def main():
    # Parse passed-in config yaml file
    argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Offline Detection and Pole Map Generator')
                           help='directory of recording')
                           help='yaml file for vision algorithm parameters')
        help='yaml file for simulated detection configuration')
        help='yaml file for pole map generation configuration')
    args = argparser.parse_args()

    # Read carla simulation configs of the recording
    path_to_config = os.path.join(args.recording_dir, 'settings/config.yaml')
    with open(path_to_config, 'r') as f:
        carla_config = yaml.safe_load(f)

    # Read configurations for detection simulation
    with args.vision_config as f:
        vision_config = yaml.safe_load(f)
    with args.sim_detection_config as f:
        sim_detection_config = yaml.safe_load(f)
    with args.pole_map_config as f:
        pole_map_config = yaml.safe_load(f)

    # Retrieve configs of detection simulation
    pole_detection_sim_config = sim_detection_config['pole']
    lane_detection_sim_config = sim_detection_config['lane']
    rs_stop_detection_sim_config = sim_detection_config['rs_stop']

    # Load camera parameters
    with open('calib_data.pkl', 'rb') as f:
        calib_data = pickle.load(f)
    K = calib_data['K']
    R = calib_data['R']
    x0 = calib_data['x0']

    # Load parameters for bird's eye view projection
    with open('ipm_data.pkl', 'rb') as f:
        ipm_data = pickle.load(f)
    M = ipm_data['M']
    warped_size = ipm_data['bev_size']
    valid_mask = ipm_data['valid_mask']
    px_per_meter_x = ipm_data['px_per_meter_x']
    px_per_meter_y = ipm_data['px_per_meter_y']
    dist_cam_to_intersect = ipm_data['dist_to_intersect']

    # Distance from rear axle to front bumper
    dist_raxle_to_fbumper = carla_config['ego_veh']['raxle_to_fbumper']

    # Distance from camera to front bumper
    dist_cam_to_fbumper = (dist_raxle_to_fbumper -
                           carla_config['sensor']['front_camera']['pos_x'] -

    # For lane detector
    # Distance from front bumper to intersection point between camera's vertical FOV and ground surface
    dist_fbumper_to_intersect = dist_cam_to_intersect - dist_cam_to_fbumper

    # Load recorded data that are stored in dictionaries
    with open(os.path.join(args.recording_dir, 'sensor_data.pkl'), 'rb') as f:
        sensor_data = pickle.load(f)
    with open(os.path.join(args.recording_dir, 'gt_data.pkl'), 'rb') as f:
        gt_data = pickle.load(f)

    # Retrieve required sensor data
    ss_images = sensor_data['semantic_camera']['ss_image']
    depth_buffers = sensor_data['depth_camera']['depth_buffer']
    yaw_rates = sensor_data['imu']['gyro_z']

    # Retrieve required ground truth data
    traffic_signs = gt_data['static']['traffic_sign']
    raxle_locations = gt_data['seq']['pose']['raxle_location']
    raxle_orientations = gt_data['seq']['pose']['raxle_orientation']

    lane_id_seq = gt_data['seq']['lane']['lane_id']
    next_left_marking_coeffs_seq = gt_data['seq']['lane'][
    next_left_marking_seq = gt_data['seq']['lane']['next_left_marking']
    left_marking_coeffs_seq = gt_data['seq']['lane']['left_marking_coeffs']
    left_marking_seq = gt_data['seq']['lane']['left_marking']
    right_marking_coeffs_seq = gt_data['seq']['lane']['right_marking_coeffs']
    right_marking_seq = gt_data['seq']['lane']['right_marking']
    next_right_marking_coeffs_seq = gt_data['seq']['lane'][
    next_right_marking_seq = gt_data['seq']['lane']['next_right_marking']

    # Create detector objects
    pole_detector = PoleDetector(K, R, x0, vision_config['pole'])
    lane_detector = LaneMarkingDetector(M, px_per_meter_x, px_per_meter_y,
                                        warped_size, valid_mask,
    rs_stop_detector = RSStopDetectionSimulator(traffic_signs,

    # Create a pole detector that has a stronger ability to extract poles, which is for building the pole map
    # It is stronger in that it allows smaller region of poles to be extracted so the pole map can contain more poles than those
    # detected by pole_detector
    pole_detector_for_pole_map = PoleDetector(
        K, R, x0, pole_map_config['pole_extraction'])

    # Container to accumulate accurate world coordinates of poles at each step
    all_accurate_poles = []

    # Containers for detection sequences
    # Sequence of pole detecions
    pole_detection_seq = []
    # The accurate version of detected poles in world frame
    accurate_pole_detections_in_world_seq = []
    lane_marking_detection_seq = []
    rs_stop_detecion_seq = []

    # Loop over recorded data
    for image_idx, (ss_image,
                    depth_buffer) in enumerate(zip(ss_images, depth_buffers)):
        # Retrieve data at current step
        pole_image = (ss_image == 5).astype(np.uint8)
        lane_image = (ss_image == 6) | (ss_image == 8).astype(np.uint8)
        depth_image = decode_depth(depth_buffer)
        # The pose of rear axle at current step
        raxle_location = raxle_locations[image_idx]
        raxle_orientation = raxle_orientations[image_idx]
        # Front bumper's pose at current step
        fbumper_location = get_fbumper_location(raxle_location,
        fbumper_orientation = raxle_orientation
        # Lane markings
        lane_id = lane_id_seq[image_idx]
        next_left_coeffs_gt = next_left_marking_coeffs_seq[image_idx]
        next_left_marking_gt = next_left_marking_seq[image_idx]
        left_coeffs_gt = left_marking_coeffs_seq[image_idx]
        left_marking_gt = left_marking_seq[image_idx]
        right_coeffs_gt = right_marking_coeffs_seq[image_idx]
        right_marking_gt = right_marking_seq[image_idx]
        next_right_coeffs_gt = next_right_marking_coeffs_seq[image_idx]
        next_right_marking_gt = next_right_marking_seq[image_idx]

        # Instantiate a Transform object to make transformation between front bumper and world
        fbumper2world_tfrom = Transform.from_conventional(
            fbumper_location, fbumper_orientation)

        ############ Pole detection (wrt front bumper) ############
        # x-y coordinates assuming z = 0
        # Coordinates are based on the bottom center of bboxes
        poles_xy_z0 = pole_detector.update_poles(pole_image,

        # Find the pole bases again using the lowest pixel
        # This is to get really accurate measurements for proximity-based labelling later
        # Accurate x-y-z coordinates using ground truth depth image
        accurate_detected_pole_xyz = pole_detector.get_pole_xyz_from_depth(
            depth_image, dist_cam_to_fbumper)

        if poles_xy_z0 is not None:
                [Pole(coord[0], coord[1]) for coord in poles_xy_z0.T])
            # Add accurate detected poles to the container. This is for proximity-based labelling later.
            accurate_detected_in_world = fbumper2world_tfrom.tform_e2w_numpy_array(

        ############ Lane detection (wrt front bumper) ############
        left_coeffs, right_coeffs = lane_detector.update_lane_coeffs(
            lane_image, yaw_rates[image_idx])

        # Add color and type properties as part of lane detections
        # The simulated detections are first compared to the ground truth. If the coefficients are close to the ground truth,
        # the recorded marking properties are used as the classification result.
        # It should be noted that due to the lane detection algorithm implementation details, when the ego vehicle makes a lane
        # change, the detected lane markings will switch to the next lane before the front bumper's center actually enters the next lane.
        # So a detection is also compared to ground truth types on the other side.
        # When there is a false positive detection, whose coefficients are not consistent with the ground truth,
        # the Unknown type will be used as default.
        # Perturbations are applied afterwards to mess the type a bit to simulate noise.

        # Coeffs from detector are in descending order, while those from ground truth are in ascending order
        if left_coeffs is None:
            # No detection
            left_detection = None

        elif left_marking_gt and \
                abs(left_coeffs[-1] - left_coeffs_gt[0]) < lane_detection_sim_config['c0_thres'] and \
                abs(left_coeffs[-2] - left_coeffs_gt[1]) < lane_detection_sim_config['c1_thres']:
            # True positive (close to left lane marking gt)
            # Thresholding doesn't guarantee definite true positive nevertheless
            left_detection = MELaneMarking.from_lane_marking(
                left_coeffs, left_marking_gt, lane_id)
            # Perturb lane marking type

        elif next_left_marking_gt and \
                abs(left_coeffs[-1] - next_left_coeffs_gt[0]) < lane_detection_sim_config['c0_thres'] and \
                abs(left_coeffs[-2] - next_left_coeffs_gt[1]) < lane_detection_sim_config['c1_thres']:
            # True positive (close to next left lane marking gt)
            # Thresholding doesn't guarantee definite true positive nevertheless
            left_detection = MELaneMarking.from_lane_marking(
                left_coeffs, next_left_marking_gt, lane_id)
            # Perturb lane marking type

        elif right_marking_gt and \
                abs(left_coeffs[-1] - right_coeffs_gt[0]) < lane_detection_sim_config['c0_thres'] and \
                abs(left_coeffs[-2] - right_coeffs_gt[1]) < lane_detection_sim_config['c1_thres']:
            # True positive (close to right lane marking gt)
            # Thresholding doesn't guarantee definite true positive nevertheless
            left_detection = MELaneMarking.from_lane_marking(
                left_coeffs, right_marking_gt, lane_id)
            # Perturb lane marking type

            # False positive
            # Use unknown type as default for false detection
            left_detection = MELaneMarking(left_coeffs, LaneMarkingColor.Other,
            # Perturb lane marking type so it could be a type other than unknown

        if right_coeffs is None:
            # No detection
            right_detection = None
        elif right_marking_gt and \
                abs(right_coeffs[-1] - right_coeffs_gt[0]) < lane_detection_sim_config['c0_thres'] and \
                abs(right_coeffs[-2] - right_coeffs_gt[1]) < lane_detection_sim_config['c1_thres']:
            # True positive (close to left lane marking gt)
            # Thresholding doesn't guarantee definite true positive nevertheless
            right_detection = MELaneMarking.from_lane_marking(
                right_coeffs, right_marking_gt, lane_id)
            # Perturb lane marking type

        elif next_right_marking_gt and \
                abs(right_coeffs[-1] - next_right_coeffs_gt[0]) < lane_detection_sim_config['c0_thres'] and \
                abs(right_coeffs[-2] - next_right_coeffs_gt[1]) < lane_detection_sim_config['c1_thres']:
            # True positive (close to next right lane marking gt)
            # Thresholding doesn't guarantee definite true positive nevertheless
            right_detection = MELaneMarking.from_lane_marking(
                right_coeffs, next_right_marking_gt, lane_id)
            # Perturb lane marking type

        elif left_marking_gt and \
                abs(right_coeffs[-1] - left_coeffs_gt[0]) < lane_detection_sim_config['c0_thres'] and \
                abs(right_coeffs[-2] - left_coeffs_gt[1]) < lane_detection_sim_config['c1_thres']:
            # True positive (close to left lane marking gt)
            # Thresholding doesn't guarantee definite true positive nevertheless
            right_detection = MELaneMarking.from_lane_marking(
                right_coeffs, left_marking_gt, lane_id)
            # Perturb lane marking type

            # False positive
            # Use unknown type as default for false detection
            right_detection = MELaneMarking(right_coeffs,
            # Perturb lane marking type so it could be a type other than unknown

            MELaneDetection(left_detection, right_detection))

        ############ RS stop sign detection (wrt front bumper) ############
        longi_dist_to_rs_stop = rs_stop_detector.update_rs_stop(
            fbumper_location, fbumper_orientation)

        ############ Accurate poles for building pole map ############
        # The bases in image are stored internally in the detector
        accurate_pole_xyz = pole_detector_for_pole_map.get_pole_xyz_from_depth(
            depth_image, dist_cam_to_fbumper)
        if accurate_pole_xyz is not None:
            # Filter out points that are too high to focus on the lower part of poles
            accurate_pole_xyz = accurate_pole_xyz[:, accurate_pole_xyz[
                2, :] < 0.5]

            # Transform accurate poles to world frame
            accurate_pole_xyz_world = fbumper2world_tfrom.tform_e2w_numpy_array(


    ############ Pole map generation ############
    # Concatenate all poles as an np.array
    all_accurate_poles_xy = np.concatenate(all_accurate_poles,
                                           axis=1)[0:2, :]  # 2-by-N

    pole_map = gen_pole_map(all_accurate_poles_xy, traffic_signs,

    ############ Proximity-based pole detecion labelling ############
    if __debug__:
        for poles in accurate_pole_detections_in_world_seq:
            if poles is not None:
                plt.plot(poles[0, :], poles[1, :], 'ro', ms=1)
        plt.title('Accurate Detected Poles')

    # Make a kd-tree out of pole map for later queries
    pole_map_coords = np.asarray([[pole.x, pole.y] for pole in pole_map])
    kd_poles = KDTree(pole_map_coords)

    # Loop over accurate detection sequence and try to associate it to the nearest pole landmark in the pole map
    for detections, accurate_detections in zip(
            pole_detection_seq, accurate_pole_detections_in_world_seq):
        if accurate_detections is not None:
            for pole_idx, accurate_detection in enumerate(
                nearest_dist, nearest_idx = kd_poles.query(
                if nearest_dist < pole_detection_sim_config['max_dist']:
                    detections[pole_idx].type = pole_map[nearest_idx].type

            # Perturb pole detections at this time step
            for detection in detections:

    ############ Save data ############
    # Copy configuration files for future reference
    dst = os.path.join(args.recording_dir, 'settings/vision.yaml')
    copyfile(, dst)
    dst = os.path.join(args.recording_dir, 'settings/sim_detection.yaml')
    copyfile(, dst)
    dst = os.path.join(args.recording_dir, 'settings/pole_map.yaml')
    copyfile(, dst)

    # Save detections
    detections = {}
    detections['pole'] = pole_detection_seq
    detections['lane'] = lane_marking_detection_seq
    detections['rs_stop'] = rs_stop_detecion_seq
    with open(os.path.join(args.recording_dir, 'detections.pkl'), 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(detections, f)

    # Save pole map
    with open(os.path.join(args.recording_dir, 'pole_map.pkl'), 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(pole_map, f)
Пример #2
    def error(self, variables):
        ########## Expectation ##########
        pose =[0])

        # Append 0 as z since this factor is in 2D space
        location = np.append(pose.translation(), self.z)
        orientation = np.array([0, 0, pose.so2().theta()])

        fbumper_location = get_fbumper_location(location,

        self.expected_rs_stop_dists = self.expected_rs_stop_extractor.extract(fbumper_location,

        ########## Measurement ##########
        # No need for parsing measurement since it is so simple

        # Null hypothesis
        # Use the measurement itself at every optimization iteration as the null hypothesis.
        # This is, of course, just a trick.
        # This means the error for null hypothesis is always zeros.
        null_expected_dist = self.detected_rs_stop_dist
        null_error = np.zeros((1, 1))

        # Compute innovation matrix for the null hypo
        null_noise_var = self.noise_var * self.null_std_scale**2

        # Compute measurement likelihood weighted by null probability
        null_weighted_meas_likelihood = self.prob_null \
            * univariate_normal_pdf(null_error.squeeze(), var=null_noise_var)

        ########## Data Association ##########
        if not self.expected_rs_stop_dists:
            self._null_hypo = True
            # Note: No gating is performed
            errors = [null_error]
            exp_dist_list = [null_expected_dist]
            meas_likelihoods = []
            asso_probs = []
            for exp_dist in self.expected_rs_stop_dists:
                H = np.array([[-1.0, 0, 0]])
                innov = (H @ self.pose_uncert @ H.T + self.noise_var).squeeze()

                # Compute squared mahalanobis distance
                error = np.asarray(exp_dist).reshape(
                    1, -1) - self.detected_rs_stop_dist


                # Measurement likelihood (based on noise cov)
                meas_likelihood = univariate_normal_pdf(error.squeeze(),
                # Geometric likelihood (based on innov)
                geo_likelihood = univariate_normal_pdf(error.squeeze(),
                # Due to numerical errors, likelihood can become exactly 0.0
                # in some very rare cases.
                # When it happens, simply ignore it.
                if meas_likelihood > 0.0 and geo_likelihood > 0.0:

            asso_probs = np.asarray(asso_probs)
            meas_likelihoods = np.asarray(meas_likelihoods)

            # Compute weights based on total probability theorem
            weights = (1-self.prob_null) * \
            # Weight measurement likelihoods
            weighted_meas_likelihood = weights*meas_likelihoods

            # Add weight and weighted likelihood of null hypothesis
            weights = np.insert(weights, 0, self.prob_null)
            weighted_meas_likelihood = np.insert(
                weighted_meas_likelihood, 0, null_weighted_meas_likelihood)

            asso_idx = np.argmax(weighted_meas_likelihood)

            if asso_idx == 0:
                self._null_hypo = True
                self._null_hypo = False
                self.chosen_expected_dist = exp_dist_list[asso_idx]
                # Scale down the hypothesis to account for target uncertainty
                # This form is empirically chosen
                self._scale = weights[asso_idx]**1
                # Scale down the error based on weight
                # This is to achieve the same effect of scaling infomation matrix during optimzation
                chosen_error = errors[asso_idx] * self._scale

        if self._null_hypo:
            # Null hypothesis
            self.chosen_expected_dist = null_expected_dist
            chosen_error = null_error

        return chosen_error
Пример #3
    def error(self, variables):
        ########## Expectation ##########
        pose =[0])
        location = np.append(pose.translation(), self.z)  # append z
        orientation = np.array([0, 0, pose.so2().theta()])

        if self._first_time:
            # Store the initially guessed pose when computing error the first time
            self._init_tform = Transform.from_conventional(
                location, orientation)
            self._init_orientation = orientation

        if self.static:
            # Static mode
            if self._first_time:
                # First time extracting expected land boundaries
                fbumper_location = get_fbumper_location(
                    location, orientation, self.px)
                self.in_junction, self.into_junction, self.me_format_expected_markings = self.expected_lane_extractor.extract(
                    fbumper_location, orientation)

                expected_coeffs_list = [expected.get_c0c1_list()
                                        for expected in self.me_format_expected_markings]
                expected_type_list = [expected.type
                                      for expected in self.me_format_expected_markings]

                # The snapshot is stored in their normal forms; i.e. a, b, c, and alpha describing the lines
                self._init_normal_forms = [compute_normal_form_line_coeffs(self.px, c[0], c[1])
                                           for c in expected_coeffs_list]
                # Snapshot of lane boundary types
                self._init_types = expected_type_list

                self._first_time = False
                # Not first time, use snapshot of lane boundaries extracted the first time to compute error
                # Pose difference is wrt local frame
                pose_diff = self._get_pose_diff(location, orientation)

                # Compute expected lane boundary coefficients using the snapshot
                expected_coeffs_list = []
                for normal_form in self._init_normal_forms:
                    c0c1 = self._compute_expected_c0c1(normal_form, pose_diff)
                # Retrieve lane boundary types from snapshot
                expected_type_list = self._init_types
            # Not static mode
            # Extract ground truth from the Carla server
            fbumper_location = get_fbumper_location(
                location, orientation, self.px)
            self.in_junction, self.into_junction, self.me_format_expected_markings = self.expected_lane_extractor.extract(
                fbumper_location, orientation)

            # List of expected markings' coefficients
            expected_coeffs_list = [expected.get_c0c1_list()
                                    for expected in self.me_format_expected_markings]

            # List of expected markings' type
            expected_type_list = [expected.type
                                  for expected in self.me_format_expected_markings]

        ########## Measurement ##########
        measured_coeffs = np.asarray(
            self.detected_marking.get_c0c1_list()).reshape(2, -1)
        measured_type = self.detected_marking.type

        # Null hypothesis
        # Use the measurement itself at every optimization iteration as the null hypothesis.
        # This is, of course, just a trick.
        # This means the error for null hypothesis is always zeros.
        null_expected_c0c1 = measured_coeffs.squeeze().tolist()
        null_error = np.zeros((2, 1))

        # Compute innovation matrix for the null hypo
        null_noise_cov = self.noise_cov * self.null_std_scale**2

        # Compute measurement likelihood weighted by null probability
        null_weighted_meas_likelihood = self.prob_null * \
            multivariate_normal.pdf(null_error.squeeze(), cov=null_noise_cov)

        # In this implementation, scaling down error and jacobian is done to achieve
        # the same effect of tuning the information matrix online.
        # Here, however, scale down error for null hypo; i.e.
        # null_error /= self.null_std_scale
        # is not necessary, since its always zero.
        # Zero error and jacobian effectively result in zero information matrix as well.

        if self.ignore_junction and (self.in_junction or self.into_junction):
            self._null_hypo = True
        elif not expected_coeffs_list:
            self._null_hypo = True
            # Data association
            errors = [null_error]
            gated_coeffs_list = [null_expected_c0c1]
            asso_probs = []
            meas_likelihoods = []
            sem_likelihoods = []
            for exp_coeffs, exp_type in zip(expected_coeffs_list, expected_type_list):
                # Compute innovation matrix
                expected_c0, expected_c1 = exp_coeffs
                H = compute_H(self.px, expected_c0, expected_c1)
                innov = H @ self.pose_uncert @ H.T + self.noise_cov

                # Compute squared mahalanobis distance
                error = np.asarray(exp_coeffs).reshape(
                    2, -1) - measured_coeffs
                # Mahalanobis distance is only needed for geometric gating
                # squared_mahala_dist = error.T @ np.linalg.inv(innov) @ error

                # Semantic likelihood
                if self.semantic:
                    # Conditional probability on type
                    sem_likelihood = self._conditional_prob_type(
                        exp_type, measured_type)
                    # Truning off semantic association is equivalent to always
                    # set semantic likelihood to 1.0
                    sem_likelihood = 1.0

                # Gating (geometric and semantic)
                # Reject both geometrically and semantically unlikely associations
                # Note:
                # Since location distribution across lanes is essentially multimodal,
                # geometric gating often used when assuming location is unimodal is not
                # very reasonable and will inevitablly reject possible associations.
                # Here the geometric gate is set very large so we can preserve associations that
                # are a bit far from the current mode (the only mode that exists in the optimization)
                # but still possible when the multimodal nature is concerned.
                # Or, we can simply give up geometric gating and use semantic gating only.
                # The large geometric gate is an inelegant remedy after all.
                # if squared_mahala_dist <= self.geo_gate and sem_likelihood > self.sem_gate:
                if sem_likelihood > self.sem_gate:

                    # Measurement likelihood (based on noise cov)
                    meas_likelihood = multivariate_normal.pdf(
                        error.reshape(-1), cov=self.noise_cov)

                    # Geometric likelihood (based on innov)
                    geo_likelihood = multivariate_normal.pdf(
                        error.reshape(-1), cov=innov)

                    # Due to numerical errors, likelihood can become exactly 0.0
                    # in some very rare cases.
                    # When it happens, simply ignore it.
                    if meas_likelihood > 0.0 and geo_likelihood > 0.0:
                        asso_prob = geo_likelihood * sem_likelihood

            # Check if any possible association exists after gating
            if asso_probs:
                asso_probs = np.asarray(asso_probs)
                meas_likelihoods = np.asarray(meas_likelihoods)

                # Compute weights based on total probability theorem
                weights = (1-self.prob_null) * \
                # Weight measurement likelihoods
                weighted_meas_likelihood = weights*meas_likelihoods

                # Add weight and weighted likelihood of null hypothesis
                weights = np.insert(weights, 0, self.prob_null)
                weighted_meas_likelihood = np.insert(
                    weighted_meas_likelihood, 0, null_weighted_meas_likelihood)

                asso_idx = np.argmax(weighted_meas_likelihood)

                if asso_idx == 0:
                    self._null_hypo = True
                    self._null_hypo = False
                    self.chosen_expected_coeffs = gated_coeffs_list[asso_idx]
                    # Scale down the hypothesis to account for target uncertainty
                    # This form is empirically chosen
                    self._scale = weights[asso_idx] * sem_likelihoods[asso_idx-1]
                    # Scale down the error based on weight
                    # This is to achieve the same effect of scaling infomation matrix during optimzation
                    chosen_error = errors[asso_idx] * self._scale
                self._null_hypo = True

        if self._null_hypo:
            # Null hypothesis
            self.chosen_expected_coeffs = null_expected_c0c1
            chosen_error = null_error

        return chosen_error
Пример #4
    def error(self, variables):
        ########## Expectation ##########
        pose =[0])
        location = np.append(pose.translation(), self.z)  # append z
        orientation = np.array([0, 0, pose.so2().theta()])

        if self._first_time:
            # Store the initially guessed pose when computing error the first time
            self._init_tform = Transform.from_conventional(
                location, orientation)
            self._init_orientation = orientation

        if self.static:
            # Static mode
            if self._first_time:
                # First time extracting expected land boundaries
                fbumper_location = get_fbumper_location(
                    location, orientation, self.px)
                self.in_junction, self.into_junction, self.me_format_expected_markings = self.expected_lane_extractor.extract(
                    fbumper_location, orientation)

                expected_coeffs_list = [expected.get_c0c1_list()
                                        for expected in self.me_format_expected_markings]
                expected_type_list = [expected.type
                                      for expected in self.me_format_expected_markings]

                # The snapshot is stored in their normal forms; i.e. a, b, c, and alpha describing the lines
                self._init_normal_forms = [compute_normal_form_line_coeffs(self.px, c[0], c[1])
                                           for c in expected_coeffs_list]
                # Snapshot of lane boundary types
                self._init_types = expected_type_list

                self._first_time = False
                # Not first time, use snapshot of lane boundaries extracted the first time to compute error
                # Pose difference is wrt local frame
                pose_diff = self._get_pose_diff(location, orientation)

                # Compute expected lane boundary coefficients using the snapshot
                expected_coeffs_list = []
                for normal_form in self._init_normal_forms:
                    c0c1 = self._compute_expected_c0c1(normal_form, pose_diff)
                # Retrieve lane boundary types from snapshot
                expected_type_list = self._init_types
            # Not static mode
            # Extract ground truth from the Carla server
            fbumper_location = get_fbumper_location(
                location, orientation, self.px)
            self.in_junction, self.into_junction, self.me_format_expected_markings = self.expected_lane_extractor.extract(
                fbumper_location, orientation)

            # List of expected markings' coefficients
            expected_coeffs_list = [expected.get_c0c1_list()
                                    for expected in self.me_format_expected_markings]

            # List of expected markings' type
            expected_type_list = [expected.type
                                  for expected in self.me_format_expected_markings]

        ########## Measurement ##########
        if self.left_marking:
            measured_coeffs_left = np.asarray(
                self.left_marking.get_c0c1_list()).reshape(2, -1)
            measured_type_left = self.left_marking.type

        if self.right_marking:
            measured_coeffs_right = np.asarray(
                self.right_marking.get_c0c1_list()).reshape(2, -1)
            measured_type_right = self.right_marking.type

        # Null hypothesis
        # Use the measurement itself at every optimization iteration as the null hypothesis.
        # This is, of course, just a trick.
        # This means the error for null hypothesis is always zeros.
        null_expected_c0c1_left = self.left_marking.get_c0c1_list()
        null_expected_c0c1_right = self.right_marking.get_c0c1_list()
        null_error = np.zeros((2, 1))   # same for both left and right

        # Compute innovation matrix for the null hypo
        null_noise_cov = self.noise_cov * self.null_std_scale**2

        # Compute measurement likelihood weighted by null probability
        null_weighted_meas_likelihood = self.prob_null * \
            multivariate_normal.pdf(null_error.squeeze(), cov=null_noise_cov)

        # In this implementation, scaling down error and jacobian is done to achieve
        # the same effect of tuning the information matrix online.
        # Here, however, scale down error for null hypo; i.e.
        # null_error /= self.null_std_scale
        # is not necessary, since its always zero.
        # Zero error and jacobian effectively result in zero information matrix as well.

        if self.ignore_junction and (self.in_junction or self.into_junction):
            self._null_hypo_left = True
            self._null_hypo_right = True
        elif not expected_coeffs_list:
            self._null_hypo_left = True
            self._null_hypo_right = True
            # Data association
            num_expected_markings = len(self.me_format_expected_markings)
            asso_table = np.zeros((2, num_expected_markings+2))

            # Left lane marking
            errors_left = []
            asso_probs = []
            meas_likelihoods = []
            for exp_coeffs, exp_type in zip(expected_coeffs_list, expected_type_list):
                # Compute innovation matrix
                expected_c0, expected_c1 = exp_coeffs
                H = compute_H(self.px, expected_c0, expected_c1)
                innov = H @ self.pose_uncert @ H.T + self.noise_cov

                # Compute squared mahalanobis distance
                error = np.asarray(exp_coeffs).reshape(
                    2, -1) - measured_coeffs_left
                squared_mahala_dist = error.T @ np.linalg.inv(
                    innov) @ error

                # Semantic likelihood
                if self.semantic:
                    # Conditional probability on type
                    sem_likelihood = self._conditional_prob_type(
                        exp_type, measured_type_left)
                    # Truning off semantic association is equivalent to always
                    # set semantic likelihood to 1.0
                    sem_likelihood = 1.0

                # Gating (geometric and semantic)
                # Reject both geometrically and semantically unlikely associations
                # Note:
                # Since location distribution across lanes is essentially multimodal,
                # geometric gating often used when assuming location is unimodal is not
                # very reasonable and will inevitablly reject possible associations.
                # Here the geometric gate is set very large so we can preserve associations that
                # are a bit far from the current mode (the only mode that exists in the optimization)
                # but still possible when the multimodal nature is concerned.
                # Or, we can simply give up geometric gating and use semantic gating only.
                # The large geometric gate is an inelegant remedy after all.
                # if squared_mahala_dist <= self.geo_gate and sem_likelihood > self.sem_gate:
                if sem_likelihood > self.sem_gate:

                    # Measurement likelihood (based on noise cov)
                    meas_likelihood = multivariate_normal.pdf(
                        error.reshape(-1), cov=self.noise_cov)

                    # Geometric likelihood (based on innov)
                    geo_likelihood = multivariate_normal.pdf(
                        error.reshape(-1), cov=innov)

                    asso_prob = geo_likelihood * sem_likelihood

            asso_probs = np.asarray(asso_probs)
            meas_likelihoods = np.asarray(meas_likelihoods)

            # Compute weights based on total probability theorem
            if asso_probs.sum():
                weights_left = (1-self.prob_null) * \
                weights_left = np.zeros(asso_probs.shape)

            # Weight measurement likelihoods
            weighted_meas_likelihood = weights_left*meas_likelihoods

            # Add weight and weighted likelihood of null hypothesis
            weights_left = np.insert(weights_left, 0, [self.prob_null, 0])
            weighted_meas_likelihood = np.insert(
                weighted_meas_likelihood, 0, [null_weighted_meas_likelihood, 0])

            asso_table[0, :] = weighted_meas_likelihood

            # Right marking
            errors_right = []
            asso_probs = []
            meas_likelihoods = []
            for exp_coeffs, exp_type in zip(expected_coeffs_list, expected_type_list):
                # Compute innovation matrix
                expected_c0, expected_c1 = exp_coeffs
                H = compute_H(self.px, expected_c0, expected_c1)
                innov = H @ self.pose_uncert @ H.T + self.noise_cov

                # Compute squared mahalanobis distance
                error = np.asarray(exp_coeffs).reshape(
                    2, -1) - measured_coeffs_right
                squared_mahala_dist = error.T @ np.linalg.inv(
                    innov) @ error

                # Semantic likelihood
                if self.semantic:
                    # Conditional probability on type
                    sem_likelihood = self._conditional_prob_type(
                        exp_type, measured_type_right)
                    # Truning off semantic association is equivalent to always
                    # set semantic likelihood to 1.0
                    sem_likelihood = 1.0

                # Gating (geometric and semantic)
                # Reject both geometrically and semantically unlikely associations
                # Note:
                # Since location distribution across lanes is essentially multimodal,
                # geometric gating often used when assuming location is unimodal is not
                # very reasonable and will inevitablly reject possible associations.
                # Here the geometric gate is set very large so we can preserve associations that
                # are a bit far from the current mode (the only mode that exists in the optimization)
                # but still possible when the multimodal nature is concerned.
                # Or, we can simply give up geometric gating and use semantic gating only.
                # The large geometric gate is an inelegant remedy after all.
                # if squared_mahala_dist <= self.geo_gate and sem_likelihood > self.sem_gate:
                if sem_likelihood > self.sem_gate:

                    # Measurement likelihood (based on noise cov)
                    meas_likelihood = multivariate_normal.pdf(
                        error.reshape(-1), cov=self.noise_cov)

                    # Geometric likelihood (based on innov)
                    geo_likelihood = multivariate_normal.pdf(
                        error.reshape(-1), cov=innov)

                    asso_prob = geo_likelihood * sem_likelihood

            asso_probs = np.asarray(asso_probs)
            meas_likelihoods = np.asarray(meas_likelihoods)

            # Compute weights based on total probability theorem
            if asso_probs.sum():
                weights_right = (1-self.prob_null) * \
                weights_right = np.zeros(asso_probs.shape)

            # Weight measurement likelihoods
            weighted_meas_likelihood = weights_right*meas_likelihoods

            # Add weight and weighted likelihood of null hypothesis
            weights_right = np.insert(weights_right, 0, [0., self.prob_null])
            weighted_meas_likelihood = np.insert(
                weighted_meas_likelihood, 0, [0., null_weighted_meas_likelihood, ])

            asso_table[1, :] = weighted_meas_likelihood

            # GNN association
            # This is performed at every optimization step, so this factor is essentially
            # a max-mixture factor. It's just now the max operation is replaced by the
            # linear sum assignment operation.

            # Take log so the association result maximizes the product of likelihoods
            # of the associations of the both sides
            log_asso_table = np.log(asso_table)
            _, col_idc = lsa(log_asso_table, maximize=True)

            asso_idx_left = col_idc[0]
            asso_idx_right = col_idc[1]

            # Left assocation
            if asso_idx_left == 0:
                # Null hypothesis
                self._null_hypo_left = True
                self._null_hypo_left = False
                chosen_error_left = errors_left[asso_idx_left-2]
                self.chosen_expected_coeffs_left = expected_coeffs_list[asso_idx_left-2]
                self._scale_left = weights_left[asso_idx_left]

            # Right assocation
            if asso_idx_right == 1:
                # Null hypothesis
                self._null_hypo_right = True
                self._null_hypo_right = False
                chosen_error_right = errors_right[asso_idx_right-2]
                self.chosen_expected_coeffs_right = expected_coeffs_list[asso_idx_right-2]
                self._scale_right = weights_right[asso_idx_right]

        if self._null_hypo_left:
            chosen_error_left = null_error
            self.chosen_expected_coeffs_left = null_expected_c0c1_left
        if self._null_hypo_right:
            chosen_error_right = null_error
            self.chosen_expected_coeffs_right = null_expected_c0c1_right

        chosen_error = np.concatenate((chosen_error_left, chosen_error_right))

        return chosen_error
def main(folder_name, idx=None):
    argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Stop Sign on Road Detection using Ground Truth')
                           help='yaml file for carla configuration')
        help='yaml file for simulated detection configuration')
    args = argparser.parse_args()

    # Load camera calibration parameters
    with open('calib_data.pkl', 'rb') as f:
        calib_data = pickle.load(f)
    K = calib_data['K']
    R = calib_data['R']
    x0 = calib_data['x0']
    # 3-by-4 calibration matrix for visualization
    P = K @ R @ np.concatenate((np.eye(3), -x0), axis=1)

    # Read configurations from yaml file
    with args.config as f:
        carla_config = yaml.safe_load(f)
    with args.sim_detection_config as f:
        sim_detection_config = yaml.safe_load(f)

    dist_raxle_to_fbumper = carla_config['ego_veh']['raxle_to_fbumper']

    # Load recorded data
    path_to_folder = os.path.join('recordings', folder_name)
    with open(os.path.join(path_to_folder, 'sensor_data.pkl'), 'rb') as f:
        sensor_data = pickle.load(f)
    with open(os.path.join(path_to_folder, 'gt_data.pkl'), 'rb') as f:
        gt_data = pickle.load(f)

    ss_images = sensor_data['semantic_camera']['ss_image']

    traffic_signs = gt_data['static']['traffic_sign']
    raxle_locations = gt_data['seq']['pose']['raxle_location']
    raxle_orientations = gt_data['seq']['pose']['raxle_orientation']

    # Prepare visualization
    _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2)
    im = ax[0].imshow(np.ones(ss_images[0].shape).astype(np.uint8),
    rs_stop_in_img = ax[0].plot([], [], 's')[0]
    rs_stop_gt = ax[1].plot([], [], 's', label='rs stop gt')[0]
    rs_stop_detect = ax[1].plot([], [], 's', ms=3, label='rs stop detction')[0]
    ax[1].set_xlim((30, -30))
    ax[1].set_ylim((-5, 60))

    rs_stop_detector = RSStopDetectionSimulator(
        traffic_signs, sim_detection_config['rs_stop'])

    if idx is not None:
        raxle_location = raxle_locations[idx]
        raxle_orientation = raxle_orientations[idx]

        # Get front bumper's pose
        fbumper_location = get_fbumper_location(raxle_location,
        fbumper_orientation = raxle_orientation

        # Get detection
        longi_dist = rs_stop_detector.update_rs_stop(fbumper_location,
        detected_rs_stop_gt = rs_stop_detector.detected_rs_stop_gt

        ss_image = ss_images[idx]

        if detected_rs_stop_gt is not None:
            # put it on road surface (some actors are buried underground)
            detected_rs_stop_gt[2] = 0
            homo_img_coord = P @ np.append(detected_rs_stop_gt, 1)
            u = homo_img_coord[0] / homo_img_coord[2]
            v = homo_img_coord[1] / homo_img_coord[2]

            rs_stop_in_img.set_data(u, v)
            rs_stop_gt.set_data(detected_rs_stop_gt[1], detected_rs_stop_gt[0])
            rs_stop_detect.set_data(detected_rs_stop_gt[1], longi_dist)
            rs_stop_in_img.set_data([], [])
            rs_stop_detect.set_data([], [])


        for idx, ss_image in enumerate(ss_images):
            raxle_location = raxle_locations[idx]
            raxle_orientation = raxle_orientations[idx]

            # Get front bumper's pose
            fbumper_location = get_fbumper_location(raxle_location,
            fbumper_orientation = raxle_orientation

            # Get detection
            longi_dist = rs_stop_detector.update_rs_stop(
                fbumper_location, fbumper_orientation)
            detected_rs_stop_gt = rs_stop_detector.detected_rs_stop_gt

            ss_image = ss_images[idx]

            if detected_rs_stop_gt is not None:
                # put it on road surface (some actors are buried underground)
                detected_rs_stop_gt[2] = 0
                homo_img_coord = P @ np.append(detected_rs_stop_gt, 1)
                u = homo_img_coord[0] / homo_img_coord[2]
                v = homo_img_coord[1] / homo_img_coord[2]

                rs_stop_in_img.set_data(u, v)
                rs_stop_detect.set_data(detected_rs_stop_gt[1], longi_dist)
                rs_stop_in_img.set_data([], [])
                rs_stop_gt.set_data([], [])
                rs_stop_detect.set_data([], [])
