Пример #1
def _prog(shell_cmd):
    """Extract the program run by a shell command.

    :param str shell_cmd: command to be executed

    :returns: basename of command or None if the command isn't found
    :rtype: str or None

    if not util.exe_exists(shell_cmd):
        if not util.exe_exists(shell_cmd):
            return None
    return os.path.basename(shell_cmd)
Пример #2
def set_up():
    """Prepare tests to be run.

    Logging is set up and temporary directories are set up to contain a
    basic Certbot and Nginx configuration. The directories are returned
    in the order they should be locked by Certbot. If the Nginx plugin
    is expected to work on the system, the Nginx directory is included,
    otherwise, it is not.

    A Certbot command is also created that uses the temporary
    directories. The returned command can be used to test different
    subcommands by appending the desired command to the end.

    :returns: directories and command
    :rtype: `tuple` of `list`

    logging.basicConfig(format='%(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
    config_dir, logs_dir, work_dir, nginx_dir = set_up_dirs()
    command = set_up_command(config_dir, logs_dir, work_dir, nginx_dir)

    dirs = [logs_dir, config_dir, work_dir]
    # If Nginx is installed, do the test, otherwise skip it.
    # Issue https://github.com/certbot/certbot/issues/8121 tracks the work to remove this control.
    if util.exe_exists('nginx'):
        logger.warning('Skipping Nginx lock tests')

    return dirs, command
Пример #3
def path_surgery(restart_cmd):
    """Attempt to perform PATH surgery to find restart_cmd

    Mitigates https://github.com/certbot/certbot/issues/1833

    :param str restart_cmd: the command that is being searched for in the PATH

    :returns: True if the operation succeeded, False otherwise
    dirs = ("/usr/sbin", "/usr/local/bin", "/usr/local/sbin")
    path = os.environ["PATH"]
    added = []
    for d in dirs:
        if d not in path:
            path += os.pathsep + d

    if any(added):
        logger.debug("Can't find %s, attempting PATH mitigation by adding %s",
                     restart_cmd, os.pathsep.join(added))
        os.environ["PATH"] = path

    if util.exe_exists(restart_cmd):
        return True
        expanded = " expanded" if any(added) else ""
        logger.warning("Failed to find %s in%s PATH: %s", restart_cmd,
                       expanded, path)
        return False
Пример #4
    def prepare(self):
        """Prepare the authenticator/installer.

        :raises .errors.NoInstallationError: If Nginx ctl cannot be found
        :raises .errors.MisconfigurationError: If Nginx is misconfigured
        # Verify Nginx is installed
        if not util.exe_exists(self.conf('ctl')):
            raise errors.NoInstallationError(
                "Could not find a usable 'nginx' binary. Ensure nginx exists, "
                "the binary is executable, and your PATH is set correctly.")

        # Make sure configuration is valid

        self.parser = parser.NginxParser(self.conf('server-root'))

        install_ssl_options_conf(self.mod_ssl_conf, self.updated_mod_ssl_conf_digest)


        # Set Version
        if self.version is None:
            self.version = self.get_version()

        # Prevent two Nginx plugins from modifying a config at once
        except (OSError, errors.LockError):
            logger.debug('Encountered error:', exc_info=True)
            raise errors.PluginError('Unable to lock {0}'.format(self.conf('server-root')))
Пример #5
def set_up():
    """Prepare tests to be run.

    Logging is set up and temporary directories are set up to contain a
    basic Certbot and Nginx configuration. The directories are returned
    in the order they should be locked by Certbot. If the Nginx plugin
    is expected to work on the system, the Nginx directory is included,
    otherwise, it is not.

    A Certbot command is also created that uses the temporary
    directories. The returned command can be used to test different
    subcommands by appending the desired command to the end.

    :returns: directories and command
    :rtype: `tuple` of `list`

    logging.basicConfig(format='%(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
    config_dir, logs_dir, work_dir, nginx_dir = set_up_dirs()
    command = set_up_command(config_dir, logs_dir, work_dir, nginx_dir)

    dirs = [logs_dir, config_dir, work_dir]
    # Travis and Circle CI set CI to true so we
    # will always test Nginx's lock during CI
    if os.environ.get('CI') == 'true' or util.exe_exists('nginx'):
        logger.warning('Skipping Nginx lock tests')

    return dirs, command
Пример #6
def path_surgery(restart_cmd):
    """Attempt to perform PATH surgery to find restart_cmd

    Mitigates https://github.com/certbot/certbot/issues/1833

    :param str restart_cmd: the command that is being searched for in the PATH

    :returns: True if the operation succeeded, False otherwise
    dirs = ("/usr/sbin", "/usr/local/bin", "/usr/local/sbin")
    path = os.environ["PATH"]
    added = []
    for d in dirs:
        if d not in path:
            path += os.pathsep + d

    if any(added):
        logger.debug("Can't find %s, attempting PATH mitigation by adding %s",
                     restart_cmd, os.pathsep.join(added))
        os.environ["PATH"] = path

    if util.exe_exists(restart_cmd):
        return True
        expanded = " expanded" if any(added) else ""
        logger.warning("Failed to find %s in%s PATH: %s", restart_cmd,
                       expanded, path)
        return False
Пример #7
    def prepare(self):
        """Prepare the authenticator/installer.

        :raises .errors.NoInstallationError: If Nginx ctl cannot be found
        :raises .errors.MisconfigurationError: If Nginx is misconfigured
        # Verify Nginx is installed
        if not util.exe_exists(self.conf('ctl')):
            raise errors.NoInstallationError(
                "Could not find a usable 'nginx' binary. Ensure nginx exists, "
                "the binary is executable, and your PATH is set correctly.")

        # Make sure configuration is valid

        self.parser = parser.NginxParser(self.conf('server-root'))

        # Set Version
        if self.version is None:
            self.version = self.get_version()

        if self.openssl_version is None:
            self.openssl_version = self._get_openssl_version()

        self.install_ssl_options_conf(self.mod_ssl_conf, self.updated_mod_ssl_conf_digest)


        # Prevent two Nginx plugins from modifying a config at once
        except (OSError, errors.LockError):
            logger.debug('Encountered error:', exc_info=True)
            raise errors.PluginError('Unable to lock {0}'.format(self.conf('server-root')))
Пример #8
def path_surgery(cmd):
    """Attempt to perform PATH surgery to find cmd

    Mitigates https://github.com/certbot/certbot/issues/1833

    :param str cmd: the command that is being searched for in the PATH

    :returns: True if the operation succeeded, False otherwise
    path = os.environ["PATH"]
    added = []
        if d not in path:
            path += os.pathsep + d

    if any(added):
        logger.debug("Can't find %s, attempting PATH mitigation by adding %s",
                     cmd, os.pathsep.join(added))
        os.environ["PATH"] = path

    if util.exe_exists(cmd):
        return True
    expanded = " expanded" if any(added) else ""
    logger.debug("Failed to find executable %s in%s PATH: %s", cmd, expanded,
    return False
Пример #9
    def prepare(self):
        """Prepare the authenticator/installer.

        :raises .errors.NoInstallationError: If Nginx ctl cannot be found
        :raises .errors.MisconfigurationError: If Nginx is misconfigured
        # Verify Nginx is installed
        if not util.exe_exists(self.conf('ctl')):
            raise errors.NoInstallationError

        # Make sure configuration is valid

        self.parser = parser.NginxParser(self.conf('server-root'))

        install_ssl_options_conf(self.mod_ssl_conf, self.updated_mod_ssl_conf_digest)

        # Set Version
        if self.version is None:
            self.version = self.get_version()

        # Prevent two Nginx plugins from modifying a config at once
        except (OSError, errors.LockError):
            logger.debug('Encountered error:', exc_info=True)
            raise errors.PluginError(
                'Unable to lock %s', self.conf('server-root'))
Пример #10
def set_up():
    """Prepare tests to be run.

    Logging is set up and temporary directories are set up to contain a
    basic Certbot and Nginx configuration. The directories are returned
    in the order they should be locked by Certbot. If the Nginx plugin
    is expected to work on the system, the Nginx directory is included,
    otherwise, it is not.

    A Certbot command is also created that uses the temporary
    directories. The returned command can be used to test different
    subcommands by appending the desired command to the end.

    :returns: directories and command
    :rtype: `tuple` of `list`

    logging.basicConfig(format='%(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
    config_dir, logs_dir, work_dir, nginx_dir = set_up_dirs()
    command = set_up_command(config_dir, logs_dir, work_dir, nginx_dir)

    dirs = [logs_dir, config_dir, work_dir]
    # Travis and Circle CI set CI to true so we
    # will always test Nginx's lock during CI
    if os.environ.get('CI') == 'true' or util.exe_exists('nginx'):
        logger.warning('Skipping Nginx lock tests')

    return dirs, command
Пример #11
    def prepare():
            Check if we can restart HAProxy when we are done.

            :raises .errors.NoInstallationError when no haproxy executable can
                be found
            :raises .errors.NoInstallationError when the default service
                manager executable can't be found
            :raises .errors.NotSupportedError when the installed haproxy
                version is incompatible with this plugin
        service_mgr = constants.os_constant("service_manager")
        if not util.exe_exists(service_mgr):
            raise errors.NoInstallationError(
                "Can't find the default service manager for your system:"
                "{0}, please install it first or configure different OS"
                " constants".format(service_mgr))

        # Check that a supported version of HAProxy is installed.
        version_cmd = constants.os_constant("version_cmd")
        output = subprocess.check_output(version_cmd).decode('utf8')
        matches = re.match(
            r'HA-Proxy version'
            r' (?P<version>[0-9]{1,4}\.[0-9]{1,4}\.[0-9a-z]{1,10}).*', output)
        if matches is None:
            raise errors.NoInstallationError(
                "It looks like HAProxy is not installed or the version might"
                " be incompatible.")
            version = matches.group('version')
            if StrictVersion(version) < StrictVersion(HAPROXY_MIN_VERSION):
                raise errors.NotSupportedError(
                    "Version {} of HAProxy is not supported by this plugin,"
                    " you need to install {} or higher to be"
                    " incompatible.".format(version, HAPROXY_MIN_VERSION))
Пример #12
    def prepare(self):
        """Prepare the authenticator/installer.

        :raises .errors.NoInstallationError: If Nginx ctl cannot be found
        :raises .errors.MisconfigurationError: If Nginx is misconfigured
        # Verify Nginx is installed
        if not util.exe_exists(self.conf('ctl')):
            raise errors.NoInstallationError

        # Make sure configuration is valid

        self.parser = parser.NginxParser(self.conf('server-root'))

        install_ssl_options_conf(self.mod_ssl_conf, self.updated_mod_ssl_conf_digest)


        # Set Version
        if self.version is None:
            self.version = self.get_version()

        # Prevent two Nginx plugins from modifying a config at once
        except (OSError, errors.LockError):
            logger.debug('Encountered error:', exc_info=True)
            raise errors.PluginError(
                'Unable to lock %s', self.conf('server-root'))
Пример #13
 def prepare(self):
     logger.debug("******* Inside prepare*************")
     logger.debug("value for self" + self.conf('ctl'))
     if not util.exe_exists(self.conf('ctl')):
         raise errors.NoInstallationError(
             "Could not find a usable 'tomcat' binary. Ensure tomcat exists, "
             "the binary is executable, and your PATH is set correctly.")
     self.parser = tomcat_parser.TomcatParser(self.conf("server-root"))
Пример #14
    def _enable_mod_debian(self, mod_name, temp):
        """Assumes mods-available, mods-enabled layout."""
        # Generate reversal command.
        # Try to be safe here... check that we can probably reverse before
        # applying enmod command
        if not util.exe_exists(self.option("dismod")):
            raise errors.MisconfigurationError(
                "Unable to find a2dismod, please make sure a2enmod and "
                "a2dismod are configured correctly for certbot.")

            temp, [self.option("dismod"), "-f", mod_name])
        util.run_script([self.option("enmod"), mod_name])
Пример #15
    def _enable_mod_debian(self, mod_name, temp):
        """Assumes mods-available, mods-enabled layout."""
        # Generate reversal command.
        # Try to be safe here... check that we can probably reverse before
        # applying enmod command
        if not util.exe_exists(self.option("dismod")):
            raise errors.MisconfigurationError(
                "Unable to find a2dismod, please make sure a2enmod and "
                "a2dismod are configured correctly for certbot.")

            temp, [self.option("dismod"), "-f", mod_name])
        util.run_script([self.option("enmod"), mod_name])
Пример #16
    def __init__(self):
        self.broken = False

        if not util.exe_exists("openssl"):
            logger.info("openssl not installed, can't check revocation")
            self.broken = True

       # New versions of openssl want -header var=val, old ones want -header var val
        test_host_format = Popen(["openssl", "ocsp", "-header", "var", "val"],
                                 stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
        _out, err = test_host_format.communicate()
        if "Missing =" in err:
            self.host_args = lambda host: ["Host=" + host]
            self.host_args = lambda host: ["Host", host]
Пример #17
def verify_exe_exists(exe, message=None):
    """Ensures an executable with the given name is available.

    If an executable isn't found for the given path or name, extra
    directories are added to the user's PATH to help find system
    utilities that may not be available in the default cron PATH.

    :param str exe: executable path or name
    :param str message: Error message to print.

    :raises .NoInstallationError: when the executable isn't found

    if message is None:
        message = "Cannot find executable '{0}'.".format(exe)
    if not (certbot_util.exe_exists(exe) or plugins_util.path_surgery(exe)):
        raise errors.NoInstallationError(message)
Пример #18
def verify_exe_exists(exe, message=None):
    """Ensures an executable with the given name is available.

    If an executable isn't found for the given path or name, extra
    directories are added to the user's PATH to help find system
    utilities that may not be available in the default cron PATH.

    :param str exe: executable path or name
    :param str message: Error message to print.

    :raises .NoInstallationError: when the executable isn't found

    if message is None:
        message = "Cannot find executable '{0}'.".format(exe)
    if not (certbot_util.exe_exists(exe) or plugins_util.path_surgery(exe)):
        raise errors.NoInstallationError(message)
Пример #19
    def __init__(self, enforce_openssl_binary_usage: bool = False) -> None:
        self.broken = False
        self.use_openssl_binary = enforce_openssl_binary_usage or not ocsp

        if self.use_openssl_binary:
            if not util.exe_exists("openssl"):
                logger.info("openssl not installed, can't check revocation")
                self.broken = True

            # New versions of openssl want -header var=val, old ones want -header var val
            test_host_format = subprocess.run(["openssl", "ocsp", "-header", "var", "val"],
                                     stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True,
                                     check=False, env=util.env_no_snap_for_external_calls())
            if "Missing =" in test_host_format.stderr:
                self.host_args = lambda host: ["Host=" + host]
                self.host_args = lambda host: ["Host", host]
Пример #20
    def __init__(self):
        self.broken = False

        if not util.exe_exists("openssl"):
            logger.info("openssl not installed, can't check revocation")
            self.broken = True

    # New versions of openssl want -header var=val, old ones want -header var val
        test_host_format = Popen(["openssl", "ocsp", "-header", "var", "val"],
        _out, err = test_host_format.communicate()
        if "Missing =" in err:
            self.host_args = lambda host: ["Host=" + host]
            self.host_args = lambda host: ["Host", host]
Пример #21
    def prepare(self):
        """Prepare the authenticator/installer.

        :raises .errors.NoInstallationError: If Nginx ctl cannot be found
        :raises .errors.MisconfigurationError: If Nginx is misconfigured
        # Verify Nginx is installed
        if not util.exe_exists(self.conf("ctl")):
            raise errors.NoInstallationError

        # Make sure configuration is valid

        # temp_install must be run before creating the NginxParser
        self.parser = parser.NginxParser(self.conf("server-root"), self.mod_ssl_conf)

        # Set Version
        if self.version is None:
            self.version = self.get_version()
Пример #22
    def prepare(self):
        """Prepare the authenticator/installer.

        :raises .errors.NoInstallationError: If Nginx ctl cannot be found
        :raises .errors.MisconfigurationError: If Nginx is misconfigured
        # Verify Nginx is installed
        if not util.exe_exists(self.conf('ctl')):
            raise errors.NoInstallationError

        # Make sure configuration is valid

        # temp_install must be run before creating the NginxParser
        self.parser = parser.NginxParser(self.conf('server-root'),

        # Set Version
        if self.version is None:
            self.version = self.get_version()
Пример #23
 def _call(cls, exe):
     from certbot.util import exe_exists
     return exe_exists(exe)
Пример #24
 def _call(cls, exe):
     from certbot.util import exe_exists
     return exe_exists(exe)