Пример #1
def create_tsm(user_params, stdurl):
    logging.info('inside create_tsm method...')
    logging.debug('getting default parameters for creating tsm')
    tsm_def_params = get_tsm_default_params()
    logging.debug('default parameters for creating tsm: %s', str(tsm_def_params))
    logging.debug('getting final parametrs for creating tsm')
    final_tsm_params = modify_params(tsm_def_params, user_params)
    logging.debug('final parameters for creating tsm: %s', str(final_tsm_params))
    command = 'command=createTsm'
    querycommand = form_querycommand(command, final_tsm_params)
    rest_api = str(stdurl) + str(querycommand)
    logging.debug('REST API for creating tsm: %s', (rest_api))
    logging.info('Executing command sendrequest...')
    resp_addTsm = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(resp_addTsm.text)
    logging.debug('response for creating TSM: %s', str(data))
    if 'errorcode' in str(data):
        errormsg = str(data['addTsmResponse']['errortext'])
        logging.error('Not able to create Tsm due to: %s', errormsg)
        result = ['FAILED', errormsg]
        return result
    job_id = data['addTsmResponse']['jobid']
    logging.debug('create Tsm job id: %s', job_id)
    logging.info('calling queryAsyncJobResult method...')
    create_tsm_status = queryAsyncJobResult(stdurl, job_id)
    if create_tsm_status[0] == 'PASSED':
        result = ['PASSED', 'TSM created successfuly']
        return result
        result = ['FAILED', create_tsm_status]
        logging.debug('result of create_tsm: %s', str(result))
        return result
Пример #2
def addDiskGroup_vdev(pool_id, clstr_id, group, disk_list, iops, sctr_size,
    if '_' or ' ' in group:
        group = group.replace('_', '%20').replace(' ', '%20')
    logging.info('inside addDiskGroup_vdev method..')
    throughput = iops * 128
    querycommand = 'command=addDiskGroup&poolid=%s&clusterid=%s&'\
        'grouptype=%s&diskslist=%s&sectorsize=%s&totaliops=%s&totalthroughput=%s' \
        %(pool_id, clstr_id, group, disk_list, sctr_size, iops, throughput)
    rest_api = str(stdurl) + str(querycommand)
    logging.debug('REST API adding Disk group: %s', str(rest_api))
    add_diskGroup = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(add_diskGroup.text)
    logging.debug('response for adding disk group: %s', str(data))
    if 'errorcode' in str(data):
        errormsg = str(data['addDiskgroupResponse'].get('errortext'))
        print errormsg
        result = ['FAILED', errormsg]
        logging.error('Not able to add disk group due to: %s', errormsg)
        return result
    logging.info('getting add disk group job id...')
    job_id = data['addDiskgroupResponse']['jobid']
    logging.info('calling queryAsyncJobResult method...')
    addDiskGrp_status = queryAsyncJobResult(stdurl, job_id)
    logging.debug('Adding disk group status: %s', addDiskGrp_status)
    if addDiskGrp_status[0] == 'PASSED':
        result = ['PASSED', 'Added Disk Group successfuly']
        result = ['FAILED', addDiskGrp_status]
    logging.debug('result of Adding  Disk Group : %s', str(result))
    return result
Пример #3
def create_pool(user_params, stdurl):
    logging.info('inside create_pool method...')
    command = 'command=addHAPool'
    logging.info('getting defaults parameters for create pool...')
    pool_def_params = get_pool_default_params()
    logging.debug('defaults parameters for create pool: %s',
    logging.info('getting final parametrs for creating pool...')
    pool_params = get_params(pool_def_params, user_params)
    logging.info('final parametrs for creating pool: %s', str(pool_params))
    querycommand = get_querycommand(command, pool_params, 'pool')
    rest_api = str(stdurl) + str(querycommand)
    logging.debug('REST API for creating pool: %s', str(rest_api))
    resp_createPool = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(resp_createPool.text)
    logging.debug('response for create Pool: %s', str(data))
    if 'errorcode' in str(data):
        errormsg = str(data['addHAPoolResponse'].get('errortext'))
        logging.error('Not able to create pool due to: %s', errormsg)
        result = ['FAILED', errormsg]
        return result
    logging.info('getting create pool job id...')
    job_id = data['addHAPoolResponse']['jobid']
    logging.debug('create pool job id: %s', job_id)
    logging.info('calling queryAsyncJobResult method...')
    create_pool_status = queryAsyncJobResult(stdurl, job_id)
    logging.debug('create_pool_status: %s', create_pool_status)
    if create_pool_status[0] == 'PASSED':
        result = ['PASSED', 'Pool created successfuly']
        result = ['FAILED', create_pool_status]
    logging.debug('result of create_pool: %s', str(result))
    return result
Пример #4
def deleteVolume():
    #########Delete File Systems
    querycommand = 'command=listFileSystem'
    resp_listFileSystem = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    filesave("logs/ListFileSystem.txt", "w", resp_listFileSystem)
    data = json.loads(resp_listFileSystem.text)
    filesystems = data["listFilesystemResponse"].get("filesystem")
    if filesystems == None:
        print 'There are no volumes'
        for filesystem in filesystems:
            filesystem_id = filesystem['id']
            filesystem_name = filesystem['name']
            acct_id = filesystem.get('accountid')
            init_grp = filesystem.get('initiatorgroup')
            if init_grp == 'ALL':
                assign_iniator_gp_to_LUN(stdurl, filesystem_id, acct_id,
            querycommand = 'command=deleteFileSystem&id=%s&forcedelete=true' % (
            resp_delete_volume = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
            data = json.loads(resp_delete_volume.text)
            if 'errorcode' in str(data):
                errormsg = str(
                print 'Not able to delete volume %s, due to%s' % (
                    filesystem_name, errormsg)
                deleteJobId = data['deleteFileSystemResponse'].get('jobid')
                delete_volume_status = queryAsyncJobResult(stdurl, deleteJobId)
                if delete_volume_status[0] == 'PASSED':
                    print 'Volume %s deleted successfully' % (filesystem_name)
                    print 'Not able to delete volume %s' % (filesystem_name)
Пример #5
def delete_volume(id, stdurl):
    # id is volume id
    logging.info('Inside the delete_volume method...')
    querycommand = 'command=deleteFileSystem&id=%s' % (id)
    rest_api = str(stdurl) + str(querycommand)
    logging.debug('REST API for deleting volume: %s', str(rest_api))
    resp_deleteFileSystem = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(resp_deleteFileSystem.text)
    logging.debug('response for deleting volume: %s', str(data))
    if 'errorcode' in str(data):
        errormsg = str(data['deleteFileSystemResponse'].get('errortext'))
        result = ['FAILED', 'Not able to delete volume due to: %s', errormsg]
        logging.error('Not able to delete volume due to: %s', errormsg)
        return result
    logging.info('getting job_id for deleting volume...')
    job_id = data['deleteFileSystemResponse']['jobid']
    logging.debug('job_id for delet volume: %s', job_id)
    logging.info('calling queryAsyncJobResult method...')
    delete_volume_status = queryAsyncJobResult(stdurl, job_id)
    logging.debug('delete_volume_status: %s', delete_volume_status)
    if delete_volume_status[0] == 'PASSED':
        result = ['PASSED', 'Volume deleted successfuly']
        result = ['FAILED', delete_volume_status]
    logging.debug('result of delete_volume: %s', str(result))
    return result
Пример #6
def change_state(stdurl, ctrl_id, mode, ctrl_name):
    querycommand = 'command=changeControllerState&id=%s&state=%s' \
            %(ctrl_id, mode)
    logging.debug('Executing changeControllerState...')
    resp_stateofnode = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(resp_stateofnode.text)
    if 'errorcode' in str(data):
        errormsg = str(data['changeControllerStateResponse']['errortext'])
        logging.error('Not able to execute changeControllerState: %s',
        return ['FAILED', errormsg]
    hajob_id = data['changeControllerStateResponse']['controller']['hajobid']
    querycommand = 'command=listHAJobActivities&hajobid=%s' % (hajob_id)
    logging.debug('Executing listHAJobActivities...')
    hajob = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(hajob.text)
    if 'errorcode' in str(data):
        errormsg = str(data['listHAJobActivitiesResponse']['errortext'])
        logging.error('Not able to execute listHAJobActivitiesResponse: %s',\
        return ['FAILED', errormsg]
    job_id = data['listHAJobActivitiesResponse']['jobid']
    rstatus = queryAsyncJobResult(stdurl, job_id)
    querycommand = 'command=listHAJob&jobstatus=running'
    logging.debug('Executing listHAJob...')
    hajob = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(hajob.text)
    logging.debug('response for listHAJob... %s', hajob)
    logging.debug('executing queryAsyncJobResult method for job: %s', job_id)
    rstatus = queryAsyncJobResult(stdurl, job_id)
    if rstatus[0] == 'PASSED':
        logging.debug('Node %s moved to %s successfully', ctrl_name, mode)
        return ['PASSED', '']
        logging.debug('Node %s failed to moved to %s', ctrl_name, mode)
        return ['FAILED', '']
Пример #7
     config['volCifsBlocklength%d' %
            (x)], subVolName, config['volCifsProtocoltype%d' %
 respCreateVolume = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
 filesave("logs/createVolume.txt", "w", respCreateVolume)
 resultCreateVolume = json.loads(respCreateVolume.text)
 if 'errortext' in str(resultCreateVolume):
     endTime = ctime()
     errormsg = resultCreateVolume['createvolumeresponse'][
     resultCollection('Not able to createVolume',
                      ['FAILED', errormsg], startTime, endTime)
 job_id = resultCreateVolume["createvolumeresponse"]["jobid"]
 rstatus = queryAsyncJobResult(stdurl, job_id)
 endTime = ctime()
 if rstatus[0] == 'FAILED':
         'Creation of CIFS sub filesystem %s is failed:' %
         (subVolName), ['FAILED', rstatus[1]], startTime,
 elif rstatus[0] == 'NotSure':
         'Creation of CIFS sub filesystem %s is failed:' %
         (subVolName), ['FAILED', rstatus[1]], startTime,
Пример #8
def create_volume(user_params, stdurl):
    logging.info('inside create_volume method...')
    logging.debug('getting default parameters for creating QoS group')
    qos_def_params = get_qos_default_params()
    logging.debug('default parameters for creating QoS group: %s',
    logging.debug('getting final parametrs for creating QoS group')
    qos_params = get_params(qos_def_params, user_params)
    #logging.debug('final parameters for creating QoS group: %s', str(qos_params))
    command = 'command=addQosGroup'
    logging.debug('getting REST API for creating QoS group...')
    querycommand = get_querycommand(command, qos_params, 'qosgroup')
    rest_api = str(stdurl) + str(querycommand)
    logging.debug('REST API for creating QoS group: %s', (rest_api))
    logging.info('Executing command sendrequest...')
    resp_addQosGroup = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(resp_addQosGroup.text)
    logging.debug('response for add QoS group: %s', str(data))
    if 'errorcode' in str(data):
        errormsg = str(data['addqosgroupresponse'].get('errortext'))
        result = ['FAILED', errormsg]
        logging.error('FAILED: %s', errormsg)
        return result
    logging.info('Getting qosgroupid...')
    qosgroup_id = data["addqosgroupresponse"]["qosgroup"]["id"]
    logging.debug('qosgroupid: %s', str(qosgroup_id))
    command = 'command=createVolume&qosgroupid=%s' % (qosgroup_id)
    logging.info('getting defaults parameters for create volume...')
    if user_params.get('protocoltype') is not None:
        if user_params['protocoltype'] == 'ISCSI' or user_params[
                'protocoltype'] == 'FC':
            vol_def_params = get_iscsi_fc_default_params()
        elif user_params['protocoltype'] == 'NFS' or user_params[
                'protocoltype'] == 'CIFS':
            vol_def_params = get_nfs_cifs_default_params()
                'protocol type is not correct, please specify correct...')
        vol_def_params = get_iscsi_fc_default_params()
    logging.debug('defaults parameters for create volume: %s',
    logging.info('getting final parametrs for creating volume...')
    vol_params = get_params(vol_def_params, user_params)
    #logging.info('final parametrs for creating volume: %s', str(vol_params))
    querycommand = get_querycommand(command, vol_params, 'volume')
    rest_api = str(stdurl) + str(querycommand)
    logging.debug('REST API for creating volume: %s', str(rest_api))
    resp_createVolume = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
    data = json.loads(resp_createVolume.text)
    logging.debug('response for create volume: %s', str(data))
    if 'errorcode' in str(data):
        errormsg = str(data['createvolumeresponse'].get('errortext'))
        logging.error('Not able to create volume due to: %s', errormsg)
        result = ['FAILED', errormsg]
        return result
    logging.info('getting create volume job id...')
    job_id = data['createvolumeresponse']['jobid']
    logging.debug('create volume job id: %s', job_id)
    logging.info('calling queryAsyncJobResult method...')
    create_volume_status = queryAsyncJobResult(stdurl, job_id)
    logging.debug('create_volume_status: %s', create_volume_status)
    if create_volume_status[0] == 'PASSED':
        result = ['PASSED', 'Volume created successfuly']
        result = ['FAILED', create_volume_status]
    logging.debug('result of create_volume: %s', str(result))
    return result
Пример #9
        is_nfs = filesystem['nfsenabled']
        print "status :" + status
        print "is_nfs "
        print is_nfs
        if str(is_nfs).lower() == 'true':
            if status.lower() == 'online':
                querycommand = 'command=deleteFileSystem&id=%s' % (
                querycommand = 'command=deleteFileSystem&id=%s&forcedelete=true' % (
            resp_delete_volume = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
            filesave("logs/DeleteFileSystem", "w", resp_delete_volume)
            data = json.loads(resp_delete_volume.text)
            job_id = data["deleteFileSystemResponse"]["jobid"]
            queryAsyncJobResult(stdurl, job_id)
            print "\n%s is deleted\n" % (filesystem_name)
    print "All NFS Volumes are Deleted"

if cifsFlag == 1 or allFlag == 1:
    print "\nDeleting CIFS Volumes ...\n"
    for filesystem in filesystems:
        filesystem_id = filesystem['id']
        filesystem_name = filesystem['name']
        status = filesystem['status']
        is_cifs = filesystem['cifsenabled']
        if str(is_cifs).lower() == 'true':
            if status.lower() == 'online':
                querycommand = 'command=deleteFileSystem&id=%s' % (