Пример #1
    def __init__(self, viz):
        self.viz = viz
        from caravel.viz import viz_types
        viz = self.viz
        datasource = viz.datasource
        default_metric = datasource.metrics_combo[0][0]

        gb_cols = datasource.groupby_column_names
        default_groupby = gb_cols[0] if gb_cols else None
        group_by_choices = [(s, s) for s in datasource.groupby_column_names]
        # Pool of all the fields that can be used in Caravel
        self.field_dict = {
                        choices=[(k, v.verbose_name)
                                 for k, v in viz_types.items()],
                        description="The type of visualization to display"),
                description="One or many metrics to display"),
                        description="Chose the metric"),
            SelectField('Chart Style',
                        choices=self.choicify(['stack', 'stream', 'expand']),
            SelectField('Color Scheme',
                            'fire', 'blue_white_yellow', 'white_black',
                'Normalize Across',
                choices=self.choicify(['heatmap', 'x', 'y']),
                description=("Color will be rendered based on a ratio "
                             "of the cell against the sum of across this "
                    ('pixelated', 'pixelated (Sharp)'),
                    ('auto', 'auto (Smooth)'),
                    "image-rendering CSS attribute of the canvas object that "
                    "defines how the browser scales up the image")),
                'XScale Interval',
                choices=self.choicify(range(1, 50)),
                description=("Number of step to take between ticks when "
                             "printing the x scale")),
                'YScale Interval',
                choices=self.choicify(range(1, 50)),
                description=("Number of step to take between ticks when "
                             "printing the y scale")),
            BetterBooleanField('Stacked Bars', default=False, description=""),
            SelectField('Color Metric',
                        description="A metric to use for color"),
                'Country Field Type',
                    ('name', 'Full name'),
                    ('cioc', 'code International Olympic Committee (cioc)'),
                    ('cca2', 'code ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (cca2)'),
                    ('cca3', 'code ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 (cca3)'),
                    "The country code standard that Caravel should expect "
                    "to find in the [country] column")),
                'Group by',
                description="One or many fields to group by"),
                description="One or many fields to pivot as columns"),
                                        description="Columns to display"),
                        description="Columns to display"),
                        description="Columns to display"),
                'Time Granularity',
                default="one day",
                    '5 seconds',
                    '30 seconds',
                    '1 minute',
                    '5 minutes',
                    '1 hour',
                    '6 hour',
                    '1 day',
                    '7 days',
                ("The time granularity for the visualization. Note that you "
                 "can type and use simple natural language as in '10 seconds', "
                 "'1 day' or '56 weeks'")),
            FreeFormSelectField('Link Length',
                                description="Link length in the force layout"),
                                description="Charge in the force layout"),
                'Time Column',
                default=datasource.main_dttm_col or datasource.any_dttm_col,
                    "The time column for the visualization. Note that you "
                    "can define arbitrary expression that return a DATETIME "
                    "column in the table editor. Also note that the "
                    "filter bellow is applied against this column or "
            FreeFormSelectField('Resample Rule',
                                    ('1T', '1H', '1D', '7D', '1M', '1AS')),
                                description=("Pandas resample rule")),
            FreeFormSelectField('Resample How',
                                    ('', 'mean', 'sum', 'median')),
                                description=("Pandas resample how")),
            FreeFormSelectField('Resample Fill Method',
                                choices=self.choicify(('', 'ffill', 'bfill')),
                                description=("Pandas resample fill method")),
                default="7 days ago",
                    '1 hour ago', '12 hours ago', '1 day ago', '7 days ago',
                    '28 days ago', '90 days ago', '1 year ago'
                ("Timestamp from filter. This supports free form typing and "
                 "natural language as in '1 day ago', '28 days' or '3 years'"
                                    'now', '1 day ago', '7 days ago',
                                    '28 days ago', '90 days ago', '1 year ago'
            FreeFormSelectField('Max Bubble Size',
                'Whisker/outlier options',
                    "Determines how whiskers and outliers are calculated."),
                    'Min/max (no outliers)',
                    '2/98 percentiles',
                    '9/91 percentiles',
            FreeFormSelectField('Row limit',
                                    10, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000,
                'Series limit',
                    "Limits the number of time series that get displayed")),
                choices=[(s, s)
                         for s in ['None', 'mean', 'sum', 'std', 'cumsum']],
                    "Defines a rolling window function to apply, works along "
                    "with the [Periods] text box")),
                    "Defines the size of the rolling window function, "
                    "relative to the time granularity selected")),
                    "Defines the grouping of entities. "
                    "Each serie is shown as a specific color on the chart and "
                    "has a legend toggle")),
                description="This define the element to be plotted on the chart"
            SelectField('X Axis',
                        description="Metric assigned to the [X] axis"),
            SelectField('Y Axis',
                        description="Metric assigned to the [Y] axis"),
            SelectField('Bubble Size',
                'Custom WHERE clause',
                    "The text in this box gets included in your query's WHERE "
                    "clause, as an AND to other criteria. You can include "
                    "complex expression, parenthesis and anything else "
                    "supported by the backend it is directed towards.")),
                'Custom HAVING clause',
                    "The text in this box gets included in your query's HAVING"
                    " clause, as an AND to other criteria. You can include "
                    "complex expression, parenthesis and anything else "
                    "supported by the backend it is directed towards.")),
                'Comparison Period Lag',
                description=("Based on granularity, number of time periods to "
                             "compare against")),
                'Comparison suffix',
                description="Suffix to apply after the percentage display"),
                'X axis format',
                    ('smart_date', 'Adaptative formating'),
                    ("%m/%d/%Y", '"%m/%d/%Y" | 01/14/2019'),
                    ("%Y-%m-%d", '"%Y-%m-%d" | 2019-01-14'),
                    ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
                     '"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" | 2019-01-14 01:32:10'),
                    ("%H:%M:%S", '"%H:%M:%S" | 01:32:10'),
                description="D3 format syntax for y axis "
            FreeFormSelectField('Y axis format',
                                    ('.3s', '".3s" | 12.3k'),
                                    ('.3%', '".3%" | 1234543.210%'),
                                    ('.4r', '".4r" | 12350'),
                                    ('.3f', '".3f" | 12345.432'),
                                    ('+,', '"+," | +12,345.4321'),
                                    ('$,.2f', '"$,.2f" | $12,345.43'),
                                description="D3 format syntax for y axis "
            SelectField("Markup Type",
                        choices=self.choicify(['markdown', 'html']),
                        description="Pick your favorite markup language"),
                        choices=[(s, s) for s in ['random', 'flat', 'square']],
                        description="Rotation to apply to words in the cloud"),
            SelectField("Line Style",
                            'linear', 'basis', 'cardinal', 'monotone',
                            'step-before', 'step-after'
                        description="Line interpolation as defined by d3.js"),
            TextAreaField("Code", description="Put your code here",
                "Aggregation function",
                    ['sum', 'mean', 'min', 'max', 'median', 'stdev', 'var']),
                description=("Aggregate function to apply when pivoting and "
                             "computing the total rows and columns")),
                "Font Size From",
                description="Font size for the smallest value in the list"),
                "Font Size To",
                description="Font size for the biggest value in the list"),
                "Range Filter",
                    "Whether to display the time range interactive selector")),
                "Data Table",
                description="Whether to display the interactive data table"),
                "Search Box",
                description=("Whether to include a client side search box")),
                "Show Bubbles",
                    "Whether to display bubbles on top of countries")),
                description="Whether to display the legend (toggles)"),
                "X bounds",
                    "Whether to display the min and max values of the X axis"
                "Rich Tooltip",
                    "The rich tooltip shows a list of all series for that"
                    " point in time")),
                "Y Axis Zero",
                    "Force the Y axis to start at 0 instead of the minimum "
            BetterBooleanField("Y Log",
                               description="Use a log scale for the Y axis"),
            BetterBooleanField("X Log",
                               description="Use a log scale for the X axis"),
                               description="Do you want a donut or a pie?"),
                description="Compute the contribution to the total"),
                "Period Ratio",
                description=("[integer] Number of period to compare against, "
                             "this is relative to the granularity selected")),
            TextField("Time Shift",
                          "Overlay a timeseries from a "
                          "relative time period. Expects relative time delta "
                          "in natural language (example: 24 hours, 7 days, "
                          "56 weeks, 365 days")),
                description=("Description text that shows up below your Big "
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, viz):
        self.viz = viz
        from caravel.viz import viz_types
        viz = self.viz
        datasource = viz.datasource
        if not datasource.metrics_combo:
            raise Exception("Please define at least one metric for your table")
        default_metric = datasource.metrics_combo[0][0]

        gb_cols = datasource.groupby_column_names
        default_groupby = gb_cols[0] if gb_cols else None
        group_by_choices = self.choicify(gb_cols)
        # Pool of all the fields that can be used in Caravel
        field_data = {
            'viz_type': (SelectField, {
                "label": "Viz",
                "default": 'table',
                "choices": [(k, v.verbose_name) for k, v in viz_types.items()],
                "description": "The type of visualization to display"
            'metrics': (SelectMultipleSortableField, {
                "label": "Metrics",
                "choices": datasource.metrics_combo,
                "default": [default_metric],
                "description": "One or many metrics to display"
            'metric': (SelectField, {
                "label": "Metric",
                "choices": datasource.metrics_combo,
                "default": default_metric,
                "description": "Choose the metric"
            'stacked_style': (SelectField, {
                "label": "Chart Style",
                "choices": self.choicify(['stack', 'stream', 'expand']),
                "default": 'stack',
                "description": ""
            'linear_color_scheme': (SelectField, {
                "label": "Color Scheme",
                "choices": self.choicify([
                    'fire', 'blue_white_yellow', 'white_black',
                "default": 'blue_white_yellow',
                "description": ""
            'normalize_across': (SelectField, {
                "label": "Normalize Across",
                "choices": self.choicify([
                    'heatmap', 'x', 'y']),
                "default": 'heatmap',
                "description": (
                    "Color will be rendered based on a ratio "
                    "of the cell against the sum of across this "
            'horizon_color_scale': (SelectField, {
                "label": "Color Scale",
                "choices": self.choicify(['series', 'overall', 'change']),
                "default": 'series',
                "description": "Defines how the color are attributed."
            'canvas_image_rendering': (SelectField, {
                "label": "Rendering",
                "choices": (
                    ('pixelated', 'pixelated (Sharp)'),
                    ('auto', 'auto (Smooth)'),
                "default": 'pixelated',
                "description": (
                    "image-rendering CSS attribute of the canvas object that "
                    "defines how the browser scales up the image")
            'xscale_interval': (SelectField, {
                "label": "XScale Interval",
                "choices": self.choicify(range(1, 50)),
                "default": '1',
                "description": (
                    "Number of step to take between ticks when "
                    "printing the x scale")
            'yscale_interval': (SelectField, {
                "label": "YScale Interval",
                "choices": self.choicify(range(1, 50)),
                "default": '1',
                "description": (
                    "Number of step to take between ticks when "
                    "printing the y scale")
            'bar_stacked': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": "Stacked Bars",
                "default": False,
                "description": ""
            'include_series': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": "Include Series",
                "default": False,
                "description": "Include series name as an axis"
            'secondary_metric': (SelectField, {
                "label": "Color Metric",
                "choices": datasource.metrics_combo,
                "default": default_metric,
                "description": "A metric to use for color"
            'country_fieldtype': (SelectField, {
                "label": "Country Field Type",
                "default": 'cca2',
                "choices": (
                    ('name', 'Full name'),
                    ('cioc', 'code International Olympic Committee (cioc)'),
                    ('cca2', 'code ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (cca2)'),
                    ('cca3', 'code ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 (cca3)'),
                "description": (
                    "The country code standard that Caravel should expect "
                    "to find in the [country] column")
            'groupby': (SelectMultipleSortableField, {
                "label": "Group by",
                "choices": self.choicify(datasource.groupby_column_names),
                "description": "One or many fields to group by"
            'columns': (SelectMultipleSortableField, {
                "label": "Columns",
                "choices": self.choicify(datasource.groupby_column_names),
                "description": "One or many fields to pivot as columns"
            'all_columns': (SelectMultipleSortableField, {
                "label": "Columns",
                "choices": self.choicify(datasource.column_names),
                "description": "Columns to display"
            'all_columns_x': (SelectField, {
                "label": "X",
                "choices": self.choicify(datasource.column_names),
                "description": "Columns to display"
            'all_columns_y': (SelectField, {
                "label": "Y",
                "choices": self.choicify(datasource.column_names),
                "description": "Columns to display"
            'druid_time_origin': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": "Origin",
                "choices": (
                    ('', 'default'),
                    ('now', 'now'),
                "default": '',
                "description": (
                    "Defines the origin where time buckets start, "
                    "accepts natural dates as in 'now', 'sunday' or '1970-01-01'")
            'granularity': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": "Time Granularity",
                "default": "one day",
                "choices": self.choicify([
                    '5 seconds',
                    '30 seconds',
                    '1 minute',
                    '5 minutes',
                    '1 hour',
                    '6 hour',
                    '1 day',
                    '7 days',
                "description": (
                    "The time granularity for the visualization. Note that you "
                    "can type and use simple natural language as in '10 seconds', "
                    "'1 day' or '56 weeks'")
            'domain_granularity': (SelectField, {
                "label": "Domain",
                "default": "month",
                "choices": self.choicify([
                "description": (
                    "The time unit used for the grouping of blocks")
            'subdomain_granularity': (SelectField, {
                "label": "Subdomain",
                "default": "day",
                "choices": self.choicify([
                "description": (
                    "The time unit for each block. Should be a smaller unit than "
                    "domain_granularity. Should be larger or equal to Time Grain")
            'link_length': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": "Link Length",
                "default": "200",
                "choices": self.choicify([
                "description": "Link length in the force layout"
            'charge': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": "Charge",
                "default": "-500",
                "choices": self.choicify([
                "description": "Charge in the force layout"
            'granularity_sqla': (SelectField, {
                "label": "Time Column",
                "default": datasource.main_dttm_col or datasource.any_dttm_col,
                "choices": self.choicify(datasource.dttm_cols),
                "description": (
                    "The time column for the visualization. Note that you "
                    "can define arbitrary expression that return a DATETIME "
                    "column in the table editor. Also note that the "
                    "filter bellow is applied against this column or "
            'resample_rule': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": "Resample Rule",
                "default": '',
                "choices": self.choicify(('1T', '1H', '1D', '7D', '1M', '1AS')),
                "description": ("Pandas resample rule")
            'resample_how': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": "Resample How",
                "default": '',
                "choices": self.choicify(('', 'mean', 'sum', 'median')),
                "description": ("Pandas resample how")
            'resample_fillmethod': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": "Resample Fill Method",
                "default": '',
                "choices": self.choicify(('', 'ffill', 'bfill')),
                "description": ("Pandas resample fill method")
            'since': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": "Since",
                "default": "7 days ago",
                "choices": self.choicify([
                    '1 hour ago',
                    '12 hours ago',
                    '1 day ago',
                    '7 days ago',
                    '28 days ago',
                    '90 days ago',
                    '1 year ago'
                "description": (
                    "Timestamp from filter. This supports free form typing and "
                    "natural language as in '1 day ago', '28 days' or '3 years'")
            'until': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": "Until",
                "default": "now",
                "choices": self.choicify([
                    '1 day ago',
                    '7 days ago',
                    '28 days ago',
                    '90 days ago',
                    '1 year ago'])
            'max_bubble_size': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": "Max Bubble Size",
                "default": "25",
                "choices": self.choicify([
            'whisker_options': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": "Whisker/outlier options",
                "default": "Tukey",
                "description": (
                    "Determines how whiskers and outliers are calculated."),
                "choices": self.choicify([
                    'Min/max (no outliers)',
                    '2/98 percentiles',
                    '9/91 percentiles',
            'treemap_ratio': (DecimalField, {
                "label": "Ratio",
                "default": 0.5 * (1 + math.sqrt(5)),  # d3 default, golden ratio
                "description": 'Target aspect ratio for treemap tiles.',
            'number_format': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": "Number format",
                "default": '.3s',
                "choices": [
                    ('.3s', '".3s" | 12.3k'),
                    ('.3%', '".3%" | 1234543.210%'),
                    ('.4r', '".4r" | 12350'),
                    ('.3f', '".3f" | 12345.432'),
                    ('+,', '"+," | +12,345.4321'),
                    ('$,.2f', '"$,.2f" | $12,345.43'),
                "description": "D3 format syntax for numbers "
                            "https: //github.com/mbostock/\n"
            'row_limit': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": 'Row limit',
                "default": config.get("ROW_LIMIT"),
                "choices": self.choicify(
                    [10, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 50000])
            'limit': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": 'Series limit',
                "choices": self.choicify(self.series_limits),
                "default": 50,
                "description": (
                    "Limits the number of time series that get displayed")
            'rolling_type': (SelectField, {
                "label": "Rolling",
                "default": 'None',
                "choices": [(s, s) for s in ['None', 'mean', 'sum', 'std', 'cumsum']],
                "description": (
                    "Defines a rolling window function to apply, works along "
                    "with the [Periods] text box")
            'rolling_periods': (IntegerField, {
                "label": "Periods",
                "validators": [validators.optional()],
                "description": (
                    "Defines the size of the rolling window function, "
                    "relative to the time granularity selected")
            'series': (SelectField, {
                "label": "Series",
                "choices": group_by_choices,
                "default": default_groupby,
                "description": (
                    "Defines the grouping of entities. "
                    "Each serie is shown as a specific color on the chart and "
                    "has a legend toggle")
            'entity': (SelectField, {
                "label": "Entity",
                "choices": group_by_choices,
                "default": default_groupby,
                "description": "This define the element to be plotted on the chart"
            'x': (SelectField, {
                "label": "X Axis",
                "choices": datasource.metrics_combo,
                "default": default_metric,
                "description": "Metric assigned to the [X] axis"
            'y': (SelectField, {
                "label": "Y Axis",
                "choices": datasource.metrics_combo,
                "default": default_metric,
                "description": "Metric assigned to the [Y] axis"
            'size': (SelectField, {
                "label": 'Bubble Size',
                "default": default_metric,
                "choices": datasource.metrics_combo
            'url': (TextField, {
                "label": "URL",
                "description": (
                    "The URL, this field is templated, so you can integrate "
                    "{{ width }} and/or {{ height }} in your URL string."
                "default": 'https: //www.youtube.com/embed/JkI5rg_VcQ4',
            'where': (TextField, {
                "label": "Custom WHERE clause",
                "default": '',
                "description": (
                    "The text in this box gets included in your query's WHERE "
                    "clause, as an AND to other criteria. You can include "
                    "complex expression, parenthesis and anything else "
                    "supported by the backend it is directed towards.")
            'having': (TextField, {
                "label": "Custom HAVING clause",
                "default": '',
                "description": (
                    "The text in this box gets included in your query's HAVING"
                    " clause, as an AND to other criteria. You can include "
                    "complex expression, parenthesis and anything else "
                    "supported by the backend it is directed towards.")
            'compare_lag': (TextField, {
                "label": "Comparison Period Lag",
                "description": (
                    "Based on granularity, number of time periods to "
                    "compare against")
            'compare_suffix': (TextField, {
                "label": "Comparison suffix",
                "description": "Suffix to apply after the percentage display"
            'table_timestamp_format': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": "Table Timestamp Format",
                "default": 'smart_date',
                "choices": TIMESTAMP_CHOICES,
                "description": "Timestamp Format"
            'series_height': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": "Series Height",
                "default": 25,
                "choices": self.choicify([10, 25, 40, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200]),
                "description": "Pixel height of each series"
            'x_axis_format': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": "X axis format",
                "default": 'smart_date',
                "choices": TIMESTAMP_CHOICES,
                "description": "D3 format syntax for y axis "
                            "https: //github.com/mbostock/\n"
            'y_axis_format': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": "Y axis format",
                "default": '.3s',
                "choices": [
                    ('.3s', '".3s" | 12.3k'),
                    ('.3%', '".3%" | 1234543.210%'),
                    ('.4r', '".4r" | 12350'),
                    ('.3f', '".3f" | 12345.432'),
                    ('+,', '"+," | +12,345.4321'),
                    ('$,.2f', '"$,.2f" | $12,345.43'),
                "description": "D3 format syntax for y axis "
                            "https: //github.com/mbostock/\n"
            'markup_type': (SelectField, {
                "label": "Markup Type",
                "choices": self.choicify(['markdown', 'html']),
                "default": "markdown",
                "description": "Pick your favorite markup language"
            'rotation': (SelectField, {
                "label": "Rotation",
                "choices": [(s, s) for s in ['random', 'flat', 'square']],
                "default": "random",
                "description": "Rotation to apply to words in the cloud"
            'line_interpolation': (SelectField, {
                "label": "Line Style",
                "choices": self.choicify([
                    'linear', 'basis', 'cardinal', 'monotone',
                    'step-before', 'step-after']),
                "default": 'linear',
                "description": "Line interpolation as defined by d3.js"
            'code': (TextAreaField, {
                "label": "Code",
                "description": "Put your code here",
                "default": ''
            'pandas_aggfunc': (SelectField, {
                "label": "Aggregation function",
                "choices": self.choicify([
                    'sum', 'mean', 'min', 'max', 'median', 'stdev', 'var']),
                "default": 'sum',
                "description": (
                    "Aggregate function to apply when pivoting and "
                    "computing the total rows and columns")
            'size_from': (TextField, {
                "label": "Font Size From",
                "default": "20",
                "description": "Font size for the smallest value in the list"
            'size_to': (TextField, {
                "label": "Font Size To",
                "default": "150",
                "description": "Font size for the biggest value in the list"
            'show_brush': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": "Range Filter",
                "default": False,
                "description": (
                    "Whether to display the time range interactive selector")
            'show_datatable': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": "Data Table",
                "default": False,
                "description": "Whether to display the interactive data table"
            'include_search': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": "Search Box",
                "default": False,
                "description": (
                    "Whether to include a client side search box")
            'show_bubbles': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": "Show Bubbles",
                "default": False,
                "description": (
                    "Whether to display bubbles on top of countries")
            'show_legend': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": "Legend",
                "default": True,
                "description": "Whether to display the legend (toggles)"
            'x_axis_showminmax': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": "X bounds",
                "default": True,
                "description": (
                    "Whether to display the min and max values of the X axis")
            'rich_tooltip': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": "Rich Tooltip",
                "default": True,
                "description": (
                    "The rich tooltip shows a list of all series for that"
                    " point in time")
            'y_axis_zero': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": "Y Axis Zero",
                "default": False,
                "description": (
                    "Force the Y axis to start at 0 instead of the minimum "
            'y_log_scale': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": "Y Log",
                "default": False,
                "description": "Use a log scale for the Y axis"
            'x_log_scale': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": "X Log",
                "default": False,
                "description": "Use a log scale for the X axis"
            'donut': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": "Donut",
                "default": False,
                "description": "Do you want a donut or a pie?"
            'contribution': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": "Contribution",
                "default": False,
                "description": "Compute the contribution to the total"
            'num_period_compare': (IntegerField, {
                "label": "Period Ratio",
                "default": None,
                "validators": [validators.optional()],
                "description": (
                    "[integer] Number of period to compare against, "
                    "this is relative to the granularity selected")
            'time_compare': (TextField, {
                "label": "Time Shift",
                "default": "",
                "description": (
                    "Overlay a timeseries from a "
                    "relative time period. Expects relative time delta "
                    "in natural language (example:  24 hours, 7 days, "
                    "56 weeks, 365 days")
            'subheader': (TextField, {
                "label": "Subheader",
                "description": (
                    "Description text that shows up below your Big "

        # Override default arguments with form overrides
        for field_name, override_map in viz.form_overrides.items():
            if field_name in field_data:

        self.field_dict = {
            field_name: v[0](**v[1])
            for field_name, v in field_data.items()
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, viz):
        self.viz = viz
        from caravel.viz import viz_types
        viz = self.viz
        datasource = viz.datasource
        if not datasource.metrics_combo:
            raise Exception("Please define at least one metric for your table")
        default_metric = datasource.metrics_combo[0][0]

        gb_cols = datasource.groupby_column_names
        default_groupby = gb_cols[0] if gb_cols else None
        group_by_choices = self.choicify(gb_cols)
        order_by_choices = []
        for s in sorted(datasource.num_cols):
            order_by_choices.append((json.dumps([s, True]), s + ' [asc]'))
            order_by_choices.append((json.dumps([s, False]), s + ' [desc]'))
        # Pool of all the fields that can be used in Caravel
        field_data = {
            'viz_type': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Viz"),
                "default": 'table',
                "choices": [(k, v.verbose_name) for k, v in viz_types.items()],
                "description": _("The type of visualization to display")
            'metrics': (SelectMultipleSortableField, {
                "label": _("Metrics"),
                "choices": datasource.metrics_combo,
                "default": [default_metric],
                "description": _("One or many metrics to display")
            'order_by_cols': (SelectMultipleSortableField, {
                "label": _("Ordering"),
                "choices": order_by_choices,
                "description": _("One or many metrics to display")
            'metric': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Metric"),
                "choices": datasource.metrics_combo,
                "default": default_metric,
                "description": _("Choose the metric")
            'stacked_style': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Chart Style"),
                "choices": (
                    ('stack', _('stack')),
                    ('stream', _('stream')),
                    ('expand', _('expand')),
                "default": 'stack',
                "description": ""
            'linear_color_scheme': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Color Scheme"),
                "choices": (
                    ('fire', _('fire')),
                    ('blue_white_yellow', _('blue_white_yellow')),
                    ('white_black', _('white_black')),
                    ('black_white', _('black_white')),
                "default": 'blue_white_yellow',
                "description": ""
            'normalize_across': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Normalize Across"),
                "choices": (
                    ('heatmap', _('heatmap')),
                    ('x', _('x')),
                    ('y', _('y')),
                "default": 'heatmap',
                "description": _(
                    "Color will be rendered based on a ratio "
                    "of the cell against the sum of across this "
            'horizon_color_scale': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Color Scale"),
                "choices": (
                    ('series', _('series')),
                    ('overall', _('overall')),
                    ('change', _('change')),
                "default": 'series',
                "description": _("Defines how the color are attributed.")
            'canvas_image_rendering': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Rendering"),
                "choices": (
                    ('pixelated', _('pixelated (Sharp)')),
                    ('auto', _('auto (Smooth)')),
                "default": 'pixelated',
                "description": _(
                    "image-rendering CSS attribute of the canvas object that "
                    "defines how the browser scales up the image")
            'xscale_interval': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("XScale Interval"),
                "choices": self.choicify(range(1, 50)),
                "default": '1',
                "description": _(
                    "Number of step to take between ticks when "
                    "printing the x scale")
            'yscale_interval': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("YScale Interval"),
                "choices": self.choicify(range(1, 50)),
                "default": '1',
                "description": _(
                    "Number of step to take between ticks when "
                    "printing the y scale")
            'bar_stacked': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Stacked Bars"),
                "default": False,
                "description": ""
            'show_markers': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Show Markers"),
                "default": False,
                "description": (
                    "Show data points as circle markers on top of the lines "
                    "in the chart")
            'show_bar_value': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Bar Values"),
                "default": False,
                "description": "Show the value on top of the bars or not"
            'show_controls': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Extra Controls"),
                "default": False,
                "description": _(
                    "Whether to show extra controls or not. Extra controls "
                    "include things like making mulitBar charts stacked "
                    "or side by side.")
            'reduce_x_ticks': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Reduce X ticks"),
                "default": False,
                "description": _(
                    "Reduces the number of X axis ticks to be rendered. "
                    "If true, the x axis wont overflow and labels may be "
                    "missing. If false, a minimum width will be applied "
                    "to columns and the width may overflow into an "
                    "horizontal scroll."),
            'include_series': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Include Series"),
                "default": False,
                "description": _("Include series name as an axis")
            'secondary_metric': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Color Metric"),
                "choices": datasource.metrics_combo,
                "default": default_metric,
                "description": _("A metric to use for color")
            'country_fieldtype': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Country Field Type"),
                "default": 'cca2',
                "choices": (
                    ('name', _('Full name')),
                    ('cioc', _('code International Olympic Committee (cioc)')),
                    ('cca2', _('code ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (cca2)')),
                    ('cca3', _('code ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 (cca3)')),
                "description": _(
                    "The country code standard that Caravel should expect "
                    "to find in the [country] column")
            'groupby': (SelectMultipleSortableField, {
                "label": _("Group by"),
                "choices": self.choicify(datasource.groupby_column_names),
                "description": _("One or many fields to group by")
            'columns': (SelectMultipleSortableField, {
                "label": _("Columns"),
                "choices": self.choicify(datasource.groupby_column_names),
                "description": _("One or many fields to pivot as columns")
            'all_columns': (SelectMultipleSortableField, {
                "label": _("Columns"),
                "choices": self.choicify(datasource.column_names),
                "description": _("Columns to display")
            'all_columns_x': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("X"),
                "choices": self.choicify(datasource.column_names),
                "default": datasource.column_names[0],
                "description": _("Columns to display")
            'all_columns_y': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Y"),
                "choices": self.choicify(datasource.column_names),
                "default": datasource.column_names[0],
                "description": _("Columns to display")
            'druid_time_origin': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("Origin"),
                "choices": (
                    ('', _('default')),
                    ('now', _('now')),
                "default": '',
                "description": _(
                    "Defines the origin where time buckets start, "
                    "accepts natural dates as in 'now', 'sunday' or '1970-01-01'")
            'bottom_margin': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("Bottom Margin"),
                "choices": self.choicify(['auto', 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200]),
                "default": 'auto',
                "description": _(
                    "Bottom marging, in pixels, allowing for more room for "
                    "axis labels"),
            'granularity': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("Time Granularity"),
                "default": "one day",
                "choices": (
                    ('all', _('all')),
                    ('5 seconds', _('5 seconds')),
                    ('30 seconds', _('30 seconds')),
                    ('1 minute', _('1 minute')),
                    ('5 minutes', _('5 minutes')),
                    ('1 hour', _('1 hour')),
                    ('6 hour', _('6 hour')),
                    ('1 day', _('1 day')),
                    ('7 days', _('7 days')),
                "description": _(
                    "The time granularity for the visualization. Note that you "
                    "can type and use simple natural language as in '10 seconds', "
                    "'1 day' or '56 weeks'")
            'domain_granularity': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Domain"),
                "default": "month",
                "choices": (
                    ('hour', _('hour')),
                    ('day', _('day')),
                    ('week', _('week')),
                    ('month', _('month')),
                    ('year', _('year')),
                "description": _(
                    "The time unit used for the grouping of blocks")
            'subdomain_granularity': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Subdomain"),
                "default": "day",
                "choices": (
                    ('min', _('min')),
                    ('hour', _('hour')),
                    ('day', _('day')),
                    ('week', _('week')),
                    ('month', _('month')),
                "description": _(
                    "The time unit for each block. Should be a smaller unit than "
                    "domain_granularity. Should be larger or equal to Time Grain")
            'link_length': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("Link Length"),
                "default": "200",
                "choices": self.choicify([
                "description": _("Link length in the force layout")
            'charge': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("Charge"),
                "default": "-500",
                "choices": self.choicify([
                "description": _("Charge in the force layout")
            'granularity_sqla': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Time Column"),
                "default": datasource.main_dttm_col or datasource.any_dttm_col,
                "choices": self.choicify(datasource.dttm_cols),
                "description": _(
                    "The time column for the visualization. Note that you "
                    "can define arbitrary expression that return a DATETIME "
                    "column in the table editor. Also note that the "
                    "filter below is applied against this column or "
            'resample_rule': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("Resample Rule"),
                "default": '',
                "choices": (
                    ('1T', _('1T')),
                    ('1H', _('1H')),
                    ('1D', _('1D')),
                    ('7D', _('7D')),
                    ('1M', _('1M')),
                    ('1AS', _('1AS')),
                "description": _("Pandas resample rule")
            'resample_how': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("Resample How"),
                "default": '',
                "choices": (
                     ('', ''),
                     ('mean', _('mean')),
                     ('sum', _('sum')),
                     ('median', _('median')),
                "description": _("Pandas resample how")
            'resample_fillmethod': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("Resample Fill Method"),
                "default": '',
                "choices": (
                    ('', ''),
                    ('ffill', _('ffill')),
                    ('bfill', _('bfill')),
                "description": _("Pandas resample fill method")
            'since': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("Since"),
                "default": "7 days ago",
                "choices": (
                    ('1 hour ago', _('1 hour ago')),
                    ('12 hours ago', _('12 hours ago')),
                    ('1 day ago', _('1 day ago')),
                    ('7 days ago', _('7 days ago')),
                    ('28 days ago', _('28 days ago')),
                    ('90 days ago', _('90 days ago')),
                    ('1 year ago', _('1 year ago')),
                "description": _(
                    "Timestamp from filter. This supports free form typing and "
                    "natural language as in '1 day ago', '28 days' or '3 years'")
            'until': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("Until"),
                "default": "now",
                "choices": (
                    ('now', _('now')),
                    ('1 day ago', _('1 day ago')),
                    ('7 days ago', _('7 days ago')),
                    ('28 days ago', _('28 days ago')),
                    ('90 days ago', _('90 days ago')),
                    ('1 year ago', _('1 year ago')),
            'max_bubble_size': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("Max Bubble Size"),
                "default": "25",
                "choices": self.choicify([
            'whisker_options': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("Whisker/outlier options"),
                "default": "Tukey",
                "description": _(
                    "Determines how whiskers and outliers are calculated."),
                "choices": (
                    ('Tukey', _('Tukey')),
                    ('Min/max (no outliers)', _('Min/max (no outliers)')),
                    ('2/98 percentiles', _('2/98 percentiles')),
                    ('9/91 percentiles', _('9/91 percentiles')),
            'treemap_ratio': (DecimalField, {
                "label": _("Ratio"),
                "default": 0.5 * (1 + math.sqrt(5)),  # d3 default, golden ratio
                "description": _('Target aspect ratio for treemap tiles.'),
            'number_format': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("Number format"),
                "default": '.3s',
                "choices": [
                    ('.3s', '".3s" | 12.3k'),
                    ('.3%', '".3%" | 1234543.210%'),
                    ('.4r', '".4r" | 12350'),
                    ('.3f', '".3f" | 12345.432'),
                    ('+,', '"+," | +12,345.4321'),
                    ('$,.2f', '"$,.2f" | $12,345.43'),
                "description": _("D3 format syntax for numbers "
                            "https: //github.com/mbostock/\n"
            'row_limit': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _('Row limit'),
                "default": config.get("ROW_LIMIT"),
                "choices": self.choicify(
                    [10, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 50000])
            'limit': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _('Series limit'),
                "choices": self.choicify(self.series_limits),
                "default": 50,
                "description": _(
                    "Limits the number of time series that get displayed")
            'rolling_type': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Rolling"),
                "default": 'None',
                "choices": [(s, s) for s in ['None', 'mean', 'sum', 'std', 'cumsum']],
                "description": _(
                    "Defines a rolling window function to apply, works along "
                    "with the [Periods] text box")
            'rolling_periods': (IntegerField, {
                "label": _("Periods"),
                "validators": [validators.optional()],
                "description": _(
                    "Defines the size of the rolling window function, "
                    "relative to the time granularity selected")
            'series': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Series"),
                "choices": group_by_choices,
                "default": default_groupby,
                "description": _(
                    "Defines the grouping of entities. "
                    "Each series is shown as a specific color on the chart and "
                    "has a legend toggle")
            'entity': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Entity"),
                "choices": group_by_choices,
                "default": default_groupby,
                "description": _("This define the element to be plotted on the chart")
            'x': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("X Axis"),
                "choices": datasource.metrics_combo,
                "default": default_metric,
                "description": _("Metric assigned to the [X] axis")
            'y': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Y Axis"),
                "choices": datasource.metrics_combo,
                "default": default_metric,
                "description": _("Metric assigned to the [Y] axis")
            'size': (SelectField, {
                "label": _('Bubble Size'),
                "default": default_metric,
                "choices": datasource.metrics_combo
            'url': (TextField, {
                "label": _("URL"),
                "description": _(
                    "The URL, this field is templated, so you can integrate "
                    "{{ width }} and/or {{ height }} in your URL string."
                "default": 'https: //www.youtube.com/embed/JkI5rg_VcQ4',
            'x_axis_label': (TextField, {
                "label": _("X Axis Label"),
                "default": '',
            'y_axis_label': (TextField, {
                "label": _("Y Axis Label"),
                "default": '',
            'where': (TextField, {
                "label": _("Custom WHERE clause"),
                "default": '',
                "description": _(
                    "The text in this box gets included in your query's WHERE "
                    "clause, as an AND to other criteria. You can include "
                    "complex expression, parenthesis and anything else "
                    "supported by the backend it is directed towards.")
            'having': (TextField, {
                "label": _("Custom HAVING clause"),
                "default": '',
                "description": _(
                    "The text in this box gets included in your query's HAVING"
                    " clause, as an AND to other criteria. You can include "
                    "complex expression, parenthesis and anything else "
                    "supported by the backend it is directed towards.")
            'compare_lag': (TextField, {
                "label": _("Comparison Period Lag"),
                "description": _(
                    "Based on granularity, number of time periods to "
                    "compare against")
            'compare_suffix': (TextField, {
                "label": _("Comparison suffix"),
                "description": _("Suffix to apply after the percentage display")
            'table_timestamp_format': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("Table Timestamp Format"),
                "default": 'smart_date',
                "choices": TIMESTAMP_CHOICES,
                "description": _("Timestamp Format")
            'series_height': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("Series Height"),
                "default": 25,
                "choices": self.choicify([10, 25, 40, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200]),
                "description": _("Pixel height of each series")
            'x_axis_format': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("X axis format"),
                "default": 'smart_date',
                "choices": TIMESTAMP_CHOICES,
                "description": _("D3 format syntax for y axis "
                            "https: //github.com/mbostock/\n"
            'y_axis_format': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("Y axis format"),
                "default": '.3s',
                "choices": [
                    ('.3s', '".3s" | 12.3k'),
                    ('.3%', '".3%" | 1234543.210%'),
                    ('.4r', '".4r" | 12350'),
                    ('.3f', '".3f" | 12345.432'),
                    ('+,', '"+," | +12,345.4321'),
                    ('$,.2f', '"$,.2f" | $12,345.43'),
                "description": _("D3 format syntax for y axis "
                            "https: //github.com/mbostock/\n"
            'markup_type': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Markup Type"),
                "choices": (
                    ('markdown', _('markdown')),
                    ('html', _('html'))
                "default": "markdown",
                "description": _("Pick your favorite markup language")
            'rotation': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Rotation"),
                "choices": (
                    ('random', _('random')),
                    ('flat', _('flat')),
                    ('square', _('square')),
                "default": "random",
                "description": _("Rotation to apply to words in the cloud")
            'line_interpolation': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Line Style"),
                "choices": (
                    ('linear', _('linear')),
                    ('basis', _('basis')),
                    ('cardinal', _('cardinal')),
                    ('monotone', _('monotone')),
                    ('step-before', _('step-before')),
                    ('step-after', _('step-after')),
                "default": 'linear',
                "description": _("Line interpolation as defined by d3.js")
            'pie_label_type': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Label Type"),
                "default": 'key',
                "choices": (
                    ('key', _("Category Name")),
                    ('value', _("Value")),
                    ('percent', _("Percentage")),
                "description": _("What should be shown on the label?")
            'code': (TextAreaField, {
                "label": _("Code"),
                "description": _("Put your code here"),
                "default": ''
            'pandas_aggfunc': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Aggregation function"),
                "choices": (
                    ('sum', _('sum')),
                    ('mean', _('mean')),
                    ('min', _('min')),
                    ('max', _('max')),
                    ('median', _('median')),
                    ('stdev', _('stdev')),
                    ('var', _('var')),
                "default": 'sum',
                "description": _(
                    "Aggregate function to apply when pivoting and "
                    "computing the total rows and columns")
            'size_from': (TextField, {
                "label": _("Font Size From"),
                "default": "20",
                "description": _("Font size for the smallest value in the list")
            'size_to': (TextField, {
                "label": _("Font Size To"),
                "default": "150",
                "description": _("Font size for the biggest value in the list")
            'show_brush': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Range Filter"),
                "default": False,
                "description": _(
                    "Whether to display the time range interactive selector")
            'date_filter': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Date Filter"),
                "default": False,
                "description": _("Whether to include a time filter")
            'show_datatable': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Data Table"),
                "default": False,
                "description": _("Whether to display the interactive data table")
            'include_search': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Search Box"),
                "default": False,
                "description": _(
                    "Whether to include a client side search box")
            'show_bubbles': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Show Bubbles"),
                "default": False,
                "description": _(
                    "Whether to display bubbles on top of countries")
            'show_legend': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Legend"),
                "default": True,
                "description": _("Whether to display the legend (toggles)")
            'x_axis_showminmax': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("X bounds"),
                "default": True,
                "description": _(
                    "Whether to display the min and max values of the X axis")
            'rich_tooltip': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Rich Tooltip"),
                "default": True,
                "description": _(
                    "The rich tooltip shows a list of all series for that"
                    " point in time")
            'y_axis_zero': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Y Axis Zero"),
                "default": False,
                "description": _(
                    "Force the Y axis to start at 0 instead of the minimum "
            'y_log_scale': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Y Log"),
                "default": False,
                "description": _("Use a log scale for the Y axis")
            'x_log_scale': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("X Log"),
                "default": False,
                "description": _("Use a log scale for the X axis")
            'donut': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Donut"),
                "default": False,
                "description": _("Do you want a donut or a pie?")
            'labels_outside': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Put labels outside"),
                "default": True,
                "description": _("Put the labels outside the pie?")
            'contribution': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Contribution"),
                "default": False,
                "description": _("Compute the contribution to the total")
            'num_period_compare': (IntegerField, {
                "label": _("Period Ratio"),
                "default": None,
                "validators": [validators.optional()],
                "description": _(
                    "[integer] Number of period to compare against, "
                    "this is relative to the granularity selected")
            'period_ratio_type': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Period Ratio Type"),
                "default": 'growth',
                "choices": (
                    ('factor', _('factor')),
                    ('growth', _('growth')),
                    ('value', _('value')),
                "description": _(
                    "`factor` means (new/previous), `growth` is "
                    "((new/previous) - 1), `value` is (new-previous)")
            'time_compare': (TextField, {
                "label": _("Time Shift"),
                "default": "",
                "description": _(
                    "Overlay a timeseries from a "
                    "relative time period. Expects relative time delta "
                    "in natural language (example:  24 hours, 7 days, "
                    "56 weeks, 365 days")
            'subheader': (TextField, {
                "label": _("Subheader"),
                "description": _(
                    "Description text that shows up below your Big "
            'mapbox_label': (SelectMultipleSortableField, {
                "label": "Label",
                "choices": self.choicify(["count"] + datasource.column_names),
                "description": _(
                    "'count' is COUNT(*) if a group by is used. "
                    "Numerical columns will be aggregated with the aggregator. "
                    "Non-numerical columns will be used to label points. "
                    "Leave empty to get a count of points in each cluster."),
            'mapbox_style': (SelectField, {
                "label": "Map Style",
                "choices": [
                    ("mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v9", "Streets"),
                    ("mapbox://styles/mapbox/dark-v9", "Dark"),
                    ("mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9", "Light"),
                    ("mapbox://styles/mapbox/satellite-streets-v9", "Satellite Streets"),
                    ("mapbox://styles/mapbox/satellite-v9", "Satellite"),
                    ("mapbox://styles/mapbox/outdoors-v9", "Outdoors"),
                "default": "mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v9",
                "description": _("Base layer map style")
            'clustering_radius': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("Clustering Radius"),
                "default": "60",
                "choices": self.choicify([
                "description": _(
                    "The radius (in pixels) the algorithm uses to define a cluster. "
                    "Choose 0 to turn off clustering, but beware that a large "
                    "number of points (>1000) will cause lag.")
            'point_radius': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Point Radius"),
                "default": "Auto",
                "choices": self.choicify(["Auto"] + datasource.column_names),
                "description": _(
                    "The radius of individual points (ones that are not in a cluster). "
                    "Either a numerical column or 'Auto', which scales the point based "
                    "on the largest cluster")
            'point_radius_unit': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Point Radius Unit"),
                "default": "Pixels",
                "choices": self.choicify([
                "description": _("The unit of measure for the specified point radius")
            'global_opacity': (DecimalField, {
                "label": _("Opacity"),
                "default": 1,
                "description": _(
                    "Opacity of all clusters, points, and labels. "
                    "Between 0 and 1."),
            'viewport_zoom': (DecimalField, {
                "label": _("Zoom"),
                "default": 11,
                "validators": [validators.optional()],
                "description": _("Zoom level of the map"),
                "places": 8,
            'viewport_latitude': (DecimalField, {
                "label": _("Default latitude"),
                "default": 37.772123,
                "description": _("Latitude of default viewport"),
                "places": 8,
            'viewport_longitude': (DecimalField, {
                "label": _("Default longitude"),
                "default": -122.405293,
                "description": _("Longitude of default viewport"),
                "places": 8,
            'render_while_dragging': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Live render"),
                "default": True,
                "description": _("Points and clusters will update as viewport "
                    "is being changed")
            'mapbox_color': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("RGB Color"),
                "default": "rgb(0, 122, 135)",
                "choices": [
                    ("rgb(0, 139, 139)", "Dark Cyan"),
                    ("rgb(128, 0, 128)", "Purple"),
                    ("rgb(255, 215, 0)", "Gold"),
                    ("rgb(69, 69, 69)", "Dim Gray"),
                    ("rgb(220, 20, 60)", "Crimson"),
                    ("rgb(34, 139, 34)", "Forest Green"),
                "description": _("The color for points and clusters in RGB")

        # Override default arguments with form overrides
        for field_name, override_map in viz.form_overrides.items():
            if field_name in field_data:

        self.field_dict = {
            field_name: v[0](**v[1])
            for field_name, v in field_data.items()
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, viz):
        self.viz = viz
        from caravel.viz import viz_types
        viz = self.viz
        datasource = viz.datasource
        if not datasource.metrics_combo:
            raise Exception("Please define at least one metric for your table")
        default_metric = datasource.metrics_combo[0][0]

        gb_cols = datasource.groupby_column_names
        default_groupby = gb_cols[0] if gb_cols else None
        group_by_choices = self.choicify(gb_cols)
        order_by_choices = []
        for s in sorted(datasource.num_cols):
            order_by_choices.append((json.dumps([s, True]), s + ' [asc]'))
            order_by_choices.append((json.dumps([s, False]), s + ' [desc]'))
        # Pool of all the fields that can be used in Caravel
        field_data = {
            'viz_type': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Viz"),
                "default": 'table',
                "choices": [(k, v.verbose_name) for k, v in viz_types.items()],
                "description": _("The type of visualization to display")
            'metrics': (SelectMultipleSortableField, {
                "label": _("Metrics"),
                "choices": datasource.metrics_combo,
                "default": [default_metric],
                "description": _("One or many metrics to display")
            'order_by_cols': (SelectMultipleSortableField, {
                "label": _("Ordering"),
                "choices": order_by_choices,
                "description": _("One or many metrics to display")
            'metric': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Metric"),
                "choices": datasource.metrics_combo,
                "default": default_metric,
                "description": _("Choose the metric")
            'stacked_style': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Chart Style"),
                "choices": (
                    ('stack', _('stack')),
                    ('stream', _('stream')),
                    ('expand', _('expand')),
                "default": 'stack',
                "description": ""
            'linear_color_scheme': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Color Scheme"),
                "choices": (
                    ('fire', _('fire')),
                    ('blue_white_yellow', _('blue_white_yellow')),
                    ('white_black', _('white_black')),
                    ('black_white', _('black_white')),
                "default": 'blue_white_yellow',
                "description": ""
            'normalize_across': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Normalize Across"),
                "choices": (
                    ('heatmap', _('heatmap')),
                    ('x', _('x')),
                    ('y', _('y')),
                "default": 'heatmap',
                "description": _(
                    "Color will be rendered based on a ratio "
                    "of the cell against the sum of across this "
            'horizon_color_scale': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Color Scale"),
                "choices": (
                    ('series', _('series')),
                    ('overall', _('overall')),
                    ('change', _('change')),
                "default": 'series',
                "description": _("Defines how the color are attributed.")
            'canvas_image_rendering': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Rendering"),
                "choices": (
                    ('pixelated', _('pixelated (Sharp)')),
                    ('auto', _('auto (Smooth)')),
                "default": 'pixelated',
                "description": _(
                    "image-rendering CSS attribute of the canvas object that "
                    "defines how the browser scales up the image")
            'xscale_interval': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("XScale Interval"),
                "choices": self.choicify(range(1, 50)),
                "default": '1',
                "description": _(
                    "Number of step to take between ticks when "
                    "printing the x scale")
            'yscale_interval': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("YScale Interval"),
                "choices": self.choicify(range(1, 50)),
                "default": '1',
                "description": _(
                    "Number of step to take between ticks when "
                    "printing the y scale")
            'bar_stacked': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Stacked Bars"),
                "default": False,
                "description": ""
            'show_controls': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Extra Controls"),
                "default": False,
                "description": (
                    "Whether to show extra controls or not. Extra controls "
                    "include things like making mulitBar charts stacked "
                    "or side by side.")
            'reduce_x_ticks': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Reduce X ticks"),
                "default": False,
                "description": _(
                    "Reduces the number of X axis ticks to be rendered. "
                    "If true, the x axis wont overflow and labels may be "
                    "missing. If false, a minimum width will be applied "
                    "to columns and the width may overflow into an "
                    "horizontal scroll."),
            'include_series': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Include Series"),
                "default": False,
                "description": _("Include series name as an axis")
            'secondary_metric': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Color Metric"),
                "choices": datasource.metrics_combo,
                "default": default_metric,
                "description": _("A metric to use for color")
            'country_fieldtype': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Country Field Type"),
                "default": 'cca2',
                "choices": (
                    ('name', _('Full name')),
                    ('cioc', _('code International Olympic Committee (cioc)')),
                    ('cca2', _('code ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (cca2)')),
                    ('cca3', _('code ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 (cca3)')),
                "description": _(
                    "The country code standard that Caravel should expect "
                    "to find in the [country] column")
            'groupby': (SelectMultipleSortableField, {
                "label": _("Group by"),
                "choices": self.choicify(datasource.groupby_column_names),
                "description": _("One or many fields to group by")
            'columns': (SelectMultipleSortableField, {
                "label": _("Columns"),
                "choices": self.choicify(datasource.groupby_column_names),
                "description": _("One or many fields to pivot as columns")
            'all_columns': (SelectMultipleSortableField, {
                "label": _("Columns"),
                "choices": self.choicify(datasource.column_names),
                "description": _("Columns to display")
            'all_columns_x': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("X"),
                "choices": self.choicify(datasource.column_names),
                "description": _("Columns to display")
            'all_columns_y': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Y"),
                "choices": self.choicify(datasource.column_names),
                "description": _("Columns to display")
            'druid_time_origin': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _( "Origin"),
                "choices": (
                    ('', _('default')),
                    ('now', _('now')),
                "default": '',
                "description": _(
                    "Defines the origin where time buckets start, "
                    "accepts natural dates as in 'now', 'sunday' or '1970-01-01'")
            'bottom_margin': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("Bottom Margin"),
                "choices": self.choicify([50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200]),
                "default": 50,
                "description": _(
                    "Bottom marging, in pixels, allowing for more room for "
                    "axis labels"),
            'granularity': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("Time Granularity"),
                "default": "one day",
                "choices": (
                    ('all', _('all')),
                    ('5 seconds', _('5 seconds')),
                    ('30 seconds', _('30 seconds')),
                    ('1 minute', _('1 minute')),
                    ('5 minutes', _('5 minutes')),
                    ('1 hour', _('1 hour')),
                    ('6 hour', _('6 hour')),
                    ('1 day', _('1 day')),
                    ('7 days', _('7 days')),
                "description": _(
                    "The time granularity for the visualization. Note that you "
                    "can type and use simple natural language as in '10 seconds', "
                    "'1 day' or '56 weeks'")
            'domain_granularity': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Domain"),
                "default": "month",
                "choices": (
                    ('hour', _('hour')),
                    ('day', _('day')),
                    ('week', _('week')),
                    ('month', _('month')),
                    ('year', _('year')),
                "description": _(
                    "The time unit used for the grouping of blocks")
            'subdomain_granularity': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Subdomain"),
                "default": "day",
                "choices": (
                    ('min', _('min')),
                    ('hour', _('hour')),
                    ('day', _('day')),
                    ('week', _('week')),
                    ('month', _('month')),
                "description": _(
                    "The time unit for each block. Should be a smaller unit than "
                    "domain_granularity. Should be larger or equal to Time Grain")
            'link_length': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("Link Length"),
                "default": "200",
                "choices": self.choicify([
                "description": _("Link length in the force layout")
            'charge': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("Charge"),
                "default": "-500",
                "choices": self.choicify([
                "description": _("Charge in the force layout")
            'granularity_sqla': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Time Column"),
                "default": datasource.main_dttm_col or datasource.any_dttm_col,
                "choices": self.choicify(datasource.dttm_cols),
                "description": _(
                    "The time column for the visualization. Note that you "
                    "can define arbitrary expression that return a DATETIME "
                    "column in the table editor. Also note that the "
                    "filter bellow is applied against this column or "
            'resample_rule': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("Resample Rule"),
                "default": '',
                "choices": (
                    ('1T', _('1T')),
                    ('1H', _('1H')),
                    ('1D', _('1D')),
                    ('7D', _('7D')),
                    ('1M', _('1M')),
                    ('1AS', _('1AS')),
                "description": _("Pandas resample rule")
            'resample_how': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("Resample How"),
                "default": '',
                "choices": (
                     ('', ''),
                     ('mean', _('mean')),
                     ('sum', _('sum')),
                     ('median', _('median')),
                "description": _("Pandas resample how")
            'resample_fillmethod': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("Resample Fill Method"),
                "default": '',
                "choices": (
                    ('', ''),
                    ('ffill', _('ffill')),
                    ('bfill', _('bfill')),
                "description": _("Pandas resample fill method")
            'since': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("Since"),
                "default": "7 days ago",
                "choices": (
                    ('1 hour ago', _('1 hour ago')),
                    ('12 hours ago', _('12 hours ago')),
                    ('1 day ago', _('1 day ago')),
                    ('7 days ago', _('7 days ago')),
                    ('28 days ago', _('28 days ago')),
                    ('90 days ago', _('90 days ago')),
                    ('1 year ago', _('1 year ago')),
                "description": _(
                    "Timestamp from filter. This supports free form typing and "
                    "natural language as in '1 day ago', '28 days' or '3 years'")
            'until': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("Until"),
                "default": "now",
                "choices": (
                    ('now', _('now')),
                    ('1 day ago', _('1 day ago')),
                    ('7 days ago', _('7 days ago')),
                    ('28 days ago', _('28 days ago')),
                    ('90 days ago', _('90 days ago')),
                    ('1 year ago', _('1 year ago')),
            'max_bubble_size': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("Max Bubble Size"),
                "default": "25",
                "choices": self.choicify([
            'whisker_options': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("Whisker/outlier options"),
                "default": "Tukey",
                "description": _(
                    "Determines how whiskers and outliers are calculated."),
                "choices": (
                    ('Tukey', _('Tukey')),
                    ('Min/max (no outliers)', _('Min/max (no outliers)')),
                    ('2/98 percentiles', _('2/98 percentiles')),
                    ('9/91 percentiles', _('9/91 percentiles')),
            'treemap_ratio': (DecimalField, {
                "label": _("Ratio"),
                "default": 0.5 * (1 + math.sqrt(5)),  # d3 default, golden ratio
                "description": _('Target aspect ratio for treemap tiles.'),
            'number_format': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("Number format"),
                "default": '.3s',
                "choices": [
                    ('.3s', '".3s" | 12.3k'),
                    ('.3%', '".3%" | 1234543.210%'),
                    ('.4r', '".4r" | 12350'),
                    ('.3f', '".3f" | 12345.432'),
                    ('+,', '"+," | +12,345.4321'),
                    ('$,.2f', '"$,.2f" | $12,345.43'),
                "description": _("D3 format syntax for numbers "
                            "https: //github.com/mbostock/\n"
            'row_limit': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _('Row limit'),
                "default": config.get("ROW_LIMIT"),
                "choices": self.choicify(
                    [10, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 50000])
            'limit': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _('Series limit'),
                "choices": self.choicify(self.series_limits),
                "default": 50,
                "description": _(
                    "Limits the number of time series that get displayed")
            'rolling_type': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Rolling"),
                "default": 'None',
                "choices": [(s, s) for s in ['None', 'mean', 'sum', 'std', 'cumsum']],
                "description": _(
                    "Defines a rolling window function to apply, works along "
                    "with the [Periods] text box")
            'rolling_periods': (IntegerField, {
                "label": _("Periods"),
                "validators": [validators.optional()],
                "description": _(
                    "Defines the size of the rolling window function, "
                    "relative to the time granularity selected")
            'series': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Series"),
                "choices": group_by_choices,
                "default": default_groupby,
                "description": _(
                    "Defines the grouping of entities. "
                    "Each serie is shown as a specific color on the chart and "
                    "has a legend toggle")
            'entity': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Entity"),
                "choices": group_by_choices,
                "default": default_groupby,
                "description": _("This define the element to be plotted on the chart")
            'x': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("X Axis"),
                "choices": datasource.metrics_combo,
                "default": default_metric,
                "description": _("Metric assigned to the [X] axis")
            'y': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Y Axis"),
                "choices": datasource.metrics_combo,
                "default": default_metric,
                "description": _("Metric assigned to the [Y] axis")
            'size': (SelectField, {
                "label": _('Bubble Size'),
                "default": default_metric,
                "choices": datasource.metrics_combo
            'url': (TextField, {
                "label": _("URL"),
                "description": _(
                    "The URL, this field is templated, so you can integrate "
                    "{{ width }} and/or {{ height }} in your URL string."
                "default": 'https: //www.youtube.com/embed/JkI5rg_VcQ4',
            'x_axis_label': (TextField, {
                "label": _("X Axis Label"),
                "default": '',
            'y_axis_label': (TextField, {
                "label": _("Y Axis Label"),
                "default": '',
            'where': (TextField, {
                "label": _("Custom WHERE clause"),
                "default": '',
                "description": _(
                    "The text in this box gets included in your query's WHERE "
                    "clause, as an AND to other criteria. You can include "
                    "complex expression, parenthesis and anything else "
                    "supported by the backend it is directed towards.")
            'having': (TextField, {
                "label": _("Custom HAVING clause"),
                "default": '',
                "description": _(
                    "The text in this box gets included in your query's HAVING"
                    " clause, as an AND to other criteria. You can include "
                    "complex expression, parenthesis and anything else "
                    "supported by the backend it is directed towards.")
            'compare_lag': (TextField, {
                "label": _("Comparison Period Lag"),
                "description": _(
                    "Based on granularity, number of time periods to "
                    "compare against")
            'compare_suffix': (TextField, {
                "label": _("Comparison suffix"),
                "description": _("Suffix to apply after the percentage display")
            'table_timestamp_format': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("Table Timestamp Format"),
                "default": 'smart_date',
                "choices": TIMESTAMP_CHOICES,
                "description": _("Timestamp Format")
            'series_height': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("Series Height"),
                "default": 25,
                "choices": self.choicify([10, 25, 40, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200]),
                "description": _("Pixel height of each series")
            'x_axis_format': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("X axis format"),
                "default": 'smart_date',
                "choices": TIMESTAMP_CHOICES,
                "description": _("D3 format syntax for y axis "
                            "https: //github.com/mbostock/\n"
            'y_axis_format': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("Y axis format"),
                "default": '.3s',
                "choices": [
                    ('.3s', '".3s" | 12.3k'),
                    ('.3%', '".3%" | 1234543.210%'),
                    ('.4r', '".4r" | 12350'),
                    ('.3f', '".3f" | 12345.432'),
                    ('+,', '"+," | +12,345.4321'),
                    ('$,.2f', '"$,.2f" | $12,345.43'),
                "description": _("D3 format syntax for y axis "
                            "https: //github.com/mbostock/\n"
            'markup_type': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Markup Type"),
                "choices": (
                    ('markdown', _('markdown')),
                    ('html', _('html'))
                "default": "markdown",
                "description": _("Pick your favorite markup language")
            'rotation': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Rotation"),
                "choices": (
                    ('random', _('random')),
                    ('flat', _('flat')),
                    ('square', _('square')),
                "default": "random",
                "description": _("Rotation to apply to words in the cloud")
            'line_interpolation': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Line Style"),
                "choices": (
                    ('linear', _('linear')),
                    ('basis', _('basis')),
                    ('cardinal', _('cardinal')),
                    ('monotone', _('monotone')),
                    ('step-before', _('step-before')),
                    ('step-after', _('step-after')),
                "default": 'linear',
                "description": _("Line interpolation as defined by d3.js")
            'code': (TextAreaField, {
                "label": _("Code"),
                "description": _("Put your code here"),
                "default": ''
            'pandas_aggfunc': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Aggregation function"),
                "choices": (
                    ('sum', _('sum')),
                    ('mean', _('mean')),
                    ('min', _('min')),
                    ('max', _('max')),
                    ('median', _('median')),
                    ('stdev', _('stdev')),
                    ('var', _('var')),
                "default": 'sum',
                "description": _(
                    "Aggregate function to apply when pivoting and "
                    "computing the total rows and columns")
            'size_from': (TextField, {
                "label": _("Font Size From"),
                "default": "20",
                "description": _("Font size for the smallest value in the list")
            'size_to': (TextField, {
                "label": _("Font Size To"),
                "default": "150",
                "description": _("Font size for the biggest value in the list")
            'show_brush': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Range Filter"),
                "default": False,
                "description": _(
                    "Whether to display the time range interactive selector")
            'show_datatable': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Data Table"),
                "default": False,
                "description": _("Whether to display the interactive data table")
            'include_search': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Search Box"),
                "default": False,
                "description": _(
                    "Whether to include a client side search box")
            'show_bubbles': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Show Bubbles"),
                "default": False,
                "description": _(
                    "Whether to display bubbles on top of countries")
            'show_legend': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Legend"),
                "default": True,
                "description": _("Whether to display the legend (toggles)")
            'x_axis_showminmax': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("X bounds"),
                "default": True,
                "description": _(
                    "Whether to display the min and max values of the X axis")
            'rich_tooltip': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Rich Tooltip"),
                "default": True,
                "description": _(
                    "The rich tooltip shows a list of all series for that"
                    " point in time")
            'y_axis_zero': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Y Axis Zero"),
                "default": False,
                "description": _(
                    "Force the Y axis to start at 0 instead of the minimum "
            'y_log_scale': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Y Log"),
                "default": False,
                "description": _("Use a log scale for the Y axis")
            'x_log_scale': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("X Log"),
                "default": False,
                "description": _("Use a log scale for the X axis")
            'donut': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Donut"),
                "default": False,
                "description": _("Do you want a donut or a pie?")
            'contribution': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Contribution"),
                "default": False,
                "description": _("Compute the contribution to the total")
            'num_period_compare': (IntegerField, {
                "label": _("Period Ratio"),
                "default": None,
                "validators": [validators.optional()],
                "description": _(
                    "[integer] Number of period to compare against, "
                    "this is relative to the granularity selected")
            'time_compare': (TextField, {
                "label": _("Time Shift"),
                "default": "",
                "description": _(
                    "Overlay a timeseries from a "
                    "relative time period. Expects relative time delta "
                    "in natural language (example:  24 hours, 7 days, "
                    "56 weeks, 365 days")
            'subheader': (TextField, {
                "label": _("Subheader"),
                "description": _(
                    "Description text that shows up below your Big "
            'mapbox_label': (SelectMultipleSortableField, {
                "label": "Label",
                "choices": self.choicify(["count"] + datasource.column_names),
                "description": _(
                    "'count' is COUNT(*) if a group by is used. "
                    "Numerical columns will be aggregated with the aggregator. "
                    "Non-numerical columns will be used to label points. "
                    "Leave empty to get a count of points in each cluster."),
            'mapbox_style': (SelectField, {
                "label": "Map Style",
                "choices": [
                    ("mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v9", "Streets"),
                    ("mapbox://styles/mapbox/dark-v9", "Dark"),
                    ("mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9", "Light"),
                    ("mapbox://styles/mapbox/satellite-streets-v9", "Satellite Streets"),
                    ("mapbox://styles/mapbox/satellite-v9", "Satellite"),
                    ("mapbox://styles/mapbox/outdoors-v9", "Outdoors"),
                "description": _("Base layer map style")
            'clustering_radius': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("Clustering Radius"),
                "default": "60",
                "choices": self.choicify([
                "description": _(
                    "The radius (in pixels) the algorithm uses to define a cluster. "
                    "Choose 0 to turn off clustering, but beware that a large "
                    "number of points (>1000) will cause lag.")
            'point_radius': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Point Radius"),
                "default": "Auto",
                "choices": self.choicify(["Auto"] + datasource.column_names),
                "description": _(
                    "The radius of individual points (ones that are not in a cluster). "
                    "Either a numerical column or 'Auto', which scales the point based "
                    "on the largest cluster")
            'point_radius_unit': (SelectField, {
                "label": _("Point Radius Unit"),
                "default": "Pixels",
                "choices": self.choicify([
                "description": _("The unit of measure for the specified point radius")
            'global_opacity': (DecimalField, {
                "label": _("Opacity"),
                "default": 1,
                "description": _(
                    "Opacity of all clusters, points, and labels. "
                    "Between 0 and 1."),
            'viewport_zoom': (DecimalField, {
                "label": _("Zoom"),
                "default": 11,
                "validators": [validators.optional()],
                "description": _("Zoom level of the map"),
                "places": 8,
            'viewport_latitude': (DecimalField, {
                "label": _("Default latitude"),
                "default": 37.772123,
                "description": _("Latitude of default viewport"),
                "places": 8,
            'viewport_longitude': (DecimalField, {
                "label": _("Default longitude"),
                "default": -122.405293,
                "description": _("Longitude of default viewport"),
                "places": 8,
            'render_while_dragging': (BetterBooleanField, {
                "label": _("Live render"),
                "default": True,
                "description": _("Points and clusters will update as viewport "
                    "is being changed")
            'mapbox_color': (FreeFormSelectField, {
                "label": _("RGB Color"),
                "default": "rgb(0, 122, 135)",
                "choices": [
                    ("rgb(0, 139, 139)", "Dark Cyan"),
                    ("rgb(128, 0, 128)", "Purple"),
                    ("rgb(255, 215, 0)", "Gold"),
                    ("rgb(69, 69, 69)", "Dim Gray"),
                    ("rgb(220, 20, 60)", "Crimson"),
                    ("rgb(34, 139, 34)", "Forest Green"),
                "description": _("The color for points and clusters in RGB")

        # Override default arguments with form overrides
        for field_name, override_map in viz.form_overrides.items():
            if field_name in field_data:

        self.field_dict = {
            field_name: v[0](**v[1])
            for field_name, v in field_data.items()
Пример #5
 def __init__(self, viz):
     self.viz = viz
     from caravel.viz import viz_types
     viz = self.viz
     datasource = viz.datasource
     default_metric = datasource.metrics_combo[0][0]
     default_groupby = datasource.groupby_column_names[0]
     group_by_choices = [(s, s) for s in datasource.groupby_column_names]
     # Pool of all the fields that can be used in Caravel
     self.field_dict = {
         'viz_type': SelectField(
             choices=[(k, v.verbose_name) for k, v in viz_types.items()],
             description="The type of visualization to display"),
         'metrics': SelectMultipleSortableField(
             'Metrics', choices=datasource.metrics_combo,
             description="One or many metrics to display"),
         'metric': SelectField(
             'Metric', choices=datasource.metrics_combo,
             description="Chose the metric"),
         'stacked_style': SelectField(
             'Chart Style', choices=self.choicify(
                 ['stack', 'stream', 'expand']),
         'linear_color_scheme': SelectField(
             'Color Scheme', choices=self.choicify([
                 'fire', 'blue_white_yellow', 'white_black',
         'normalize_across': SelectField(
             'Normalize Across', choices=self.choicify([
                 'heatmap', 'x', 'y']),
                 "Color will be rendered based on a ratio "
                 "of the cell against the sum of across this "
         'canvas_image_rendering': SelectField(
             'Rendering', choices=(
                 ('pixelated', 'pixelated (Sharp)'),
                 ('auto', 'auto (Smooth)'),
                 "image-rendering CSS attribute of the canvas object that "
                 "defines how the browser scales up the image")),
         'xscale_interval': SelectField(
             'XScale Interval', choices=self.choicify(range(1, 50)),
                 "Number of step to take between ticks when "
                 "printing the x scale")),
         'yscale_interval': SelectField(
             'YScale Interval', choices=self.choicify(range(1, 50)),
                 "Number of step to take between ticks when "
                 "printing the y scale")),
         'bar_stacked': BetterBooleanField(
             'Stacked Bars',
         'secondary_metric': SelectField(
             'Color Metric', choices=datasource.metrics_combo,
             description="A metric to use for color"),
         'country_fieldtype': SelectField(
             'Country Field Type',
                 ('name', 'Full name'),
                 ('cioc', 'code International Olympic Committee (cioc)'),
                 ('cca2', 'code ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (cca2)'),
                 ('cca3', 'code ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 (cca3)'),
                 "The country code standard that Caravel should expect "
                 "to find in the [country] column")),
         'groupby': SelectMultipleSortableField(
             'Group by',
             description="One or many fields to group by"),
         'columns': SelectMultipleSortableField(
             description="One or many fields to pivot as columns"),
         'all_columns': SelectMultipleSortableField(
             description="Columns to display"),
         'all_columns_x': SelectField(
             description="Columns to display"),
         'all_columns_y': SelectField(
             description="Columns to display"),
         'granularity': FreeFormSelectField(
             'Time Granularity', default="one day",
                 '5 seconds',
                 '30 seconds',
                 '1 minute',
                 '5 minutes',
                 '1 hour',
                 '6 hour',
                 '1 day',
                 '7 days',
                 "The time granularity for the visualization. Note that you "
                 "can type and use simple natural language as in '10 seconds', "
                 "'1 day' or '56 weeks'")),
         'link_length': FreeFormSelectField(
             'Link Length', default="200",
             description="Link length in the force layout"),
         'charge': FreeFormSelectField(
             'Charge', default="-500",
             description="Charge in the force layout"),
         'granularity_sqla': SelectField(
             'Time Column',
             default=datasource.main_dttm_col or datasource.any_dttm_col,
                 "The time column for the visualization. Note that you "
                 "can define arbitrary expression that return a DATETIME "
                 "column in the table editor. Also note that the "
                 "filter bellow is applied against this column or "
         'resample_rule': FreeFormSelectField(
             'Resample Rule', default='',
             choices=self.choicify(('1T', '1H', '1D', '7D', '1M', '1AS')),
             description=("Pandas resample rule")),
         'resample_how': FreeFormSelectField(
             'Resample How', default='',
             choices=self.choicify(('', 'mean', 'sum', 'median')),
             description=("Pandas resample how")),
         'resample_fillmethod': FreeFormSelectField(
             'Resample Fill Method', default='',
             choices=self.choicify(('', 'ffill', 'bfill')),
             description=("Pandas resample fill method")),
         'since': FreeFormSelectField(
             'Since', default="7 days ago",
                 '1 hour ago',
                 '12 hours ago',
                 '1 day ago',
                 '7 days ago',
                 '28 days ago',
                 '90 days ago',
                 '1 year ago'
                 "Timestamp from filter. This supports free form typing and "
                 "natural language as in '1 day ago', '28 days' or '3 years'")),
         'until': FreeFormSelectField(
             'Until', default="now",
                 '1 day ago',
                 '7 days ago',
                 '28 days ago',
                 '90 days ago',
                 '1 year ago'])
         'max_bubble_size': FreeFormSelectField(
             'Max Bubble Size', default="25",
                 'Row limit',
                     [10, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 50000])),
                 'Series limit',
                     "Limits the number of time series that get displayed")),
         'rolling_type': SelectField(
             choices=[(s, s) for s in ['None', 'mean', 'sum', 'std', 'cumsum']],
                 "Defines a rolling window function to apply, works along "
                 "with the [Periods] text box")),
         'rolling_periods': IntegerField(
                 "Defines the size of the rolling window function, "
                 "relative to the time granularity selected")),
         'series': SelectField(
             'Series', choices=group_by_choices,
                 "Defines the grouping of entities. "
                 "Each serie is shown as a specific color on the chart and "
                 "has a legend toggle")),
         'entity': SelectField(
             'Entity', choices=group_by_choices,
             description="This define the element to be plotted on the chart"),
         'x': SelectField(
             'X Axis', choices=datasource.metrics_combo,
             description="Metric assigned to the [X] axis"),
         'y': SelectField(
             'Y Axis', choices=datasource.metrics_combo,
             description="Metric assigned to the [Y] axis"),
         'size': SelectField(
                 'Bubble Size',
         'url': TextField(
             'URL', default='www.airbnb.com',),
         'where': TextField(
             'Custom WHERE clause', default='',
                 "The text in this box gets included in your query's WHERE "
                 "clause, as an AND to other criteria. You can include "
                 "complex expression, parenthesis and anything else "
                 "supported by the backend it is directed towards.")),
         'having': TextField(
             'Custom HAVING clause', default='',
                 "The text in this box gets included in your query's HAVING"
                 " clause, as an AND to other criteria. You can include "
                 "complex expression, parenthesis and anything else "
                 "supported by the backend it is directed towards.")),
         'compare_lag': TextField(
             'Comparison Period Lag',
                 "Based on granularity, number of time periods to "
                 "compare against")),
         'compare_suffix': TextField(
             'Comparison suffix',
             description="Suffix to apply after the percentage display"),
         'x_axis_format': FreeFormSelectField(
             'X axis format',
                 ('smart_date', 'Adaptative formating'),
                 ("%m/%d/%Y", '"%m/%d/%Y" | 01/14/2019'),
                 ("%Y-%m-%d", '"%Y-%m-%d" | 2019-01-14'),
                 ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
                     '"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" | 2019-01-14 01:32:10'),
                 ("%H:%M:%S", '"%H:%M:%S" | 01:32:10'),
             description="D3 format syntax for y axis "
         'y_axis_format': FreeFormSelectField(
             'Y axis format',
                 ('.3s', '".3s" | 12.3k'),
                 ('.3%', '".3%" | 1234543.210%'),
                 ('.4r', '".4r" | 12350'),
                 ('.3f', '".3f" | 12345.432'),
                 ('+,', '"+," | +12,345.4321'),
                 ('$,.2f', '"$,.2f" | $12,345.43'),
             description="D3 format syntax for y axis "
         'markup_type': SelectField(
             "Markup Type",
             choices=self.choicify(['markdown', 'html']),
             description="Pick your favorite markup language"),
         'rotation': SelectField(
             choices=[(s, s) for s in ['random', 'flat', 'square']],
             description="Rotation to apply to words in the cloud"),
         'line_interpolation': SelectField(
             "Line Style",
                 'linear', 'basis', 'cardinal', 'monotone',
                 'step-before', 'step-after']),
             description="Line interpolation as defined by d3.js"),
         'code': TextAreaField(
             "Code", description="Put your code here", default=''),
         'pandas_aggfunc': SelectField(
             "Aggregation function",
                 'sum', 'mean', 'min', 'max', 'median', 'stdev', 'var']),
                 "Aggregate function to apply when pivoting and "
                 "computing the total rows and columns")),
         'size_from': TextField(
             "Font Size From",
             description="Font size for the smallest value in the list"),
         'size_to': TextField(
             "Font Size To",
             description="Font size for the biggest value in the list"),
         'show_brush': BetterBooleanField(
             "Range Filter", default=False,
                 "Whether to display the time range interactive selector")),
         'show_datatable': BetterBooleanField(
             "Data Table", default=False,
             description="Whether to display the interactive data table"),
         'include_search': BetterBooleanField(
             "Search Box", default=False,
                 "Whether to include a client side search box")),
         'show_bubbles': BetterBooleanField(
             "Show Bubbles", default=False,
                 "Whether to display bubbles on top of countries")),
         'show_legend': BetterBooleanField(
             "Legend", default=True,
             description="Whether to display the legend (toggles)"),
         'x_axis_showminmax': BetterBooleanField(
             "X bounds", default=True,
                 "Whether to display the min and max values of the X axis")),
         'rich_tooltip': BetterBooleanField(
             "Rich Tooltip", default=True,
                 "The rich tooltip shows a list of all series for that"
                 " point in time")),
         'y_axis_zero': BetterBooleanField(
             "Y Axis Zero", default=False,
                 "Force the Y axis to start at 0 instead of the minimum "
         'y_log_scale': BetterBooleanField(
             "Y Log", default=False,
             description="Use a log scale for the Y axis"),
         'x_log_scale': BetterBooleanField(
             "X Log", default=False,
             description="Use a log scale for the X axis"),
         'donut': BetterBooleanField(
             "Donut", default=False,
             description="Do you want a donut or a pie?"),
         'contribution': BetterBooleanField(
             "Contribution", default=False,
             description="Compute the contribution to the total"),
         'num_period_compare': IntegerField(
             "Period Ratio", default=None,
                 "[integer] Number of period to compare against, "
                 "this is relative to the granularity selected")),
         'time_compare': TextField(
             "Time Shift",
                 "Overlay a timeseries from a "
                 "relative time period. Expects relative time delta "
                 "in natural language (example: 24 hours, 7 days, "
                 "56 weeks, 365 days")),
         'subheader': TextField(
                 "Description text that shows up below your Big "