Пример #1
    def run(self):
        """Pick a dictionary class and load the terms."""

        started = datetime.now()
        if self.opts.get("tier") == "PROD" and not isProdHost():
            if not self.opts.get("auth"):
                pw = getpw("esadmin")
                if pw:
                    self.opts["auth"] = f"admin,{pw}"
        if self.dictionary == "glossary":
            loader = GlossaryLoader(**self.opts)
        elif self.dictionary == "drugs":
            loader = DrugLoader(**self.opts)
            raise Exception("no dictionary specified")
        tier = loader.tier
        host = loader.host
        subject = f"[{tier}] Load of {self.dictionary} dictionary to {host}"
            elapsed = datetime.now() - started
            message = f"Load completed in {elapsed}."
        except Exception as e:
            subject += " (FAILURE)"
            message = f"Job failed: {e}\nSee logs for further details."
        self.__notify(subject, message)
Пример #2
    def login(self):
        Create a CDR login session for adding/updating the documents.

        if self.opts.test:
            return None
        password = cdr.getpw(self.ACCOUNT)
        if not password:
            self.logger.error("account password not found")
        session = cdr.login(self.ACCOUNT, password)
        error = cdr.checkErr(session)
        if error:
        return session
Пример #3
 def __getCdrSession(self):
     rsp = str(cdr.login("cdrmailers", cdr.getpw("cdrmailers")))
     match = self.__ERR_PATTERN.search(rsp)
     if match:
         raise Exception("CDR login failure: %s" % match.group(1))
     self.__session = rsp
Пример #4
logger = Logging.get_logger("deploy", console=True)
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--directory", "-d", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--tier", "-t")
parser.add_argument("--session", "-s")
parser.add_argument("--group", "-g")
parser.add_argument("--name", "-n")
parser.add_argument("--verbose", "-v", action="store_true")
opts = parser.parse_args()
logger.info("installing from %s", opts.directory)
    if opts.session:
        session = opts.session
        password = getpw(ACCOUNT)
        session = login(ACCOUNT, password)
    cursor = db.connect(user="******", tier=opts.tier).cursor()
    directory = Path(opts.directory)
    update_opts = dict(tier=opts.tier)
    for path in directory.iterdir():
        if path.is_file():
            name = path.name
            parts = name.split(".")
            if len(parts) == 2:
                name, ext = parts
                if ext in EXTENSIONS:
                    parts = name.split("--")
                    if len(parts) == 2:
                        group, name = parts
                        if not opts.name or opts.name == name:
Пример #5
    def expireMeetingRecordings(self, testMode):
        This is a "Custom" routine that sweeps away MP3 format meeting
        recordings that have passed their useful life.  Implemented for
        JIRA Issue OCECDR-3886.

                True  = Don't actually delete any blobs, just report
                False = Update docs and delete blobs.
        cursor  = None
        session = None

        # Need a connection to the CDR Server
        session = cdr.login('FileSweeper', cdr.getpw('FileSweeper'))
        if not session:
            FS_LOGGER.error("FileSweeper login to CdrServer failed")
            # But no reason not to do the rest of the sweep

        # And a read-only connection to the database
            conn = db.connect()
            cursor = conn.cursor()
        except Exception as e:
            FS_LOGGER.exception("attempting DB connect")

            # But continue with the sweep
            cleanSession(cursor, session)

        # Today's SQL Server date
            cursor.execute("SELECT GETDATE()")
            now = cursor.fetchone()[0]
        except Exception as e:
            FS_LOGGER.exception("getting DB date")
            cleanSession(cursor, session)

        # Only want YYYY-MM-DD, not HMS
        nowDate = str(now)[:10]

        # Locate all Media documents linked to meeting recordings that
        #  are older than Oldest days.
        # This is done by checking for any ADD DOCUMENT transaction in the
        #  audit trail for one of the qualifying documents.  If any ADD was
        #  performed before the Oldest value, then there was a version of
        #  the meeting recording from before that date.
        # The Media doc must also be found in one of the ...blob_usage tables.
        #  If not, then any blob associated with it has already been deleted.
        isoFmt    = "%Y-%m-%d"
        earlyDate = \

        # DEBUG
        msg = "Looking for meeting recordings older than %s"
        FS_LOGGER.debug(msg, earlyDate)

        qry = """
        SELECT d.id, d.title
          FROM document d
          JOIN query_term qt
            ON qt.doc_id = d.id
          JOIN audit_trail at
            ON at.document = d.id
          JOIN action act
            ON act.id = at.action
         WHERE qt.path = '/Media/MediaContent/Categories/Category'
           AND qt.value = 'meeting recording'
           AND act.name = 'ADD DOCUMENT'
           AND at.dt <= '%s'
           AND (
              d.id IN ( SELECT doc_id FROM doc_blob_usage )
              d.id IN ( SELECT doc_id FROM version_blob_usage )
        """ % earlyDate

        # Read the info into memory
            rows = cursor.fetchall()
        except Exception as e:
            FS_LOGGER.exception("attempting to locate old blobs")
            cleanSession(cursor, session)

        # If there weren't any, that's normal and okay
        if len(rows) == 0:
            FS_LOGGER.info("No meeting recordings needed to be deleted")
            cleanSession(cursor, session)

        # Do we need to lock and load the docs for update?
        checkOut = 'Y'
        if testMode:
            checkOut = 'N'

        # We've got some to delete.
        # For each Media document:
        #  Send a transaction to the CDR Server to do the following:
        #   Add a ProcessingStatus to the Media document to say what happened
        #   Delete all of the blobs.
        for row in rows:

            docId, title = row

            # Fetch the original document
            # We'll do this even in test mode to test the xml mods
                docObj = cdr.getDoc(session, docId, checkout=checkOut,
            except Exception as e:
                FS_LOGGER.exception("attempting to fetch doc %d", docId)
                cleanSession(cursor, session)

            # Test for retrieval error, e.g., locked doc
            err = cdr.checkErr(docObj)
            if err:
                message = "Failed getDoc for CDR ID %s: %s, continuing"
                FS_LOGGER.error(message, docId, err)

            # Parse the xml preparatory to modifying it
            mediaRoot = et.fromstring(docObj.xml)

            # Create the new Comment field to record what we did
            # Make it the last subelement of the Media document element
            # It has to be there
            comment = et.SubElement(mediaRoot, 'Comment',
            comment.text = "Removed meeting recording object after expiration"

            # Back to serial XML
            newXml = et.tostring(mediaRoot)

            # If we're testing, just log what we would have done
            if testMode:
                # For log file
                actionMsg = 'would delete'

                # Send the doc back to the database:
                #  Wrapped in CdrDoc wrapper
                #  With command to delete all blobs
                actionMsg = 'deleted'
                saveXml  = cdr.makeCdrDoc(newXml, 'Media', docObj.id)
                response = cdr.repDoc(session, doc=saveXml,
                            comment='Removed meeting recording blobs',
                                      delAllBlobVersions=True, check_in=True)

                # Check response
                if not response[0]:
                     errors = cdr.getErrors(response[1], errorsExpected=True,
                     message = "Saving Media xml for doc %s: %s"
                     FS_LOGGER.error(message, docObj.id, errors)
                     FS_LOGGER.info("Aborting expireMeetingRecords()")

                     # Stop doing this, but continue rest of file sweeps.
                     cleanSession(cursor, session)

            # Log results for this media recording
            args = actionMsg, docId, title
            msg = "FileSweeper %s blobs for cdrId: %s\n%s"
            FS_LOGGER.info(msg, *args)

        # Cleanup
        cleanSession(cursor, session)
Пример #6
 def session(self):
     if not hasattr(self, "_session"):
         opts = dict(password=cdr.getpw("pdqcontent"))
         self._session = Session.create_session("pdqcontent", **opts)
     return self._session
Пример #7
# The performance of the publishing job has greatly improved allowing
# us to cancel a running job much sooner if it fails to finish.
# Optionally overriden below once we know the publishing subset.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
if cdr.isProdHost():
    waitTotal = 10800  #  3.0 hours
elif cdr.isDevHost():
    waitTotal = 10800  #  3.0 hours
    waitTotal = 14400  #  4.0 hours

testMode = None
fullMode = None

session = cdr.login("cdroperator", cdr.getpw("cdroperator"))
pubSystem = 'Primary'

pubEmail = cdr.getEmailList('Operator Publishing Notification')

# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Function to parse the command line arguments
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def parseArgs(args):
    # args = argv

    global testMode
    global fullMode
    global LOGGER