Пример #1
def make_output_structure(outputs):
    outputs_vec = []
    full_list = []

    outputs_dict = {}

    for output_type in list(outputs.keys()):

        local_list = []
        for name in list(outputs[output_type].keys()):
            # prepare empty entry list to generate substruct
            local_list += [
                cas.entry(name, shape=outputs[output_type][name].shape)

            # generate vector with outputs - SX expressions
            outputs_vec = cas.vertcat(outputs_vec, outputs[output_type][name])

        # generate dict with sub-structs
        outputs_dict[output_type] = cas.struct_symMX(local_list)
        # prepare list with sub-structs to generate struct
        full_list += [cas.entry(output_type, struct=outputs_dict[output_type])]

        # generate "empty" structure
    out_struct = cas.struct_symMX(full_list)
    # generate structure with SX expressions
    outputs_struct = out_struct(outputs_vec)

    return [outputs_struct, outputs_dict]
Пример #2
def vars():
    """ System states and controls

    x = ct.struct_symMX(['z', 'y', 'ez', 'ey'])
    u = ct.struct_symMX(['u'])

    return x, u
Пример #3
def vars():
    """ System states and controls

    x = ct.struct_symMX(['X2', 'P2'])
    u = ct.struct_symMX(['P100', 'F200'])

    return x, u
Пример #4
def vars():
    """ System states and controls

    x = ct.struct_symMX(['cA', 'cB', 'theta', 'thetaK'])
    u = ct.struct_symMX(['Vdot', 'QdotK'])

    return x, u
Пример #5
 def construct_upd_z(self, problem=None, lineq_updz=True):
     if problem is not None:
         self.problem_upd_z = problem
         self._lineq_updz = lineq_updz
         return 0.
     # check if we have linear equality constraints
     self._lineq_updz, A, b = self._check_for_lineq()
     if not self._lineq_updz:
         raise ValueError('For now, only equality constrained QP ' +
                          'z-updates are allowed!')
     x_i = struct_symMX(self.q_i_struct)
     x_j = struct_symMX(self.q_ij_struct)
     l_i = struct_symMX(self.q_i_struct)
     l_ij = struct_symMX(self.q_ij_struct)
     t = MX.sym('t')
     T = MX.sym('T')
     rho = MX.sym('rho')
     par = struct_symMX(self.par_global_struct)
     inp = [x_i.cat, l_i.cat, l_ij.cat, x_j.cat, t, T, rho, par.cat]
     t0 = t / T
     # put symbols in MX structs (necessary for transformation)
     x_i = self.q_i_struct(x_i)
     x_j = self.q_ij_struct(x_j)
     l_i = self.q_i_struct(l_i)
     l_ij = self.q_ij_struct(l_ij)
     # transform spline variables: only consider future piece of spline
     tf = lambda cfs, basis: shift_knot1_fwd(cfs, basis, t0)
     self._transform_spline([x_i, l_i], tf, self.q_i)
     self._transform_spline([x_j, l_ij], tf, self.q_ij)
     # fill in parameters
     A = A(par.cat)
     b = b(par.cat)
     # build KKT system and solve it via schur complement method
     l, x = vertcat(l_i.cat, l_ij.cat), vertcat(x_i.cat, x_j.cat)
     f = -(l + rho * x)
     G = -(1 / rho) * mtimes(A, A.T)
     h = b + (1 / rho) * mtimes(A, f)
     mu = solve(G, h)
     z = -(1 / rho) * (mtimes(A.T, mu) + f)
     l_qi = self.q_i_struct.shape[0]
     l_qij = self.q_ij_struct.shape[0]
     z_i_new = self.q_i_struct(z[:l_qi])
     z_ij_new = self.q_ij_struct(z[l_qi:l_qi + l_qij])
     # transform back
     tf = lambda cfs, basis: shift_knot1_bwd(cfs, basis, t0)
     self._transform_spline(z_i_new, tf, self.q_i)
     self._transform_spline(z_ij_new, tf, self.q_ij)
     out = [z_i_new.cat, z_ij_new.cat]
     # create problem
     prob, buildtime = create_function('upd_z_' + str(self._index), inp,
                                       out, self.options)
     self.problem_upd_z = prob
     return buildtime
Пример #6
 def construct_upd_z(self, problem=None, lineq_updz=True):
     if problem is not None:
         self.problem_upd_z = problem
         self._lineq_updz = lineq_updz
         return 0.
     # check if we have linear equality constraints
     self._lineq_updz, A, b = self._check_for_lineq()
     if not self._lineq_updz:
         raise ValueError('For now, only equality constrained QP ' +
                          'z-updates are allowed!')
     x_i = struct_symMX(self.q_i_struct)
     x_j = struct_symMX(self.q_ij_struct)
     l_i = struct_symMX(self.q_i_struct)
     l_ij = struct_symMX(self.q_ij_struct)
     t = MX.sym('t')
     T = MX.sym('T')
     rho = MX.sym('rho')
     par = struct_symMX(self.par_global_struct)
     inp = [x_i.cat, l_i.cat, l_ij.cat, x_j.cat, t, T, rho, par.cat]
     t0 = t/T
     # put symbols in MX structs (necessary for transformation)
     x_i = self.q_i_struct(x_i)
     x_j = self.q_ij_struct(x_j)
     l_i = self.q_i_struct(l_i)
     l_ij = self.q_ij_struct(l_ij)
     # transform spline variables: only consider future piece of spline
     tf = lambda cfs, basis: shift_knot1_fwd(cfs, basis, t0)
     self._transform_spline([x_i, l_i], tf, self.q_i)
     self._transform_spline([x_j, l_ij], tf, self.q_ij)
     # fill in parameters
     A = A(par.cat)
     b = b(par.cat)
     # build KKT system and solve it via schur complement method
     l, x = vertcat(l_i.cat, l_ij.cat), vertcat(x_i.cat, x_j.cat)
     f = -(l + rho*x)
     G = -(1/rho)*mtimes(A, A.T)
     h = b + (1/rho)*mtimes(A, f)
     mu = solve(G, h)
     z = -(1/rho)*(mtimes(A.T, mu)+f)
     l_qi = self.q_i_struct.shape[0]
     l_qij = self.q_ij_struct.shape[0]
     z_i_new = self.q_i_struct(z[:l_qi])
     z_ij_new = self.q_ij_struct(z[l_qi:l_qi+l_qij])
     # transform back
     tf = lambda cfs, basis: shift_knot1_bwd(cfs, basis, t0)
     self._transform_spline(z_i_new, tf, self.q_i)
     self._transform_spline(z_ij_new, tf, self.q_ij)
     out = [z_i_new.cat, z_ij_new.cat]
     # create problem
     prob, buildtime = create_function('upd_z_'+str(self._index), inp, out, self.options)
     self.problem_upd_z = prob
     return buildtime
Пример #7
def construct_Xdot_struct(nlp_options, variables_dict):
    ''' Construct a symbolic structure for the
        discretized state derivatives.

    @param nlp_options - discretization options
    @param model - awebox model
    @return Vdot - discretized state derivatives sym. struct.

    # extract information
    nk = nlp_options['n_k']
    xd = variables_dict['xd']

    # derivatives at interval nodes
    entry_tuple = (cas.entry('xd', repeat=[nk], struct=xd), )

    # add derivatives on collocation nodes
    if nlp_options['discretization'] == 'direct_collocation':
        d = nlp_options['collocation']['d']
        entry_tuple += (cas.entry('coll_xd', repeat=[nk, d], struct=xd), )

    # make new symbolic structure
    Xdot = cas.struct_symMX([entry_tuple])

    return Xdot
Пример #8
 def construct_parameters(self):
     entries = []
     for label, child in self.children.items():
         entries_child = []
         for name, par in child._parameters.items():
             entries_child.append(entry(name, shape=par.shape))
         entries.append(entry(label, struct=struct(entries_child)))
     self._par_struct = struct(entries)
     return struct_symMX(self._par_struct)
Пример #9
 def construct_parameters(self):
     entries = []
     for label, child in self.children.items():
         entries_child = []
         for name, par in child._parameters.items():
             entries_child.append(entry(name, shape=par.shape))
         entries.append(entry(label, struct=struct(entries_child)))
     self._par_struct = struct(entries)
     return struct_symMX(self._par_struct)
Пример #10
def get_component_cost_structure(component_costs):

    list_of_entries = []
    for name in list(component_costs.keys()):
        list_of_entries += [cas.entry(name)]

    component_cost_struct = cas.struct_symMX(list_of_entries)

    return component_cost_struct
Пример #11
 def construct_upd_l(self, problem=None):
     if problem is not None:
         self.problem_upd_l = problem
         return 0.
     # create parameters
     z_ij = struct_symMX(self.q_ij_struct)
     l_ij = struct_symMX(self.q_ij_struct)
     x_j = struct_symMX(self.q_ij_struct)
     t = MX.sym('t')
     T = MX.sym('T')
     rho = MX.sym('rho')
     inp = [x_j, z_ij, l_ij, t, T, rho]
     # update lambda
     l_ij_new = self.q_ij_struct(l_ij.cat + rho*(x_j.cat - z_ij.cat))
     out = [l_ij_new]
     # create problem
     prob, buildtime = create_function('upd_l_'+str(self._index), inp, out, self.options)
     self.problem_upd_l = prob
     return buildtime
Пример #12
 def construct_upd_l(self, problem=None):
     if problem is not None:
         self.problem_upd_l = problem
         return 0.
     # create parameters
     z_ij = struct_symMX(self.q_ij_struct)
     l_ij = struct_symMX(self.q_ij_struct)
     x_j = struct_symMX(self.q_ij_struct)
     t = MX.sym('t')
     T = MX.sym('T')
     rho = MX.sym('rho')
     inp = [x_j, z_ij, l_ij, t, T, rho]
     # update lambda
     l_ij_new = self.q_ij_struct(l_ij.cat + rho*(x_j.cat - z_ij.cat))
     out = [l_ij_new]
     # create problem
     prob, buildtime = create_function('upd_l_'+str(self._index), inp, out, self.options)
     self.problem_upd_l = prob
     return buildtime
Пример #13
def setup_nlp_p(V, model):

    cost = setup_nlp_cost()
    p_fix = setup_nlp_p_fix(V, model)

    P = cas.struct_symMX([
        cas.entry('p', struct=p_fix),
        cas.entry('cost', struct=cost),
        cas.entry('theta0', struct=model.parameters_dict['theta0'])

    return P
Пример #14
def setup_nlp_p(V, model):

    cost = setup_nlp_cost()
    p_fix = setup_nlp_p_fix(V, model)

    use_vortex_linearization = 'lin' in model.parameters_dict.keys()
    if use_vortex_linearization:
        P = cas.struct_symMX([
            cas.entry('p', struct=p_fix),
            cas.entry('cost', struct=cost),
            cas.entry('theta0', struct=model.parameters_dict['theta0']),
            cas.entry('lin', struct=V)
        P = cas.struct_symMX([
            cas.entry('p', struct=p_fix),
            cas.entry('cost', struct=cost),
            cas.entry('theta0', struct=model.parameters_dict['theta0'])

    return P
Пример #15
    def generate_parameterization_settings(self, options):

            periodic, initial_conditions, param_initial_conditions,
            param_terminal_conditions, terminal_inequalities,
        ] = operation.get_operation_conditions(options)

        xi = cas.struct_symMX([(cas.entry('xi_0'), cas.entry('xi_f'))])
        xi_bounds = {}

        xi_bounds['xi_0'] = [0.0, 0.0]
        xi_bounds['xi_f'] = [0.0, 0.0]

        V_pickle_initial = None
        plot_dict_pickle_initial = None
        V_pickle_terminal = None
        plot_dict_pickle_terminal = None

        if param_initial_conditions:
            xi_bounds['xi_0'] = [0.0, 1.0]
            if options['trajectory']['type'] == 'compromised_landing':
                xi_0 = options['landing']['xi_0_initial']
                xi_bounds['xi_0'] = [xi_0, xi_0]
            V_pickle_initial, plot_dict_pickle_initial = self.__get_V_pickle(
                options, 'initial')

        if param_terminal_conditions:
            xi_bounds['xi_f'] = [0.0, 1.0]
            V_pickle_terminal, plot_dict_pickle_terminal = self.__get_V_pickle(
                options, 'terminal')

        if param_terminal_conditions and param_initial_conditions:
            for theta in struct_op.subkeys(V_pickle_initial, 'theta'):
                diff = V_pickle_terminal['theta',
                                         theta] - V_pickle_initial['theta',
                if theta != 't_f':
                    if (float(diff) != 0.0):
                        raise ValueError(
                            'Parameters of initial and terminal trajectory are not identical.'

        xi_dict = {}
        xi_dict['V_pickle_initial'] = V_pickle_initial
        xi_dict['plot_dict_pickle_initial'] = plot_dict_pickle_initial
        xi_dict['V_pickle_terminal'] = V_pickle_terminal
        xi_dict['plot_dict_pickle_terminal'] = plot_dict_pickle_terminal
        xi_dict['xi'] = xi
        xi_dict['xi_bounds'] = xi_bounds
        self.__xi_dict = xi_dict

        return None
Пример #16
 def _check_for_lineq(self):
     g = []
     for con in self.global_constraints:
         lb, ub = con[1], con[2]
         g = vertcat(g, con[0] - lb)
         if not isinstance(lb, np.ndarray):
             lb, ub = [lb], [ub]
         for k, _ in enumerate(lb):
             if lb[k] != ub[k]:
                 return False, None, None
     sym, jac = [], []
     for child, q_i in self.q_i.items():
         for name, ind in q_i.items():
             var = self.distr_problem.father.get_variables(child,
             jj = jacobian(g, var)
             jac = horzcat(jac, jj[:, ind])
     for nghb in self.q_ij.keys():
         for child, q_ij in self.q_ij[nghb].items():
             for name, ind in q_ij.items():
                 var = self.distr_problem.father.get_variables(
                 jj = jacobian(g, var)
                 jac = horzcat(jac, jj[:, ind])
     for sym in symvar(jac):
         if sym not in self.par_global.values():
             return False, None, None
     par = struct_symMX(self.par_global_struct)
     A, b = jac, -g
     for s in sym:
         A = substitute(A, s, np.zeros(s.shape))
         b = substitute(b, s, np.zeros(s.shape))
     dep_b = [s.name() for s in symvar(b)]
     dep_A = [s.name() for s in symvar(b)]
     for name, sym in self.par_global.items():
         if sym.name() in dep_b:
             b = substitute(b, sym, par[name])
         if sym.name() in dep_A:
             A = substitute(A, sym, par[name])
     A = Function('A', [par], [A]).expand()
     b = Function('b', [par], [b]).expand()
     return True, A, b
Пример #17
    def get_collocation_variables_struct(self, variables_dict, u_param):

        entry_list = [
            cas.entry('xd', struct=variables_dict['xd']),
            cas.entry('xa', struct=variables_dict['xa'])

        if 'xl' in list(variables_dict.keys()):
            entry_list += [cas.entry('xl', struct=variables_dict['xl'])]

        if u_param == 'poly':
            entry_list += [cas.entry('u', struct=variables_dict['u'])]

        return cas.struct_symMX(entry_list)
Пример #18
 def _check_for_lineq(self):
     g = []
     for con in self.global_constraints:
         lb, ub = con[1], con[2]
         g = vertcat(g, con[0] - lb)
         if not isinstance(lb, np.ndarray):
             lb, ub = [lb], [ub]
         for k, _ in enumerate(lb):
             if lb[k] != ub[k]:
                 return False, None, None
     sym, jac = [], []
     for child, q_i in self.q_i.items():
         for name, ind in q_i.items():
             var = self.distr_problem.father.get_variables(child, name, spline=False, symbolic=True, substitute=False)
             jj = jacobian(g, var)
             jac = horzcat(jac, jj[:, ind])
     for nghb in self.q_ij.keys():
         for child, q_ij in self.q_ij[nghb].items():
             for name, ind in q_ij.items():
                 var = self.distr_problem.father.get_variables(child, name, spline=False, symbolic=True, substitute=False)
                 jj = jacobian(g, var)
                 jac = horzcat(jac, jj[:, ind])
     for sym in symvar(jac):
         if sym not in self.par_global.values():
             return False, None, None
     par = struct_symMX(self.par_global_struct)
     A, b = jac, -g
     for s in sym:
         A = substitute(A, s, np.zeros(s.shape))
         b = substitute(b, s, np.zeros(s.shape))
     dep_b = [s.name() for s in symvar(b)]
     dep_A = [s.name() for s in symvar(b)]
     for name, sym in self.par_global.items():
         if sym.name() in dep_b:
             b = substitute(b, sym, par[name])
         if sym.name() in dep_A:
             A = substitute(A, sym, par[name])
     A = Function('A', [par], [A]).expand()
     b = Function('b', [par], [b]).expand()
     return True, A, b
Пример #19
 def _check_for_lineq(self):
     g = []
     for con in self.constraints:
         lb, ub = con[1], con[2]
         g = vertcat([g, con[0] - lb])
         if not isinstance(lb, np.ndarray):
             lb, ub = [lb], [ub]
         for k in range(len(lb)):
             if lb[k] != ub[k]:
                 return False, None, None
     sym, jac = [], []
     for child, q_i in self.q_i.items():
         for name, ind in q_i.items():
             var = child.get_variable(name, spline=False)
             jj = jacobian(g, var)
             jac = horzcat([jac, jj[:, ind]])
     for nghb in self.q_ij.keys():
         for child, q_ij in self.q_ij[nghb].items():
             for name, ind in q_ij.items():
                 var = child.get_variable(name, spline=False)
                 jj = jacobian(g, var)
                 jac = horzcat([jac, jj[:, ind]])
     for sym in symvar(jac):
         if sym not in self.par_i.values():
             return False, None, None
     par = struct_symMX(self.par_struct)
     A, b = jac, -g
     for s in sym:
         A = substitute(A, s, np.zeros(s.shape))
         b = substitute(b, s, np.zeros(s.shape))
     dep_b = [s.getName() for s in symvar(b)]
     dep_A = [s.getName() for s in symvar(b)]
     for name, sym in self.par_i.items():
         if sym.getName() in dep_b:
             b = substitute(b, sym, par[name])
         if sym.getName() in dep_A:
             A = substitute(A, sym, par[name])
     A = MXFunction('A', [par], [A]).expand()
     b = MXFunction('b', [par], [b]).expand()
     return True, A, b
Пример #20
def setup_integral_output_structure(nlp_numerics_options, integral_outputs):

    nk = nlp_numerics_options['n_k']

    entry_tuple = ()

    # interval outputs
    entry_tuple += (cas.entry('int_out',
                              repeat=[nk + 1],
                              struct=integral_outputs), )

    if nlp_numerics_options['discretization'] == 'direct_collocation':
        d = nlp_numerics_options['collocation']['d']
        entry_tuple += (cas.entry('coll_int_out',
                                  repeat=[nk, d],
                                  struct=integral_outputs), )

    Integral_outputs_struct = cas.struct_symMX([entry_tuple])

    return Integral_outputs_struct
Пример #21
 def construct_upd_res(self, problem=None):
     if problem is not None:
         self.problem_upd_res = problem
         return 0.
     # create parameters
     x_i = struct_symMX(self.q_i_struct)
     z_i = struct_symMX(self.q_i_struct)
     z_i_p = struct_symMX(self.q_i_struct)
     z_ij = struct_symMX(self.q_ij_struct)
     z_ij_p = struct_symMX(self.q_ij_struct)
     x_j = struct_symMX(self.q_ij_struct)
     t = MX.sym('t')
     T = MX.sym('T')
     t0 = t / T
     rho = MX.sym('rho')
     inp = [x_i, z_i, z_i_p, z_ij, z_ij_p, x_j, t, T, rho]
     # put symbols in MX structs (necessary for transformation)
     x_i = self.q_i_struct(x_i)
     z_i = self.q_i_struct(z_i)
     z_i_p = self.q_i_struct(z_i_p)
     z_ij = self.q_ij_struct(z_ij)
     z_ij_p = self.q_ij_struct(z_ij_p)
     x_j = self.q_ij_struct(x_j)
     # transform spline variables: only consider future piece of spline
     tf = lambda cfs, basis: shift_knot1_fwd(cfs, basis, t0)
     self._transform_spline([x_i, z_i, z_i_p], tf, self.q_i)
     self._transform_spline([x_j, z_ij, z_ij_p], tf, self.q_ij)
     # compute residuals
     pr = mtimes((x_i.cat - z_i.cat).T, (x_i.cat - z_i.cat))
     pr += mtimes((x_j.cat - z_ij.cat).T, (x_j.cat - z_ij.cat))
     dr = rho * mtimes((z_i.cat - z_i_p.cat).T, (z_i.cat - z_i_p.cat))
     dr += rho * mtimes((z_ij.cat - z_ij_p.cat).T, (z_ij.cat - z_ij_p.cat))
     cr = rho * pr + dr
     out = [pr, dr, cr]
     # create problem
     prob, buildtime = create_function('upd_res_' + str(self._index), inp,
                                       out, self.options)
     self.problem_upd_res = prob
     return buildtime
Пример #22
 def construct_upd_res(self, problem=None):
     if problem is not None:
         self.problem_upd_res = problem
         return 0.
     # create parameters
     x_i = struct_symMX(self.q_i_struct)
     z_i = struct_symMX(self.q_i_struct)
     z_i_p = struct_symMX(self.q_i_struct)
     z_ij = struct_symMX(self.q_ij_struct)
     z_ij_p = struct_symMX(self.q_ij_struct)
     x_j = struct_symMX(self.q_ij_struct)
     t = MX.sym('t')
     T = MX.sym('T')
     t0 = t/T
     rho = MX.sym('rho')
     inp = [x_i, z_i, z_i_p, z_ij, z_ij_p, x_j, t, T, rho]
     # put symbols in MX structs (necessary for transformation)
     x_i = self.q_i_struct(x_i)
     z_i = self.q_i_struct(z_i)
     z_i_p = self.q_i_struct(z_i_p)
     z_ij = self.q_ij_struct(z_ij)
     z_ij_p = self.q_ij_struct(z_ij_p)
     x_j = self.q_ij_struct(x_j)
     # transform spline variables: only consider future piece of spline
     tf = lambda cfs, basis: shift_knot1_fwd(cfs, basis, t0)
     self._transform_spline([x_i, z_i, z_i_p], tf, self.q_i)
     self._transform_spline([x_j, z_ij, z_ij_p], tf, self.q_ij)
     # compute residuals
     pr = mtimes((x_i.cat-z_i.cat).T, (x_i.cat-z_i.cat))
     pr += mtimes((x_j.cat-z_ij.cat).T, (x_j.cat-z_ij.cat))
     dr = rho*mtimes((z_i.cat-z_i_p.cat).T, (z_i.cat-z_i_p.cat))
     dr += rho*mtimes((z_ij.cat-z_ij_p.cat).T, (z_ij.cat-z_ij_p.cat))
     cr = rho*pr + dr
     out = [pr, dr, cr]
     # create problem
     prob, buildtime = create_function('upd_res_'+str(self._index), inp, out, self.options)
     self.problem_upd_res = prob
     return buildtime
Пример #23
    def __init__(
        x_d=[0] * 12,
        """ Initialize and build the MPC solver
        # Arguments:
            horizon: Prediction horizon in seconds
            model: System model
        # Optional Argumants:
            Q: State penalty matrix, default=diag(1,...,1)
            P: Termial penalty matrix, default=diag(1,...,1)
            R: Input penalty matrix, default=diag(1,...,1)*0.01
            ulb: Lower boundry input
            uub: Upper boundry input
            xlb: Lower boundry state
            xub: Upper boundry state
            terminal_constraint: Terminal condition on the state
                    * if None: No terminal constraint is used
                    * if zero: Terminal state is equal to zero
                    * if nonzero: Terminal state is bounded within +/- the constraint
            solver_opts: Additional options to pass to the NLP solver
                    e.g.: solver_opts['print_time'] = False
                          solver_opts['ipopt.tol'] = 1e-8

        self.horizon = horizon

        build_solver_time = -time.time()
        self.dt = h
        self.Nx, self.Nu = 12, 4  # TODO
        Nopt = self.Nu + self.Nx
        self.Nt = int(horizon)
        self.dynamics = dynamics

        # Initialize variables

        # Cost function weights
        if P is None:
            P = np.eye(self.Nx) * 10
        if Q is None:
            Q = np.eye(self.Nx)
        if R is None:
            R = np.eye(self.Nu) * 0.01
        if S is None:
            S = np.eye(self.Nx) * 1000
        if Sl is None:
            Sl = np.full((self.Nx, ), 1000)

        self.Q = ca.MX(Q)
        self.P = ca.MX(P)
        self.R = ca.MX(R)
        self.S = ca.MX(S)
        self.Sl = ca.MX(Sl)

        if xub is None:
            xub = np.full((self.Nx), np.inf)
        if xlb is None:
            xlb = np.full((self.Nx), -np.inf)
        if uub is None:
            uub = np.full((self.Nu), np.inf)
        if ulb is None:
            ulb = np.full((self.Nu), -np.inf)

        self.ulb = ulb
        self.uub = uub
        self.terminal_constraint = terminal_constraint
        # Starting state parameters - add slack here
        x0 = ca.MX.sym('x0', self.Nx)
        x_ref = ca.MX.sym('x_ref', self.Nx * (self.Nt + 1))
        u0 = ca.MX.sym('u0', self.Nu)
        param_s = ca.vertcat(x0, x_ref, u0)

        # Create optimization variables
        opt_var = ctools.struct_symMX([(ctools.entry('u',
                                                     shape=(self.Nu, ),
                                                     shape=(self.Nx, ),
                                                     repeat=self.Nt + 1),
                                                     shape=(self.Nx, ),

        self.opt_var = opt_var
        self.num_var = opt_var.size

        # Decision variable boundries
        self.optvar_lb = opt_var(-np.inf)
        self.optvar_ub = opt_var(np.inf)
        """ Set initial values """
        obj = ca.MX(0)
        con_eq = []
        con_ineq = []
        con_ineq_lb = []
        con_ineq_ub = []
        con_eq.append(opt_var['x', 0] - x0)

        # Generate MPC Problem
        for t in range(self.Nt):

            # Get variables
            x_t = opt_var['x', t]
            u_t = opt_var['u', t]

            # Dynamics constraint
            x_t_next = self.dynamics(x_t, u_t)
            con_eq.append(x_t_next - opt_var['x', t + 1])

            # Input constraints
            if uub is not None:
                con_ineq_lb.append(np.full((self.Nu, ), -ca.inf))
            if ulb is not None:
                con_ineq_ub.append(np.full((self.Nu, ), ca.inf))

            # State constraints
            if xub is not None:
                con_ineq_lb.append(np.full((self.Nx, ), -ca.inf))
            if xlb is not None:
                con_ineq_ub.append(np.full((self.Nx, ), ca.inf))

            if obstacles is not None:
                for obs in obstacles:
                    con_ineq.append(self.distance_obs(x_t, obs))
                    con_ineq_lb.append(ca.DM((obs.eps + obs.radius)**2))

            obj += self.running_cost((x_t - x_ref[t * 12:12 + t * 12]), self.Q,
                                     u_t, self.R)

        # Terminal Cost
        obj += self.terminal_cost(
            (opt_var['x', self.Nt] - x_ref[(self.Nt) * 12:12 +
                                           (self.Nt) * 12]), self.P)

        # Terminal contraint

        s_t = opt_var['s', 0]
        con_ineq.append((opt_var['x', self.Nt] - x_ref[(self.Nt) * 12:12 +
                                                       (self.Nt) * 12])**2 -
        con_ineq_lb.append(np.full((self.Nx, ), 0.0))
        con_ineq_ub.append(np.full((self.Nx, ), terminal_constraint**2))

        obj += self.slack_cost(s_t, self.S, self.Sl)

        # Equality constraints bounds are 0 (they are equality constraints),
        # -> Refer to CasADi documentation
        num_eq_con = ca.vertcat(*con_eq).size1()
        num_ineq_con = ca.vertcat(*con_ineq).size1()
        con_eq_lb = np.zeros((num_eq_con, 1))
        con_eq_ub = np.zeros((num_eq_con, 1))

        # Set constraints
        con = ca.vertcat(*(con_eq + con_ineq))
        self.con_lb = ca.vertcat(con_eq_lb, *con_ineq_lb)
        self.con_ub = ca.vertcat(con_eq_ub, *con_ineq_ub)

        # Build NLP Solver (can also solve QP)
        nlp = dict(x=opt_var, f=obj, g=con, p=param_s)

        options = {
            'ipopt.print_level': 0,
            'ipopt.mu_init': 0.01,
            'ipopt.tol': 1e-4,
            'ipopt.sb': 'yes',
            'ipopt.warm_start_init_point': 'yes',
            'ipopt.warm_start_bound_push': 1e-3,
            'ipopt.warm_start_bound_frac': 1e-3,
            'ipopt.warm_start_slack_bound_frac': 1e-3,
            'ipopt.warm_start_slack_bound_push': 1e-3,
            'ipopt.warm_start_mult_bound_push': 1e-3,
            'ipopt.mu_strategy': 'adaptive',
            'print_time': False,
            'verbose': False,
            'expand': True,
            'ipopt.max_iter': 100

        if solver_opts is not None:

        self.solver = ca.nlpsol('mpc_solver', 'ipopt', nlp, options)
        # self.solver = ca.nlpsol('mpc_solver', 'sqpmethod', nlp, self.sol_options_sqp)

        build_solver_time += time.time()

        print('# Time to build mpc solver: %f sec' % build_solver_time)
        print('# Number of variables: %d' % self.num_var)
        print('# Number of equality constraints: %d' % num_eq_con)
        print('# Number of inequality constraints: %d' % num_ineq_con)
Пример #24
    def __init__(self,
        """ Initialize and build the MPC solver
        # Arguments:
            horizon: Prediction horizon in seconds
            model: System model
        # Optional Argumants:
            Q: State penalty matrix
            P: Termial penalty matrix
            R: Input penalty matrix
            ulb: Lower boundry input
            uub: Upper boundry input
            xlb: Lower boundry state
            xub: Upper boundry state
            terminal_constraint: Terminal condition on the state
                    * if None: No terminal constraint is used
                    * if zero: Terminal state is equal to zero
                    * if nonzero: Terminal state is bounded within +/- the constraint
            solver_opts: Additional options to pass to the NLP solver
                    e.g.: solver_opts['print_time'] = False
                          solver_opts['ipopt.tol'] = 1e-8

        build_solver_time = -time.time()
        self.dt = model.dt
        self.Nx, self.Nu = len(model.x_eq), 1
        Nopt = self.Nu + self.Nx
        self.Nt = int(horizon / self.dt)
        self.dynamics = dynamics

        # Initialize variables
        self.x_sp = None

        # Cost function weights
        if P is None:
            P = np.eye(self.Nx) * 10
        if Q is None:
            Q = np.eye(self.Nx)
        if R is None:
            R = np.eye(self.Nu) * 0.01

        self.Q = ca.MX(Q)
        self.P = ca.MX(P)
        self.R = ca.MX(R)

        if xub is None:
            xub = np.full((self.Nx), np.inf)
        if xlb is None:
            xlb = np.full((self.Nx), -np.inf)
        if uub is None:
            uub = np.full((self.Nu), np.inf)
        if ulb is None:
            ulb = np.full((self.Nu), -np.inf)

        # Starting state parameters - add slack here
        x0 = ca.MX.sym('x0', self.Nx)
        x0_ref = ca.MX.sym('x0_ref', self.Nx)
        u0 = ca.MX.sym('u0', self.Nu)
        param_s = ca.vertcat(x0, x0_ref, u0)

        # Create optimization variables
        opt_var = ctools.struct_symMX([(
            ctools.entry('u', shape=(self.Nu, ), repeat=self.Nt),
            ctools.entry('x', shape=(self.Nx, ), repeat=self.Nt + 1),
        self.opt_var = opt_var
        self.num_var = opt_var.size

        # Decision variable boundries
        self.optvar_lb = opt_var(-np.inf)
        self.optvar_ub = opt_var(np.inf)
        """ Set initial values """
        obj = ca.MX(0)
        con_eq = []
        con_ineq = []
        con_ineq_lb = []
        con_ineq_ub = []
        con_eq.append(opt_var['x', 0] - x0)

        # Generate MPC Problem
        for t in range(self.Nt):

            # Get variables
            x_t = opt_var['x', t]
            u_t = opt_var['u', t]

            # Dynamics constraint
            x_t_next = self.dynamics(x_t, u_t)
            con_eq.append(x_t_next - opt_var['x', t + 1])

            # Input constraints
            if uub is not None:
                con_ineq_lb.append(np.full((self.Nu, ), -ca.inf))
            if ulb is not None:
                con_ineq_ub.append(np.full((self.Nu, ), ca.inf))

            # State constraints
            if xub is not None:
                con_ineq_lb.append(np.full((self.Nx, ), -ca.inf))
            if xlb is not None:
                con_ineq_ub.append(np.full((self.Nx, ), ca.inf))

            # Objective Function / Cost Function
            obj += self.running_cost((x_t - x0_ref), self.Q, u_t, self.R)

        # Terminal Cost
        obj += self.terminal_cost(opt_var['x', self.Nt] - x0_ref, self.P)

        # Terminal contraint
        if terminal_constraint is not None:
            con_ineq.append(opt_var['x', self.Nt] - x0_ref)
            con_ineq_lb.append(np.full((self.Nx, ), -terminal_constraint))
            con_ineq_ub.append(np.full((self.Nx, ), terminal_constraint))

        # Equality constraints bounds are 0 (they are equality constraints),
        # -> Refer to CasADi documentation
        num_eq_con = ca.vertcat(*con_eq).size1()
        num_ineq_con = ca.vertcat(*con_ineq).size1()
        con_eq_lb = np.zeros((num_eq_con, ))
        con_eq_ub = np.zeros((num_eq_con, ))

        # Set constraints
        con = ca.vertcat(*con_eq, *con_ineq)
        self.con_lb = ca.vertcat(con_eq_lb, *con_ineq_lb)
        self.con_ub = ca.vertcat(con_eq_ub, *con_ineq_ub)

        # Build NLP Solver (can also solve QP)
        nlp = dict(x=opt_var, f=obj, g=con, p=param_s)
        options = {
            'ipopt.print_level': 0,
            'ipopt.mu_init': 0.01,
            'ipopt.tol': 1e-8,
            'ipopt.warm_start_init_point': 'yes',
            'ipopt.warm_start_bound_push': 1e-9,
            'ipopt.warm_start_bound_frac': 1e-9,
            'ipopt.warm_start_slack_bound_frac': 1e-9,
            'ipopt.warm_start_slack_bound_push': 1e-9,
            'ipopt.warm_start_mult_bound_push': 1e-9,
            'ipopt.mu_strategy': 'adaptive',
            'print_time': False,
            'verbose': False,
            'expand': False
        if solver_opts is not None:
        self.solver = ca.nlpsol('mpc_solver', 'ipopt', nlp, options)

        build_solver_time += time.time()
        print('# Time to build mpc solver: %f sec' % build_solver_time)
        print('# Number of variables: %d' % self.num_var)
        print('# Number of equality constraints: %d' % num_eq_con)
        print('# Number of inequality constraints: %d' % num_ineq_con)
Пример #25
def get_xi_struct():
    xi = cas.struct_symMX([(cas.entry('xi_0'), cas.entry('xi_f'))])

    return xi
Пример #26
    def __init__(self,
        """ Initialize and build the MPC solver

        # Arguments:
            horizon: Prediction horizon with control inputs
            model: System model

        # Optional Argumants:
            gp: GP model
            Q: State penalty matrix, default=diag(1,...,1)
            P: Termial penalty matrix, default=diag(1,...,1)
                if feedback is True, then P is the solution of the DARE,
                discarding this option.
            R: Input penalty matrix, default=diag(1,...,1)*0.01
            S: Input rate of change penalty matrix, default=diag(1,...,1)*0.1
            lam: Slack variable penalty for constraints, defalt=1000
            lam_state: Slack variable penalty for violation of upper/lower
                        state boundy, defalt=None
            ulb: Lower boundry input
            uub: Upper boundry input
            xlb: Lower boundry state
            xub: Upper boundry state
            terminal_constraint: Terminal condition on the state
                    * if None: No terminal constraint is used
                    * if zero: Terminal state is equal to zero
                    * if nonzero: Terminal state is bounded within +/- the constraint
                    * if not None and feedback is True, then the expected value of
                        the Lyapunov function E{x^TPx} < terminal_constraint
                        is used as a terminal constraint.
            feedback: If true, use an LQR feedback function u= Kx + v
            percentile: Measure how far from the contrain that is allowed,
                        P(X in constrained set) > percentile,
                        percentile= 1 - probability of violation,
            gp_method: Method of propagating the uncertainty
                    Possible options:
                        'TA': Second order Taylor approximation
                        'ME': Mean equivalent approximation

            costFunc: Cost function to use in the objective
                    'quad': Expected valaue of Quadratic Cost
                    'sat':  Expected value of Saturating cost
            solver_opts: Additional options to pass to the NLP solver
                    e.g.: solver_opts['print_time'] = False
                          solver_opts['ipopt.tol'] = 1e-8
            discrete_method: 'gp' -  Gaussian process model
                             'rk4' - Runga-Kutta 4 Integrator
                             'exact' - CVODES or IDEAS (for ODEs or DEAs)
                             'hybrid' - GP model for dynamic equations, and RK4
                                        for kinematic equations
                             'd_hybrid' - Same as above, without uncertainty
                             'f_hybrid' - GP estimating modelling errors, with
                                          RK4 computing the the actual model
            num_con_par: Number of parameters to pass to the inequality function
            inequality_constraints: Additional inequality constraints
                    Use a function with inputs (x, covar, u, eps) and
                    that returns a dictionary with inequality constraints and limits.
                        e.g. cons = dict(con_ineq=con_ineq_array,

        # NOTES:
            * Differentiation of Sundails integrators is not supported with SX graph,
                meaning that the solver option 'extend_graph' must be set to False
                to use MX graph instead when using the 'exact' discrete method.
            * At the moment the f_hybrid option is not finished implemented...

        build_solver_time = -time.time()
        dt = model.sampling_time()
        Ny, Nu, Np = model.size()
        Nx = Nu + Ny
        Nt = int(horizon / dt)

        self.__dt = dt
        self.__Nt = Nt
        self.__Ny = Ny
        self.__Nx = Nx
        self.__Nu = Nu
        self.__num_con_par = num_con_par
        self.__model = model
        self.__hybrid = hybrid
        self.__gp = gp
        self.__feedback = feedback
        self.__discrete_method = discrete_method
        """ Default penalty values """
        if P is None:
            P = np.eye(Ny)
        if Q is None:
            Q = np.eye(Ny)
        if R is None:
            R = np.eye(Nu) * 0.01
        if S is None:
            S = np.eye(Nu) * 0.1
        if lam is None:
            lam = 1000

        self.__Q = Q
        self.__P = P
        self.__R = R
        self.__S = S
        self.__Bd = Bd
        self.__Bf = Bf

        if xub is None:
            xub = np.full((Ny), np.inf)
        if xlb is None:
            xlb = np.full((Ny), -np.inf)
        if uub is None:
            uub = np.full((Nu), np.inf)
        if ulb is None:
            ulb = np.full((Nu), -np.inf)
        """ Default percentile probability """
        if percentile is None:
            percentile = 0.95
        quantile_x = np.ones(Ny) * norm.ppf(percentile)
        quantile_u = np.ones(Nu) * norm.ppf(percentile)
        Hx = ca.MX.eye(Ny)
        Hu = ca.MX.eye(Nu)
        """ Create parameter symbols """
        mean_0_s = ca.MX.sym('mean_0', Ny)
        mean_ref_s = ca.MX.sym('mean_ref', Ny)
        u_0_s = ca.MX.sym('u_0', Nu)
        covariance_0_s = ca.MX.sym('covariance_0', Ny * Ny)
        K_s = ca.MX.sym('K', Nu * Ny)
        P_s = ca.MX.sym('P', Ny * Ny)
        con_par = ca.MX.sym('con_par', num_con_par)
        param_s = ca.vertcat(mean_0_s, mean_ref_s, covariance_0_s, u_0_s, K_s,
                             P_s, con_par)
        """ Select wich GP function to use """
        if discrete_method is 'gp':
        if solver_opts['expand'] is not False and discrete_method is 'exact':
            raise TypeError(
                "Can't use exact discrete system with expanded graph")
        """ Initialize state variance with the GP noise variance """
        if gp is not None:
            #TODO: Cannot use gp variance with hybrid model
            self.__variance_0 = np.full((Ny), 1e-10)  #gp.noise_variance()
            self.__variance_0 = np.full((Ny), 1e-10)
        """ Define which cost function to use """
        self.__set_cost_function(costFunc, mean_ref_s, P_s.reshape((Ny, Ny)))
        """ Feedback function """
        mean_s = ca.MX.sym('mean', Ny)
        v_s = ca.MX.sym('v', Nu)
        if feedback:
            u_func = ca.Function(
                'u', [mean_s, mean_ref_s, v_s, K_s],
                [v_s + ca.mtimes(K_s.reshape((Nu, Ny)), mean_s - mean_ref_s)])
            u_func = ca.Function('u', [mean_s, mean_ref_s, v_s, K_s], [v_s])
        self.__u_func = u_func
        """ Create variables struct """
        var = ctools.struct_symMX([(
            ctools.entry('mean', shape=(Ny, ), repeat=Nt + 1),
                         shape=(int((Ny**2 - Ny) / 2 + Ny), ),
                         repeat=Nt + 1),
            ctools.entry('v', shape=(Nu, ), repeat=Nt),
            ctools.entry('eps', shape=(3, ), repeat=Nt + 1),
            ctools.entry('eps_state', shape=(Ny, ), repeat=Nt + 1),
        num_slack = 3  #TODO: Make this a little more dynamic...
        num_state_slack = Ny
        self.__var = var
        self.__num_var = var.size

        # Decision variable boundries
        self.__varlb = var(-np.inf)
        self.__varub = var(np.inf)
        """ Adjust hard boundries """
        for t in range(Nt + 1):
            j = Ny
            k = 0
            for i in range(Ny):
                # Lower boundry of diagonal
                self.__varlb['L', t, k] = 0
                k += j
                j -= 1
            self.__varlb['eps', t] = 0
            self.__varlb['eps_state', t] = 0
            if xub is not None:
                self.__varub['mean', t] = xub
            if xlb is not None:
                self.__varlb['mean', t] = xlb
            if lam_state is None:
                self.__varub['eps_state'] = 0
        """ Input covariance matrix """
        if discrete_method is 'hybrid':
            N_gp, Ny_gp, Nu_gp = self.__gp.get_size()
            Nz_gp = Ny_gp + Nu_gp
            covar_d_sx = ca.SX.sym('cov_d', Ny_gp, Ny_gp)
            K_sx = ca.SX.sym('K', Nu, Ny)
            covar_u_func = ca.Function(
                [covar_d_sx, K_sx],
                #                                       [K_sx @ covar_d_sx @ K_sx.T])
                [ca.SX(Nu, Nu)])
            covar_s = ca.SX(Nz_gp, Nz_gp)
            covar_s[:Ny_gp, :Ny_gp] = covar_d_sx
            #            covar_s = ca.blockcat(covar_x_s, cov_xu, cov_xu.T, cov_u)
            covar_func = ca.Function('covar', [covar_d_sx], [covar_s])
        elif discrete_method is 'f_hybrid':
            #TODO: Fix this...
            N_gp, Ny_gp, Nu_gp = self.__gp.get_size()
            Nz_gp = Ny_gp + Nu_gp
            #            covar_x_s = ca.MX.sym('covar_x', Ny_gp, Ny_gp)
            covar_d_sx = ca.SX.sym('cov_d', Ny_gp, Ny_gp)
            K_sx = ca.SX.sym('K', Nu, Ny)
            covar_u_func = ca.Function(
                [covar_d_sx, K_sx],
                #                                       [K_sx @ covar_d_sx @ K_sx.T])
                [ca.SX(Nu, Nu)])
            #            cov_xu_func = ca.Function('cov_xu', [covar_x_sx, K_sx],
            #                                      [covar_x_sx @ K_sx.T])
            #            cov_xu = cov_xu_func(covar_x_s, K_s.reshape((Nu, Ny)))
            #            cov_u = covar_u_func(covar_x_s, K_s.reshape((Nu, Ny)))
            covar_s = ca.SX(Nz_gp, Nz_gp)
            covar_s[:Ny_gp, :Ny_gp] = covar_d_sx
            #            covar_s = ca.blockcat(covar_x_s, cov_xu, cov_xu.T, cov_u)
            covar_func = ca.Function('covar', [covar_d_sx], [covar_s])
            covar_x_s = ca.MX.sym('covar_x', Ny, Ny)
            covar_x_sx = ca.SX.sym('cov_x', Ny, Ny)
            K_sx = ca.SX.sym('K', Nu, Ny)
            covar_u_func = ca.Function('cov_u', [covar_x_sx, K_sx],
                                       [K_sx @ covar_x_sx @ K_sx.T])
            cov_xu_func = ca.Function('cov_xu', [covar_x_sx, K_sx],
                                      [covar_x_sx @ K_sx.T])
            cov_xu = cov_xu_func(covar_x_s, K_s.reshape((Nu, Ny)))
            cov_u = covar_u_func(covar_x_s, K_s.reshape((Nu, Ny)))
            covar_s = ca.blockcat(covar_x_s, cov_xu, cov_xu.T, cov_u)
            covar_func = ca.Function('covar', [covar_x_s], [covar_s])
        """ Hybrid output covariance matrix """
        if discrete_method is 'hybrid':
            N_gp, Ny_gp, Nu_gp = self.__gp.get_size()
            covar_d_sx = ca.SX.sym('covar_d', Ny_gp, Ny_gp)
            covar_x_sx = ca.SX.sym('covar_x', Ny, Ny)
            u_s = ca.SX.sym('u', Nu)

            cov_x_next_s = ca.SX(Ny, Ny)
            cov_x_next_s[:Ny_gp, :Ny_gp] = covar_d_sx
            #TODO: Missing kinematic states
            covar_x_next_func = ca.Function(
                #[mean_s, u_s, covar_d_sx, covar_x_sx],
            """ f_hybrid output covariance matrix """
        elif discrete_method is 'f_hybrid':
            N_gp, Ny_gp, Nu_gp = self.__gp.get_size()
            #            Nz_gp = Ny_gp + Nu_gp
            covar_d_sx = ca.SX.sym('covar_d', Ny_gp, Ny_gp)
            covar_x_sx = ca.SX.sym('covar_x', Ny, Ny)
            #            L_x       = ca.SX.sym('L', ca.Sparsity.lower(Ny))
            #            L_d       = ca.SX.sym('L', ca.Sparsity.lower(3))
            mean_s = ca.SX.sym('mean', Ny)
            u_s = ca.SX.sym('u', Nu)

            #            A_f     = hybrid.rk4_jacobian_x(mean_s[Ny_gp:], mean_s[:Ny_gp])
            #            B_f     = hybrid.rk4_jacobian_u(mean_s[Ny_gp:], mean_s[:Ny_gp])
            #            C       = ca.horzcat(A_f, B_f)
            #            cov = ca.blocksplit(covar_x_s, Ny_gp, Ny_gp)
            #            cov[-1][-1] = covar_d_sx
            #            cov_i = ca.blockcat(cov)
            #            cov_f   =  C @ cov_i @ C.T
            #            cov[0][0] = cov_f

            cov_x_next_s = ca.SX(Ny, Ny)
            cov_x_next_s[:Ny_gp, :Ny_gp] = covar_d_sx
            #            cov_x_next_s[Ny_gp:, Ny_gp:] =
            #TODO: Pre-solve the GP jacobian using the initial condition in the solve iteration
            #            jac_mean  = ca.SX(Ny_gp, Ny)
            #            jac_mean = self.__gp.jacobian(mean_s[:Ny_gp], u_s, 0)
            #            A = ca.horzcat(jac_f, Bd)
            #            jac = Bf @ jac_f @ Bf.T + Bd @ jac_mean @ Bd.T

            #            temp = jac_mean @ covar_x_s
            #            temp = jac_mean @ L_s
            #            cov_i = ca.SX(Ny + 3, Ny + 3)
            #            cov_i[:Ny,:Ny] = covar_x_s
            #            cov_i[Ny:, Ny:] = covar_d_s
            #            cov_i[Ny:, :Ny] = temp
            #            cov_i[:Ny, Ny:] = temp.T
            #TODO: This is just a new TA implementation... CLEAN UP...
            covar_x_next_func = ca.Function(
                [mean_s, u_s, covar_d_sx, covar_x_sx],
                #TODO: Clean up
                #                                            [A @ cov_i @ A.T])
                #                                            [Bd @ covar_d_s @ Bd.T + jac @ covar_x_s @ jac.T])
                #                                             [ca.blockcat(cov)])
            # Cholesky factorization of covariance function

    #            S_x_next_func = ca.Function( 'S_x', [mean_s, u_s, covar_d_s, covar_x_s],
    #                                            [Bd @ covar_d_s + jac @ covar_x_s])

        L_s = ca.SX.sym('L', ca.Sparsity.lower(Ny))
        L_to_cov_func = ca.Function('cov', [L_s], [L_s @ L_s.T])
        covar_x_sx = ca.SX.sym('cov_x', Ny, Ny)
        cholesky = ca.Function('cholesky', [covar_x_sx],
        """ Set initial values """
        obj = ca.MX(0)
        con_eq = []
        con_ineq = []
        con_ineq_lb = []
        con_ineq_ub = []
        con_eq.append(var['mean', 0] - mean_0_s)
        L_0_s = ca.MX(ca.Sparsity.lower(Ny), var['L', 0])
        L_init = cholesky(covariance_0_s.reshape((Ny, Ny)))
        con_eq.append(L_0_s.nz[:] - L_init.nz[:])
        u_past = u_0_s
        """ Build constraints """
        for t in range(Nt):
            # Input to GP
            mean_t = var['mean', t]
            u_t = u_func(mean_t, mean_ref_s, var['v', t], K_s)
            L_x = ca.MX(ca.Sparsity.lower(Ny), var['L', t])
            covar_x_t = L_to_cov_func(L_x)

            if discrete_method is 'hybrid':
                N_gp, Ny_gp, Nu_gp = self.__gp.get_size()
                covar_t = covar_func(covar_x_t[:Ny_gp, :Ny_gp])
            elif discrete_method is 'd_hybrid':
                N_gp, Ny_gp, Nu_gp = self.__gp.get_size()
                covar_t = ca.MX(Ny_gp + Nu_gp, Ny_gp + Nu_gp)
            elif discrete_method is 'gp':
                covar_t = covar_func(covar_x_t)
                covar_t = ca.MX(Nx, Nx)
            """ Select the chosen integrator """
            if discrete_method is 'rk4':
                mean_next_pred = model.rk4(mean_t, u_t, [])
                covar_x_next_pred = ca.MX(Ny, Ny)
            elif discrete_method is 'exact':
                mean_next_pred = model.Integrator(x0=mean_t, p=u_t)['xf']
                covar_x_next_pred = ca.MX(Ny, Ny)
            elif discrete_method is 'd_hybrid':
                # Deterministic hybrid GP model
                N_gp, Ny_gp, Nu_gp = self.__gp.get_size()
                mean_d, covar_d = self.__gp.predict(mean_t[:Ny_gp], u_t,
                mean_next_pred = ca.vertcat(
                    mean_d, hybrid.rk4(mean_t[Ny_gp:], mean_t[:Ny_gp], []))
                covar_x_next_pred = ca.MX(Ny, Ny)
            elif discrete_method is 'hybrid':
                # Hybrid GP model
                N_gp, Ny_gp, Nu_gp = self.__gp.get_size()
                mean_d, covar_d = self.__gp.predict(mean_t[:Ny_gp], u_t,
                mean_next_pred = ca.vertcat(
                    mean_d, hybrid.rk4(mean_t[Ny_gp:], mean_t[:Ny_gp], []))
                #covar_x_next_pred = covar_x_next_func(mean_t, u_t, covar_d,
                #                                        covar_x_t)
                covar_x_next_pred = covar_x_next_func(covar_d)
            elif discrete_method is 'f_hybrid':
                #TODO: Hybrid GP model estimating model error
                N_gp, Ny_gp, Nu_gp = self.__gp.get_size()
                mean_d, covar_d = self.__gp.predict(mean_t[:Ny_gp], u_t,
                mean_next_pred = ca.vertcat(
                    mean_d, hybrid.rk4(mean_t[Ny_gp:], mean_t[:Ny_gp], []))
                covar_x_next_pred = covar_x_next_func(mean_t, u_t, covar_d,
            else:  # Use GP as default
                mean_next_pred, covar_x_next_pred = self.__gp.predict(
                    mean_t, u_t, covar_t)
            """ Continuity constraints """
            mean_next = var['mean', t + 1]
            con_eq.append(mean_next_pred - mean_next)

            L_x_next = ca.MX(ca.Sparsity.lower(Ny), var['L', t + 1])
            covar_x_next = L_to_cov_func(L_x_next).reshape((Ny * Ny, 1))
            L_x_next_pred = cholesky(covar_x_next_pred)
            con_eq.append(L_x_next_pred.nz[:] - L_x_next.nz[:])
            """ Chance state constraints """
            cons = self.__constraint(mean_next, L_x_next, Hx, quantile_x, xub,
                                     xlb, var['eps_state', t])
            """ Input constraints """
            #            cov_u = covar_u_func(covar_x_t, K_s.reshape((Nu, Ny)))
            cov_u = ca.MX(Nu, Nu)
            #            cons = self.__constraint(u_t, cov_u, Hu, quantile_u, uub, ulb)
            #            con_ineq.extend(cons['con'])
            #            con_ineq_lb.extend(cons['con_lb'])
            #            con_ineq_ub.extend(cons['con_ub'])
            if uub is not None:
                con_ineq_lb.append(np.full((Nu, ), -ca.inf))
            if ulb is not None:
                con_ineq_ub.append(np.full((Nu, ), ca.inf))
            """ Add extra constraints """
            if inequality_constraints is not None:
                cons = inequality_constraints(var['mean', t + 1], covar_x_next,
                                              u_t, var['eps', t], con_par)
            """ Objective function """
            u_delta = u_t - u_past
            obj += self.__l_func(var['mean', t], covar_x_t, u_t, cov_u, u_delta) \
                    + np.full((1, num_slack),lam) @ var['eps', t]
            if lam_state is not None:
                obj += np.full(
                    (1, num_state_slack), lam_state) @ var['eps_state', t]
            u_t = u_past
        L_x = ca.MX(ca.Sparsity.lower(Ny), var['L', Nt])
        covar_x_t = L_to_cov_func(L_x)
        obj += self.__lf_func(var['mean', Nt], covar_x_t, P_s.reshape((Ny, Ny))) \
            + np.full((1, num_slack),lam) @ var['eps', Nt]
        if lam_state is not None:
            obj += np.full(
                (1, num_state_slack), lam_state) @ var['eps_state', Nt]

        num_eq_con = ca.vertcat(*con_eq).size1()
        num_ineq_con = ca.vertcat(*con_ineq).size1()
        con_eq_lb = np.zeros((num_eq_con, ))
        con_eq_ub = np.zeros((num_eq_con, ))
        """ Terminal contraint """
        if terminal_constraint is not None and not feedback:
            con_ineq.append(var['mean', Nt] - mean_ref_s)
            num_ineq_con += Ny
            con_ineq_lb.append(np.full((Ny, ), -terminal_constraint))
            con_ineq_ub.append(np.full((Ny, ), terminal_constraint))
        elif terminal_constraint is not None and feedback:
                self.__lf_func(var['mean', Nt], covar_x_t, P_s.reshape(
                    (Ny, Ny))))
            num_ineq_con += 1
        con = ca.vertcat(*con_eq, *con_ineq)
        self.__conlb = ca.vertcat(con_eq_lb, *con_ineq_lb)
        self.__conub = ca.vertcat(con_eq_ub, *con_ineq_ub)
        """ Build solver object """
        nlp = dict(x=var, f=obj, g=con, p=param_s)
        options = {
            'ipopt.print_level': 0,
            'ipopt.mu_init': 0.01,
            'ipopt.tol': 1e-8,
            'ipopt.warm_start_init_point': 'yes',
            'ipopt.warm_start_bound_push': 1e-9,
            'ipopt.warm_start_bound_frac': 1e-9,
            'ipopt.warm_start_slack_bound_frac': 1e-9,
            'ipopt.warm_start_slack_bound_push': 1e-9,
            'ipopt.warm_start_mult_bound_push': 1e-9,
            'ipopt.mu_strategy': 'adaptive',
            'print_time': False,
            'verbose': False,
            'expand': True
        if solver_opts is not None:
        self.__solver = ca.nlpsol('mpc_solver', 'ipopt', nlp, options)

        # First prediction used in the NLP, used in plot later
        self.__var_prediction = np.zeros((Nt + 1, Ny))
        self.__mean_prediction = np.zeros((Nt + 1, Ny))
        self.__mean = None

        build_solver_time += time.time()
        print('# Time to build mpc solver: %f sec' % build_solver_time)
        print('# Number of variables: %d' % self.__num_var)
        print('# Number of equality constraints: %d' % num_eq_con)
        print('# Number of inequality constraints: %d' % num_ineq_con)
Пример #27
 def _construct_upd_z_nlp(self):
     # construct variables
     self._var_struct_updz = struct([entry('z_i', struct=self.q_i_struct),
                                     entry('z_ij', struct=self.q_ij_struct)])
     var = struct_symMX(self._var_struct_updz)
     z_i = self.q_i_struct(var['z_i'])
     z_ij = self.q_ij_struct(var['z_ij'])
     # construct parameters
     self._par_struct_updz = struct([entry('x_i', struct=self.q_i_struct),
                                     entry('x_j', struct=self.q_ij_struct),
                                     entry('l_i', struct=self.q_i_struct),
                                     entry('l_ij', struct=self.q_ij_struct),
                                     entry('t'), entry('T'), entry('rho'),
                                     entry('par', struct=self.par_struct)])
     par = struct_symMX(self._par_struct_updz)
     x_i, x_j = self.q_i_struct(par['x_i']), self.q_ij_struct(par['x_j'])
     l_i, l_ij = self.q_i_struct(par['l_i']), self.q_ij_struct(par['l_ij'])
     t, T, rho = par['t'], par['T'], par['rho']
     t0 = t/T
     # transform spline variables: only consider future piece of spline
     tf = lambda cfs, basis: shift_knot1_fwd(cfs, basis, t0)
     self._transform_spline([x_i, z_i, l_i], tf, self.q_i)
     self._transform_spline([x_j, z_ij, l_ij], tf, self.q_ij)
     # construct constraints
     constraints, lb, ub = [], [], []
     for con in self.constraints:
         c = con[0]
         for sym in symvar(c):
             for label, child in self.group.items():
                 if sym.getName() in child.symbol_dict:
                     name = child.symbol_dict[sym.getName()][1]
                     v = z_i[label, name]
                     ind = self.q_i[child][name]
                     sym2 = MX.zeros(sym.size())
                     sym2[ind] = v
                     sym2 = reshape(sym2, sym.shape)
                     c = substitute(c, sym, sym2)
             for nghb in self.q_ij.keys():
                 for label, child in nghb.group.items():
                     if sym.getName() in child.symbol_dict:
                         name = child.symbol_dict[sym.getName()][1]
                         v = z_ij[nghb.label, label, name]
                         ind = self.q_ij[nghb][child][name]
                         sym2 = MX.zeros(sym.size())
                         sym2[ind] = v
                         sym2 = reshape(sym2, sym.shape)
                         c = substitute(c, sym, sym2)
             for name, s in self.par_i.items():
                 if s.getName() == sym.getName():
                     c = substitute(c, sym, par['par', name])
     self.lb_updz, self.ub_updz = lb, ub
     # construct objective
     obj = 0.
     for child, q_i in self.q_i.items():
         for name in q_i.keys():
             x = x_i[child.label, name]
             z = z_i[child.label, name]
             l = l_i[child.label, name]
             obj += mul(l.T, x-z) + 0.5*rho*mul((x-z).T, (x-z))
     for nghb in self.q_ij.keys():
         for child, q_ij in self.q_ij[nghb].items():
             for name in q_ij.keys():
                 x = x_j[str(nghb), child.label, name]
                 z = z_ij[str(nghb), child.label, name]
                 l = l_ij[str(nghb), child.label, name]
                 obj += mul(l.T, x-z) + 0.5*rho*mul((x-z).T, (x-z))
     # construct problem
     prob, compile_time = self.father.create_nlp(var, par, obj,
                                                 constraints, self.options)
     self.problem_upd_z = prob
Пример #28
def setup_nlp_v(nlp_numerics_options, model, formulation, Collocation):

    # extract necessary inputs
    variables_dict = model.variables_dict
    nk = nlp_numerics_options['n_k']

    # check if phase fix and adjust theta accordingly
    if nlp_numerics_options['phase_fix']:
        theta = get_phase_fix_theta(variables_dict)
        theta = variables_dict['theta']

    # define interval struct entries for controls and states
    entry_tuple = (
        cas.entry('xd', repeat=[nk + 1], struct=variables_dict['xd']),
        cas.entry('u', repeat=[nk], struct=variables_dict['u']),

    # add additional variables according to provided options
    if nlp_numerics_options['discretization'] == 'direct_collocation':

        # add algebraic variables at interval except for radau case
        if nlp_numerics_options['collocation']['scheme'] != 'radau':
            if nlp_numerics_options['lift_xddot']:
                entry_tuple += (
                        'xddot', repeat=[nk], struct=variables_dict['xddot']
                    ),  # depends on implementation (e.g. not present for radau collocation)
            if nlp_numerics_options['lift_xa']:
                entry_tuple += (
                    cas.entry('xa', repeat=[nk], struct=variables_dict['xa']),
                )  # depends on implementation (e.g. not present for radau collocation)
                if 'xl' in list(variables_dict.keys()):
                    entry_tuple += (
                    )  # depends on implementation (e.g. not present for radau collocation)

        # add collocation node variables
        d = nlp_numerics_options['collocation'][
            'd']  # interpolating polynomial order
        coll_var = Collocation.get_collocation_variables_struct(variables_dict)
        entry_tuple += (cas.entry('coll_var', struct=coll_var, repeat=[nk,
                                                                       d]), )

    elif nlp_numerics_options['discretization'] == 'multiple_shooting':

        # add slack variables for inequalities
        if nlp_numerics_options[
                'slack_constraints'] == True and model.constraints_dict[
            entry_tuple += (cas.entry(
                'us', repeat=[nk],
                struct=model.constraints_dict['inequality']), )

        # multiple shooting: add algebraic variables at interval if lifted
        if nlp_numerics_options['lift_xddot']:
            entry_tuple += (
                    'xddot', repeat=[nk], struct=variables_dict['xddot']
                ),  # depends on implementation (e.g. not present for radau collocation)
        if nlp_numerics_options['lift_xa']:
            entry_tuple += (
                cas.entry('xa', repeat=[nk], struct=variables_dict['xa']),
            )  # depends on implementation (e.g. not present for radau collocation)
            if 'xl' in list(variables_dict.keys()):
                entry_tuple += (
                    cas.entry('xl', repeat=[nk], struct=variables_dict['xl']),
                )  # depends on implementation (e.g. not present for radau collocation)

    # add global entries
    entry_list = [entry_tuple]
    entry_list += [
        cas.entry('theta', struct=theta),
        cas.entry('phi', struct=model.parameters_dict['phi']),
        cas.entry('xi', struct=formulation.xi_dict['xi'])

    # generate structure
    V = cas.struct_symMX(entry_list)

    return V
Пример #29
    def run(self, x0, u_sim, theta_sim, phi_sim):
        # check consistency of initial conditions:
        # to do: check values of g, gdot...
        consistency = True
        if consistency == False:
            raise ValueError('provided initial conditions are not consistent!')
            # horizon length
            N = len(u_sim)

            # V_sim / simulation output structure
            V_sim = cas.struct_symMX([
                cas.entry('xd', repeat=[N, self.__N_sim],   struct=self.__variables_dict['xd']),
                cas.entry('xa', repeat=[N, self.__N_sim-1], struct=self.__variables_dict['xa']),
                cas.entry('xl', repeat=[N, self.__N_sim-1], struct=self.__variables_dict['xl']),
                cas.entry('u', repeat=[N], struct=self.__variables_dict['u']),
            cas.entry('theta', struct=self.__variables_dict['theta']),
            cas.entry('phi', struct=self.__phi)

            # initialize solution vector
            V0 = V_sim(0.)

            # fill in controls and parameters
            for i in range(N):
                for name in list(self.__variables_dict['u'].keys()):
                    V0['u',i,name] = self.__variables_dict['u'](u_sim[i])[name]
            V0['theta'] = theta_sim
            # adjust time-scaling factor for integrator step size
            V0['theta','t_f'] = V0['theta','t_f'] / N
            V0['phi'] = phi_sim

            # integrate / fill in states and alg vars

            # initial state
            x_sim = self.__x(x0)['xd']
            z_sim = self.__z(0.0)
            for i in range(N):

                # dae parameters for this time step
                p_sim = self.__p(0.)
                p_sim['u'] = u_sim[i]
                p_sim['theta'] = V0['theta']
                p_sim['phi'] = V0['phi']

                # state on initial time of shooting node
                for name in list(self.__variables_dict['xd'].keys()):
                    V0['xd',i,0,name] = self.__variables_dict['xd'](x_sim)[name]

                # integrate up to (including) the final time of the shooting node
                for j in range(self.__N_sim-1):
                    ### TESTING
                    # [ode_test, alg_test] = self.__f(x_sim,0.,p_sim.cat)
                    # z_test = self.__rootfinder(0.,x_sim,p_sim.cat)
                    # xddot_test = self.__variables_dict['xddot'](self.__z(z_test)['xddot'])

                    # perform integration
                    res = self.__integrator(x0= x_sim, p = p_sim.cat, z0 = z_sim.cat)

                    # set new initial guess for algebraic variable
                    z_sim = self.__z(res['zf'])

                    # set algebraic variables
                    for name in list(self.__variables_dict['xa'].keys()):
                        V0['xa',i,j,name] = self.__variables_dict['xa'](z_sim['xa'])[name]
                    # set lifted variables
                    for name in list(self.__variables_dict['xl'].keys()):
                        V0['xl',i,j,name] = self.__variables_dict['xl'](z_sim['xl'])[name]

                    # set-up next state
                    x_sim = self.__x(res['xf'])['xd']

                    # set differential states
                    for name in list(self.__variables_dict['xd'].keys()):
                        V0['xd',i,j+1,name] = self.__variables_dict['xd'](x_sim)[name]

            self.__status = 'I am a simulation.'
            self.__V0 = V0
            print('Simulation solved.')

            return None
Пример #30
    def __construct_solver(self):
        """ Construct periodic NLP and solver.

        # system variables and dimensions
        x = self.__vars['x']
        u = self.__vars['u']

        variables_entry = (ct.entry('x', shape=(self.__nx, ), repeat=self.__N),
                           ct.entry('u', shape=(self.__nu, ), repeat=self.__N))

        if 'us' in self.__vars:
            variables_entry += (ct.entry('us',
                                         shape=(self.__ns, ),
                                         repeat=self.__N), )

        # nlp variables + bounds
        w = ct.struct_symMX([variables_entry])

        self.__lbw = w(-np.inf)
        self.__ubw = w(np.inf)

        # prepare dynamics and path constraints entry
        constraints_entry = (ct.entry('dyn',
                                      shape=(self.__nx, ),
                                      repeat=self.__N), )
        if self.__h is not None:
            constraints_entry += (ct.entry('h',
                                           repeat=self.__N), )
        if self.__gnl is not None:
            constraints_entry += (ct.entry('g',
                                           repeat=self.__N), )

        # create general constraints structure
        g_struct = ct.struct_symMX([

        # create symbolic constraint expressions
        map_args = collections.OrderedDict()
        map_args['x0'] = ct.horzcat(*w['x'])
        map_args['p'] = ct.horzcat(*w['u'])

        # evaluate function dynamics
        F_constr = ct.horzsplit(
            self.__F.map(self.__N, self.__parallelization)(**map_args)['xf'])

        # generate constraints
        constr = collections.OrderedDict()
        constr['dyn'] = [
            a - b for a, b in zip(F_constr, w['x', 1:] + [w['x', 0]])

        if 'us' in self.__vars:
            map_args['us'] = ct.horzcat(*w['us'])
        if self.__h is not None:
            constr['h'] = ct.horzsplit(
        if self.__gnl is not None:
            constr['g'] = ct.horzsplit(

        # interleaving of constraints
        repeated_constr = list(

        # fill in constraint structure
        self.__g = g_struct(ca.vertcat(*repeated_constr))

        # constraint bounds
        self.__lbg = g_struct(np.zeros(self.__g.shape))
        self.__ubg = g_struct(np.zeros(self.__g.shape))

        if self.__h is not None:
            self.__ubg['h', :] = np.inf

        # nlp cost
        cost_map_fun = self.__cost.map(self.__N, self.__parallelization)
        f = ca.sum2(cost_map_fun(map_args['x0'], map_args['p']))

        # add phase fixing cost
        alpha = ca.MX.sym('alpha')
        x0star = ca.MX.sym('x0star', self.__nx, 1)
        f += self.__phase_fix_fun(alpha, x0star, w['x', 0])

        # add slack regularization
        # if 'us' in self.__vars:
        #     f += self.__reg_slack*ct.mtimes(ct.vertcat(*w['us']).T,ct.vertcat(*w['us']))

        # NLP parameters
        p = ca.vertcat(alpha, x0star)
        self.__w = w
        self.__g_fun = ca.Function('g_fun', [w, p], [self.__g])

        # create IP-solver
        prob = {'f': f, 'g': self.__g, 'x': w, 'p': p}
        opts = {'ipopt': {'linear_solver': 'ma57'}, 'expand': False}
        if Logger.logger.getEffectiveLevel() > 10:
            opts['ipopt']['print_level'] = 0
            opts['print_time'] = 0
            opts['ipopt']['sb'] = 'yes'

        self.__solver = ca.nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', prob, opts)

        # create SQP-solver
        prob['lbg'] = self.__lbg
        prob['ubg'] = self.__ubg
        self.__sqp_solver = sqp_method.Sqp(prob)

        return None
Пример #31
    def __construct_solver(self):
        """ Construct periodic MPC solver

        # system variables and dimensions
        x = self.__vars['x']
        u = self.__vars['u']

        # NLP parameters

        if self.__type == 'economic':

            # parameters
            self.__p = ct.struct_symMX([
                ct.entry('x0', shape=(self.__nx, 1)),
                ct.entry('xN', shape=(self.__nx, 1))

            # reassign for brevity
            x0 = self.__p['x0']
            xN = self.__p['xN']

        if self.__type == 'tracking':
            ref_vars = (ct.entry('x', shape=(self.__nx, ),
                                 repeat=self.__N + 1),
                        ct.entry('u', shape=(self.__nu, ), repeat=self.__N))

            if 'us' in self.__vars:
                ref_vars += (ct.entry('us',
                                      shape=(self.__ns, ),
                                      repeat=self.__N), )

            # reference trajectory
            wref = ct.struct_symMX([ref_vars])

            nw = self.__nx + self.__nu + self.__ns
            tuning = ct.struct_symMX([  # tracking tuning
                ct.entry('H', shape=(nw, nw), repeat=self.__N),
                ct.entry('q', shape=(nw, 1), repeat=self.__N)

            # parameters
            self.__p = ct.struct_symMX([
                ct.entry('x0', shape=(self.__nx, )),
                ct.entry('wref', struct=wref),
                ct.entry('tuning', struct=tuning)

            # reassign for brevity
            x0 = self.__p['x0']
            wref = self.__p.prefix['wref']
            tuning = self.__p.prefix['tuning']
            xN = wref['x', -1]

        # NLP variables
        variables_entry = (ct.entry('x',
                                    shape=(self.__nx, ),
                                    repeat=self.__N + 1),
                           ct.entry('u', shape=(self.__nu, ), repeat=self.__N))

        if 'us' in self.__vars:
            variables_entry += (ct.entry('us',
                                         shape=(self.__ns, ),
                                         repeat=self.__N), )

        self.__wref = ct.struct_symMX([variables_entry
                                       ])  # structure of reference

        if 'usc' in self.__vars:
            variables_entry += (ct.entry('usc',
                                         shape=(self.__nsc, ),
                                         repeat=self.__N), )

        # nlp variables + bounds
        w = ct.struct_symMX([variables_entry])

        # variable bounds are implemented as inequalities
        self.__lbw = w(-np.inf)
        self.__ubw = w(np.inf)

        # prepare dynamics and path constraints entry
        constraints_entry = (ct.entry('dyn',
                                      shape=(self.__nx, ),
                                      repeat=self.__N), )
        if self.__gnl is not None:
            constraints_entry += (ct.entry('g',
                                           repeat=self.__N), )
        if self.__h is not None:
            constraints_entry += (ct.entry('h',
                                           repeat=self.__N), )

        # terminal constraint
        self.__nx_term = self.__p_operator.size1_out(0)

        # create general constraints structure
        g_struct = ct.struct_symMX([
            ct.entry('init', shape=(self.__nx, 1)), constraints_entry,
            ct.entry('term', shape=(self.__nx_term, 1))

        # create symbolic constraint expressions
        map_args = collections.OrderedDict()
        map_args['x0'] = ct.horzcat(*w['x', :-1])
        map_args['p'] = ct.horzcat(*w['u'])
        F_constr = ct.horzsplit(self.__F.map(self.__N)(**map_args)['xf'])

        # generate constraints
        constr = collections.OrderedDict()
        constr['dyn'] = [a - b for a, b in zip(F_constr, w['x', 1:])]
        if 'us' in self.__vars:
            map_args['us'] = ct.horzcat(*w['us'])

        if self.__gnl is not None:
            constr['g'] = ct.horzsplit(

        if 'usc' in self.__vars:
            map_args['usc'] = ct.horzcat(*w['usc'])

        if self.__h is not None:
            constr['h'] = ct.horzsplit(

        repeated_constr = list(

        term_constraint = self.__p_operator(w['x', -1] - xN)

        self.__g = g_struct(
            ca.vertcat(w['x', 0] - x0, *repeated_constr, term_constraint))

        self.__lbg = g_struct(np.zeros(self.__g.shape))
        self.__ubg = g_struct(np.zeros(self.__g.shape))
        if self.__h is not None:
            self.__ubg['h', :] = np.inf
            for i in self.__h_us_idx + self.__h_x_idx:  # rm constraints the only depend on x at k = 0
                self.__lbg['h', 0, i] = -np.inf

        # nlp cost
        cost_map = self.__cost.map(self.__N)

        if self.__type == 'economic':

            cost_args = [ct.horzcat(*w['x', :-1]), ct.horzcat(*w['u'])]

        elif self.__type == 'tracking':

            if self.__ns != 0:
                cost_args_w = ct.horzcat(*[
                    ct.vertcat(w['x', k], w['u', k], w['us', k])
                    for k in range(self.__N)
                cost_args_w_ref = ct.horzcat(*[
                    ct.vertcat(wref['x', k], wref['u', k], wref['us', k])
                    for k in range(self.__N)
                cost_args_w = ct.horzcat(*[
                    ct.vertcat(w['x', k], w['u', k]) for k in range(self.__N)
                cost_args_w_ref = ct.horzcat(*[
                    ct.vertcat(wref['x', k], wref['u', k])
                    for k in range(self.__N)

            cost_args = [
                cost_args_w, cost_args_w_ref,

            if self.__options['hessian_approximation'] == 'gauss_newton':

                if 'usc' not in self.__vars:
                    hess_gn = ct.diagcat(*tuning['H'],
                                         ca.DM.zeros(self.__nx, self.__nx))
                    hess_block = list(
                                [ca.DM.zeros(self.__nsc, self.__nsc)] *
                    hess_gn = ct.diagcat(*hess_block,
                                         ca.DM.zeros(self.__nx, self.__nx))

        J = ca.sum2(cost_map(*cost_args))

        # add cost on slacks
        if 'usc' in self.__vars:
            J += ca.sum2(ct.mtimes(self.__scost.T, ct.horzcat(*w['usc'])))

        # create solver
        prob = {'f': J, 'g': self.__g, 'x': w, 'p': self.__p}
        self.__w = w
        self.__g_fun = ca.Function('g_fun', [self.__w, self.__p], [self.__g])

        # create IPOPT-solver instance if needed
        if self.__options['ipopt_presolve']:
            opts = {
                'ipopt': {
                    'linear_solver': 'ma57',
                    'print_level': 0
                'expand': False
            if Logger.logger.getEffectiveLevel() > 10:
                opts['ipopt']['print_level'] = 0
                opts['print_time'] = 0
                opts['ipopt']['sb'] = 'yes'
            self.__solver = ca.nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', prob, opts)

        # create hessian approximation function
        if self.__options['hessian_approximation'] == 'gauss_newton':
            lam_g = ca.MX.sym('lam_g', self.__g.shape)  # will not be used
            hess_approx = ca.Function('hess_approx',
                                      [self.__w, self.__p, lam_g], [hess_gn])
        elif self.__options['hessian_approximation'] == 'exact':
            hess_approx = 'exact'

        # create sqp solver
        prob['lbg'] = self.__lbg
        prob['ubg'] = self.__ubg
        sqp_opts = {
            'hessian_approximation': hess_approx,
            'max_iter': self.__options['max_iter']
        self.__sqp_solver = sqp_method.Sqp(prob, sqp_opts)
Пример #32
    def __construct_solver(self):
        """ Construct casadi.nlpsol Object based on MPC trial information.

        awelogger.logger.info("Constructing MPC solver object...")

        if self.__cost_type == 'economic':

            # parameters
            self.__p = ct.struct_symMX([
                ct.entry('x0', shape = (self.__nx,1))

        if self.__cost_type == 'tracking':

            # parameters
            self.__p = ct.struct_symMX([
                ct.entry('x0',  shape = (self.__nx,)),
                ct.entry('ref', struct = self.__trial.nlp.V)

        # create P evaluator for use in NLP arguments

        # generate mpc constraints
        g = self.__trial.nlp.g_fun(self.__trial.nlp.V, self.__P_fun(self.__p))

        # generate cost function
        f = self.__generate_objective()

        # fill in nlp dict
        nlp = {'x': self.__trial.nlp.V, 'p': self.__p, 'f': f, 'g': g}

        # store nlp bounds
        self.__trial.nlp.V_bounds['ub']['phi'] = 0.0
        self.__trial.nlp.V_bounds['lb']['xi'] = 0.0
        self.__trial.nlp.V_bounds['ub']['xi'] = 0.0

        for name in list(self.__trial.model.variables_dict['u'].keys()):
            if 'fict' in name:
                self.__trial.nlp.V_bounds['lb']['coll_var',:,:,'u',name] = 0.0
                self.__trial.nlp.V_bounds['ub']['coll_var',:,:,'u',name] = 0.0

        self.__lbw = self.__trial.nlp.V_bounds['lb']
        self.__ubw = self.__trial.nlp.V_bounds['ub']
        self.__lbg = self.__trial.nlp.g_bounds['lb']
        self.__ubg = self.__trial.nlp.g_bounds['ub']

        awelogger.logger.level = awelogger.logger.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel()
        opts = {}
        opts['expand'] = self.__mpc_options['expand']
        opts['ipopt.linear_solver'] = self.__mpc_options['linear_solver']
        opts['ipopt.max_iter'] = self.__mpc_options['max_iter']
        opts['ipopt.max_cpu_time'] = self.__mpc_options['max_cpu_time']
        opts['jit'] = self.__mpc_options['jit']

        if awelogger.logger.level > 10:
            opts['ipopt.print_level'] = 0
            opts['print_time'] = 0

        self.__solver = ct.nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', nlp, opts)

        return None