Пример #1
    def __init__(self):
        global_context = {}
        for (name, (value, type)) in BUILTINS.items():
            global_context[name] = type
        self.context = ScopedContext(global_context, level='global')
        self.toplevel_context = ScopedContext({},
        self.context = self.toplevel_context
        self.current_defn = None

        self.forwards = {}
        self.structs = {}  # struct name -> StructDefinition
        self.return_type = None
        self.within_control = False

        self.verbose = False
Пример #2
    def __init__(self):
        global_context = {}
        for (name, (value, type)) in BUILTINS.iteritems():
            global_context[name] = type
        self.context = ScopedContext(global_context, level='global')
        self.toplevel_context = ScopedContext({}, self.context, level='toplevel')
        self.context = self.toplevel_context

        self.forwards = {}
        self.structs = {}  # struct name -> StructDefinition
        self.return_type = None
        self.within_control = False

        self.verbose = False
Пример #3
 def type_of(self, ast):
     if ast.tag == 'Op':
         if ast.value in ('and', 'or'):
             self.assert_eq(self.type_of(ast.children[0]), Boolean())
             self.assert_eq(self.type_of(ast.children[1]), Boolean())
             ast.type = Boolean()
         elif ast.value in ('+', '-', '*', '/'):
             type1 = self.type_of(ast.children[0])
             type2 = self.type_of(ast.children[1])
             self.assert_eq(type1, type2)
             self.assert_eq(type1, Integer())
             ast.type = Integer()
         elif ast.value in ('==', '!=', '>', '>=', '<', '<='):
             type1 = self.type_of(ast.children[0])
             type2 = self.type_of(ast.children[1])
             self.assert_eq(type1, type2)
             ast.type = Boolean()
     elif ast.tag == 'Not':
         type1 = self.type_of(ast.children[0])
         self.assert_eq(type1, Boolean())
         ast.type = Boolean()
     elif ast.tag == 'IntLit':
         ast.type = Integer()
     elif ast.tag == 'StrLit':
         ast.type = String()
     elif ast.tag == 'BoolLit':
         ast.type = Boolean()
     elif ast.tag == 'FunLit':
         save_context = self.context
         self.context = ScopedContext({}, self.toplevel_context,
         self.return_type = None
         arg_types = self.type_of(ast.children[0])  # args
         t = self.type_of(ast.children[1])  # body
         self.assert_eq(t, Void())
         self.context = save_context
         return_type = self.return_type
         self.return_type = None
         if return_type is None:
             return_type = Void()
         ast.type = Function(arg_types, return_type)
     elif ast.tag == 'Args':
         types = []
         for child in ast.children:
         return types  # NOT A TYPE
     elif ast.tag == 'Arg':
         ast.type = self.set(ast.value, self.type_of(ast.children[0]))
     elif ast.tag == 'Type':
         map = {
             'integer': Integer(),
             'boolean': Boolean(),
             'string': String(),
             'void': Void(),
         ast.type = map[ast.value]
     elif ast.tag == 'Body':
         self.context = ScopedContext({}, self.context,
         self.assert_eq(self.type_of(ast.children[1]), Void())
         self.context = self.context.parent
         ast.type = Void()
     elif ast.tag == 'FunType':
         return_type = self.type_of(ast.children[0])
         ast.type = Function([self.type_of(c) for c in ast.children[1:]],
     elif ast.tag == 'UnionType':
         ast.type = Union([self.type_of(c) for c in ast.children])
     elif ast.tag == 'StructType':
         ast.type = Struct(ast.value)
     elif ast.tag == 'VarRef':
         ast.type = self.context[ast.value]
         ast.aux = self.context.level(ast.value)
     elif ast.tag == 'None':
         ast.type = Void()
     elif ast.tag == 'FunCall':
         t1 = self.type_of(ast.children[0])
         assert isinstance(t1, Function), \
           '%r is not a function' % t1
         if len(t1.arg_types) != len(ast.children) - 1:
             raise CastileTypeError("argument mismatch")
         i = 0
         for child in ast.children[1:]:
             self.assert_eq(self.type_of(child), t1.arg_types[i])
             i += 1
         ast.type = t1.return_type
     elif ast.tag == 'Return':
         t1 = self.type_of(ast.children[0])
         if self.return_type is None:
             self.return_type = t1
             self.assert_eq(t1, self.return_type)
         ast.type = Void()
     elif ast.tag == 'Break':
         ast.type = Void()
     elif ast.tag == 'If':
         within_control = self.within_control
         self.within_control = True
         t1 = self.type_of(ast.children[0])
         assert t1 == Boolean()
         t2 = self.type_of(ast.children[1])
         if len(ast.children) == 3:
             # TODO useless!  is void.
             t3 = self.type_of(ast.children[2])
             self.assert_eq(t2, t3)
             ast.type = t2
             ast.type = Void()
         self.within_control = within_control
     elif ast.tag == 'While':
         within_control = self.within_control
         self.within_control = True
         t1 = self.type_of(ast.children[0])
         self.assert_eq(t1, Boolean())
         t2 = self.type_of(ast.children[1])
         ast.type = Void()
         self.within_control = within_control
     elif ast.tag == 'Block':
         for child in ast.children:
             self.assert_eq(self.type_of(child), Void())
         ast.type = Void()
     elif ast.tag == 'Assignment':
         t2 = self.type_of(ast.children[1])
         t1 = None
         name = ast.children[0].value
         if ast.aux == 'defining instance':
             if self.within_control:
                 raise CastileTypeError('definition of %s within control block' % name)
             if name in self.context:
                 raise CastileTypeError('definition of %s shadows previous' % name)
             self.set(name, t2)
             t1 = t2
             if name not in self.context:
                 raise CastileTypeError('variable %s used before definition' % name)
             t1 = self.type_of(ast.children[0])
         self.assert_eq(t1, t2)
         # not quite useless now (typecase still likes this)
         if self.context.level(ast.children[0].value) != 'local':
             raise CastileTypeError('cannot assign to non-local')
         ast.type = Void()
     elif ast.tag == 'Make':
         t = self.type_of(ast.children[0])
         if t.name not in self.structs:
             raise CastileTypeError("undefined struct %s" % t.name)
         struct_defn = self.structs[t.name]
         if len(struct_defn.content_types) != len(ast.children) - 1:
             raise CastileTypeError("argument mismatch")
         i = 0
         for defn in ast.children[1:]:
             name = defn.value
             t1 = self.type_of(defn)
             pos = struct_defn.field_names[name]
             defn.aux = pos
             self.assert_eq(t1, struct_defn.content_types[pos])
             i += 1
         ast.type = t
     elif ast.tag == 'FieldInit':
         ast.type = self.type_of(ast.children[0])
     elif ast.tag == 'Index':
         t = self.type_of(ast.children[0])
         field_name = ast.value
         struct_fields = self.structs[t.name].field_names
         if field_name not in struct_fields:
             raise CastileTypeError("undefined field")
         index = struct_fields[field_name]
         # we make this value available to compiler backends
         ast.aux = index
         # we look up the type from the StructDefinition
         ast.type = self.structs[t.name].content_types[index]
     elif ast.tag == 'TypeCase':
         t1 = self.type_of(ast.children[0])
         t2 = self.type_of(ast.children[1])
         if not isinstance(t1, Union):
             raise CastileTypeError('bad typecase, %s not a union' % t1)
         if not t1.contains(t2):
             raise CastileTypeError('bad typecase, %s not in %s' % (t2, t1))
         # typecheck t3 with variable in children[0] having type t2
         assert ast.children[0].tag == 'VarRef'
         within_control = self.within_control
         self.within_control = True
         self.context = ScopedContext({}, self.context, level='typecase')
         self.context[ast.children[0].value] = t2
         ast.type = self.type_of(ast.children[2])
         self.context = self.context.parent
         self.within_control = within_control
     elif ast.tag == 'Program':
         for defn in ast.children:
             self.assert_eq(self.type_of(defn), Void())
         ast.type = Void()
     elif ast.tag == 'Defn':
         t = self.type_of(ast.children[0])
         if ast.value in self.forwards:
             self.assert_eq(self.forwards[ast.value], t)
             del self.forwards[ast.value]
             self.set(ast.value, t)
         if ast.value == 'main':
             # any return type is fine, for now, so,
             # we compare it against itself
             rt = t.return_type
             self.assert_eq(t, Function([], rt))
         ast.type = Void()
     elif ast.tag == 'Forward':
         t = self.type_of(ast.children[0])
         self.forwards[ast.value] = t
         self.set(ast.value, t)
         ast.type = Void()
     elif ast.tag == 'StructDefn':
         ast.type = Void()
     elif ast.tag == 'TypeCast':
         val_t = self.type_of(ast.children[0])
         uni_t = self.type_of(ast.children[1])
         if not isinstance(uni_t, Union):
             raise CastileTypeError('bad cast, not a union: %s' % uni_t)
         if not uni_t.contains(val_t):
             raise CastileTypeError('bad cast, %s does not include %s' %
                               (uni_t, val_t))
         ast.type = uni_t
         raise NotImplementedError(repr(ast))
     return ast.type
Пример #4
 def type_of(self, ast):
     if ast.tag == 'Op':
         if ast.value in ('and', 'or'):
             self.assert_eq(ast, self.type_of(ast.children[0]), Boolean())
             self.assert_eq(ast, self.type_of(ast.children[1]), Boolean())
             ast.type = Boolean()
         elif ast.value in ('+', '-', '*', '/'):
             type1 = self.type_of(ast.children[0])
             type2 = self.type_of(ast.children[1])
             self.assert_eq(ast, type1, type2)
             self.assert_eq(ast, type1, Integer())
             ast.type = Integer()
         elif ast.value in ('==', '!=', '>', '>=', '<', '<='):
             type1 = self.type_of(ast.children[0])
             type2 = self.type_of(ast.children[1])
             self.assert_eq(ast, type1, type2)
             if isinstance(type1, Struct):
                 raise CastileTypeError(ast, "structs cannot be compared")
             if isinstance(type1,
                           Union) and type1.contains_instance_of(Struct):
                 raise CastileTypeError(
                     ast, "unions containing structs cannot be compared")
             ast.type = Boolean()
     elif ast.tag == 'Not':
         type1 = self.type_of(ast.children[0])
         self.assert_eq(ast, type1, Boolean())
         ast.type = Boolean()
     elif ast.tag == 'IntLit':
         ast.type = Integer()
     elif ast.tag == 'StrLit':
         ast.type = String()
     elif ast.tag == 'BoolLit':
         ast.type = Boolean()
     elif ast.tag == 'FunLit':
         save_context = self.context
         self.context = ScopedContext({},
         self.return_type = None
         arg_types = self.type_of(ast.children[0])  # args
         t = self.type_of(ast.children[1])  # body
         self.assert_eq(ast, t, Void())
         self.context = save_context
         return_type = self.return_type
         self.return_type = None
         if return_type is None:
             return_type = Void()
         ast.type = Function(arg_types, return_type)
     elif ast.tag == 'Args':
         types = []
         for child in ast.children:
         return types  # NOT A TYPE
     elif ast.tag == 'Arg':
         ast.type = self.set(ast.value, self.type_of(ast.children[0]))
     elif ast.tag == 'Type':
         map = {
             'integer': Integer(),
             'boolean': Boolean(),
             'string': String(),
             'void': Void(),
         ast.type = map[ast.value]
     elif ast.tag == 'Body':
         self.context = ScopedContext({}, self.context, level='local')
         self.assert_eq(ast, self.type_of(ast.children[1]), Void())
         self.context = self.context.parent
         ast.type = Void()
     elif ast.tag == 'FunType':
         return_type = self.type_of(ast.children[0])
         ast.type = Function([self.type_of(c) for c in ast.children[1:]],
     elif ast.tag == 'UnionType':
         types = []
         for c in ast.children:
             type_ = self.type_of(c)
             if type_ in types:
                 raise CastileTypeError(c, "bad union type")
         ast.type = Union(types)
     elif ast.tag == 'StructType':
         ast.type = Struct(ast.value)
     elif ast.tag == 'VarRef':
         ast.type = self.context[ast.value]
         ast.aux = self.context.level(ast.value)
     elif ast.tag == 'None':
         ast.type = Void()
     elif ast.tag == 'FunCall':
         t1 = self.type_of(ast.children[0])
         assert isinstance(t1, Function), \
             '%r is not a function' % t1
         if len(t1.arg_types) != len(ast.children) - 1:
             raise CastileTypeError(ast, "argument mismatch")
         i = 0
         for child in ast.children[1:]:
             self.assert_eq(ast, self.type_of(child), t1.arg_types[i])
             i += 1
         ast.type = t1.return_type
     elif ast.tag == 'Return':
         t1 = self.type_of(ast.children[0])
         if self.return_type is None:
             self.return_type = t1
             self.assert_eq(ast, t1, self.return_type)
         ast.type = Void()
     elif ast.tag == 'Break':
         ast.type = Void()
     elif ast.tag == 'If':
         within_control = self.within_control
         self.within_control = True
         t1 = self.type_of(ast.children[0])
         assert t1 == Boolean()
         t2 = self.type_of(ast.children[1])
         if len(ast.children) == 3:
             # TODO useless!  is void.
             t3 = self.type_of(ast.children[2])
             self.assert_eq(ast, t2, t3)
             ast.type = t2
             ast.type = Void()
         self.within_control = within_control
     elif ast.tag == 'While':
         within_control = self.within_control
         self.within_control = True
         t1 = self.type_of(ast.children[0])
         self.assert_eq(ast, t1, Boolean())
         t2 = self.type_of(ast.children[1])
         ast.type = Void()
         self.within_control = within_control
     elif ast.tag == 'Block':
         for child in ast.children:
             self.assert_eq(ast, self.type_of(child), Void())
         ast.type = Void()
     elif ast.tag == 'Assignment':
         t2 = self.type_of(ast.children[1])
         t1 = None
         name = ast.children[0].value
         if ast.aux == 'defining instance':
             if self.within_control:
                 raise CastileTypeError(
                     ast, 'definition of %s within control block' % name)
             if name in self.context:
                 raise CastileTypeError(
                     ast, 'definition of %s shadows previous' % name)
             self.set(name, t2)
             t1 = t2
             if name not in self.context:
                 raise CastileTypeError(
                     ast, 'variable %s used before definition' % name)
             t1 = self.type_of(ast.children[0])
         self.assert_eq(ast, t1, t2)
         # not quite useless now (typecase still likes this)
         if self.context.level(ast.children[0].value) != 'local':
             raise CastileTypeError(ast, 'cannot assign to non-local')
         ast.type = Void()
     elif ast.tag == 'Make':
         t = self.type_of(ast.children[0])
         if t.name not in self.structs:
             raise CastileTypeError(ast, "undefined struct %s" % t.name)
         struct_defn = self.structs[t.name]
         if struct_defn.scope_idents is not None:
             if self.current_defn not in struct_defn.scope_idents:
                 raise CastileTypeError(
                     ast, "inaccessible struct %s for make: %s not in %s" %
                     (t.name, self.current_defn, struct_defn.scope_idents))
         if len(struct_defn.content_types) != len(ast.children) - 1:
             raise CastileTypeError(
                 ast, "argument mismatch; expected {}, got {} in {}".format(
                     len(ast.children) - 1, ast))
         i = 0
         for defn in ast.children[1:]:
             name = defn.value
             t1 = self.type_of(defn)
             pos = struct_defn.field_names[name]
             defn.aux = pos
             self.assert_eq(ast, t1, struct_defn.content_types[pos])
             i += 1
         ast.type = t
     elif ast.tag == 'FieldInit':
         ast.type = self.type_of(ast.children[0])
     elif ast.tag == 'Index':
         t = self.type_of(ast.children[0])
         struct_defn = self.structs[t.name]
         if struct_defn.scope_idents is not None:
             if self.current_defn not in struct_defn.scope_idents:
                 raise CastileTypeError(
                     "inaccessible struct %s for access: %s not in %s" %
                     (t.name, self.current_defn, struct_defn.scope_idents))
         field_name = ast.value
         struct_fields = struct_defn.field_names
         if field_name not in struct_fields:
             raise CastileTypeError(ast, "undefined field")
         index = struct_fields[field_name]
         # we make this value available to compiler backends
         ast.aux = index
         # we look up the type from the StructDefinition
         ast.type = struct_defn.content_types[index]
     elif ast.tag == 'TypeCase':
         t1 = self.type_of(ast.children[0])
         t2 = self.type_of(ast.children[1])
         if not isinstance(t1, Union):
             raise CastileTypeError(ast,
                                    'bad typecase, %s not a union' % t1)
         if not t1.contains(t2):
             raise CastileTypeError(ast,
                                    'bad typecase, %s not in %s' % (t2, t1))
         # typecheck t3 with variable in children[0] having type t2
         assert ast.children[0].tag == 'VarRef'
         within_control = self.within_control
         self.within_control = True
         self.context = ScopedContext({}, self.context, level='typecase')
         self.context[ast.children[0].value] = t2
         ast.type = self.type_of(ast.children[2])
         self.context = self.context.parent
         self.within_control = within_control
     elif ast.tag == 'Program':
         for defn in ast.children:
             self.assert_eq(ast, self.type_of(defn), Void())
         ast.type = Void()
     elif ast.tag == 'Defn':
         self.current_defn = ast.value
         t = self.type_of(ast.children[0])
         self.current_defn = None
         if ast.value in self.forwards:
             self.assert_eq(ast, self.forwards[ast.value], t)
             del self.forwards[ast.value]
             self.set(ast.value, t)
         if ast.value == 'main':
             # any return type is fine, for now, so,
             # we compare it against itself
             rt = t.return_type
             self.assert_eq(ast, t, Function([], rt))
         ast.type = Void()
     elif ast.tag == 'Forward':
         t = self.type_of(ast.children[0])
         self.forwards[ast.value] = t
         self.set(ast.value, t)
         ast.type = Void()
     elif ast.tag == 'StructDefn':
         ast.type = Void()
     elif ast.tag == 'TypeCast':
         value_t = self.type_of(ast.children[0])
         union_t = self.type_of(ast.children[1])
         if not isinstance(union_t, Union):
             raise CastileTypeError(ast,
                                    'bad cast, not a union: %s' % union_t)
         if not union_t.contains(value_t):
             raise CastileTypeError(
                 'bad cast, %s does not include %s' % (union_t, value_t))
         ast.type = union_t
         raise NotImplementedError(repr(ast))
     return ast.type