Пример #1
    def test_path_that_does_not_end_in_slash(self):
        """FolderPath should always end with a /
        This checks the behavior if FolderPath does not end with a /
        ('/' should be appended and a warning be sent through callback function)"""

        corpus = CdmCorpusDefinition()
        function_was_called = False
        function_parameter1 = CdmStatusLevel.INFO
        function_parameter2 = None

        def callback(status_level: CdmStatusLevel, message1: str):
            nonlocal function_was_called, function_parameter1, function_parameter2
            function_was_called = True
            function_parameter1 = status_level
            function_parameter2 = message1

        manifest = CdmManifestDefinition(None, None)
        manifest.namespace = 'cdm'
        manifest.folder_path = 'Mnp'
        absolute_path = corpus.storage.create_absolute_corpus_path('Abc', manifest)
        self.assertEqual('cdm:Mnp/Abc', absolute_path)
        self.assertEqual(function_was_called, True)
        self.assertEqual(function_parameter1, CdmStatusLevel.WARNING)
        self.assertTrue(function_parameter2.find('Expected path prefix to end in /, but it didn\'t. Appended the /') != -1)
Пример #2
    def test_manifest_cannot_add_entity_definition_without_creating_document(self):
        cdm_corpus = CdmCorpusDefinition()
        cdm_corpus.storage.default_namespace = 'local'
        function_was_called = False
        function_parameter1 = CdmStatusLevel.INFO
        function_parameter2 = ''

        def callback(status_level: 'CdmStatusLevel', message: str):
            nonlocal function_was_called, function_parameter1, function_parameter2
            function_was_called = True
            function_parameter1 = status_level
            function_parameter2 = message


        cdm_corpus.storage.mount('local', LocalAdapter('C:\\Root\\Path'))

        manifest = CdmManifestDefinition(cdm_corpus.ctx, 'manifest')
        manifest._folder_path = '/'
        manifest._namespace = 'local'
        entity = CdmEntityDefinition(manifest.ctx, 'entityName', None)

        self.assertEqual(CdmStatusLevel.ERROR, function_parameter1)
        self.assertTrue('Expected entity to have an \'Owner\' document set. Cannot create entity declaration to add to manifest.' in function_parameter2)
Пример #3
    async def test_resolving_manifest_not_in_folder(self):
        """Test that resolving a manifest that hasn't been added to a folder doesn't throw any exceptions."""

            corpus = CdmCorpusDefinition()
            corpus.storage.mount('local', LocalAdapter('C:\\path'))
            corpus.storage.default_namespace = 'local'

            def callback(level, message):
                # We should see the following error message be logged. If not, fail.
                if 'Cannot resolve the manifest \'test\' because it has not been added to a folder' not in message:

            corpus.set_event_callback(callback, CdmStatusLevel.WARNING)

            manifest = corpus.make_object(CdmObjectType.MANIFEST_DEF, 'test')
            entity = corpus.make_object(CdmObjectType.ENTITY_DEF, 'entity')
            document = corpus.make_object(CdmObjectType.DOCUMENT_DEF, 'entity{}'.format(PersistenceLayer.CDM_EXTENSION))

            # Don't add the document containing the entity to a folder either.

            await manifest.create_resolved_manifest_async('resolved', None)
        except Exception:
            self.fail('Exception should not be thrown when resolving a manifest that is not in a folder.')
Пример #4
    def get_local_corpus(test_subpath: str, test_name: str, test_input_dir: Optional[str] = None,
                         is_language_specific: Optional[bool] = False, expected_codes: Optional[set] = None,
                         no_input_and_output_folder: Optional[bool] = False):
            Creates a corpus to be used by the tests, which mounts inputFolder, outputFolder, cdm, and remoteAdapter. Will fail on any unexpected warning/error.
            @param testSubpath               The root of the corpus files.
            @param testName                  The test name.
            @param testInputDir              The test input directory.
            @param isLanguageSpecific        Indicate whether there is subfolder called Java, it's used when input is different compared with other languages
            @param expectedCodes             The error codes that are expected, and they should not block the test.
            @param noInputAndOutputFolder    No input and output folder needed.
        if no_input_and_output_folder:
            test_input_dir = 'C:\\dummpyPath'
        test_input_dir = test_input_dir or TestHelper.get_input_folder_path(test_subpath, test_name,
        test_output_dir = test_input_dir if no_input_and_output_folder else TestHelper.get_actual_output_folder_path(test_subpath, test_name)

        cdm_corpus = CdmCorpusDefinition()

        def callback(level: CdmStatusLevel, message: str):
            TestHelper._fail_on_unexpected_failure(cdm_corpus, message, expected_codes)
        cdm_corpus.set_event_callback(callback, CdmStatusLevel.WARNING)

        cdm_corpus.storage.default_namespace = 'local'
        cdm_corpus.storage.mount('local', LocalAdapter(root=test_input_dir))
        cdm_corpus.storage.mount('output', LocalAdapter(root=test_output_dir))
        cdm_corpus.storage.mount('cdm', LocalAdapter(TestHelper.schema_documents_path))
        cdm_corpus.storage.mount('remote', RemoteAdapter(hosts={'contoso': 'http://contoso.com'}))

        return cdm_corpus
Пример #5
    def test_path_root_invalid_folder_path(self):
        """"Tests absolute paths cannot be created with wrong parameters.
        Checks behavior if FolderPath is invalid."""
        corpus = CdmCorpusDefinition()
        function_was_called = False
        function_parameter1 = CdmStatusLevel.INFO
        function_parameter2 = None

        def callback(status_level: CdmStatusLevel, message1: str):
            nonlocal function_was_called, function_parameter1, function_parameter2
            function_was_called = True
            function_parameter1 = status_level
            function_parameter2 = message1

        manifest = CdmManifestDefinition(None, None)

        manifest.namespace = 'cdm'
        manifest.folder_path = './Mnp'
        corpus.storage.create_absolute_corpus_path('Abc', manifest)
        self.assertEqual(CdmStatusLevel.ERROR, function_parameter1)
        self.assertTrue(function_parameter2.find('The path should not start with ./') != -1)

        function_was_called = False
        manifest.namespace = 'cdm'
        manifest.folder_path = '/./Mnp'
        corpus.storage.create_absolute_corpus_path('Abc', manifest)
        self.assertEqual(CdmStatusLevel.ERROR, function_parameter1)
        self.assertTrue(function_parameter2.find('The path should not contain /./') != -1)

        function_was_called = False
        manifest.namespace = 'cdm'
        manifest.folder_path = '../Mnp'
        corpus.storage.create_absolute_corpus_path('Abc', manifest)
        function_parameter2 = function_parameter2.split('|')[1].strip()
        self.assertEqual(CdmStatusLevel.ERROR, function_parameter1)
        self.assertTrue(function_parameter2.find('The path should not contain ../') != -1)

        function_was_called = False
        manifest.namespace = 'cdm'
        manifest.folder_path = 'Mnp/./Qrs'
        corpus.storage.create_absolute_corpus_path('Abc', manifest)
        function_parameter2 = function_parameter2.split('|')[1].strip()
        self.assertEqual(CdmStatusLevel.ERROR, function_parameter1)
        self.assertTrue(function_parameter2.find('The path should not contain /./') != -1)

        function_was_called = False
        manifest.namespace = 'cdm'
        manifest.folder_path = 'Mnp/../Qrs'
        corpus.storage.create_absolute_corpus_path('Abc', manifest)
        function_parameter2 = function_parameter2.split('|')[1].strip()
        self.assertEqual(CdmStatusLevel.ERROR, function_parameter1)
        self.assertTrue(function_parameter2.find('The path should not contain ../') != -1)
Пример #6
    def test_path_root_invalid_object_path(self):
        """Tests absolute paths cannot be created with wrong parameters.
        Checks behavior if objectPath is invalid."""
        corpus = CdmCorpusDefinition()
        function_was_called = False
        function_parameter1 = CdmStatusLevel.INFO
        function_parameter2 = None

        def callback(status_level: CdmStatusLevel, message1: str):
            nonlocal function_was_called, function_parameter1, function_parameter2
            function_was_called = True
            function_parameter1 = status_level
            function_parameter2 = message1


        self.assertEqual(CdmStatusLevel.ERROR, function_parameter1)
            function_parameter2.find('The path should not start with ./') != -1
        function_was_called = False

        self.assertEqual(CdmStatusLevel.ERROR, function_parameter1)
            function_parameter2.find('The path should not contain /./') != -1)
        function_was_called = False

        self.assertEqual(CdmStatusLevel.ERROR, function_parameter1)
            function_parameter2.find('The path should not contain ../') != -1)
        function_was_called = False

        self.assertEqual(CdmStatusLevel.ERROR, function_parameter1)
            function_parameter2.find('The path should not contain /./') != -1)
        function_was_called = False

        self.assertEqual(CdmStatusLevel.ERROR, function_parameter1)
            function_parameter2.find('The path should not contain ../') != -1)
    def test_entity_attribute_source(self):
        """Tests if not setting the projection "source" on an entity attribute triggers an error log"""

        corpus = CdmCorpusDefinition()
        error_count = 0

        def callback(level: 'CdmStatusLevel', message: str):
            nonlocal error_count
            error_count += 1

        corpus.set_event_callback(callback, CdmStatusLevel.ERROR)
        projection = CdmProjection(corpus.ctx)
        entity_attribute = CdmEntityAttributeDefinition(
            corpus.ctx, 'attribute')
        entity_attribute.entity = CdmEntityReference(corpus.ctx, projection,

        # First case, a projection without source.
        self.assertEqual(1, error_count)
        error_count = 0

        # Second case, a projection with a nested projection.
        inner_projection = CdmProjection(corpus.ctx)
        projection.source = CdmEntityReference(corpus.ctx, inner_projection,
        self.assertEqual(1, error_count)
        error_count = 0

        # Third case, a projection with an explicit entity definition.
        inner_projection.source = CdmEntityReference(
            corpus.ctx, CdmEntityDefinition(corpus.ctx, 'Entity'), False)
        self.assertEqual(0, error_count)

        # Third case, a projection with a named reference.
        inner_projection.source = CdmEntityReference(corpus.ctx, 'Entity',
        self.assertEqual(0, error_count)
Пример #8
    async def test_avoid_retry_codes(self):
        """Tests if the adapter won't retry if a HttpStatusCode response with a code in AvoidRetryCodes is received."""
        adls_adapter = AdlsTestHelper.create_adapter_with_shared_key()
        adls_adapter.number_of_retries = 3

        corpus = CdmCorpusDefinition()
        corpus.storage.mount('adls', adls_adapter)
        count = 0

        def callback(status, message: str):
            nonlocal count
            if message.find('Response for request ') != -1:
                count += 1

        corpus.set_event_callback(callback, CdmStatusLevel.PROGRESS)

        await corpus.fetch_object_async('adls:/inexistentFile.cdm.json')  # type: CdmDocumentDefinition

        self.assertEqual(1, count)
Пример #9
#  1. The OM library is available in the execution scope of this sample
#  2. The model_json_root constant points to the location of the model.json file
#  3. ADLSg2 adapter configuration is updated according to your env setup
#  4. The partition location in model.json file is specifying the same ADLSg2 account and file-system settings
#  5. Ensure the Azure user object is assigned "Storage Blob Data Contributor" role in the ADLSg2 access management page
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

model_json_root = './4-read-local-save-adls/sample-data'

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Instantiate corpus and set it to use default namespace 'adls'

corpus = CdmCorpusDefinition()

# set callback to receive error and warning logs.
corpus.set_event_callback(event_callback, CdmStatusLevel.WARNING)
corpus.default_namespace = 'local'

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set up a local, remote and adls adapters
# Fake cdm, normaly use the CDM Standards adapter
# Mount it as the 'cdm' device, not the default so must use "cdm:/folder" to get there
        root=os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, '../../example-public-standards')))

corpus.storage.mount('local', LocalAdapter(root=model_json_root))
# Example how to mount to the ADLS - make sure the hostname and root entered here are also changed
# in the example.model.json file we load in the next section
Пример #10
async def main():
    # Make a corpus, the corpus is the collection of all documents and folders created or discovered while navigating
    # objects and paths.
    cdm_corpus = CdmCorpusDefinition()

    # set callback to receive error and warning logs.
    cdm_corpus.set_event_callback(event_callback, CdmStatusLevel.WARNING)

    print('Configure storage adapters')
        'local', LocalAdapter(root=os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, '../sample-data')))

    # Local is our default. So any paths that start out navigating without a device tag will assume local.
    cdm_corpus.storage.default_namespace = 'local'

    # Fake cdm, normally use the CDM Standards adapter.
            root=os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, '../../example-public-standards')))

    # This sample is going to simulate the steps a tool would follow in order to create a new manifest document in some user
    # Storage folder when the shapes of the entities in that folder are all taken from some public standards with no
    # extensions or additions
    # The steps are:
    # 1. Create a temporary 'manifest' object at the root of the corpus that contains a list of the selected entities.
    # 2. Each selected entity points at an 'abstract' schema defintion in the public standards. These entity docs are too
    #    hard to deal with because of abstractions and inheritence, etc. So to make things concrete, we want to make a
    #    'resolved' version of each entity doc in our local folder. To do this, we call create_resolved_manifest on our
    #    starting manifest. this will resolve everything and find all of the relationships between entities for us.
    # 3. Save the new documents.

    print('Make placeholder manifest')

    # Make the temp manifest and add it to the root of the local documents in the corpus.
    manifest_abstract = cdm_corpus.make_object(
        'temp_abstract')  # type: CdmManifestDefinition

    # Add each declaration, this example is about medical appointments and care plans

    # Add the temp manifest to the root of the local documents in the corpus.
    local_root = cdm_corpus.storage.fetch_root_folder('local')

    # Create the resolved version of everything in the root folder too.
    print('Resolve the placeholder')
    manifest_resolved = await manifest_abstract.create_resolved_manifest_async(
        'default', '')

    # Add an import to the foundations doc so the traits about partitons will resolve nicely.
    manifest_resolved.imports.append('cdm:/foundations.cdm.json', '')

    print('Save the documents')
    for e_def in manifest_resolved.entities:
        # Get the entity being pointed at.
        local_e_def = cast(CdmLocalEntityDeclarationDefinition, e_def)
        # Turns a relative path from manifest_resolved into an absolute path.
        ent_def = cast(
            CdmEntityDefinition, await
        # Make a fake partition, just to demo that.
        part = cdm_corpus.make_object(
            CdmObjectType.DATA_PARTITION_DEF, '{}-data-description'.format(
                ent_def.entity_name))  # type: CdmDataPartitionDefinition
        part.explanation = 'not real data, just for demo'
        # Define the location of the partition, relative to the manifest
        local_location = 'local:/{}/partition-data.csv'.format(
        part.location = cdm_corpus.storage.create_relative_corpus_path(
            local_location, manifest_resolved)
        # Add trait to partition for csv params.
        csv_trait = part.exhibits_traits.append('is.partition.format.CSV',
        csv_trait.arguments.append('columnHeaders', 'true')
        csv_trait.arguments.append('delimiter', ',')

        # Get the actual location of the partition file from the corpus.
        part_path = cdm_corpus.storage.corpus_path_to_adapter_path(

        # Make a fake file with nothing but header for columns.
        header = ','.join([att.name for att in ent_def.attributes])

        with open(part_path, 'w') as file:

    await manifest_resolved.save_as_async(
        '{}.manifest.cdm.json'.format(manifest_resolved.manifest_name), True)
Пример #11
async def logical_manipulation_using_projections():
    '''This sample demonstrates how to model a set of common scenarios using projections. 
    The projections feature provides a way to customize the definition of a logical entity by influencing how the entity is resolved by the object model.
    Here we will model three common use cases for using projections that are associated with the directives 'referenceOnly', 'structured' and 'normalized'.
    A single logical definition can be resolved into multiple physical layouts. The directives are used to instruct the ObjectModel about how it should to
    resolve the logical definition provided. To achieve this, we define projections that run conditionally, depending on the directives provided when
    calling create_resolved_entity_async.
    To get an overview of the projections feature as well as all of the supported operations refer to the link below.

    # Make a corpus, the corpus is the collection of all documents and folders created or discovered while navigating objects and paths
    corpus = CdmCorpusDefinition()

    # set callback to receive error and warning logs.
    corpus.set_event_callback(event_callback, CdmStatusLevel.WARNING)

    print('Configure storage adapters')

    # Configure storage adapters to point at the target local manifest location and at the fake public standards
    path_from_exe_to_example_root = '../../'

    corpus.storage.mount('local', LocalAdapter(path_from_exe_to_example_root + '8-logical-manipulation-using-projections/sample-data'))
    corpus.storage.default_namespace = 'local' # local is our default. so any paths that start out navigating without a device tag will assume local

    # Fake cdm, normaly use the CDM Standards adapter
    # Mount it as the 'cdm' device, not the default so must use 'cdm:/folder' to get there
    corpus.storage.mount('cdm', LocalAdapter(path_from_exe_to_example_root + 'example-public-standards'))

    print('Create logical entity definition.')

    logical_folder = await corpus.fetch_object_async('local:/')  # type: CdmFolderDefinition
    logical_doc = logical_folder.documents.append('Person.cdm.json')

    entity = logical_doc.definitions.append('Person')  # type: CdmEntityDefinition

    # Add 'name' data typed attribute.
    name_attr = entity.attributes.append('name')  # type: CdmTypeAttributeDefinition
    name_attr.data_type = CdmDataTypeReference(corpus.ctx, 'string', True)

    # Add 'age' data typed attribute.
    age_attr = entity.attributes.append('age')  # type: CdmTypeAttributeDefinition
    age_attr.data_type = CdmDataTypeReference(corpus.ctx, 'string', True)

    # Add 'address' entity typed attribute.
    entity_attr = CdmEntityAttributeDefinition(corpus.ctx, 'address')
    entity_attr.entity = CdmEntityReference(corpus.ctx, 'Address', True)
    apply_array_expansion(entity_attr, 1, 3, '{m}{A}{o}', 'countAttribute')
    apply_default_behavior(entity_attr, 'addressFK', 'address')


    # Add 'email' data typed attribute.
    email_attr = entity.attributes.append('email')  # type: CdmTypeAttributeDefinition
    email_attr.data_type = CdmDataTypeReference(corpus.ctx, 'string', True)

    # Save the logical definition of Person.
    await entity.in_document.save_as_async('Person.cdm.json')

    print('Get \'resolved\' folder where the resolved entities will be saved.')

    resolved_folder = await corpus.fetch_object_async('local:/resolved/')  # type: CdmFolderDefinition

    res_opt = ResolveOptions(entity)

    # To get more information about directives and their meaning refer to 
    # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/common-data-model/sdk/convert-logical-entities-resolved-entities#directives-guidance-and-the-resulting-resolved-shapes

    # We will start by resolving this entity with the 'normalized' direcitve. 
    # This directive will be used on this and the next two examples so we can analize the resolved entity
    # without the array expansion.
    print('Resolving logical entity with normalized directive.')
    res_opt.directives = AttributeResolutionDirectiveSet({ 'normalized' })
    res_normalized_entity = await entity.create_resolved_entity_async(f'normalized_{entity.entity_name}', res_opt, resolved_folder)
    await res_normalized_entity.in_document.save_as_async(f'{res_normalized_entity.entity_name}.cdm.json')

    # Another common scenario is to resolve an entity using the 'referenceOnly' directive. 
    # This directives is used to replace the relationships with a foreign key.
    print('Resolving logical entity with referenceOnly directive.')
    res_opt.directives = AttributeResolutionDirectiveSet({ 'normalized', 'referenceOnly' })
    res_reference_only_entity = await entity.create_resolved_entity_async(f'referenceOnly_{entity.entity_name}', res_opt, resolved_folder)
    await res_reference_only_entity.in_document.save_as_async(f'{res_reference_only_entity.entity_name}.cdm.json')

    # When dealing with structured data, like Json or parquet, it sometimes necessary to represent the idea that 
    # a property can hold a complex object. The shape of the complex object is defined by the source entity pointed by the 
    # entity attribute and we use the 'structured' directive to resolve the entity attribute as an attribute group.
    print('Resolving logical entity with structured directive.')
    res_opt.directives = AttributeResolutionDirectiveSet({ 'normalized', 'structured' })
    res_structured_entity = await entity.create_resolved_entity_async(f'structured_{entity.entity_name}', res_opt, resolved_folder)
    await res_structured_entity.in_document.save_as_async(f'{res_structured_entity.entity_name}.cdm.json')

    # Now let us remove the 'normalized' directive so the array expansion operation can run.
    print('Resolving logical entity without directives (array expansion).')
    res_opt.directives = AttributeResolutionDirectiveSet({ })
    res_array_entity = await entity.create_resolved_entity_async(f'array_expansion_{entity.entity_name}', res_opt, resolved_folder)
    await res_array_entity.in_document.save_as_async(f'{res_array_entity.entity_name}.cdm.json')