Пример #1
 def on_get(self, req, resp, cn):
     Fetch certificate signing request as PEM
     csr = authority.get_request(cn)
     logger.debug(u"Signing request %s was downloaded by %s",
         csr.common_name, req.context.get("remote_addr"))
     return csr
Пример #2
 def on_patch(self, req, resp, cn):
     Sign a certificate signing request
     csr = authority.get_request(cn)
     cert = authority.sign(csr, overwrite=True, delete=True)
     resp.body = "Certificate successfully signed"
     resp.status = falcon.HTTP_201
     resp.location = os.path.join(req.relative_uri, "..", "..", "signed", cn)
     logger.info(u"Signing request %s signed by %s from %s", csr.common_name,
         req.context.get("user"), req.context.get("remote_addr"))
Пример #3
    def on_get(self, req, resp, cn):
        Fetch certificate signing request as PEM

            path, buf, _ = authority.get_request(cn)
        except errors.RequestDoesNotExist:
            logger.warning(u"Failed to serve non-existant request %s to %s",
                cn, req.context.get("remote_addr"))
            raise falcon.HTTPNotFound()

        resp.set_header("Content-Type", "application/pkcs10")
        logger.debug(u"Signing request %s was downloaded by %s",
            cn, req.context.get("remote_addr"))

        preferred_type = req.client_prefers(("application/json", "application/x-pem-file"))

        if preferred_type == "application/x-pem-file":
            # For certidude client, curl scripts etc
            resp.set_header("Content-Type", "application/x-pem-file")
            resp.set_header("Content-Disposition", ("attachment; filename=%s.pem" % cn))
            resp.body = buf
        elif preferred_type == "application/json":
            # For web interface events
            resp.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json")
            resp.set_header("Content-Disposition", ("attachment; filename=%s.json" % cn))
            resp.body = json.dumps(dict(
                common_name = cn,
                server = authority.server_flags(cn),
                address = getxattr(path, "user.request.address"), # TODO: move to authority.py
                md5sum = hashlib.md5(buf).hexdigest(),
                sha1sum = hashlib.sha1(buf).hexdigest(),
                sha256sum = hashlib.sha256(buf).hexdigest(),
                sha512sum = hashlib.sha512(buf).hexdigest()))
            raise falcon.HTTPUnsupportedMediaType(
                "Client did not accept application/json or application/x-pem-file")