Пример #1
    def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
        # move column definitions into columns dict
        # and set default column names
        column_dict = OrderedDict()
        primary_keys = OrderedDict()
        pk_name = None

        # get inherited properties
        inherited_columns = OrderedDict()
        for base in bases:
            for k, v in getattr(base, '_defined_columns', {}).items():
                inherited_columns.setdefault(k, v)

        # short circuit __abstract__ inheritance
        is_abstract = attrs['__abstract__'] = attrs.get('__abstract__', False)

        # short circuit __discriminator_value__ inheritance
        attrs['__discriminator_value__'] = attrs.get('__discriminator_value__')

        # TODO __default__ttl__ should be removed in the next major release
        options = attrs.get('__options__') or {}
        attrs['__default_ttl__'] = options.get('default_time_to_live')

        column_definitions = [(k, v) for k, v in attrs.items() if isinstance(v, columns.Column)]
        column_definitions = sorted(column_definitions, key=lambda x: x[1].position)

        is_polymorphic_base = any([c[1].discriminator_column for c in column_definitions])

        column_definitions = [x for x in inherited_columns.items()] + column_definitions
        discriminator_columns = [c for c in column_definitions if c[1].discriminator_column]
        is_polymorphic = len(discriminator_columns) > 0
        if len(discriminator_columns) > 1:
            raise ModelDefinitionException('only one discriminator_column can be defined in a model, {0} found'.format(len(discriminator_columns)))

        if attrs['__discriminator_value__'] and not is_polymorphic:
            raise ModelDefinitionException('__discriminator_value__ specified, but no base columns defined with discriminator_column=True')

        discriminator_column_name, discriminator_column = discriminator_columns[0] if discriminator_columns else (None, None)

        if isinstance(discriminator_column, (columns.BaseContainerColumn, columns.Counter)):
            raise ModelDefinitionException('counter and container columns cannot be used as discriminator columns')

        # find polymorphic base class
        polymorphic_base = None
        if is_polymorphic and not is_polymorphic_base:
            def _get_polymorphic_base(bases):
                for base in bases:
                    if getattr(base, '_is_polymorphic_base', False):
                        return base
                    klass = _get_polymorphic_base(base.__bases__)
                    if klass:
                        return klass
            polymorphic_base = _get_polymorphic_base(bases)

        defined_columns = OrderedDict(column_definitions)

        # check for primary key
        if not is_abstract and not any([v.primary_key for k, v in column_definitions]):
            raise ModelDefinitionException("At least 1 primary key is required.")

        counter_columns = [c for c in defined_columns.values() if isinstance(c, columns.Counter)]
        data_columns = [c for c in defined_columns.values() if not c.primary_key and not isinstance(c, columns.Counter)]
        if counter_columns and data_columns:
            raise ModelDefinitionException('counter models may not have data columns')

        has_partition_keys = any(v.partition_key for (k, v) in column_definitions)

        def _transform_column(col_name, col_obj):
            column_dict[col_name] = col_obj
            if col_obj.primary_key:
                primary_keys[col_name] = col_obj
            # set properties
            attrs[col_name] = ColumnDescriptor(col_obj)

        partition_key_index = 0
        # transform column definitions
        for k, v in column_definitions:
            # don't allow a column with the same name as a built-in attribute or method
            if k in BaseModel.__dict__:
                raise ModelDefinitionException("column '{0}' conflicts with built-in attribute/method".format(k))

            # counter column primary keys are not allowed
            if (v.primary_key or v.partition_key) and isinstance(v, columns.Counter):
                raise ModelDefinitionException('counter columns cannot be used as primary keys')

            # this will mark the first primary key column as a partition
            # key, if one hasn't been set already
            if not has_partition_keys and v.primary_key:
                v.partition_key = True
                has_partition_keys = True
            if v.partition_key:
                v._partition_key_index = partition_key_index
                partition_key_index += 1

            overriding = column_dict.get(k)
            if overriding:
                v.position = overriding.position
                v.partition_key = overriding.partition_key
                v._partition_key_index = overriding._partition_key_index
            _transform_column(k, v)

        partition_keys = OrderedDict(k for k in primary_keys.items() if k[1].partition_key)
        clustering_keys = OrderedDict(k for k in primary_keys.items() if not k[1].partition_key)

        if attrs.get('__compute_routing_key__', True):
            key_cols = [c for c in partition_keys.values()]
            partition_key_index = dict((col.db_field_name, col._partition_key_index) for col in key_cols)
            key_cql_types = [c.cql_type for c in key_cols]
            key_serializer = staticmethod(lambda parts, proto_version: [t.to_binary(p, proto_version) for t, p in zip(key_cql_types, parts)])
            partition_key_index = {}
            key_serializer = staticmethod(lambda parts, proto_version: None)

        # setup partition key shortcut
        if len(partition_keys) == 0:
            if not is_abstract:
                raise ModelException("at least one partition key must be defined")
        if len(partition_keys) == 1:
            pk_name = [x for x in partition_keys.keys()][0]
            attrs['pk'] = attrs[pk_name]
            # composite partition key case, get/set a tuple of values
            _get = lambda self: tuple(self._values[c].getval() for c in partition_keys.keys())
            _set = lambda self, val: tuple(self._values[c].setval(v) for (c, v) in zip(partition_keys.keys(), val))
            attrs['pk'] = property(_get, _set)

        # some validation
        col_names = set()
        for v in column_dict.values():
            # check for duplicate column names
            if v.db_field_name in col_names:
                raise ModelException("{0} defines the column '{1}' more than once".format(name, v.db_field_name))
            if v.clustering_order and not (v.primary_key and not v.partition_key):
                raise ModelException("clustering_order may be specified only for clustering primary keys")
            if v.clustering_order and v.clustering_order.lower() not in ('asc', 'desc'):
                raise ModelException("invalid clustering order '{0}' for column '{1}'".format(repr(v.clustering_order), v.db_field_name))

        # create db_name -> model name map for loading
        db_map = {}
        for col_name, field in column_dict.items():
            db_field = field.db_field_name
            if db_field != col_name:
                db_map[db_field] = col_name

        # add management members to the class
        attrs['_columns'] = column_dict
        attrs['_primary_keys'] = primary_keys
        attrs['_defined_columns'] = defined_columns

        # maps the database field to the models key
        attrs['_db_map'] = db_map
        attrs['_pk_name'] = pk_name
        attrs['_dynamic_columns'] = {}

        attrs['_partition_keys'] = partition_keys
        attrs['_partition_key_index'] = partition_key_index
        attrs['_key_serializer'] = key_serializer
        attrs['_clustering_keys'] = clustering_keys
        attrs['_has_counter'] = len(counter_columns) > 0

        # add polymorphic management attributes
        attrs['_is_polymorphic_base'] = is_polymorphic_base
        attrs['_is_polymorphic'] = is_polymorphic
        attrs['_polymorphic_base'] = polymorphic_base
        attrs['_discriminator_column'] = discriminator_column
        attrs['_discriminator_column_name'] = discriminator_column_name
        attrs['_discriminator_map'] = {} if is_polymorphic_base else None

        # setup class exceptions
        DoesNotExistBase = None
        for base in bases:
            DoesNotExistBase = getattr(base, 'DoesNotExist', None)
            if DoesNotExistBase is not None:

        DoesNotExistBase = DoesNotExistBase or attrs.pop('DoesNotExist', BaseModel.DoesNotExist)
        attrs['DoesNotExist'] = type('DoesNotExist', (DoesNotExistBase,), {})

        MultipleObjectsReturnedBase = None
        for base in bases:
            MultipleObjectsReturnedBase = getattr(base, 'MultipleObjectsReturned', None)
            if MultipleObjectsReturnedBase is not None:

        MultipleObjectsReturnedBase = MultipleObjectsReturnedBase or attrs.pop('MultipleObjectsReturned', BaseModel.MultipleObjectsReturned)
        attrs['MultipleObjectsReturned'] = type('MultipleObjectsReturned', (MultipleObjectsReturnedBase,), {})

        # create the class and add a QuerySet to it
        klass = super(ModelMetaClass, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)

        udts = []
        for col in column_dict.values():
            columns.resolve_udts(col, udts)

        for user_type in set(udts):

        return klass
Пример #2
def _sync_type(ks_name, type_model, omit_subtypes=None, connection=None):
    syncd_sub_types = omit_subtypes or set()
    for field in type_model._fields.values():
        udts = []
        columns.resolve_udts(field, udts)
        for udt in [u for u in udts if u not in syncd_sub_types]:
            _sync_type(ks_name, udt, syncd_sub_types, connection=connection)

    type_name = type_model.type_name()
    type_name_qualified = "%s.%s" % (ks_name, type_name)

    cluster = get_cluster(connection)

    keyspace = cluster.metadata.keyspaces[ks_name]
    defined_types = keyspace.user_types

    if type_name not in defined_types:
        log.debug(format_log_context("sync_type creating new type %s", keyspace=ks_name, connection=connection),
        cql = get_create_type(type_model, ks_name)
        execute(cql, connection=connection)
        cluster.refresh_user_type_metadata(ks_name, type_name)
        type_model.register_for_keyspace(ks_name, connection=connection)
        type_meta = defined_types[type_name]
        defined_fields = type_meta.field_names
        model_fields = set()
        for field in type_model._fields.values():
            if field.db_field_name not in defined_fields:
                execute("ALTER TYPE {0} ADD {1}".format(type_name_qualified, field.get_column_def()),
                field_type = type_meta.field_types[defined_fields.index(field.db_field_name)]
                if field_type != field.db_type:
                    msg = format_log_context(
                        'Existing user type {0} has field "{1}" with a type ({2}) differing from the model user type ({3}).'
                        ' UserType should be updated.', keyspace=ks_name, connection=connection)
                    msg = msg.format(type_name_qualified, field.db_field_name, field_type, field.db_type)

        type_model.register_for_keyspace(ks_name, connection=connection)

        if len(defined_fields) == len(model_fields):
                format_log_context("Type %s did not require synchronization", keyspace=ks_name, connection=connection),

        db_fields_not_in_model = model_fields.symmetric_difference(defined_fields)
        if db_fields_not_in_model:
            msg = format_log_context("Type %s has fields not referenced by model: %s", keyspace=ks_name,
            log.info(msg, type_name_qualified, db_fields_not_in_model)
Пример #3
def _sync_type(ks_name, type_model, omit_subtypes=None, connection=None):

    syncd_sub_types = omit_subtypes or set()
    for field in type_model._fields.values():
        udts = []
        columns.resolve_udts(field, udts)
        for udt in [u for u in udts if u not in syncd_sub_types]:
            _sync_type(ks_name, udt, syncd_sub_types, connection=connection)

    type_name = type_model.type_name()
    type_name_qualified = "%s.%s" % (ks_name, type_name)

    cluster = get_cluster(connection)

    keyspace = cluster.metadata.keyspaces[ks_name]
    defined_types = keyspace.user_types

    if type_name not in defined_types:
        log.debug(format_log_context("sync_type creating new type %s", keyspace=ks_name, connection=connection), type_name_qualified)
        cql = get_create_type(type_model, ks_name)
        execute(cql, connection=connection)
        cluster.refresh_user_type_metadata(ks_name, type_name)
        type_model.register_for_keyspace(ks_name, connection=connection)
        type_meta = defined_types[type_name]
        defined_fields = type_meta.field_names
        model_fields = set()
        for field in type_model._fields.values():
            if field.db_field_name not in defined_fields:
                execute("ALTER TYPE {0} ADD {1}".format(type_name_qualified, field.get_column_def()), connection=connection)
                field_type = type_meta.field_types[defined_fields.index(field.db_field_name)]
                if field_type != field.db_type:
                    msg = format_log_context('Existing user type {0} has field "{1}" with a type ({2}) differing from the model user type ({3}).'
                                  ' UserType should be updated.', keyspace=ks_name, connection=connection)
                    msg = msg.format(type_name_qualified, field.db_field_name, field_type, field.db_type)

        type_model.register_for_keyspace(ks_name, connection=connection)

        if len(defined_fields) == len(model_fields):
            log.info(format_log_context("Type %s did not require synchronization", keyspace=ks_name, connection=connection), type_name_qualified)

        db_fields_not_in_model = model_fields.symmetric_difference(defined_fields)
        if db_fields_not_in_model:
            msg = format_log_context("Type %s has fields not referenced by model: %s", keyspace=ks_name, connection=connection)
            log.info(msg, type_name_qualified, db_fields_not_in_model)
Пример #4
def _sync_type(ks_name, type_model, omit_subtypes=None):

    syncd_sub_types = omit_subtypes or set()
    for field in type_model._fields.values():
        udts = []
        columns.resolve_udts(field, udts)
        for udt in [u for u in udts if u not in syncd_sub_types]:
            _sync_type(ks_name, udt, syncd_sub_types)

    type_name = type_model.type_name()
    type_name_qualified = "%s.%s" % (ks_name, type_name)

    cluster = get_cluster()

    keyspace = cluster.metadata.keyspaces[ks_name]
    defined_types = keyspace.user_types

    if type_name not in defined_types:
        log.debug("sync_type creating new type %s", type_name_qualified)
        cql = get_create_type(type_model, ks_name)
        cluster.refresh_user_type_metadata(ks_name, type_name)
        defined_fields = defined_types[type_name].field_names
        model_fields = set()
        for field in type_model._fields.values():
            if field.db_field_name not in defined_fields:
                execute("ALTER TYPE {0} ADD {1}".format(
                    type_name_qualified, field.get_column_def()))


        if len(defined_fields) == len(model_fields):
            log.info("Type %s did not require synchronization",

        db_fields_not_in_model = model_fields.symmetric_difference(
        if db_fields_not_in_model:
            log.info("Type %s has fields not referenced by model: %s",
                     type_name_qualified, db_fields_not_in_model)
Пример #5
def _sync_type(ks_name, type_model, omit_subtypes=None):

    syncd_sub_types = omit_subtypes or set()
    for field in type_model._fields.values():
        udts = []
        columns.resolve_udts(field, udts)
        for udt in [u for u in udts if u not in syncd_sub_types]:
            _sync_type(ks_name, udt, syncd_sub_types)

    type_name = type_model.type_name()
    type_name_qualified = "%s.%s" % (ks_name, type_name)

    cluster = get_cluster()

    keyspace = cluster.metadata.keyspaces[ks_name]
    defined_types = keyspace.user_types

    if type_name not in defined_types:
        log.debug("sync_type creating new type %s", type_name_qualified)
        cql = get_create_type(type_model, ks_name)
        cluster.refresh_user_type_metadata(ks_name, type_name)
        defined_fields = defined_types[type_name].field_names
        model_fields = set()
        for field in type_model._fields.values():
            if field.db_field_name not in defined_fields:
                execute("ALTER TYPE {} ADD {}".format(type_name_qualified, field.get_column_def()))


        if len(defined_fields) == len(model_fields):
            log.info("Type %s did not require synchronization", type_name_qualified)

        db_fields_not_in_model = model_fields.symmetric_difference(defined_fields)
        if db_fields_not_in_model:
            log.info("Type %s has fields not referenced by model: %s", type_name_qualified, db_fields_not_in_model)
Пример #6
    def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
        # move column definitions into columns dict
        # and set default column names
        column_dict = OrderedDict()
        primary_keys = OrderedDict()
        pk_name = None

        # get inherited properties
        inherited_columns = OrderedDict()
        for base in bases:
            for k, v in getattr(base, '_defined_columns', {}).items():
                inherited_columns.setdefault(k, v)

        # short circuit __abstract__ inheritance
        is_abstract = attrs['__abstract__'] = attrs.get('__abstract__', False)

        # short circuit __discriminator_value__ inheritance
        attrs['__discriminator_value__'] = attrs.get('__discriminator_value__')

        # TODO __default__ttl__ should be removed in the next major release
        options = attrs.get('__options__') or {}
        attrs['__default_ttl__'] = options.get('default_time_to_live')

        column_definitions = [(k, v) for k, v in attrs.items() if isinstance(v, columns.Column)]
        column_definitions = sorted(column_definitions, key=lambda x: x[1].position)

        is_polymorphic_base = any([c[1].discriminator_column for c in column_definitions])

        column_definitions = [x for x in inherited_columns.items()] + column_definitions
        discriminator_columns = [c for c in column_definitions if c[1].discriminator_column]
        is_polymorphic = len(discriminator_columns) > 0
        if len(discriminator_columns) > 1:
            raise ModelDefinitionException('only one discriminator_column can be defined in a model, {0} found'.format(len(discriminator_columns)))

        if attrs['__discriminator_value__'] and not is_polymorphic:
            raise ModelDefinitionException('__discriminator_value__ specified, but no base columns defined with discriminator_column=True')

        discriminator_column_name, discriminator_column = discriminator_columns[0] if discriminator_columns else (None, None)

        if isinstance(discriminator_column, (columns.BaseContainerColumn, columns.Counter)):
            raise ModelDefinitionException('counter and container columns cannot be used as discriminator columns')

        # find polymorphic base class
        polymorphic_base = None
        if is_polymorphic and not is_polymorphic_base:
            def _get_polymorphic_base(bases):
                for base in bases:
                    if getattr(base, '_is_polymorphic_base', False):
                        return base
                    klass = _get_polymorphic_base(base.__bases__)
                    if klass:
                        return klass
            polymorphic_base = _get_polymorphic_base(bases)

        defined_columns = OrderedDict(column_definitions)

        # check for primary key
        if not is_abstract and not any([v.primary_key for k, v in column_definitions]):
            raise ModelDefinitionException("At least 1 primary key is required.")

        counter_columns = [c for c in defined_columns.values() if isinstance(c, columns.Counter)]
        data_columns = [c for c in defined_columns.values() if not c.primary_key and not isinstance(c, columns.Counter)]
        if counter_columns and data_columns:
            raise ModelDefinitionException('counter models may not have data columns')

        has_partition_keys = any(v.partition_key for (k, v) in column_definitions)

        def _transform_column(col_name, col_obj):
            column_dict[col_name] = col_obj
            if col_obj.primary_key:
                primary_keys[col_name] = col_obj
            # set properties
            attrs[col_name] = ColumnDescriptor(col_obj)

        partition_key_index = 0
        # transform column definitions
        for k, v in column_definitions:
            # don't allow a column with the same name as a built-in attribute or method
            if k in BaseModel.__dict__:
                raise ModelDefinitionException("column '{0}' conflicts with built-in attribute/method".format(k))

            # counter column primary keys are not allowed
            if (v.primary_key or v.partition_key) and isinstance(v, columns.Counter):
                raise ModelDefinitionException('counter columns cannot be used as primary keys')

            # this will mark the first primary key column as a partition
            # key, if one hasn't been set already
            if not has_partition_keys and v.primary_key:
                v.partition_key = True
                has_partition_keys = True
            if v.partition_key:
                v._partition_key_index = partition_key_index
                partition_key_index += 1

            overriding = column_dict.get(k)
            if overriding:
                v.position = overriding.position
                v.partition_key = overriding.partition_key
                v._partition_key_index = overriding._partition_key_index
            _transform_column(k, v)

        partition_keys = OrderedDict(k for k in primary_keys.items() if k[1].partition_key)
        clustering_keys = OrderedDict(k for k in primary_keys.items() if not k[1].partition_key)

        if attrs.get('__compute_routing_key__', True):
            key_cols = [c for c in partition_keys.values()]
            partition_key_index = dict((col.db_field_name, col._partition_key_index) for col in key_cols)
            key_cql_types = [c.cql_type for c in key_cols]
            key_serializer = staticmethod(lambda parts, proto_version: [t.to_binary(p, proto_version) for t, p in zip(key_cql_types, parts)])
            partition_key_index = {}
            key_serializer = staticmethod(lambda parts, proto_version: None)

        # setup partition key shortcut
        if len(partition_keys) == 0:
            if not is_abstract:
                raise ModelException("at least one partition key must be defined")
        if len(partition_keys) == 1:
            pk_name = [x for x in partition_keys.keys()][0]
            attrs['pk'] = attrs[pk_name]
            # composite partition key case, get/set a tuple of values
            _get = lambda self: tuple(self._values[c].getval() for c in partition_keys.keys())
            _set = lambda self, val: tuple(self._values[c].setval(v) for (c, v) in zip(partition_keys.keys(), val))
            attrs['pk'] = property(_get, _set)

        # some validation
        col_names = set()
        for v in column_dict.values():
            # check for duplicate column names
            if v.db_field_name in col_names:
                raise ModelException("{0} defines the column '{1}' more than once".format(name, v.db_field_name))
            if v.clustering_order and not (v.primary_key and not v.partition_key):
                raise ModelException("clustering_order may be specified only for clustering primary keys")
            if v.clustering_order and v.clustering_order.lower() not in ('asc', 'desc'):
                raise ModelException("invalid clustering order '{0}' for column '{1}'".format(repr(v.clustering_order), v.db_field_name))

        # create db_name -> model name map for loading
        db_map = {}
        for col_name, field in column_dict.items():
            db_field = field.db_field_name
            if db_field != col_name:
                db_map[db_field] = col_name

        # add management members to the class
        attrs['_columns'] = column_dict
        attrs['_primary_keys'] = primary_keys
        attrs['_defined_columns'] = defined_columns

        # maps the database field to the models key
        attrs['_db_map'] = db_map
        attrs['_pk_name'] = pk_name
        attrs['_dynamic_columns'] = {}

        attrs['_partition_keys'] = partition_keys
        attrs['_partition_key_index'] = partition_key_index
        attrs['_key_serializer'] = key_serializer
        attrs['_clustering_keys'] = clustering_keys
        attrs['_has_counter'] = len(counter_columns) > 0

        # add polymorphic management attributes
        attrs['_is_polymorphic_base'] = is_polymorphic_base
        attrs['_is_polymorphic'] = is_polymorphic
        attrs['_polymorphic_base'] = polymorphic_base
        attrs['_discriminator_column'] = discriminator_column
        attrs['_discriminator_column_name'] = discriminator_column_name
        attrs['_discriminator_map'] = {} if is_polymorphic_base else None

        # setup class exceptions
        DoesNotExistBase = None
        for base in bases:
            DoesNotExistBase = getattr(base, 'DoesNotExist', None)
            if DoesNotExistBase is not None:

        DoesNotExistBase = DoesNotExistBase or attrs.pop('DoesNotExist', BaseModel.DoesNotExist)
        attrs['DoesNotExist'] = type('DoesNotExist', (DoesNotExistBase,), {})

        MultipleObjectsReturnedBase = None
        for base in bases:
            MultipleObjectsReturnedBase = getattr(base, 'MultipleObjectsReturned', None)
            if MultipleObjectsReturnedBase is not None:

        MultipleObjectsReturnedBase = MultipleObjectsReturnedBase or attrs.pop('MultipleObjectsReturned', BaseModel.MultipleObjectsReturned)
        attrs['MultipleObjectsReturned'] = type('MultipleObjectsReturned', (MultipleObjectsReturnedBase,), {})

        # create the class and add a QuerySet to it
        klass = super(ModelMetaClass, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)

        udts = []
        for col in column_dict.values():
            columns.resolve_udts(col, udts)

        for user_type in set(udts):

        return klass
Пример #7
def sync_table(model):
    Inspects the model and creates / updates the corresponding table and columns.

    Any User Defined Types used in the table are implicitly synchronized.

    This function can only add fields that are not part of the primary key.

    Note that the attributes removed from the model are not deleted on the database.
    They become effectively ignored by (will not show up on) the model.

    **This function should be used with caution, especially in production environments.
    Take care to execute schema modifications in a single context (i.e. not concurrently with other clients).**

    *There are plans to guard schema-modifying functions with an environment-driven conditional.*
    if not _allow_schema_modification():

    if not issubclass(model, Model):
        raise CQLEngineException("Models must be derived from base Model.")

    if model.__abstract__:
        raise CQLEngineException("cannot create table from abstract model")

    cf_name = model.column_family_name()
    raw_cf_name = model._raw_column_family_name()

    ks_name = model._get_keyspace()

    cluster = get_cluster()

    keyspace = cluster.metadata.keyspaces[ks_name]
    tables = keyspace.tables

    syncd_types = set()
    for col in model._columns.values():
        udts = []
        columns.resolve_udts(col, udts)
        for udt in [u for u in udts if u not in syncd_types]:
            _sync_type(ks_name, udt, syncd_types)

    # check for an existing column family
    if raw_cf_name not in tables:
        log.debug("sync_table creating new table %s", cf_name)
        qs = get_create_table(model)

        except CQLEngineException as ex:
            # 1.2 doesn't return cf names, so we have to examine the exception
            # and ignore if it says the column family already exists
            if "Cannot add already existing column family" not in unicode(ex):
        log.debug("sync_table checking existing table %s", cf_name)
        # see if we're missing any columns
        fields = get_fields(model)
        field_names = [x.name for x in fields]
        model_fields = set()
        # # TODO: does this work with db_name??
        for name, col in model._columns.items():
            if col.primary_key or col.partition_key:
                continue  # we can't mess with the PK
            if col.db_field_name in field_names:
                continue  # skip columns already defined

            # add missing column using the column def
            query = "ALTER TABLE {} add {}".format(cf_name, col.get_column_def())

        db_fields_not_in_model = model_fields.symmetric_difference(field_names)
        if db_fields_not_in_model:
            log.info("Table %s has fields not referenced by model: %s", cf_name, db_fields_not_in_model)


    table = cluster.metadata.keyspaces[ks_name].tables[raw_cf_name]

    indexes = [c for n, c in model._columns.items() if c.index]

    for column in indexes:
        if table.columns[column.db_field_name].index:

        qs = ['CREATE INDEX index_{}_{}'.format(raw_cf_name, column.db_field_name)]
        qs += ['ON {}'.format(cf_name)]
        qs += ['("{}")'.format(column.db_field_name)]
        qs = ' '.join(qs)
Пример #8
def _sync_table(model, connection=None):
    if not _allow_schema_modification():

    if not issubclass(model, Model):
        raise CQLEngineException("Models must be derived from base Model.")

    if model.__abstract__:
        raise CQLEngineException("cannot create table from abstract model")

    cf_name = model.column_family_name()
    raw_cf_name = model._raw_column_family_name()

    ks_name = model._get_keyspace()
    connection = connection or model._get_connection()

    cluster = get_cluster(connection)

        keyspace = cluster.metadata.keyspaces[ks_name]
    except KeyError:
        msg = format_log_context("Keyspace '{0}' for model {1} does not exist.", connection=connection)
        raise CQLEngineException(msg.format(ks_name, model))

    tables = keyspace.tables

    syncd_types = set()
    for col in model._columns.values():
        udts = []
        columns.resolve_udts(col, udts)
        for udt in [u for u in udts if u not in syncd_types]:
            _sync_type(ks_name, udt, syncd_types, connection=connection)

    if raw_cf_name not in tables:
        log.debug(format_log_context("sync_table creating new table %s", keyspace=ks_name, connection=connection), cf_name)
        qs = _get_create_table(model)

            execute(qs, connection=connection)
        except CQLEngineException as ex:
            # 1.2 doesn't return cf names, so we have to examine the exception
            # and ignore if it says the column family already exists
            if "Cannot add already existing column family" not in unicode(ex):
        log.debug(format_log_context("sync_table checking existing table %s", keyspace=ks_name, connection=connection), cf_name)
        table_meta = tables[raw_cf_name]

        _validate_pk(model, table_meta)

        table_columns = table_meta.columns
        model_fields = set()

        for model_name, col in model._columns.items():
            db_name = col.db_field_name
            if db_name in table_columns:
                col_meta = table_columns[db_name]
                if col_meta.cql_type != col.db_type:
                    msg = format_log_context('Existing table {0} has column "{1}" with a type ({2}) differing from the model type ({3}).'
                                  ' Model should be updated.', keyspace=ks_name, connection=connection)
                    msg = msg.format(cf_name, db_name, col_meta.cql_type, col.db_type)


            if col.primary_key or col.primary_key:
                msg = format_log_context("Cannot add primary key '{0}' (with db_field '{1}') to existing table {2}", keyspace=ks_name, connection=connection)
                raise CQLEngineException(msg.format(model_name, db_name, cf_name))

            query = "ALTER TABLE {0} add {1}".format(cf_name, col.get_column_def())
            execute(query, connection=connection)

        db_fields_not_in_model = model_fields.symmetric_difference(table_columns)
        if db_fields_not_in_model:
            msg = format_log_context("Table {0} has fields not referenced by model: {1}", keyspace=ks_name, connection=connection)
            log.info(msg.format(cf_name, db_fields_not_in_model))

        _update_options(model, connection=connection)

    table = cluster.metadata.keyspaces[ks_name].tables[raw_cf_name]

    indexes = [c for n, c in model._columns.items() if c.index]

    # TODO: support multiple indexes in C* 3.0+
    for column in indexes:
        index_name = _get_index_name_by_column(table, column.db_field_name)
        if index_name:

        qs = ['CREATE INDEX']
        qs += ['ON {0}'.format(cf_name)]
        qs += ['("{0}")'.format(column.db_field_name)]
        qs = ' '.join(qs)
        execute(qs, connection=connection)
Пример #9
def sync_table(model):
    Inspects the model and creates / updates the corresponding table and columns.

    Any User Defined Types used in the table are implicitly synchronized.

    This function can only add fields that are not part of the primary key.

    Note that the attributes removed from the model are not deleted on the database.
    They become effectively ignored by (will not show up on) the model.

    **This function should be used with caution, especially in production environments.
    Take care to execute schema modifications in a single context (i.e. not concurrently with other clients).**

    *There are plans to guard schema-modifying functions with an environment-driven conditional.*
    if not _allow_schema_modification():

    if not issubclass(model, Model):
        raise CQLEngineException("Models must be derived from base Model.")

    if model.__abstract__:
        raise CQLEngineException("cannot create table from abstract model")

    cf_name = model.column_family_name()
    raw_cf_name = model._raw_column_family_name()

    ks_name = model._get_keyspace()

    cluster = get_cluster()

    keyspace = cluster.metadata.keyspaces[ks_name]
    tables = keyspace.tables

    syncd_types = set()
    for col in model._columns.values():
        udts = []
        columns.resolve_udts(col, udts)
        for udt in [u for u in udts if u not in syncd_types]:
            _sync_type(ks_name, udt, syncd_types)

    # check for an existing column family
    if raw_cf_name not in tables:
        log.debug("sync_table creating new table %s", cf_name)
        qs = _get_create_table(model)

        except CQLEngineException as ex:
            # 1.2 doesn't return cf names, so we have to examine the exception
            # and ignore if it says the column family already exists
            if "Cannot add already existing column family" not in unicode(ex):
        log.debug("sync_table checking existing table %s", cf_name)
        # see if we're missing any columns
        field_names = _get_non_pk_field_names(tables[raw_cf_name])
        model_fields = set()
        # # TODO: does this work with db_name??
        for name, col in model._columns.items():
            if col.primary_key or col.partition_key:
                continue  # we can't mess with the PK
            if col.db_field_name in field_names:
                continue  # skip columns already defined

            # add missing column using the column def
            query = "ALTER TABLE {0} add {1}".format(cf_name,

        db_fields_not_in_model = model_fields.symmetric_difference(field_names)
        if db_fields_not_in_model:
            log.info("Table %s has fields not referenced by model: %s",
                     cf_name, db_fields_not_in_model)


    table = cluster.metadata.keyspaces[ks_name].tables[raw_cf_name]

    indexes = [c for n, c in model._columns.items() if c.index]

    # TODO: support multiple indexes in C* 3.0+
    for column in indexes:
        index_name = _get_index_name_by_column(table, column.db_field_name)
        if index_name:

        qs = ['CREATE INDEX']
        qs += ['ON {0}'.format(cf_name)]
        qs += ['("{0}")'.format(column.db_field_name)]
        qs = ' '.join(qs)
Пример #10
def _sync_table(model):

    if not _allow_schema_modification():

    if not issubclass(model, Model):
        raise CQLEngineException("Models must be derived from base Model.")

    if model.__abstract__:
        raise CQLEngineException("cannot create table from abstract model")

    cf_name = model.column_family_name()
    raw_cf_name = model._raw_column_family_name()

    ks_name = model._get_keyspace()

    cluster = get_cluster()

        keyspace = cluster.metadata.keyspaces[ks_name]
    except KeyError:
        raise CQLEngineException("Keyspace '{0}' for model {1} does not exist.".format(ks_name, model))

    tables = keyspace.tables

    syncd_types = set()
    for col in model._columns.values():
        udts = []
        columns.resolve_udts(col, udts)
        for udt in [u for u in udts if u not in syncd_types]:
            _sync_type(ks_name, udt, syncd_types)

    if raw_cf_name not in tables:
        log.debug("sync_table creating new table %s", cf_name)
        qs = _get_create_table(model)

        except CQLEngineException as ex:
            # 1.2 doesn't return cf names, so we have to examine the exception
            # and ignore if it says the column family already exists
            if "Cannot add already existing column family" not in unicode(ex):
        log.debug("sync_table checking existing table %s", cf_name)
        table_meta = tables[raw_cf_name]

        _validate_pk(model, table_meta)

        table_columns = table_meta.columns
        model_fields = set()

        for model_name, col in model._columns.items():
            db_name = col.db_field_name
            if db_name in table_columns:
                col_meta = table_columns[db_name]
                if col_meta.cql_type != col.db_type:
                    msg = 'Existing table {0} has column "{1}" with a type ({2}) differing from the model type ({3}).' \
                          ' Model should be updated.'.format(cf_name, db_name, col_meta.cql_type, col.db_type)


            if col.primary_key or col.primary_key:
                raise CQLEngineException("Cannot add primary key '{0}' (with db_field '{1}') to existing table {2}".format(model_name, db_name, cf_name))

            query = "ALTER TABLE {0} add {1}".format(cf_name, col.get_column_def())

        db_fields_not_in_model = model_fields.symmetric_difference(table_columns)
        if db_fields_not_in_model:
            log.info("Table {0} has fields not referenced by model: {1}".format(cf_name, db_fields_not_in_model))


    table = cluster.metadata.keyspaces[ks_name].tables[raw_cf_name]

    indexes = [c for n, c in model._columns.items() if c.index]

    # TODO: support multiple indexes in C* 3.0+
    for column in indexes:
        index_name = _get_index_name_by_column(table, column.db_field_name)
        if index_name:

        qs = ['CREATE INDEX']
        qs += ['ON {0}'.format(cf_name)]
        qs += ['("{0}")'.format(column.db_field_name)]
        qs = ' '.join(qs)
Пример #11
def sync_table(model):
    Inspects the model and creates / updates the corresponding table and columns.

    Any User Defined Types used in the table are implicitly synchronized.

    This function can only add fields that are not part of the primary key.

    Note that the attributes removed from the model are not deleted on the database.
    They become effectively ignored by (will not show up on) the model.

    **This function should be used with caution, especially in production environments.
    Take care to execute schema modifications in a single context (i.e. not concurrently with other clients).**

    *There are plans to guard schema-modifying functions with an environment-driven conditional.*
    if not _allow_schema_modification():

    if not issubclass(model, Model):
        raise CQLEngineException("Models must be derived from base Model.")

    if model.__abstract__:
        raise CQLEngineException("cannot create table from abstract model")

    cf_name = model.column_family_name()
    raw_cf_name = model._raw_column_family_name()

    ks_name = model._get_keyspace()

    cluster = get_cluster()

        keyspace = cluster.metadata.keyspaces[ks_name]
    except KeyError:
        raise CQLEngineException(
            "Keyspace '{0}' for model {1} does not exist.".format(
                ks_name, model))

    tables = keyspace.tables

    syncd_types = set()
    for col in model._columns.values():
        udts = []
        columns.resolve_udts(col, udts)
        for udt in [u for u in udts if u not in syncd_types]:
            _sync_type(ks_name, udt, syncd_types)

    if raw_cf_name not in tables:
        log.debug("sync_table creating new table %s", cf_name)
        qs = _get_create_table(model)

        except CQLEngineException as ex:
            # 1.2 doesn't return cf names, so we have to examine the exception
            # and ignore if it says the column family already exists
            if "Cannot add already existing column family" not in unicode(ex):
        log.debug("sync_table checking existing table %s", cf_name)
        table_meta = tables[raw_cf_name]

        _validate_pk(model, table_meta)

        table_columns = table_meta.columns
        model_fields = set()

        for model_name, col in model._columns.items():
            db_name = col.db_field_name
            if db_name in table_columns:
                col_meta = table_columns[db_name]
                if col_meta.cql_type != col.db_type:
                    msg = 'Existing table {0} has column "{1}" with a type ({2}) differing from the model type ({3}).' \
                          ' Model should be updated.'.format(cf_name, db_name, col_meta.cql_type, col.db_type)


            if col.primary_key or col.primary_key:
                raise CQLEngineException(
                    "Cannot add primary key '{0}' (with db_field '{1}') to existing table {2}"
                    .format(model_name, db_name, cf_name))

            query = "ALTER TABLE {0} add {1}".format(cf_name,

        db_fields_not_in_model = model_fields.symmetric_difference(
        if db_fields_not_in_model:
                "Table {0} has fields not referenced by model: {1}".format(
                    cf_name, db_fields_not_in_model))


    table = cluster.metadata.keyspaces[ks_name].tables[raw_cf_name]

    indexes = [c for n, c in model._columns.items() if c.index]

    # TODO: support multiple indexes in C* 3.0+
    for column in indexes:
        index_name = _get_index_name_by_column(table, column.db_field_name)
        if index_name:

        qs = ['CREATE INDEX']
        qs += ['ON {0}'.format(cf_name)]
        qs += ['("{0}")'.format(column.db_field_name)]
        qs = ' '.join(qs)
Пример #12
def sync_table(model):
    Inspects the model and creates / updates the corresponding table and columns.

    Any User Defined Types used in the table are implicitly synchronized.

    This function can only add fields that are not part of the primary key.

    Note that the attributes removed from the model are not deleted on the database.
    They become effectively ignored by (will not show up on) the model.

    **This function should be used with caution, especially in production environments.
    Take care to execute schema modifications in a single context (i.e. not concurrently with other clients).**

    *There are plans to guard schema-modifying functions with an environment-driven conditional.*
    if not _allow_schema_modification():

    if not issubclass(model, Model):
        raise CQLEngineException("Models must be derived from base Model.")

    if model.__abstract__:
        raise CQLEngineException("cannot create table from abstract model")

    cf_name = model.column_family_name()
    raw_cf_name = model._raw_column_family_name()

    ks_name = model._get_keyspace()

    cluster = get_cluster()

        keyspace = cluster.metadata.keyspaces[ks_name]
    except KeyError:
        raise CQLEngineException("Keyspace '{0}' for model {1} does not exist.".format(ks_name, model))

    tables = keyspace.tables

    syncd_types = set()
    for col in model._columns.values():
        udts = []
        columns.resolve_udts(col, udts)
        for udt in [u for u in udts if u not in syncd_types]:
            _sync_type(ks_name, udt, syncd_types)

    if raw_cf_name not in tables:
        log.debug("sync_table creating new table %s", cf_name)
        qs = _get_create_table(model)

        except CQLEngineException as ex:
            # 1.2 doesn't return cf names, so we have to examine the exception
            # and ignore if it says the column family already exists
            if "Cannot add already existing column family" not in unicode(ex):
        log.debug("sync_table checking existing table %s", cf_name)
        table_meta = tables[raw_cf_name]

        _validate_pk(model, table_meta)

        table_columns = table_meta.columns
        model_fields = set()

        for model_name, col in model._columns.items():
            db_name = col.db_field_name
            if db_name in table_columns:
                col_meta = table_columns[db_name]
                if col_meta.cql_type != col.db_type:
                    msg = 'Existing table {0} has column "{1}" with a type ({2}) differing from the model type ({3}).' \
                          ' Model should be updated.'.format(cf_name, db_name, col_meta.cql_type, col.db_type)


            if col.primary_key or col.primary_key:
                raise CQLEngineException("Cannot add primary key '{0}' (with db_field '{1}') to existing table {2}".format(model_name, db_name, cf_name))

            query = "ALTER TABLE {0} add {1}".format(cf_name, col.get_column_def())

        db_fields_not_in_model = model_fields.symmetric_difference(table_columns)
        if db_fields_not_in_model:
            log.info("Table {0} has fields not referenced by model: {1}".format(cf_name, db_fields_not_in_model))


    table = cluster.metadata.keyspaces[ks_name].tables[raw_cf_name]

    indexes = [c for n, c in model._columns.items() if c.index]

    # TODO: support multiple indexes in C* 3.0+
    for column in indexes:
        index_name = _get_index_name_by_column(table, column.db_field_name)
        if index_name:

        qs = ['CREATE INDEX']
        qs += ['ON {0}'.format(cf_name)]
        qs += ['("{0}")'.format(column.db_field_name)]
        qs = ' '.join(qs)