def test__init_maps_size(self): """Layout should init properly""" layout = Layout( [Map(Layer(Source(SOURCE))), Map(Layer(Source(SOURCE)))], 1, 2) assert layout._n_size == 1 assert layout._m_size == 2
def test_custom_viewport(self): """Layout should return a different viewport for every map""" layout = Layout([ Map(Layer(Source(SOURCE)), viewport={'zoom': 2}), Map(Layer(Source(SOURCE))) ], viewport={'zoom': 5}) assert layout._layout[0].get('viewport') == {'zoom': 2} assert layout._layout[1].get('viewport') == {'zoom': 5}
def test_is_static(self): """Layout should set correctly is_static property for each map""" layout = Layout([ Map(Layer(Source(SOURCE))), Map(Layer(Source(SOURCE))) ], viewport={'zoom': 5}) assert layout._layout[0].get('is_static') is True assert layout._layout[1].get('is_static') is True
def test_global_viewport(self): """Layout should return the same viewport for every map""" layout = Layout([ Map(Layer(Source(SOURCE))), Map(Layer(Source(SOURCE))) ], viewport={'zoom': 5}) assert layout._layout[0].get('viewport') == {'zoom': 5} assert layout._layout[1].get('viewport') == {'zoom': 5}
def test_custom_camera(self): """Layout should return the correct camera for each map""" layout = Layout([ Map(Layer(Source(SOURCE)), viewport={'zoom': 2}), Map(Layer(Source(SOURCE))) ], viewport={'zoom': 5}) assert layout._layout[0].get('camera') == { 'bearing': None, 'center': None, 'pitch': None, 'zoom': 2} assert layout._layout[1].get('camera') == { 'bearing': None, 'center': None, 'pitch': None, 'zoom': 5}
def test_custom_carto_vl_path(self): """Map dev path should use custom paths""" _carto_vl_path = 'custom_carto_vl_path' map = Map(_carto_vl_path=_carto_vl_path) map._repr_html_() template = map._html_map.html assert _carto_vl_path + constants.CARTO_VL_DEV in template
def test_default_interactive_layer(self): """Map layer should get the default event if the interactivity is set to []""" source_1 = Source(build_geojson([-10, 0], [-10, 0])) layer = Layer(source_1, popup={}) map = Map(layer) self.assertEqual(map.layer_defs[0].get('interactivity'), [])
def test_default_interactive_layer(self): """Map layer should get the default event if the interactivity is set to []""" source_1 = Source(build_geodataframe([-10, 0], [-10, 0])) layer = Layer(source_1) map = Map(layer) assert map.layer_defs[0].get('interactivity') == []
def test_interactive_layer(self): """Map layer should indicate if the layer has interactivity configured""" source_1 = Source( build_geodataframe([-10, 0], [-10, 0], ['pop', 'name'])) layer = Layer( source_1, popup_click=[popup_element('pop'), popup_element('name')], popup_hover=[popup_element('pop', 'Pop')]) map = Map(layer) assert map.layer_defs[0].get('interactivity') == [{ 'event': 'click', 'attrs': { 'name': 'v8e0f74', 'title': 'name' } }, { 'event': 'click', 'attrs': { 'name': 'v559339', 'title': 'pop' } }, { 'event': 'hover', 'attrs': { 'name': 'v559339', 'title': 'Pop' } }]
def test_interactive_layer(self): """Map layer should indicate if the layer has interactivity configured""" source_1 = Source( build_geodataframe([-10, 0], [-10, 0], ['pop', 'name'])) layer = Layer( source_1, popup_click=[popup_element('pop'), popup_element('name')], popup_hover=[popup_element('pop', 'Pop')]) map = Map(layer) layer_def = map.layers[0].get_layer_def() assert layer_def.get('interactivity') == [{ 'event': 'click', 'attrs': { 'name': 'v6ae999', 'title': 'name', 'format': None } }, { 'event': 'click', 'attrs': { 'name': 'v4f197c', 'title': 'pop', 'format': None } }, { 'event': 'hover', 'attrs': { 'name': 'v4f197c', 'title': 'Pop', 'format': None } }]
def test_interactive_layer(self): """Map layer should indicate if the layer has interactivity configured""" source_1 = Source(build_geojson([-10, 0], [-10, 0])) layer = Layer(source_1, popup={ 'click': ['$pop', '$name'], 'hover': [{ 'title': 'Pop', 'value': '$pop' }] }) map = Map(layer) self.assertEqual(map.layer_defs[0].get('interactivity'), [{ 'event': 'click', 'attrs': [{ 'name': 'v559339', 'title': '$pop' }, { 'name': 'v8e0f74', 'title': '$name' }] }, { 'event': 'hover', 'attrs': [{ 'name': 'v559339', 'title': 'Pop' }] }])
def test_kuviz_delete_publication(self, mocker): setup_mocks(mocker, self.credentials) html = 'fake_html' kuviz_name = 'fake_name' kuviz = CartoKuvizMock(kuviz_name) KuvizManagerNamedtuple = namedtuple('KuvizManager', ['all']) kuviz_manager_namedtuple = KuvizManagerNamedtuple(lambda: [kuviz]) mocker.patch('cartoframes.viz.kuviz._create_kuviz', return_value=kuviz) mocker.patch('cartoframes.viz.kuviz._get_kuviz_manager', return_value=kuviz_manager_namedtuple) mock = mocker.patch( 'tests.unit.mocks.kuviz_mock.CartoKuvizMock.delete') vmap = Map(Layer('fake_table', credentials=self.credentials)) kuviz_publisher = KuvizPublisher(None) kuviz_publisher.set_layers(vmap.layers) kuviz_publisher.publish(html, kuviz_name, None) delete_publication(kuviz_name, credentials=self.credentials) mock.assert_called_once_with()
def test_layout_publish_remote_default(self, mocker): setup_mocks(mocker) mock_set_content = mocker.patch('cartoframes.viz.html.html_layout.HTMLLayout.set_content') vlayout = Layout([Map(Layer('fake_table', credentials=self.credentials))]) name = 'cf_publish' kuviz_dict = vlayout.publish(name, None, self.credentials) self.assert_kuviz_dict(kuviz_dict, name, 'public') mock_set_content.assert_called_once_with( is_embed=True, is_static=False, m_size=1, n_size=1, size=['100%', 250], map_height='100%', maps=[{ 'layers': [{ 'credentials': { 'username': '******', 'api_key': 'fake_api_key', 'base_url': '' }, 'interactivity': [], 'legends': [], 'has_legend_list': True, 'encode_data': True, 'widgets': [], 'data': 'select * from fake_table', 'type': 'Query', 'title': None, 'options': {}, 'map_index': 0, 'source': 'select * from fake_table', 'viz': '''color: hex("#EE4D5A") strokeColor: opacity(#222,ramp(linear(zoom(),0,18),[0,0.6])) strokeWidth: ramp(linear(zoom(),0,18),[0,1]) width: ramp(linear(zoom(),0,18),[2,10]) ''' }], 'bounds': [[-180, -90], [180, 90]], 'size': None, 'viewport': None, 'camera': None, 'basemap': 'Positron', 'basecolor': '', 'token': '', 'show_info': None, 'has_legends': False, 'has_widgets': False, 'theme': None, 'title': None, 'description': None, 'is_static': False, 'layer_selector': False, '_carto_vl_path': None, '_airship_path': None }] )
def test_default_airship_path(self): """Map dev path should use default paths if none are given""" map = Map() template = map._htmlMap.html self.assertTrue(constants.AIRSHIP_COMPONENTS_URL in template) self.assertTrue(constants.AIRSHIP_BRIDGE_URL in template) self.assertTrue(constants.AIRSHIP_STYLES_URL in template) self.assertTrue(constants.AIRSHIP_ICONS_URL in template)
def test_map_publish_with_password(self, mocker): setup_mocks(mocker) map = Map(Layer(Source('fake_table', credentials=self.credentials))) name = 'cf_publish' kuviz_dict = map.publish(name, '1234', credentials=self.credentials) self.assert_kuviz_dict(kuviz_dict, name, 'password')
def geo_api(): """ Introduciendo un criterio para llamar a la API de Foursquare, obtienes un mapa con los puntos obtenidos """ load_dotenv() tok1 = os.getenv("tok1") tok2 = os.getenv("tok2") url_query = '' criterio = input("¿Qué quieres buscar en Foursquare? \n") limite = input("¿Cuántas búsquedas quieres que muestre? \n") radio = input("¿En qué radio?(medida = metros) \n") params = { "client_id": tok1, "client_secret": tok2, "v": "20180323", "ll": f"60.17212, 24.94519", "query": f"{criterio}", "limit": {limite}, "radius": {radio} } resp = requests.get(url=url_query, params=params) data = json.loads(resp.text) decoding_data = data.get("response") decoded = decoding_data.get("groups")[0] items = decoded.get("items") mapa_nombre = ["venue", "name"] m_latitude = ["venue", "location", "lat"] m_longitude = ["venue", "location", "lng"] def getFromDict(diccionario, mapa): return reduce(operator.getitem, mapa, diccionario) list_items = [] for dic in items: items_dict = {} items_dict["name"] = getFromDict(dic, mapa_nombre) items_dict["latitud"] = getFromDict(dic, m_latitude) items_dict["longitud"] = getFromDict(dic, m_longitude) list_items.append(items_dict) dataframefinal = pd.DataFrame(list_items) gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(dataframefinal, geometry=gpd.points_from_xy( dataframefinal.longitud, dataframefinal.latitud)) mapa = Map( Layer(gdf, popup_hover=[popup_element("name", f"{criterio}")])) return mapa
def test_bounds_clamp(self): """Map should set the bounds clamped""" map = Map(bounds={ 'west': -1000, 'east': 1000, 'north': -1000, 'south': 1000 }) assert map.bounds == [[-180, 90], [180, -90]]
def test_two_layers(self): """Map layer should be able to initialize two layers in the correct order""" source_1 = Source(build_geodataframe([-10, 0], [-10, 0])) source_2 = Source(build_geodataframe([0, 10], [10, 0])) layer_1 = Layer(source_1) layer_2 = Layer(source_2) map = Map([layer_1, layer_2]) assert map.layers == [layer_1, layer_2]
def test_default_airship_path(self): """Map dev path should use default paths if none are given""" map = Map() map._repr_html_() template = map._html_map.html assert constants.AIRSHIP_COMPONENTS_URL in template assert constants.AIRSHIP_BRIDGE_URL in template assert constants.AIRSHIP_STYLES_URL in template assert constants.AIRSHIP_MODULE_URL in template assert constants.AIRSHIP_ICONS_URL in template
def test_two_layers(self): """Map layer should be able to initialize two layers in the correct order""" source_1 = Source(build_geojson([-10, 0], [-10, 0])) source_2 = Source(build_geojson([0, 10], [10, 0])) layer_1 = Layer(source_1) layer_2 = Layer(source_2) map = Map([layer_1, layer_2]) self.assertEqual(map.layers, [layer_2, layer_1]) self.assertEqual(len(map.layer_defs), 2)
def test_map_publish_update_password(self, mocker): setup_mocks(mocker) map = Map(Layer(Source('fake_table', credentials=self.credentials))) name = 'cf_publish' map.publish(name, None, credentials=self.credentials) kuviz_dict = map.update_publication(name, '1234"') self.assert_kuviz_dict(kuviz_dict, name, 'password')
def test_map_publish_deletion(self, mocker): setup_mocks(mocker) map = Map(Layer(Source('fake_table', credentials=self.credentials))) name = 'cf_publish' map.publish(name, None, credentials=self.credentials) response = map.delete_publication() assert response is True
def test_map_publish_remote_default(self, mocker): setup_mocks(mocker) mock_set_content = mocker.patch( 'cartoframes.viz.html.html_map.HTMLMap.set_content') vmap = Map(Layer('fake_table', credentials=self.credentials)) name = 'cf_publish' kuviz_dict = vmap.publish(name, None, self.credentials) self.assert_kuviz_dict(kuviz_dict, name, 'public') mock_set_content.assert_called_once_with( _airship_path=None, _carto_vl_path=None, basemap='Positron', bounds=[[-180, -90], [180, 90]], camera=None, description=None, is_embed=True, is_static=None, layer_selector=False, layers=[{ 'credentials': { 'username': '******', 'api_key': 'fake_api_key', 'base_url': '' }, 'interactivity': [], 'legends': [], 'has_legend_list': True, 'encode_data': True, 'widgets': [], 'data': 'select * from fake_table', 'type': 'Query', 'title': None, 'options': {}, 'map_index': 0, 'source': 'select * from fake_table', 'viz': '''color: hex("#EE4D5A") strokeColor: opacity(#222,ramp(linear(zoom(),0,18),[0,0.6])) strokeWidth: ramp(linear(zoom(),0,18),[0,1]) width: ramp(linear(zoom(),0,18),[2,10]) ''' }], show_info=False, size=None, theme=None, title='cf_publish')
def test_custom_airship_path(self): """Map dev path should use custom paths""" _airship_path = 'custom_airship_path' map = Map(_airship_path=_airship_path) map._repr_html_() template = map._html_map.html assert _airship_path + constants.AIRSHIP_COMPONENTS_DEV in template assert _airship_path + constants.AIRSHIP_BRIDGE_DEV in template assert _airship_path + constants.AIRSHIP_STYLES_DEV in template assert _airship_path + constants.AIRSHIP_MODULE_DEV in template assert _airship_path + constants.AIRSHIP_ICONS_DEV in template
def test_kuviz_publisher_update_fail(self, mocker): setup_mocks(mocker, self.credentials) vmap = Map(Layer('fake_table', credentials=self.credentials)) html = 'fake_html' kuviz_name = 'fake_name' kuviz_publisher = KuvizPublisher(None) kuviz_publisher.set_layers(vmap.layers) with pytest.raises(Exception): kuviz_publisher.update(html, kuviz_name, None)
def test_custom_airship_path(self): """Map dev path should use custom paths""" _airship_path = 'custom_airship_path' map = Map(_airship_path=_airship_path) template = map._htmlMap.html self.assertTrue(_airship_path + constants.AIRSHIP_COMPONENTS_DEV in template) self.assertTrue(_airship_path + constants.AIRSHIP_BRIDGE_DEV in template) self.assertTrue(_airship_path + constants.AIRSHIP_STYLES_DEV in template) self.assertTrue(_airship_path + constants.AIRSHIP_ICONS_DEV in template)
def test_one_layer(self): """Map layer should be able to initialize one layer""" source = Source(build_geojson([-10, 0], [-10, 0])) layer = Layer(source) map = Map(layer) self.assertEqual(map.layers, [layer]) self.assertEqual(len(map.layer_defs), 1) self.assertEqual(map.layer_defs[0].get('interactivity'), []) self.assertIsNotNone(map.layer_defs[0].get('credentials')) self.assertIsNotNone(map.layer_defs[0].get('legend')) self.assertIsNotNone(map.layer_defs[0].get('query')) self.assertEqual(map.layer_defs[0].get('type'), 'GeoJSON') self.assertIsNotNone(map.layer_defs[0].get('viz'))
def test_kuviz_publisher_set_layers(self, mocker): setup_mocks(mocker, self.credentials) source_1 = Source(build_geodataframe([-10, 0], [-10, 0])) source_2 = Source(build_geodataframe([0, 10], [10, 0])) layer_1 = Layer(source_1) layer_2 = Layer(source_2) vmap = Map([layer_1, layer_2]) kuviz_publisher = KuvizPublisher(None) kuviz_publisher.set_layers(vmap.layers) assert kuviz_publisher._layers != vmap.layers assert len(kuviz_publisher._layers) == len(vmap.layers)
def test_one_layer(self): """Map layer should be able to initialize one layer""" source = Source(build_geodataframe([-10, 0], [-10, 0])) layer = Layer(source) map = Map(layer) assert map.layers == [layer] assert len(map.layer_defs) == 1 assert map.layer_defs[0].get('interactivity') == [] assert map.layer_defs[0].get('credentials') is None assert map.layer_defs[0].get('legends') is not None assert map.layer_defs[0].get('widgets') is not None assert map.layer_defs[0].get('data') is not None assert map.layer_defs[0].get('type') == 'GeoJSON' assert map.layer_defs[0].get('viz') is not None
def test_kuviz_publisher_publish(self, mocker): setup_mocks(mocker, self.credentials) kuviz = CartoKuvizMock('fake_kuviz') mocker.patch('cartoframes.viz.kuviz._create_kuviz', return_value=kuviz) vmap = Map(Layer('fake_table', credentials=self.credentials)) html = 'fake_html' kuviz_name = 'fake_name' kuviz_publisher = KuvizPublisher(None) kuviz_publisher.set_layers(vmap.layers) result = kuviz_publisher.publish(html, kuviz_name, None) assert kuviz_publisher.kuviz == kuviz assert result == kuviz_to_dict(kuviz)