def plotly_alignment_stats(fpaths=[], saveto='', fnames=[]): ''' Save a plotly box graph with a list of alignment stats files Parameters ---------- fpaths : list A list of file paths saveto : str File path to save the html file as the plotly box graph fnames : list A list of strings to label each ``fpaths`` Returns ------- bool True if saving successfully, False otherwise ''' if not fnames: fnames = [base_name(f) for f in fpaths] if len(fnames) != len(fpaths): fnames = [base_name(f) for f in fpaths] trace_data = [] # aln_diagnose_item = ["_unmapped", # "_low_map_qual", '_multimapped', "_uniquemapped", # "_no_feature", "_ambiguous", # "_total"] for i in range(len(fpaths)): f = fpaths[i] fname = fnames[i] stats = pd.read_csv(f, index_col=0) mapped = stats.loc['_multimapped', :] + stats.loc['_uniquemapped', :] rate_mapped = mapped / stats.loc['_total', :] overall_mapped = mapped.sum() overall_total = stats.loc['_total', :].sum() stats.fillna(value=0, inplace=True) trace_data.append( go.Box(y=rate_mapped, name='{} (#Mapped={}/#Total={})'.format( fname, overall_mapped, overall_total))) layout = go.Layout(xaxis=dict(showticklabels=False), title='Mapped/Total alignments per BC per item') fig = go.Figure(data=trace_data, layout=layout) try: plot(fig, filename=saveto, auto_open=False) return (True) except Exception as e: print(e, flush=True) return (False)
def plotly_demultiplexing_stats(fpaths=[], saveto='', fnames=[]): ''' Save a plotly box graph with a list of demultiplexing stats files Parameters ---------- fpaths : list A list of file paths saveto : str File path to save the html file as the plotly box graph fnames : list A list of strings to label each ``fpaths`` Returns ------- bool True if saving successfully, False otherwise ''' if not fnames: fnames = [base_name(f) for f in fpaths] if len(fnames) != len(fpaths): fnames = [base_name(f) for f in fpaths] num_reads_data = [] for i in range(len(fpaths)): f = fpaths[i] fname = fnames[i] stats = pd.read_csv(f, index_col=0) cell_stats = stats.iloc[:-5, :] # tail 5 lines are fixed as the overall stats overall_stats = stats.iloc[-5:, :] num_reads_data.append( go.Box(y=cell_stats['Reads(#)'], name='{} (#Saved={}/#Total={})'.format( fname, overall_stats.loc['saved', 'Reads(#)'], overall_stats.loc['total', 'Reads(#)']))) layout = go.Layout( # legend=dict(x=-.1, y=-.2), xaxis=dict(showticklabels=False), title='Number of reads saved per BC per item') fig = go.Figure(data=num_reads_data, layout=layout) try: plot(fig, filename=saveto, auto_open=False) return (True) except Exception as e: print(e, flush=True) return (False)
def run_bam2sam(x): x_dirname, x_basename = dir_name(x), base_name(x) y = join_path(x_dirname, x_basename + '.sam') _ = popen_communicate('samtools view -h {} -o {}'.format(x, y)) if is_nonempty_file(y): print_logger('Finished: bam to sam {} to {}'.format(x, y)) rmfile(x) else: print_logger('Failed: bam to sam {} to {}'.format(x, y))
def _remove_gz_suffix(x): xbasename = base_name(x) xdirname = dir_name(x) return join_path(xdirname, xbasename.replace('.gz', ''))
def plotly_qc(fpath, saveto, sep=',', name=''): ''' Generate a plotly html plot for QC of a scRNA-seq data. QC inlucdes: - number of total UMIs - number of detected genes - percent of MT expression Input: fpath: file path (CSV/TSV) to the expression file with genes/features as rows and cells/samples on columns. First column saves gene names. saveto: a html file to save the plots using sep: file sep. Default: "," ''' bool_success = False if not is_nonempty_file(fpath): return bool_success if not name: name = base_name(fpath) expr = pd.read_csv(fpath, index_col=0, sep=sep) print_logger(('UMI count matrix: ' '{} genes x {} cells').format(expr.shape[0], expr.shape[1])) total_num_UMIs = expr.sum(axis=0) num_detected_genes = (expr > 0).sum(axis=0) mt_index = [x for x in expr.index if x.startswith( 'mt-') or x.startswith('MT-')] if not mt_index: percent_mt = 0 else: mt_umis = expr.loc[pd.Series(mt_index), :].sum(axis=0) percent_mt = mt_umis / total_num_UMIs percent_mt = percent_mt.replace(np.inf, 0) qc = pd.DataFrame(dict(total_num_UMIs=total_num_UMIs, num_detected_genes=num_detected_genes, percent_mt=percent_mt)) # 1/5 plotly_g_vs_umi = plotly_scatter( x=qc.total_num_UMIs, y=qc.num_detected_genes, xlab='#Total UMIs (median={})'.format(qc.total_num_UMIs.median()), ylab='#Detected Genes (median={})'.format( qc.num_detected_genes.median()), main=name, hover_text=qc.index.values) plotly_g_vs_umi.layout.yaxis.scaleanchor = None # 2/5 plotly_mt_vs_umi = plotly_scatter( x=qc.total_num_UMIs, y=qc.percent_mt, xlab='#Total UMIs (median={})'.format(qc.total_num_UMIs.median()), ylab='MT Fraction (median={:6.4f})'.format(qc.percent_mt.median()), main=name, hover_text=qc.index.values) plotly_mt_vs_umi.layout.yaxis.scaleanchor = None # 3/5 plotly_hist_umis = plotly_hist( vals=qc.total_num_UMIs, xlab='#Total UMIs (median={})'.format(qc.total_num_UMIs.median())) # 4/5 plotly_hist_g = plotly_hist( vals=qc.num_detected_genes, xlab=('#Detected Genes ' '(median={})').format(qc.num_detected_genes.median())) # 5/5 plotly_hist_percent_mt = plotly_hist( vals=qc.percent_mt, xlab='MT Fraction (median={:6.4f})'.format(qc.percent_mt.median())) # Merge the 5 figures together qc_fig = tools.make_subplots( rows=2, cols=3, specs=[[{}, {}, None], [{}, {}, {}]]) qc_fig.append_trace([0], 1, 1) qc_fig.append_trace([0], 1, 2) qc_fig.append_trace([0], 2, 1) qc_fig.append_trace([0], 2, 2) qc_fig.append_trace([0], 2, 3) qc_fig.layout.xaxis1 = {**qc_fig.layout.xaxis1, **plotly_g_vs_umi.layout.xaxis} qc_fig.layout.yaxis1 = {**qc_fig.layout.yaxis1, **plotly_g_vs_umi.layout.yaxis} qc_fig.layout.xaxis2 = {**qc_fig.layout.xaxis2, **plotly_mt_vs_umi.layout.xaxis} qc_fig.layout.yaxis2 = {**qc_fig.layout.yaxis2, **plotly_mt_vs_umi.layout.yaxis} qc_fig.layout.xaxis3 = {**qc_fig.layout.xaxis3, **plotly_hist_umis.layout.xaxis} qc_fig.layout.yaxis3 = {**qc_fig.layout.yaxis3, **plotly_hist_umis.layout.yaxis} qc_fig.layout.xaxis4 = {**qc_fig.layout.xaxis4, **plotly_hist_g.layout.xaxis} qc_fig.layout.yaxis4 = {**qc_fig.layout.yaxis4, **plotly_hist_g.layout.yaxis} qc_fig.layout.xaxis5 = {**qc_fig.layout.xaxis5, **plotly_hist_percent_mt.layout.xaxis} qc_fig.layout.yaxis5 = {**qc_fig.layout.yaxis5, **plotly_hist_percent_mt.layout.yaxis} qc_fig['layout'].update(height=800, width=1000, title=name, showlegend=False) plot(qc_fig, filename=saveto, auto_open=False) bool_success = True return bool_success
def plotly_qc_st(fpath, saveto, sep='\t', name=''): bool_success = False if not is_nonempty_file(fpath): return bool_success if not name: name = base_name(fpath) ST = pd.read_csv(fpath, sep=sep, index_col=0) print_logger(('ST UMI-count matrix has ' '{} spots x {} genes').format(ST.shape[0], ST.shape[1])) ST_total_UMIs = ST.sum(axis=1) ST_detected_genes = (ST > 0).sum(axis=1) mt_cols = [x for x in ST.columns if x.startswith( 'mt-') or x.startswith('MT-')] if not mt_cols: ST_percent_mt = 0 else: ST_percent_mt = ST[mt_cols].sum(axis=1) / ST_total_UMIs # ST_percent_mt = ST_percent_mt.replace(np.inf, 0) # ST_percent_mt = ST_percent_mt.replace(np.NaN, 0) st_xy = np.array(list(map(lambda xy: xy.strip().split('x'), ST.index))) st_x = st_xy[:, 0].astype( st_y = st_xy[:, 1].astype( ST_qc = pd.DataFrame( dict(Row=st_x, Col=st_y, total_num_UMIs=ST_total_UMIs, num_detected_genes=ST_detected_genes, percent_mt=ST_percent_mt)) # 1/3 plotly_ST_g = plotly_scatter( x=ST_qc.Row, y=ST_qc.Col, mask_by=ST_qc.num_detected_genes, hover_text=ST_qc.num_detected_genes.astype('str'), colorscale='Viridis', mask_title=('#Detected Genes ' '(median={})').format(ST_qc.num_detected_genes.median())) # 2/3 plotly_ST_UMIs = plotly_scatter( x=ST_qc.Row, y=ST_qc.Col, mask_by=ST_qc.total_num_UMIs, hover_text=ST_qc.total_num_UMIs.astype('str'), colorscale='Viridis', mask_title=('#Total UMIs ' '(median={})').format(ST_qc.total_num_UMIs.median())) # 3/3 plotly_ST_mt = plotly_scatter( x=ST_qc.Row, y=ST_qc.Col, mask_by=ST_qc.percent_mt, hover_text=ST_qc.percent_mt.astype('str'), colorscale='Viridis', mask_title=('MT Fraction ' '(median={:6.4f})').format(ST_qc.percent_mt.median())) # Merge the 3 figures together fig = tools.make_subplots( rows=1, cols=3, subplot_titles=('#Total UMIs', '#Detected Genes', 'MT Fraction')) fig.append_trace([0], 1, 1) fig.append_trace([0], 1, 2) fig.append_trace([0], 1, 3) fig['layout'].update(height=600, width=1900, title=name) fig.layout.showlegend = False # Manually change the locations of other two color bars to proper places[0].marker.colorbar.x = 0.28[1].marker.colorbar.x = 0.64 plot(fig, filename=saveto, auto_open=False) bool_success = True return bool_success