fldpltclimdt[skey], sh = cutl.calc_totseaicearea(fldclimdt[skey], lat, lon) fldplttsdt[skey], sh = cutl.calc_totseaicearea(flddt[skey], lat, lon) tstr = "SIA (millions of km^2)" divby = np.float(1e12) # convert sea ice area to millions of km2 elif field == "sic": # need sea ice area to calc volume field = "sicn" ncfield = field.upper() conv = 1 for skey in sims: fname = basepath + skey + subdir + skey + "_" + field + "_" + timeperdt[skey] + "_ts.nc" flds = cnc.getNCvar(fname, ncfield, timesel=timeseldt[skey]) * conv # sea ice conc fldplttsdt[skey], sh = cutl.calc_totseaicevol(flddt[skey], flds, lat, lon) # time series of ice vol # climo the ice conc fldsclimo, std = cutl.climatologize(flds) # calc climo ice vol fldpltclimdt[skey], sh = cutl.calc_totseaicevol(fldclimdt[skey], fldsclimo, lat, lon) # climo ice vol field = "sic" ncfield = field.upper() conv = 1 / 913.0 tstr = "SIV (m^3)" divby = 1 # these comparisions ask how good is the nudging to 2xco2 ice (in a prei climate) fldc2xplt = fldpltclimdt["gregory_2xco2"] fldc2xpltts = fldplttsdt["gregory_2xco2"]
if sie: pstr='SIEnh' plotfldc,_ = cutl.calc_seaiceextent(simcfld,lat,lon,model=None) plotfldp,_ = cutl.calc_seaiceextent(simpfld,lat,lon,model=None) else: # sia pstr='SIAnh' tlabs['sicn'] = 'SIA (millions of km$^2$)' plotfldc,_ = cutl.calc_totseaicearea(simcfld,lat,lon,model=None) plotfldp,_ = cutl.calc_totseaicearea(simpfld,lat,lon,model=None) plotfld = plotfldp-plotfldc #plotfld,_ = cutl.calc_totseaicearea(simfld,lat,lon,model=None) elif field=='sic': tmpc=fldcdat['sicn'][ii] tmpp=fldpdat['sicn'][ii] plotfldc,_ = cutl.calc_totseaicevol(simcfld*conv,tmpc,lat,lon) plotfldp,_ = cutl.calc_totseaicevol(simpfld*conv,tmpp,lat,lon) plotfld = plotfldp-plotfldc #print conv #print 'plotfldc,plotfldp' + str(plotfldc)+',' + str(plotfldp) else: print '@@ field ' + field + ' not recognized' break if ii==5: clr='r' print 'obs field,dat ' + field,str(plotfld) # save obs: obsdat[field]=plotfld else: clr='0.5'