def principal_boundary(data, dimension, epsilon, h, radius, start_point=None, \
    kernel_type="identity", max_iter=40, parallel_transport=False):
    # points on sphere now!!
    # note: non-default arguments must be placed before default
    """ Computes the principal boundary of the dataset.
    Idea: This is a "greedy" implmentation of the principal boundary
    algorithm, developed originally by Professor Yao Zhi Gang.
    Implements parallel transport using schilds ladder.

        data (np.array, (n,p)): [The data set, of shape (n,p), n = number of data points, p = dimension.]

        dimension (integer): [dimension of data]

        epsilon (float): [step size for the principal flow.]

        radius (float): [radius for boundary to move. use the function choose_h_binary to set
        the distance it should move that takes n% of the points into consideration]

        h (float): [Scale. Determines how "local" the principal flow is. 
        Smaller scale => smaller neighbourhood, more emphasis on smaller pool of nearer points
        Bigger scale => bigger neighbourhood, emphasis on larger pool of points.]
        start_point (np.array, (p,1)): [the centroid, or the place to start the principal flow. 
        Defaults to None.]

        kernel_type (string): [specifies the kernel function. Default is the identity kernel, 
        which applies a weight of 1 to every point.]

        tol (float, optional): [useless for now.] (use as max of the min distance from flow
        to data points? Potential stopping criterion?)

        max_iter (float, optional): [controls the amount of points]

        np.array: An array that contains the points of the principal flow.
    data = np.array(data)
    if data.shape[1] != dimension:
        data = data.T

    # handle starting point
    if type(start_point) == None:
        p = sphere_centroid_finder_vecs(data, 3, 0.05, 0.01)
        # error report: for checking
        assert type(start_point) is not np.array or \
            type(start_point) is not np.ndarray, "Start point must be an np.array or an np.ndarray"
        p = start_point

    upper_boundary = list()
    flow = np.array(p)
    lower_boundary = list()
    if parallel_transport:
        upper_vectors = list()
        lower_vectors = list()
    # handle kernel
    kernel_functions = {
        "binary": binary_kernel,
        "gaussian": gaussian_kernel,
        "identity": identity_kernel
    assert kernel_type in kernel_functions.keys(
    ), "Kernel must be binary, gaussian or identity."
    kernel = kernel_functions[kernel_type]

    p_opp = p
    num_iter = 0
    while True:
        num_iter += 1
        if num_iter == 1:
            weights = kernel(h, data, p)
            plane_vectors = np.array(
                list(map(lambda point: log_map_sphere(p, point), data)))
                principal_pair, boundary_pair = compute_principal_component_vecs_weighted(\
                    plane_vectors, p, weights, boundary=True)
            except ValueError:
                    "Flow ends here, the covariance matrix is 0, implying that the flow is far from the data."

            first_eigenval = principal_pair[0]
            second_eigenval = boundary_pair[0]

            # for boundary
            past_orthogonal = boundary_pair[1]

            # for flow
            principal_direction = principal_pair[1]
            principal_direction_opp = -principal_direction

            # update boundary
            sigma_f_p = second_eigenval / first_eigenval * radius  # how much to move for boundary

            upper_boundary_point_plane = p + sigma_f_p * past_orthogonal
            upper_boundary_point = exp_map_sphere(
                p, upper_boundary_point_plane - p)

            if parallel_transport:
                transported_vector = schilds_ladder_hypersphere(
                    p, upper_boundary_point, principal_direction)

            lower_boundary_point_plane = p - sigma_f_p * past_orthogonal
            lower_boundary_point = exp_map_sphere(
                p, lower_boundary_point_plane - p)

            if parallel_transport:
                transported_vector = schilds_ladder_hypersphere(
                    p, lower_boundary_point, principal_direction)

            # first direction
            p_prime_plane = p + epsilon * principal_direction
            p_prime = exp_map_sphere(p, p_prime_plane - p)
            p = p_prime

            # now we do the other direction
            p_prime_plane_opp = p_opp + epsilon * principal_direction_opp
            p_prime_opp = exp_map_sphere(p_opp, p_prime_plane_opp - p_opp)
            p_opp = p_prime_opp

            # calculate for one direction, then the other
            weights = kernel(h, data, p)
            plane_vectors = np.array(
                list(map(lambda point: log_map_sphere(p, point), data)))
            past_direction = principal_direction
                principal_pair, boundary_pair = compute_principal_component_vecs_weighted(\
                    plane_vectors, p, weights, boundary=True)
            except ValueError:
                    "Flow ends here, the covariance matrix is 0, implying that the flow is far from the data."

        # obtain boundary for this point - first we obtain intial info
            first_eigenval = principal_pair[0]
            second_eigenval = boundary_pair[0]
            orthogonal_to_flow = boundary_pair[1]
            if angle(orthogonal_to_flow, past_orthogonal) > math.pi / 2:
                orthogonal_to_flow = -orthogonal_to_flow

            # Get principal direction
            principal_direction = principal_pair[1]
            if angle(past_direction, principal_direction) > math.pi / 2:
                principal_direction = -principal_direction

            # move in direction orthogonal to flow, a distance of sigma_f_p
            sigma_f_p = second_eigenval / first_eigenval * radius

            # get both sides of the boundary + and - orthogonal_to_flow
            upper_boundary_point_plane = p + sigma_f_p * orthogonal_to_flow
            upper_boundary_point = exp_map_sphere(
                p, upper_boundary_point_plane - p)
            if parallel_transport:
                transported_vector = schilds_ladder_hypersphere(
                    p, upper_boundary_point, principal_direction)

            lower_boundary_point_plane = p - sigma_f_p * orthogonal_to_flow
            lower_boundary_point = exp_map_sphere(
                p, lower_boundary_point_plane - p)
            if parallel_transport:
                transported_vector = schilds_ladder_hypersphere(
                    p, lower_boundary_point, principal_direction)

            past_orthogonal = orthogonal_to_flow  # always updated only for upper, so past is the benchmark for upper.

            # Next we update the main point for the flow:
            # update point p
            p_prime_plane = p + epsilon * principal_direction
            p_prime = exp_map_sphere(p, p_prime_plane - p)
            p = p_prime

            weights_opp = kernel(h, data, p_opp)
            plane_vectors_opp = np.array(
                list(map(lambda point: log_map_sphere(p_opp, point), data)))
            past_direction_opp = principal_direction_opp
                principal_pair_opp, boundary_pair_opp = compute_principal_component_vecs_weighted(\
                   plane_vectors_opp, p, weights_opp, boundary=True)
            except ValueError:
                    "Flow ends here, the covariance matrix is 0, implying that the flow is far from the data."

            # get info again
            first_eigenval_opp = principal_pair_opp[0]
            second_eigenval_opp = boundary_pair_opp[0]
            orthogonal_to_flow_opp = boundary_pair_opp[1]

            if angle(orthogonal_to_flow_opp, past_orthogonal) > math.pi / 2:
                orthogonal_to_flow_opp = -orthogonal_to_flow_opp

            # make sure same direction
            principal_direction_opp = principal_pair_opp[1]
            if angle(past_direction_opp,
                     principal_direction_opp) > math.pi / 2:
                principal_direction_opp = -principal_direction_opp

            sigma_f_p_opp = second_eigenval_opp / first_eigenval_opp * radius

            upper_boundary_point_opp_plane = p_opp + sigma_f_p_opp * orthogonal_to_flow_opp
            upper_boundary_point_opp = exp_map_sphere(
                p_opp, upper_boundary_point_opp_plane - p_opp)

            if parallel_transport:
                transported_vector = schilds_ladder_hypersphere(
                    p_opp, upper_boundary_point_opp, principal_direction_opp)

            lower_boundary_point_opp_plane = p_opp - sigma_f_p_opp * orthogonal_to_flow_opp
            lower_boundary_point_opp = exp_map_sphere(
                p_opp, lower_boundary_point_opp_plane - p_opp)
            if parallel_transport:
                transported_vector = schilds_ladder_hypersphere(
                    p_opp, lower_boundary_point_opp, principal_direction_opp)

            # now we do the other direction
            p_prime_plane_opp = p_opp + epsilon * principal_direction_opp
            p_prime_opp = exp_map_sphere(p_opp, p_prime_plane_opp - p_opp)
            p_opp = p_prime_opp

            # now add to the curve
            flow = np.concatenate((flow, p))
            flow = np.concatenate((p_opp, flow))

        if num_iter >= max_iter:
    flow = np.reshape(flow, (-1, dimension))
    if parallel_transport:
        return np.array(upper_boundary), flow, np.array(
            lower_boundary), np.array(upper_vectors), np.array(lower_vectors)
        return np.array(upper_boundary), flow, np.array(lower_boundary)
Пример #2
# Sample from train_X #
train_samples = np.random.choice(train_X.shape[0], size=SAMPLES)
sampled_X = train_X[train_samples]

# Sampled Images #
for i in range(9):
    plt.subplot(330 + 1 + i)
    plt.imshow(sampled_X[i].reshape(m, n), cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray'))

sampled_X_on_sphere = put_on_sphere(sampled_X)
# print(sampled_X_on_sphere[0])

# Find centroid of data #
final_p = sphere_centroid_finder_vecs(sampled_X_on_sphere, sampled_X.shape[1],
                                      0.05, 0.01)
# print(final_p)

final_p_img = final_p.reshape(m, n)
plt.imshow(final_p_img, cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray'))

h = choose_h_gaussian(sampled_X_on_sphere, final_p,
                      85)  # needs to be very high!
radius = choose_h_binary(sampled_X_on_sphere, final_p, 40)
upper, curve, lower = principal_boundary(sampled_X_on_sphere, sampled_X.shape[1], 0.02, h, radius, \
    start_point=final_p, kernel_type="gaussian", max_iter=40)

for j in range(5):
    for i in range(9):
image_vector_size = m * n
X = X.reshape(X.shape[0], image_vector_size)

# X.shape = (....,784)
# print all images
for j in range(40):
    for i in range(9):
        plt.subplot(330 + 1 + i)
        plt.imshow(sampled_X[i+9*j].reshape(m, n), cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray'))

sampled_X_on_sphere = put_on_sphere(X)
final_p = sphere_centroid_finder_vecs(sampled_X_on_sphere, X.shape[1], 0.05, 0.01,max_iter=200)

# Show "centroid image" obtained #
final_p_img = final_p.reshape(m, n)
plt.imshow(final_p_img, cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray'))

h = choose_h_binary(sampled_X_on_sphere, final_p, 30) # needs to be very high!
curve = principal_flow(sampled_X_on_sphere, X.shape[1], 0.01, h, \
    flow_num=1, start_point=final_p, kernel_type="binary", max_iter=20)

for j in range(4):
    for i in range(9):
        plt.subplot(330 + 1 + i)
        plt.imshow(curve[i + 9*j].reshape(m, n), cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray'))
        #plt.savefig("olivetti_faces_pics/{}.".format(i + 9*j))