Пример #1
def _flush(prefix=None):
    """ Write/create whisped files at maximal speed """
    assert(prefix==None or hasattr(prefix, 'startswith'))
    log.msg("flush started (prefix: %s)" % prefix)
    started = time.time()
    metrics = MetricCache.counts()
    updates = 0
        for metric, queueSize in metrics:
            if prefix and not metric.startswith(prefix):
            dbFilePath = getFilesystemPath(metric)
            dbFileExists = exists(dbFilePath)
                datapoints = MetricCache.pop(metric)
            except KeyError:
            if not createWhisperFile(metric, dbFilePath, dbFileExists):
            if not writeWhisperFile(dbFilePath, datapoints):
    	    updates += 1
    log.msg('flush finished (updates: %d, time: %.5f sec)' % (updates, time.time()-started))
    return updates
Пример #2
def optimalWriteOrder():
  "Generates metrics with the most cached values first and applies a soft rate limit on new metrics"
  global lastCreateInterval
  global createCount
  metrics = MetricCache.counts()

  t = time.time()
  metrics.sort(key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True) # by queue size, descending
  log.msg("Sorted %d cache queues in %.6f seconds" % (len(metrics), time.time() - t))

  for metric, queueSize in metrics:
    if state.cacheTooFull and MetricCache.size < CACHE_SIZE_LOW_WATERMARK:

    # Let our persister do its own check, and ignore the metric if needed.
    if not persister.pre_get_datapoints_check(metric):

    try: # metrics can momentarily disappear from the MetricCache due to the implementation of MetricCache.store()
      datapoints = MetricCache.pop(metric)
    except KeyError:
      log.msg("MetricCache contention, skipping %s update for now" % metric)
      continue # we simply move on to the next metric when this race condition occurs

    dbInfo = persister.get_dbinfo(metric)
    dbIdentifier = dbInfo[0]
    dbExists = dbInfo[1]

    yield (metric, datapoints, dbIdentifier, dbExists)
 def getMetrics(self):
     metrics = MetricCache.counts()
     for metric, queueSize in metrics:
         datapoints = MetricCache.pop(metric)
         if state.cacheTooFull and MetricCache.size < CACHE_SIZE_LOW_WATERMARK:
         yield (metric, datapoints)
Пример #4
def optimalWriteOrder():
  "Generates metrics with the most cached values first and applies a soft rate limit on new metrics"
  global lastCreateInterval
  global createCount
  metrics = MetricCache.counts()

  t = time.time()
  #metrics.sort(key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True) # by queue size, descending
  log.msg("Sorted %d cache queues in %.6f seconds" % (len(metrics), time.time() - t))

  if state.cacheTooFull and MetricCache.size < CACHE_SIZE_LOW_WATERMARK:

  for metric, queueSize in metrics:
    #Handling special characters in metric names
    metric_sanit = list(metric)
    for i in range(0,len(metric_sanit),1):
        if metric_sanit[i] < '\x20' or metric_sanit[i] > '\x7e':
            metric_sanit[i] = '_'
    metric_sanit = "".join(metric_sanit)

      dbFilePath = getFilesystemPath(metric_sanit)
      dbFileExists = exists(dbFilePath)
      log.msg("dbFilePath: %s" % (dbFilePath))

    if not dbFileExists:
      createCount += 1
      now = time.time()

      if now - lastCreateInterval >= 60:
        lastCreateInterval = now
        createCount = 1

      elif createCount >= settings.MAX_CREATES_PER_MINUTE:
        # dropping queued up datapoints for new metrics prevents filling up the entire cache
        # when a bunch of new metrics are received.
        except KeyError:


    try: # metrics can momentarily disappear from the MetricCache due to the implementation of MetricCache.store()
      datapoints = MetricCache.pop(metric)
    except KeyError:
      log.msg("MetricCache contention, skipping %s update for now" % metric)
      continue # we simply move on to the next metric when this race condition occurs

    yield (metric_sanit, datapoints, dbFilePath, dbFileExists)
def optimalWriteOrder():
        log.msg("Entered optimalWriteOrder")
        metrics = MetricCache.counts()
        t = time.time()
        metrics.sort(key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True) # by queue size, descending
        log.msg("Sorted %d cache queues in %.6f seconds" % (len(metrics), time.time() - t))
        for metric, queueSize in metrics:
          if state.cacheTooFull and MetricCache.size < CACHE_SIZE_LOW_WATERMARK:
          try: # metrics can momentarily disappear from the MetricCache due to the implementation of MetricCache.store()
            datapoints = MetricCache.pop(metric)
          except KeyError:
            log.msg("MetricCache contention, skipping %s update for now" % metric)
            continue # we simply move on to the next metric when this race condition occurs
          yield (metric, datapoints) 
Пример #6
def optimalWriteOrder():
    """Generates metrics with the most cached values first and applies a soft
  rate limit on new metrics"""
    global lastCreateInterval
    global createCount
    metrics = MetricCache.counts()

    t = time.time()
    metrics.sort(key=lambda item: item[1],
                 reverse=True)  # by queue size, descending
    log.debug("Sorted %d cache queues in %.6f seconds" %
              (len(metrics), time.time() - t))

    for metric, queueSize in metrics:
        if state.cacheTooFull and MetricCache.size < CACHE_SIZE_LOW_WATERMARK:

        dbFilePath = getFilesystemPath(metric)
        dbFileExists = exists(dbFilePath)

        if not dbFileExists:
            createCount += 1
            now = time.time()

            if now - lastCreateInterval >= 60:
                lastCreateInterval = now
                createCount = 1

            elif createCount >= settings.MAX_CREATES_PER_MINUTE:
                # dropping queued up datapoints for new metrics prevents filling up the entire cache
                # when a bunch of new metrics are received.
                except KeyError:


        try:  # metrics can momentarily disappear from the MetricCache due to the implementation of MetricCache.store()
            datapoints = MetricCache.pop(metric)
        except KeyError:
            log.msg("MetricCache contention, skipping %s update for now" %
            continue  # we simply move on to the next metric when this race condition occurs

        yield (metric, datapoints, dbFilePath, dbFileExists)
def writeCachedDataPoints(channel, exchange):
        log.msg("Entered function writeCachedDataPoints")
        log.msg("MetricCache count: %d"%(len(MetricCache.counts())))
        while MetricCache:
          dataWritten = False
          log.msg("Calling optimalWriteOrder")
          for (metric, datapoints) in optimalWriteOrder():
            dataWritten = True      
            body = ""
            for point in datapoints:
              temp = "%f %d\n"%(point[1], point[0])
              body = body + temp
            message = Content(body)
            message["delivery mode"] = 2

            channel.basic_publish(exchange=exchange, content=message, routing_key=metric)
            log.updates("Published %d datapoints of metric %s"%(len(datapoints),metric))
Пример #8
def optimalWriteOrder():
  """Generates metrics with the most cached values first and applies a soft
  rate limit on new metrics"""
  global lastCreateInterval
  global createCount
  metrics = MetricCache.counts()

  time_ = time.time()
  metrics.sort(key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)  # by queue size, descending
  log.debug("Sorted %d cache queues in %.6f seconds" % (len(metrics),
                                                        time.time() - time_))

  for metric, queueSize in metrics:
    if state.cacheTooFull and MetricCache.size < CACHE_SIZE_LOW_WATERMARK:

    dbFileExists = APP_DB.exists(metric)

    if not dbFileExists:
      createCount += 1
      now = time.time()

      if now - lastCreateInterval >= 60:
        lastCreateInterval = now
        createCount = 1

      elif createCount >= settings.MAX_CREATES_PER_MINUTE:
        # dropping queued up datapoints for new metrics prevents filling up the entire cache
        # when a bunch of new metrics are received.
        except KeyError:


    try:  # metrics can momentarily disappear from the MetricCache due to the implementation of MetricCache.store()
      datapoints = MetricCache.pop(metric)
    except KeyError:
      log.msg("MetricCache contention, skipping %s update for now" % metric)
      continue  # we simply move on to the next metric when this race condition occurs

    yield (metric, datapoints, dbFileExists)