Пример #1
def fingerprint(logcan, sendcan, has_relay):
    if has_relay:
        # Vin query only reliably works thorugh OBDII
        bus = 1
        addr, vin = get_vin(logcan, sendcan, bus)
        _, car_fw = get_fw_versions(logcan, sendcan, bus)
        vin = VIN_UNKNOWN
        _, car_fw = set(), []

    cloudlog.warning("VIN %s", vin)
    Params().put("CarVin", vin)

    finger = gen_empty_fingerprint()
    candidate_cars = {i: all_known_cars()
                      for i in [0, 1]
                      }  # attempt fingerprint on both bus 0 and 1
    frame = 0
    frame_fingerprint = 10  # 0.1s
    car_fingerprint = None
    done = False

    while not done:
        a = messaging.get_one_can(logcan)

        for can in a.can:
            # need to independently try to fingerprint both bus 0 and 1 to work
            # for the combo black_panda and honda_bosch. Ignore extended messages
            # and VIN query response.
            # Include bus 2 for toyotas to disambiguate cars using camera messages
            # (ideally should be done for all cars but we can't for Honda Bosch)
            if can.src in range(0, 4):
                finger[can.src][can.address] = len(can.dat)
            for b in candidate_cars:
                if (can.src == b or (only_toyota_left(candidate_cars[b]) and can.src == 2)) and \
                   can.address < 0x800 and can.address not in [0x7df, 0x7e0, 0x7e8]:
                    candidate_cars[b] = eliminate_incompatible_cars(
                        can, candidate_cars[b])

        # if we only have one car choice and the time since we got our first
        # message has elapsed, exit
        for b in candidate_cars:
            # Toyota needs higher time to fingerprint, since DSU does not broadcast immediately
            if only_toyota_left(candidate_cars[b]):
                frame_fingerprint = 100  # 1s
            if len(candidate_cars[b]) == 1:
                if frame > frame_fingerprint:
                    # fingerprint done
                    car_fingerprint = candidate_cars[b][0]

        # bail if no cars left or we've been waiting for more than 2s
        failed = all(len(cc) == 0
                     for cc in candidate_cars.values()) or frame > 200
        succeeded = car_fingerprint is not None
        done = failed or succeeded

        frame += 1

    cloudlog.warning("fingerprinted %s", car_fingerprint)
    return car_fingerprint, finger, vin, car_fw
Пример #2
def get_vin(logcan, sendcan, bus, query_time=1.):
    vin_query = VinQuery(bus)
    frame = 0

    # 1s max of VIN query time
    while frame < query_time * 100 and not vin_query.got_vin:
        a = messaging.get_one_can(logcan)

        for can in a.can:
            if vin_query.got_vin:

        frame += 1

    return vin_query.get_vin()
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, sm=None, pm=None, can_sock=None):

        self.trace_log = trace1.Loger("controlsd")
        # Setup sockets
        self.pm = pm
        if self.pm is None:
            self.pm = messaging.PubMaster(['sendcan', 'controlsState', 'carState', \
                                           'carControl', 'carEvents', 'carParams'])

        self.sm = sm
        if self.sm is None:
            socks = [
                'thermal', 'health', 'model', 'liveCalibration',
                'dMonitoringState', 'plan', 'pathPlan', 'liveLocationKalman'
            self.sm = messaging.SubMaster(socks,

            #self.sm = messaging.SubMaster(['thermal', 'health', 'model', 'liveCalibration', \
            #                               'dMonitoringState', 'plan', 'pathPlan', 'liveLocationKalman'])

        print(" start_Controls  messages...1")
        self.can_sock = can_sock
        if can_sock is None:
            can_timeout = None if os.environ.get('NO_CAN_TIMEOUT',
                                                 False) else 100
            self.can_sock = messaging.sub_sock('can', timeout=can_timeout)

        print(" start_Controls  messages...2")
        # wait for one health and one CAN packet
        hw_type = messaging.recv_one(self.sm.sock['health']).health.hwType
        has_relay = hw_type in [HwType.blackPanda, HwType.uno]
        print("Waiting for CAN messages...")

        self.CI, self.CP = get_car(self.can_sock, self.pm.sock['sendcan'],

        # read params
        params = Params()
        self.is_metric = params.get("IsMetric", encoding='utf8') == "1"
        self.is_ldw_enabled = params.get("IsLdwEnabled",
                                         encoding='utf8') == "1"
        internet_needed = params.get("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded",
                                     encoding='utf8') is not None
        community_feature_toggle = params.get("CommunityFeaturesToggle",
                                              encoding='utf8') == "1"
        openpilot_enabled_toggle = params.get("OpenpilotEnabledToggle",
                                              encoding='utf8') == "1"
        passive = params.get("Passive", encoding='utf8') == "1" or \
                  internet_needed or not openpilot_enabled_toggle

        # detect sound card presence and ensure successful init
        sounds_available = not os.path.isfile('/EON') or (os.path.isfile('/proc/asound/card0/state') \
                                and open('/proc/asound/card0/state').read().strip() == 'ONLINE')

        car_recognized = self.CP.carName != 'mock'
        # If stock camera is disconnected, we loaded car controls and it's not dashcam mode
        controller_available = self.CP.enableCamera and self.CI.CC is not None and not passive
        community_feature_disallowed = self.CP.communityFeature and not community_feature_toggle
        self.read_only = not car_recognized or not controller_available or \
                           self.CP.dashcamOnly or community_feature_disallowed
        if self.read_only:
            self.CP.safetyModel = car.CarParams.SafetyModel.noOutput

        # Write CarParams for radard and boardd safety mode
        cp_bytes = self.CP.to_bytes()
        params.put("CarParams", cp_bytes)
        put_nonblocking("CarParamsCache", cp_bytes)
                        "1" if self.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl else "0")

        self.CC = car.CarControl.new_message()
        self.AM = AlertManager()
        self.events = Events()

        self.LoC = LongControl(self.CP, self.CI.compute_gb)
        self.VM = VehicleModel(self.CP)

        if self.CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'pid':
            self.LaC = LatControlPID(self.CP)
        elif self.CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'indi':
            self.LaC = LatControlINDI(self.CP)
        elif self.CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'lqr':
            self.LaC = LatControlLQR(self.CP)

        self.state = State.disabled
        self.enabled = False
        self.active = False
        self.can_rcv_error = False
        self.soft_disable_timer = 0
        self.v_cruise_kph = 255
        self.v_cruise_kph_last = 0
        self.mismatch_counter = 0
        self.can_error_counter = 0
        self.consecutive_can_error_count = 0
        self.last_blinker_frame = 0
        self.saturated_count = 0
        self.events_prev = []
        self.current_alert_types = []

        self.sm['liveCalibration'].calStatus = Calibration.INVALID
        self.sm['thermal'].freeSpace = 1.
        self.sm['dMonitoringState'].events = []
        self.sm['dMonitoringState'].awarenessStatus = 1.
        self.sm['dMonitoringState'].faceDetected = False

        self.startup_event = get_startup_event(car_recognized,
                                               controller_available, hw_type)

        if not sounds_available:
            self.events.add(EventName.soundsUnavailable, static=True)
        if internet_needed:
            self.events.add(EventName.internetConnectivityNeeded, static=True)
        if community_feature_disallowed:
            self.events.add(EventName.communityFeatureDisallowed, static=True)
        if self.read_only and not passive:
            self.events.add(EventName.carUnrecognized, static=True)
        # if hw_type == HwType.whitePanda:
        #   self.events.add(EventName.whitePandaUnsupported, static=True)

        uname = subprocess.check_output(["uname", "-v"],
        if uname == "#1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Jun 10 12:40:53 PDT 2020":
            self.events.add(EventName.neosUpdateRequired, static=True)

        # controlsd is driven by can recv, expected at 100Hz
        self.rk = Ratekeeper(100, print_delay_threshold=None)
        self.prof = Profiler(False)  # off by default

        self.hyundai_lkas = self.read_only  #read_only
        self.init_flag = True
Пример #4
def steer_thread():
    poller = messaging.Poller()

    logcan = messaging.sub_sock('can')
    health = messaging.sub_sock('health')
    joystick_sock = messaging.sub_sock('testJoystick',

    carstate = messaging.pub_sock('carState')
    carcontrol = messaging.pub_sock('carControl')
    sendcan = messaging.pub_sock('sendcan')

    button_1_last = 0
    enabled = False

    # wait for health and CAN packets
    hw_type = messaging.recv_one(health).health.hwType
    has_relay = hw_type in [HwType.blackPanda, HwType.uno, HwType.dos]
    print("Waiting for CAN messages...")

    CI, CP = get_car(logcan, sendcan, has_relay)
    Params().put("CarParams", CP.to_bytes())

    CC = car.CarControl.new_message()

    while True:

        # send
        joystick = messaging.recv_one(joystick_sock)
        can_strs = messaging.drain_sock_raw(logcan, wait_for_one=True)
        CS = CI.update(CC, can_strs)

        # Usually axis run in pairs, up/down for one, and left/right for
        # the other.
        actuators = car.CarControl.Actuators.new_message()

        if joystick is not None:
            axis_3 = clip(-joystick.testJoystick.axes[3] * 1.05, -1.,
                          1.)  # -1 to 1
            actuators.steer = axis_3
            actuators.steerAngle = axis_3 * 43.  # deg
            axis_1 = clip(-joystick.testJoystick.axes[1] * 1.05, -1.,
                          1.)  # -1 to 1
            actuators.gas = max(axis_1, 0.)
            actuators.brake = max(-axis_1, 0.)

            pcm_cancel_cmd = joystick.testJoystick.buttons[0]
            button_1 = joystick.testJoystick.buttons[1]
            if button_1 and not button_1_last:
                enabled = not enabled

            button_1_last = button_1

            #print "enable", enabled, "steer", actuators.steer, "accel", actuators.gas - actuators.brake

            hud_alert = 0
            if joystick.testJoystick.buttons[3]:
                hud_alert = "steerRequired"

        CC.actuators.gas = actuators.gas
        CC.actuators.brake = actuators.brake
        CC.actuators.steer = actuators.steer
        CC.actuators.steerAngle = actuators.steerAngle
        CC.hudControl.visualAlert = hud_alert
        CC.hudControl.setSpeed = 20
        CC.cruiseControl.cancel = pcm_cancel_cmd
        CC.enabled = enabled
        can_sends = CI.apply(CC)
        sendcan.send(can_list_to_can_capnp(can_sends, msgtype='sendcan'))

        # broadcast carState
        cs_send = messaging.new_message('carState')
        cs_send.carState = copy(CS)

        # broadcast carControl
        cc_send = messaging.new_message('carControl')
        cc_send.carControl = copy(CC)
Пример #5
def controlsd_thread(sm=None, pm=None, can_sock=None):

    # start the loop

    params = Params()

    is_metric = params.get("IsMetric", encoding='utf8') == "1"
    is_ldw_enabled = params.get("IsLdwEnabled", encoding='utf8') == "1"
    passive = params.get("Passive", encoding='utf8') == "1"
    openpilot_enabled_toggle = params.get("OpenpilotEnabledToggle",
                                          encoding='utf8') == "1"
    community_feature_toggle = params.get("CommunityFeaturesToggle",
                                          encoding='utf8') == "1"

    passive = passive or not openpilot_enabled_toggle

    # Passive if internet needed
    internet_needed = params.get("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded",
                                 encoding='utf8') is not None
    passive = passive or internet_needed

    # Pub/Sub Sockets
    if pm is None:
        pm = messaging.PubMaster([
            'sendcan', 'controlsState', 'carState', 'carControl', 'carEvents',

    if sm is None:
        sm = messaging.SubMaster(['thermal', 'health', 'liveCalibration', 'dMonitoringState', 'plan', 'pathPlan', \

    if can_sock is None:
        can_timeout = None if os.environ.get('NO_CAN_TIMEOUT', False) else 100
        can_sock = messaging.sub_sock('can', timeout=can_timeout)

    # wait for health and CAN packets
    hw_type = messaging.recv_one(sm.sock['health']).health.hwType
    has_relay = hw_type in [HwType.blackPanda, HwType.uno]
    print("Waiting for CAN messages...")

    CI, CP = get_car(can_sock, pm.sock['sendcan'], has_relay)

    car_recognized = CP.carName != 'mock'
    # If stock camera is disconnected, we loaded car controls and it's not chffrplus
    controller_available = CP.enableCamera and CI.CC is not None and not passive
    community_feature_disallowed = CP.communityFeature and not community_feature_toggle
    read_only = not car_recognized or not controller_available or CP.dashcamOnly or community_feature_disallowed
    if read_only:
        CP.safetyModel = car.CarParams.SafetyModel.noOutput

    # Write CarParams for radard and boardd safety mode
    cp_bytes = CP.to_bytes()
    params.put("CarParams", cp_bytes)
    put_nonblocking("CarParamsCache", cp_bytes)
                    "1" if CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl else "0")

    CC = car.CarControl.new_message()
    AM = AlertManager()

    startup_alert = get_startup_alert(car_recognized, controller_available)
    AM.add(sm.frame, startup_alert, False)

    LoC = LongControl(CP, CI.compute_gb)
    VM = VehicleModel(CP)

    if CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'pid':
        LaC = LatControlPID(CP)
    elif CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'indi':
        LaC = LatControlINDI(CP)
    elif CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'lqr':
        LaC = LatControlLQR(CP)

    state = State.disabled
    soft_disable_timer = 0
    v_cruise_kph = 255
    v_cruise_kph_last = 0
    mismatch_counter = 0
    can_error_counter = 0
    last_blinker_frame = 0
    saturated_count = 0
    events_prev = []

    sm['liveCalibration'].calStatus = Calibration.INVALID
    sm['pathPlan'].sensorValid = True
    sm['pathPlan'].posenetValid = True
    sm['thermal'].freeSpace = 1.
    sm['dMonitoringState'].events = []
    sm['dMonitoringState'].awarenessStatus = 1.
    sm['dMonitoringState'].faceDetected = False

    # detect sound card presence
    sounds_available = not os.path.isfile('/EON') or (
        and open('/proc/asound/card0/state').read().strip() == 'ONLINE')

    # controlsd is driven by can recv, expected at 100Hz
    rk = Ratekeeper(100, print_delay_threshold=None)

    prof = Profiler(False)  # off by default

    while True:
        start_time = sec_since_boot()
        prof.checkpoint("Ratekeeper", ignore=True)

        # Sample data and compute car events
        CS, events, cal_perc, mismatch_counter, can_error_counter = data_sample(
            CI, CC, sm, can_sock, state, mismatch_counter, can_error_counter,

        # Create alerts
        if not sm.alive['plan'] and sm.alive[
                'pathPlan']:  # only plan not being received: radar not communicating
                create_event('radarCommIssue', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
        elif not sm.all_alive_and_valid():
                create_event('commIssue', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
        if not sm['pathPlan'].mpcSolutionValid:
                             [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE]))
        if not sm['pathPlan'].sensorValid and os.getenv("NOSENSOR") is None:
                create_event('sensorDataInvalid', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.PERMANENT]))
        if not sm['pathPlan'].paramsValid:
            events.append(create_event('vehicleModelInvalid', [ET.WARNING]))
        if not sm['pathPlan'].posenetValid:
                create_event('posenetInvalid', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.WARNING]))
        if not sm['plan'].radarValid:
                create_event('radarFault', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
        if sm['plan'].radarCanError:
                create_event('radarCanError', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
        if not CS.canValid:
                create_event('canError', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE]))
        if not sounds_available:
                create_event('soundsUnavailable', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.PERMANENT]))
        if internet_needed:
                             [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.PERMANENT]))
        if community_feature_disallowed:
                create_event('communityFeatureDisallowed', [ET.PERMANENT]))
        if read_only and not passive:
            events.append(create_event('carUnrecognized', [ET.PERMANENT]))
        if log.HealthData.FaultType.relayMalfunction in sm['health'].faults:

        # Only allow engagement with brake pressed when stopped behind another stopped car
        if CS.brakePressed and sm[
                'plan'].vTargetFuture >= STARTING_TARGET_SPEED and not CP.radarOffCan and CS.vEgo < 0.3:
                create_event('noTarget', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE]))

        if not read_only:
            # update control state
            state, soft_disable_timer, v_cruise_kph, v_cruise_kph_last = \
              state_transition(sm.frame, CS, CP, state, events, soft_disable_timer, v_cruise_kph, AM)
            prof.checkpoint("State transition")

        # Compute actuators (runs PID loops and lateral MPC)
        actuators, v_cruise_kph, v_acc, a_acc, lac_log, last_blinker_frame, saturated_count = \
          state_control(sm.frame, sm.rcv_frame, sm['plan'], sm['pathPlan'], CS, CP, state, events, v_cruise_kph, v_cruise_kph_last, AM, rk,
                        LaC, LoC, read_only, is_metric, cal_perc, last_blinker_frame, saturated_count)

        prof.checkpoint("State Control")

        # Publish data
        CC, events_prev = data_send(sm, pm, CS, CI, CP, VM, state, events,
                                    actuators, v_cruise_kph, rk, AM, LaC, LoC,
                                    read_only, start_time, v_acc, a_acc,
                                    lac_log, events_prev, last_blinker_frame,
                                    is_ldw_enabled, can_error_counter)

Пример #6
def fingerprint(logcan, sendcan, has_relay):
    fixed_fingerprint = os.environ.get('FINGERPRINT', "")
    skip_fw_query = os.environ.get('SKIP_FW_QUERY', False)

    if has_relay and not fixed_fingerprint and not skip_fw_query:
        # Vin query only reliably works thorugh OBDII
        bus = 1

        cached_params = Params().get("CarParamsCache")
        if cached_params is not None:
            cached_params = car.CarParams.from_bytes(cached_params)
            if cached_params.carName == "mock":
                cached_params = None

        if cached_params is not None and len(
        ) > 0 and cached_params.carVin is not VIN_UNKNOWN:
            cloudlog.warning("Using cached CarParams")
            vin = cached_params.carVin
            car_fw = list(cached_params.carFw)
            cloudlog.warning("Getting VIN & FW versions")
            _, vin = get_vin(logcan, sendcan, bus)
            car_fw = get_fw_versions(logcan, sendcan, bus)

        fw_candidates = match_fw_to_car(car_fw)
        vin = VIN_UNKNOWN
        fw_candidates, car_fw = set(), []

    cloudlog.warning("VIN %s", vin)
    Params().put("CarVin", vin)

    finger = gen_empty_fingerprint()
    candidate_cars = {i: all_known_cars()
                      for i in [0, 1]
                      }  # attempt fingerprint on both bus 0 and 1
    frame = 0
    frame_fingerprint = 10  # 0.1s
    car_fingerprint = None
    done = False

    while not done:
        a = messaging.get_one_can(logcan)

        for can in a.can:
            # need to independently try to fingerprint both bus 0 and 1 to work
            # for the combo black_panda and honda_bosch. Ignore extended messages
            # and VIN query response.
            # Include bus 2 for toyotas to disambiguate cars using camera messages
            # (ideally should be done for all cars but we can't for Honda Bosch)
            if can.src in range(0, 4):
                finger[can.src][can.address] = len(can.dat)
            for b in candidate_cars:
                if (can.src == b or (only_toyota_left(candidate_cars[b]) and can.src == 2)) and \
                   can.address < 0x800 and can.address not in [0x7df, 0x7e0, 0x7e8]:
                    candidate_cars[b] = eliminate_incompatible_cars(
                        can, candidate_cars[b])

        # if we only have one car choice and the time since we got our first
        # message has elapsed, exit
        for b in candidate_cars:
            # Toyota needs higher time to fingerprint, since DSU does not broadcast immediately
            if only_toyota_left(candidate_cars[b]):
                frame_fingerprint = 100  # 1s
            if len(candidate_cars[b]) == 1:
                if frame > frame_fingerprint:
                    # fingerprint done
                    car_fingerprint = candidate_cars[b][0]

        # bail if no cars left or we've been waiting for more than 2s
        failed = all(len(cc) == 0
                     for cc in candidate_cars.values()) or frame > 200
        succeeded = car_fingerprint is not None
        done = failed or succeeded

        frame += 1

    source = car.CarParams.FingerprintSource.can

    # If FW query returns exactly 1 candidate, use it
    if len(fw_candidates) == 1:
        car_fingerprint = list(fw_candidates)[0]
        source = car.CarParams.FingerprintSource.fw

    if fixed_fingerprint:
        car_fingerprint = fixed_fingerprint
        source = car.CarParams.FingerprintSource.fixed

    cloudlog.warning("fingerprinted %s", car_fingerprint)
    return car_fingerprint, finger, vin, car_fw, source
Пример #7
    def __init__(self, sm=None, pm=None, can_sock=None):

        # Setup sockets
        self.pm = pm
        if self.pm is None:
            self.pm = messaging.PubMaster([
                'sendcan', 'controlsState', 'carState', 'carControl',
                'carEvents', 'carParams'

        self.sm = sm
        if self.sm is None:
            self.sm = messaging.SubMaster([
                'dragonConf', 'thermal', 'health', 'frame', 'model',
                'liveCalibration', 'dMonitoringState', 'plan', 'pathPlan',

        self.can_sock = can_sock
        if can_sock is None:
            can_timeout = None if os.environ.get('NO_CAN_TIMEOUT',
                                                 False) else 100
            self.can_sock = messaging.sub_sock('can', timeout=can_timeout)

        # wait for one health and one CAN packet
        hw_type = messaging.recv_one(self.sm.sock['health']).health.hwType
        has_relay = hw_type in [HwType.blackPanda, HwType.uno, HwType.dos]
        print("Waiting for CAN messages...")

        self.CI, self.CP = get_car(self.can_sock, self.pm.sock['sendcan'],

        # read params
        params = Params()
        self.is_metric = params.get("IsMetric", encoding='utf8') == "1"
        self.is_ldw_enabled = params.get("IsLdwEnabled",
                                         encoding='utf8') == "1"
        internet_needed = False  #(params.get("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", encoding='utf8') is not None) and (params.get("DisableUpdates") != b"1")
        community_feature_toggle = params.get("CommunityFeaturesToggle",
                                              encoding='utf8') == "1"
        openpilot_enabled_toggle = params.get("OpenpilotEnabledToggle",
                                              encoding='utf8') == "1"
        passive = params.get("Passive", encoding='utf8') == "1" or \
                  internet_needed or not openpilot_enabled_toggle

        # detect sound card presence and ensure successful init
        sounds_available = not ANDROID or get_sound_card_online()

        car_recognized = self.CP.carName != 'mock'
        # If stock camera is disconnected, we loaded car controls and it's not dashcam mode
        controller_available = self.CP.enableCamera and self.CI.CC is not None and not passive
        community_feature_disallowed = self.CP.communityFeature and not community_feature_toggle
        self.read_only = not car_recognized or not controller_available or \
                           self.CP.dashcamOnly or community_feature_disallowed
        if self.read_only:
            self.CP.safetyModel = car.CarParams.SafetyModel.noOutput

        # Write CarParams for radard and boardd safety mode
        cp_bytes = self.CP.to_bytes()
        params.put("CarParams", cp_bytes)
        put_nonblocking("CarParamsCache", cp_bytes)
                        "1" if self.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl else "0")

        self.CC = car.CarControl.new_message()
        self.AM = AlertManager()
        self.events = Events()

        self.LoC = LongControl(self.CP, self.CI.compute_gb)
        self.VM = VehicleModel(self.CP)

        if self.CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'pid':
            self.LaC = LatControlPID(self.CP)
        elif self.CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'indi':
            self.LaC = LatControlINDI(self.CP)
        elif self.CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'lqr':
            self.LaC = LatControlLQR(self.CP)

        self.state = State.disabled
        self.enabled = False
        self.active = False
        self.can_rcv_error = False
        self.soft_disable_timer = 0
        self.v_cruise_kph = 255
        self.v_cruise_kph_last = 0
        self.mismatch_counter = 0
        self.can_error_counter = 0
        self.last_blinker_frame = 0
        self.saturated_count = 0
        self.distance_traveled = 0
        self.events_prev = []
        self.current_alert_types = [ET.PERMANENT]

        self.sm['liveCalibration'].calStatus = Calibration.INVALID
        self.sm['thermal'].freeSpace = 1.
        self.sm['dMonitoringState'].events = []
        self.sm['dMonitoringState'].awarenessStatus = 1.
        self.sm['dMonitoringState'].faceDetected = False

        self.startup_event = get_startup_event(car_recognized,

        if not sounds_available:
            self.events.add(EventName.soundsUnavailable, static=True)
        if internet_needed:
            self.events.add(EventName.internetConnectivityNeeded, static=True)
        if community_feature_disallowed:
            self.events.add(EventName.communityFeatureDisallowed, static=True)
        if self.read_only and not passive:
            self.events.add(EventName.carUnrecognized, static=True)
        # if hw_type == HwType.whitePanda:
        #   self.events.add(EventName.whitePandaUnsupported, static=True)

        # controlsd is driven by can recv, expected at 100Hz
        self.rk = Ratekeeper(100, print_delay_threshold=None)
        self.prof = Profiler(False)  # off by default

        # dp
        self.dp_lead_count = 0
        self.dp_camera_offset = CAMERA_OFFSET
Пример #8
def fingerprint(logcan, sendcan, has_relay):
    params = Params()
    car_params = params.get("CarParams")

    if not travis:
        cached_fingerprint = params.get('CachedFingerprint')
        cached_fingerprint = None

    if car_params is not None:
        car_params = car.CarParams.from_bytes(car_params)
    if has_relay:
        # Vin query only reliably works thorugh OBDII
        bus = 1

        cached_params = Params().get("CarParamsCache")
        if cached_params is not None:
            cached_params = car.CarParams.from_bytes(cached_params)
            if cached_params.carName == "mock":
                cached_params = None

        if cached_params is not None and len(
        ) > 0 and cached_params.carVin is not VIN_UNKNOWN:
            cloudlog.warning("Using cached CarParams")
            vin = cached_params.carVin
            car_fw = list(cached_params.carFw)
            cloudlog.warning("Getting VIN & FW versions")
            _, vin = get_vin(logcan, sendcan, bus)
            car_fw = get_fw_versions(logcan, sendcan, bus)

        fw_candidates = match_fw_to_car(car_fw)
        vin = VIN_UNKNOWN
        fw_candidates, car_fw = set(), []

    cloudlog.warning("VIN %s", vin)
    Params().put("CarVin", vin)

    finger = gen_empty_fingerprint()
    candidate_cars = {i: all_known_cars()
                      for i in [0, 1]
                      }  # attempt fingerprint on both bus 0 and 1
    frame = 0
    frame_fingerprint = 10  # 0.1s
    car_fingerprint = None
    done = False

    if cached_fingerprint is not None and use_car_caching:  # if we previously identified a car and fingerprint and user hasn't disabled caching
        cached_fingerprint = json.loads(cached_fingerprint)
        if cached_fingerprint[0] is None or len(cached_fingerprint) < 3:
            finger[0] = {
                int(key): value
                for key, value in cached_fingerprint[2].items()
            source = car.CarParams.FingerprintSource.can
            return (str(cached_fingerprint[0]), finger, vin, car_fw,

    while not done:
        a = messaging.get_one_can(logcan)

        for can in a.can:
            # need to independently try to fingerprint both bus 0 and 1 to work
            # for the combo black_panda and honda_bosch. Ignore extended messages
            # and VIN query response.
            # Include bus 2 for toyotas to disambiguate cars using camera messages
            # (ideally should be done for all cars but we can't for Honda Bosch)
            if can.src in range(0, 4):
                finger[can.src][can.address] = len(can.dat)
            for b in candidate_cars:
                if (can.src == b or (only_toyota_left(candidate_cars[b]) and can.src == 2)) and \
                   can.address < 0x800 and can.address not in [0x7df, 0x7e0, 0x7e8]:
                    candidate_cars[b] = eliminate_incompatible_cars(
                        can, candidate_cars[b])

        # if we only have one car choice and the time since we got our first
        # message has elapsed, exit
        for b in candidate_cars:
            # Toyota needs higher time to fingerprint, since DSU does not broadcast immediately
            if only_toyota_left(candidate_cars[b]):
                frame_fingerprint = 100  # 1s
            if len(candidate_cars[b]) == 1:
                if frame > frame_fingerprint:
                    # fingerprint done
                    car_fingerprint = candidate_cars[b][0]
            elif len(
            ) < 4:  # For the RAV4 2019 and Corolla 2020 LE Fingerprint problem
                if frame > 180:
                    if any(("TOYOTA COROLLA TSS2 2019" in c)
                           for c in candidate_cars[b]):
                        car_fingerprint = "TOYOTA COROLLA TSS2 2019"

        # bail if no cars left or we've been waiting for more than 2s
        failed = all(len(cc) == 0
                     for cc in candidate_cars.values()) or frame > 200
        succeeded = car_fingerprint is not None
        done = failed or succeeded

        frame += 1

    source = car.CarParams.FingerprintSource.can

    # If FW query returns exactly 1 candidate, use it
    if len(fw_candidates) == 1:
        car_fingerprint = list(fw_candidates)[0]
        source = car.CarParams.FingerprintSource.fw

    fixed_fingerprint = os.environ.get('FINGERPRINT', "")
    if len(fixed_fingerprint):
        car_fingerprint = fixed_fingerprint
        source = car.CarParams.FingerprintSource.fixed

    cloudlog.warning("fingerprinted %s", car_fingerprint)
            car_fingerprint, source,
            {int(key): value
             for key, value in finger[0].items()}
    return car_fingerprint, finger, vin, car_fw, source