Пример #1
def datastore_eval(TE, step):
    # TE.get_command_params returns the VALUES of each provided property
    # step.command is the raw XML of the command
    code = TE.get_command_params(step.command, "code")[0]
    target_var = TE.get_command_params(step.command, "variable")[0]
    # TE.replace_variables will look on the runtime variable stack, and replace any [[vars]] 
    # defined in your property
    code = TE.replace_variables(code)
        PyMongo provides an 'eval' function for processing complex javascript operations directly
        on the database.
        from catocommon import catocommon
        db = catocommon.new_mongo_conn()
        result = db.eval(code)
        TE.rt.set(target_var, result)
        # we should put the response in a variable
    except Exception as ex:  # write the exception to the logfile
        TE.logger.critical("Exception in 'datastore_eval.\n%s" % (ex))
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, cfilter=""):
        """ Instantiates a collections object containing all collections
         satisfying a given filter.

        Example usage:

        >>> # return all collections having the string 'test' in the name
        >>> colls = Collections("test")

        :param cfilter: collection filter to apply to collections to retrieve from the

        Two attributes are created:
        _names: a list of just the collection names (for REST API output)
        _collections: a list of Mongo collection objects.

            db = catocommon.new_mongo_conn()
            names = db.collection_names()
            # filter by sfilter
            self._names = filter(lambda x: x.find(cfilter) >= 0, names)

            # strip out the Mongo "system." collections
            self._names = [x for x in self._names if "system." not in x]

            #print self._names
            self._collections = []
            # create collections
            for n in self._names:
        except Exception as ex:
            raise DatastoreError(ex)
Пример #3
def find_document(_id=None, query={}, collection="default"):
    if _id:
        query['_id'] = _id
    if "_id" in query:
        _id = query["_id"]
        from bson.objectid import ObjectId
        query["_id"] = ObjectId(query["_id"])
    if not collection:
        collection = "default"

        # connection should be later cleaned up:
        db = catocommon.new_mongo_conn()
        coll = db[collection]
        doc = coll.find_one(query)
        if doc:
            rdoc = Document()

            # convert from ObjectId
            rdoc.ID = str(doc['_id'])
            rdoc._collection_obj = coll
            rdoc.doc = doc
            raise DocumentNotFoundError('Document with id %s not found' % id)
    except Exception as ex:
        raise DatastoreError(ex)
        # TODO: cleanup

    return rdoc
Пример #4
def create_document(template, collection="default"):
    Creates a new Document based on the given the parameters.

    :type template: dict
    :param template: any JSON document
    :type template: string
    :param collection: collection name to use for creating the document.

    :rtype: Document
    Note: there is no enforcement of cato_object_id being unique.  This is by design, as
    some documents may have the same cato_object_id and their uniqueness would be defined
    by additional arguments.

    raises DatastoreError
    if not collection:
        collection = "default"

    jsondoc = {}
    if template:
        # verify the template is a valid document
            jsondoc = json.loads(template)
        except ValueError:
            return None, "Template is not a valid JSON document."
        except TypeError:
            # NOTE: we're expecting template to be a JSON STRING
            # but it's possible it could also be a python dict in which case
            # a TypeError will occur.
            jsondoc = template

    db = catocommon.new_mongo_conn()
    coll = db[collection]
    docid = coll.insert(jsondoc)
    # needed to add a incremental backoff retry loop because of mongo's eventual consistancy
    ii = 1
    while True:
        doc = Document({'_id': docid}, collection)
        if doc.ID:
        elif ii == 5:
            sleep(ii * .1)

    if doc.ID:
        return doc, None
        return None, "Document was not created or could not be found by _id=%s." % docid
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, collection=None, query={}):
        """Instantiates a set of documents in a collection satisfying a
        given filter.

        The current implementation may results in memory problems for
        huge collections, if filter is such that it returns many documents.

        Example usage:

        >>> query = {'guid': '3678df6e-120d-11e2-a0f5-58b035f767f3'}
        >>> docs = Documents(query)

        :type collection: string
        :param collection: collection name to use for creating the document.
        :type query: dict
        :param query: document filter to apply when retrieving documents
        from collection. The filter is in the native mongodb format.
        if not collection:
            collection = "default"
        self.collection = collection
        self._collection_obj = None

        if not query:
            query = {}

            # _id must be manipulated from a string into an ObjectId
            _id = query.get("_id")
            if _id:
                from bson.objectid import ObjectId
                query["_id"] = ObjectId(_id)

            db = catocommon.new_mongo_conn()
            coll = db[self.collection]
            cursor = coll.find(query)
            self.documents = []
            for d in cursor:
                #d['_id'] = str(d['_id'])
        except Exception as ex:
            raise DatastoreError(ex.__str__())
Пример #6
    def __init__(self, query={}, collection="default", projection=None):

        self.ID = None
        self.collection = collection
        self._collection_obj = None

        # support empty query temporarily for find_document
        if not query:

        # if the query includes _id, cast it to an ObjectId not a string.
        if "_id" in query:
            from bson.objectid import ObjectId
            query["_id"] = ObjectId(query["_id"])
        if not collection:
            collection = "default"

        self.doc = None

            # connection should be later cleaned up:
            db = catocommon.new_mongo_conn()
            coll = db[collection]
            self._collection_obj = coll
            doc = coll.find_one(query, projection)
            if doc is not None:
                # convert from ObjectId
                self.ID = str(doc['_id'])
                self.doc = doc
                logger.critical("Unable to find Datastore document using query %s." % query)
                self.doc = {}
        except Exception as ex:
            raise DatastoreError(ex)
            # TODO: cleanup