Пример #1
def get_cdr_mail_report(user):
    General function to get previous day CDR report
    # Get yesterday's CDR-Stats Mail Report
    yesterday = date.today() - timedelta(1)
    start_date = trunc_date_start(yesterday)
    end_date = trunc_date_end(yesterday)

    # Build filter for CDR.object
    kwargs = {}
    if start_date:
        kwargs['starting_date__gte'] = start_date

    if end_date:
        kwargs['starting_date__lte'] = end_date

    # user are restricted to their own CDRs
    if not user.is_superuser:
        kwargs['user_id'] = user.id

    cdrs = CDR.objects.filter(**kwargs)[:10]

    # Get list of calls/duration for each of the last 24 hours
    (calls_hour_aggr, total_calls, total_duration, total_billsec,
     total_sell_cost) = custom_sql_matv_voip_cdr_aggr_last24hours(user,

    # Get top 5 of country calls for last 24 hours
    country_data = custom_sql_aggr_top_country_last24hours(user,

    # Get top 10 of hangup cause calls for last 24 hours
    hangup_cause_data = custom_sql_aggr_top_hangup_last24hours(user,

    # Calculate the Average Time of Call
    metric_aggr = calculate_act_acd(total_calls, total_duration)

    mail_data = {
        'yesterday_date': start_date,
        'rows': cdrs,
        'total_duration': total_duration,
        'total_calls': total_calls,
        'total_buy_cost': total_buy_cost,
        'total_sell_cost': total_sell_cost,
        'metric_aggr': metric_aggr,
        'country_data': country_data,
        'hangup_cause_data': hangup_cause_data,
    return mail_data
Пример #2
def get_cdr_mail_report(user):
    General function to get previous day CDR report
    # Get yesterday's CDR-Stats Mail Report
    yesterday = date.today() - timedelta(1)
    start_date = trunc_date_start(yesterday)
    end_date = trunc_date_end(yesterday)

    # Build filter for CDR.object
    kwargs = {}
    if start_date:
        kwargs['starting_date__gte'] = start_date

    if end_date:
        kwargs['starting_date__lte'] = end_date

    # user are restricted to their own CDRs
    if not user.is_superuser:
        kwargs['user_id'] = user.id

    cdrs = CDR.objects.filter(**kwargs)[:10]

    # Get list of calls/duration for each of the last 24 hours
    (calls_hour_aggr, total_calls, total_duration, total_billsec, total_buy_cost, total_sell_cost) = custom_sql_matv_voip_cdr_aggr_last24hours(user, switch_id=0)

    # Get top 5 of country calls for last 24 hours
    country_data = custom_sql_aggr_top_country_last24hours(user, switch_id=0, limit=5)

    # Get top 10 of hangup cause calls for last 24 hours
    hangup_cause_data = custom_sql_aggr_top_hangup_last24hours(user, switch_id=0)

    # Calculate the Average Time of Call
    metric_aggr = calculate_act_acd(total_calls, total_duration)

    mail_data = {
        'yesterday_date': start_date,
        'rows': cdrs,
        'total_duration': total_duration,
        'total_calls': total_calls,
        'total_buy_cost': total_buy_cost,
        'total_sell_cost': total_sell_cost,
        'metric_aggr': metric_aggr,
        'country_data': country_data,
        'hangup_cause_data': hangup_cause_data,
    return mail_data
Пример #3
def cdr_country_report(request):
    """CDR country report


        * ``template`` - cdr/country_report.html
        * ``form`` - CountryReportForm

    **Logic Description**:

        Retrieve call records from Postgresql for all countries
        and create reporting information for those countries
    metric = 'nbcalls'
    tday = datetime.today()

    switch_id = 0
    hourly_charttype = "lineWithFocusChart"
    hourly_chartdata = {'x': []}
    country_id_list = []
    total_metric = 0

    # assign initial value in form fields
    form = CountryReportForm(request.POST or None,
                             initial={'from_date': tday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d 00:00'),
                                    'to_date': tday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d 23:55'),
                                    'switch_id': switch_id})

    start_date = trunc_date_start(tday)
    end_date = trunc_date_end(tday)

    if form.is_valid():
        from_date = getvar(request, 'from_date')
        to_date = getvar(request, 'to_date')
        start_date = trunc_date_start(from_date)
        end_date = trunc_date_end(to_date)
        switch_id = getvar(request, 'switch_id')
        metric = getvar(request, 'metric')
        country_id = form.cleaned_data['country_id']
        # convert list value in int
        country_id_list = [int(row) for row in country_id]
        # handle 0 (All) selection
        if 0 in country_id_list:
            country_id_list = []

    # check metric is valid
    if metric not in ['nbcalls', 'duration', 'billsec', 'buy_cost', 'sell_cost']:
        metric = 'nbcalls'

    hourly_data = get_report_cdr_per_country(request.user, 'hour', start_date, end_date, switch_id, country_id_list)

    extra_serie = {
        "tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " " + metric},
        "date_format": "%d %b %y %H:%M%p"
    for country in hourly_data[metric]["columns"]:
        hourly_chartdata['x'] = hourly_data[metric]["x_timestamp"]
        country_name = get_country_name(int(country)).encode('utf-8')
        hourly_chartdata['name' + str(country)] = country_name.decode('ascii', 'ignore').replace("'", " ")
        hourly_chartdata['y' + str(country)] = hourly_data[metric]["values"][str(country)]
        hourly_chartdata['extra' + str(country)] = extra_serie

    total_calls = hourly_data["nbcalls"]["total"]
    total_duration = hourly_data["duration"]["total"]
    total_billsec = hourly_data["billsec"]["total"]
    total_buy_cost = hourly_data["buy_cost"]["total"]
    total_sell_cost = hourly_data["sell_cost"]["total"]

    # Calculate the Average Time of Call
    metric_aggr = calculate_act_acd(total_calls, total_duration)

    # Get top 10 of country calls
    top_country = 10
    country_data = custom_sql_aggr_top_country(request.user, switch_id, top_country, start_date, end_date)

    # Build pie chart data for last 24h calls per country
    (xdata, ydata) = ([], [])
    for country in country_data:
        ydata.append(percentage(country["nbcalls"], total_calls))

    color_list = ['#FFC36C', '#FFFF9D', '#BEEB9F', '#79BD8F', '#FFB391',
        '#58A6A6', '#86BF30', '#F2D022', '#D9AA1E', '#D98236']

    extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " %"}, "color_list": color_list}
    country_analytic_chartdata = {'x': xdata, 'y1': ydata, 'extra1': extra_serie}
    country_analytic_charttype = "pieChart"

    country_extra = {
        'x_is_date': False,
        'x_axis_format': '',
        'tag_script_js': True,
        'jquery_on_ready': True,

    data = {
        'action': 'tabs-1',
        'total_metric': total_metric,
        'start_date': start_date,
        'end_date': end_date,
        'metric': metric,
        'form': form,
        'NUM_COUNTRY': settings.NUM_COUNTRY,
        'hourly_charttype': hourly_charttype,
        'hourly_chartdata': hourly_chartdata,
        'hourly_chartcontainer': 'hourly_container',
        'hourly_extra': {
            'x_is_date': True,
            'x_axis_format': '%d %b %Y',
            'tag_script_js': True,
            'jquery_on_ready': False,
        'total_calls': total_calls,
        'total_duration': total_duration,
        'total_billsec': total_billsec,
        'total_buy_cost': total_buy_cost,
        'total_sell_cost': total_sell_cost,
        'metric_aggr': metric_aggr,
        'country_data': country_data,

        'country_analytic_charttype': country_analytic_charttype,
        'country_analytic_chartdata': country_analytic_chartdata,
        'country_chartcontainer': 'country_piechart_container',
        'country_extra': country_extra,
        'top_country': top_country,
    return render_to_response('cdr/country_report.html', data, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Пример #4
def cdr_overview(request):
    """CDR graph by hourly/daily/monthly basis


        * ``template`` - cdr/overview.html
        * ``form`` - CdrOverviewForm

    **Logic Description**:

        Get Call records from Postgresql table and build
        all monthly, daily, hourly analytics
    # initialize variables
    hourly_charttype = "lineWithFocusChart"
    daily_charttype = "lineWithFocusChart"
    hourly_chartdata = {'x': []}
    daily_chartdata = {'x': []}
    metric = 'nbcalls'  # Default metric

    action = 'tabs-1'
    tday = datetime.today()
    switch_id = 0
    # assign initial value in form fields
    form = CdrOverviewForm(request.POST or None,
                           initial={'from_date': tday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d 00:00'),
                                    'to_date': tday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d 23:55'),
                                    'switch_id': switch_id})
    start_date = trunc_date_start(tday)
    end_date = trunc_date_end(tday)
    if form.is_valid():
        from_date = getvar(request, 'from_date')
        to_date = getvar(request, 'to_date')
        start_date = trunc_date_start(from_date)
        end_date = trunc_date_end(to_date)
        switch_id = getvar(request, 'switch_id')
        metric = getvar(request, 'metric')

    # get the number of hour that diff the date
    delta = end_date - start_date
    hour_diff = abs(divmod(delta.days * 86400 + delta.seconds, 60)[0]) / 60
    if hour_diff <= 72:
        display_chart = 'hourly'
        display_chart = 'daily'

    # check metric is valid
    if metric not in ['nbcalls', 'duration', 'billsec', 'buy_cost', 'sell_cost']:
        metric = 'nbcalls'

    extra_serie = {
        "tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " " + metric},
        "date_format": "%d %b %y %H:%M%p"

    if display_chart == 'hourly':
        hourly_data = get_report_cdr_per_switch(request.user, 'hour', start_date, end_date, switch_id)

        for switch in hourly_data[metric]["columns"]:
            hourly_chartdata['x'] = hourly_data[metric]["x_timestamp"]
            hourly_chartdata['name' + str(switch)] = get_switch_ip_addr(switch)
            hourly_chartdata['y' + str(switch)] = hourly_data[metric]["values"][str(switch)]
            hourly_chartdata['extra' + str(switch)] = extra_serie

        total_calls = hourly_data["nbcalls"]["total"]
        total_duration = hourly_data["duration"]["total"]
        total_billsec = hourly_data["billsec"]["total"]
        total_buy_cost = hourly_data["buy_cost"]["total"]
        total_sell_cost = hourly_data["sell_cost"]["total"]

    elif display_chart == 'daily':
        daily_data = get_report_cdr_per_switch(request.user, 'day', start_date, end_date, switch_id)

        for switch in daily_data[metric]["columns"]:
            daily_chartdata['x'] = daily_data[metric]["x_timestamp"]
            daily_chartdata['name' + str(switch)] = get_switch_ip_addr(switch)
            daily_chartdata['y' + str(switch)] = daily_data[metric]["values"][str(switch)]
            daily_chartdata['extra' + str(switch)] = extra_serie

        total_calls = daily_data["nbcalls"]["total"]
        total_duration = daily_data["duration"]["total"]
        total_billsec = daily_data["billsec"]["total"]
        total_buy_cost = daily_data["buy_cost"]["total"]
        total_sell_cost = daily_data["sell_cost"]["total"]

    # Calculate the Average Time of Call
    metric_aggr = calculate_act_acd(total_calls, total_duration)

    # Get top 10 of country calls
    country_data = custom_sql_aggr_top_country(request.user, switch_id, 10, start_date, end_date)

    variables = {
        'action': action,
        'form': form,
        'display_chart': display_chart,
        'start_date': start_date,
        'end_date': end_date,
        'metric': metric,
        'hourly_chartdata': hourly_chartdata,
        'hourly_charttype': hourly_charttype,
        'hourly_chartcontainer': 'hourly_container',
        'hourly_extra': {
            'x_is_date': True,
            'x_axis_format': '%d %b %y %H%p',
            'tag_script_js': True,
            'jquery_on_ready': True,
        'daily_chartdata': daily_chartdata,
        'daily_charttype': daily_charttype,
        'daily_chartcontainer': 'daily_container',
        'daily_extra': {
            'x_is_date': True,
            'x_axis_format': '%d %b %Y',
            'tag_script_js': True,
            'jquery_on_ready': True,
        'total_calls': total_calls,
        'total_duration': total_duration,
        'total_billsec': total_billsec,
        'total_buy_cost': total_buy_cost,
        'total_sell_cost': total_sell_cost,
        'metric_aggr': metric_aggr,
        'country_data': country_data,
    return render_to_response('cdr/overview.html', variables, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Пример #5
def cdr_dashboard(request):
    """CDR dashboard on the last 24 hours


        * ``template`` - cdr/dashboard.html
        * ``form`` - SwitchForm

    **Logic Description**:

        Display calls aggregated information for the last 24hours, several report will be
        created and displayed such as hourly call report and hangup cause/country analytics.
    logging.debug('CDR dashboard view start')
    form = SwitchForm(request.POST or None)

    if form.is_valid():
        logging.debug('CDR dashboard view with search option')
        switch_id = int(getvar(request, 'switch_id'))
        switch_id = 0

    # Get list of calls/duration for each of the last 24 hours
    (calls_hour_aggr, total_calls, total_duration, total_billsec, total_buy_cost, total_sell_cost) = custom_sql_matv_voip_cdr_aggr_last24hours(request.user, switch_id)

    # Build chart data for last 24h calls
    (xdata, ydata, ydata2, ydata3, ydata4, ydata5) = ([], [], [], [], [], [])
    for i in calls_hour_aggr:
        start_time = (time.mktime(calls_hour_aggr[i]['calltime'].timetuple()) * 1000)

    tooltip_date = "%d %b %y %H:%M %p"
    extra_serie1 = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " calls"}, "date_format": tooltip_date}
    extra_serie2 = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " min"}, "date_format": tooltip_date}
    extra_serie3 = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " min"}, "date_format": tooltip_date}
    extra_serie4 = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": ""}, "date_format": tooltip_date}
    extra_serie5 = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": ""}, "date_format": tooltip_date}

    kwargs1 = {}
    kwargs1['bar'] = True

    final_chartdata = {
        'x': xdata,
        'name1': 'Calls', 'y1': ydata, 'extra1': extra_serie1, 'kwargs1': kwargs1,
        'name2': 'Duration', 'y2': ydata2, 'extra2': extra_serie2,
        'name3': 'Billsec', 'y3': ydata3, 'extra3': extra_serie3,
        'name4': 'Buy cost', 'y4': ydata4, 'extra4': extra_serie4,
        'name5': 'Sell cost', 'y5': ydata5, 'extra5': extra_serie5,
    final_charttype = "linePlusBarChart"

    # Get top 5 of country calls for last 24 hours
    country_data = custom_sql_aggr_top_country_last24hours(request.user, switch_id, limit=5)

    # Build pie chart data for last 24h calls per country
    (xdata, ydata) = ([], [])
    for country in country_data:
        ydata.append(percentage(country["nbcalls"], total_calls))

    color_list = ['#FFC36C', '#FFFF9D', '#BEEB9F', '#79BD8F', '#FFB391']
    extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " %"}, "color_list": color_list}
    country_analytic_chartdata = {'x': xdata, 'y1': ydata, 'extra1': extra_serie}
    country_analytic_charttype = "pieChart"

    country_extra = {
        'x_is_date': False,
        'x_axis_format': '',
        'tag_script_js': True,
        'jquery_on_ready': True,

    # Get top 10 of hangup cause calls for last 24 hours
    hangup_cause_data = custom_sql_aggr_top_hangup_last24hours(request.user, switch_id)

    # hangup analytic pie chart data
    (xdata, ydata) = ([], [])
    for hangup_cause in hangup_cause_data:
        ydata.append(str(percentage(hangup_cause["nbcalls"], total_calls)))

    color_list = ['#2A343F', '#7E8282', '#EA9664', '#30998F', '#449935']
    extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " %"}, "color_list": color_list}
    hangup_analytic_chartdata = {'x': xdata, 'y1': ydata, 'extra1': extra_serie}
    hangup_analytic_charttype = "pieChart"

    hangup_extra = country_extra

    logging.debug("Result calls_hour_aggr %d" % len(calls_hour_aggr))
    logging.debug("Result hangup_cause_data %d" % len(hangup_cause_data))
    logging.debug("Result country_data %d" % len(country_data))

    # Calculate the Average Time of Call
    metric_aggr = calculate_act_acd(total_calls, total_duration)

    final_extra = {
        'x_is_date': True,
        'x_axis_format': '%H:%M',
        # 'x_axis_format': '%d %b %Y',
        'tag_script_js': True,
        'jquery_on_ready': True,
        'focus_enable': True,

    logging.debug('CDR dashboard view end')
    variables = {
        'total_calls': total_calls,
        'total_duration': int_convert_to_minute(total_duration),
        'total_buy_cost': total_buy_cost,
        'total_sell_cost': total_sell_cost,
        'metric_aggr': metric_aggr,
        'country_data': country_data,
        'hangup_analytic': hangup_cause_data,
        'form': form,
        'final_chartdata': final_chartdata,
        'final_charttype': final_charttype,
        'final_chartcontainer': 'final_container',
        'final_extra': final_extra,
        'hangup_analytic_charttype': hangup_analytic_charttype,
        'hangup_analytic_chartdata': hangup_analytic_chartdata,
        'hangup_chartcontainer': 'hangup_piechart_container',
        'hangup_extra': hangup_extra,
        'country_analytic_charttype': country_analytic_charttype,
        'country_analytic_chartdata': country_analytic_chartdata,
        'country_chartcontainer': 'country_piechart_container',
        'country_extra': country_extra,
    return render_to_response('cdr/dashboard.html', variables, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Пример #6
def billing_report(request):
    """CDR billing graph by daily basis


        * ``template`` - voip_billing/billing_report.html
        * ``form`` - BillingReportForm

    **Logic Description**:

        Retrieve call records from PostgreSQL and build the
        daily billing analytics for given date range
    switch_id = 0
    tday = datetime.today()
    total_data = []
    charttype = "lineWithFocusChart"
    hourly_chartdata = {"x": []}

    form = BillingReportForm(request.POST or None,
                             initial={'from_date': tday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d 00:00'),
                                    'to_date': tday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d 23:55'),
                                    'switch_id': switch_id})
    start_date = trunc_date_start(tday)
    end_date = trunc_date_end(tday)

    if form.is_valid():
        from_date = getvar(request, 'from_date')
        to_date = getvar(request, 'to_date')
        start_date = trunc_date_start(from_date)
        end_date = trunc_date_end(to_date)
        switch_id = getvar(request, 'switch_id')

    metrics = ['buy_cost', 'sell_cost']

    hourly_data = get_report_cdr_per_switch(request.user, 'hour', start_date, end_date, switch_id)

    hourly_chartdata['x'] = hourly_data["nbcalls"]["x_timestamp"]

    i = 0
    for metric in metrics:
        extra_serie = {
            "tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " " + metric},
            "date_format": "%d %b %y %H:%M%p"
        for switch in hourly_data[metric]["columns"]:
            i = i + 1
            hourly_chartdata['name' + str(i)] = get_switch_ip_addr(switch) + "_" + metric
            hourly_chartdata['y' + str(i)] = hourly_data[metric]["values"][str(switch)]
            hourly_chartdata['extra' + str(i)] = extra_serie

    total_calls = hourly_data["nbcalls"]["total"]
    total_duration = hourly_data["duration"]["total"]
    total_billsec = hourly_data["billsec"]["total"]
    total_buy_cost = hourly_data["buy_cost"]["total"]
    total_sell_cost = hourly_data["sell_cost"]["total"]

    # Calculate the Average Time of Call
    metric_aggr = calculate_act_acd(total_calls, total_duration)

    # Get top 10 of country calls
    country_data = custom_sql_aggr_top_country(request.user, switch_id, 10, start_date, end_date)

    data = {
        'form': form,
        'total_data': total_data,
        'start_date': start_date,
        'end_date': end_date,
        'charttype': charttype,
        'chartdata': hourly_chartdata,
        'chartcontainer': 'chart_container',
        'extra': {
            'x_is_date': True,
            'x_axis_format': '%d %b %Y',
            'tag_script_js': True,
            'jquery_on_ready': True,
        'total_calls': total_calls,
        'total_duration': total_duration,
        'total_billsec': total_billsec,
        'total_buy_cost': total_buy_cost,
        'total_sell_cost': total_sell_cost,
        'metric_aggr': metric_aggr,
        'country_data': country_data,
    return render_to_response('voip_billing/billing_report.html',
Пример #7
def cdr_country_report(request):
    """CDR country report


        * ``template`` - cdr/country_report.html
        * ``form`` - CountryReportForm

    **Logic Description**:

        Retrieve call records from Postgresql for all countries
        and create reporting information for those countries
    metric = 'nbcalls'
    tday = datetime.today()

    switch_id = 0
    hourly_charttype = "lineWithFocusChart"
    hourly_chartdata = {'x': []}
    country_id_list = []
    total_metric = 0

    # assign initial value in form fields
    form = CountryReportForm(request.POST or None,
                             initial={'from_date': tday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d 00:00'),
                                    'to_date': tday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d 23:55'),
                                    'switch_id': switch_id})

    start_date = trunc_date_start(tday)
    end_date = trunc_date_end(tday)

    if form.is_valid():
        from_date = getvar(request, 'from_date')
        to_date = getvar(request, 'to_date')
        start_date = trunc_date_start(from_date)
        end_date = trunc_date_end(to_date)
        switch_id = getvar(request, 'switch_id')
        metric = getvar(request, 'metric')
        country_id = form.cleaned_data['country_id']
        # convert list value in int
        country_id_list = [int(row) for row in country_id]
        # handle 0 (All) selection
        if 0 in country_id_list:
            country_id_list = []

    # check metric is valid
    if metric not in ['nbcalls', 'duration', 'billsec', 'buy_cost', 'sell_cost']:
        metric = 'nbcalls'

    hourly_data = get_report_cdr_per_country(request.user, 'hour', start_date, end_date, switch_id, country_id_list)

    extra_serie = {
        "tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " " + metric},
        "date_format": "%d %b %y %H:%M%p"
    for country in hourly_data[metric]["columns"]:
        hourly_chartdata['x'] = hourly_data[metric]["x_timestamp"]
        country_name = get_country_name(int(country)).encode('utf-8')
        hourly_chartdata['name' + str(country)] = country_name.decode('ascii', 'ignore').replace("'", " ")
        hourly_chartdata['y' + str(country)] = hourly_data[metric]["values"][str(country)]
        hourly_chartdata['extra' + str(country)] = extra_serie

    total_calls = hourly_data["nbcalls"]["total"]
    total_duration = hourly_data["duration"]["total"]
    total_billsec = hourly_data["billsec"]["total"]
    total_buy_cost = hourly_data["buy_cost"]["total"]
    total_sell_cost = hourly_data["sell_cost"]["total"]

    # Calculate the Average Time of Call
    metric_aggr = calculate_act_acd(total_calls, total_duration)

    # Get top 10 of country calls
    top_country = 10
    country_data = custom_sql_aggr_top_country(request.user, switch_id, top_country, start_date, end_date)

    # Build pie chart data for last 24h calls per country
    (xdata, ydata) = ([], [])
    for country in country_data:
        ydata.append(percentage(country["nbcalls"], total_calls))

    color_list = ['#FFC36C', '#FFFF9D', '#BEEB9F', '#79BD8F', '#FFB391',
        '#58A6A6', '#86BF30', '#F2D022', '#D9AA1E', '#D98236']

    extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " %"}, "color_list": color_list}
    country_analytic_chartdata = {'x': xdata, 'y1': ydata, 'extra1': extra_serie}
    country_analytic_charttype = "pieChart"

    country_extra = {
        'x_is_date': False,
        'x_axis_format': '',
        'tag_script_js': True,
        'jquery_on_ready': True,

    data = {
        'action': 'tabs-1',
        'total_metric': total_metric,
        'start_date': start_date,
        'end_date': end_date,
        'metric': metric,
        'form': form,
        'NUM_COUNTRY': settings.NUM_COUNTRY,
        'hourly_charttype': hourly_charttype,
        'hourly_chartdata': hourly_chartdata,
        'hourly_chartcontainer': 'hourly_container',
        'hourly_extra': {
            'x_is_date': True,
            'x_axis_format': '%d %b %Y',
            'tag_script_js': True,
            'jquery_on_ready': False,
        'total_calls': total_calls,
        'total_duration': total_duration,
        'total_billsec': total_billsec,
        'total_buy_cost': total_buy_cost,
        'total_sell_cost': total_sell_cost,
        'metric_aggr': metric_aggr,
        'country_data': country_data,

        'country_analytic_charttype': country_analytic_charttype,
        'country_analytic_chartdata': country_analytic_chartdata,
        'country_chartcontainer': 'country_piechart_container',
        'country_extra': country_extra,
        'top_country': top_country,
    return render_to_response('cdr/country_report.html', data, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Пример #8
def cdr_overview(request):
    """CDR graph by hourly/daily/monthly basis


        * ``template`` - cdr/overview.html
        * ``form`` - CdrOverviewForm

    **Logic Description**:

        Get Call records from Postgresql table and build
        all monthly, daily, hourly analytics
    # initialize variables
    hourly_charttype = "lineWithFocusChart"
    daily_charttype = "lineWithFocusChart"
    hourly_chartdata = {'x': []}
    daily_chartdata = {'x': []}
    metric = 'nbcalls'  # Default metric

    action = 'tabs-1'
    tday = datetime.today()
    switch_id = 0
    # assign initial value in form fields
    form = CdrOverviewForm(request.POST or None,
                           initial={'from_date': tday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d 00:00'),
                                    'to_date': tday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d 23:55'),
                                    'switch_id': switch_id})
    start_date = trunc_date_start(tday)
    end_date = trunc_date_end(tday)
    if form.is_valid():
        from_date = getvar(request, 'from_date')
        to_date = getvar(request, 'to_date')
        start_date = trunc_date_start(from_date)
        end_date = trunc_date_end(to_date)
        switch_id = getvar(request, 'switch_id')
        metric = getvar(request, 'metric')

    # get the number of hour that diff the date
    delta = end_date - start_date
    hour_diff = abs(divmod(delta.days * 86400 + delta.seconds, 60)[0]) / 60
    if hour_diff <= 72:
        display_chart = 'hourly'
        display_chart = 'daily'

    # check metric is valid
    if metric not in ['nbcalls', 'duration', 'billsec', 'buy_cost', 'sell_cost']:
        metric = 'nbcalls'

    extra_serie = {
        "tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " " + metric},
        "date_format": "%d %b %y %H:%M%p"

    if display_chart == 'hourly':
        hourly_data = get_report_cdr_per_switch(request.user, 'hour', start_date, end_date, switch_id)

        for switch in hourly_data[metric]["columns"]:
            hourly_chartdata['x'] = hourly_data[metric]["x_timestamp"]
            hourly_chartdata['name' + str(switch)] = get_switch_ip_addr(switch)
            hourly_chartdata['y' + str(switch)] = hourly_data[metric]["values"][str(switch)]
            hourly_chartdata['extra' + str(switch)] = extra_serie

        total_calls = hourly_data["nbcalls"]["total"]
        total_duration = hourly_data["duration"]["total"]
        total_billsec = hourly_data["billsec"]["total"]
        total_buy_cost = hourly_data["buy_cost"]["total"]
        total_sell_cost = hourly_data["sell_cost"]["total"]

    elif display_chart == 'daily':
        daily_data = get_report_cdr_per_switch(request.user, 'day', start_date, end_date, switch_id)

        for switch in daily_data[metric]["columns"]:
            daily_chartdata['x'] = daily_data[metric]["x_timestamp"]
            daily_chartdata['name' + str(switch)] = get_switch_ip_addr(switch)
            daily_chartdata['y' + str(switch)] = daily_data[metric]["values"][str(switch)]
            daily_chartdata['extra' + str(switch)] = extra_serie

        total_calls = daily_data["nbcalls"]["total"]
        total_duration = daily_data["duration"]["total"]
        total_billsec = daily_data["billsec"]["total"]
        total_buy_cost = daily_data["buy_cost"]["total"]
        total_sell_cost = daily_data["sell_cost"]["total"]

    # Calculate the Average Time of Call
    metric_aggr = calculate_act_acd(total_calls, total_duration)

    # Get top 10 of country calls
    country_data = custom_sql_aggr_top_country(request.user, switch_id, 10, start_date, end_date)

    variables = {
        'action': action,
        'form': form,
        'display_chart': display_chart,
        'start_date': start_date,
        'end_date': end_date,
        'metric': metric,
        'hourly_chartdata': hourly_chartdata,
        'hourly_charttype': hourly_charttype,
        'hourly_chartcontainer': 'hourly_container',
        'hourly_extra': {
            'x_is_date': True,
            'x_axis_format': '%d %b %y %H%p',
            'tag_script_js': True,
            'jquery_on_ready': True,
        'daily_chartdata': daily_chartdata,
        'daily_charttype': daily_charttype,
        'daily_chartcontainer': 'daily_container',
        'daily_extra': {
            'x_is_date': True,
            'x_axis_format': '%d %b %Y',
            'tag_script_js': True,
            'jquery_on_ready': True,
        'total_calls': total_calls,
        'total_duration': total_duration,
        'total_billsec': total_billsec,
        'total_buy_cost': total_buy_cost,
        'total_sell_cost': total_sell_cost,
        'metric_aggr': metric_aggr,
        'country_data': country_data,
    return render_to_response('cdr/overview.html', variables, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Пример #9
def cdr_dashboard(request):
    """CDR dashboard on the last 24 hours


        * ``template`` - cdr/dashboard.html
        * ``form`` - SwitchForm

    **Logic Description**:

        Display calls aggregated information for the last 24hours, several report will be
        created and displayed such as hourly call report and hangup cause/country analytics.
    logging.debug('CDR dashboard view start')
    form = SwitchForm(request.POST or None)

    if form.is_valid():
        logging.debug('CDR dashboard view with search option')
        switch_id = int(getvar(request, 'switch_id'))
        switch_id = 0

    # Get list of calls/duration for each of the last 24 hours
    (calls_hour_aggr, total_calls, total_duration, total_billsec, total_buy_cost, total_sell_cost) = custom_sql_matv_voip_cdr_aggr_last24hours(request.user, switch_id)

    # Build chart data for last 24h calls
    (xdata, ydata, ydata2, ydata3, ydata4, ydata5) = ([], [], [], [], [], [])
    for i in calls_hour_aggr:
        start_time = (time.mktime(calls_hour_aggr[i]['calltime'].timetuple()) * 1000)

    tooltip_date = "%d %b %y %H:%M %p"
    extra_serie1 = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " calls"}, "date_format": tooltip_date}
    extra_serie2 = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " min"}, "date_format": tooltip_date}
    extra_serie3 = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " min"}, "date_format": tooltip_date}
    extra_serie4 = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": ""}, "date_format": tooltip_date}
    extra_serie5 = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": ""}, "date_format": tooltip_date}

    kwargs1 = {}
    kwargs1['bar'] = True

    final_chartdata = {
        'x': xdata,
        'name1': 'Calls', 'y1': ydata, 'extra1': extra_serie1, 'kwargs1': kwargs1,
        'name2': 'Duration', 'y2': ydata2, 'extra2': extra_serie2,
        'name3': 'Billsec', 'y3': ydata3, 'extra3': extra_serie3,
        'name4': 'Buy cost', 'y4': ydata4, 'extra4': extra_serie4,
        'name5': 'Sell cost', 'y5': ydata5, 'extra5': extra_serie5,
    final_charttype = "linePlusBarChart"

    # Get top 5 of country calls for last 24 hours
    country_data = custom_sql_aggr_top_country_last24hours(request.user, switch_id, limit=5)

    # Build pie chart data for last 24h calls per country
    (xdata, ydata) = ([], [])
    for country in country_data:
        ydata.append(percentage(country["nbcalls"], total_calls))

    color_list = ['#FFC36C', '#FFFF9D', '#BEEB9F', '#79BD8F', '#FFB391']
    extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " %"}, "color_list": color_list}
    country_analytic_chartdata = {'x': xdata, 'y1': ydata, 'extra1': extra_serie}
    country_analytic_charttype = "pieChart"

    country_extra = {
        'x_is_date': False,
        'x_axis_format': '',
        'tag_script_js': True,
        'jquery_on_ready': True,

    # Get top 10 of hangup cause calls for last 24 hours
    hangup_cause_data = custom_sql_aggr_top_hangup_last24hours(request.user, switch_id)

    # hangup analytic pie chart data
    (xdata, ydata) = ([], [])
    for hangup_cause in hangup_cause_data:
        ydata.append(str(percentage(hangup_cause["nbcalls"], total_calls)))

    color_list = ['#2A343F', '#7E8282', '#EA9664', '#30998F', '#449935']
    extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " %"}, "color_list": color_list}
    hangup_analytic_chartdata = {'x': xdata, 'y1': ydata, 'extra1': extra_serie}
    hangup_analytic_charttype = "pieChart"

    hangup_extra = country_extra

    logging.debug("Result calls_hour_aggr %d" % len(calls_hour_aggr))
    logging.debug("Result hangup_cause_data %d" % len(hangup_cause_data))
    logging.debug("Result country_data %d" % len(country_data))

    # Calculate the Average Time of Call
    metric_aggr = calculate_act_acd(total_calls, total_duration)

    final_extra = {
        'x_is_date': True,
        'x_axis_format': '%H:%M',
        # 'x_axis_format': '%d %b %Y',
        'tag_script_js': True,
        'jquery_on_ready': True,
        'focus_enable': True,

    logging.debug('CDR dashboard view end')
    variables = {
        'total_calls': total_calls,
        'total_duration': int_convert_to_minute(total_duration),
        'total_buy_cost': total_buy_cost,
        'total_sell_cost': total_sell_cost,
        'metric_aggr': metric_aggr,
        'country_data': country_data,
        'hangup_analytic': hangup_cause_data,
        'form': form,
        'final_chartdata': final_chartdata,
        'final_charttype': final_charttype,
        'final_chartcontainer': 'final_container',
        'final_extra': final_extra,
        'hangup_analytic_charttype': hangup_analytic_charttype,
        'hangup_analytic_chartdata': hangup_analytic_chartdata,
        'hangup_chartcontainer': 'hangup_piechart_container',
        'hangup_extra': hangup_extra,
        'country_analytic_charttype': country_analytic_charttype,
        'country_analytic_chartdata': country_analytic_chartdata,
        'country_chartcontainer': 'country_piechart_container',
        'country_extra': country_extra,
    return render_to_response('cdr/dashboard.html', variables, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Пример #10
def billing_report(request):
    """CDR billing graph by daily basis


        * ``template`` - voip_billing/billing_report.html
        * ``form`` - BillingReportForm

    **Logic Description**:

        Retrieve call records from PostgreSQL and build the
        daily billing analytics for given date range
    switch_id = 0
    tday = datetime.today()
    total_data = []
    charttype = "lineWithFocusChart"
    hourly_chartdata = {"x": []}

    form = BillingReportForm(request.POST or None,
                                 'from_date': tday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d 00:00'),
                                 'to_date': tday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d 23:55'),
                                 'switch_id': switch_id
    start_date = trunc_date_start(tday)
    end_date = trunc_date_end(tday)

    if form.is_valid():
        from_date = getvar(request, 'from_date')
        to_date = getvar(request, 'to_date')
        start_date = trunc_date_start(from_date)
        end_date = trunc_date_end(to_date)
        switch_id = getvar(request, 'switch_id')

    metrics = ['buy_cost', 'sell_cost']

    hourly_data = get_report_cdr_per_switch(request.user, 'hour', start_date,
                                            end_date, switch_id)

    hourly_chartdata['x'] = hourly_data["nbcalls"]["x_timestamp"]

    i = 0
    for metric in metrics:
        extra_serie = {
            "tooltip": {
                "y_start": "",
                "y_end": " " + metric
            "date_format": "%d %b %y %H:%M%p"
        for switch in hourly_data[metric]["columns"]:
            i = i + 1
                'name' + str(i)] = get_switch_ip_addr(switch) + "_" + metric
            hourly_chartdata['y' + str(i)] = hourly_data[metric]["values"][str(
            hourly_chartdata['extra' + str(i)] = extra_serie

    total_calls = hourly_data["nbcalls"]["total"]
    total_duration = hourly_data["duration"]["total"]
    total_billsec = hourly_data["billsec"]["total"]
    total_buy_cost = hourly_data["buy_cost"]["total"]
    total_sell_cost = hourly_data["sell_cost"]["total"]

    # Calculate the Average Time of Call
    metric_aggr = calculate_act_acd(total_calls, total_duration)

    # Get top 10 of country calls
    country_data = custom_sql_aggr_top_country(request.user, switch_id, 10,
                                               start_date, end_date)

    data = {
        'form': form,
        'total_data': total_data,
        'start_date': start_date,
        'end_date': end_date,
        'charttype': charttype,
        'chartdata': hourly_chartdata,
        'chartcontainer': 'chart_container',
        'extra': {
            'x_is_date': True,
            'x_axis_format': '%d %b %Y',
            'tag_script_js': True,
            'jquery_on_ready': True,
        'total_calls': total_calls,
        'total_duration': total_duration,
        'total_billsec': total_billsec,
        'total_buy_cost': total_buy_cost,
        'total_sell_cost': total_sell_cost,
        'metric_aggr': metric_aggr,
        'country_data': country_data,
    return render_to_response('voip_billing/billing_report.html',