Пример #1
class GridControlRule(MergeRule):

    mapping = {
        "[<pre>] <color> <n> [<action>]":
        R(Function(send_input, nexus=_NEXUS),
          rdescript="Rainbow Grid: Action"),
        "exit | escape | cancel":
        R(Function(kill, nexus=_NEXUS), rdescript="Exit Rainbow Grid"),
    extras = [
        IntegerRefST("pre", 0, 9),
            "color", {
                "red": 0,
                "(orange | tan | brown)": 1,
                "yellow": 2,
                "green": 3,
                "blue": 4,
                "purple": 5
        Choice("action", {
            "kick": 0,
            "psychic": 1,
        IntegerRefST("n", 0, 100),
    defaults = {
        "pre": 0,
        "action": -1,
Пример #2
class CustomVSCode(MergeRule):
    pronunciation = "custom sublime commands"
    mapping = {
        # my custom overrides
        "save file as":
        R(Key("cs-s"), rdescript="Sublime: Save As"),
        "grab it":
        R(Key("c-d"), rdescript="Sublime: Ctrl + d"),
        "skip it":
        R(Key("c-k,c-d"), rdescript="Sublime: Ctrl + d, k"),
        R(Key("csa-u"), rdescript="Sublime: uppercase"),
        R(Key("csa-l"), rdescript="Sublime: uppercase"),
        "cue jeep":
        R(Key("a-up"), rdescript="Sublime: uppercase"),
        "cue doom":
        R(Key("a-down"), rdescript="Sublime: uppercase"),
        R(Key("s-enter"), rdescript="Sublime: Ctrl + b"),
        "[go to] group [<n2>]":
        R(Key("c-%(n2)s"), rdescript="Sublime: Go to Group #"),
        "spring <n>":
        R(Key("c-g") + Pause("10") + Text("%(n)s") + Key("enter"),
          rdescript="Sublime: Go to Line #"),
        "crew [<text>]":
        R(Key("c-i") + Pause("10") + Text("%(text)s") + Pause("10") +
          Key("enter") + Key("escape"),
          rdescript="Sublime: Get Next"),
        "trail [<text>]":
        R(Key("c-u") + Pause("10") + Text("%(text)s") + Pause("10") +
          Key("enter") + Key("escape"),
          rdescript="Sublime: Get Next"),
        "expand|fill quotes":
        R(Key("cs-space"), rdescript="Atom: Expand Selection to Quotes"),
        # SymbolSpecs.FUNCTION:                       R(Text("fu\\") + Key("tab"), rdescript="CustomSublime: Function"),
        # SymbolSpecs.IF:                             R(Text("if\\") + Key("tab"), rdescript="ColdFusion: If"),
        # my custom overrides
        "double quotes":
        R(Key("dquote"), rdescript="Quotation Marks"),
        "Quach it":
        R(Key("apostrophe"), rdescript="Thin Quotation Marks"),
        "(cellaring | sell rang) <n> <n3>":
            Key("c-g") + Pause("5") + Text("%(n)s") + Key("enter") +
            Pause("5") + Key("c-k") + Key("c-space") + Pause("5") +
            Key("c-g") + Pause("10") + Text("%(n3)s") + Key("enter") +
            Key("end") + Key("c-k") + Key("c-a")),

    extras = [
        IntegerRefST("n", 1, 1000),
        IntegerRefST("n2", 1, 9),
        IntegerRefST("n3", 1, 999),
    defaults = {"n": 1, "mim": "", "text": ""}
Пример #3
class HMCHistoryRule(MergeRule):
    mapping = {
        # specific to macro recorder
        "check <n>":                    R(Function(hmc_checkbox, nexus=_NEXUS), rdescript="Check Checkbox"),
        "check from <n> to <n2>":       R(Function(hmc_recording_check_range, nexus=_NEXUS), rdescript="Check Range"),
        "exclude <n>":                  R(Function(hmc_recording_exclude, nexus=_NEXUS), rdescript="Uncheck Checkbox"),
        "[make] repeatable":            R(Function(hmc_recording_repeatable, nexus=_NEXUS), rdescript="Make Macro Repeatable")
    extras = [
              IntegerRefST("n", 1, 25),
              IntegerRefST("n2", 1, 25),
Пример #4
class EclipseCCR(MergeRule):
    pronunciation = "eclipse jump"

    mwith = [Navigation().get_pronunciation()]

    mapping = {
            #Line Ops
            "configure":                                R(Paste(ec_con.analysis_chars)+Key("left:2/5, c-f/20, backslash, rbracket, enter") + \
                                                          Function(ec_con.analyze_for_configure), rdescript="Eclipse: Configure"),
            "jump in [<n>]":                            R(Key("c-f, a-o")+Paste(r"[\(\[\{\<]")+Function(ec_con.regex_on)+ \
                                                          Key("enter:%(n)d/5, escape, right") , rdescript="Eclipse: Jump In"),
            "jump out [<n>]":                           R(Key("c-f, a-o")+Paste(r"[\)\] \}\>]")+Function(ec_con.regex_on)+ \
                                                          Key("enter:%(n)d/5, escape, right") , rdescript="Eclipse: Jump Out"),
            "jump back [<n>]":                          R(Key("c-f/5, a-b")+Paste(r"[\)\]\}\>]")+Function(ec_con.regex_on)+ \
                                                          Key("enter:%(n)d/5, escape, left") , rdescript="Eclipse: Jump Back"),
            "[go to] line <n>":                         R(Key("c-l") + Pause("50") + Text("%(n)d") + Key("enter")+ Pause("50"),
                                                          rdescript="Eclipse: Go To Line"),
            "shackle <n> [<back>]":                     R(Key("c-l")+Key("right, cs-left")+ \
                                                          Function(ec_con.lines_relative), rdescript="Eclipse: Select Relative Lines"),

    extras = [
        IntegerRefST("n", 1, 1000),
    defaults = {"n": 1, "back": False}
Пример #5
class SublimeRule(MergeRule):
    pronunciation = "sublime"

    mapping = {
        "go to line":
        R(Key("c-g"), rdescript="Sublime: Go To Line"),
        "go to symbol":
        R(Key("c-r"), rdescript="Sublime: Go To Symbol"),
        "go to word":
        R(Key("c-semicolon"), rdescript="Sublime: Go To Word"),
        "transform upper":
        R(Key("control:down, k, u, control:up"),
          rdescript="Sublime: Transform Upper"),
        "transform lower":
        R(Key("control:down, k, l, control:up"),
          rdescript="Sublime: Transform Lower"),
        "comment line":
        R(Key("c-slash"), rdescript="Sublime: Comment Line"),
        "comment block":
        R(Key("cs-slash"), rdescript="Sublime: Comment Block"),
        "full screen":
        R(Key("f11"), rdescript="Sublime: Fullscreen"),
        "set bookmark":
        R(Key("c-f2"), rdescript="Sublime: Set Bookmark"),
        "next bookmark":
        R(Key("f2"), rdescript="Sublime: Next Bookmark"),
        "open file":
        R(Key("c-p"), rdescript="Sublime: Open File"),
    extras = [
        IntegerRefST("n", 1, 1000),
    defaults = {"n": 1, "mim": ""}
Пример #6
class GitHubRule(MergeRule):
    pronunciation = "github"

    mapping = {
        "new repository": R(Key("c-n")),
        "add local repository": R(Key("c-o")),
        "clone repository": R(Key("c-o")),
        "options": R(Key("c-comma")),
        "changes": R(Key("c-1")),
        "history": R(Key("c-2")),
        "(repositories | repository list)": R(Key("c-t")),
        "branches [list]": R(Key("c-b")),
        "zoom in [<n>]": R(Key("c-equals")) * Repeat(extra="n"),
        "zoom out [<n>]": R(Key("c-minus")) * Repeat(extra="n"),
        "reset zoom": R(Key("c-0")),
        "push [repository]": R(Key("c-p")),
        "pull [repository]": R(Key("cs-p")),
        "remove repository": R(Key("c-delete")),
        "view on github": R(Key("cs-g")),
        "(terminal | command prompt)": R(Key("c-backtick")),
        "explorer": R(Key("cs-f")),
        "edit": R(Key("cs-a")),
        "new branch": R(Key("cs-n")),
        "rename branch": R(Key("cs-r")),
        "delete branch": R(Key("cs-d")),
        "update from master": R(Key("cs-u")),
        "compare to [branch]": R(Key("cs-b")),
        "merge into current [branch]": R(Key("cs-m")),
        "compare on github": R(Key("cs-c")),
        "create pull request": R(Key("c-r")),
    extras = [
        IntegerRefST("n", 1, 10),
    defaults = {"n": 1}
Пример #7
class FirefoxRule(MergeRule):
    pronunciation = "fire fox"

    mapping = {
        "new tab [<n>]":                R(Key("c-t"), rdescript="Browser: New Tab") * Repeat(extra="n"),
        "reopen tab [<n>]":             R(Key("cs-t"), rdescript="Browser: Reopen Tab") * Repeat(extra="n"),
        "show history":                 R(Key("c-h"), rdescript="Browser: Show History"),
        "show downloads":               R(Key("c-j"), rdescript="Browser: Show Downloads"),
        "zoom in <n>":                  R(Key("c-plus/20"), rdescript="Browser: Zoom In") * Repeat(extra="n"),
        "zoom out <n>":                 R(Key("c-minus/20"), rdescript="Browser: Zoom") * Repeat(extra="n"),
        "super refresh":                R(Key("c-f5"), rdescript="Browser: Super Refresh"),
        "[add] bookmark":               R(Key("c-d"), rdescript="Browser: Add Bookmark"),
        "developer tools":              R(Key("f12"), rdescript="Browser: Developer Tools"),
        "resume":                       R(Key("f8"), rdescript="Browser: Resume"),
        "step over":                    R(Key("f10"), rdescript="Browser: Step Over"),
        "step into":                    R(Key("f11"), rdescript="Browser: Step Into"), 
        "step out":                     R(Key("s-f11"), rdescript="Browser: Step Out"),
        "IRC identify":                 R(Text("/msg NickServ identify PASSWORD"), rdescript="IRC Chat Channel Identify"),
    extras = [
              IntegerRefST("n",1, 100),
    defaults ={"n": 1, "dict":"nothing"}
class UpperCaseSQL(MergeRule):
    pronunciation = "upper case sequel"
    mapping = {
            R(Text("SELECT "), rdescript="SQL: Select"),
        "select top [<n>]":
            R(Text("SELECT TOP ") + Function(_render_number),
              rdescript="SQL: Select Top"),
        "select all":
            R(Text("SELECT * "), rdescript="SQL: Select All"),
            R(Key("enter") + Text("FROM "), rdescript="SQL: From"),
            R(Key("enter") + Text("WHERE "), rdescript="SQL: Where"),
        "group by":
            R(Key("enter") + Text("GROUP BY "), rdescript="SQL: Group By"),
        "order by":
            R(Key("enter") + Text("ORDER BY "), rdescript="Order By"),
            R(Text(" ASC "), rdescript="SQL: Ascending"),
            R(Text(" DESC "), rdescript="SQL: Descending"),
        "left join":
            R(Key("enter") + Text("LEFT JOIN "), rdescript="SQL: Left Join"),
        "inner join":
            R(Key("enter") + Text("INNER JOIN "), rdescript="SQL: Inner Join"),
            R(Text(" JOIN "), rdescript="SQL: Join"),
        "insert into":
            R(Text(" INSERT INTO "), rdescript="SQL: Insert"),
            R(Text(" UPDATE TOKEN SET "), rdescript="SQL: Update"),
            R(Text("DELETE "), rdescript="SQL: Delete"),
            R(Text(" LIKE '%%'") + Key("left/5:2"), rdescript="SQL: Like"),
            R(Text(" UNION "), rdescript="SQL: Union"),
        "alias as":
            R(Text(" AS "), rdescript="SQL: Alias As"),
        "is null":
            R(Text(" IS NULL "), rdescript="SQL: Is Null"),
        "is not null":
            R(Text(" IS NOT NULL "), rdescript="SQL: Is Not Null"),
            R(Text(" DECLARE @ "), rdescript="SQL: Is Not Null"),
        "fun max":
            R(Text(" MAX() ") + Key("left/5:2"), rdescript="SQL: Max"),
        "fun count":
            R(Text(" COUNT() ") + Key("left/5:2"), rdescript="SQL: Count"),
            R(Text(" INT "), rdescript="SQL: Count"),
        "var char | far char":
            R(Text(" VARCHAR() ") + Key("left:2"), rdescript="SQL: Count"),
    extras = [
        IntegerRefST("n", 1, 10000),
    defaults = {"n": 0}
Пример #9
class Numbers(MergeRule):
    pronunciation = CCRMerger.CORE[2]
    mapping = {
        "word number <wn>":
        R(Function(alphanumeric.word_number, extra="wn"),
          rdescript="Number As Word"),
        "numb <wnKK>":
        R(Function(alphanumeric.numbers2, extra="wnKK"),

    extras = [
        IntegerRefST("wn", 0, 10),
        IntegerRefST("wnKK", 0, 1000000),
    defaults = {}
Пример #10
class StackTest(MappingRule):
    '''test battery for the ContextStack'''

    mapping = {
        "close last tag":
            L(S(["cancel"], None),
              S(["html spoken"], close_last_spoken, use_spoken=True),
              S(["span", "div"], close_last_rspec, use_rspec=True))
        R(Text("<html>"), rspec="html spoken"),
        R(Text("<div>"), rspec="div"),
        R(Text("<span>"), rspec="span"),
        "backward seeker [<text>]":
            L(S(["ashes"], Text("ashes1 [%(text)s] ")),
              S(["bravery"], Text("bravery1 [%(text)s] "))),
            L(S(["ashes"], Text("ashes2 [%(text)s] ")),
              S(["bravery"], Text("bravery2 [%(text)s] ")))
        "forward seeker [<text>]":
            L(S(["ashes"], Text("ashes1 [%(text)s] ")),
              S(["bravery"], Text("bravery1 [%(text)s] "))),
            L(S(["ashes"], Text("ashes2 [%(text)s] ")),
              S(["bravery"], Text("bravery2 [%(text)s] ")))
        "asynchronous test":
            L(S(["ashes", "charcoal"], print_time, None),
              S(["bravery"], Text, "bravery1"))
        RegisteredAction(Text("ashes _ "), rspec="ashes"),
        RegisteredAction(Text("bravery _ "), rspec="bravery"),
        "charcoal <text> [<n>]":
        R(Text("charcoal _ %(text)s"), rspec="charcoal"),
        "test confirm action":
                      rdescript="Confirm Action Test",
                      instructions="some words here"),
        "test box action":
        BoxAction(lambda data: _abc(data),
                  rdescript="Test Box Action",
    extras = [Dictation("text"), Dictation("text2"), IntegerRefST("n", 1, 5)]
    defaults = {"text": "", "text2": ""}
Пример #11
class FlashDevelopRule(MergeRule):
    pronunciation = "flash develop"

    mapping = {
        "prior tab [<n>]":
        R(Key("c-pgup"), rdescript="FlashDevelop: Previous Tab") *
        "next tab [<n>]":
        R(Key("c-pgdown"), rdescript="FlashDevelop: Next Tab") *
        "open resource":
        R(Key("c-r"), rdescript="FlashDevelop: Open Resource"),
        "jump to source":
        R(Key("f4"), rdescript="FlashDevelop: Jump To Source"),
        "jump away":
        R(Key("s-f4"), rdescript="FlashDevelop: Jump Away"),
        "step over [<n>]":
        R(Key("f10") * Repeat(extra="n"), rdescript="FlashDevelop: Step Over"),
        "step into":
        R(Key("f11"), rdescript="FlashDevelop: Step Into"),
        "step out [of]":
        R(Key("s-f11"), rdescript="FlashDevelop: Step Out"),
        R(Key("a-d, c"), rdescript="FlashDevelop: Resume"),
        R(Key("s-f5"), rdescript="FlashDevelop: Terminate Running Program"),
        "find everywhere":
        R(Key("cs-f"), rdescript="FlashDevelop: Search Project"),
        "refractor symbol":
        R(Key("a-r, r"), rdescript="FlashDevelop: Re-Factor Symbol"),
        "symbol next [<n>]":
        R(Key("f3"), rdescript="FlashDevelop: Symbol Next") *
        "symbol prior [<n>]":
        R(Key("s-f3"), rdescript="FlashDevelop: Symbol Prior") *
        "format code":
        R(Key("cs-2"), rdescript="FlashDevelop: Format Code"),
        "comment line":
        R(Key("c-q"), rdescript="FlashDevelop: Comment Line"),
        "clean it":
        R(Key("s-f8"), rdescript="FlashDevelop: Clean"),
        "build it":
        R(Key("f8"), rdescript="FlashDevelop: Build"),
        "(debug | run) last":
        R(Key("f5"), rdescript="FlashDevelop: Run"),
        "split view horizontal":
        R(Key("cs-enter"), rdescript="FlashDevelop: Split View (H)"),
        "auto complete":
        R(Key("cs-1"), rdescript="FlashDevelop: Auto Complete"),
    extras = [
        IntegerRefST("n", 1, 1000),
    defaults = {"n": 1, "mim": ""}
Пример #12
class GridControlRule(MergeRule):

    mapping = {
        "<n> [by] <n2> [<action>]":
            R(Function(send_input, nexus=_NEXUS), rdescript="Douglas Grid: Action"),
        "exit | escape | cancel":
            R(Function(kill, nexus=_NEXUS), rdescript="Exit Douglas Grid"),
    extras = [
        IntegerRefST("n", 0, 300),
        IntegerRefST("n2", 0, 300),
        Choice("action", {
            "kick": 0,
            "psychic": 1,
    defaults = {
        "action": -1,
Пример #13
class SSMSRule(MergeRule):
    pronunciation = "custom sequel server management studio"

    mapping = {
        # There doesn't seem to be a hotkey for sequential tab navigation in SSMS, but something is better than nothing...
        "next tab [<n>]":
            R(Key("c-tab"), rdescript="SSMS: Next Tab")*Repeat(extra="n"),
        "prior tab [<n>]":
            R(Key("cs-tab"), rdescript="SSMS: Previous Tab")*Repeat(extra="n"),
        "close tab [<n>]":
            R(Key("c-f4/20"), rdescript="SSMS: Close Tab")*Repeat(extra="n"),
        "go to line":
            R(Key("c-g"), rdescript="SSMS: Go To Line"),
        "[go to] line <n>":
            R(Key("c-g") + Pause("10") + Text("%(n)s") + Key("enter"),
              rdescript="SSMS: Go to Line #"),
        "comment line":
            R(Key("c-k, c-c"), rdescript="SSMS: Comment Selection"),
        "comment block":
            R(Key("c-k, c-c"), rdescript="SSMS: Comment Block"),
        "(un | on) comment line":
            R(Key("c-k/50, c-u"), rdescript="SSMS: Uncomment Selection"),
        "(un | on) comment block":
            R(Key("c-k/50, c-u"), rdescript="SSMS: Uncomment Block"),
        "[toggle] full screen":
            R(Key("sa-enter"), rdescript="SSMS: Fullscreen"),
        "(set | toggle) bookmark":
            R(Key("c-k, c-k"), rdescript="SSMS: Toggle Bookmark"),
        "next bookmark":
            R(Key("c-k, c-n"), rdescript="SSMS: Next Bookmark"),
        "prior bookmark":
            R(Key("c-k, c-p"), rdescript="SSMS: Previous Bookmark"),
        "[toggle] breakpoint":
            R(Key("f9"), rdescript="SSMS: Breakpoint"),
        "step over [<n>]":
            R(Key("f10/50")*Repeat(extra="n"), rdescript="SSMS: Step Over"),
        "step into":
            R(Key("f11"), rdescript="SSMS: Step Into"),
        "step out [of]":
            R(Key("s-f11"), rdescript="SSMS: Step Out"),
            R(Key("f5"), rdescript="SSMS: Resume"),
            R(Key("f5"), rdescript="SQL: Count"),
        "switch focus [<n>]":
            R(Key("f6"), rdescript="SQL: Switch Focus")*Repeat(extra="n"),
        "back focus [<n>]":
            R(Key("s-f6"), rdescript="SQL: Back Focus")*Repeat(extra="n"),
    extras = [
        IntegerRefST("n", 1, 1000),
    defaults = {"n": 1, "mim": ""}
Пример #14
class VisualStudioRule(MergeRule):
    pronunciation = "visual studio"

    mapping = {
        "next tab [<n>]":               R(Key("ca-pgdown"), rdescript="Visual Studio: Next Tab") * Repeat(extra="n"),
        "prior tab [<n>]":              R(Key("ca-pgup"), rdescript="Visual Studio: Previous Tab") * Repeat(extra="n"),
        "close tab [<n>]":              R(Key("c-f4/20"), rdescript="Visual Studio: Close Tab") * Repeat(extra="n"),

        "(list | show) documents":      R(Key("a-w, w"), rdescript="Visual Studio: List Documents"),
        "[focus] document (window | pane)": R(Key("a-w, w, enter"), rdescript="Visual Studio: Focus Document Pane"),
        "solution explorer":            R(Key("ca-l"), rdescript="Visual Studio: Solution Explorer"),
        "team explorer":                R(Key("c-backslash, c-m"), rdescript="Visual Studio: Team Explorer"),
        "source control explorer":      R(Key("c-q") + Text("Source Control Explorer") + Key("enter"), rdescript="Visual Studio: Source Control Explorer"),

        "quick launch":                 R(Key("c-q"), rdescript="Visual Studio: Quick Launch"),
        "go to line":                   R(Key("c-g"), rdescript="Visual Studio: Go To Line"),

        "comment line":                 R(Key("c-k, c-c"), rdescript="Visual Studio: Comment Selection"),
        "comment block":                R(Key("c-k, c-c"), rdescript="Visual Studio: Comment Block"),
        "(un | on) comment line":       R(Key("c-k/50, c-u"), rdescript="Visual Studio: Uncomment Selection"),
        "(un | on) comment block":      R(Key("c-k/50, c-u"), rdescript="Visual Studio: Uncomment Block"),
        "[toggle] full screen":         R(Key("sa-enter"), rdescript="Visual Studio: Fullscreen"),
        "(set | toggle) bookmark":      R(Key("c-k, c-k"), rdescript="Visual Studio: Toggle Bookmark"),
        "next bookmark":                R(Key("c-k, c-n"), rdescript="Visual Studio: Next Bookmark"),
        "prior bookmark":               R(Key("c-k, c-p"), rdescript="Visual Studio: Previous Bookmark"),
        "collapse to definitions":      R(Key("c-m, c-o"), rdescript="Visual Studio: Collapse To Definitions"),
        "toggle [section] outlining":   R(Key("c-m, c-m"), rdescript="Visual Studio: Toggle Section Outlining"),
        "toggle all outlining":         R(Key("c-m, c-l"), rdescript="Visual Studio: Toggle All Outlining"),

        "[toggle] breakpoint":          R(Key("f9"), rdescript="Visual Studio: Breakpoint"),
        "step over [<n>]":              R(Key("f10/50") * Repeat(extra="n"), rdescript="Visual Studio: Step Over"),
        "step into":                    R(Key("f11"), rdescript="Visual Studio: Step Into"),
        "step out [of]":                R(Key("s-f11"), rdescript="Visual Studio: Step Out"),
        "resume":                       R(Key("f5"), rdescript="Visual Studio: Resume"),

        "run tests":                    R(Key("c-r, t"), rdescript="Visual Studio: Run test(s)"),
        "run all tests":                R(Key("c-r, a"), rdescript="Visual Studio: Run all tests"),

        "build solution":               R(Key("cs-b"), rdescript="Visual Studio: Build solution"),

        "get latest [version]":         R(Key("a-f, r, l"), rdescript="Visual Studio: Get Latest"),
        "(show | view) history":        R(Key("a-f, r, h"), rdescript="Visual Studio: Show History"),
        "compare (files | versions)":   R(Key("a-f, r, h"), rdescript="Visual Studio: Compare..."),
        "undo (checkout | pending changes)": R(Key("a-f, r, u"), rdescript="Visual Studio: Undo Pending Changes"),

        "[open] [go to] work item":     R(Key("a-m, g"), rdescript="Visual Studio: Open Work Item"),
        "[add] [new] linked work item": R(Key("sa-l"), rdescript="Visual Studio: New Linked Work Item"),
    extras = [
              IntegerRefST("n", 1, 1000),
    defaults = {"n": 1, "mim":""}
Пример #15
class RStudioRule(MergeRule):
    pronunciation = "are studio"

    mapping = {
    "new file":
        R(Key("cs-n"), rdescript="RStudio: New File"),
    "open file":
        R(Key("c-o"), rdescript="RStudio: Open File"),
    "open recent project":
        R(Key("a-f, j"), rdescript="RStudio: Open Recent Project"),
  	"open project":
        R(Key("a-f, n, enter"), rdescript="RStudio: Open Project"),
    "save all":
        R(Key("ac-s"), rdescript="RStudio: Save All"),
    "select all":
        R(Key("c-a"), rdescript="RStudio: Select All"),
        R(Key("c-f"), rdescript="RStudio: Find"),

    "[go to] line <n>":
        R(Key("as-g") + Pause("10") + Text("%(n)s") + Key("enter"),
          rdescript="RStudio: Go to Line #"),
    "focus console":
        R(Key("c-2"), rdescript="RStudio: Focus Console"),
    "focus main":
        R(Key("c-1"), rdescript="RStudio: Focus Main"),

    "next tab":
        R(Key("c-f12"), rdescript="RStudio: Next Tab"),
    "first tab":
        R(Key("cs-f11"), rdescript="RStudio: First Tab"),
    "previous tab":
        R(Key("c-f11"), rdescript="RStudio: Previous Tab"),
    "last tab":
        R(Key("cs-f12"), rdescript="RStudio: Last Tab"),
    "close tab":
        R(Key("c-w"), rdescript="RStudio: Close Tab"),

    "run line":
        R(Key("c-enter"), rdescript="RStudio: Run Line"),
    "run document":
        R(Key("ac-r"), rdescript="RStudio: Run Document"),
    "comment (line | selected)":
        R(Key("cs-c"), rdescript="RStudio: Comment Line"),

    "next plot":
        R(Key("ac-f12"), rdescript="RStudio: Next Plot"),
    "previous plot":
        R(Key("ac-f11"), rdescript="RStudio: Previous Plot"),
    extras = [
        IntegerRefST("n", 1, 10000),
    defaults = {}
Пример #16
class DragonRule(MergeRule):
    pronunciation = "dragon"

    mapping = {
        '(lock Dragon | deactivate)':
        R(Playback([(["go", "to", "sleep"], 0.0)]),
          rdescript="Dragon: Go To Sleep"),
        '(number|numbers) mode':
        R(Playback([(["numbers", "mode", "on"], 0.0)]),
          rdescript="Dragon: Number Mode"),
        'spell mode':
        R(Playback([(["spell", "mode", "on"], 0.0)]),
          rdescript="Dragon: Spell Mode"),
        'dictation mode':
        R(Playback([(["dictation", "mode", "on"], 0.0)]),
          rdescript="Dragon: Dictation Mode"),
        'normal mode':
        R(Playback([(["normal", "mode", "on"], 0.0)]),
          rdescript="Dragon: Normal Mode"),
        'command mode':
        R(Playback([(["command", "mode", "on"], 0.0)]),
          rdescript="Dragon: Normal Mode"),
        'com on':
        R(Playback([(["command", "mode", "on"], 0.0)]),
          rdescript="Dragon: Command Mode (On)"),
        'com off':
        R(Playback([(["command", "mode", "off"], 0.0)]),
          rdescript="Dragon: Command Mode (Off)"),
        R(Playback([(["scratch", "that"], 0.0)]),
          rdescript="Dragon: 'Scratch That'"),
        "reboot dragon":
          rdescript="Reboot Dragon Naturallyspeaking"),
        "fix dragon double":
        R(Function(fix_dragon_double, nexus=_NEXUS),
          rdescript="Fix Dragon Double Letter"),
        "left point":
        R(Playback([(["MouseGrid"], 0.1), (["four", "four"], 0.1),
                    (["click"], 0.0)]),
          rdescript="Mouse: Left Point"),
        "right point":
        R(Playback([(["MouseGrid"], 0.1), (["six", "six"], 0.1),
                    (["click"], 0.0)]),
          rdescript="Mouse: Right Point"),
        "center point":
        R(Playback([(["MouseGrid"], 0.1), (["click"], 0.0)]),
          rdescript="Mouse: Center Point"),
    extras = [
        IntegerRefST("n", 1, 1000),
    defaults = {"n": 1, "mim": ""}
Пример #17
 def __init__(self, nexus):
     self.nexus = nexus
         name="repeat that",
         extras=[IntegerRefST("n", 1, 50)],
         defaults={"n": 1},
             "again (<n> [(times|time)] | do)":
             R(Function(lambda n: self._create_asynchronous(n)), show=False)
Пример #18
class MSWordRule(MergeRule):
    pronunciation = "Microsoft Word"

    mapping = {
        "insert image": R(Key("alt, n, p"), rdescript="Word: Insert Image"),
    extras = [
        IntegerRefST("n", 1, 100),
    defaults = {"n": 1, "dict": "nothing"}
Пример #19
class lyx_mathematics(MergeRule):
    pronunciation = "licks maths"

    mapping = {
        BINDINGS["symbol1_prefix"] + " <symbol1>":
        Text("\\%(symbol1)s "),
        BINDINGS["symbol2_prefix"] + " <symbol2>":
        Text("\\%(symbol2)s "),
        BINDINGS["text_prefix"] + " <text_modes>":
        Text("\\%(text_modes)s "),
        BINDINGS["greek_prefix"] + " [<big>] <greek_letter>":
        BINDINGS["number_prefix"] + " <numbers>":
        "matrix <rows> by <cols>":
        "<numbers> <denominator>":
        Key("a-m, f, %(n1)s, down, %(denominator)s, right"),

    extras = [
        IntegerRefST("rows", 1, 10),
        IntegerRefST("cols", 1, 10),
        IntegerRefST("numbers", 0, 500),
        Choice("big", {BINDINGS["capitals_prefix"]: True}),
        Choice("greek_letter", BINDINGS["greek_letters"]),
        Choice("symbol1", BINDINGS["tex_symbols1"]),
        Choice("symbol2", BINDINGS["tex_symbols2"]),
        Choice("text_modes", BINDINGS["text_modes"]),
        Choice("misc_lyx_keys", BINDINGS["misc_lyx_keys"]),
        Choice("misc_lyx_commands", BINDINGS["misc_lyx_commands"]),
        Choice("denominator", BINDINGS["denominators"]),

    defaults = {
        BINDINGS["capitals_prefix"]: False,
Пример #20
class KDiff3Rule(MergeRule):
    pronunciation = "K diff"

    mapping = {
        "refresh": R(Key("f5"), rdescript="Refresh"),
    extras = [
        IntegerRefST("n", 1, 1000),
    defaults = {"n": 1, "mim": ""}
Пример #21
class JetbrainsRule(MergeRule):
    pronunciation = "jet brains"

    mapping = {
        R(Key("a-enter"), rdescript="JetBrains: Quick Fix"),
        R(Key("c-d"), rdescript="JetBrains: Duplicate"),
        "auto complete":
        R(Key("cs-a"), rdescript="JetBrains: Auto Complete"),
        "format code":
        R(Key("ca-l"), rdescript="JetBrains: Format Code"),
        "show doc":
        R(Key("c-q"), rdescript="JetBrains: Show Documentation"),
        "show param":
        R(Key("c-p"), rdescript="JetBrains: Show Parameters"),
        "Jen method":
        R(Key("a-insert"), rdescript="JetBrains: Generated Method"),
        "jump to source":
        R(Key("f4"), rdescript="JetBrains: Jump To Source"),
        "delete line":
        R(Key("c-y"), rdescript="JetBrains: Delete Line"),
        "search symbol":
        R(Key("cas-n"), rdescript="JetBrains: Search Symbol"),
        R(Key("c-f9"), rdescript="JetBrains: Build"),
        "build and run":
        R(Key("s-f10"), rdescript="JetBrains: Build And Run"),
        "next tab":
        R(Key("a-right"), rdescript="JetBrains: Next Tab"),
        "prior tab":
        R(Key("a-left"), rdescript="JetBrains: Previous Tab"),
        "comment line":
        R(Key("c-slash"), rdescript="JetBrains: Comment Line"),
        "uncomment line":
        R(Key("cs-slash"), rdescript="JetBrains: Uncomment Line"),
        "select ex":
        R(Key("c-w"), rdescript="JetBrains: untitled command"),
        "select ex down":
        R(Key("cs-w"), rdescript="JetBrains: entitled command"),
        "search everywhere":
        R(Key("shift, shift"), rdescript="JetBrains: Search Everywhere"),
        "find in current":
        R(Key("cs-f"), rdescript="JetBrains: Find In Current"),
        "go to line":
        R(Key("c-g"), rdescript="JetBrains: Go To Line"),
    extras = [
        IntegerRefST("n", 1, 1000),
    defaults = {"n": 1, "mim": ""}
Пример #22
class MSVCRule(MergeRule):
    pronunciation = "Microsoft visual studio"

    mapping = {
        "cursor prior":
        R(Key("c-minus"), rdescript="MSVC: Cursor Prior"),
        "cursor next":
        R(Key("cs-minus"), rdescript="MSVC: Cursor Next"),
        "toggle fullscreen":
        R(Key("sa-enter"), rdescript="MSVC: Toggle Fullscreen"),
        R(Key("c-dot"), rdescript="MSVC: Resolve"),
        "jump to source":
        R(Key("f12"), rdescript="MSVC: Jump To Source"),
        R(Key("tab"), rdescript="MSVC: Snippet"),
        "step over [<n>]":
        R(Key("f10/50") * Repeat(extra="n"), rdescript="MSVC: Step Over"),
        "step into":
        R(Key("f11"), rdescript="MSVC: Step Into"),
        "step out [of]":
        R(Key("s-f11"), rdescript="MSVC: Step Out"),
        R(Key("f8"), rdescript="MSVC: Resume"),
        "build [last]":
        R(Key("ca-f7"), rdescript="MSVC: Build"),
        "debug [last]":
        R(Key("f5"), rdescript="MSVC: Debug"),
        "comment out":
        R(Key("c-k/50, c-c"), rdescript="MSVC: Comment Out"),
        "on comment out":
        R(Key("c-k/50, c-u"), rdescript="MSVC: Uncomment Out"),
        "set bookmark":
        R(Key("c-k, c-k"), rdescript="MSVC: Set Bookmark"),
        "next bookmark":
        R(Key("c-k, c-n"), rdescript="MSVC: Next Bookmark"),
        R(Key("f9"), rdescript="MSVC: Breakpoint"),
        "format code":
        R(Key("cs-f"), rdescript="MSVC: Format Code"),
        "(do imports | import all)":
        R(Key("cs-o"), rdescript="MSVC: Do Imports"),
        "comment line":
        R(Key("c-slash"), rdescript="MSVC: Comment Line"),
        "go to line":
        R(Key("c-g"), rdescript="MSVC: Go To Line"),
    extras = [
        IntegerRefST("n", 1, 1000),
    defaults = {"n": 1}
Пример #23
class FlashDevelopCCR(MergeRule):
    pronunciation = "flash develop test"
    mwith = [Navigation().get_name()]
    mapping = {
            "[go to] line <n>":                         R(Key("c-g") + Pause("50") + Text("%(n)d") + Key("enter"), 
                                                          rdescript="FlashDevelop: Go To Line"),
    extras = [
              IntegerRefST("n", 1, 1000),
    defaults = {"n": 1}
Пример #24
class SQLDeveloperRule(MergeRule):
    pronunciation = "sequel developer"

    mapping = {
        "run this query": R(Key("f9"), rdescript="SQL Dev: Run Query"),
        "format code": R(Key("c-f7"), rdescript="SQL Dev: Format Code"),
        "comment line": R(Key("c-slash"), rdescript="SQL Dev: Comment Line"),
    extras = [
        IntegerRefST("n", 1, 1000),
    defaults = {"n": 1}
Пример #25
class fmanRule(MergeRule):
    pronunciation = "F man"

    mapping = {
        "select all": R(Key("c-a")),
        "copy": R(Key("f5")),
        "deselect": R(Key("c-d")),
        "edit": R(Key("f4")),
        "end": R(Key("end")),
        "explorer": R(Key("f10")),
        "go <fav>":
        R(Key("c-0") + Pause("15") + Text("%(fav)s") + Key("enter")),
        "go see": R(Key("c-p") + Pause("15") + Text("c") + Key("enter")),
        "go external": R(Key("c-p") + Pause("15") + Text("e") + Key("enter")),
        "go to": R(Key("c-p")),
        "move": R(Key("f6")),
        "new file": R(Key("s-f4")),
        "new folder": R(Key("f7")),
        "open left": R(Key("c-left")),
        "open right": R(Key("c-right")),
        "properties": R(Key("a-enter")),
        "refresh": R(Key("c-r")),
        "rename": R(Key("s-f6")),
        "search": R(Key("cs-f")),
        "(set | add) favourite": R(Key("s-f")),
        "show favourites": R(Key("c-0")),
        "(show | hide) hidden": R(Key("c-dot")),
        "sort [by] name": R(Key("c-f1")),
        "sort [by] size": R(Key("c-f2")),
        "sort [by] (modified | date)": R(Key("c-f3")),
        "stoosh path": R(Key("f11")),
        "terminal": R(Key("f9")),
        "command pallette": R(Key("cs-p")),

    extras = [
        IntegerRefST("num", 1, 4),
            "fav", {
                "advent": "adv",
                "(docks | documents)": "docs",
                "(downs | download)": "downs",
                "git caster": "gcast",
                "mike": "mike",
                "user caster": "ucast",
                "uni [work]": "uni",
    defaults = {
        "num": 1,
Пример #26
class Alias(SelfModifyingRule):
    mapping = {"default command": NullAction()}
    toml_path = "single_aliases"
    pronunciation = "alias"
    extras = [
        IntegerRefST("n", 1, 50),
    defaults = {
        "n": 1,
        "textnv": "",

    def alias(self, spec):
        spec = str(spec)
        if spec != "":
            text = read_highlighted(10)
            if text != None: self.refresh(spec, str(text))

    def vary(self, capitalization, spacing, textnv):
        textnv2 = textformat.TextFormat.formatted_text(capitalization, spacing,
        self.refresh(str(textnv), textnv2)

    def refresh(self, *args):
        '''args: spec, text'''
        aliases = utilities.load_toml_file(
        if not Alias.toml_path in aliases:
            aliases[Alias.toml_path] = {}
        if len(args) > 0:
            aliases[Alias.toml_path][args[0]] = args[1]
        mapping = {}
        for spec in aliases[Alias.toml_path]:
            mapping[spec] = R(
            # R(
            #     Text(str(aliases[Alias.toml_path][spec])),
            #     rdescript="Alias: " + spec)

        mapping["alias <s>"] = R(Function(lambda s: self.alias(s)),
                                 rdescript="Create Alias")
        mapping["delete aliases"] = R(
            Function(lambda: delete_all(self, Alias.toml_path)),
            rdescript="Delete Aliases")
Пример #27
class LyxRule(MergeRule):
    pronunciation = "lyx"

    mapping = {
        "new file":
        R(Key("c-n"), rdescript="LyX: new file"),
        "open file":
        R(Key("c-o"), rdescript="LyX: open file"),
        "save as":
        R(Key("cs-s"), rdescript="LyX: save as"),
        "math mode":
        R(Key("c-m"), rdescript="LyX: math mode"),
        "display mode":
        R(Key("cs-m"), rdescript="LyX: display mode"),
        "view PDF":
        R(Key("c-r"), rdescript="LyX: view PDF"),
        "update PDF":
        R(Key("cs-r"), rdescript="LyX: update PDF"),
        "move line up [<n>]":
        R(Key("a-up"), rdescript="LyX: move line up") * Repeat(extra="n"),
        "move line down [<n>]":
        R(Key("a-down"), rdescript="LyX: move line down") * Repeat(extra="n"),
        "insert <environment>":
        R(Key("a-i, h, %(environment)s"), rdescript="LyX: insert environment"),
    extras = [
        IntegerRefST("n", 1, 10),
            "environment", {
                "(in line formula | in line)": "i",
                "(display formula | display)": "d",
                "(equation array environment | equation array)": "e",
                "(AMS align environment | AMS align)": "a",
                "AMS align at [environment]": "t",
                "AMS flalign [environment]": "f",
                "(AMS gathered environment | AMS gather)": "g",
                "(AMS multline [environment]| multiline)": "m",
                "array [environment]": "y",
                "(cases [environment] | piecewise)": "c",
                "(aligned [environment] | align)": "l",
                "aligned at [environment]": "v",
                "gathered [environment]": "h",
                "split [environment]": "s",
                "delimiters": "r",
                "matrix": "x",
                "macro": "o",
    defaults = {
        "n": 1,
Пример #28
class RStudioRule(MergeRule):
    pronunciation = "are studio"

    mapping = {
        "new file":
        R(Key("cs-n"), rdescript="RStudio: New File"),
        "open file":
        R(Key("c-o"), rdescript="RStudio: Open File"),
        "save all":
        R(Key("ac-s"), rdescript="RStudio: Save All"),
        "select all":
        R(Key("c-a"), rdescript="RStudio: Select All"),
        R(Key("c-f"), rdescript="RStudio: Find"),
        "[go to] line <n>":
        R(Key("as-g") + Pause("10") + Text("%(n)s") + Key("enter"),
          rdescript="RStudio: Go to Line #"),
        "focus console":
        R(Key("c-2"), rdescript="RStudio: Focus Console"),
        "focus main":
        R(Key("c-1"), rdescript="RStudio: Focus Main"),
        "next pane":
        R(Key("c-f12"), rdescript="RStudio: Next pane"),
        "first pane":
        R(Key("cs-f11"), rdescript="RStudio: First pane"),
        "previous pane":
        R(Key("c-f11"), rdescript="RStudio: Previous pane"),
        "last pane":
        R(Key("cs-f12"), rdescript="RStudio: Last pane"),
        "close pane":
        R(Key("c-w"), rdescript="RStudio: Close pane"),
        "run (line | that)":
        R(Key("c-enter"), rdescript="RStudio: Run Line"),
        "run document":
        R(Key("ac-r"), rdescript="RStudio: Run Document"),
        "comment (line | selected)":
        R(Key("cs-c"), rdescript="RStudio: Comment Line"),
        "knit (document | file)":
        "next plot":
        R(Key("ac-f12"), rdescript="RStudio: Next Plot"),
        "previous plot":
        R(Key("ac-f11"), rdescript="RStudio: Previous Plot"),
        R(Key("c-c, c-2, question, c-v, enter, c-1")),
    extras = [
        IntegerRefST("n", 1, 10000),
    defaults = {}
Пример #29
class FoxitRule(MergeRule):
    pronunciation = "fox it reader"

    mapping = {
        "next tab [<n>]":               R(Key("c-tab"), rdescript="Foxit Reader: Next Tab") * Repeat(extra="n"),
        "prior tab [<n>]":              R(Key("cs-tab"), rdescript="Foxit Reader: Previous Tab") * Repeat(extra="n"),
        "close tab [<n>]":              R(Key("c-f4/20"), rdescript="Foxit Reader: Close Tab") * Repeat(extra="n"),
    extras = [
              IntegerRefST("n", 1, 1000),
    defaults = {"n": 1, "mim":""}
Пример #30
class ChromeRule(MergeRule):
    pronunciation = "google chrome"

    mapping = { # most keybinds are taken from https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/157179?hl=en
        "[new] incognito window":       R(Key("cs-n"), rdescript="Browser: New Incognito Window"),
        "new tab [<n>]":                R(Key("c-t"), rdescript="Browser: New Tab") * Repeat(extra="n"),
        "reopen tab [<n>]":             R(Key("cs-t"), rdescript="Browser: Reopen Tab") * Repeat(extra="n"),
        "close all tabs":               R(Key("cs-w"), rdescript="Browser: Close All Tabs"),

        "go back [<n>]":                R(Key("a-left/20"), rdescript="Browser: Navigate History Backward") * Repeat(extra="n"),
        "go forward [<n>]":             R(Key("a-right/20"), rdescript="Browser: Navigate History Forward") * Repeat(extra="n"),
        "zoom in [<n>]":                R(Key("c-plus/20"), rdescript="Browser: Zoom In") * Repeat(extra="n"),
        "zoom out [<n>]":               R(Key("c-minus/20"), rdescript="Browser: Zoom") * Repeat(extra="n"),
        "zoom reset":                   R(Key("c-0"), rdescript="Browser: Reset Zoom"),
        "super refresh":                R(Key("c-f5"), rdescript="Browser: Super Refresh"),
        "switch focus [<n>]":           R(Key("f6/20"), rdescript="Browser: Switch Focus") * Repeat(extra="n"),
        "[find] next match [<n>]":      R(Key("c-g/20"), rdescript="Browser: Next Match") * Repeat(extra="n"),
        "[find] prior match [<n>]":     R(Key("cs-g/20"), rdescript="Browser: Prior Match") * Repeat(extra="n"),
        "[toggle] caret browsing":      R(Key("f7"), rdescript="Browser: Caret Browsing"), # now available through an add on, was a standard feature

        "home page":                    R(Key("a-home"), rdescript="Browser: Home Page"),
        "show history":                 R(Key("c-h"), rdescript="Browser: Show History"),
        "address bar":                  R(Key("c-l"), rdescript="Browser: Address Bar"),
        "show downloads":               R(Key("c-j"), rdescript="Browser: Show Downloads"),
        "[add] bookmark":               R(Key("c-d"), rdescript="Browser: Add Bookmark"),
        "bookmark all tabs":            R(Key("cs-d"), rdescript="Browser: Bookmark All Tabs"),
        "[toggle] bookmark bar":        R(Key("cs-b"), rdescript="Browser: Toggle Bookmark Bar"),
        "show bookmarks":               R(Key("cs-o"), rdescript="Browser: Show Bookmarks"),
        "switch user":                  R(Key("cs-m"), rdescript="Browser: Switch User"),
        "chrome task manager":          R(Key("s-escape"), rdescript="Browser: Chrome Task Manager"),
        "[toggle] full-screen":         R(Key("f11"), rdescript="Browser: Toggle Fullscreen Mode"),
        "focus notification":           R(Key("a-n"), rdescript="Browser: Focus Notification"),
        "allow notification":           R(Key("as-a"), rdescript="Browser: Allow Notification"),
        "deny notification":            R(Key("as-a"), rdescript="Browser: Deny Notification"),

        "developer tools":              R(Key("f12"), rdescript="Browser: Developer Tools"),
        "view [page] source":           R(Key("c-u"), rdescript="Browser: View Page Source"),
        "resume":                       R(Key("f8"), rdescript="Browser: Resume"),
        "step over":                    R(Key("f10"), rdescript="Browser: Step Over"),
        "step into":                    R(Key("f11"), rdescript="Browser: Step Into"),
        "step out":                     R(Key("s-f11"), rdescript="Browser: Step Out"),

        "IRC identify":                 R(Text("/msg NickServ identify PASSWORD"), rdescript="IRC Chat Channel Identify"),
    extras = [
        IntegerRefST("n", 1, 10),
    defaults = {"n": 1, "dict": "nothing"}