def __init__(self, *largs, **dargs): super(CefBrowser, self).__init__() self.url = dargs.get("url", "") self.keyboard_mode = dargs.get("keyboard_mode", "local") self.resources_dir = dargs.get("resources_dir", "") self.keyboard_above_classes = dargs.get("keyboard_above_classes", []) switches = dargs.get("switches", {}) self.__rect = None self.browser = None self.popup = CefBrowserPopup(self) self.register_event_type("on_loading_state_change") self.register_event_type("on_address_change") self.register_event_type("on_title_change") self.register_event_type("on_before_popup") self.register_event_type("on_load_start") self.register_event_type("on_load_end") self.register_event_type("on_load_error") self.register_event_type("on_certificate_error") self.register_event_type("on_js_dialog") self.register_event_type("on_before_unload_dialog") self.key_manager = CefKeyboardManager(cefpython=cefpython, browser_widget=self) self.texture = Texture.create(size=self.size, colorfmt='rgba', bufferfmt='ubyte') self.texture.flip_vertical() with self.canvas: Color(1, 1, 1) self.__rect = Rectangle(pos=self.pos, size=self.size, texture=self.texture) md = cefpython.GetModuleDirectory() # Determine if default resources dir should be used or a custom if self.resources_dir: resources = self.resources_dir else: resources = md def cef_loop(*largs): cefpython.MessageLoopWork() Clock.schedule_interval(cef_loop, 0) settings = { #"debug": True, "log_severity": cefpython.LOGSEVERITY_INFO, #"log_file": "debug.log", "persist_session_cookies": True, "release_dcheck_enabled": True, # Enable only when debugging. "locales_dir_path": os.path.join(md, "locales"), "browser_subprocess_path": "%s/%s" % (cefpython.GetModuleDirectory(), "subprocess") } cefpython.Initialize(settings, switches) windowInfo = cefpython.WindowInfo() windowInfo.SetAsOffscreen(0) cefpython.SetGlobalClientCallback("OnCertificateError", self.OnCertificateError) self.browser = cefpython.CreateBrowserSync(windowInfo, {}, navigateUrl=self.url) # Set cookie manager cookie_manager = cefpython.CookieManager.GetGlobalManager() cookie_path = os.path.join(resources, "cookies") cookie_manager.SetStoragePath(cookie_path, True) self.browser.SendFocusEvent(True) ch = ClientHandler(self) self.browser.SetClientHandler(ch) self.set_js_bindings() self.browser.WasResized() self.bind(size=self.realign) self.bind(pos=self.realign) self.bind(keyboard_mode=self.set_keyboard_mode) if self.keyboard_mode == "global": self.request_keyboard()
class CefBrowser(Widget): # Keyboard mode: "global" or "local". # 1. Global mode forwards keys to CEF all the time. # 2. Local mode forwards keys to CEF only when an editable # control is focused (input type=text|password or textarea). keyboard_mode = OptionProperty("local", options=("global", "local")) url = StringProperty("about:blank") current_url = StringProperty("") resources_dir = StringProperty("") browser = None popup = None touches = [] is_loading = BooleanProperty(True) _reset_js_bindings = False # See set_js_bindings() _js_bindings = None # See set_js_bindings() def __init__(self, *largs, **dargs): super(CefBrowser, self).__init__() self.url = dargs.get("url", "") self.keyboard_mode = dargs.get("keyboard_mode", "local") self.resources_dir = dargs.get("resources_dir", "") self.keyboard_above_classes = dargs.get("keyboard_above_classes", []) switches = dargs.get("switches", {}) self.__rect = None self.browser = None self.popup = CefBrowserPopup(self) self.register_event_type("on_loading_state_change") self.register_event_type("on_address_change") self.register_event_type("on_title_change") self.register_event_type("on_before_popup") self.register_event_type("on_load_start") self.register_event_type("on_load_end") self.register_event_type("on_load_error") self.register_event_type("on_certificate_error") self.register_event_type("on_js_dialog") self.register_event_type("on_before_unload_dialog") self.key_manager = CefKeyboardManager(cefpython=cefpython, browser_widget=self) self.texture = Texture.create(size=self.size, colorfmt='rgba', bufferfmt='ubyte') self.texture.flip_vertical() with self.canvas: Color(1, 1, 1) self.__rect = Rectangle(pos=self.pos, size=self.size, texture=self.texture) md = cefpython.GetModuleDirectory() # Determine if default resources dir should be used or a custom if self.resources_dir: resources = self.resources_dir else: resources = md def cef_loop(*largs): cefpython.MessageLoopWork() Clock.schedule_interval(cef_loop, 0) settings = { #"debug": True, "log_severity": cefpython.LOGSEVERITY_INFO, #"log_file": "debug.log", "persist_session_cookies": True, "release_dcheck_enabled": True, # Enable only when debugging. "locales_dir_path": os.path.join(md, "locales"), "browser_subprocess_path": "%s/%s" % (cefpython.GetModuleDirectory(), "subprocess") } cefpython.Initialize(settings, switches) windowInfo = cefpython.WindowInfo() windowInfo.SetAsOffscreen(0) cefpython.SetGlobalClientCallback("OnCertificateError", self.OnCertificateError) self.browser = cefpython.CreateBrowserSync(windowInfo, {}, navigateUrl=self.url) # Set cookie manager cookie_manager = cefpython.CookieManager.GetGlobalManager() cookie_path = os.path.join(resources, "cookies") cookie_manager.SetStoragePath(cookie_path, True) self.browser.SendFocusEvent(True) ch = ClientHandler(self) self.browser.SetClientHandler(ch) self.set_js_bindings() self.browser.WasResized() self.bind(size=self.realign) self.bind(pos=self.realign) self.bind(keyboard_mode=self.set_keyboard_mode) if self.keyboard_mode == "global": self.request_keyboard() def set_js_bindings(self): # Needed to introduce set_js_bindings again because the freeze of sites at load took over. # As an example '' freezed every time. By setting the js # bindings again, the freeze rate is at about 35%. Check git to see how it was done, before using # this function ... # I (jegger) have to be honest, that I don't have a clue why this is acting like it does! # I hope simon (REN-840) can resolve this once in for all... # # ORIGINAL COMMENT: # When browser.Navigate() is called, some bug appears in CEF # that makes CefRenderProcessHandler::OnBrowserDestroyed() # is being called. This destroys the javascript bindings in # the Render process. We have to make the js bindings again, # after the call to Navigate() when OnLoadingStateChange() # is called with isLoading=False. Problem reported here: # if not self._js_bindings: self._js_bindings = cefpython.JavascriptBindings(bindToFrames=True, bindToPopups=True) self._js_bindings.SetFunction("__kivy__keyboard_update", self.keyboard_update) self.browser.SetJavascriptBindings(self._js_bindings) def realign(self, *largs): ts = self.texture.size ss = self.size schg = (ts[0] != ss[0] or ts[1] != ss[1]) if schg: self.texture = Texture.create(size=self.size, colorfmt='rgba', bufferfmt='ubyte') self.texture.flip_vertical() if self.__rect: with self.canvas: Color(1, 1, 1) self.__rect.pos = self.pos if schg: self.__rect.size = self.size if schg: self.update_rect() if self.browser: self.browser.WasResized() self.browser.NotifyScreenInfoChanged() # Bring keyboard to front try: k = self.__keyboard.widget p = k.parent p.remove_widget(k) p.add_widget(k) except: pass def update_rect(self): if self.__rect: self.__rect.texture = self.texture def on_url(self, instance, value): if self.browser and value: self.browser.Navigate(self.url) self._reset_js_bindings = True def set_keyboard_mode(self, *largs): if self.keyboard_mode == "global": self.request_keyboard() else: self.release_keyboard() def on_loading_state_change(self, isLoading, canGoBack, canGoForward): self.is_loading = isLoading def on_address_change(self, frame, url): self.current_url = url def on_title_change(self, newTitle): pass def on_before_popup(self, browser, frame, targetUrl, targetFrameName, popupFeatures, windowInfo, client, browserSettings, noJavascriptAccess): pass def on_js_dialog(self, browser, origin_url, accept_lang, dialog_type, message_text, default_prompt_text, callback, suppress_message): pass def on_before_unload_dialog(self, browser, message_text, is_reload, callback): pass def on_certificate_error(self): pass def on_load_start(self, frame): pass def on_load_end(self, frame, httpStatusCode): pass def on_load_error(self, frame, errorCode, errorText, failedUrl): print("on_load_error=> Code: %s, errorText: %s, failedURL: %s" % (errorCode, errorText, failedUrl)) pass def OnCertificateError(self, err, url, cb): print err, url, cb # Check if cert verification is disabled if os.path.isfile("/etc/rentouch/ssl-verification-disabled"): cb.Continue(True) else: cb.Continue(False) self.dispatch("on_certificate_error") __keyboard = None def keyboard_update(self, shown, rect, attributes): """ :param shown: Show keyboard if true, hide if false (blur) :param rect: [x,y,width,height] of the input element :param attributes: Attributes of HTML element """ if shown: # Check if keyboard should get displayed above above = False if 'class' in attributes: if attributes['class'] in self.keyboard_above_classes: above = True self.request_keyboard() kb = self.__keyboard.widget if len(rect) < 4: kb.pos = ((Window.width-kb.width*kb.scale)/2, 10) else: x = self.x+rect[0]+(rect[2]-kb.width*kb.scale)/2 y = self.height+self.y-rect[1]-rect[3]-kb.height*kb.scale if above: # If keyboard should displayed above the input field # Above is good on e.g. search boxes with results displayed # bellow the input field y = self.height+self.y-rect[1] if y < 0: # If keyboard is bellow the window height rightx = self.x+rect[0]+rect[2] spleft = self.x+rect[0] spright = Window.width-rightx y = 0 if spleft <= spright: x = rightx else: x = spleft-kb.width*kb.scale elif y+kb.height*kb.scale > Window.height: # If keyboard is above the window height rightx = self.x+rect[0]+rect[2] spleft = self.x+rect[0] spright = Window.width-rightx y = Window.height-kb.height*kb.scale if spleft <= spright: x = rightx else: x = spleft-kb.width*kb.scale else: if x < 0: x = 0 elif Window.width < x+kb.width*kb.scale: x = Window.width-kb.width*kb.scale kb.pos = (x, y) else: self.release_keyboard() def request_keyboard(self): if not self.__keyboard: self.__keyboard = EventLoop.window.request_keyboard(self.release_keyboard, self) self.__keyboard.bind(on_key_down=self.on_key_down) self.__keyboard.bind(on_key_up=self.on_key_up) self.key_manager.reset_all_modifiers() # Not sure if it is still required to send the focus # (some earlier bug), but it shouldn't hurt to call it. self.browser.SendFocusEvent(True) def release_keyboard(self, *kwargs): # When using local keyboard mode, do all the request # and releases of the keyboard through js bindings, # otherwise some focus problems arise. self.key_manager.reset_all_modifiers() if not self.__keyboard: return # If we blur the field on keyboard release, jumping between form # fields with tab won't work. # self.browser.GetFocusedFrame().ExecuteJavascript("__kivy__on_escape()") self.__keyboard.unbind(on_key_down=self.on_key_down) self.__keyboard.unbind(on_key_up=self.on_key_up) self.__keyboard.release() self.__keyboard = None def on_key_down(self, *largs): self.key_manager.kivy_on_key_down(self.browser, *largs) def on_key_up(self, *largs): self.key_manager.kivy_on_key_up(self.browser, *largs) def go_back(self): self.browser.GoBack() def go_forward(self): self.browser.GoForward() def delete_cookie(self, url=""): """ Deletes the cookie with the given url. If url is empty all cookies get deleted. """ cookie_manager = cefpython.CookieManager.GetGlobalManager() if cookie_manager: cookie_manager.DeleteCookies(url, "") else: print("No cookie manager found!, Can't delete cookie(s)") def on_touch_down(self, touch, *kwargs): if not self.collide_point(*touch.pos): return if self.keyboard_mode == "global": self.request_keyboard() else: Window.release_all_keyboards() touch.is_dragging = False touch.is_scrolling = False touch.is_right_click = False self.touches.append(touch) touch.grab(self) return True def on_touch_move(self, touch, *kwargs): if touch.grab_current is not self: return y = self.height-touch.pos[1] + self.pos[1] x = touch.x - self.pos[0] if len(self.touches) == 1: # Dragging if (abs(touch.dx) > 5 or abs(touch.dy) > 5) or touch.is_dragging: if touch.is_dragging: self.browser.SendMouseMoveEvent(x, y, mouseLeave=False) else: self.browser.SendMouseClickEvent(x, y, cefpython.MOUSEBUTTON_LEFT, mouseUp=False, clickCount=1) touch.is_dragging = True elif len(self.touches) == 2: # Scroll only if a given distance is passed once (could be right click) touch1, touch2 = self.touches[:2] dx = touch2.dx / 2. + touch1.dx / 2. dy = touch2.dy / 2. + touch1.dy / 2. if (abs(dx) > 5 or abs(dy) > 5) or touch.is_scrolling: # Scrolling touch.is_scrolling = True self.browser.SendMouseWheelEvent(touch.x, self.height-touch.pos[1], dx, -dy) return True def on_touch_up(self, touch, *kwargs): if touch.grab_current is not self: return y = self.height-touch.pos[1] + self.pos[1] x = touch.x - self.pos[0] if len(self.touches) == 2: if not touch.is_scrolling: # Right click (mouse down, mouse up) self.touches[0].is_right_click = self.touches[1].is_right_click = True self.browser.SendMouseClickEvent(x, y, cefpython.MOUSEBUTTON_RIGHT, mouseUp=False, clickCount=1 ) self.browser.SendMouseClickEvent(x, y, cefpython.MOUSEBUTTON_RIGHT, mouseUp=True, clickCount=1 ) else: if touch.is_dragging: # Drag end (mouse up) self.browser.SendMouseClickEvent( x, y, cefpython.MOUSEBUTTON_LEFT, mouseUp=True, clickCount=1 ) elif not touch.is_right_click: # Left click (mouse down, mouse up) count = 1 if touch.is_double_tap: count = 2 self.browser.SendMouseClickEvent( x, y, cefpython.MOUSEBUTTON_LEFT, mouseUp=False, clickCount=count ) self.browser.SendMouseClickEvent( x, y, cefpython.MOUSEBUTTON_LEFT, mouseUp=True, clickCount=count ) self.touches.remove(touch) touch.ungrab(self) return True