Пример #1
def left_bar(percent, width):
    Creates the green/left bar from a percentage and width. It uses
    some unicode vertical-bar characters to get some extra precision
    on the bar-length.
    blocks = int(percent * width)
    remain = (percent * width) - blocks

    part = int(remain * 8)
    rpart = unichr(0x258f - 7 + part) # for smooth bar

    return (' ' * (width - blocks)) + colors.negative(colors.green(rpart)) + colors.green(('+' * (blocks)), bg='green')
Пример #2
    def draw_bars(self):
        up = min(1.0, self._bandwidth[-1][0] / self._max)
        dn = min(1.0, self._bandwidth[-1][1] / self._max)
        kbup = self._bandwidth[-1][1] / 1024.0
        kbdn = self._bandwidth[-1][0] / 1024.0

        status = ' ' + colors.green('%.2f' % kbdn)
        status += '/'
        status += colors.red('%.2f' % kbup)  # + ' KiB write'
        status += ' KiB/s'
        status += ' (%d streams, %d circuits)' % (self.streams(),

        # include the paths of any currently-active streams
        streams = ''
        for stream in self._state.streams.values():
            # ...there's a window during which it may not be attached yet
            if stream.circuit:
                circpath = '>'.join(
                    map(lambda r: r.location.countrycode, stream.circuit.path))
                streams += ' ' + circpath
        if len(streams) > 24:
            streams = streams[:21] + '...'
            left_bar(up, 20) + unichr(0x21f5) + right_bar(dn, 20) + status +
Пример #3
def string_for_stream(state, stream):
    circ = ''
    if stream.circuit:
        circ = ' via circuit %d' % stream.circuit.id
    proc = txtorcon.util.process_from_address(stream.source_addr, stream.source_port, state)
    if proc:
        proc = ' from process "%s"' % (colors.bold(os.path.realpath('/proc/%d/exe' % proc)), )

    elif stream.source_addr == '(Tor_internal)':
        proc = ' for Tor internal use'

    elif stream.source_addr:
        proc = ' from remote "%s:%s"' % (str(stream.source_addr), str(stream.source_port))

        proc = ''
    hoststring = colors.bold('%s:%d' % (stream.target_host, stream.target_port))
    return 'Stream %d to %s %s%s%s' % (stream.id, hoststring, colors.green('attached'), circ, proc)
Пример #4
    def draw_bars(self):
        up = min(1.0, self._bandwidth[-1][0] / self._max)
        dn = min(1.0, self._bandwidth[-1][1] / self._max)
        kbup = self._bandwidth[-1][1] / 1024.0
        kbdn = self._bandwidth[-1][0] / 1024.0

        status = ' ' + colors.green('%.2f' % kbdn) + '/' # + ' KiB read'
        status += ', ' + colors.red('%.2f' % kbup) # + ' KiB write'
        status += ' (%d streams, %d circuits)' % (self.streams(), self.circuits())

        # include the paths of any currently-active streams
        streams = ''
        for stream in self._state.streams.values():
            # ...there's a window during which it may not be attached yet
            if stream.circuit:
                circpath = '>'.join(map(lambda r: r.location.countrycode, stream.circuit.path))
                streams += ' ' + circpath
        if len(streams) > 24:
            streams = streams[:21] + '...'
        print(left_bar(up, 20) + unichr(0x21f5) + right_bar(dn, 20) + status + streams)
Пример #5
def string_for_stream(state, stream):
    circ = ''
    if stream.circuit:
        circ = ' via circuit %d' % stream.circuit.id
    proc = txtorcon.util.process_from_address(stream.source_addr,
                                              stream.source_port, state)
    if proc:
        proc = ' from process "%s"' % (colors.bold(
            os.path.realpath('/proc/%d/exe' % proc)), )

    elif stream.source_addr == '(Tor_internal)':
        proc = ' for Tor internal use'

    elif stream.source_addr:
        proc = ' from remote "%s:%s"' % (str(
            stream.source_addr), str(stream.source_port))

        proc = ''
    hoststring = colors.bold('%s:%d' %
                             (stream.target_host, stream.target_port))
    return 'Stream %d to %s %s%s%s' % (stream.id, hoststring,
                                       colors.green('attached'), circ, proc)