Пример #1
    def __set_constraints(self, ocp):
        Set the constraints from the ocp

        ocp: OptimalControlProgram
            A reference to the current OptimalControlProgram

        # constraints handling in self.acados_ocp
        if ocp.nlp[0].x_bounds.type != InterpolationType.CONSTANT_WITH_FIRST_AND_LAST_DIFFERENT:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "ACADOS must declare an InterpolationType.CONSTANT_WITH_FIRST_AND_LAST_DIFFERENT " "for the x_bounds"
        if ocp.nlp[0].u_bounds.type != InterpolationType.CONSTANT_WITH_FIRST_AND_LAST_DIFFERENT:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "ACADOS must declare an InterpolationType.CONSTANT_WITH_FIRST_AND_LAST_DIFFERENT " "for the u_bounds"
        u_min = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].u_bounds.min)
        u_max = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].u_bounds.max)
        x_min = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].x_bounds.min)
        x_max = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].x_bounds.max)
        self.all_constr = SX()
        self.end_constr = SX()
        # TODO:change for more node flexibility on bounds
        self.all_g_bounds = Bounds(interpolation=InterpolationType.CONSTANT)
        self.end_g_bounds = Bounds(interpolation=InterpolationType.CONSTANT)
        for i, nlp in enumerate(ocp.nlp):
            x = nlp.states.cx
            u = nlp.controls.cx
            p = nlp.parameters.cx

            for g, G in enumerate(nlp.g):
                if not G:

                if G.node[0] == Node.ALL or G.node[0] == Node.ALL_SHOOTING:
                    self.all_constr = vertcat(self.all_constr, G.function(x, u, p))
                    if G.node[0] == Node.ALL:
                        self.end_constr = vertcat(self.end_constr, G.function(x, u, p))

                elif G.node[0] == Node.END:
                    self.end_constr = vertcat(self.end_constr, G.function(x, u, p))

                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Except for states and controls, Acados solver only handles constraints on last or all nodes."

        self.acados_model.con_h_expr = self.all_constr
        self.acados_model.con_h_expr_e = self.end_constr

        if not np.all(np.all(u_min.T == u_min.T[0, :], axis=0)):
            raise NotImplementedError("u_bounds min must be the same at each shooting point with ACADOS")
        if not np.all(np.all(u_max.T == u_max.T[0, :], axis=0)):
            raise NotImplementedError("u_bounds max must be the same at each shooting point with ACADOS")

        if (
            not np.isfinite(u_min).all()
            or not np.isfinite(x_min).all()
            or not np.isfinite(u_max).all()
            or not np.isfinite(x_max).all()
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "u_bounds and x_bounds cannot be set to infinity in ACADOS. Consider changing it "
                "to a big value instead."

        # setup state constraints
        # TODO replace all these np.concatenate by proper bound and initial_guess classes
        self.x_bound_max = np.ndarray((self.acados_ocp.dims.nx, 3))
        self.x_bound_min = np.ndarray((self.acados_ocp.dims.nx, 3))
        param_bounds_max = []
        param_bounds_min = []

        if self.nparams:
            param_bounds_max = self.params_bounds.max[:, 0]
            param_bounds_min = self.params_bounds.min[:, 0]

        for i in range(3):
            self.x_bound_max[:, i] = np.concatenate((param_bounds_max, np.array(ocp.nlp[0].x_bounds.max[:, i])))
            self.x_bound_min[:, i] = np.concatenate((param_bounds_min, np.array(ocp.nlp[0].x_bounds.min[:, i])))

        # setup control constraints
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lbu = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].u_bounds.min[:, 0])
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.ubu = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].u_bounds.max[:, 0])
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.idxbu = np.array(range(self.acados_ocp.dims.nu))
        self.acados_ocp.dims.nbu = self.acados_ocp.dims.nu

        # initial state constraints
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lbx_0 = self.x_bound_min[:, 0]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.ubx_0 = self.x_bound_max[:, 0]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.idxbx_0 = np.array(range(self.acados_ocp.dims.nx))
        self.acados_ocp.dims.nbx_0 = self.acados_ocp.dims.nx

        # setup path state constraints
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.Jbx = np.eye(self.acados_ocp.dims.nx)
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lbx = self.x_bound_min[:, 1]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.ubx = self.x_bound_max[:, 1]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.idxbx = np.array(range(self.acados_ocp.dims.nx))
        self.acados_ocp.dims.nbx = self.acados_ocp.dims.nx

        # setup terminal state constraints
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.Jbx_e = np.eye(self.acados_ocp.dims.nx)
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lbx_e = self.x_bound_min[:, -1]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.ubx_e = self.x_bound_max[:, -1]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.idxbx_e = np.array(range(self.acados_ocp.dims.nx))
        self.acados_ocp.dims.nbx_e = self.acados_ocp.dims.nx

        # setup algebraic constraint
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lh = np.array(self.all_g_bounds.min[:, 0])
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.uh = np.array(self.all_g_bounds.max[:, 0])

        # setup terminal algebraic constraint
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lh_e = np.array(self.end_g_bounds.min[:, 0])
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.uh_e = np.array(self.end_g_bounds.max[:, 0])
Пример #2
# Cost function
Q = diag([1.0, 1.0])
R = 1e-2
x = SX.sym('x', nx)
u = SX.sym('u', nu)
u_N = SX.sym('u', 0)
f = ocp_nlp_function(Function('ls_cost', [x, u], [vertcat(x, u)]))
f_N = ocp_nlp_function(Function('ls_cost_N', [x, u_N], [x]))
ls_cost = ocp_nlp_ls_cost(N, N * [f] + [f_N])
ls_cost.ls_cost_matrix = N * [block_diag(Q, R)] + [Q]

# Constraints
g = ocp_nlp_function(Function('path_constraint', [x, u], [u]))
g_N = ocp_nlp_function(Function('path_constraintN', [x, u], [SX([])]))
nlp.set_path_constraints(N * [g] + [g_N])
for i in range(N):
    nlp.lg[i] = -0.5
    nlp.ug[i] = +0.5

solver = ocp_nlp_solver(
    'sqp', nlp, {
        'integrator_steps': 2,
        'qp_solver': 'condensing_qpoases',
        'sensitivity_method': 'gauss-newton'

# Simulation
STATES = [array([0.1, 0.1])]
Пример #3
# set dimensions
ocp.dims.N = N

# set cost
ocp.cost.cost_type = 'EXTERNAL'
ocp.cost.cost_type_e = 'EXTERNAL'
W_u = 1e-3
theta = model.x[1]

ocp.model.cost_expr_ext_cost = tanh(theta)**2 + .5*(model.x[0]**2 + W_u*model.u**2)
ocp.model.cost_expr_ext_cost_e = tanh(theta)**2 + .5*model.x[0]**2

custom_hess_u = W_u

J = horzcat(SX.eye(2), SX(2,2))


# diagonal matrix with second order terms of outer loss function.
D = SX.sym('D', Sparsity.diag(2))
D[0, 0] = 1
[hess_tan, grad_tan] = hessian(tanh(theta)**2, theta)
D[1, 1] = if_else(theta == 0, hess_tan, grad_tan/theta)

custom_hess_x = J.T @ D @ J

zeros = SX(1, nx)
cost_expr_ext_cost_custom_hess = blockcat(custom_hess_u, zeros, zeros.T, custom_hess_x)
cost_expr_ext_cost_custom_hess_e = custom_hess_x
Пример #4
from casadi import SX, DM, vertcat, reshape, Function, nlpsol, inf, norm_2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Parameter konfiguration
    A_B = 2.8274e-3  # [m**2]
    A_SP = 0.4299e-3  # [m**2]
    m = 2.8e-3  # [kg]
    g = 9.81  # [m/(s**2)]
    T_M = 0.57  # [s]
    k_M = 0.31  # [s**-1]
    k_V = 6e-5  # [m**3]
    k_L = 2.18e-4  # [kg/m]
    eta_0 = 1900 / 60  # / 60 * 2 * pi

    A_d = SX([[1, 0.1, 0], [0, -0.14957, 0.024395], [0, 0, 0.82456]])
    B_d = SX([[0], [0], [0.054386]])

    h_ub = 2
    h_lb = 0
    eta_ub = 200
    eta_lb = 0

    # Abtastzeit und Prediction horizon
    T = 0.1
    N_pred = 19
    # Zielruhelage von den Zustaenden
    # Referenz von h, h_p, eta
    state_r = [0.8, 0, 48.760258862]
    u_r = [157.291157619]
    # activate_ips_on_exception()
Пример #5
 def lamb_sym(self):
     if self.has_adjoint_variables:
         return self.x[self.n_x // 2:]
         return SX()