["field"] = ",".join(all_fields)
                collect_plots(args, config['shadems']['plots_by_corr'], ["--iter-corr"])

                # collect plots_by_field
                for field_names, field_type in field_map.items():
                    args = baseargs.copy()
                    args["field"] = ",".join(field_names)
                    args["png"] = "{}-{}-{}-{}".format(msbase, label, field_type,
                    args["title"] = "'{ms} " + field_type + "{_field}{_Spw}{_Scan}{_Ant}{_title}{_Alphatitle}{_Colortitle}'"
                    subst = basesubst.copy()
                    subst["field"] = field_type
                    collect_plots(args,  config['shadems']['plots_by_field'], ["--iter-field"])

                # dispatch plots
                if plot_args:
                    step = 'plot-shadems-ms{0:d}'.format(iobs)
                    recipe.add("cab/shadems_direct", step,
                               dict(ms=msname, args=plot_args,
                               input=pipeline.input, output=output_dir,
                               label="{0:s}:: Plotting".format(step))
                    log.warning("The shadems section is enabled, but doesn't specify any plot_by_field or plot_by_corr")

            # old-school plots

            # define plot attributes
            diagnostic_plots = {}
            diagnostic_plots["real_imag"] = dict(
                plotms={"xaxis": "imag", "yaxis": "real",
                        "colouraxis": "baseline", "iteraxis": "corr"},
                shadems={"xaxis": "real", "yaxis": "imag"},
                ragavi_vis={"xaxis": "real", "yaxis": "imaginary",
                            "iter-axis": "scan", "canvas-width": 300,
                            "canvas-height": 300})

            diagnostic_plots["amp_phase"] = dict(
                plotms={"xaxis": "amp", "yaxis": "phase",
                        "colouraxis": "baseline", "iteraxis": "corr"},
                shadems={"xaxis": "amp", "yaxis": "phase"},
                ragavi_vis={"xaxis": "phase", "yaxis": "amplitude",
                            "iter-axis": "corr", "canvas-width": 1080,
                            "canvas-height": 720})

            diagnostic_plots["amp_ant"] = dict(
                plotms={"xaxis": "antenna", "yaxis": "amp",
                        "colouraxis": "baseline", "iteraxis": "corr"},
                shadems={"xaxis": "ANTENNA1", "yaxis": "amp"},

            diagnostic_plots["amp_uvwave"] = dict(
                plotms={"xaxis": "uvwave", "yaxis": "amp",
                        "colouraxis": "baseline", "iteraxis": "corr"},
                shadems={"xaxis": "UV", "yaxis": "amp"},
                ragavi_vis={"xaxis": "uvwave", "yaxis": "amplitude",
                            "iter-axis": "scan", "canvas-width": 300,
                            "canvas-height": 300})

            diagnostic_plots["phase_uvwave"] = dict(
                plotms={"xaxis": "uvwave", "yaxis": "phase",
                        "colouraxis": "baseline", "iteraxis": "corr"},
                shadems={"xaxis": "UV", "yaxis": "phase"},
                ragavi_vis={"xaxis": "uvwave", "yaxis": "phase",
                            "iter-axis": "scan", "canvas-width": 300,
                            "canvas-height": 300})

            diagnostic_plots["amp_scan"] = dict(
                plotms={"xaxis": "scan", "yaxis": "amp"},
                shadems={"xaxis": "SCAN_NUMBER", "yaxis": "amp"},
                ragavi_vis={"xaxis": "scan", "yaxis": "amplitude",
                            "iter-axis": None,
                            "canvas-width": 1080, "canvas-height": 720})

            diagnostic_plots["amp_chan"] = dict(
                plotms={"xaxis": "chan", "yaxis": "amp"},
                shadems={"xaxis": "CHAN", "yaxis": "amp"},
                ragavi_vis={"xaxis": "channel", "yaxis": "amplitude",
                            "iter-axis": "scan", "canvas-width": 300,
                            "canvas-height": 300})

            diagnostic_plots["phase_chan"] = dict(
                plotms={"xaxis": "chan", "yaxis": "phase"},
                shadems={"xaxis": "CHAN", "yaxis": "phase"},
                ragavi_vis={"xaxis": "channel", "yaxis": "phase",
                            "iter-axis": "scan", "canvas-width": 300,
                            "canvas-height": 300})

            if plotter.lower() != "none":
                for plotname in diagnostic_plots:
                    if not pipeline.enable_task(config, plotname):
                    opts = diagnostic_plots[plotname][plotter]
                    if opts is None:
                        log.warn("The plotter '{0:s}' cannot make the plot '{1:s}'".format(
                            plotter, plotname))
                    elif plotter == "ragavi_vis":
                            opts["num-cores"] = config["num_cores"]
                            opts["mem-limit"] = config["mem_limit"]

                    # make map from field name to field_type, field_id
                    field_map = OrderedDict()
                    for field_type in fields:
                        for field in getattr(pipeline, field_type)[iobs]:
                            if label_in != '' and field_type == 'target':
                                fid = 0
                                fid = utils.get_field_id(ms_info_dict, field)[0]
                            field_map.setdefault(field, (field_type, fid))

                    if plotter == "shadems":
                        corr = corr.replace(" ", "").split(",")
                        for it, co in enumerate(corr):
                            if co in ms_corrs:
                                corr[it] = str(ms_corrs.index(co))
                        corr = ",".join(corr)
                        # for each corr
                        for co in corr.split(","):
                            opts["corr"] = co
                            for field, (field_type, fid) in field_map.items():
                                globals()[plotter](pipeline, recipe, config,
                                                   plotname, msname, field,
                                                   iobs, label, msbase, opts,
                                                   ftype=field_type, fid=fid, output_dir=output_dir,

                    elif plotter == "ragavi_vis" and not opts["iter-axis"] == "corr":
                        # change the labels to indices
                        corr = corr.replace(" ", "").split(",")
                        for it, co in enumerate(corr):
                            if co in ms_corrs:
                                corr[it] = str(ms_corrs.index(co))
                        corr = ",".join(corr)

                        # for each corr
                        for co in corr.split(","):
                            opts["corr"] = co
                            for field, (field_type, fid) in field_map.items():
                                globals()[plotter](pipeline, recipe, config,
                                                   plotname, msname, field,
                                                   iobs, label, msbase, opts,
                                                   ftype=field_type, fid=fid, output_dir=output_dir,
                        opts["corr"] = corr
                        for field, (field_type, fid) in field_map.items():
                            globals()[plotter](pipeline, recipe, config,
                                               plotname, msname, field, iobs, label,
                                               msbase, opts, ftype=field_type,
                                               fid=fid, output_dir=output_dir)
Пример #7
def main(argv):
    # parse initial arguments to init basic switches and modes
    parser = config_parser.basic_parser(argv)
    options, _ = parser.parse_known_args(argv)

    caracal.init_console_logging(boring=options.boring, debug=options.debug)
    stimela.logger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG if options.debug else logging.INFO)

    # user requests worker help
    if options.worker_help:
        if not print_worker_help(options.worker_help):
            parser.error("unknown worker '{}'".format(options.worker_help))

    # User requests default config => dump and exit
    if options.get_default:
        sample_config = SAMPLE_CONFIGS.get(options.get_default_template)
        if sample_config is None:
            parser.error("unknown default template '{}'".format(options.get_default_template))
        sample_config_path = os.path.join(pckgdir, "sample_configurations", sample_config)
        if not os.path.exists(sample_config_path):
            raise RuntimeError("Missing sample config file {}. This is a bug, please report".format(sample_config))
        # validate the file
            parser = config_parser.config_parser()
            _, version = parser.validate_config(sample_config_path)
            if version != SCHEMA_VERSION:
                log.warning("Sample config file {} version is {}, current CARACal version is {}.".format(sample_config,
                log.warning("Proceeding anyway, but please notify the CARACal team to ship a newer sample config!")
        except config_parser.ConfigErrors as exc:
            log.error("{}, list of errors follows:".format(exc))
            for section, errors in exc.errors.items():
                print("  {}:".format(section))
                for err in errors:
                    print("    - {}".format(err))
            sys.exit(1)  # indicate failure
        log.info("Initializing {1} from config template '{0}' (schema version {2})".format(options.get_default_template,
                                                                                           options.get_default, version))
        shutil.copy2(sample_config_path, options.get_default)

    if options.print_calibrator_standard:
        cdb = mkct.calibrator_database()
        log.info("Found the following reference calibrators (in CASA format):")

    # if config was not specified (i.e. stayed default), print help and exit
    config_file = options.config
    if config_file == caracal.DEFAULT_CONFIG:

        parser = config_parser.config_parser()
        config, version = parser.validate_config(config_file)
        if version != SCHEMA_VERSION:
            log.warning("Config file {} schema version is {}, current CARACal version is {}".format(config_file,
                                    version, SCHEMA_VERSION))
            log.warning("Will try to proceed anyway, but please be advised that configuration options may have changed.")
        # populate parser with items from config
        # reparse arguments
        caracal.log.info("Loading pipeline configuration from {}".format(config_file), extra=dict(color="GREEN"))
        options, config = parser.update_config_from_args(config, argv)
        # raise warning on schema version
    except config_parser.ConfigErrors as exc:
        log.error("{}, list of errors follows:".format(exc))
        for section, errors in exc.errors.items():
            print("  {}:".format(section))
            for err in errors:
                print("    - {}".format(err))
        sys.exit(1)  # indicate failure
    except Exception as exc:
        log.error("Error parsing arguments or configuration: {}".format(exc))
        if options.debug:
            log.warning("you are running with -debug enabled, dropping you into pdb. Use Ctrl+D to exit.")
        sys.exit(1)  # indicate failure

    if options.report and options.no_reports:
        log.error("-report contradicts --no-reports")

    # Very good idea to print user options into the log before running:

    execute_pipeline(options, config, block=True)