Пример #1
 def fetch_trades(self, symbol, since=None, limit=None, params={}):
     if symbol != 'BTC/JPY':
         raise NotSupported(self.id + ' fetchTrades() supports BTC/JPY only')
     market = self.market(symbol)
     response = self.publicGetTrades(params)
     return self.parse_trades(response, market)
Пример #2
 async def fetch_deposit_address(self,
     raise NotSupported('fetch_deposit_address() is not supported yet')
Пример #3
 async def fetch_trading_fees(self, params={}):
     raise NotSupported('fetch_trading_fees() not supported yet')
Пример #4
 async def cancel_order(self, id, symbol=None, params={}):
     raise NotSupported('cancel_order() not supported yet')
Пример #5
 async def fetch_transactions(self,
     raise NotSupported('fetch_transactions() is not supported yet')
Пример #6
 async def fetch_deposits(self,
     raise NotSupported('fetch_deposits() is not supported yet')
Пример #7
 async def create_order(self, symbol, type, side, amount, price=None, params={}):
     raise NotSupported('create_order() not supported yet')
Пример #8
 async def fetch_markets_from_web(self, params={}):
     response = await self.webGetRestApi(params)
     sections = response.split(
         '<h1 id="symbols-and-minimums">Symbols and minimums</h1>')
     numSections = len(sections)
     error = self.id + ' the ' + self.name + ' API doc HTML markup has changed, breaking the parser of order limits and precision info for ' + self.name + ' markets.'
     if numSections != 2:
         raise NotSupported(error)
     tables = sections[1].split('tbody>')
     numTables = len(tables)
     if numTables < 2:
         raise NotSupported(error)
     rows = tables[1].split("\n<tr>\n")  # eslint-disable-line quotes
     numRows = len(rows)
     if numRows < 2:
         raise NotSupported(error)
     result = []
     # skip the first element(empty string)
     for i in range(1, numRows):
         row = rows[i]
         cells = row.split("</td>\n")  # eslint-disable-line quotes
         numCells = len(cells)
         if numCells < 5:
             raise NotSupported(error)
         #     [
         #         '<td>btcusd',  # currency
         #         '<td>0.00001 BTC(1e-5)',  # min order size
         #         '<td>0.00000001 BTC(1e-8)',  # tick size
         #         '<td>0.01 USD',  # quote currency price increment
         #         '</tr>'
         #     ]
         marketId = cells[0].replace('<td>', '')
         # base = self.safe_currency_code(baseId)
         minAmountString = cells[1].replace('<td>', '')
         minAmountParts = minAmountString.split(' ')
         minAmount = self.safe_number(minAmountParts, 0)
         amountPrecisionString = cells[2].replace('<td>', '')
         amountPrecisionParts = amountPrecisionString.split(' ')
         amountPrecision = self.safe_number(amountPrecisionParts, 0)
         idLength = len(marketId) - 0
         startingIndex = idLength - 3
         quoteId = marketId[startingIndex:idLength]
         quote = self.safe_currency_code(quoteId)
         pricePrecisionString = cells[3].replace('<td>', '')
         pricePrecisionParts = pricePrecisionString.split(' ')
         pricePrecision = self.safe_number(pricePrecisionParts, 0)
         baseId = marketId.replace(quoteId, '')
         base = self.safe_currency_code(baseId)
         symbol = base + '/' + quote
         active = None
             'id': marketId,
             'info': row,
             'symbol': symbol,
             'base': base,
             'quote': quote,
             'baseId': baseId,
             'quoteId': quoteId,
             'type': 'spot',
             'spot': True,
             'active': active,
             'precision': {
                 'amount': amountPrecision,
                 'price': pricePrecision,
             'limits': {
                 'amount': {
                     'min': minAmount,
                     'max': None,
                 'price': {
                     'min': None,
                     'max': None,
                 'cost': {
                     'min': None,
                     'max': None,
     return result
Пример #9
 def fetch_markets_from_web(self, symbols=None, params={}):
     response = self.webGetRestApi(params)
     sections = response.split(
         '<h1 id="symbols-and-minimums">Symbols and minimums</h1>')
     numSections = len(sections)
     error = self.id + ' the ' + self.name + ' API doc HTML markup has changed, breaking the parser of order limits and precision info for ' + self.name + ' markets.'
     if numSections != 2:
         raise NotSupported(error)
     tables = sections[1].split('tbody>')
     numTables = len(tables)
     if numTables < 2:
         raise NotSupported(error)
     # tables[1] = tables[1].replace("\n", '')  # eslint-disable-line quotes
     rows = tables[1].split("<tr>\n")  # eslint-disable-line quotes
     numRows = len(rows)
     if numRows < 2:
         raise NotSupported(error)
     result = []
     # skip the first element(empty string)
     for i in range(1, numRows):
         row = rows[i]
         cells = row.split("</td>\n")  # eslint-disable-line quotes
         numCells = len(cells)
         if numCells < 7:
             raise NotSupported(error)
         #     [
         #         '<td><code class="prettyprint">btcusd</code>',
         #         '<td>USD',  # quote
         #         '<td>BTC',  # base
         #         '<td>0.00001 BTC(1e-5)',  # min amount
         #         '<td>0.00000001 BTC(1e-8)',  # amount min tick size
         #         '<td>0.01 USD',  # price min tick size
         #         '</tr>\n'
         #     ]
         id = cells[0].replace('<td>', '')
         id = id.replace('<code class="prettyprint">', '')
         id = id.replace('</code>', '')
         baseId = cells[2].replace('<td>', '')
         quoteId = cells[1].replace('<td>', '')
         minAmountAsString = cells[3].replace('<td>', '')
         amountTickSizeAsString = cells[4].replace('<td>', '')
         priceTickSizeAsString = cells[5].replace('<td>', '')
         minAmount = minAmountAsString.split(' ')
         amountPrecision = amountTickSizeAsString.split(' ')
         pricePrecision = priceTickSizeAsString.split(' ')
         baseId = baseId.lower()
         quoteId = quoteId.lower()
         base = self.safe_currency_code(baseId)
         quote = self.safe_currency_code(quoteId)
         symbol = base + '/' + quote
         precision = {
             'amount': self.precision_from_string(amountPrecision[0]),
             'price': self.precision_from_string(pricePrecision[0]),
         active = None
             'id': id,
             'info': row,
             'symbol': symbol,
             'base': base,
             'quote': quote,
             'baseId': baseId,
             'quoteId': quoteId,
             'active': active,
             'precision': precision,
             'limits': {
                 'amount': {
                     'min': float(minAmount[0]),
                     'max': None,
                 'price': {
                     'min': None,
                     'max': None,
                 'cost': {
                     'min': None,
                     'max': None,
     return result
Пример #10
 def parse_order(self, order, market=None):
     zeroExOrder = self.safe_value(order, 'zeroExOrder')
     id = self.safe_string(order, 'orderHash')
     if (id is None) and(zeroExOrder is not None):
         id = self.safe_string(zeroExOrder, 'orderHash')
     side = self.safe_string(order, 'side')
     type = self.safe_string(order, 'type')  # injected from outside
     timestamp = self.safe_integer(order, 'creationTimestamp')
     if timestamp != 'None':
         timestamp = int(timestamp / 1000)
     symbol = None
     baseId = self.safe_string(order, 'baseTokenAddress')
     quoteId = self.safe_string(order, 'quoteTokenAddress')
     marketId = None
     if baseId is not None and quoteId is not None:
         marketId = baseId + '/' + quoteId
     market = self.safe_value(self.markets_by_id, marketId, market)
     base = None
     if market is not None:
         symbol = market['symbol']
         base = market['base']
     baseDecimals = self.safe_integer(self.options['decimals'], base, 18)
     price = self.safe_float(order, 'price')
     filledAmount = self.fromWei(self.safe_string(order, 'filledAmount'), 'ether', baseDecimals)
     settledAmount = self.fromWei(self.safe_string(order, 'settledAmount'), 'ether', baseDecimals)
     confirmedAmount = self.fromWei(self.safe_string(order, 'confirmedAmount'), 'ether', baseDecimals)
     failedAmount = self.fromWei(self.safe_string(order, 'failedAmount'), 'ether', baseDecimals)
     deadAmount = self.fromWei(self.safe_string(order, 'deadAmount'), 'ether', baseDecimals)
     prunedAmount = self.fromWei(self.safe_string(order, 'prunedAmount'), 'ether', baseDecimals)
     amount = self.fromWei(self.safe_string(order, 'initialAmount'), 'ether', baseDecimals)
     filled = self.sum(filledAmount, settledAmount, confirmedAmount)
     remaining = None
     lastTradeTimestamp = None
     timeline = self.safe_value(order, 'timeline')
     trades = None
     status = None
     if timeline is not None:
         numEvents = len(timeline)
         if numEvents > 0:
             timelineEventsGroupedByAction = self.group_by(timeline, 'action')
             if 'error' in timelineEventsGroupedByAction:
                 status = 'failed'
             if 'filled' in timelineEventsGroupedByAction:
                 fillEvents = self.safe_value(timelineEventsGroupedByAction, 'filled')
                 numFillEvents = len(fillEvents)
                 lastTradeTimestamp = self.safe_integer(fillEvents[numFillEvents - 1], 'timestamp')
                 lastTradeTimestamp = lastTradeTimestamp if (lastTradeTimestamp is not None) else lastTradeTimestamp
                 trades = []
                 for i in range(0, numFillEvents):
                     trade = self.parse_trade(self.extend(fillEvents[i], {
                         'price': price,
                     }), market)
                     trades.append(self.extend(trade, {
                         'order': id,
                         'type': type,
                         'side': side,
     cost = None
     if filled is not None:
         if remaining is None:
             if amount is not None:
                 remaining = amount - filled
         if price is not None:
             cost = filled * price
     fee = None
     feeCost = self.safe_string(order, 'feeAmount')
     if feeCost is not None:
         feeOption = self.safe_string(order, 'feeOption')
         feeCurrency = None
         if feeOption == 'feeInNative':
             if market is not None:
                 feeCurrency = market['base']
         elif feeOption == 'feeInZRX':
             feeCurrency = 'ZRX'
             raise NotSupported(self.id + ' encountered an unsupported order fee option: ' + feeOption)
         feeDecimals = self.safe_integer(self.options['decimals'], feeCurrency, 18)
         fee = {
             'cost': self.fromWei(feeCost, 'ether', feeDecimals),
             'currency': feeCurrency,
     amountPrecision = market['precision']['amount'] if market else 8
     if remaining is not None:
         if status is None:
             status = 'open'
             rest = remaining - failedAmount - deadAmount - prunedAmount
             if rest < math.pow(10, -amountPrecision):
                 status = 'canceled' if (filled < amount) else 'closed'
     result = {
         'info': order,
         'id': id,
         'symbol': symbol,
         'timestamp': timestamp,
         'datetime': self.iso8601(timestamp),
         'lastTradeTimestamp': lastTradeTimestamp,
         'type': type,
         'side': side,
         'price': price,
         'cost': cost,
         'amount': amount,
         'remaining': remaining,
         'filled': filled,
         'status': status,
         'fee': fee,
         'trades': trades,
     return result
Пример #11
 async def withdraw(self, currency, amount, address, params={}):
     raise NotSupported(self.id + ' withdraw not implemented yet')
Пример #12
 def create_order(self, symbol, type, side, amount, price=None, params={}):
     # https://docs.idex.io/#create-order
     market = self.market(symbol)
     nonce = self.uuidv1()
     typeEnum = None
     priceString = None
     if type == 'limit':
         typeEnum = 1
         priceString = self.price_to_precision(symbol, price)
     elif type == 'market':
         typeEnum = 0
     amountEnum = 0  # base quantity
     if 'quoteOrderQuantity' in params:
         if type != 'market':
             raise NotSupported(
                 self.id + ' quoteOrderQuantity is not supported for ' +
                 type + ' orders, only supported for market orders')
         amountEnum = 1
         amount = self.safe_float(params, 'quoteOrderQuantity')
     sideEnum = 0 if (side == 'buy') else 1
     walletBytes = self.remove0x_prefix(self.walletAddress)
     orderVersion = 1
     amountString = self.amount_to_precision(symbol, amount)
     # https://docs.idex.io/#time-in-force
     timeInForceEnums = {
         'gtc': 0,
         'ioc': 2,
         'fok': 3,
     defaultTimeInForce = self.safe_string(self.options,
                                           'defaultTimeInForce', 'gtc')
     timeInForce = self.safe_string(params, 'timeInForce',
     timeInForceEnum = None
     if timeInForce in timeInForceEnums:
         timeInForceEnum = timeInForceEnums[timeInForce]
         allOptions = list(timeInForceEnums.keys())
         asString = ', '.join(allOptions)
         raise BadRequest(
             self.id + ' ' + timeInForce +
             ' is not a valid timeInForce, please choose one of ' +
     # https://docs.idex.io/#self-trade-prevention
     selfTradePreventionEnums = {
         'dc': 0,
         'co': 1,
         'cn': 2,
         'cb': 3,
     defaultSelfTradePrevention = self.safe_string(
         self.options, 'defaultSelfTradePrevention', 'cn')
     selfTradePrevention = self.safe_string(params, 'selfTradePrevention',
     selfTradePreventionEnum = None
     if selfTradePrevention in selfTradePreventionEnums:
         selfTradePreventionEnum = selfTradePreventionEnums[
         allOptions = list(selfTradePreventionEnums.keys())
         asString = ', '.join(allOptions)
         raise BadRequest(
             self.id + ' ' + selfTradePrevention +
             ' is not a valid selfTradePrevention, please choose one of ' +
     byteArray = [
         self.number_to_be(orderVersion, 1),
         ),  # TODO: refactor to remove either encode or stringToBinary
         self.number_to_be(typeEnum, 1),
         self.number_to_be(sideEnum, 1),
         self.number_to_be(amountEnum, 1),
     if type == 'limit':
         encodedPrice = self.encode(priceString)
     clientOrderId = self.safe_string(params, 'clientOrderId')
     if clientOrderId is not None:
     after = [
         self.number_to_be(timeInForceEnum, 1),
         self.number_to_be(selfTradePreventionEnum, 1),
         self.number_to_be(0, 8),  # unused
     allBytes = self.array_concat(byteArray, after)
     binary = self.binary_concat_array(allBytes)
     hash = self.hash(binary, 'keccak', 'hex')
     signature = self.sign_message_string(hash, self.privateKey)
     request = {
         'parameters': {
             'nonce': nonce,
             'market': market['id'],
             'side': side,
             'type': type,
             'wallet': self.walletAddress,
             'timeInForce': timeInForce,
             'selfTradePrevention': selfTradePrevention,
         'signature': signature,
     if type == 'limit':
         request['parameters']['price'] = priceString
     if amountEnum == 0:
         request['parameters']['quantity'] = amountString
         request['parameters']['quoteOrderQuantity'] = amountString
     if clientOrderId is not None:
         request['parameters']['clientOrderId'] = clientOrderId
     # {
     #   market: 'DIL-ETH',
     #   orderId: '7cdc8e90-eb7d-11ea-9e60-4118569f6e63',
     #   wallet: '0x0AB991497116f7F5532a4c2f4f7B1784488628e1',
     #   time: 1598873478650,
     #   status: 'filled',
     #   type: 'limit',
     #   side: 'buy',
     #   originalQuantity: '0.40000000',
     #   executedQuantity: '0.40000000',
     #   cumulativeQuoteQuantity: '0.03962396',
     #   price: '1.00000000',
     #   fills: [
     #     {
     #       fillId: '48582d10-b9bb-3c4b-94d3-e67537cf2472',
     #       price: '0.09905990',
     #       quantity: '0.40000000',
     #       quoteQuantity: '0.03962396',
     #       time: 1598873478650,
     #       makerSide: 'sell',
     #       sequence: 5053,
     #       fee: '0.00080000',
     #       feeAsset: 'DIL',
     #       gas: '0.00857497',
     #       liquidity: 'taker',
     #       txStatus: 'pending'
     #     }
     #   ],
     #   avgExecutionPrice: '0.09905990'
     # }
     # we don't use self.extend here because it is a signed endpoint
     response = self.privatePostOrders(request)
     return self.parse_order(response, market)
Пример #13
 def fetch_order_book(self, symbol, limit=None, params={}):
     if symbol != 'BTC/JPY':
         raise NotSupported(self.id +
                            ' fetchOrderBook() supports BTC/JPY only')
     orderbook = self.publicGetOrderBooks(params)
     return self.parse_order_book(orderbook)
Пример #14
 def create_order(self, symbol, type, side, amount, price=None, params={}):
     raise NotSupported(self.id + ' createOrder not implemented yet')
Пример #15
 def fetch_order(self, id, symbol=None, params={}):
     raise NotSupported(self.id + ' fetch_order() is not implemented yet')
Пример #16
 def sign(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None):
     raise NotSupported(self.id + ' sign() pure method must be redefined in derived classes')
Пример #17
 def fetch_my_trades(self, symbol=None, since=None, limit=None, params={}):
     raise NotSupported(self.id + ' fetch_my_trades() not implemented yet')
Пример #18
 def fetch_bids_asks(self, symbols=None, params={}):
     raise NotSupported(self.id + ' API does not allow to fetch all prices at once with a single call to fetch_bid_asks() for now')
Пример #19
 async def fetch_ohlcvc(self, symbol, timeframe='1m', since=None, limit=None, params={}):
     if not self.has['fetchTrades']:
         raise NotSupported('fetch_ohlcv() not implemented yet')
     await self.load_markets()
     trades = await self.fetch_trades(symbol, since, limit, params)
     return self.build_ohlcvc(trades, timeframe, since, limit)
Пример #20
 def fetch_closed_orders(self, symbol=None, since=None, limit=None, params={}):
     raise NotSupported(self.id + ' fetch_closed_orders() is not implemented yet')
Пример #21
 def get_currency_name(self, code):
     # todo rewrite for https://api-pub.bitfinex.com//v2/conf/pub:map:tx:method
     if code in self.options['currencyNames']:
         return self.options['currencyNames'][code]
     raise NotSupported(self.id + ' ' + code + ' not supported for withdrawal')
Пример #22
 def fetch_ohlcv(self, symbol, timeframe='1m', since=None, limit=None, params={}):
     raise NotSupported(self.id + ' API does not allow to fetch OHLCV series for now')
Пример #23
 async def fetch_ticker(self, symbol, params={}):
     raise NotSupported('fetch_ticker() not supported yet')
Пример #24
 def get_currency_name(self, code):
     if code in self.options['currencyNames']:
         return self.options['currencyNames'][code]
     raise NotSupported(self.id + ' ' + code +
                        ' not supported for withdrawal')
Пример #25
 async def fetch_withdrawals(self,
     raise NotSupported('fetch_withdrawals() is not supported yet')
Пример #26
 async def cancel_order(self, id, symbol=None, params={}):
     raise NotSupported(self.id +
                        ' cancelOrder() is not fully implemented yet')
Пример #27
 async def perform_order_book_request(self, market, limit=None, params={}):
     raise NotSupported(self.id +
                        ' performOrderBookRequest not supported yet')
Пример #28
 def fetch_tickers(self, symbols=None, params={}):
     raise NotSupported(
         self.id +
         ' API does not allow to fetch all tickers at once with a single call to fetch_tickers () for now'
Пример #29
 async def fetch_trading_fee(self, symbol, params={}):
     if not self.has['fetchTradingFees']:
         raise NotSupported('fetch_trading_fee() not supported yet')
     return await self.fetch_trading_fees(params)
Пример #30
 def fetch_open_orders(self, symbol=None, params={}):
     raise NotSupported(self.id + ' fetch_open_orders() not implemented yet')