def get(self, request: HttpRequest, project_id, sampler_id) -> JsonResponse: """Get details on a particular sampler. --- parameters: - name: project_id description: The project to operate in. type: integer paramType: path required: false - name: sampler_id description: The sampler to return. type: integer paramType: path required: false - name: with_domains description: Optional flag to include all domains of all result sampler results. type: boolean paramType: form required: false defaultValue: false - name: with_intervals description: Optional flag to include all intervals of all domains. Implies with_domains. type: boolean paramType: form required: false default: false defaultValue: false """ sampler_id = int(sampler_id) with_intervals = get_request_bool(request.GET, 'with_intervals', False) with_domains = get_request_bool(request.GET, 'with_domains', False) or with_intervals if with_domains: sampler = Sampler.objects.prefetch_related( 'samplerdomain_set').get(pk=sampler_id) else: sampler = Sampler.objects.get(pk=sampler_id) sampler_detail = serialize_sampler(sampler) if with_domains: domains = [] domains_and_ends = SamplerDomain.objects.filter(sampler=sampler_id) \ .prefetch_related('samplerdomainend_set') if with_intervals: domains_and_ends = domains_and_ends.prefetch_related( 'samplerinterval_set') for domain in domains_and_ends: domain_data = serialize_domain(domain, with_ends=True, with_intervals=with_intervals) domains.append(domain_data) sampler_detail['domains'] = domains return JsonResponse(sampler_detail)
def post(self, request, project_id): """List all available point clouds or optionally a sub set. --- parameters: - name: project_id description: Project of the returned point clouds type: integer paramType: path required: true - name: simple description: Wheter or not only ID and name should be returned type: bool paramType: form required: false defaultValue: false - name: with_images description: Wheter linked images should returned as well. type: bool paramType: form required: false defaultValue: false - name: with_points description: Wheter linked points should returned as well. type: bool paramType: form required: false defaultValue: false - name: sample_ratio description: Number in [0,1] to optionally sample point cloud type: number paramType: form required: false - name: pointcloud_ids description: A list of point cloud IDs to which the query is constrained. type: array paramType: path required: false """ with_images = get_request_bool(request.POST, 'with_images', False) with_points = get_request_bool(request.POST, 'with_points', False) sample_ratio = float(request.POST.get('sample_ratio', '1.0')) simple = get_request_bool(request.POST, 'simple', False) pointcloud_ids = get_request_list(request.POST, 'pointcloud_ids', None, map_fn=int) pointclouds = list_pointclouds(project_id,, simple, with_images, with_points, sample_ratio, pointcloud_ids) return JsonResponse(pointclouds, safe=False)
def add_relation_to_ontology(request:HttpRequest, project_id=None) -> JsonResponse: name = request.POST.get('relname', None) uri = request.POST.get('uri', '') description = request.POST.get('description', None) isreciprocal = bool(request.POST.get('isreciprocal', False)) silent = get_request_bool(request.POST, 'silent', False) if name is None: raise Exception("Couldn't find name for new relation.") if trim_names: name = name.strip() if be_strict: # Make sure that there isn't already a relation with this name num_r = Relation.objects.filter(project_id = project_id, relation_name = name).count() if num_r > 0: if silent: return JsonResponse({ 'already_present': True }) else: raise Exception("A relation with the name '%s' already exists." % name) r = Relation.objects.create(user=request.user, project_id = project_id, relation_name = name, uri = uri, description = description, isreciprocal = isreciprocal) return JsonResponse({'relation_id':})
def add_class_to_ontology(request:HttpRequest, project_id=None) -> JsonResponse: name = request.POST.get('classname', None) description = request.POST.get('description', None) silent = get_request_bool(request.POST, 'silent', False) if name is None: raise Exception("Couldn't find name for new class.") if trim_names: name = name.strip() if be_strict: # Make sure that there isn't already a class with this name num_c = Class.objects.filter(project_id = project_id, class_name = name).count() if num_c > 0: if silent: return JsonResponse({ 'already_present': True, }) else: raise Exception("A class with the name '%s' already exists." % name) c = Class.objects.create(user=request.user, project_id = project_id, class_name = name, description = description) return JsonResponse({'class_id':})
def add_class_to_ontology(request, project_id=None): name = request.POST.get('classname', None) description = request.POST.get('description', None) silent = get_request_bool(request.POST, 'silent', False) if name is None: raise Exception("Couldn't find name for new class.") if trim_names: name = name.strip() if be_strict: # Make sure that there isn't already a class with this name num_c = Class.objects.filter(project_id = project_id, class_name = name).count() if num_c > 0: if silent: return JsonResponse({ 'already_present': True, }) else: raise Exception("A class with the name '%s' already exists." % name) c = Class.objects.create(user=request.user, project_id = project_id, class_name = name, description = description) return JsonResponse({'class_id':})
def add_relation_to_ontology(request, project_id=None): name = request.POST.get('relname', None) uri = request.POST.get('uri', '') description = request.POST.get('description', None) isreciprocal = bool(request.POST.get('isreciprocal', False)) silent = get_request_bool(request.POST, 'silent', False) if name is None: raise Exception("Couldn't find name for new relation.") if trim_names: name = name.strip() if be_strict: # Make sure that there isn't already a relation with this name num_r = Relation.objects.filter(project_id = project_id, relation_name = name).count() if num_r > 0: if silent: return JsonResponse({ 'already_present': True }) else: raise Exception("A relation with the name '%s' already exists." % name) r = Relation.objects.create(user=request.user, project_id = project_id, relation_name = name, uri = uri, description = description, isreciprocal = isreciprocal) return JsonResponse({'relation_id':})
def post(self, request: Request, project_id) -> Response: """Create a new project token. The request requires admin permissions in the project. --- serializer: SimpleProjectTokenSerializer """ project = get_object_or_404(Project, pk=project_id) name = request.POST.get('name', '') needs_approval = get_request_bool(request.POST, 'needs_approval', False) default_permissions = set( get_request_list(request.POST, 'default_permissions', [])) allowed_permissions = set( get_perms_for_model(Project).values_list('codename', flat=True)) unknown_permissions = default_permissions - allowed_permissions if unknown_permissions: raise ValueError( f'Unknown permissions: {", ".join(unknown_permissions)}') token = ProjectToken.objects.create( **{ 'name': name, 'user_id':, 'project_id':, 'needs_approval': needs_approval, 'default_permissions': default_permissions, }) if not name: = f'Project token {}' serializer = SimpleProjectTokenSerializer(token) return Response(
def list_logs(request, project_id=None): if 'user_id' in request.POST: user_id = int(request.POST.get('user_id', -1)) # We can see logs for different users else: user_id = None whitelist = get_request_bool(request.POST, 'whitelist', False) operation_type = request.POST.get('operation_type', "-1") search_freetext = request.POST.get('search_freetext', "") display_start = int(request.POST.get('iDisplayStart', 0)) display_length = int(request.POST.get('iDisplayLength', -1)) if display_length < 0: display_length = 2000 # Default number of result rows should_sort = request.POST.get('iSortCol_0', False) if should_sort: column_count = int(request.POST.get('iSortingCols', 0)) sorting_directions = [request.POST.get('sSortDir_%d' % d, 'DESC') for d in range(column_count)] sorting_directions = map(lambda d: '-' if d.upper() == 'DESC' else '', sorting_directions) fields = ['user', 'operation_type', 'creation_time', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'freetext'] sorting_index = [int(request.POST.get('iSortCol_%d' % d)) for d in range(column_count)] sorting_cols = map(lambda i: fields[i], sorting_index) log_query = Log.objects.for_user(request.user).filter(project=project_id) if user_id: log_query = log_query.filter(user=user_id) if whitelist: log_query = log_query.filter(user_id__in=ReviewerWhitelist.objects.filter( project_id=project_id,'reviewer_id')) if not operation_type == "-1": log_query = log_query.filter(operation_type=operation_type) if not search_freetext == "": log_query = log_query.filter(freetext__contains=search_freetext) log_query = log_query.extra(tables=['auth_user'], where=['"log"."user_id" = "auth_user"."id"'], select={ 'x': '("log"."location")."x"', 'y': '("log"."location")."y"', 'z': '("log"."location")."z"', 'username': '******' }) if should_sort: log_query = log_query.extra(order_by=[di + col for (di, col) in zip(sorting_directions, sorting_cols)]) result = list(log_query[display_start:display_start + display_length]) response = {'iTotalRecords': len(result), 'iTotalDisplayRecords': len(result), 'aaData': []} for log in result: response['aaData'] += [[ log.username, log.operation_type, str(log.creation_time.isoformat()), log.x, log.y, log.z, log.freetext ]] return JsonResponse(response)
def get(self, request: HttpRequest, project_id) -> JsonResponse: """List all available point sets or optionally a sub set. --- parameters: - name: project_id description: Project of the returned point sets type: integer paramType: path required: true - name: simple description: Wheter or not only ID and name should be returned type: bool paramType: form required: false defaultValue: false - name: with_points description: Wheter linked points should returned as well. type: bool paramType: form required: false defaultValue: false - name: pointset_ids description: A list of point set IDs to which the query is constrained. type: array paramType: path required: false - name: order_by description: The field to order the response list by (name, id). type: string paramType: path required: false defaultValue: 'id' """ with_points = get_request_bool(request.query_params, 'with_points', False) simple = get_request_bool(request.query_params, 'simple', False) pointset_ids = get_request_list(request.query_params, 'pointset_ids', None, map_fn=int) order_by = request.query_params.get('order_by', 'id') pointsets = list_pointsets(project_id,, simple, with_points, pointset_ids, order_by) return JsonResponse(pointsets, safe=False)
def user_list(request: HttpRequest) -> JsonResponse: """List registered users in this CATMAID instance. If accessed by an anonymous user, only the anonymous user is returned unless the anonymous user has can_browse permissions, which allows it to retrieve all users. An administrator can export users including their salted and encrpyted password. This is meant to import users into other CATMAID instances. --- parameters: - name: with_passwords description: | Export encrypted passwords. Requires admin access. required: false type: boolean, default: false """ with_passwords = get_request_bool(request.GET, 'with_passwords', False) if with_passwords: # Make sure user is an admin and part of the staff if not request.user.is_staff and not request.user.is_superuser: raise PermissionError("Superuser permissions required to export " "encrypted user passwords") user = request.user can_see_all_users = user.is_authenticated and \ (user != get_anonymous_user() or user.has_perm('catmaid.can_browse')) if can_see_all_users: result = [] for u in User.objects.all().select_related('userprofile') \ .order_by('last_name', 'first_name'): up = u.userprofile user_data = { "id":, "login": u.username, "full_name": u.get_full_name(), "first_name": u.first_name, "last_name": u.last_name, "color": (up.color.r, up.color.g, up.color.b), "primary_group_id": up.primary_group_id, } if with_passwords: # Append encypted user password user_data['password'] = u.password result.append(user_data) else: up = user.userprofile result = [{ "id":, "login": user.username, "full_name": user.get_full_name(), "first_name": user.first_name, "last_name": user.last_name, "color": (up.color.r, up.color.g, up.color.b), "primary_group_id": up.primary_group_id }] return JsonResponse(result, safe=False)
def delete(self, request: Request, name=None) -> Response: """Delete all key-value store datastores for the client. The request user must not be anonymous and must have browse, annotate or administer permissions for at least one project. --- parameters: - name: project_id description: | ID of a project to delete data from, if any. required: false type: integer paramType: form - name: ignore_user description: | Whether to clear dataassociated with the instance or the request user. Only project administrators can do this for project-associated instance data, and only super users can do this for global data (instance data not associated with any project). required: false type: boolean default: false paramType: form """ if request.user == get_anonymous_user( ) or not request.user.is_authenticated: raise PermissionDenied('Unauthenticated or anonymous users ' \ 'can not delete datastores.') project_id ='project_id', None) project = None if project_id: project_id = int(project_id) project = get_object_or_404(Project, pk=project_id) if not check_user_role(request.user, project, [UserRole.Browse, UserRole.Annotate]): raise PermissionDenied('User lacks the appropriate ' \ 'permissions for this project.') ignore_user = get_request_bool(, 'ignore_user', False) if ignore_user and not project_id: if not request.user.is_superuser: raise PermissionDenied('Only super users can delete instance ' \ 'data.') if ignore_user: if not check_user_role(request.user, project, [UserRole.Admin]): raise PermissionDenied('Only administrators can delete ' \ 'project default data.') user = None if ignore_user else request.user datastore = ClientDatastore(name=name) n_deleted, _ = ClientData.objects.filter(datastore=datastore, project=project, user=user).delete() return Response({ 'n_deleted': n_deleted, })
def get(self, request: Request, project_id) -> Response: """List deep-links available to the client. --- serializer: SimpleDeepLinkSerializer """ only_own = get_request_bool(request.GET, 'only_own', False) only_private = get_request_bool(request.GET, 'only_private', False) filter_term = (Q(is_public=True) | Q( & Q(project_id=project_id) if only_own: filter_term = filter_term & Q( if only_private: filter_term = filter_term & Q(is_public=False) deep_links = DeepLink.objects.filter(filter_term) serializer = SimpleDeepLinkSerializer(deep_links, many=True) return Response(
def test_request_bool_parsing(self): q1 = QueryDict('a=true&b=True&c=TRUE') self.assertEqual(get_request_bool(q1, 'a', False), True) self.assertEqual(get_request_bool(q1, 'b', False), True) self.assertEqual(get_request_bool(q1, 'c', False), True) q2 = QueryDict('a=false&b=False&c=FALSE') self.assertEqual(get_request_bool(q2, 'a', True), False) self.assertEqual(get_request_bool(q2, 'b', True), False) self.assertEqual(get_request_bool(q2, 'c', True), False) q3 = QueryDict() self.assertEqual(get_request_bool(q3, 'a', True), True) self.assertEqual(get_request_bool(q3, 'b', False), False)
def export_nrrd(request, project_id, skeleton_id): """Export a skeleton as NRRD file using the NAT R package. To make this work, R has to be intalled on the server. Within R the NAT package has to be installed and the easiest way to do this is by running the following R code: if(!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools") devtools::source_gist("fdd1e5b6e009ff49e66be466a104fd92", filename = "install_flyconnectome_all.R") Also, CMTK has to be installed, which can be done either by installing their published packages or compiling it from source and making it available from /usr/local/lib/cmtk/bin for NAT to pick it up. """ source_ref = request.POST['source_ref'] target_ref = request.POST['target_ref'] mirror = get_request_bool(request.POST, 'mirror', False) async_export = get_request_bool(request.POST, 'async_export', False) # Make sure the output path can be written to if not os.path.exists(output_path) or not os.access(output_path, os.W_OK): raise ValueError("The output path is not accessible") if async_export: export_skeleton_as_nrrd_async.delay(skeleton_id, source_ref, target_ref,, mirror) return JsonResponse({'success': True}) else: result = export_skeleton_as_nrrd(skeleton_id, source_ref, target_ref,, mirror) if result['errors']: raise RuntimeError( "There were errors creating the NRRD file: {}".format( '\n'.join(result['errors']))) return CleanUpHTTPResponse(result['nrrd_path'], result['nrrd_name'], content_type='application/octet-stream')
def export_nrrd(request, project_id, skeleton_id): """Export a skeleton as NRRD file using the NAT R package. To make this work, R has to be intalled on the server. Within R the NAT package has to be installed and the easiest way to do this is by running the following R code: if(!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools") devtools::source_gist("fdd1e5b6e009ff49e66be466a104fd92", filename = "install_flyconnectome_all.R") Also, CMTK has to be installed, which can be done either by installing their published packages or compiling it from source and making it available from /usr/local/lib/cmtk/bin for NAT to pick it up. """ source_ref = request.POST['source_ref'] target_ref = request.POST['target_ref'] mirror = get_request_bool(request.POST, 'mirror', False) async_export = get_request_bool(request.POST, 'async_export', False) # Make sure the output path can be written to if not os.path.exists(output_path) or not os.access(output_path, os.W_OK): raise ValueError("The output path is not accessible") if async_export: export_skeleton_as_nrrd_async.delay(skeleton_id, source_ref, target_ref,, mirror) return JsonResponse({ 'success': True }) else: result = export_skeleton_as_nrrd(skeleton_id, source_ref, target_ref,, mirror) if result['errors']: raise RuntimeError("There were errors creating the NRRD file: {}".format( '\n'.join(result['errors']))) return CleanUpHTTPResponse(result['nrrd_path'], result['nrrd_name'], content_type='application/octet-stream')
def recompute_similarity(request, project_id, similarity_id): """Recompute the similarity matrix of the passed in NBLAST configuration. """ simplify = get_request_bool(request.GET, 'simplify', True) required_branches = int(request.GET.get('required_branches', '10')) can_edit_or_fail(request.user, similarity_id, 'nblast_similarity') task = compute_nblast.delay(project_id,, similarity_id, remove_target_duplicates=True, simplify=simplify, required_branches=required_branches) return JsonResponse({ 'status': 'queued', 'task_id': task.task_id })
def plot_useranalytics(request: HttpRequest, project_id) -> HttpResponse: """ Creates an SVG image containing different plots for analzing the performance of individual users over time. """ time_zone = pytz.utc userid = request.GET.get('userid', None) if not (userid and userid.strip()): raise ValueError("Need user ID") project = get_object_or_404(Project, pk=project_id) if project_id else None all_writes = get_request_bool(request.GET, 'all_writes', False) maxInactivity = int(request.GET.get('max_inactivity', 3)) # Get the start date for the query, defaulting to 7 days ago. start_date = request.GET.get('start', None) if start_date: start_date = dateparser.parse(start_date) start_date = time_zone.localize(start_date) else: with timezone.override(time_zone): start_date = - timedelta(7) # Get the end date for the query, defaulting to now. end_date = request.GET.get('end', None) if end_date: end_date = dateparser.parse(end_date) end_date = time_zone.localize(end_date) else: with timezone.override(time_zone): end_date = # The API is inclusive and should return stats for the end date as # well. The actual query is easier with an exclusive end and therefore # the end date is set to the beginning of the next day. end_date = end_date + timedelta(days=1) if request.user.is_superuser or \ project and request.user.has_perm('can_browse', project): f = generateReport(userid, project_id, maxInactivity, start_date, end_date, all_writes) else: f = generateErrorImage('You lack permissions to view this report.') # Use raw text rather than SVG fonts or pathing. plt.rcParams['svg.fonttype'] = 'none' buf = io.BytesIO() plt.savefig(buf, format='svg') return HttpResponse(buf.getvalue(), content_type='image/svg+xml')
def plot_useranalytics(request, project_id): """ Creates an SVG image containing different plots for analzing the performance of individual users over time. """ time_zone = pytz.utc userid = request.GET.get('userid', None) if not (userid and userid.strip()): raise ValueError("Need user ID") project = get_object_or_404(Project, pk=project_id) if project_id else None all_writes = get_request_bool(request.GET, 'all_writes', False) maxInactivity = int(request.GET.get('max_inactivity', 3)) # Get the start date for the query, defaulting to 7 days ago. start_date = request.GET.get('start', None) if start_date: start_date = dateparser.parse(start_date) start_date = time_zone.localize(start_date) else: with timezone.override(time_zone): start_date = - timedelta(7) # Get the end date for the query, defaulting to now. end_date = request.GET.get('end', None) if end_date: end_date = dateparser.parse(end_date) end_date = time_zone.localize(end_date) else: with timezone.override(time_zone): end_date = # The API is inclusive and should return stats for the end date as # well. The actual query is easier with an exclusive end and therefore # the end date is set to the beginning of the next day. end_date = end_date + timedelta(days=1) if request.user.is_superuser or \ project and request.user.has_perm('can_browse', project): f = generateReport( userid, project_id, maxInactivity, start_date, end_date, all_writes ) else: f = generateErrorImage('You lack permissions to view this report.') # Use raw text rather than SVG fonts or pathing. plt.rcParams['svg.fonttype'] = 'none' buf = io.BytesIO() plt.savefig(buf, format='svg') return HttpResponse(buf.getvalue(), content_type='image/svg+xml')
def plot_useranalytics(request, project_id): """ Creates a PNG image containing different plots for analzing the performance of individual users over time. """ time_zone = pytz.utc userid = request.GET.get('userid', None) if not (userid and userid.strip()): raise ValueError("Need user ID") project = get_object_or_404(Project, pk=project_id) if project_id else None all_writes = get_request_bool(request.GET, 'all_writes', False) maxInactivity = int(request.GET.get('max_inactivity', 3)) # Get the start date for the query, defaulting to 7 days ago. start_date = request.GET.get('start', None) if start_date: start_date = dateparser.parse(start_date) start_date = time_zone.localize(start_date) else: with timezone.override(time_zone): start_date = - timedelta(7) # Get the end date for the query, defaulting to now. end_date = request.GET.get('end', None) if end_date: end_date = dateparser.parse(end_date) end_date = time_zone.localize(end_date) else: with timezone.override(time_zone): end_date = # The API is inclusive and should return stats for the end date as # well. The actual query is easier with an exclusive end and therefore # the end date is set to the beginning of the next day. end_date = end_date + timedelta(days=1) if request.user.is_superuser or \ project and request.user.has_perm('can_browse', project): f = generateReport(userid, project_id, maxInactivity, start_date, end_date, all_writes) else: f = generateErrorImage('You lack permissions to view this report.') canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(f) response = HttpResponse(content_type='image/png') canvas.print_png(response) return response
def get(self, request, project_id): """List all available NBLAST configurations. --- parameters: - name: project_id description: Project of the returned configurations type: integer paramType: path required: true - name: simple description: Wheter or not only ID and name should be returned type: bool paramType: form required: false defaultValue: false """ simple = get_request_bool(request.query_params, 'simple', False) return JsonResponse([serialize_config(c, simple) for c in NblastConfig.objects.filter(project_id=project_id)], safe=False)
def user_list(request: HttpRequest) -> JsonResponse: """List registered users in this CATMAID instance. Must be logged in. An administrator can export users including their encrpyted password. This is meant to import users into other CATMAID instances. --- parameters: - name: with_passwords description: | Export encrypted passwords. Requires admin access. required: false type: boolean, default: false """ with_passwords = get_request_bool(request.GET, 'with_passwords', False) if with_passwords: # Make sure user is an admin and part of the staff if not request.user.is_staff and not request.user.is_superuser: raise PermissionError("Superuser permissions required to export " "encrypted user passwords") result = [] for u in User.objects.all().select_related('userprofile') \ .order_by('last_name', 'first_name'): up = u.userprofile user_data = { "id":, "login": u.username, "full_name": u.get_full_name(), "first_name": u.first_name, "last_name": u.last_name, "color": (up.color.r, up.color.g, up.color.b), "primary_group_id": up.primary_group_id, } if with_passwords: # Append encypted user password user_data['password'] = u.password result.append(user_data) return JsonResponse(result, safe=False)
def user_list(request): """List registered users in this CATMAID instance. Requires to be logged in. An administrator can export users including their encrpyted password. This is meant to import users into other CATMAID instances. --- parameters: - name: with_passwords description: | Export encrypted passwords. Requires admin access. required: false type: boolean, default: false """ with_passwords = get_request_bool(request.GET, 'with_passwords', False) if with_passwords: # Make sure user is an admin and part of the staff if not request.user.is_staff and not request.user.is_superuser: raise PermissionError("Superuser permissions required to export " "encrypted user passwords") result = [] for u in User.objects.all().select_related('userprofile') \ .order_by('last_name', 'first_name'): up = u.userprofile user_data = { "id":, "login": u.username, "full_name": u.get_full_name(), "first_name": u.first_name, "last_name": u.last_name, "color": (up.color.r, up.color.g, up.color.b) } if with_passwords: # Append encypted user password user_data['password'] = u.password result.append(user_data) return JsonResponse(result, safe=False)
def post(self, request: Request) -> Response: """Apply a project token. serializer: SimpleProjectTokenSerializer """ if request.user.is_anonymous: raise PermissionError("Anonymous users can't apply tokens") token = get_object_or_404(ProjectToken, token=request.POST.get('token')) favorite = get_request_bool(request.POST, 'favorite', True) if not token.enabled: raise ValueError("Can't apply token") for perm in token.default_permissions: assign_perm(perm, request.user, token.project) upt = UserProjectToken.objects.create( **{ 'user': request.user, 'project_token': token, 'enabled': not token.needs_approval, }) if favorite: fp = FavoriteProject.objects.create(**{ 'project_id': token.project_id, 'user_id':, }) return Response({ 'project_id': token.project_id, 'project_name': token.project.title, 'permissions': token.default_permissions, 'needs_approval': token.needs_approval, })
def get_tile(request: HttpRequest, project_id=None, stack_id=None) -> HttpResponse: scale = float(request.GET.get('scale', '0')) height = int(request.GET.get('height', '0')) width = int(request.GET.get('width', '0')) x = int(request.GET.get('x', '0')) y = int(request.GET.get('y', '0')) z = int(request.GET.get('z', '0')) col = request.GET.get('col', 'y') row = request.GET.get('row', 'x') file_extension = request.GET.get('file_extension', 'png') basename = request.GET.get('basename', 'raw') data_format = request.GET.get('format', 'hdf5') upscale = get_request_bool(request.GET, 'upscale', False) if data_format == 'hdf5': tile = get_hdf5_tile(project_id, stack_id, scale, height, width, x, y, z, col, row, file_extension, basename) elif data_format == 'cloudvolume': tile = get_cloudvolume_tile(project_id, stack_id, scale, height, width, x, y, z, col, row, file_extension, basename, upscale=upscale) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown data format request: {data_format}') return tile
def update_confidence(request, project_id=None, treenode_id=None): """Update confidence of edge between a node to either its parent or its connectors. The connection between a node and its parent or the connectors it is linked to can be rated with a confidence value in the range 1-5. If connector links should be updated, one can limit the affected connections to a specific connector. Returned is an object, mapping updated partners to their old confidences. --- parameters: - name: new_confidence description: New confidence, value in range 1-5 type: integer required: true - name: to_connector description: Whether all linked connectors instead of parent should be updated type: boolean required: false - name: partner_ids description: Limit update to a set of connectors if to_connector is true type: array items: integer required: false - name: partner_confidences description: Set different confidences to connectors in <partner_ids> type: array items: integer required: false type: message: type: string required: true updated_partners: type: object required: true """ tnid = int(treenode_id) can_edit_treenode_or_fail(request.user, project_id, tnid) cursor = connection.cursor() state.validate_state(tnid, request.POST.get('state'), node=True, lock=True, cursor=cursor) to_connector = get_request_bool(request.POST, 'to_connector', False) partner_ids = get_request_list(request.POST, 'partner_ids', None, int) partner_confidences = get_request_list(request.POST, 'partner_confidences', None, int) new_confidence = int(request.POST.get('new_confidence', 0)) # If partner confidences are specified, make sure there are exactly as many # as there are partners. Otherwise validate passed in confidence if partner_ids and partner_confidences: if len(partner_confidences) != len(partner_ids): raise ValueError("There have to be as many partner confidences as" "there are partner IDs") else: if new_confidence < 1 or new_confidence > 5: raise ValueError('Confidence not in range 1-5 inclusive.') if partner_ids: # Prepare new confidences for connector query partner_confidences = (new_confidence,) * len(partner_ids) if to_connector: if partner_ids: partner_template = ",".join(("(%s,%s)",) * len(partner_ids)) partner_data = [p for v in zip(partner_ids, partner_confidences) for p in v] cursor.execute(''' UPDATE treenode_connector tc SET confidence = target.new_confidence FROM (SELECT, x.confidence AS old_confidence, new_values.confidence AS new_confidence FROM treenode_connector x JOIN (VALUES {}) new_values(cid, confidence) ON x.connector_id = new_values.cid WHERE x.treenode_id = %s) target WHERE = RETURNING tc.connector_id, tc.edition_time, target.old_confidence '''.format(partner_template), partner_data + [tnid]) else: cursor.execute(''' UPDATE treenode_connector tc SET confidence = %s FROM (SELECT, x.confidence AS old_confidence FROM treenode_connector x WHERE treenode_id = %s) target WHERE = RETURNING tc.connector_id, tc.edition_time, target.old_confidence ''', (new_confidence, tnid)) else: cursor.execute(''' UPDATE treenode t SET confidence = %s, editor_id = %s FROM (SELECT, x.confidence AS old_confidence FROM treenode x WHERE id = %s) target WHERE = RETURNING t.parent_id, t.edition_time, target.old_confidence ''', (new_confidence,, tnid)) updated_partners = cursor.fetchall() if len(updated_partners) > 0: location = Location.objects.filter(id=tnid).values_list( 'location_x', 'location_y', 'location_z')[0] insert_into_log(project_id,, "change_confidence", location, "Changed to %s" % new_confidence) return JsonResponse({ 'message': 'success', 'updated_partners': { r[0]: { 'edition_time': r[1], 'old_confidence': r[2] } for r in updated_partners } }) # Else, signal error if to_connector: raise ValueError('Failed to update confidence between treenode %s and ' 'connector.' % tnid) else: raise ValueError('Failed to update confidence at treenode %s.' % tnid)
def fork(request:HttpRequest, project_id) -> JsonResponse: """Attempt to create a new project based on the passed in project ID. --- parameters: - name: name description: Name of new project required: true type: string - name: copy_volumes description: Whether volumes will be copied to the new project required: false type: boolean defaultValue: false """ name = request.POST.get('name') if not name: raise ValueError('Need new project name') copy_volumes = get_request_bool(request.POST, 'copy_volumes', False) current_p = get_object_or_404(Project, pk=project_id) new_p = get_object_or_404(Project, pk=project_id) = None new_p.title = name # Copy all project-stack links ps_links = ProjectStack.objects.filter(project=current_p) for ps in ps_links: = None ps.project = new_p # Assign read/write/import permissions for new fork assign_perm('can_browse', request.user, new_p) assign_perm('can_annotate', request.user, new_p) assign_perm('can_import', request.user, new_p) assign_perm('can_fork', request.user, new_p) assign_perm('can_administer', request.user, new_p) assign_perm('delete_project', request.user, new_p) # Creat basic classes and relations validate_project_setup(,, fix=True) # If the source project is a tracing project, make the clone as well one. # A local import is used here to avoid a high potential for circular imports. from catmaid.control.tracing import check_tracing_setup, setup_tracing if check_tracing_setup(project_id): setup_tracing( if copy_volumes: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO catmaid_volume (user_id, project_id, creation_time, edition_time, editor_id, name, comment, geometry, area, volume, watertight, meta_computed) SELECT user_id, %(new_project_id)s, creation_time, edition_time, editor_id, name, comment, geometry, area, volume, watertight, meta_computed FROM catmaid_volume WHERE project_id = %(project_id)s; """, { 'project_id': project_id, 'new_project_id': }) return JsonResponse({ 'new_project_id':, 'n_copied_stack_links': len(ps_links), })
def projects(request:HttpRequest) -> JsonResponse: """ List projects visible to the requesting user. --- models: project_api_stack_element: id: project_api_stack_element properties: id: type: integer description: Stack ID required: true title: type: string description: Stack title required: true comment: type: string description: Comment on stack required: true project_api_stackgroup_element: id: project_api_stackgroup_element properties: id: type: integer description: Stack group ID required: true title: type: string description: Stack group title required: true comment: type: string description: Comment on stack group required: true project_api_element: id: project_api_element properties: id: type: integer description: Project ID required: true title: type: string description: Project title required: true stacks: type: array items: $ref: project_api_stack_element required: true stackgroups: type: array items: $ref: project_api_stackgroup_element required: true parameters: - name: has_tracing_data description: Return only projects that have tracing data required: false defaultValue: false type: boolean - name: with_mirrors description: Whether to include stack mirror data in the response. required: false defaultValue: false type: boolean type: projects: type: array items: $ref: project_api_element required: true """ # Get all projects that are visisble for the current user projects = get_project_qs_for_user(request.user).order_by('title') has_tracing_data = get_request_bool(request.GET, 'has_tracing_data', False) with_mirrors = get_request_bool(request.GET, 'with_mirrors', False) if has_tracing_data: projects = projects.annotate( no_locations=~Exists(Location.objects.filter(project=OuterRef('pk'))) ).filter( no_locations=False ) if 0 == len(projects): return JsonResponse([], safe=False) cursor = connection.cursor() user_project_ids = [ for p in projects] tracing_data_join = '' extra_where = [] if has_tracing_data: tracing_data_join = ''' INNER JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM location WHERE project_id = ps.project_id) ) sub(has_tracing_data) ON TRUE ''' extra_where.append(''' sub.has_tracing_data = True ''') project_stack_mapping:Dict = dict() if with_mirrors: cursor.execute(""" SELECT DISTINCT ON (ps.project_id, ps.stack_id) ps.project_id, ps.stack_id, s.title, s.comment, s.dimension, sm.mirrors FROM project_stack ps JOIN UNNEST(%(user_project_ids)s::integer[]) user_project(id) ON ps.project_id = JOIN stack s ON ps.stack_id = JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT COALESCE(json_agg(row_to_json(stack_mirror) ORDER BY position ASC), '[]'::json) AS mirrors FROM stack_mirror WHERE stack_id = ) sm ON TRUE; """, { 'user_project_ids': user_project_ids, }) else: cursor.execute(""" SELECT DISTINCT ON (ps.project_id, ps.stack_id) ps.project_id, ps.stack_id, s.title, s.comment, s.dimension FROM project_stack ps JOIN UNNEST(%(user_project_ids)s::integer[]) user_project(id) ON ps.project_id = JOIN stack s ON ps.stack_id = """, { 'user_project_ids': user_project_ids, }) for row in cursor.fetchall(): stacks = project_stack_mapping.get(row[0]) if not stacks: stacks = [] project_stack_mapping[row[0]] = stacks stack_data = { 'id': row[1], 'title': row[2], 'comment': row[3], 'dimensions': [row[4].x, row[4].y, row[4].z], } if with_mirrors: stack_data['mirrors'] = row[5] stacks.append(stack_data) # Get all stack groups for this project project_stack_groups:Dict = dict() cursor.execute(""" SELECT DISTINCT ps.project_id,, sg.title, sg.comment FROM stack_group sg JOIN stack_stack_group ssg ON ssg.stack_group_id = JOIN project_stack ps ON ps.stack_id = ssg.stack_id INNER JOIN UNNEST(%(user_project_ids)s::integer[]) user_project(id) ON ps.project_id = """, { 'user_project_ids': user_project_ids, }) for row in cursor.fetchall(): groups = project_stack_groups.get(row[0]) if not groups: groups = [] project_stack_groups[row[0]] = groups groups.append({ 'id': row[1], 'title': row[2], 'comment': row[3], }) result:List = [] empty_tuple:Tuple = tuple() for p in projects: stacks = project_stack_mapping.get(, empty_tuple) stackgroups = project_stack_groups.get(, empty_tuple) result.append({ 'id':, 'title': p.title, 'stacks': stacks, 'stackgroups': stackgroups }) return JsonResponse(result, safe=False, json_dumps_params={ 'sort_keys': True, 'indent': 4 })
def skeleton_graph(request, project_id=None): """Get a synaptic graph between skeletons compartmentalized by confidence. Given a set of skeletons, retrieve presynaptic-to-postsynaptic edges between them, annotated with count. If a confidence threshold is supplied, compartmentalize the skeletons at edges in the arbor below that threshold and report connectivity based on these compartments. When skeletons are split into compartments, nodes in the graph take an string ID like ``{skeleton_id}_{compartment #}``. --- parameters: - name: skeleton_ids[] description: IDs of the skeletons to graph required: true type: array items: type: integer paramType: form - name: confidence_threshold description: Confidence value below which to segregate compartments type: integer paramType: form - name: bandwidth description: Bandwidth in nanometers type: number - name: cable_spread description: Cable spread in nanometers type: number - name: expand[] description: IDs of the skeletons to expand type: array items: type: integer - name: link_types[] description: IDs of link types to respect type: array items: type: string models: skeleton_graph_edge: id: skeleton_graph_edge properties: - description: ID of the presynaptic skeleton or compartment type: integer|string required: true - description: ID of the postsynaptic skeleton or compartment type: integer|string required: true - description: number of synapses constituting this edge $ref: skeleton_graph_edge_count required: true skeleton_graph_edge_count: id: skeleton_graph_edge_count properties: - description: Number of synapses with confidence 1 type: integer required: true - description: Number of synapses with confidence 2 type: integer required: true - description: Number of synapses with confidence 3 type: integer required: true - description: Number of synapses with confidence 4 type: integer required: true - description: Number of synapses with confidence 5 type: integer required: true skeleton_graph_intraedge: id: skeleton_graph_intraedge properties: - description: ID of the presynaptic skeleton or compartment type: integer|string required: true - description: ID of the postsynaptic skeleton or compartment type: integer|string required: true type: edges: type: array items: $ref: skeleton_graph_edge required: true nodes: type: array items: type: integer|string required: false intraedges: type: array items: $ref: skeleton_graph_intraedge required: false branch_nodes: type: array items: type: integer|string required: false """ compute_risk = 1 == int(request.POST.get('risk', 0)) if compute_risk: # TODO port the last bit: computing the synapse risk from graph import skeleton_graph as slow_graph return slow_graph(request, project_id) project_id = int(project_id) skeleton_ids = set(int(v) for k,v in request.POST.items() if k.startswith('skeleton_ids[')) confidence_threshold = min(int(request.POST.get('confidence_threshold', 0)), 5) bandwidth = float(request.POST.get('bandwidth', 0)) # in nanometers cable_spread = float(request.POST.get('cable_spread', 2500)) # in nanometers path_confluence = int(request.POST.get('path_confluence', 10)) # a count expand = set(int(v) for k,v in request.POST.items() if k.startswith('expand[')) with_overall_counts = get_request_bool(request.POST, 'with_overall_counts', False) expand = set(int(v) for k,v in request.POST.items() if k.startswith('expand[')) link_types = get_request_list(request.POST, 'link_types', None) graph = _skeleton_graph(project_id, skeleton_ids, confidence_threshold, bandwidth, expand, compute_risk, cable_spread, path_confluence, with_overall_counts, link_types=link_types) if not graph: raise ValueError("Could not compute graph") return JsonResponse(graph)
def stats_nodecount(request, project_id=None): """ Get the total number of created nodes per user. --- parameters: - name: with_imports description: | Whether data added through imports should be respected. required: false default: false type: boolean paramType: form """ cursor = connection.cursor() names = dict(User.objects.values_list('id', 'username')) with_imports = get_request_bool(request.GET, 'with_imports', False) cursor.execute(''' WITH precomputed AS ( SELECT user_id, MAX(date) AS date, SUM(n_treenodes) AS n_treenodes FROM catmaid_stats_summary WHERE project_id = %(project_id)s GROUP BY 1 ), last_precomputation AS ( SELECT COALESCE( date_trunc('hour', MAX(date)) + interval '1 hour', NULL) AS max_date FROM precomputed ), result_with_precomputation AS ( SELECT p.user_id AS user_id, p.n_treenodes AS n_treenodes FROM precomputed p -- Don't expect duplicates, when adding rows for nodes traced after the -- last precomputation. This is only executed if there actually was a -- precomputation (max_Date is not null). UNION ALL SELECT t.user_id AS user_id, count(*) AS n_treenodes FROM treenode t, last_precomputation WHERE t.project_id = %(project_id)s AND last_precomputation.max_date IS NOT NULL AND t.creation_time >= last_precomputation.max_date GROUP BY t.user_id ) SELECT user_id, SUM(n_treenodes)::float FROM result_with_precomputation, last_precomputation WHERE last_precomputation.max_date IS NOT NULL GROUP BY user_id -- If there was no precomputation (max_date is null), do a simpler -- counting that doesn't involve date comparisons. In this case -- duplicates are impossible. UNION ALL SELECT user_id, count(*)::float FROM treenode, last_precomputation WHERE project_id = %(project_id)s AND last_precomputation IS NULL GROUP BY user_id ''', dict(project_id=int(project_id))) node_stats = dict(cursor.fetchall()) if not with_imports: # In case imports should be excluded, subtract the number imported nodes # for each entry. Otherwise the regular node count doesn't differentiate # between imported and createad nodes. This flag requires history # tracking to be enabled to work reliably. cursor.execute(''' WITH precomputed AS ( SELECT user_id, date, SUM(n_imported_treenodes) AS n_imported_treenodes FROM catmaid_stats_summary WHERE project_id = %(project_id)s -- This is required to not just take the last available cache -- entry, which might not contain a valid precomputed import -- cache field. AND n_imported_treenodes > 0 GROUP BY 1, 2 ), last_precomputation AS ( SELECT COALESCE( -- Select first start date after last precomputed hour/bucket date_trunc('hour', MAX(date)) + interval '1 hour', '-infinity') AS max_date FROM precomputed ), transactions AS ( SELECT cti.transaction_id, cti.execution_time FROM last_precomputation JOIN catmaid_transaction_info cti ON cti.execution_time >= last_precomputation.max_date WHERE cti.project_id = %(project_id)s AND label = 'skeletons.import' ), all_treenodes AS ( SELECT p.user_id AS user_id, p.n_imported_treenodes AS n_imported_treenodes FROM precomputed p -- Don't expect duplicates UNION ALL SELECT sorted_row_history.user_id AS user_id, 1 AS n_imported_treenodes FROM ( SELECT, t.user_id, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY ORDER BY t.edition_time) AS n FROM last_precomputation, transactions tx JOIN treenode__with_history t ON t.txid = tx.transaction_id WHERE t.creation_time = tx.execution_time AND t.creation_time >= last_precomputation.max_date ) sorted_row_history WHERE sorted_row_history.n = 1 ) SELECT user_id, -- Return float to make python side arithmetic easier SUM(n_imported_treenodes)::float AS n_imported_treenodes FROM all_treenodes GROUP BY user_id ''', dict(project_id=int(project_id))) for user_id, n_imported_nodes in cursor.fetchall(): created_nodes = node_stats.get(user_id) if created_nodes: # The lower boundary of zero shouldn't be needed, but due to the # fact that general node counting doesn't take history into # account (deleted nodes are not counted), there are corner # cases in which more nodes have been imported than there are # created (and still available). node_stats[user_id] = max(0, created_nodes - n_imported_nodes) # Both SUM and COUNT are represented as floating point number in the # response, which works better with JSON than Decimal (which is converted to # a string by the JSON encoder). return JsonResponse(node_stats)
def label_update(request, project_id=None, location_id=None, ntype=None): """ location_id is the ID of a treenode or connector. ntype is either 'treenode' or 'connector'. """ labeled_as_relation = Relation.objects.get(project=project_id, relation_name='labeled_as') p = get_object_or_404(Project, pk=project_id) # TODO will FAIL when a tag contains a coma by itself new_tags = request.POST['tags'].split(',') delete_existing_labels = get_request_bool(request.POST, 'delete_existing', True) kwargs = {'relation': labeled_as_relation, 'class_instance__class_column__class_name': 'label'} table = get_link_model(ntype) if 'treenode' == ntype: kwargs['treenode__id'] = location_id node = Treenode.objects.get(id=location_id) elif 'connector' == ntype: kwargs['connector__id'] = location_id node = Connector.objects.get(id=location_id) if not table: raise Http404('Unknown node type: "%s"' % (ntype,)) # Get the existing list of tags for the tree node/connector and delete any # that are not in the new list. existing_labels = table.objects.filter(**kwargs).select_related('class_instance') existing_names = set( for ele in existing_labels) duplicate_labels = table.objects.filter(**kwargs).exclude(class_instance__name__in=new_tags).select_related('class_instance') other_labels = [] deleted_labels = [] if delete_existing_labels: # Iterate over all labels that should get deleted to check permission # on each one. Remember each label that couldn't be deleted in the # other_labels array. for l in duplicate_labels: try: can_edit_or_fail(request.user,, table._meta.db_table) if remove_label(, ntype): deleted_labels.append(l) else: other_labels.append(l) except: other_labels.append(l) # Create change requests for labels associated to the treenode by other users for label in other_labels: change_request_params = { 'type': 'Remove Tag', 'project': p, 'user': request.user, 'recipient': node.user, 'location': Double3D(node.location_x, node.location_y, node.location_z), ntype: node, 'description': "Remove tag '%s'" %, 'validate_action': 'from catmaid.control.label import label_exists\n' + 'is_valid = label_exists(%s, "%s")' % (str(, ntype), 'approve_action': 'from catmaid.control.label import remove_label\n' + 'remove_label(%s, "%s")' % (str(, ntype) } ChangeRequest(**change_request_params).save() # Add any new labels. label_class = Class.objects.get(project=project_id, class_name='label') kwargs = {'user': request.user, 'project': p, 'relation': labeled_as_relation, ntype: node} new_labels = [] for tag_name in new_tags: if len(tag_name) > 0 and tag_name not in existing_names: # Make sure the tag instance exists existing_tags = tuple(ClassInstance.objects.filter( project=p, name=tag_name, class_column=label_class)) if len(existing_tags) < 1: tag = ClassInstance( project=p, name=tag_name, user=request.user, class_column=label_class) else: tag = existing_tags[0] # Associate the tag with the treenode/connector. kwargs['class_instance'] = tag tci = table(**kwargs) # creates new TreenodeClassInstance or ConnectorClassInstance new_labels.append(tag_name) if node.user != request.user: # Inform the owner of the node that the tag was added and give them the option of removing it. change_request_params = { 'type': 'Add Tag', 'description': 'Added tag \'' + tag_name + '\'', 'project': p, 'user': request.user, 'recipient': node.user, 'location': Double3D(node.location_x, node.location_y, node.location_z), ntype: node, 'validate_action': 'from catmaid.control.label import label_exists\n' + 'is_valid = label_exists(%s, "%s")' % (str(, ntype), 'reject_action': 'from catmaid.control.label import remove_label\n' + 'remove_label(%s, "%s")' % (str(, ntype) } ChangeRequest(**change_request_params).save() response = { 'message': 'success', 'new_labels': new_labels, 'duplicate_labels': [ for l in duplicate_labels if l not in deleted_labels], 'deleted_labels': [ for l in deleted_labels], } # Check if any labels on this node violate cardinality restrictions on # its skeleton. if 'treenode' == ntype: limited_labels = {l: SKELETON_LABEL_CARDINALITY[l] for l in new_tags if l in SKELETON_LABEL_CARDINALITY} if limited_labels: ll_names, ll_maxes = zip(*limited_labels.items()) cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT, COUNT(tci.treenode_id), ll.max FROM class_instance ci, treenode_class_instance tci, treenode tn, unnest(%s::text[], %s::integer[]) AS ll (name, max) WHERE = AND ci.project_id = %s AND ci.class_id = %s AND tci.class_instance_id = AND tci.relation_id = %s AND = tci.treenode_id AND tn.skeleton_id = %s GROUP BY, ll.max HAVING COUNT(tci.treenode_id) > ll.max """, ( list(ll_names), list(ll_maxes),,,, node.skeleton_id)) if cursor.rowcount: response['warning'] = 'The skeleton has too many of the following tags: ' + \ ', '.join('{0} ({1}, max. {2})'.format(*row) for row in cursor.fetchall()) return JsonResponse(response)
def delete_sampler(request, project_id, sampler_id): """Delete a sampler if permissions allow it. If the sampler was created with allowing the creation of new boundary nodes, these nodes are removed by default if they have not been modified since their insertion. This can optionally be disabled using the <delete_created_nodes> parameter. --- parameters: - name: delete_created_nodes description: | Optional flag to disable automatic removal of untouched nodes created for this sampler's intervals. type: boolean default: true paramType: form required: false """ can_edit_or_fail(request.user, sampler_id, "catmaid_sampler") sampler = Sampler.objects.get(id=sampler_id) n_deleted_nodes = 0 delete_created_nodes = get_request_bool(request.POST, 'delete_created_nodes', True) if delete_created_nodes and sampler.create_interval_boundaries: labeled_as_relation = Relation.objects.get(project=project_id, relation_name='labeled_as') label_class = Class.objects.get(project=project_id, class_name='label') label_class_instance = ClassInstance.objects.get(project=project_id, class_column=label_class, name=SAMPLER_CREATED_CLASS) # If the sampler was parameterized to created interval boundary nodes, # these nodes can now be removed if they are still collinear with their # child and parent node and have not been touched. These nodes are all # nodes that are referenced by intervals of this sampler that have the # SAMPLER_CREATED_CLASS tag with their creation time being the same as the # edition time. Such nodes can only be sampler interval start/end nodes. params = { 'project_id': project_id, 'sampler_id': sampler_id, 'labeled_as_rel':, 'label_class':, 'label_class_instance': } cursor = connection.cursor() # Get all created sampler interval boundary treenodes that have been # created during sampler creation. The result will also contain parent # and child locations. We need to set extra_float_digits to get enough # precision for the location data to do a collinearity test. cursor.execute(""" SET extra_float_digits = 3; WITH sampler_treenode AS ( -- Get all treenodes linked to intervals of this sampler. Only -- select those nodes that are referenced by no other sampler -- (using an anti join). SELECT DISTINCT FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT UNNEST(ARRAY[i.start_node_id, i.end_node_id]) AS id FROM catmaid_samplerinterval i JOIN catmaid_samplerdomain d ON i.domain_id = WHERE d.sampler_id = %(sampler_id)s ) all_added_nodes JOIN catmaid_samplerinterval csi ON csi.start_node_id = OR csi.end_node_id = JOIN catmaid_samplerdomain csd ON = csi.domain_id GROUP BY HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT csd.sampler_id) = 1 ), sampler_created_treenode AS ( -- Find all treenodes that were created by the sampler and are -- undmodified. SELECT FROM sampler_treenode st JOIN treenode_class_instance tci ON = tci.treenode_id WHERE tci.relation_id = %(labeled_as_rel)s AND tci.class_instance_id = %(label_class_instance)s ) SELECT, t.location_x, t.location_y, t.location_z,, c.location_x, c.location_y, c.location_z,, p.location_x, p.location_y, p.location_z FROM ( -- Make sure we look only at nodes that don't have multiple nodes. SELECT FROM treenode tt JOIN sampler_created_treenode st ON tt.parent_id = GROUP BY HAVING count(*) = 1 ) non_branch_treenodes(id) JOIN treenode t ON = JOIN treenode p ON = t.parent_id JOIN treenode c ON c.parent_id = WHERE t.project_id = %(project_id)s; """, params) created_treenodes = [r for r in cursor.fetchall()] if created_treenodes: added_node_index = dict((n[0], n) for n in created_treenodes) # Find those created treenodes that are collinear with their parent and # child node. If they are, remove those nodes. Ideally, we would move # the collinearity test into SQL as well. nodes_to_remove = [] parents_to_fix = [] child, node, parent = Point3D(0, 0, 0), Point3D(0, 0, 0), Point3D(0, 0, 0) for n in created_treenodes: n_id, node.x, node.y, node.z = n[0], n[1], n[2], n[3] c_id, child.x, child.y, child.z = n[4], n[5], n[6], n[7] p_id, parent.x, parent.y, parent.z = n[8], n[9], n[10], n[11] child_is_original_node = c_id not in added_node_index if is_collinear(child, parent, node, True, 1.0): nodes_to_remove.append(n_id) # Only update nodes that don't get deleted anyway if child_is_original_node: parents_to_fix.append((c_id, p_id)) else: parents_to_fix.append((n_id, p_id)) # Update parent in formation in parent relation updates. If present # parent IDs point to a removed node, the next real parent will be # used instead. parent_update = [] for n, (c_id, p_id) in enumerate(parents_to_fix): parent_is_persistent = p_id not in added_node_index if parent_is_persistent: parent_update.append((c_id, p_id)) else: # Find next existing node upstream new_parent_id = p_id while not parent_is_persistent: parent_is_persistent = new_parent_id not in nodes_to_remove node_data = added_node_index.get(new_parent_id) # An added node would be used if it is not removed, e.g. # du to not being collinear anymore. if node_data and not parent_is_persistent: new_parent_id = node_data[8] else: parent_update.append((c_id, new_parent_id)) if nodes_to_remove: query_parts = [] params = [] if parent_update: update_nodes_template = ",".join("(%s, %s)" for _ in parent_update) update_nodes_flattened = list(chain.from_iterable(parent_update)) query_parts.append(""" UPDATE treenode SET parent_id = nodes_to_update.parent_id FROM (VALUES {}) nodes_to_update(child_id, parent_id) WHERE = nodes_to_update.child_id; """.format(update_nodes_template)) params = update_nodes_flattened delete_nodes_template = ",".join("(%s)" for _ in nodes_to_remove) query_parts.append(""" DELETE FROM treenode WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM treenode t JOIN (VALUES {}) to_delete(id) ON = ) RETURNING id; """.format(delete_nodes_template)) params = params + nodes_to_remove cursor.execute("\n".join(query_parts), params) deleted_node_ids = [r[0] for r in cursor.fetchall()] n_deleted_nodes = len(deleted_node_ids) sampler.delete() return JsonResponse({ 'deleted_sampler_id': sampler_id, 'deleted_interval_nodes': n_deleted_nodes })
def list_samplers(request, project_id): """Get a collection of available samplers. Optionally, the "skeleton_ids" parameter can provide a list of skeleton IDs. If this is the case, only samplers for the respective skeletons are returned. --- parameters: - name: skeleton_ids description: Optional skeleton IDs to constrain result set to. type: integer paramType: form required: false - name: with_domains description: Optional flag to include all domains of all result sampler results. type: boolean paramType: form required: false - name: with_intervals description: Optional flag to include all intervals of all domains. Implies with_domains. type: boolean paramType: form required: false default: false models: sampler_entity: id: sampler_entity description: A result sampler. properties: id: type: integer description: Id of sampler creation_time: type: string description: The point in time a sampler the created required: true edition_time: type: string description: The last point in time a sampler edited. required: true interval_length: type: integer description: The length of individual sampler intervals for this sampler. required: true interval_error: type: float description: The maximum allowed error of a single interval. required: true state_id: type: integer description: ID of state the sampler is in. required: true skeleton_id: type: integer description: Skeleton this sampler belongs to required: true user_id: type: integer description: User ID of sampler creator. required: true type: samplers: type: array items: $ref: sampler_entity description: Matching samplers required: true """ skeleton_ids = get_request_list(request.GET, 'skeleton_ids', map_fn=int) with_intervals = get_request_bool(request.GET, 'with_intervals', False) with_domains = with_intervals or (get_request_bool(request.GET, 'with_domains', False)) samplers = Sampler.objects.all() if skeleton_ids: samplers = samplers.filter(skeleton_id__in=skeleton_ids) domains = defaultdict(list) if with_domains: domain_query = SamplerDomain.objects.filter(sampler__in=samplers) \ .prefetch_related('samplerdomainend_set') if with_intervals: domain_query = domain_query.prefetch_related('samplerinterval_set') for domain in domain_query: domain_ends = domain.samplerdomainend_set.all() domain_data = { "id":, "sampler_id": domain.sampler_id, "type_id": domain.domain_type_id, "parent_interval": domain.parent_interval_id, "start_node_id": domain.start_node_id, "user_id": domain.user_id, "project_id": domain.project_id, "ends": [{ "id":, "node_id": e.end_node_id } for e in domain_ends] } if with_intervals: domain_data['intervals'] = [[, i.start_node_id, i.end_node_id, i.interval_state_id ] for i in domain.samplerinterval_set.all()] domains[domain.sampler_id].append(domain_data) def exportSampler(s): s = { 'id':, 'creation_time': float(s.creation_time.strftime('%s')), 'edition_time': float(s.edition_time.strftime('%s')), 'interval_length': s.interval_length, 'interval_error': s.interval_error, 'leaf_segment_handling': s.leaf_segment_handling, 'merge_limit': s.merge_limit, 'review_required': s.review_required, 'create_interval_boundaries': s.create_interval_boundaries, 'state_id': s.sampler_state_id, 'skeleton_id': s.skeleton_id, 'user_id': s.user_id, } if with_domains: s['domains'] = domains.get(s['id'], []) return s return JsonResponse([exportSampler(s) for s in samplers], safe=False)
def get(self, request, project_id, pointcloud_id): """Return a point cloud. parameters: - name: project_id description: Project of the returned point cloud type: integer paramType: path required: true - name: simple description: Wheter or not only ID and name should be returned type: bool paramType: form required: false defaultValue: false - name: with_images description: Wheter linked images should returned as well. type: bool paramType: form required: false defaultValue: false - name: with_points description: Wheter linked points should returned as well. type: bool paramType: form required: false defaultValue: false """ with_images = get_request_bool(request.query_params, 'with_images', False) with_points = get_request_bool(request.query_params, 'with_points', False) simple = get_request_bool(request.query_params, 'simple', False) sample_ratio = float(request.query_params.get('sample_ratio', '1.0')) simple = get_request_bool(request.query_params, 'simple', False) pointcloud = PointCloud.objects.get(pk=pointcloud_id, project_id=project_id) pointcloud_data = serialize_pointcloud(pointcloud, simple) # Check permissions. If there are no read permission assigned at all, # everyone can read. if 'can_read' not in get_perms(request.user, pointcloud) and \ len(get_users_with_perms(pointcloud)) > 0: raise PermissionError('User "{}" not allowed to read point cloud #{}'.format( request.user.username, if with_images: images = [serialize_image_data(i) for i in pointcloud.images.all()] pointcloud_data['images'] = images if with_points: if sample_ratio == 1.0: points = [serialize_point(p, compact=True) for p in pointcloud.points.all()] pointcloud_data['points'] = points else: n_points = PointCloudPoint.objects.filter( n_sample = int(n_points * sample_ratio) cursor = connection.cursor() # Select a random sample of N points in a repeatable fashion. cursor.execute(""" SELECT setseed(0); SELECT id, location_x, location_y, location_z FROM point p JOIN ( SELECT pcp.point_id FROM pointcloud_point pcp WHERE pcp.pointcloud_id = %(pointcloud_id)s ORDER BY random() ) ordered_points(id) USING(id) LIMIT %(n_sample)s """, { 'pointcloud_id':, 'n_sample': n_sample }) pointcloud_data['points'] = cursor.fetchall() return JsonResponse(pointcloud_data)
def list_samplers(request: HttpRequest, project_id) -> JsonResponse: """Get a collection of available samplers. Optionally, the "skeleton_ids" parameter can provide a list of skeleton IDs. If this is the case, only samplers for the respective skeletons are returned. --- parameters: - name: skeleton_ids description: Optional skeleton IDs to constrain result set to. type: integer paramType: form required: false - name: with_domains description: Optional flag to include all domains of all result sampler results. type: boolean paramType: form required: false - name: with_intervals description: Optional flag to include all intervals of all domains. Implies with_domains. type: boolean paramType: form required: false default: false models: sampler_entity: id: sampler_entity description: A result sampler. properties: id: type: integer description: Id of sampler creation_time: type: string description: The point in time a sampler the created required: true edition_time: type: string description: The last point in time a sampler edited. required: true interval_length: type: integer description: The length of individual sampler intervals for this sampler. required: true interval_error: type: float description: The maximum allowed error of a single interval. required: true state_id: type: integer description: ID of state the sampler is in. required: true skeleton_id: type: integer description: Skeleton this sampler belongs to required: true user_id: type: integer description: User ID of sampler creator. required: true type: samplers: type: array items: $ref: sampler_entity description: Matching samplers required: true """ skeleton_ids = get_request_list(request.GET, 'skeleton_ids', map_fn=int) with_intervals = get_request_bool(request.GET, 'with_intervals', False) with_domains = with_intervals or (get_request_bool(request.GET, 'with_domains', False)) samplers = Sampler.objects.all() if skeleton_ids: samplers = samplers.filter(skeleton_id__in=skeleton_ids) domains: DefaultDict[Any, List] = defaultdict(list) if with_domains: domain_query = SamplerDomain.objects.filter(sampler__in=samplers) \ .prefetch_related('samplerdomainend_set') if with_intervals: domain_query = domain_query.prefetch_related('samplerinterval_set') for domain in domain_query: domain_data = serialize_domain(domain, with_ends=True, with_intervals=with_intervals) domains[domain.sampler_id].append(domain_data) def exportSampler(s) -> Dict[str, Any]: s = serialize_sampler(s) if with_domains: s['domains'] = domains.get(s['id'], []) return s return JsonResponse([exportSampler(s) for s in samplers], safe=False)
def user_list(request:HttpRequest) -> JsonResponse: """List registered users in this CATMAID instance. If accessed by an anonymous user, only the anonymous user is returned unless the anonymous user has can_browse permissions, which allows it to retrieve all users. If the setting PROJECT_TOKEN_USER_VISIBILITY = True, logged in users will only see those users that share project tokens with them. An administrator can export users including their salted and encrpyted password. This is meant to import users into other CATMAID instances. --- parameters: - name: with_passwords description: | Export encrypted passwords. Requires admin access. required: false type: boolean, default: false """ with_passwords = get_request_bool(request.GET, 'with_passwords', False) if with_passwords: # Make sure user is an admin and part of the staff if not request.user.is_staff and not request.user.is_superuser: raise PermissionError("Superuser permissions required to export " "encrypted user passwords") user = request.user anon_user = get_anonymous_user() user_list = [] # Super users get to see all users, regardless of the backend setting. if settings.PROJECT_TOKEN_USER_VISIBILITY and not user.is_superuser: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" WITH project_tokens AS ( SELECT DISTINCT project_token_id AS id FROM catmaid_user_project_token WHERE user_id = %(user_id)s UNION SELECT id FROM catmaid_project_token WHERE user_id = %(user_id)s ) SELECT DISTINCT ON (, au.username, au.first_name, au.last_name, (up.color).r, (up.color).g, (up.color).b, up.primary_group_id FROM project_tokens pt JOIN catmaid_user_project_token upt ON = upt.project_token_id JOIN auth_user au ON = upt.user_id JOIN catmaid_userprofile up ON up.user_id = UNION SELECT, au.username, au.first_name, au.last_name, (up.color).r, (up.color).g, (up.color).b, up.primary_group_id FROM auth_user au JOIN catmaid_userprofile up ON up.user_id = WHERE = %(user_id)s OR = %(anon_user_id)s """, { 'user_id':, 'anon_user_id':, }) user_list = list(map(lambda u: { "id": u[0], "login": u[1], "full_name": f'{u[2]} {u[3]}', "first_name": u[2], "last_name": u[3], "color": (u[4], u[5], u[6]), "primary_group_id": u[7], }, cursor.fetchall())) else: can_see_all_users = user.is_authenticated and \ (user != anon_user or user.has_perm('catmaid.can_browse')) if can_see_all_users: for u in User.objects.all().select_related('userprofile') \ .order_by('last_name', 'first_name'): up = u.userprofile user_data = { "id":, "login": u.username, "full_name": u.get_full_name(), "first_name": u.first_name, "last_name": u.last_name, "color": (up.color.r, up.color.g, up.color.b), "primary_group_id": up.primary_group_id, } if with_passwords: # Append encypted user password user_data['password'] = u.password user_list.append(user_data) if not user_list: up = user.userprofile user_list = [{ "id":, "login": user.username, "full_name": user.get_full_name(), "first_name": user.first_name, "last_name": user.last_name, "color": (up.color.r, up.color.g, up.color.b), "primary_group_id": up.primary_group_id }] return JsonResponse(user_list, safe=False)
def put(self, request, name=None, format=None): """Create or replace a key-value data entry for the client. Each entry is associated with a datastore, an optional project, an optional user, and a key. Creating a request that duplicates this quadruple will replace rather than create the value in the key-value pair. Entries associated with neither a project nor user are considered global; those associated with a project but no user are project- default; those associated with a user but no project are user-default; and those associated with both a project and a user are user-project specific. When listing key-value data, all four of these values, if existing, will be returned. --- parameters: - name: name description: | String key for the **datastore** with which this key-value entry is associated. required: true type: string paramType: path - name: project_id description: | ID of a project to associate this data with, if any. required: false type: integer paramType: form - name: ignore_user description: | Whether to associate this key-value entry with the instance rather than the request user. Only project administrators can do this for project-associated instance data, and only super users can do this for global data (instance data not associated with any project). required: false type: boolean default: false paramType: form - name: key description: A key for this entry. required: true type: string paramType: form - name: value description: A value for this entry. Must be valid JSON. required: true type: string paramType: form response_serializer: ClientDataSerializer """ if request.user == get_anonymous_user() or not request.user.is_authenticated: raise PermissionDenied('Unauthenticated or anonymous users ' \ 'can not create data.') datastore = get_object_or_404(ClientDatastore, name=name) key ='key', None) if not key: raise ValidationError('A key for the data must be provided.') value ='value', None) if not value: raise ValidationError('A value for the data must be provided.') # Validate JSON by reserializing. try: value = json.loads(value) except ValueError as exc: raise ValidationError('Data value is invalid JSON: ' + str(exc)) project_id ='project_id', None) project = None if project_id: project_id = int(project_id) project = get_object_or_404(Project, pk=project_id) if not check_user_role(request.user, project, [UserRole.Browse, UserRole.Annotate]): raise PermissionDenied('User lacks the appropriate ' \ 'permissions for this project.') ignore_user = get_request_bool(, 'ignore_user', False) if ignore_user and not project_id: if not request.user.is_superuser: raise PermissionDenied('Only super users can create instance ' \ 'data.') if ignore_user: if not check_user_role(request.user, project, [UserRole.Admin]): raise PermissionDenied('Only administrators can create ' \ 'project default data.') user = None if ignore_user else request.user try: data = ClientData.objects.get(datastore=datastore, key=key, project=project, user=user) data.value = value data.full_clean() return Response(status=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT) except ClientData.DoesNotExist: data = ClientData(datastore=datastore, key=key, value=value, project=project, user=user) data.full_clean() serializer = ClientDataSerializer(data) return Response(
def post(self, request: Request, project_id) -> Response: """Create a deep-link. The request user must not be anonymous and must have annotate permissions. --- serializer: DeepLinkSerializer """ if request.user == get_anonymous_user( ) or not request.user.is_authenticated: raise PermissionError('Unauthenticated or anonymous users ' \ 'can not create persistent deep links.') project_id = int(project_id) alias = request.POST.get('alias') if alias: if not re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9-_\.]+$', alias): raise ValueError( "Only alphanumeric characters, '-', '_' and '.' allowed") else: n_links = DeepLink.objects.filter(project_id=project_id).count() alias = make_unique_id() params = { 'project_id': project_id, 'user': request.user, 'alias': alias, } if 'is_public' in request.POST: params['is_public'] = get_request_bool(request.POST, 'is_public') if 'location_x' in request.POST: params['location_x'] = float(request.POST['location_x']) if 'location_y' in request.POST: params['location_y'] = float(request.POST['location_y']) if 'location_z' in request.POST: params['location_z'] = float(request.POST['location_z']) if 'active_treenode_id' in request.POST: params['active_treenode_id'] = int( request.POST['active_treenode_id']) if 'active_connector_id' in request.POST: params['active_connector_id'] = int( request.POST['active_connector_id']) if 'active_skeleton_id' in request.POST: params['active_skeleton_id'] = int( request.POST['active_skeleton_id']) if 'closest_node_to_location' in request.POST: params['closest_node_to_location'] = get_request_bool( request.POST, 'closest_node_to_location') if 'follow_id_history' in request.POST: params['follow_id_history'] = get_request_bool( request.POST, 'follow_id_history') if 'layered_stacks' in request.POST: params['layered_stacks'] = get_request_bool( request.POST, 'layered_stacks') if 'layout' in request.POST: params['layout'] = request.POST['layout'] if 'tool' in request.POST: params['tool'] = request.POST['tool'] if 'show_help' in request.POST: params['show_help'] = get_request_bool(request.POST, 'show_help') if 'password' in request.POST: params['password'] = make_password(request.POST('password')) if 'message' in request.POST: params['message'] = request.POST['message'] # TBA: data_view deeplink = DeepLink(**params) serializer = DeepLinkSerializer(deeplink) # Stacks stacks = get_request_list(request.POST, 'stacks', map_fn=float) if stacks: # Nested lists of 2-tuples: [[stack_id, scale_level]] for s in stacks: stack_link = DeepLinkStack( **{ 'project_id': project_id, 'user_id':, 'deep_link': deeplink, 'stack_id': int(s[0]), 'zoom_level': s[1], }) # Stack groups if 'stack_group' in request.POST: sg_id = int(request.POST['stack_group']) sg_zoom_levels = get_request_list(request.POST, 'stack_group_scale_levels', map_fn=float) sg_link = DeepLinkStackGroup( **{ 'project_id': project_id, 'user_id':, 'deeplink': deeplink, 'stack_group_id': sg_id, 'zoom_levels': sg_zoom_levels, }) return Response(
def compare_skeletons(request, project_id): """Compare two sets of objects (skeletons or point clouds) and return an NBLAST scoring based on an existing NBLAST configuration. --- parameters: - name: project_id description: Project to operate in type: integer paramType: path required: true - name: config_id description: ID of the new NBLAST configuration to use type: integer paramType: form required: true - name: query_ids description: Set of objects (skeletons or point clouds) to query similarity for. type: array paramType: form required: true - name: target_ids description: Set of objects (skeletons or point clouds) or point clouds to compare against. type: array paramType: form required: true - name: target_type description: Type of target objects, 'skeleton' or 'pointcloud'. type: string paramType: form required: false defaultValue: 'skeleton' - name: name description: Name for the similarity lookup task type: string paramType: form required: false - name: normalized description: Whether and how scores should be normalized. type: string enum: [raw, normalized, mean] paramType: form required: false defaultValue: mean - name: use_alpha description: Whether to consider local directions in the similarity computation type: boolean paramType: form required: false defaultValue: false - name: query_type_id description: Type of query data enum: [skeleton, point-cloud] type: string paramType: form defaultValue: skeleton required: false - name: target_type_id description: Type of query data enum: [skeleton, point-cloud] type: string paramType: form defaultValue: skeleton required: false - name: query_meta description: Extra data for the selected query type. A JSON encoded string is expected. type: string paramType: form required: false - name: target_meta description: Extra data for the selected target type. A JSON encoded string is expected. type: string paramType: form required: false - name: remove_target_duplicates description: Remove all target objects that appear also in the query. type: boolean required: false defaultValue: true - name: simplify description: Whether or not to simplify neurons and remove parts below a specified branch point level. type: boolean required: false defaultValue: true - name: required_branches description: The required branch levels if neurons should be simplified. type: boolean required: false defaultValue: 10 """ name = request.POST.get('name', None) if not name: n_similarity_tasks = NblastSimilarity.objects.filter( project_id=project_id).count() name = 'Task {}'.format(n_similarity_tasks + 1) config_id = request.POST.get('config_id', None) if not config_id: raise ValueError("Need NBLAST configuration ID") else: config_id = int(config_id) simplify = get_request_bool(request.POST, 'simplify', True) required_branches = int(request.POST.get('required_branches', '10')) valid_type_ids = ('skeleton', 'pointcloud', 'pointset') query_type_id = request.POST.get('query_type_id', 'skeleton') if query_type_id not in valid_type_ids: raise ValueError("Need valid query type id ({})".format(', '.join(valid_type_ids))) target_type_id = request.POST.get('target_type_id', 'skeleton') if target_type_id not in valid_type_ids: raise ValueError("Need valid target type id ({})".format(', '.join(valid_type_ids))) # Read potential query and target IDs. In case of skeletons and point # clouds, no IDs need to be provided, in which case all skeletons and point # clouds, respectively, will be used. query_ids = get_request_list(request.POST, 'query_ids', [], map_fn=int) if not query_ids and query_type_id not in ('skeleton', 'pointcloud'): raise ValueError("Need set of query objects (skeletons or point clouds) to compare") target_ids = get_request_list(request.POST, 'target_ids', map_fn=int) if not target_ids and target_type_id not in ('skeleton', 'pointcloud'): raise ValueError("Need set of target objects (skeletons or point clouds) to compare against") config = NblastConfig.objects.get(project_id=project_id, pk=config_id) if not config.status == 'complete': raise ValueError("NBLAST config #" + + "isn't marked as complete") # Make sure we have a scoring matrix if not config.scoring: raise ValueError("NBLAST config #" + + " doesn't have a computed scoring.") # Load potential query or target meta data query_meta = request.POST.get('query_meta') if query_meta: if not query_type_id == 'pointset': raise ValueError("Did not expect 'query_meta' parameter with {} query type".format(query_type_id)) query_meta = json.loads(query_meta) target_meta = request.POST.get('target_meta') if target_meta: if not target_type_id == 'pointset': raise ValueError("Did not expect 'query_meta' parameter with {} target type".format(query_type_id)) target_meta = json.loads(target_meta) # Other parameters normalized = request.POST.get('normalized', 'mean') use_alpha = get_request_bool(request.POST, 'use_alpha', False) remove_target_duplicates = get_request_bool(request.POST, 'remove_target_duplicates', True) with transaction.atomic(): # In case of a pointset, new pointset model objects needs to be created # before the similariy query is created. if query_type_id == 'pointset': created_ids = [] for pointset_id in query_ids: pointset_data = query_meta.get(str(pointset_id)) if not pointset_data: raise ValueError("Could not find data for pointset {}".format(pointset_id)) flat_points = list(chain.from_iterable(pointset_data['points'])) pointset = PointSet.objects.create(project_id=project_id, user=request.user, name=pointset_data['name'], description=pointset_data.get('description'), points=flat_points) created_ids.append( query_ids = created_ids if target_type_id == 'pointset': created_ids = [] for pointset_id in target_ids: pointset_data = target_meta.get(str(pointset_id)) if not pointset_data: raise ValueError("Could not find data for pointset {}".format(pointset_id)) flat_points = list(chain.from_iterable(pointset_data['points'])) pointset = PointSet.objects.create(project_id=project_id, user=request.user, name=pointset_data['name'], description=pointset_data.get('description'), points=flat_points) created_ids.append( target_ids = created_ids similarity = NblastSimilarity.objects.create(project_id=project_id, user=request.user, name=name, status='queued', config_id=config_id, query_objects=query_ids, target_objects=target_ids, query_type_id=query_type_id, target_type_id=target_type_id, normalized=normalized, use_alpha=use_alpha) task = compute_nblast.delay(project_id,,, remove_target_duplicates, simplify, required_branches) return JsonResponse({ 'task_id': task.task_id, 'similarity': serialize_similarity(similarity), })
def list_logs(request: HttpRequest, project_id=None) -> JsonResponse: if 'user_id' in request.POST: user_id: Optional[int] = int(request.POST.get( 'user_id', -1)) # logs for different users else: user_id = None whitelist = get_request_bool(request.POST, 'whitelist', False) operation_type = request.POST.get('operation_type', "-1") search_freetext = request.POST.get('search_freetext', "") display_start = int(request.POST.get('iDisplayStart', 0)) display_length = int(request.POST.get('iDisplayLength', -1)) if display_length < 0: display_length = 2000 # Default number of result rows should_sort = request.POST.get('iSortCol_0', False) if should_sort: column_count = int(request.POST.get('iSortingCols', 0)) sorting_directions = [ request.POST.get('sSortDir_%d' % d, 'DESC') for d in range(column_count) ] sorting_directions = list( map(lambda d: '-' if d.upper() == 'DESC' else '', sorting_directions)) fields = [ 'user', 'operation_type', 'creation_time', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'freetext' ] sorting_index = [ int(request.POST.get('iSortCol_%d' % d)) for d in range(column_count) ] sorting_cols = map(lambda i: fields[i], sorting_index) log_query = Log.objects.for_user(request.user).filter(project=project_id) if user_id: log_query = log_query.filter(user=user_id) if whitelist: log_query = log_query.filter( user_id__in=ReviewerWhitelist.objects.filter( project_id=project_id, 'reviewer_id')) if not operation_type == "-1": log_query = log_query.filter(operation_type=operation_type) if not search_freetext == "": log_query = log_query.filter(freetext__contains=search_freetext) log_query = log_query.extra(tables=['auth_user'], where=['"log"."user_id" = "auth_user"."id"'], select={ 'x': '("log"."location")."x"', 'y': '("log"."location")."y"', 'z': '("log"."location")."z"', 'username': '******' }) if should_sort: log_query = log_query.extra(order_by=[ di + col for (di, col) in zip(sorting_directions, sorting_cols) ]) result = list(log_query[display_start:display_start + display_length]) response: Dict[str, Any] = { 'iTotalRecords': len(result), 'iTotalDisplayRecords': len(result), 'aaData': [] } for log in result: response['aaData'] += [[ log.username, log.operation_type, str(log.creation_time.isoformat()), log.x, log.y, log.z, log.freetext ]] return JsonResponse(response)
def crop(request: HttpRequest, project_id=None) -> JsonResponse: """ Crops out the specified region of the stack. The region is expected to be given in terms of real world units (e.g. nm). """ stack_ids = get_request_list(request.POST, "stack_ids", [], int) x_min = float(request.POST['min_x']) y_min = float(request.POST['min_y']) z_min = float(request.POST['min_z']) x_max = float(request.POST['max_x']) y_max = float(request.POST['max_y']) z_max = float(request.POST['max_z']) zoom_level = float(request.POST['zoom_level']) single_channel = get_request_bool(request.POST, 'single_channel', False) rotation_cw = float(request.GET.get('rotationcw', 0.0)) # Make sure tmp dir exists and is writable if not os.path.exists(crop_output_path) or not os.access( crop_output_path, os.W_OK): if request.user.is_superuser: err_message = "Please make sure your output folder (%s) exists " \ "is writable." % crop_output_path else: err_message = "Sorry, the output path for the cropping tool " \ "isn't set up correctly. Please contact an administrator." return json_error_response(err_message) # Use first reachable stack mirrors stack_mirror_ids = [] for sid in stack_ids: stack_mirrors = StackMirror.objects.select_related('stack').filter( stack_id=sid) for sm in stack_mirrors: # If mirror is reachable use it right away tile_source = get_tile_source(sm.tile_source_type) try: req = requests.head(tile_source.get_canary_url(sm), allow_redirects=True, verify=verify_ssl) reachable = req.status_code == 200 except Exception as e: logger.error(e) reachable = False if reachable: stack_mirror_ids.append( break if not reachable: raise ValueError( "Can't find reachable stack mirror for stack {}".format(sid)) # Crate a new cropping job job = CropJob(request.user, project_id, stack_mirror_ids, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max, rotation_cw, zoom_level, single_channel) # Parameter check errors = sanity_check(job) if len(errors) > 0: err_message = "Some problems with the cropping parameters were found: " for n, errtxt in enumerate(errors): if n == 0: err_message += str(n + 1) + ". " + errtxt else: err_message += ", " + str(n + 1) + ". " + errtxt err_response = json_error_response(err_message) return err_response result = start_asynch_process(job) return result
def connectors_in_bounding_box(request:HttpRequest, project_id:Union[int,str]) -> JsonResponse: """Get a list of all connector nodes that intersect with the passed in bounding box. --- parameters: - name: limit description: | Limit the number of returned nodes. required: false type: integer defaultValue: 0 paramType: form - name: minx description: | Minimum world space X coordinate required: true type: float paramType: form - name: miny description: | Minimum world space Y coordinate required: true type: float paramType: form - name: minz description: | Minimum world space Z coordinate required: true type: float paramType: form - name: maxx description: | Maximum world space X coordinate required: true type: float paramType: form - name: maxy description: | Maximum world space Y coordinate required: true type: float paramType: form - name: maxz description: | Maximum world space Z coordinate required: true type: float paramType: form - name: with_locations description: | Whether to return the location of each connector. required: false type: bool defaultValue: false paramType: form - name: with_links description: | Whether to return every individual link or null for unlinked connectors (if part of response). required: false type: bool defaultValue: false paramType: form - name: only_linked description: | Whether to return only connectors with linked treenodes. By default all connectors are returned and link information is null for unlinked nodes. required: false type: bool defaultValue: false paramType: form - name: skeleton_ids description: Skeletons linked to connectors type: array items: type: integer paramType: form required: false type: - type: array items: type: integer description: array of skeleton IDs or links required: true """ project_id = int(project_id) data = request.GET if request.method == 'GET' else request.POST params = { 'project_id': project_id, 'limit': data.get('limit', 0), 'with_locations': get_request_bool(data, 'with_locations', False), 'with_links': get_request_bool(data, 'with_links', False), } for p in ('minx', 'miny', 'minz', 'maxx', 'maxy', 'maxz'): params[p] = float(data.get(p, 0)) params['halfzdiff'] = abs(params['maxz'] - params['minz']) * 0.5 params['halfz'] = params['minz'] + (params['maxz'] - params['minz']) * 0.5 skeleton_ids = get_request_list(data, 'skeleton_ids', map_fn=int) if skeleton_ids: params['skeleton_ids'] = skeleton_ids params['only_linked'] = get_request_bool(data, 'only_linked', False) connector_ids = get_connectors_in_bb_postgis3d(params) return JsonResponse(connector_ids, safe=False)
def list_connectors(request:HttpRequest, project_id=None) -> JsonResponse: """Get a collection of connectors. The `connectors` field of the returned object contains a list of all result nodes, each represented as a list of the form: `[id, x, y, z, confidence, creator_id, editor_id, creation_time, edition_time]` Both edition time and creation time are returned as UTC epoch values. If tags are requested, the `tags` field of the response object will contain a mapping of connector IDs versus tag lists. If partners are requested, the `partners` field of the response object will contain a mapping of connector IDs versus lists of partner links. Each partner link is an array of the following format: `[link_id, treenode_id, skeleton_id, relation_id, confidence]` If both `skeleton_ids` and `relation_type` are used, the linked skeletons need to be linked by the specified relation. Without `relation_type`, linked skeletons can have any relation and without `skeleton_ids` a connector needs to have a least one link with the specified relation. --- parameters: - name: project_id description: Project of connectors type: integer paramType: path required: true - name: skeleton_ids description: Skeletons linked to connectors type: array items: type: integer paramType: form required: false - name: tags description: Require a set of tags type: array items: type: string paramType: form required: false - name: relation_type description: Relation of linked skeletons to connector. type: string paramType: form required: false - name: without_relation_types description: | Relations to linked skeletons that connectors must not have. type: array items: type: string paramType: form required: false - name: with_tags description: If connector tags should be fetched type: boolean paramType: form defaultValue: true required: false - name: with_partners description: If partner node and link information should be fetched type: boolean paramType: form defaultValue: false required: false type: connectors: type: array items: type: array items: type: string description: Matching connector links required: true tags: type array partners: type array """ project_id = int(project_id) skeleton_ids = get_request_list(request.POST, 'skeleton_ids', map_fn=int) tags = get_request_list(request.POST, 'tags') relation_type = request.POST.get('relation_type') without_relation_types = get_request_list(request.POST, 'without_relation_types') with_tags = get_request_bool(request.POST, 'with_tags', True) with_partners = get_request_bool(request.POST, 'with_partners', False) cursor = connection.cursor() class_map = get_class_to_id_map(project_id, cursor=cursor) relation_map = get_relation_to_id_map(project_id, cursor=cursor) # Query connectors constraints = [] extra_where = [] params:Dict = { 'project_id': project_id, } if relation_type: relation_id = relation_map.get(relation_type) params['relation_id'] = relation_id if not relation_id: raise ValueError("Unknown relation: " + relation_type) if skeleton_ids: constraints.append(''' JOIN treenode_connector tc ON tc.connector_id = JOIN UNNEST(%(skeleton_ids)s::bigint[]) q_skeleton(id) ON tc.skeleton_id = ''') params['skeleton_ids'] = skeleton_ids if relation_type: constraints.append(''' AND tc.relation_id = %(relation_id)s ''') elif relation_type: constraints.append(''' JOIN treenode_connector tc_rel ON tc_rel.connector_id = AND tc_rel.relation_id = %(relation_id)s ''') if without_relation_types: # Only connectors without the passed in relations. This is done through # an anti-join. try: wo_rel_ids = list(map(lambda x: relation_map[x], without_relation_types)) except KeyError: missing_relations = ", ".join(filter(lambda x: x not in relation_map, without_relation_types)) raise ValueError(f'Unknown relation: {missing_relations}') constraints.append(''' LEFT JOIN treenode_connector tc_wo ON tc_wo.connector_id = AND tc_wo.relation_id = ANY (%(wo_rel_ids)s::bigint[]) ''') extra_where.append(''' IS NULL ''') params['wo_rel_ids'] = wo_rel_ids if tags: constraints.append(''' JOIN connector_class_instance cci ON cci.connector_id = JOIN class_instance label ON = class_instance_id AND cci.relation_id = %(labeled_as)s JOIN ( SELECT FROM class_instance JOIN UNNEST(%(tag_names)s::text[]) tag(name) ON = WHERE project_id = %(project_id)s AND class_id = %(label)s ) q_label(id) ON = ''') params['labeled_as'] = relation_map['labeled_as'] params['tag_names'] = tags params['label'] = class_map['label'] constlines = "\n".join(constraints) extra_where_lines = ("AND " + " AND ".join(extra_where)) if extra_where else "" cursor.execute(f''' SELECT DISTINCT ON (, c.location_x, c.location_y, c.location_z, c.confidence, c.user_id, c.editor_id, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM c.creation_time), EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM c.edition_time) FROM connector c {constlines} WHERE c.project_id = %(project_id)s {extra_where_lines} ORDER BY ''', params) connectors = cursor.fetchall() connector_ids = [c[0] for c in connectors] tags = defaultdict(list) if connector_ids and with_tags: c_template = ",".join("(%s)" for _ in connector_ids) cursor.execute(f''' SELECT cci.connector_id, FROM connector_class_instance cci JOIN (VALUES {c_template}) q_connector(id) ON cci.connector_id = JOIN (VALUES (%s)) q_relation(id) ON cci.relation_id = JOIN class_instance ci ON cci.class_instance_id = ''', connector_ids + [relation_map['labeled_as']]) for row in cursor.fetchall(): tags[row[0]].append(row[1]) # Sort labels by name for connector_id, labels in tags.items(): labels.sort(key=lambda k: k.upper()) partners:DefaultDict[Any, List] = defaultdict(list) if connector_ids and with_partners: c_template = ",".join("(%s)" for _ in connector_ids) cursor.execute(f''' SELECT tc.connector_id,, tc.treenode_id, tc.skeleton_id, tc.relation_id, tc.confidence, tc.user_id, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM tc.creation_time), EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM tc.edition_time) FROM treenode_connector tc JOIN (VALUES {c_template}) c(id) ON tc.connector_id = ''', connector_ids) for row in cursor.fetchall(): partners[row[0]].append(row[1:]) return JsonResponse({ "connectors": connectors, "tags": tags, "partners": partners }, safe=False)
def list_connector_links(request:HttpRequest, project_id=None) -> JsonResponse: """Get connectors linked to a set of skeletons. The result data set includes information about linked connectors on a given input set of skeletons. These links are further constrained by relation type, with currently support available for: postsynaptic_to, presynaptic_to, abutting, gapjunction_with, tightjunction_with, desmosome_with. Returned is an object containing an array of links to connectors and a set of tags for all connectors found (if not disabled). The link array contains one array per connector link with the following content: [Linked skeleton ID, Connector ID, Connector X, Connector Y, Connector Z, Link confidence, Link creator ID, Linked treenode ID, Link edit time]. A POST handler is able to accept large lists of skeleton IDs. --- parameters: - name: skeleton_ids description: Skeletons to list connectors for type: array items: type: integer paramType: form required: true - name: relation_type description: Relation of listed connector links type: string paramType: form required: true - name: with_tags description: If connector tags should be fetched type: boolean paramType: form defaultValue: true required: false type: links: type: array items: type: array items: type: string description: Matching connector links required: true tags: type array """ data = request.POST if request.method == 'POST' else request.GET skeleton_ids = get_request_list(data, 'skeleton_ids', map_fn=int) if not skeleton_ids: raise ValueError("At least one skeleton ID required") relation_type = data.get('relation_type', 'presynaptic_to') with_tags = get_request_bool(data, 'with_tags', True) cursor = connection.cursor() relation_map = get_relation_to_id_map(project_id, cursor=cursor) relation_id = relation_map.get(relation_type) if not relation_id: raise ValueError("Unknown relation: " + relation_type) sk_template = ",".join(("(%s)",) * len(skeleton_ids)) cursor.execute(f''' SELECT tc.skeleton_id,, c.location_x, c.location_y, c.location_z, tc.confidence, tc.user_id, tc.treenode_id, tc.creation_time, tc.edition_time FROM treenode_connector tc JOIN (VALUES {sk_template}) q_skeleton(id) ON tc.skeleton_id = JOIN (VALUES (%s)) q_relation(id) ON tc.relation_id = JOIN connector c ON tc.connector_id = ''', skeleton_ids + [relation_id]) links = [] for row in cursor.fetchall(): lst = list(row) lst[8] = lst[8].isoformat() lst[9] = lst[9].isoformat() links.append(lst) connector_ids = [link[1] for link in links] tags:DefaultDict[Any, List] = defaultdict(list) if connector_ids and with_tags: c_template = ",".join(("(%s)",) * len(connector_ids)) cursor.execute(f''' SELECT cci.connector_id, FROM connector_class_instance cci JOIN (VALUES {c_template}) q_connector(id) ON cci.connector_id = JOIN (VALUES (%s)) q_relation(id) ON cci.relation_id = JOIN class_instance ci ON cci.class_instance_id = ''', connector_ids + [relation_map['labeled_as']]) for row in cursor.fetchall(): tags[row[0]].append(row[1]) # Sort labels by name for connector_id, labels in tags.items(): labels.sort(key=lambda k: k.upper()) return JsonResponse({ "links": links, "tags": tags }, safe=False)
def list_connectors(request, project_id=None): """Get a collection of connectors. The `connectors` field of the returned object contains a list of all result nodes, each represented as a list of the form: `[id, x, y, z, confidence, creator_id, editor_id, creation_time, edition_time]` Both edition time and creation time are returned as UTC epoch values. If tags are requested, the `tags` field of the response object will contain a mapping of connector IDs versus tag lists. If partners are requested, the `partners` field of the response object will contain a mapping of connector IDs versus lists of partner links. Each partner link is an array of the following format: `[link_id, treenode_id, skeleton_id, relation_id, confidence]` If both `skeleton_ids` and `relation_type` are used, the linked skeletons need to be linked by the specified relation. Without `relation_type`, linked skeletons can have any relation and without `skeleton_ids` a connector needs to have a least one link with the specified relation. --- parameters: - name: project_id description: Project of connectors type: integer paramType: path required: true - name: skeleton_ids description: Skeletons linked to connectors type: array items: type: integer paramType: form required: false - name: tags description: Require a set of tags type: array items: type: string paramType: form required: false - name: relation_type description: Relation of linked skeletons to connector. type: string paramType: form required: false - name: with_tags description: If connector tags should be fetched type: boolean paramType: form defaultValue: true required: false - name: with_partners description: If partner node and link information should be fetched type: boolean paramType: form defaultValue: false required: false type: connectors: type: array items: type: array items: type: string description: Matching connector links required: true tags: type array partners: type array """ project_id = int(project_id) skeleton_ids = get_request_list(request.POST, 'skeleton_ids', map_fn=int) tags = get_request_list(request.POST, 'tags') relation_type = request.POST.get('relation_type') with_tags = get_request_bool(request.POST, 'with_tags', True) with_partners = get_request_bool(request.POST, 'with_partners', False) cursor = connection.cursor() class_map = get_class_to_id_map(project_id, cursor=cursor) relation_map = get_relation_to_id_map(project_id, cursor=cursor) if relation_type: relation_id = relation_map.get(relation_type) if not relation_id: raise ValueError("Unknown relation: " + relation_type) # Query connectors constraints = [] params = [] if skeleton_ids: sk_template = ",".join("(%s)" for _ in skeleton_ids) constraints.append(''' JOIN treenode_connector tc ON tc.connector_id = JOIN (VALUES {}) q_skeleton(id) ON tc.skeleton_id = '''.format(sk_template)) params.extend(skeleton_ids) if relation_type: constraints.append(''' AND tc.relation_id = %s ''') params.append(relation_id) elif relation_type: constraints.append(''' JOIN treenode_connector tc ON tc.connector_id = AND tc.relation_id = %s ''') params.append(relation_id) if tags: tag_template = ",".join("%s" for _ in tags) constraints.append(''' JOIN connector_class_instance cci ON cci.connector_id = JOIN class_instance label ON = class_instance_id AND cci.relation_id = %s JOIN ( SELECT id FROM class_instance WHERE name IN ({}) AND project_id = %s AND class_id = %s ) q_label(id) ON = '''.format(tag_template)) params.append(relation_map['labeled_as']) params.extend(tags) params.append(project_id) params.append(class_map['label']) query = ''' SELECT DISTINCT, c.location_x, c.location_y, c.location_z, c.confidence, c.user_id, c.editor_id, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM c.creation_time), EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM c.edition_time) FROM connector c {} WHERE c.project_id = %s ORDER BY '''.format('\n'.join(constraints)) params.append(project_id) cursor.execute(query, params) connectors = cursor.fetchall() connector_ids = [c[0] for c in connectors] tags = defaultdict(list) if connector_ids and with_tags: c_template = ",".join("(%s)" for _ in connector_ids) cursor.execute(''' SELECT cci.connector_id, FROM connector_class_instance cci JOIN (VALUES {}) q_connector(id) ON cci.connector_id = JOIN (VALUES (%s)) q_relation(id) ON cci.relation_id = JOIN class_instance ci ON cci.class_instance_id = '''.format(c_template), connector_ids + [relation_map['labeled_as']]) for row in cursor.fetchall(): tags[row[0]].append(row[1]) # Sort labels by name for connector_id, labels in tags.items(): labels.sort(key=lambda k: k.upper()) partners = defaultdict(list) if connector_ids and with_partners: c_template = ",".join("(%s)" for _ in connector_ids) cursor.execute(''' SELECT tc.connector_id,, tc.treenode_id, tc.skeleton_id, tc.relation_id, tc.confidence, tc.user_id, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM tc.creation_time), EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM tc.edition_time) FROM treenode_connector tc JOIN (VALUES {}) c(id) ON tc.connector_id = '''.format(c_template), connector_ids) for row in cursor.fetchall(): partners[row[0]].append(row[1:]) return JsonResponse({ "connectors": connectors, "tags": tags, "partners": partners }, safe=False)
def put(self, request: Request, name: Optional[int] = None, format=None) -> Response: """Create or replace a key-value data entry for the client. Each entry is associated with a datastore, an optional project, an optional user, and a key. Creating a request that duplicates this quadruple will replace rather than create the value in the key-value pair. Entries associated with neither a project nor user are considered global; those associated with a project but no user are project- default; those associated with a user but no project are user-default; and those associated with both a project and a user are user-project specific. When listing key-value data, all four of these values, if existing, will be returned. --- parameters: - name: name description: | String key for the **datastore** with which this key-value entry is associated. required: true type: string paramType: path - name: project_id description: | ID of a project to associate this data with, if any. required: false type: integer paramType: form - name: ignore_user description: | Whether to associate this key-value entry with the instance rather than the request user. Only project administrators can do this for project-associated instance data, and only super users can do this for global data (instance data not associated with any project). required: false type: boolean default: false paramType: form - name: key description: A key for this entry. required: true type: string paramType: form - name: value description: A value for this entry. Must be valid JSON. required: true type: string paramType: form - name: format description: This function parameter is ignored required: false type: Any default: None response_serializer: ClientDataSerializer """ if request.user == get_anonymous_user( ) or not request.user.is_authenticated: raise PermissionDenied('Unauthenticated or anonymous users ' \ 'can not create data.') datastore = get_object_or_404(ClientDatastore, name=name) key ='key', None) if not key: raise ValidationError('A key for the data must be provided.') value ='value', None) if not value: raise ValidationError('A value for the data must be provided.') # Validate JSON by reserializing. try: value = json.loads(value) except ValueError as exc: raise ValidationError('Data value is invalid JSON: ' + str(exc)) project_id ='project_id', None) project = None if project_id: project_id = int(project_id) project = get_object_or_404(Project, pk=project_id) if not check_user_role(request.user, project, [UserRole.Browse, UserRole.Annotate]): raise PermissionDenied('User lacks the appropriate ' \ 'permissions for this project.') ignore_user = get_request_bool(, 'ignore_user', False) if ignore_user and not project_id: if not request.user.is_superuser: raise PermissionDenied('Only super users can create instance ' \ 'data.') if ignore_user: if not check_user_role(request.user, project, [UserRole.Admin]): raise PermissionDenied('Only administrators can create ' \ 'project default data.') user = None if ignore_user else request.user try: data = ClientData.objects.get(datastore=datastore, key=key, project=project, user=user) data.value = value data.full_clean() return Response(status=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT) except ClientData.DoesNotExist: data = ClientData(datastore=datastore, key=key, value=value, project=project, user=user) data.full_clean() serializer = ClientDataSerializer(data) return Response(
def list_connector_links(request, project_id=None): """Get connectors linked to a set of skeletons. The result data set includes information about linked connectors on a given input set of skeletons. These links are further constrained by relation type, with currently support available for: postsynaptic_to, presynaptic_to, abutting, gapjunction_with, tightjunction_with, desmosome_with. Returned is an object containing an array of links to connectors and a set of tags for all connectors found (if not disabled). The link array contains one array per connector link with the following content: [Linked skeleton ID, Connector ID, Connector X, Connector Y, Connector Z, Link confidence, Link creator ID, Linked treenode ID, Link edit time]. A POST handler is able to accept large lists of skeleton IDs. --- parameters: - name: skeleton_ids description: Skeletons to list connectors for type: array items: type: integer paramType: form required: true - name: relation_type description: Relation of listed connector links type: string paramType: form required: true - name: with_tags description: If connector tags should be fetched type: boolean paramType: form defaultValue: true required: false type: links: type: array items: type: array items: type: string description: Matching connector links required: true tags: type array """ data = request.POST if request.method == 'POST' else request.GET skeleton_ids = get_request_list(data, 'skeleton_ids', map_fn=int) if not skeleton_ids: raise ValueError("At least one skeleton ID required") relation_type = data.get('relation_type', 'presynaptic_to') with_tags = get_request_bool(data, 'with_tags', True) cursor = connection.cursor() relation_map = get_relation_to_id_map(project_id, cursor=cursor) relation_id = relation_map.get(relation_type) if not relation_id: raise ValueError("Unknown relation: " + relation_type) sk_template = ",".join(("(%s)",) * len(skeleton_ids)) cursor.execute(''' SELECT tc.skeleton_id,, c.location_x, c.location_y, c.location_z, tc.confidence, tc.user_id, tc.treenode_id, tc.creation_time, tc.edition_time FROM treenode_connector tc JOIN (VALUES {}) q_skeleton(id) ON tc.skeleton_id = JOIN (VALUES (%s)) q_relation(id) ON tc.relation_id = JOIN connector c ON tc.connector_id = '''.format(sk_template), skeleton_ids + [relation_id]) links = [] for row in cursor.fetchall(): l = list(row) l[8] = l[8].isoformat() l[9] = l[9].isoformat() links.append(l) connector_ids = [l[1] for l in links] tags = defaultdict(list) if connector_ids and with_tags: c_template = ",".join(("(%s)",) * len(connector_ids)) cursor.execute(''' SELECT cci.connector_id, FROM connector_class_instance cci JOIN (VALUES {}) q_connector(id) ON cci.connector_id = JOIN (VALUES (%s)) q_relation(id) ON cci.relation_id = JOIN class_instance ci ON cci.class_instance_id = '''.format(c_template), connector_ids + [relation_map['labeled_as']]) for row in cursor.fetchall(): tags[row[0]].append(row[1]) # Sort labels by name for connector_id, labels in tags.items(): labels.sort(key=lambda k: k.upper()) return JsonResponse({ "links": links, "tags": tags }, safe=False)