Пример #1
    def find_direction(self, poly, plot=False):

        volumes = []

            ineq = np.array(cdd.Polyhedron(poly.inner).get_inequalities())
        except RuntimeError:
            raise SteppingException('Numerical inconsistency found')

        for line in ineq:
            key = hashlib.sha1(line).hexdigest()
            if key in poly.volume_dic:
                if key in poly.hrep_dic:
                    A_e = poly.hrep_dic[key]
                    A_e = poly.outer.copy()
                    A_e.extend(cdd.Matrix(-line.reshape(1, line.size)))
                    poly.hrep_dic[key] = A_e

                if plot:
                    poly.plot_polyhedron(A_e, 'm', 0.5)

                vol = self.volume_convex(A_e)
                poly.volume_dic[key] = vol
                poly.vrep_dic[key] = np.array(

        maxv = max(volumes)
        alli = [i for i, v in enumerate(volumes) if v == maxv]
        i = random.choice(alli)
        key = hashlib.sha1(ineq[i, :]).hexdigest()
        self.last_hrep = poly.hrep_dic[key]
        return -ineq[i, 1:]
Пример #2
def test_vs_cdd():
    vrep = [[1.00000000e+00, 6.49999999e-01, 4.91264259e-19, 5.67434186e-07],
            [1.00000000e+00, -6.49999999e-01, -1.10024414e-19, 5.67434187e-07],
            [1.00000000e+00, 2.68036827e-19, 6.49999999e-01, 5.67434186e-07],
            [1.00000000e+00, -2.36423280e-18, -6.49999999e-01, 5.67434187e-07],
            [1.00000000e+00, -3.38321375e-15, 4.02250642e-14, 6.50000000e-01],
            [1.00000000e+00, 1.50481564e-14, 1.78805309e-15, -6.50000000e-01]]

    mat = cdd.Matrix(np.array(vrep), number_type='fraction')
    mat.rep_type = cdd.RepType.GENERATOR

    hrep_cdd = np.array(cdd.Polyhedron(mat).get_inequalities())
    f = np.vectorize(lambda x: Fraction(x))
    poly = pyparma.Polyhedron(vrep=f(np.array(vrep)))
    hrep_parma = poly.hrep()

    assert (equal_sorted(np.array(mat), poly.vrep()))
    assert (equal_sorted(hrep_cdd, hrep_parma))
Пример #3
def _test_testcdd2(number_type=None, assert_matrix_equal=None):
    mat = cdd.Matrix([[7, -3, -0], [7, 0, -3], [1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1]],
    mat.rep_type = cdd.RepType.INEQUALITY
    assert_matrix_equal(list(mat), [(7, -3, -0), (7, 0, -3), (1, 1, 0),
                                    (1, 0, 1)])
    gen = cdd.Polyhedron(mat).get_generators()
    nose.tools.assert_equal(gen.rep_type, cdd.RepType.GENERATOR)
    assert_matrix_equal(list(gen), [(1, Fraction(7, 3), -1), (
    ), (1, -1, Fraction(7, 3)), (1, Fraction(7, 3), Fraction(7, 3))])
    # add an equality and an inequality
    mat.extend([[7, 1, -3]], linear=True)
    mat.extend([[7, -3, 1]])
    assert_matrix_equal(list(mat), [(7, -3, -0), (7, 0, -3), (1, 1, 0),
                                    (1, 0, 1), (7, 1, -3), (7, -3, 1)])
    nose.tools.assert_equal(list(mat.lin_set), [4])
    gen2 = cdd.Polyhedron(mat).get_generators()
    nose.tools.assert_equal(gen2.rep_type, cdd.RepType.GENERATOR)
    assert_matrix_equal(list(gen2), [(1, -1, 2), (1, 0, Fraction(7, 3))])
Пример #4
def compute_polytope_vertices(A, b):
    Compute the vertices of a polytope given in halfspace representation by
    :math:`A x \\leq b`.

    A : array, shape=(m, k)
        Matrix of halfspace representation.
    b : array, shape=(m,)
        Vector of halfspace representation.

    vertices : list of arrays
        List of polytope vertices.

    This method won't work well if your halfspace representation includes
    equality constraints :math:`A x = b` written as :math:`(A x \\leq b \\wedge
    -A x \\leq -b)`. If this is your use case, consider using directly the
    linear set ``lin_set`` of `equality-constraint generatorsin pycddlib
    b = b.reshape((b.shape[0], 1))
    mat = cdd.Matrix(hstack([b, -A]), number_type='float')
    mat.rep_type = cdd.RepType.INEQUALITY
    P = cdd.Polyhedron(mat)
    g = P.get_generators()
    V = array(g)
    vertices = []
    for i in range(V.shape[0]):
        if V[i, 0] != 1:  # 1 = vertex, 0 = ray
            raise Exception("Polyhedron is not a polytope")
        elif i not in g.lin_set:
            vertices.append(V[i, 1:])
    return vertices
Пример #5
def test_facet_incidence_cube(number_type):
    # We start with the H-representation for a cube
    mat = cdd.Matrix([[1, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0, 1], [1, -1, 0, 0],
                      [1, 0, -1, 0], [1, 0, 0, -1]],
    mat.rep_type = cdd.RepType.INEQUALITY
    poly = cdd.Polyhedron(mat)
    incidence = poly.get_input_incidence()

    # Family size should equal the number of facets of the cube (6), plus 1 (the empty infinite ray)
    assert len(incidence) == 7

    # All the facets of the cube should have 4 vertices.
    # The polyhedron is closed, so the last set should be empty
    assert [len(inc) for inc in incidence] == [4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 0]

    # The vertices must be numbered consistently
    # The first vertex is adjacent to the second, fourth and eighth
    # (note the conversion to a pythonic numbering system)
    incidence_list = [[4, 5, 6, 7], [0, 1, 6, 7], [0, 3, 5, 7], [0, 1, 2, 3],
                      [2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 4, 6], []]
    for i in range(7):
        assert sorted(list(incidence[i])) == incidence_list[i]
Пример #6
def test_make_facet_adjacency_list(number_type):
    # This matrix is the same as in vtest_vo.ine
    mat = cdd.Matrix([[0, 0, 0, 1],
                      [5, -4, -2, 1],
                      [5, -2, -4, 1],
                      [16, -8, 0, 1],
                      [16, 0, -8, 1],
                      [32, -8, -8, 1]], number_type=number_type)

    mat.rep_type = cdd.RepType.INEQUALITY
    poly = cdd.Polyhedron(mat)

    adjacencies = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 6],
                   [0, 2, 3, 5],
                   [0, 1, 4, 5],
                   [0, 1, 5, 6],
                   [0, 2, 5, 6],
                   [1, 2, 3, 4, 6],
                   [0, 3, 4, 5]]

    adjacency_list = poly.get_input_adjacency()
    for i in range(7):
        assert list(adjacency_list[i]) == adjacencies[i]
Пример #7
 def face_of_span(S):
     V = vstack([
         hstack([zeros((S.shape[1], 1)), S.T]),
         hstack([1, zeros(S.shape[0])])
     # V-representation: first column is 0 for rays
     mat = cdd.Matrix(V, number_type='float')
     mat.rep_type = cdd.RepType.GENERATOR
     P = cdd.Polyhedron(mat)
     ineq = P.get_inequalities()
     H = array(ineq)
     if H.shape == (0, ):  # H == []
         return H
     A = []
     for i in xrange(H.shape[0]):
         # H matrix is [b, -A] for A * x <= b
         if norm(H[i, 1:]) < 1e-10:
         elif abs(H[i, 0]) > 1e-10:  # b should be zero for a cone
             raise Exception("Polyhedron is not a cone")
         elif i not in ineq.lin_set:
             A.append(-H[i, 1:])
     return array(A)
Пример #8
def _pos_generators(matrix):
    """Returns a matrix with rows the extreme rays of
    the pointed cone `matrix x = 0, x >= 0'."""
    import cdd

    if matrix == Matrix(): return matrix

    S = matrix
    nr = S.cols

    # matrix |b -A|, with b = 0, -A = | S^t -S^t I|^t
    H = [[0] + [int(r[i]) for i in range(len(r))] for r in S.col_join(-S).tolist()] + \
        [[0] + [0 if j != i else 1 for j in range(nr)] for i in range(nr)]

    # polyhedron
    H = cdd.Matrix(H, number_type="fraction")
    H.rep_type = cdd.RepType.INEQUALITY

    # extreme rays
    ers = cdd.Polyhedron(H).get_generators()
    ers = [er[1:] for er in ers if er[0] == 0]

    return Matrix(ers)
def compute_cone_face_matrix(S):
    Compute the face matrix of a polyhedral convex cone from its span matrix.

    S : array, shape=(n, m)
        Span matrix defining the cone as :math:`x = S \\lambda` with
        :math:`\\lambda \\geq 0`.

    F : array, shape=(k, n)
        Face matrix defining the cone equivalently by :math:`F x \\leq 0`.
    V = vstack([
        hstack([zeros((S.shape[1], 1)), S.T]),
        hstack([1, zeros(S.shape[0])])
    # V-representation: first column is 0 for rays
    mat = cdd.Matrix(V, number_type='float')
    mat.rep_type = cdd.RepType.GENERATOR
    P = cdd.Polyhedron(mat)
    ineq = P.get_inequalities()
    H = array(ineq)
    if H.shape == (0, ):  # H == []
        return H
    A = []
    for i in range(H.shape[0]):
        # H matrix is [b, -A] for A * x <= b
        if norm(H[i, 1:]) < 1e-10:
        elif abs(H[i, 0]) > 1e-10:  # b should be zero for a cone
            raise Exception("Polyhedron is not a cone")
        elif i not in ineq.lin_set:
            A.append(-H[i, 1:])
    return array(A)
Пример #10
    def _apply_solver(self):
        start_time = time.time()
        if not self.options.dual_bound:
            print(f'Dual bound not specified, set to default {M}')
        delta = self.options.delta
        if not self.options.delta:
            delta = 0.05 #What should default robustness delta be if not specified? Or should I raise an error?
            print(f'Robustness parameter not specified, set to default {delta}')
        # matrix representation for bilevel problem
        matrix_repn = BilevelMatrixRepn(self._instance,standard_form=False)

        # each lower-level problem
        submodel = [block for block in self._instance.component_objects(SubModel)][0]
        if len(submodel) != 1:
            raise Exception('Problem encountered, this is not a valid bilevel model for the solver.')
        self._instance.reclassify_component_type(submodel, Block)

        all_vars = {key: var for (key, var) in matrix_repn._all_vars.items()}

        # get the variables that are fixed for the submodel (lower-level block)
        fixed_vars = {key: var for (key, var) in matrix_repn._all_vars.items() if key in matrix_repn._fixed_var_ids[submodel.name]}
        #Is there a way to get integer, continuous, etc for the upper level rather than lumping them all into fixed?

        # continuous variables in SubModel
        c_vars = {key: var for (key, var) in matrix_repn._all_vars.items() if key in matrix_repn._c_var_ids - fixed_vars.keys()}

        # binary variables in SubModel SHOULD BE EMPTY FOR THIS SOLVER
        b_vars = {key: var for (key, var) in matrix_repn._all_vars.items() if key in matrix_repn._b_var_ids - fixed_vars.keys()}
        if len(b_vars)!= 0:
            raise Exception('Problem encountered, this is not a valid bilevel model for the solver. Binary variables present!')
        # integer variables in SubModel SHOULD BE EMPTY FOR THIS SOLVER
        i_vars = {key: var for (key, var) in matrix_repn._all_vars.items() if key in matrix_repn._i_var_ids - fixed_vars.keys()}
        if len(i_vars) != 0:
            raise Exception('Problem encountered, this is not a valid bilevel model for the solver. Integer variables present!')
        # get constraint information related to constraint id, sign, and rhs value
        sub_cons = matrix_repn._cons_sense_rhs[submodel.name]
        cons= matrix_repn._cons_sense_rhs[self._instance.name]
        # construct the high-point problem (LL feasible, no LL objective)
        # s0 <- solve the high-point
        # if s0 infeasible then return high_point_infeasible
        xfrm = TransformationFactory('pao.bilevel.highpoint')
        # Solve with a specified solver
        solver = self.options.solver
        if not self.options.solver:
            solver = 'gurobi'

        for c in self._instance.component_objects(Block, descend_into=False): 
            if 'hp' in c.name:
            #if '_hp' in c.name:
                with pyomo.opt.SolverFactory(solver) as opt:
        if self.options.do_print==True:
            print('Solution to the Highpoint Relaxation')
            for _, var in all_vars.items():
        # s1 <- solve the optimistic bilevel (linear/linear) problem (call solver3)
        # if s1 infeasible then return optimistic_infeasible'
        with pyomo.opt.SolverFactory('pao.bilevel.blp_global') as opt:
            opt.options.solver = solver
        if self.options.do_print==True:
            print('Solution to the Optimistic Bilevel')
            for _, var in all_vars.items():
        #self._instance.pprint() #checking for active blocks left over from previous solves
        # sk <- solve the dual adversarial  problem
        # if infeasible then return dual_adversarial_infeasible

        # Collect the vertices solutions for the dual adversarial problem
        #Collect up the matrix B and the vector d for use in all adversarial feasibility problems 
        for _, var in c_vars.items():
            (A, A_q, sign, b) = matrix_repn.coef_matrices(submodel, var)
        self._instance.add_component(_ad_block_name, Block(Any))
        #Add Adversarial blocks
        for _cidS, _ in cons.items(): # <for each constraint in the upper-level problem>
            ad=adversarial[_cid] #shorthand
            ad.alpha=Var(sub_cons.keys(),within=NonNegativeReals) #sub_cons.keys() because it's a dual variable on the lower level constraints
            ad.cons=Constraint(c_vars.keys()) #B^Talpha+beta*d>= H_k, v-dimension constraints so index by c_vars
            lhs_expr = {key: 0. for key in c_vars.keys()}
            rhs_expr = {key: 0. for key in c_vars.keys()}
            for _vid, var in c_vars.items():
                (A, A_q, sign, b) = matrix_repn.coef_matrices(submodel, var)
                coef = A #+ dot(A_q.toarray(), _fixed)
                (C, C_q, C_constant) = matrix_repn.cost_vectors(submodel, var)
                idx = list(cons.keys()).index(_cidS)
                for _cid2 in sub_cons.keys():
                    idx = list(sub_cons.keys()).index(_cid2)
                    lhs_expr[_vid] += float(coef[idx])*ad.alpha[_cid2]
                rhs_expr[_vid] = float(A[idx])
                expr = lhs_expr[_vid] >= rhs_expr[_vid]
                if not type(expr) is bool:
                    ad.cons[_vid] = expr
                    ad.cons[_vid] = Constraint.Skip
            ad.Obj=Objective(expr=0) #THIS IS A FEASIBILITY PROBLEM
            with pyomo.opt.SolverFactory(solver) as opt:
            if self.options.do_print==True:
            for i in range(0,s):
                if extreme[0,i]==1:
                    for _scid in sub_cons.keys():  
                    #for j in range(1,t-1): #Need to loop over extreme 1 to t-1 and link those to the cons.keys for alpha? 
                        Vertices[(_cidS,l,_scid)]=extreme[i,j] #Vertex l of the k-th polytope
        #vertex enumeration goes from 1 to L
        # Solving the full problem sn0
        _model_name = '_extended'
        _model_name = unique_component_name(self._instance, _model_name)
        xfrm = TransformationFactory('pao.bilevel.highpoint') #5.6a-c
        kwds = {'submodel_name': _model_name}
        xfrm.apply_to(self._instance, **kwds)    
        extended.d = Constraint(c_vars.keys()) #indexed by lower level variables
        d_expr= {key: 0. for key in c_vars.keys()}
        for _vid, var in c_vars.items():
            (C, C_q, C_constant) = matrix_repn.cost_vectors(submodel, var) #gets d_i
            (A, A_q, sign, b) = matrix_repn.coef_matrices(submodel, var)
            for _cid, _ in sub_cons.items():
                idx = list(sub_cons.keys()).index(_cid)
        expr = d_expr[_vid] == 0
        if not type(expr) is bool:
            extended.d[_vid] = expr
            extended.d[_vid] = Constraint.Skip   
        #5.e (Complementarity)
        extended.e = ComplementarityList()
        for _cid, _ in sub_cons.items():
            for _vid, var in fixed_vars.items(): #A_i*x
                (A, A_q, sign, b) = matrix_repn.coef_matrices(submodel, var)
            for _vid, var in c_vars.items(): #B_i*v
                (A, A_q, sign, b) = matrix_repn.coef_matrices(submodel, var)
            extended.e.add(complements(extended.lam[_cid] >= 0, expr <= 0))
        #5.f (Complementarity)
        extended.f = ComplementarityList()
        for _vid,var in c_vars.items():
        #Replace 5.h-5.j with 5.7 Disjunction
        extended.disjunction=Block(cons.keys()) #One disjunction per adversarial problem, one adversarial problem per upper level constraint
        for _cidS,_ in cons.items():
            disjunction=extended.disjunction[_cidS] #shorthand
            for i in disjunction.Lset: #defining the L disjuncts
                for _vid, var in c_vars.items():
                    (C, C_q, C_constant) = matrix_repn.cost_vectors(submodel, var)
                    l_expr+=float(C)*var #d^Tv 
                l_expr=VerticesB[(_cidS,i)]*l_expr #beta(d^Tv+delta)
                for _cid, Scons in sub_cons.items(): #SUM over i to ml
                    for _vid, var in fixed_vars.items():
                        (A, A_q, sign, b) = matrix_repn.coef_matrices(submodel, var)
                        Ax += float(A[idx])*var
                for _vid,var in fixed_vars.items():
                    (A, A_q, sign, b) = matrix_repn.coef_matrices(self._instance, var) #get q and G
                disjunction.disjuncts[i].cons=Constraint(expr= l_expr<=r_expr)
            disjunction.seven=Disjunction(expr=[disjunction.disjuncts[i] for i in disjunction.Lset],xor=False)    
        bigm = TransformationFactory('gdp.bigm')
        with pyomo.opt.SolverFactory(solver) as opt:
        # Return the sn0 solution
        if self.options.do_print==True:
            print('Robust Solution')
            for _vid, _ in fixed_vars.items():
            for _vid, _ in c_vars.items():
        stop_time = time.time()
        self.wall_time = stop_time - start_time
        return pyutilib.misc.Bunch(rc=getattr(opt, '_rc', None),
                                           log=getattr(opt, '_log', None))
Пример #11
def compute_feasible_region_from_block_dir(block_dirs, verbose=False):
    """ Compute extreme ray representation of feasible assembly region, given blocking direction vectors.

    The feasible assembly region is constrained by some hyperplanes, which use
    block_dirs as normals. cdd package allows us to convert the inequality
    representation to a generator (vertices and rays) of a polyhedron.

    Adapted from: https://github.com/yijiangh/compas_rpc_example

    More info on cddlib:
    Other packages on vertex enumeration:

    block_dirs : list of 3-tuples
        a list blocking directions.

    f_rays: list of 3-tuples
        extreme rays of the feasible assembly region
    lin_set: list of int
        indices of rays that is linear (both directions)
    mat_hrep = []  # "half-space" representation
    for vec in block_dirs:
        # For a polyhedron described as P = {x | A x <= b}
        # the H-representation is the matrix [b -A]
        mat_hrep.append([0, -vec[0], -vec[1], -vec[2]])
    mat = cdd.Matrix(mat_hrep, number_type='fraction')
    mat.rep_type = cdd.RepType.INEQUALITY
    poly = cdd.Polyhedron(mat)
    ext = poly.get_generators()
    lin_set = list(ext.lin_set)  # linear set both directions

    nt = cdd.NumberTypeable('float')
    f_verts = []
    f_rays = []
    # linear_rays = []
    for i in range(ext.row_size):
        if ext[i][0] == 1:
            f_verts.append(tuple([nt.make_number(num) for num in ext[i][1:4]]))
        elif ext[i][0] == 0:
            # TODO: numerical instability?
            ray_vec = [nt.make_number(num) for num in ext[i][1:4]]
            ray_vec /= norm(ray_vec)
            # if i in lin_set:
            #     lin_vec_set.append(tuple([- nt.make_number(num) for num in ext[i][1:4]]))

    # if f_verts:
    #     assert len(f_verts) == 1
    # np.testing.assert_almost_equal f_verts[0] == [0,0,0]

    # TODO: QR decomposition to make orthogonal
    if verbose:
        print('ext:\n {}'.format(ext))
        print('ext linset:\n {}'.format(ext.lin_set))
        print('verts:\n {}'.format(f_verts))
        print('rays:\n {}'.format(f_rays))

    return f_rays, lin_set
Пример #12
def project_polyhedron(proj, ineq, eq=None, canonicalize=True):
    Apply the affine projection :math:`y = E x + f` to the polyhedron defined

    .. math::

        A x & \\leq b \\\\
        C x & = d

    proj : pair of arrays
        Pair (`E`, `f`) describing the affine projection.
    ineq : pair of arrays
        Pair (`A`, `b`) describing the inequality constraint.
    eq : pair of arrays, optional
        Pair (`C`, `d`) describing the equality constraint.
    canonicalize : bool, optional
        Apply equality constraints from `eq` to reduce the dimension of the
        input polyhedron. May be a blessing or a curse, see notes below.

    vertices : list of arrays
        List of vertices of the projection.
    rays : list of arrays
        List of rays of the projection.

    When the equality set `eq` of the input polytope is not empty, it is
    usually faster to use these equality constraints to reduce the dimension of
    the input polytope (cdd function: `canonicalize()`) before enumerating
    vertices (cdd function: `get_generators()`). Yet, on some descriptions this
    operation may be problematic: if it fails, or if you get empty outputs when
    the output is supposed to be non-empty, you can try setting

    See also
    This webpage: https://scaron.info/teaching/projecting-polytopes.html
    # the input [b, -A] to cdd.Matrix represents (b - A * x >= 0)
    # see ftp://ftp.ifor.math.ethz.ch/pub/fukuda/cdd/cddlibman/node3.html
    (A, b) = ineq
    b = b.reshape((b.shape[0], 1))
    linsys = cdd.Matrix(hstack([b, -A]), number_type='float')
    linsys.rep_type = cdd.RepType.INEQUALITY

    # the input [d, -C] to cdd.Matrix.extend represents (d - C * x == 0)
    # see ftp://ftp.ifor.math.ethz.ch/pub/fukuda/cdd/cddlibman/node3.html
    if eq is not None:
        (C, d) = eq
        d = d.reshape((d.shape[0], 1))
        linsys.extend(hstack([d, -C]), linear=True)
        if canonicalize:

    # Convert from H- to V-representation
    P = cdd.Polyhedron(linsys)
    generators = P.get_generators()
    if generators.lin_set:
        print("Generators have linear set: {}".format(generators.lin_set))
    V = array(generators)

    # Project output wrenches to 2D set
    (E, f) = proj
    vertices, rays = [], []
    free_coordinates = []
    for i in range(V.shape[0]):
        if generators.lin_set and i in generators.lin_set:
            free_coordinates.append(list(V[i, 1:]).index(1.))
        elif V[i, 0] == 1:  # vertex
            vertices.append(dot(E, V[i, 1:]) + f)
        else:  # ray
            rays.append(dot(E, V[i, 1:]))
    return vertices, rays
Пример #13
def main(simplify=False):
    """This script computes the H-rep of a grasp stability constraint
    model. There are two main steps. First, find the extreme points in
    the space of concatenated component vectors. Second, find an inner
    approximation of this set using guidance from a dynamic model.

    # Step 1: find the extreme points in the space of concatenated
    # component vectors.

    # Define equality and inequality constraint:
    #      A_eq f_bar == 0
    #      A_ineq f_bar <= b_ineq
    A_eq = np.zeros((3, nvars))
    b_eq = np.zeros(3)
    A_eq[:3, N * 3:N * 3 + 3] = np.eye(3)
    b_eq[:3] = [0, 0, -PA]

    A_ineq = np.zeros((4 * N + 2 * N, nvars))
    b_ineq = np.zeros(4 * N + 2 * N)
    for i in range(N):
        # inner approximation of Colomb friction constraint
        A_ineq[4 * i:4 * i + 4, 3 * i:3 * i + 3] = [[-1, -1, -mu],
                                                    [-1, 1, -mu], [1, 1, -mu],
                                                    [1, -1, -mu]]
        # max/min bounds on vertical component forces
        A_ineq[4 * N + 2 * i:4 * N + 2 * i + 2, 3 * i:3 * i + 3] = [[0, 0, -1],
                                                                    [0, 0, 1]]
        b_ineq[4 * N + 2 * i:4 * N + 2 * i + 2] = [0, fmax]

    # Transform from H-rep to V-rep
    t0 = time.time()
    mat = cdd.Matrix(np.hstack((b_ineq.reshape(-1, 1), -A_ineq)),
    mat.rep_type = cdd.RepType.INEQUALITY
    mat.extend(np.hstack((b_eq.reshape(-1, 1), -A_eq)), linear=True)
    poly = cdd.Polyhedron(mat)
    ext = poly.get_generators()
    ext = np.array(ext)
    t_elapsed = time.time() - t0
        "Approximate with N={2:d} points:\n\tFound {0:d} extreme points in {1:10.3f} secs"
        .format(ext.shape[0], t_elapsed, N))
    f_extreme_pts = ext[:, 1:1 + 3 * N + 3]

    # Transform to interacting wrench space:
    # w_O = F f, where F is defined below
    F = np.zeros((6, 3 * N + 3))
    for i in range(N):
        F[:3, 3 * i:3 * i +
          3] = [[0, -l, -r * np.cos(alphas[i])], [l, 0, r * np.sin(alphas[i])],
                [r * np.cos(alphas[i]), -r * np.sin(alphas[i]), 0]]
    F[:3, 3 * N:3 * N + 3] = [[0, -l, 0], [l, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]
    for i in range(N + 1):
        F[3:, 3 * i:3 * i + 3] = np.eye(3)
    w0_extreme_pts = f_extreme_pts.dot(F.T)

    # Step 2: Use a robot model to generate better points.

    # REQUIRED OUTPUT w0_hull: the convex hull of the vertices of the
    # set of physically realization wrenches.
    if simplify:
        env = orpy.Environment()
        robot = env.GetRobots()[0]
        contact_base = transport.Contact(robot,
        solid_object = transport.SolidObject.init_from_dict(
            robot, {
                "T_link_object": [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0],
                                  [0, 0, -1, 12.5e-3], [0, 0, 0, 1]],
        cs = transport.ContactSimplifier(robot,
        contact_simp, w0_hull = cs.simplify()
        w0_hull = transport.poly_contact.ConvexHull(w0_extreme_pts)

    transport.utils.preview_plot([(w0_extreme_pts, 'o', {
        'markersize': 5
    }), (w0_hull.vertices, 'x', {
        'markersize': 7
    print("Computed convex hull has {0:d} vertices and {1:d} faces".format(

    # save coefficients
    id_ = "analytical_rigid" + "123"
    A, b = w0_hull.get_halfspaces()
    contact_profile = {
        id_: {
            "id": id_,
            "attached_to_manipulator": "denso_suction_cup2",
            "orientation": [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]],
            "position": [0, 0, 0],
            "constraint_coeffs_file": id_ + ".npz",
            "params": {
                "simplify": simplify,
                "N": N,
                "PA": PA,
                "mu": mu,
                "r": r,
                "fmax": fmax
        "db entry (to copy manually)\n\nbegin -----------------\n\n{:}\nend--------"
    cmd = raw_input("Save constraint coefficients A, b y/[N]?")
    if cmd == "y":
        print("Saved coefficients to database!")
Пример #14
    def get_outer_approx(self, algorithm=None):
        """Generate an outer approximation.

        :parameter algorithm: a :class:`~string` denoting the algorithm used:
            ``None``, ``'linvac'``, ``'irm'``, ``'imrm'``, or ``'lpbelfunc'``
        :rtype: :class:`~improb.lowprev.lowprob.LowProb`

        This method replaces the lower probability :math:`\underline{P}` by
        a lower probability :math:`\underline{R}` determined by the
        ``algorithm`` argument:

            returns the original lower probability.

            >>> pspace = PSpace('abc')
            >>> lprob = LowProb(pspace,
            ...             lprob={'ab': .5, 'ac': .5, 'bc': .5},
            ...             number_type='fraction')
            >>> lprob.extend()
            >>> print(lprob)
                  : 0
            a     : 0
              b   : 0
                c : 0
            a b   : 1/2
            a   c : 1/2
              b c : 1/2
            a b c : 1
            >>> lprob == lprob.get_outer_approx()

            replaces the imprecise part :math:`\underline{Q}` by the vacuous
            lower probability :math:`\underline{R}=\min` to generate a simple
            outer approximation.

            replaces :math:`\underline{P}` by a completely monotone lower
            probability :math:`\underline{R}` that is obtained by using the
            IRM algorithm of Hall & Lawry [#hall2004]_. The Moebius transform
            of a lower probability that is not completely monotone contains
            negative belief assignments. Consider such a lower probability and
            an event with such a negative belief assignment. The approximation
            consists of removing this negative assignment and compensating for
            this by correspondingly reducing the positive masses for events
            below it; for details, see the paper.

            The following example illustrates the procedure:

            >>> pspace = PSpace('abc')
            >>> lprob = LowProb(pspace,
            ...             lprob={'ab': .5, 'ac': .5, 'bc': .5},
            ...             number_type='fraction')
            >>> lprob.extend()
            >>> print(lprob)
                  : 0
            a     : 0
              b   : 0
                c : 0
            a b   : 1/2
            a   c : 1/2
              b c : 1/2
            a b c : 1
            >>> lprob.is_completely_monotone()
            >>> print(lprob.mobius)
                  : 0
            a     : 0
              b   : 0
                c : 0
            a b   : 1/2
            a   c : 1/2
              b c : 1/2
            a b c : -1/2
            >>> belfunc = lprob.get_outer_approx('irm')
            >>> print(belfunc.mobius)
                  : 0
            a     : 0
              b   : 0
                c : 0
            a b   : 1/3
            a   c : 1/3
              b c : 1/3
            a b c : 0
            >>> print(belfunc)
                  : 0
            a     : 0
              b   : 0
                c : 0
            a b   : 1/3
            a   c : 1/3
              b c : 1/3
            a b c : 1
            >>> belfunc.is_completely_monotone()

            The next is Example 2 from Hall & Lawry's 2004 paper [#hall2004]_:

            >>> pspace = PSpace('ABCD')
            >>> lprob = LowProb(pspace, lprob={'': 0, 'ABCD': 1,
            ...                                'A': .0895, 'B': .2743,
            ...                                'C': .2668, 'D': .1063,
            ...                                'AB': .3947, 'AC': .4506,
            ...                                'AD': .2959, 'BC': .5837,
            ...                                'BD': .4835, 'CD': .4079,
            ...                                'ABC': .7248, 'ABD': .6224,
            ...                                'ACD': .6072, 'BCD': .7502})
            >>> lprob.is_avoiding_sure_loss()
            >>> lprob.is_coherent()
            >>> lprob.is_completely_monotone()
            >>> belfunc = lprob.get_outer_approx('irm')
            >>> belfunc.is_completely_monotone()
            >>> print(lprob)
                    : 0.0
            A       : 0.0895
              B     : 0.2743
                C   : 0.2668
                  D : 0.1063
            A B     : 0.3947
            A   C   : 0.4506
            A     D : 0.2959
              B C   : 0.5837
              B   D : 0.4835
                C D : 0.4079
            A B C   : 0.7248
            A B   D : 0.6224
            A   C D : 0.6072
              B C D : 0.7502
            A B C D : 1.0
            >>> print(belfunc)
                    : 0.0
            A       : 0.0895
              B     : 0.2743
                C   : 0.2668
                  D : 0.1063
            A B     : 0.375789766751
            A   C   : 0.405080300695
            A     D : 0.259553087227
              B C   : 0.560442004097
              B   D : 0.43812301076
                C D : 0.399034985143
            A B C   : 0.710712071543
            A B   D : 0.603365864737
            A   C D : 0.601068373065
              B C D : 0.7502
            A B C D : 1.0
            >>> print(lprob.mobius)
                    : 0.0
            A       : 0.0895
              B     : 0.2743
                C   : 0.2668
                  D : 0.1063
            A B     : 0.0309
            A   C   : 0.0943
            A     D : 0.1001
              B C   : 0.0426
              B   D : 0.1029
                C D : 0.0348
            A B C   : -0.0736
            A B   D : -0.0816
            A   C D : -0.0846
              B C D : -0.0775
            A B C D : 0.1748
            >>> print(belfunc.mobius)
                    : 0.0
            A       : 0.0895
              B     : 0.2743
                C   : 0.2668
                  D : 0.1063
            A B     : 0.0119897667507
            A   C   : 0.0487803006948
            A     D : 0.0637530872268
              B C   : 0.019342004097
              B   D : 0.0575230107598
                C D : 0.0259349851432
            A B C   : 3.33066907388e-16
            A B   D : -1.11022302463e-16
            A   C D : -1.11022302463e-16
              B C D : 0.0
            A B C D : 0.0357768453276
            >>> sum(lprev for (lprev, uprev)
            ...           in (lprob - belfunc).itervalues())/(2 ** len(pspace))

            .. note::

                This algorithm is *not* invariant under permutation of the
                possibility space.

            .. warning::

                The lower probability must be defined for all events. If
                needed, call :meth:`~improb.lowprev.lowpoly.LowPoly.extend`

            replaces :math:`\underline{P}` by a completely monotone lower
            probability :math:`\underline{R}` that is obtained by using an
            algorithm by Quaeghebeur that is as of yet unpublished.

            We apply it to Example 2 from Hall & Lawry's 2004 paper

            >>> pspace = PSpace('ABCD')
            >>> lprob = LowProb(pspace, lprob={
            ...     '': 0, 'ABCD': 1,
            ...     'A': .0895, 'B': .2743,
            ...     'C': .2668, 'D': .1063,
            ...     'AB': .3947, 'AC': .4506,
            ...     'AD': .2959, 'BC': .5837,
            ...     'BD': .4835, 'CD': .4079,
            ...     'ABC': .7248, 'ABD': .6224,
            ...     'ACD': .6072, 'BCD': .7502})
            >>> belfunc = lprob.get_outer_approx('imrm')
            >>> belfunc.is_completely_monotone()
            >>> print(lprob)
                    : 0.0
            A       : 0.0895
              B     : 0.2743
                C   : 0.2668
                  D : 0.1063
            A B     : 0.3947
            A   C   : 0.4506
            A     D : 0.2959
              B C   : 0.5837
              B   D : 0.4835
                C D : 0.4079
            A B C   : 0.7248
            A B   D : 0.6224
            A   C D : 0.6072
              B C D : 0.7502
            A B C D : 1.0
            >>> print(belfunc)
                    : 0.0
            A       : 0.0895
              B     : 0.2743
                C   : 0.2668
                  D : 0.1063
            A B     : 0.381007057096
            A   C   : 0.411644226231
            A     D : 0.26007767078
              B C   : 0.562748716673
              B   D : 0.4404197271
                C D : 0.394394926787
            A B C   : 0.7248
            A B   D : 0.6224
            A   C D : 0.6072
              B C D : 0.7502
            A B C D : 1.0
            >>> print(lprob.mobius)
                    : 0.0
            A       : 0.0895
              B     : 0.2743
                C   : 0.2668
                  D : 0.1063
            A B     : 0.0309
            A   C   : 0.0943
            A     D : 0.1001
              B C   : 0.0426
              B   D : 0.1029
                C D : 0.0348
            A B C   : -0.0736
            A B   D : -0.0816
            A   C D : -0.0846
              B C D : -0.0775
            A B C D : 0.1748
            >>> print(belfunc.mobius)
                    : 0.0
            A       : 0.0895
              B     : 0.2743
                C   : 0.2668
                  D : 0.1063
            A B     : 0.0172070570962
            A   C   : 0.0553442262305
            A     D : 0.0642776707797
              B C   : 0.0216487166733
              B   D : 0.0598197271
                C D : 0.0212949267869
            A B C   : 2.22044604925e-16
            A B   D : 0.0109955450242
            A   C D : 0.00368317620293
              B C D : 3.66294398528e-05
            A B C D : 0.00879232466651
            >>> sum(lprev for (lprev, uprev)
            ...           in (lprob - belfunc).itervalues())/(2 ** len(pspace))

            .. note::

                This algorithm *is* invariant under permutation of the
                possibility space.

            .. warning::

                The lower probability must be defined for all events. If
                needed, call :meth:`~improb.lowprev.lowpoly.LowPoly.extend`

            replaces :math:`\underline{P}` by a completely monotone lower
            probability :math:`\underline{R}_\mu` that is obtained via the zeta
            transform of the basic belief assignment :math:`\mu`, a solution of
            the following optimization (linear programming) problem:

            .. math::

                \mu(A)\geq0, \sum_{B\subseteq\Omega}\mu(B)=1,
                \underline{R}_\mu(A)\leq\underline{P}(A), A\subseteq\Omega

            which, because constants in the objective function do not influence
            the solution and because
            :math:`\underline{R}_\mu(A)=\sum_{B\subseteq A}\mu(B)`,
            is equivalent to:

            .. math::

                \mu(A)\geq0, \sum_{B\subseteq\Omega}\mu(B)=1,
                \sum_{B\subseteq A}\mu(B)
                 \leq\underline{P}(A), A\subseteq\Omega

            the version that is implemented.

            We apply this to Example 2 from Hall & Lawry's 2004 paper
            [#hall2004]_, which we also used for ``'irm'``:

            >>> pspace = PSpace('ABCD')
            >>> lprob = LowProb(pspace, lprob={'': 0, 'ABCD': 1,
            ...                                'A': .0895, 'B': .2743,
            ...                                'C': .2668, 'D': .1063,
            ...                                'AB': .3947, 'AC': .4506,
            ...                                'AD': .2959, 'BC': .5837,
            ...                                'BD': .4835, 'CD': .4079,
            ...                                'ABC': .7248, 'ABD': .6224,
            ...                                'ACD': .6072, 'BCD': .7502})
            >>> belfunc = lprob.get_outer_approx('lpbelfunc')
            >>> belfunc.is_completely_monotone()
            >>> print(lprob)
                    : 0.0
            A       : 0.0895
              B     : 0.2743
                C   : 0.2668
                  D : 0.1063
            A B     : 0.3947
            A   C   : 0.4506
            A     D : 0.2959
              B C   : 0.5837
              B   D : 0.4835
                C D : 0.4079
            A B C   : 0.7248
            A B   D : 0.6224
            A   C D : 0.6072
              B C D : 0.7502
            A B C D : 1.0
            >>> print(belfunc)
                    : 0.0
            A       : 0.0895
              B     : 0.2743
                C   : 0.2668
                  D : 0.1063
            A B     : 0.3638
            A   C   : 0.4079
            A     D : 0.28835
              B C   : 0.5837
              B   D : 0.44035
                C D : 0.37355
            A B C   : 0.7248
            A B   D : 0.6224
            A   C D : 0.6072
              B C D : 0.7502
            A B C D : 1.0
            >>> print(lprob.mobius)
                    : 0.0
            A       : 0.0895
              B     : 0.2743
                C   : 0.2668
                  D : 0.1063
            A B     : 0.0309
            A   C   : 0.0943
            A     D : 0.1001
              B C   : 0.0426
              B   D : 0.1029
                C D : 0.0348
            A B C   : -0.0736
            A B   D : -0.0816
            A   C D : -0.0846
              B C D : -0.0775
            A B C D : 0.1748
            >>> print(belfunc.mobius)
                    : 0.0
            A       : 0.0895
              B     : 0.2743
                C   : 0.2668
                  D : 0.1063
            A B     : 0.0
            A   C   : 0.0516
            A     D : 0.09255
              B C   : 0.0426
              B   D : 0.05975
                C D : 0.00045
            A B C   : 0.0
            A B   D : 1.11022302463e-16
            A   C D : 0.0
              B C D : 0.0
            A B C D : 0.01615
            >>> sum(lprev for (lprev, uprev)
            ...           in (lprob - belfunc).itervalues())/(2 ** len(pspace)
            ...     ) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

            .. note::

                This algorithm is *not* invariant under permutation of the
                possibility space or changes in the LP-solver:
                there may be a nontrivial convex set of optimal solutions.

            .. warning::

                The lower probability must be defined for all events. If
                needed, call :meth:`~improb.lowprev.lowpoly.LowPoly.extend`

        if algorithm is None:
            return self
        elif algorithm == 'linvac':
            prob, coeff = self.get_precise_part()
            return prob.get_linvac(1 - coeff)
        elif algorithm == 'irm':
            # Initialize the algorithm
            pspace = self.pspace
            bba = SetFunction(pspace, number_type=self.number_type)
            bba[False] = 0

            def mass_below(event):
                subevents = pspace.subsets(event, full=False, empty=False)
                return sum(bba[subevent] for subevent in subevents)

            def basin_for_negmass(event):
                mass = 0
                index = len(event)
                while bba[event] + mass < 0:
                    index -= 1
                    subevents = pspace.subsets(event, size=index)
                    mass += sum(bba[subevent] for subevent in subevents)
                return (index, mass)

            lprob = self.set_function
            # The algoritm itself:
            # we climb the algebra of events, calculating the belief assignment
            # for each and compensate negative ones by proportionally reducing
            # the assignments in the smallest basin of subevents needed
            for cardinality in range(1, len(pspace) + 1):
                for event in pspace.subsets(size=cardinality):
                    bba[event] = lprob[event] - mass_below(event)
                    if bba[event] < 0:
                        index, mass = basin_for_negmass(event)
                        subevents = chain.from_iterable(
                            pspace.subsets(event, size=k)
                            for k in range(index, cardinality))
                        for subevent in subevents:
                            bba[subevent] = (bba[subevent] *
                                             (1 + (bba[event] / mass)))
                        bba[event] = 0
            return LowProb(pspace,
                           lprob=dict((event, bba.get_zeta(event))
                                      for event in bba.iterkeys()))
        elif algorithm == 'imrm':
            # Initialize the algorithm
            pspace = self.pspace
            number_type = self.number_type
            bba = SetFunction(pspace, number_type=number_type)
            bba[False] = 0

            def mass_below(event, cardinality=None):
                subevents = pspace.subsets(event,
                return sum(bba[subevent] for subevent in subevents)

            def basin_for_negmass(event):
                mass = 0
                index = len(event)
                while bba[event] + mass < 0:
                    index -= 1
                    subevents = pspace.subsets(event, size=index)
                    mass += sum(bba[subevent] for subevent in subevents)
                return (index, mass)

            lprob = self.set_function
            # The algorithm itself:
            cardinality = 1
            while cardinality <= len(pspace):
                temp_bba = SetFunction(pspace, number_type=number_type)
                for event in pspace.subsets(size=cardinality):
                    bba[event] = lprob[event] - mass_below(event)
                offenders = dict((event, basin_for_negmass(event))
                                 for event in pspace.subsets(size=cardinality)
                                 if bba[event] < 0)
                if len(offenders) == 0:
                    cardinality += 1
                    minindex = min(pair[0] for pair in offenders.itervalues())
                    for event in offenders:
                        if offenders[event][0] == minindex:
                            mass = mass_below(event, cardinality=minindex)
                            scalef = (offenders[event][1] + bba[event]) / mass
                            for subevent in pspace.subsets(event,
                                if subevent not in temp_bba:
                                    temp_bba[subevent] = 0
                                temp_bba[subevent] = max(
                                    temp_bba[subevent], scalef * bba[subevent])
                    for event, value in temp_bba.iteritems():
                        bba[event] = value
                    cardinality = minindex + 1
            return LowProb(pspace,
                           lprob=dict((event, bba.get_zeta(event))
                                      for event in bba.iterkeys()))
        elif algorithm == 'lpbelfunc':
            # Initialize the algorithm
            lprob = self.set_function
            pspace = lprob.pspace
            number_type = lprob.number_type
            n = 2**len(pspace)
            # Set up the linear program
            mat = cdd.Matrix(list(
                    [[-1] + n * [1], [1] + n * [-1]],
                    [[0] + [int(event == other) for other in pspace.subsets()]
                     for event in pspace.subsets()],
                    [[lprob[event]] +
                     [-int(other <= event) for other in pspace.subsets()]
                     for event in pspace.subsets()])),
            mat.obj_type = cdd.LPObjType.MAX
            mat.obj_func = (0, ) + tuple(2**(len(pspace) - len(event))
                                         for event in pspace.subsets())
            lp = cdd.LinProg(mat)
            # Solve the linear program and check the solution
            if lp.status == cdd.LPStatusType.OPTIMAL:
                bba = SetFunction(pspace,
                return LowProb(pspace,
                               lprob=dict((event, bba.get_zeta(event))
                                          for event in bba.iterkeys()))
                raise RuntimeError('No optimal solution found.')
            raise NotImplementedError
def main():
    global pos, normals

    #bar = sum(pos)/float(len(pos))
    #pos = [p-bar for p in pos]

    mu = 0.2
    contacts = [stab.Contact(mu, p, n) for p, n in zip(pos, normals)]

    poly = stab.StabilityPolygon(60, dimension=2, force_lim=1000.)

    poly.contacts = contacts[0:8]

    for c in poly.contacts[0:4]:
        c.r[2] = 0.
        c.n = np.array([[0.4], [0.4], [np.sqrt(1 - 2 * (0.4**2))]])
        #c.n = np.array([[0., 1., 0.]]).T

    for c in poly.contacts[4:]:
        c.r[2] = 0.
        #c.n = np.array([[0., 0., 1.]]).T
        c.n = np.array([[-0.4], [-0.4], [np.sqrt(1 - 2 * (0.4**2))]])


    sol = 'plain'

    #Compute the unconstrained and save ineqs
    poly_ineq = poly.backend.doublepoly.inner.inequalities

    radius = 0.11
    fc = 4
    nc = 8

    for c in range(fc, nc):
        poly.addForceConstraint([poly.contacts[c]], radius)



    assert (poly.dimension == 2)
    assert (len(poly.gravity_envelope) == 1)

    A1, A2, t = poly.A1, poly.A2, poly.t

    sphere_ineq = np.array([[1., -1., 1.], [1., -1., -1.], [1., 1., -1.],
                            [1., 1., 1.], [-1., 1., -1.], [-1., 1., 1.],
                            [-1., -1., -1.], [-1., -1., 1.]])

    sphere = np.zeros((8 * (nc - fc), 1 + poly.nrVars()))
    for contact_id in range(fc, nc):
        line = 8 * (contact_id - fc)
        col = 1 + 3 * contact_id
        sphere[line:line + 8, col:col + 3] = sphere_ineq
        sphere[line:line + 8, 0] = radius * poly.mass * 9.81

    nr_lines = poly_ineq.shape[0]
    exp_poly_ineq = np.hstack([
        poly_ineq[:, 0:1],
        np.zeros((nr_lines, poly.nrVars() - 2)), poly_ineq[:, 1:]

    eq = np.hstack((t, -A1, -A2))

    mat = cdd.Matrix(sphere, number_type='fraction')
    mat.rep_type = cdd.RepType.INEQUALITY
    mat.extend(eq, linear=True)
    print("Let's goooooo")
    cdd_poly = cdd.Polyhedron(mat)
    vertices = np.array(cdd_poly.get_generators())

    if len(vertices.shape) > 1:
        point_mask = vertices[:, 0] == 1
        points = vertices[point_mask, -2:]
        rays = vertices[~point_mask, -2:]
        hull = ConvexHull(points)

        poly.plot_polyhedron(poly.inner, 'blue', 0.5)
        poly.ax.plot(hull.points[hull.vertices, 0],
                     hull.points[hull.vertices, 1],
        for ray in rays:
            if np.linalg.norm(ray) > 1e-10:
                pp = np.vstack([i * ray for i in np.linspace(0.01, 1)])
                poly.ax.plot(pp[:, 0], pp[:, 1], 'red')
                print("This is a zero ray")
        print("No vertices")
Пример #16
plt.subplot(1, len(ds) + 1, 1)
plt.imshow(FINAL.reshape((K, K)), vmin=0., vmax=len(ds),
         extent=[-2, 2, -2, 2], cmap=cmap, norm=norm, origin='lower')

for M in regions:
    final = utils.in_region(xx, regions[M]['ineq']).astype('float32')
    plt.tricontour(xx[:,0], xx[:,1], final-0.5, levels=[0], linewidths=2)


flips, ineq = list(regions.items())[1]
m = cdd.Matrix(np.hstack([ineq[:, [0]], ineq[:, 1:]]))
m.rep_type = cdd.RepType.INEQUALITY
v = np.array(cdd.Polyhedron(m).get_generators())[:, 1:]

simplices = utils.get_simplices(v)
plt.figure(figsize=((len(simplices) + 1)*4, 4))

plt.subplot(1, len(simplices) + 1, 1)
mask = utils.in_region(xx, ineq[:, 1:], ineq[:, 0]).astype('float32')
plt.imshow(mask.reshape((K, K)) * 2, aspect='auto', cmap=cmap, norm=norm,
           origin='lower', extent=[-2, 2, -2, 2])
Пример #17
	def conserved_moieties(self, mip_info, findCM='null', deadend=True, nameCM=0):
		'''Find conserved moieties by computing extreme rays. Called by compute_met_form
		Return conserved_moiety_info object containing the conserved moiety information:
		cm: list of conserved moieties, each being a metabolite-coefficient dictionary
		cm_generic: list of entries in cm that are generic (no known metabolites involved)
		cm_generic_dict: {fomrula: cm_generic} dictionary. formula is the generic_formula object with the defaulted or inputted name as the formula for the conserved moiety.
		model = self.model
		if (not deadend) or nameCM == 1:
			activeMets, activeRxns = active_met_rxn(model)
			activeMets, activeRxns = model.metabolites, model.reactions
		if not deadend:
			cmMets, cmRxns = activeMets, activeRxns
			cmMets, cmRxns = model.metabolites, model.reactions

		#(matrix format: [[b_1, a_11, a_12, ..., a_1N], ..., [b_M, a_M1, a_M2, ..., a_MN]] for Ax + b >= 0
		#where A = [a_ij], b = [b_1, ..., b_M])

		if findCM == 'null':
			#transpose of S
			S = [[j._metabolites[i] if i in j._metabolites else 0 for i in cmMets] for j in cmRxns]
			#This method calculates a rational basis for transpose(S) from the reduced row echelon form, usually find a subset of extreme rays, quite probably the whole set.
			N = extreme_rays_from_null_basis(S)
			cm = [{cmMets[i]: N[i,k] for i in range(len(cmMets)) if N[i,k] != 0} for k in range(N.shape[1])]
		elif findCM == 'cdd':
			#transpose(S) >= 0
			S = [[0] + [j._metabolites[i] if i in j._metabolites else 0 for i in cmMets] for j in cmRxns]
			# #transpose(S) <= 0
			S += [[-i for i in j] for j in S]
			#all entries >= 0
			S += [[0] + [1 if i == j else 0 for i in range(len(cmMets))] for j in range(len(cmMets))]
			print('Matrix size for cdd extreme ray calculation: %d x %d' %(len(S), len(S[0])))
			# The cdd library seems unable to cope with genome-scale models. The best is to call EFMtool. To be implemented.
			mat = cdd.Matrix(S, number_type='float')
			mat.rep_type = cdd.RepType.INEQUALITY
			poly = cdd.Polyhedron(mat)
			ext = poly.get_generators()
			cm = [{cmMets[i]: ext.__getitem__(k)[i+1] for i in range(len(cmMets)) if ext.__getitem__(k)[i+1] != 0} for k in range(ext.row_size)]

		#generic conserved moieties involing no known metabolites
		cm_generic = [c for c in cm if all([i in self.pre.met_unknown for i in c])]
		cm_generic_dict = {}
		NcmDefault = 0
		for c in cm_generic:
			#Use defaulted names for dead end metabolites if nameCM = 1, or always use defaulted names if nameCM = 0
			if nameCM == 0 or (any([not i in activeMets for i in c.keys()]) and nameCM == 1):
				#defaulted names
				NcmDefault += 1
				cmNameCur = 'Conserve_' + num2alpha(NcmDefault)
				for i in c.keys():
					toPrint = self.pre.met_known[i].formula if i in self.pre.met_known else mip_info.formulae[i].formula
					if toPrint == 'Mass0':
						toPrint = ''
					toPrint += formula_dict2str({"Conserve": c[i]})
					print('%s\t%s\t%s' %(i.id, i.name, toPrint))
				while True:
					cmNameCur = raw_input("\nEnter the formula for the conserved moiety: " \
					+ "(e.g. C2HRab_cd0.5Charge-1 -> {C:2, H:1, Rab_cd: 0.5, Charge: -1}, " \
					+ "hit return to use default name 'Conserve_xxx')\n")
					#check if the input is empty or a correct formula
					if cmNameCur == "" or ''.join([''.join(k) for k in element_re.findall(cmNameCur)]) == cmNameCur:
					print('Incorrect format of the input formula!\n')
				if cmNameCur == '':
					#empty string means using the default name
					NcmDefault += 1
					cmNameCur = 'Conserve_' + num2alpha(NcmDefault)

			cm_generic_dict[Formula(cmNameCur)] = c

		cm_info = conserved_moiety_info()
		cm_info.cm, cm_info.cm_generic, cm_info.cm_generic_dict = cm, cm_generic, cm_generic_dict
		return cm_info
Пример #18
    def check_feasible(self, Node, channel_alloc, SU_index):
        vertex_list = Node['vertex']
        n = SU_index
        p_dim = int(np.sum(channel_alloc[n, :]))

        def feasible_region():
            # store the constraints for the feasible region hx <= b
            h_list = []
            b_list = []

            vertex_ld = []
            for v in vertex_list:
                vertex_ld.append(v[np.where(channel_alloc[n, :] == 1)])

            for i in range(p_dim + 1):
                vertex_hyperlane = copy.deepcopy(vertex_ld)
                vertex_out = vertex_hyperlane[i]
                del vertex_hyperlane[i]

                b = np.ones(p_dim)
                A = np.zeros((p_dim, p_dim))

                for k in range(len(vertex_hyperlane)):
                    A[k, :] = vertex_hyperlane[k]

                if (np.linalg.matrix_rank(A) == p_dim):
                    h = np.linalg.solve(A, b)
                    b = b[0]
                    while (True):
                        translation = np.random.rand(p_dim)
                        vertex_hyperlane_new = copy.deepcopy(vertex_hyperlane)
                        for k in range(len(vertex_hyperlane_new)):
                            vertex_hyperlane_new[k] = vertex_hyperlane[k] + translation

                        for k in range(len(vertex_hyperlane_new)):
                            A[k, :] = vertex_hyperlane_new[k]

                        if (np.linalg.matrix_rank(A) == p_dim):
                            h = np.linalg.solve(A, b)
                            b = b[0] - np.inner(h, translation)
                if (np.inner(h, vertex_out) > b):
                    h = -h
                    b = -b

                h_list.append(np.round(h, 8))
                b_list.append(np.round(b, 8))

            return h_list, b_list

        # feasible region for node i
        a_feasible_list, b_feasible_list = feasible_region()

        A_arr = np.zeros(((p_dim + 1) + p_dim + len(self.minRate_h), 1 + p_dim))
        b_arr = np.zeros(((p_dim + 1) + p_dim + len(self.minRate_b), 1))

        # feasible region constraint
        for k in range(p_dim + 1):
            A_arr[k, 0] = 0
            A_arr[k, 1:] = a_feasible_list[k]
            b_arr[k, 0] = b_feasible_list[k]

        # QAM capacity constraint
        A_arr[(p_dim + 1): (p_dim + 1) + p_dim, 1:] = np.identity(p_dim)

        b_arr[(p_dim + 1): (p_dim + 1) + p_dim, 0] = self.QAM_max_power[np.where(channel_alloc[n, :] == 1)]

        # minimum data rate constraint
        A_arr[(p_dim + 1) + p_dim:, 0] = 0
        A_arr[(p_dim + 1) + p_dim:, 1:] = self.minRate_h
        b_arr[(p_dim + 1) + p_dim:, 0] = self.minRate_b

        # b_arr - A_arr * x >= 0
        A = np.hstack((b_arr, -A_arr))
        A = np.round(A, 8)

        mat = cdd.Matrix(A, number_type='fraction')
        mat.rep_type = cdd.RepType.INEQUALITY
        poly = cdd.Polyhedron(mat)
        vertices = poly.get_generators()
        vertices_array = np.array(vertices, dtype=float)

        if (vertices_array.size == 0):
            # print("Cannot find a feasible solution!")
            return False
            return True
Пример #19
        def finite_power_solver(vertex_list, vertex_total):

            # feasible region for node i
            a_feasible_list, b_feasible_list = feasible_region()

            vertex_total = copy.deepcopy(vertex_total)

            # If previous power allocation is out of feasible region, add a vertex
            for j in range(p_dim + 1):
                i = len(vertex_total) - 1
                if (np.dot(a_feasible_list[j], vertex_total[i][np.where(channel_alloc[n, :] == 1)]) > (
                        b_feasible_list[j] + 0.01)):
                    del vertex_total[i]
                    # Find gravity center for vertex_list
                    v_gravity = np.zeros(n_channel)
                    for v in vertex_list:
                        v_gravity[np.where(channel_alloc[n, :] == 1)] \
                            = v_gravity[np.where(channel_alloc[n, :] == 1)] + v[np.where(channel_alloc[n, :] == 1)]
                    v_gravity = v_gravity / (p_dim + 1)

            # delete the vertices that are out of feasible region of node i
            for j in range(p_dim + 1):
                i = len(vertex_total) - 3
                while (True):
                    if (i < 0):
                    if (np.dot(a_feasible_list[j], vertex_total[i][np.where(channel_alloc[n, :] == 1)]) > (
                            b_feasible_list[j] + 0.01)):
                        del vertex_total[i]
                    i = i - 1

            A_arr = np.zeros((len(vertex_total) + (p_dim + 1) + p_dim + len(self.minRate_h), 1 + p_dim))
            b_arr = np.zeros((len(vertex_total) + (p_dim + 1) + p_dim + len(self.minRate_b), 1))

            # fM(p) constraint: t - fM(p) <= 0
            A_arr[0: len(vertex_total), 0] = 1
            k = 0
            for v in vertex_total:
                tmp = - df(v)
                tmp = tmp[np.where(channel_alloc[n, :] == 1)]
                A_arr[k, 1:] = copy.deepcopy(tmp)
                b_arr[k, 0] = f(v) - np.dot(v.T, df(v))
                k = k + 1

            # feasible region constraint
            for k in range(p_dim + 1):
                A_arr[len(vertex_total) + k, 0] = 0
                A_arr[len(vertex_total) + k, 1:] = a_feasible_list[k]
                b_arr[len(vertex_total) + k, 0] = b_feasible_list[k]

            # QAM capacity constraint
            A_arr[len(vertex_total) + (p_dim + 1): len(vertex_total) + (p_dim + 1) + p_dim, 1:] = np.identity(p_dim)

            b_arr[len(vertex_total) + (p_dim + 1): len(vertex_total) + (p_dim + 1) + p_dim, 0] = \
                self.QAM_max_power[np.where(channel_alloc[n, :] == 1)]

            # minimum data rate constraint
            A_arr[len(vertex_total) + (p_dim + 1) + p_dim:, 0] = 0
            A_arr[len(vertex_total) + (p_dim + 1) + p_dim:, 1:] = self.minRate_h
            b_arr[len(vertex_total) + (p_dim + 1) + p_dim:, 0] = self.minRate_b

            # b_arr - A_arr * x >= 0
            A = np.hstack((b_arr, -A_arr))
            A = np.round(A, 8)

            mat = cdd.Matrix(A, number_type='fraction')
            mat.rep_type = cdd.RepType.INEQUALITY
            poly = cdd.Polyhedron(mat)
            vertices = poly.get_generators()
            vertices_array = np.array(vertices, dtype=float)

            if (vertices_array.size == 0):
                # print("Cannot find a feasible solution!")
                # os._exit()

            upperbound_max = -float("inf")
            p_sol_lowd = np.zeros(p_dim)
            for i in range(vertices_array.shape[0]):
                if (vertices_array[i, 0] == 1):
                    # v = vertices_array[i, 1:]
                    # q = np.round(np.matmul(A_arr, v) - b_arr.reshape(-1), 4)
                    # if (np.amax(q) < 0 + 0.001):
                    upperbound = vertices_array[i, 1] - g(vertices_array[i, 2:], low_dim=True)
                    if (upperbound > upperbound_max):
                        p_sol_lowd = vertices_array[i, 2:]
                        upperbound_max = upperbound

            p_sol = np.zeros(n_channel)
            p_lowd_index = 0
            for k in range(n_channel):
                if (channel_alloc[n, k] == 1):
                    p_sol[k] = p_sol_lowd[p_lowd_index]
                    p_lowd_index = p_lowd_index + 1

            return p_sol, upperbound_max
Пример #20
def detect_minimum_cycles(graph):
    Return both V and H representation of polyhedra correspond to minimal cycles
    minimal_cycles = []
    for v in graph:
        for w in v.get_connections():
            # The first step should not be a boundary edge
            if not v.adjacent[w]['is_boundary'] and not v.adjacent[w]['visited']:
                v.adjacent[w]['visited'] = True
                cycle = [v.id, w.id]
                rightmost_search(graph, v, v, w, cycle)
                cycle = cycle[:-1]
    #print('\nNumber of minimal cycles = ', len(minimal_cycles))
    #for cycle in minimal_cycles:
    #    print(cycle, end='\n\n')

    # Sanity check
    #print('\nSanity check all unvisited edges: ')
    num_unvisited_edges = 0
    for v in graph:
        for w in v.get_connections():
            if v.adjacent[w]['visited'] == False:
                num_unvisited_edges += 1
                vid, wid = v.id, w.id
                #print(vid, '-->', wid)
                assert v.adjacent[w]['is_boundary'] == True, 'Unvisited edge must be a boundary edge'
                # The following assert is activated only when abstract regtion is partioned by refined lasers
                if graph.num_vertices != graph.num_edges/2: 
                    assert w.adjacent[v]['visited'] == True, 'Counterpart of an unvisited boundary edge must be visited'
                # TODO: Check unvisted edges cover workspace and obstacle boundaries
    #print('Number of unvisited edges = ', num_unvisited_edges)

    # Convert V-reprsentation of polyhedra to H-Reprentation
    # NOTE: Region orders are same in V and H representations
    poly_H_rep = []
    for cycle in minimal_cycles:
        # V-representation required by pycddlib
        vertices = []
        for vertex in cycle:
            vertices.append([1, vertex[0], vertex[1]])
        #print(vertices, end='\n\n')

        # Convert by pycddlib
        mat = cdd.Matrix(vertices, number_type='float')
        poly = cdd.Polyhedron(mat)
        ine = poly.get_inequalities()
        # TODO: need canonicalize() to remove redundancy?

        # Represent inequality constraints as A x <= b
        A, b = [], []
        for row in ine:
            a = [-x for x in list(row[1:])]
        #print('b = ', b)     
        #print('A = ', A, end='\n\n')

        poly_H_rep.append({'A': A, 'b': b})

    return minimal_cycles, poly_H_rep
Пример #21
def sampleKnots(t0, tk, k, b=None, d=None, N=1):
    """sample knots given a set of rules"""
    # check input
    assert t0 <= tk
    assert k >= 2

    if d is not None:
        assert d.shape == (k, 2) and sum(d[:, 0]) <= 1.0 and\
            np.all(d >= 0.0) and np.all(d <= 1.0)
        d = np.repeat(np.array([[0.0, 1.0]]), k, axis=0)

    if b is not None:
        assert b.shape == (k - 1, 2) and\
            np.all(b[:, 0] <= b[:, 1]) and\
            np.all(b[:-1, 1] <= b[1:, 1]) and\
            np.all(b >= 0.0) and np.all(b <= 1.0)
        b = np.repeat(np.array([[0.0, 1.0]]), k - 1, axis=0)

    d = d * (tk - t0)
    b = b * (tk - t0) + t0
    d[0] += t0
    d[-1] -= tk

    # find vertices of the polyhedron
    D = -colDiffMat(k - 1)
    I = np.identity(k - 1)

    A1 = np.vstack((-D, D))
    A2 = np.vstack((-I, I))

    b1 = np.hstack((-d[:, 0], d[:, 1]))
    b2 = np.hstack((-b[:, 0], b[:, 1]))

    A = np.vstack((A1, A2))
    b = np.hstack((b1, b2))

    mat = np.insert(-A, 0, b, axis=1)
    mat = cdd.Matrix(mat)
    mat.rep_type = cdd.RepType.INEQUALITY
    poly = cdd.Polyhedron(mat)
    ext = poly.get_generators()
    vertices_and_rays = np.array(ext)

    if vertices_and_rays.size == 0:
        print('there is no feasible knots')
        return None

    if np.any(vertices_and_rays[:, 0] == 0.0):
        print('polyhedron is not closed, something is wrong.')
        return None
        vertices = vertices_and_rays[:, 1:]

    # sample from the convex combination of the vertices
    n = vertices.shape[0]
    s_simplex = sampleSimplex(n, N=N)
    s = s_simplex.dot(vertices)

    s = np.insert(s, 0, t0, axis=1)
    s = np.insert(s, k, tk, axis=1)

    return s
Пример #22
    def check_com_positions(self, com_positions):
        X = bodies.FOOT_X
        Y = bodies.FOOT_Y
        m = self.robot.mass
        g = 9.81
        mu = 0.7
        CWC = array([
            # fx  fy              fz  taux tauy tauz
            [-1, 0, -mu, 0, 0, 0],
            [+1, 0, -mu, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, -1, -mu, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, +1, -mu, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, -Y, -1, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, -Y, +1, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, -X, 0, -1, 0],
            [0, 0, -X, 0, +1, 0],
            [-Y, -X, -(X + Y) * mu, +mu, +mu, -1],
            [-Y, +X, -(X + Y) * mu, +mu, -mu, -1],
            [+Y, -X, -(X + Y) * mu, -mu, +mu, -1],
            [+Y, +X, -(X + Y) * mu, -mu, -mu, -1],
            [+Y, +X, -(X + Y) * mu, +mu, +mu, +1],
            [+Y, -X, -(X + Y) * mu, +mu, -mu, +1],
            [-Y, +X, -(X + Y) * mu, -mu, +mu, +1],
            [-Y, -X, -(X + Y) * mu, -mu, -mu, +1]
        nb_contacts = len(self.contacting_links)
        C = zeros((4, 6 * nb_contacts))
        d = array([0, 0, -m * g, 0])
        # [pGx, pGy] = D * w_all
        D = zeros((2, 6 * nb_contacts))
        for i, link in enumerate(self.contacting_links):
            # check orientation assumption
            pose = link.GetTransformPose()
            assert norm(pose[:4] - array([1., 0., 0., 0.])) < 5e-2, \
                str(float(norm(pose[:4] - array([1., 0., 0., 0.]))))

            x, y, z = link.GetTransformPose()[4:]
            Ci = array([[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                        [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-y, x, 0, 0, 0, 1]])
            Di = 1. / (m * g) * array([[-z, 0, x, 0, -1, 0],
                                       [0, -z, y, 1, 0, 0]])
            C[0:4, (6 * i):(6 * (i + 1))] = +Ci
            D[:, (6 * i):(6 * (i + 1))] = Di

        CWC_all = block_diag(*([CWC] * nb_contacts))
        _zeros = zeros((CWC_all.shape[0], 1))
        # A * w_all + b >= 0
        # input to cdd.Matrix is [b, A]
        F = cdd.Matrix(hstack([_zeros, -CWC_all]), number_type='float')
        F.rep_type = cdd.RepType.INEQUALITY
        # C * w_all + d == 0
        _d = d.reshape((C.shape[0], 1))
        F.extend(hstack([_d, C]), linear=True)
        P = cdd.Polyhedron(F)
        V = array(P.get_generators())
        poly = []
        for i in xrange(V.shape[0]):
            if V[i, 0] != 1:  # 1 = vertex, 0 = ray
                raise Exception("Not a polygon, V =\n%s" % repr(V))
            pG = dot(D, V[i, 1:])
        if all_plots:  # Check 1: plot COM trajectory and polygons
        if True:  # Check 2: using full H-representation
            # (autonomous but time consuming when designing the motion)
            self.check_all_inequalities(com_positions, poly)
Пример #23
    def make_extreme_n_monotone(cls, pspace, monotonicity=None):
        """Yield extreme lower probabilities with given monotonicity.

        .. warning::

           Currently this doesn't work very well except for the cases

        >>> lprs = list(LowProb.make_extreme_n_monotone('abc', monotonicity=2))
        >>> len(lprs)
        >>> all(lpr.is_coherent() for lpr in lprs)
        >>> all(lpr.is_n_monotone(2) for lpr in lprs)
        >>> all(lpr.is_n_monotone(3) for lpr in lprs)
        >>> lprs = list(LowProb.make_extreme_n_monotone('abc', monotonicity=3))
        >>> len(lprs)
        >>> all(lpr.is_coherent() for lpr in lprs)
        >>> all(lpr.is_n_monotone(2) for lpr in lprs)
        >>> all(lpr.is_n_monotone(3) for lpr in lprs)
        >>> lprs = list(LowProb.make_extreme_n_monotone('abcd', monotonicity=2))
        >>> len(lprs)
        >>> all(lpr.is_coherent() for lpr in lprs)
        >>> all(lpr.is_n_monotone(2) for lpr in lprs)
        >>> all(lpr.is_n_monotone(3) for lpr in lprs)
        >>> all(lpr.is_n_monotone(4) for lpr in lprs)
        >>> lprs = list(LowProb.make_extreme_n_monotone('abcd', monotonicity=3))
        >>> len(lprs)
        >>> all(lpr.is_coherent() for lpr in lprs)
        >>> all(lpr.is_n_monotone(2) for lpr in lprs)
        >>> all(lpr.is_n_monotone(3) for lpr in lprs)
        >>> all(lpr.is_n_monotone(4) for lpr in lprs)
        >>> lprs = list(LowProb.make_extreme_n_monotone('abcd', monotonicity=4))
        >>> len(lprs)
        >>> all(lpr.is_coherent() for lpr in lprs)
        >>> all(lpr.is_n_monotone(2) for lpr in lprs)
        >>> all(lpr.is_n_monotone(3) for lpr in lprs)
        >>> all(lpr.is_n_monotone(4) for lpr in lprs)
        >>> # cddlib hangs on larger possibility spaces
        >>> #lprs = list(LowProb.make_extreme_n_monotone('abcde', monotonicity=2))
        pspace = PSpace.make(pspace)
        # constraint for empty set and full set
        matrix = cdd.Matrix([
            [0] + [1 if event.is_false() else 0 for event in pspace.subsets()],
            [-1] + [1 if event.is_true() else 0 for event in pspace.subsets()]
        # constraints for monotonicity
        constraints = [
            dict(constraint) for constraint in cls.get_constraints_n_monotone(
                pspace, xrange(1, monotonicity + 1))
            [[0] + [constraint.get(event, 0) for event in pspace.subsets()]
             for constraint in constraints])
        matrix.rep_type = cdd.RepType.INEQUALITY

        # debug: simplify matrix
        #print(pspace, monotonicity) # debug
        #print("original:", len(matrix))
        #print("new     :", len(matrix))
        #print(matrix) # debug

        # calculate extreme points
        poly = cdd.Polyhedron(matrix)
        # convert these points back to lower probabilities
        #print(poly.get_generators()) # debug
        for vert in poly.get_generators():
            yield cls(pspace=pspace,
                          (event, vert[1 + index])
                          for index, event in enumerate(pspace.subsets())),
Пример #24
def get_mul_comparisons(vertices, lin_set, num_vars, prime_of_index):
    Returns a list of objects of the form (m1, m2, const, comp),
    where m1 and m2 are mulpairs, const is an int, comp is terms.GE/GT/LE/LT,
    and const * m1 * m2 comp 1
    if all(v[1] == 0 for v in vertices):
        p = terms.MulPair(terms.IVar(0), 1)
        return [(p, p, 1, terms.LT)]
    new_comparisons = []
    for (i, j) in itertools.combinations(range(num_vars), 2):
        base_matrix = [
            [vertices[k][0], vertices[k][i + 2], vertices[k][j + 2]] +
            vertices[k][num_vars + 2:] for k in range(len(vertices))
            if k not in lin_set
        matrix = cdd.Matrix(base_matrix, number_type='fraction')
        matrix.rep_type = cdd.RepType.GENERATOR
        for k in lin_set:
                [[vertices[k][0], vertices[k][i + 2], vertices[k][j + 2]] +
                 vertices[k][num_vars + 2:]],

        ineqs = cdd.Polyhedron(matrix).get_inequalities()

        for ind in range(len(ineqs)):
            c = ineqs[ind]
            if c[2] == c[1] == 0:  # no comp
            strong = not any(v[1] != 0 and v[i + 2] * c[1] + v[j + 2] * c[2] +
                             sum(c[k] * v[num_vars + k - 1]
                                 for k in range(3, len(c))) == 0
                             for v in vertices)

            const = 1
            #Don't want constant to a non-int power
            scale = int(
                    for k in range(3, len(c))))
            if scale != 1:
                c = [c[0]] + [scale * v for v in c[1:]]

            skip = False
            for k in range(3, len(c)):
                if c[k] != 0:
                    if c[k] >= 1000000 or c[k] <= -1000000:
                        # Not going to get much here. Causes arithmetic errors.
                        skip = True
                        if c[k] > 0:
                            const *= (prime_of_index[k + num_vars - 3]**c[k])
                            const *= fractions.Fraction(
                                1, prime_of_index[k + num_vars - 3]**(-c[k]))
            if skip:

            if ind in ineqs.lin_set:
                new_comp = terms.EQ
                new_comp = terms.GT if strong else terms.GE

                               c[1]), terms.MulPair(terms.IVar(j),
                                                    c[2]), const, new_comp))
    return new_comparisons
Пример #25
def get_vertices(inequalities):
    # create the matrix the inequalities are a matrix of the form
    # [b, -A] from b-Ax>=0
    m = cdd.Matrix(inequalities)
    m.rep_type = cdd.RepType.INEQUALITY
    return cdd.Polyhedron(m).get_generators()
Пример #26
import numpy as np
import cdd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import utils

mu = np.zeros(2) + 4.3
cov = np.array([[2.1, 0.3], [0.3, 0.8]])

m = cdd.Matrix([[30, 1., 0], [30, 0., 1.1]])
m.rep_type = cdd.RepType.INEQUALITY
print(utils.phis_w(np.array(m), mu, cov), np.outer(mu, mu) + cov)

m = cdd.Matrix([[40, 0., 1], [40, -1., 0], [40, 1., -1.]])
m.rep_type = cdd.RepType.INEQUALITY
print(utils.phis_w(np.array(m), mu, cov))

m = cdd.Matrix([[40, 1., 0], [40, -1., 0], [40, 0., -1.], [40, 0, 1.]])
m.rep_type = cdd.RepType.INEQUALITY
print(utils.phis_w(np.array(m), mu, cov))

m = cdd.Matrix([[40, 1., 0], [40, -1., 0], [40, 0., -1.], [40, 0, 1.],
                [40, 1., 1], [40, -1, -1]])
print('v', utils.get_vertices(np.array(m)))
m.rep_type = cdd.RepType.INEQUALITY
print('p', utils.phis_w(np.array(m), mu, cov))
Пример #27
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright 2015-2017 CNRS-AIST JRL

# This file is part of StabiliPy.

# StabiliPy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# StabiliPy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with StabiliPy.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

from __future__ import print_function
import cdd
import numpy as np

radius = 0.1
points = radius * np.vstack([np.eye(3), -np.eye(3)])
mat_p = cdd.Matrix(np.hstack([np.ones((6, 1)), points]))
mat_p.rep_type = cdd.RepType.GENERATOR

sphere_ineq = np.array(cdd.Polyhedron(mat_p).get_inequalities())
Пример #28
    def __init__(self, cdd_hrepr):
        start = time.time()

        # krelu on variables in varsid
        #self.varsid = varsid
        self.k = len(cdd_hrepr[0]) - 1
        self.cdd_hrepr = cdd_hrepr
        #print("LENGTH ", len(cdd_hrepr[0]))
        #cdd_hrepr = self.get_ineqs(varsid)
        check_pt1 = time.time()

        # We get orthant points using exact precision, because it allows to guarantee soundness of the algorithm.
        cdd_hrepr = cdd.Matrix(cdd_hrepr, number_type='fraction')
        cdd_hrepr.rep_type = cdd.RepType.INEQUALITY
        pts = self.get_orthant_points(cdd_hrepr)

        # Generate extremal points in the space of variables before and
        # after relu
        pts = [([1] + row + [x if x > 0 else 0 for x in row]) for row in pts]

        adjust_constraints_to_make_sound = False
        # Floating point CDD is much faster then the precise CDD, however for some inputs it fails
        # due to numerical errors. If that is the case we fall back to using precise CDD.
            cdd_vrepr = cdd.Matrix(pts, number_type='float')
            cdd_vrepr.rep_type = cdd.RepType.GENERATOR
            # Convert back to H-repr.
            cons = cdd.Polyhedron(cdd_vrepr).get_inequalities()
            adjust_constraints_to_make_sound = True
            # I don't adjust linearities, so just setting lin_set to an empty set.
            self.lin_set = frozenset([])
            cdd_vrepr = cdd.Matrix(pts, number_type='fraction')
            cdd_vrepr.rep_type = cdd.RepType.GENERATOR
            # Convert back to H-repr.
            cons = cdd.Polyhedron(cdd_vrepr).get_inequalities()
            self.lin_set = cons.lin_set

        cons = np.asarray(cons, dtype=np.float64)

        # If floating point CDD was run, then we have to adjust constraints to make sure taht
        if adjust_constraints_to_make_sound:
            pts = np.asarray(pts, dtype=np.float64)
            cons_abs = np.abs(cons)
            pts_abs = np.abs(pts)
            cons_x_pts = np.matmul(cons, np.transpose(pts))
            cons_x_pts_err = np.matmul(cons_abs, np.transpose(pts_abs))
            # Since we use double precision number of bits to represent fraction is 52.
            # I'll use generous over-approximation by using 2^-40 as a relative error coefficient.
            rel_err = pow(2, -40)
            cons_x_pts_err *= rel_err
            cons_x_pts -= cons_x_pts_err
            for ci in range(len(cons)):
                min_val = np.min(cons_x_pts[ci, :])
                if min_val < 0:
                    cons[ci, 0] -= min_val

        # normalize constraints for numerical stability
        # more info: http://files.gurobi.com/Numerics.pdf
        absmax = np.absolute(cons).max(axis=1)
        self.cons = cons / absmax[:, None]

        end = time.time()

Пример #29
def test_issue25():
    mat = cdd.Matrix([])
    cdd_poly = cdd.Polyhedron(mat)
Пример #30
    def __init__(self, cdd_hrepr, approx=True):
        assert KAct.type in ["ReLU", "Tanh", "Sigmoid"]
        self.k = len(cdd_hrepr[0]) - 1
        self.cdd_hrepr = np.array(cdd_hrepr)

        # nikos: poly approximation
        array_2d_double = np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.uintp,
        global boolean_flag
        if config.poly_dynamic is False:
            sapolib = cdll.LoadLibrary("../../Sapo/libsapo_dyn_lib.so")
            sapolib.computeSapo_small.argtypes = [
                c_int, c_int, c_int, array_2d_double, array_2d_double,
                POINTER(c_double), array_2d_double
            sapolib = cdll.LoadLibrary("../../Sapo/libsapo_dyn_lib.so")
            sapolib.computeSapo_many.argtypes = [
                c_int, c_int, c_int, array_2d_double, array_2d_double,
                POINTER(c_double), array_2d_double,
                POINTER(c_float), c_int
            #if boolean_flag:
            coeffs = poly_approx()
            deg = coeffs.shape[0]
            #    boolean_flag=False
        sapolib.computeSapo_small.restype = int
        sapolib.computeSapo_many.restype = int

        start = time.time()

        # KAct on variables in varsid
        # self.varsid = varsid
        self.k = len(cdd_hrepr[0]) - 1
        self.cdd_hrepr = cdd_hrepr
        # print("LENGTH ", len(cdd_hrepr[0]))
        # cdd_hrepr = self.get_ineqs(varsid)
        check_pt1 = time.time()

        input_cons = np.asarray(
            cdd_hrepr, dtype=np.double)  # this is a list of constraints
        # Ax + b >=0 with  A = input_cons[1:3][i]   b = input_cons[0][i]
        dim = input_cons.shape
        n_var = dim[1] - 1
        n_dir = dim[0] // 2
        # added call to polyfit
        if n_var == 1:
            output_cons = np.concatenate(
                (np.tanh(input_cons[:, [0]]), input_cons[:, [1]]), axis=1)
            n_cons = dim[0]
            modelSapo = py_sapo(n_var, n_dir, input_cons)
            output_cons_temp = np.empty([dim[0], n_var + 1], dtype=np.double)
            output_cons_val = np.empty(0, dtype=np.double)

            [L, T, n_bundle] = modelSapo.LTmatrix()
            #modelSapo.offset(input_cons, dim[0])

            cL = (L.__array_interface__['data'][0] +
                  np.arange(L.shape[0]) * L.strides[0]).astype(np.uintp)
            cT = (T.__array_interface__['data'][0] +
                  np.arange(T.shape[0]) * T.strides[0]).astype(np.uintp)
            cA = (output_cons_temp.__array_interface__['data'][0] +
                  np.arange(output_cons_temp.shape[0]) *

            if config.splitting:
                regions = modelSapo.createRegions()
                for i in range(pow(3, n_var)):
                    temp_cdd = cdd_hrepr.copy()
                    for j in range(2 * n_var):
                        temp_cdd.append(regions[j + i * 2 * n_var])
                    temp_cdd = cdd.Matrix(temp_cdd, number_type='fraction')
                    temp_cdd.rep_type = cdd.RepType.INEQUALITY
                    pts = cdd.Polyhedron(temp_cdd).get_generators()
                    pts_np_temp = np.array(pts, dtype=np.double)

                    if len(pts_np_temp) > 0:
                        print('Region', i + 1, 'is not empty!')
                        pts_np = pts_np_temp[::, 1::]
                        if i in [0, 2, 6, 8, 18, 20, 24, 26]:
                            n_cons = 2 * n_dir  #pow(3, n_var) - 1
                            output_cons_val_temp = modelSapo.comput_valOutputcons(
                            output_cons = modelSapo.emptyoutputcons()
                            output_cons_val = np.concatenate(
                                (output_cons_val, output_cons_val_temp),


                            # Reshape the input constraints
                            pts_np = pts_np.transpose()
                            val = L @ pts_np
                            offp_temp = np.max(val, 1)  #Lx <= b
                            offm_temp = np.max(-val, 1)  #-Lx <= b

                            # Call sapo
                            coffp = offp_temp.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
                            coffm = offm_temp.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))

                            if config.poly_dynamic is False:
                                n_cons = sapolib.computeSapo_small(
                                    n_var, n_dir, n_bundle, cL, cT, coffp,
                                    coffm, cA)
                            else:  # add coeffs
                                c_coeffs = coeffs.ctypes.data_as(
                                n_cons = sapolib.computeSapo_many(
                                    n_var, n_dir, n_bundle, cL, cT, coffp,
                                    coffm, cA, c_coeffs, deg)

                        # Reshape the output constraints (restrict to [-1,1]^n_var)
                        # Ax + b >= 0
                        # x_1 >= -1   x_1+1>=0
                        # x1 <= 1     -x_1+1>=0
                        # --------------------
                        # [b A] such Ax+b>=0 (se n_var=2)
                        # b0 1 0
                        # b1 0 1
                        # b2 1 1
                        # b3 1 -1
                        # b4 -1 0
                        # b5 0 -1
                        # b6 -1 -1
                        # b7 -1 1

                            if config.sanity_check:
                                if n_var == 2:
                                        [0, 1, n_dir, n_dir + 1],
                                        0] = np.maximum(
                                                    [0, 1, n_dir, n_dir + 1],
                                                    0], 1), -1)
                                        2, 3, n_dir + 2, n_dir + 3
                                    ], 0] = np.maximum(
                                                [2, 3, n_dir + 2, n_dir + 3],
                                                0], 2), -2)
                                elif n_var == 3:
                                        [0, 1, 2, n_dir, n_dir + 1, n_dir + 2],
                                        0] = np.maximum(
                                                    0, 1, 2, n_dir, n_dir +
                                                    1, n_dir + 2
                                                ], 0], 1), -1)
                                        3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, n_dir + 3, n_dir +
                                        4, n_dir + 5, n_dir + 6, n_dir +
                                        7, n_dir + 8
                                    ], 0] = np.maximum(
                                                3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, n_dir +
                                                3, n_dir + 4, n_dir +
                                                5, n_dir + 6, n_dir +
                                                7, n_dir + 8
                                            ], 0], 2), -2)
                                        9, 10, 11, 12, n_dir + 9, n_dir +
                                        10, n_dir + 11, n_dir + 12
                                    ], 0] = np.maximum(
                                                9, 10, 11, 12, n_dir +
                                                9, n_dir + 10, n_dir +
                                                11, n_dir + 12
                                            ], 0], 3), -3)
                                print('\nNo sanity check was performed\n')

                            # Append the bounds
                            output_cons_val = np.concatenate(
                                (output_cons_val, output_cons_temp[:, 0]),
                            output_cons = np.copy(output_cons_temp)

                # Make the union of the output sets
                output_cons_val = np.reshape(output_cons_val, (-1, n_cons))
                output_cons_val = np.max(output_cons_val, 0)
                output_cons[:, 0] = output_cons_val
                # No splitting
                # Call sapo

                offp_temp = modelSapo.offp
                offm_temp = modelSapo.offm
                coffp = offp_temp.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
                coffm = offm_temp.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
                if config.poly_dynamic is False:
                    n_cons = sapolib.computeSapo_small(n_var, n_dir, n_bundle,
                                                       cL, cT, coffp, coffm,
                else:  # add coeffs
                    c_coeffs = coeffs.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_float))
                    n_cons = sapolib.computeSapo_many(n_var, n_dir, n_bundle,
                                                      cL, cT, coffp, coffm, cA,
                                                      c_coeffs, deg)

                #output_cons_val = np.reshape(output_cons_temp, (-1, n_cons))
                #output_cons_val = np.max(output_cons_val, 0)
                output_cons = np.copy(output_cons_temp)
            # output_cons[:, 0] = output_cons_val

        # Collect all the input-output constraints
        elaborate_input_cons = np.concatenate(
            (input_cons, np.zeros([dim[0], n_var], dtype=np.double)), axis=1)
        elaborate_output_cons = np.concatenate(
            (output_cons[:, [0]], np.zeros([n_cons, n_var], dtype=np.double),
             output_cons[:, range(n_var)]),
        cons = np.concatenate((elaborate_input_cons, elaborate_output_cons),
        # We get orthant points using exact precision, because it allows to guarantee soundness of the algorithm.
        cdd_hrepr = cdd.Matrix(cdd_hrepr, number_type='fraction')
        cdd_hrepr.rep_type = cdd.RepType.INEQUALITY
        pts = self.get_orthant_points(cdd_hrepr)

        df = pd.DataFrame(pts)
        df.to_csv('filename.csv', index=False)
        # Generate extremal points in the space of variables before and
        # after relu
        # HERE is the point to be changed ELE!
        pts = [([1] + row + [x if x > 0 else 0 for x in row]) for row in pts]

        adjust_constraints_to_make_sound = False
        # Floating point CDD is much faster then the precise CDD, however for some inputs it fails
        # due to numerical errors. If that is the case we fall back to using precise CDD.
            cdd_vrepr = cdd.Matrix(pts, number_type='float')
            cdd_vrepr.rep_type = cdd.RepType.GENERATOR
            # Convert back to H-repr.
            cons = cdd.Polyhedron(cdd_vrepr).get_inequalities()
            adjust_constraints_to_make_sound = True
            # I don't adjust linearities, so just setting lin_set to an empty set.
            self.lin_set = frozenset([])
            cdd_vrepr = cdd.Matrix(pts, number_type='fraction')
            cdd_vrepr.rep_type = cdd.RepType.GENERATOR
            # Convert back to H-repr.
            cons = cdd.Polyhedron(cdd_vrepr).get_inequalities()
            self.lin_set = cons.lin_set

        cons = np.asarray(cons, dtype=np.float64)

        # If floating point CDD was run, then we have to adjust constraints to make sure taht
        if 0:  #adjust_constraints_to_make_sound:
            pts = np.asarray(pts, dtype=np.float64)
            cons_abs = np.abs(cons)
            pts_abs = np.abs(pts)
            cons_x_pts = np.matmul(cons, np.transpose(pts))
            cons_x_pts_err = np.matmul(cons_abs, np.transpose(pts_abs))
            # Since we use double precision number of bits to represent fraction is 52.
            # I'll use generous over-approximation by using 2^-40 as a relative error coefficient.
            rel_err = pow(2, -40)
            cons_x_pts_err *= rel_err
            cons_x_pts -= cons_x_pts_err
            for ci in range(len(cons)):
                min_val = np.min(cons_x_pts[ci, :])
                if min_val < 0:
                    cons[ci, 0] -= min_val

        # normalize constraints for numerical stability
        # more info: http://files.gurobi.com/Numerics.pdf
        #absmax = np.absolute(cons).max(axis=1)
        #self.cons = cons / absmax[:, None]

        end = time.time()
        self.cons = cons