bf.callTransit(date_dir+atmfile, tep_name, MCfile, stepsize, molfit, solution, refpress, tconfig, date_dir, burnin, abun_basic, PTtype, PTfunc[PTtype], filters) # Plot best-fit eclipse or modulation spectrum, depending on solution: bf.plot_bestFit_Spectrum(filters, kurucz, tep_name, solution, outspec, data, uncert, date_dir) bestFit_atmfile = 'bestFit.atm' # Plot abundance profiles bf.plotabun(date_dir, bestFit_atmfile, molfit) mu.msg(1, "\nTransit call for contribution functions/transmittance.") # Run Transit with unlimited 'toomuch' argument: cf.cf_tconfig(date_dir) # Call Transit with the cf_tconfig cf_tconfig = date_dir + 'cf_tconfig.cfg' Tcall = Transitdir + "/transit/transit"["{:s} -c {:s}".format(Tcall, cf_tconfig)], shell=True, cwd=date_dir) # Calculate and plot contribution functions: if solution == "eclipse": # Compute contribution fucntions if this is a eclipse run: mu.msg(1, "Calculating contribution functions.", indent=2) ctfraw, ctf =, bestFit_atmfile, filters) else: # Compute transmittance if this is a transmission run: mu.msg(1, "Calculating transmittance.", indent=2) ctf = cf.transmittance(date_dir, bestFit_atmfile, filters)
shell=True, cwd=date_dir) # Plot best-fit eclipse or modulation spectrum, depending on solution: bf.plot_bestFit_Spectrum(filter, kurucz, tep_name, solution, outspec, data, uncert, date_dir) # Plot abundance profiles bf.plotabun(date_dir, 'bestFit.atm', molfit) # Compute contribution fucntions if this is a eclipse run: if solution == "eclipse": mu.msg(1, "\nTransit call for contribution functions calculation.") # Run Transit with unlimited 'toomuch' argument for contribution # function calculation: cf.cf_tconfig(date_dir) # Call Transit with the cf_tconfig cf_tconfig = date_dir + 'cf_tconfig.cfg' Tcall = Transitdir + "/transit/transit"["{:s} -c {:s}".format(Tcall, cf_tconfig)], shell=True, cwd=date_dir) # Calculate and plot contribution functions: mu.msg(1, "Calculating contribution functions.", indent=2) bestFit_atmfile = date_dir + 'bestFit.atm', bestFit_atmfile, filter) mu.msg(1, "~~ BART End ~~") if __name__ == "__main__":
def main(): """ One function to run them all. """ mu.msg( 1, "\n======= Bayesian Atmospheric Radiative Transfer (BART) ===============" "\nA code to infer planetary atmospheric properties based on observed " "\nspectroscopic information." "\n\nCopyright (C) 2015-2016 University of Central Florida." "\nAll rights reserved." "\n\nContact: Patricio Cubillos patricio.cubillos[at]" "\n Jasmina Blecic jasmina[at]" "\n Joseph Harrington jh[at]" "\n======================================================================" ) mu.msg(1, "\nInitialization:") # Parse the config file from the command line: cparser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=__doc__, add_help=False, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) # Add config file option: cparser.add_argument("-c", "--config_file", help="Configuration file", metavar="FILE") # Parser for the MCMC arguments: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(parents=[cparser]) parser.add_argument("--justTEA", dest="justTEA", action='store_true', help="Run only TEA.", default=False) parser.add_argument("--justOpacity", dest="justOpacity", action='store_true', help="Run only Transit to generate the Opacity table.", default=False) parser.add_argument("--justPlots", dest="justPlots", action='store_true', help="Remakes plots of BART output.", default=False) parser.add_argument("--resume", dest="resume", action='store_true', help="Resume a previous run.", default=False) # Directories and files options: group = parser.add_argument_group("Directories and files") group.add_argument("--fext", dest="fext", help="File extension for plots [default: %(default)s]", type=str, action="store", default=".png") group.add_argument( "--loc_dir", dest="loc_dir", help="Output directory to store results [default: %(default)s]", type=str, action="store", default="outdir") group.add_argument("--tep_name", dest="tep_name", help="Transiting exoplanet file name.", type=str, action="store", default=None) group.add_argument("--logfile", dest="logfile", help="MCMC log file [default: %(default)s]", type=str, action="store", default="MCMC.log") # Pressure layers options: group = parser.add_argument_group("Layers pressure sampling") group.add_argument( "--n_layers", dest="n_layers", help="Number of atmospheric layers [default: %(default)s]", type=int, action="store", default=100) group.add_argument("--p_top", dest="p_top", help="Pressure at the top of the atmosphere (bars) " "[default: %(default)s]", type=np.double, action="store", default=1.0e-5) group.add_argument("--p_bottom", dest="p_bottom", help="Pressure at the botom of the atmosphere (bars) " "[default: %(default)s]", type=np.double, action="store", default=100.0) group.add_argument("--log", dest="log", help="Use log (True) or linear (False) scale sampling " "[default: %(default)s]", type=eval, action="store", default=True) group.add_argument("--press_file", dest="press_file", help="Input/Output file with pressure array.", type=str, action="store", default=None) # Elemental abundance options: group = parser.add_argument_group("Elemental abundances") group.add_argument( "--abun_basic", dest="abun_basic", help="Input elemental abundances file [default: %(default)s]", type=str, action="store", default="../BART/inputs/abundances_Asplund2009.txt") group.add_argument("--abun_file", dest="abun_file", help="Input/Output modified elemental abundances file", type=str, action="store", default=None) group.add_argument( "--solar_times", dest="solar_times", help="Multiplication factor for metal-element abundances", type=int, action="store", default=1.0) group.add_argument( "--COswap", dest="COswap", help="Swap C and O abundances if True [default: %(default)s]", type=eval, action="store", default=False) # Temperature profile options: group = parser.add_argument_group("Temperature profile") group.add_argument("--PTtype", dest="PTtype", help="Temperature profile model [default: %(default)s]", type=str, action="store", default="line", choices=("line", "madhu_noinv", "madhu_inv", "iso")) group.add_argument("--PTinit", dest="PTinit", help="Temperature profile model parameters", type=mu.parray, action="store", default=None) # Atmospheric model options: group = parser.add_argument_group("Atmospheric model") group.add_argument( "--in_elem", dest="in_elem", help="Input elements to consider in TEA [default: %(default)s]", type=str, action="store", default='H He C N O') group.add_argument( "--out_spec", dest="out_spec", help="Output species to include in the atmospheric model " "[default: %(default)s]", type=str, action="store", default='H_g He_ref C_g N_g O_g H2_ref CO_g CO2_g CH4_g H2O_g') group.add_argument( "--preatm_file", dest="preatm_file", help="Pre-atmospheric file with elemental abundances per layer " "[default: %(default)s]", type=str, action="store", default="elem.atm") group.add_argument("--atmfile", dest="atmfile", help="Atmospheric model file [default: %(default)s]", type=str, action="store", default="") group.add_argument( "--uniform", dest="uniform", help="If not None, set uniform abundances with the specified " "values for each species in out_spec [default: %(default)s]", type=mu.parray, action="store", default=None) group.add_argument( "--refpress", dest="refpress", help="Reference pressure level (bar) corresponding to the pressure" " at the planet radius [default: %(default)s]", type=float, action="store", default=0.1) group.add_argument("--cloudtop", action="store", help="Cloud deck top pressure [default: %(default)s]", dest="cloudtop", type=float, default=None) group.add_argument("--scattering", action="store", help="Rayleigh scattering [default: %(default)s]", dest="scattering", type=float, default=None) # MCMC options: group = parser.add_argument_group("MCMC") group.add_argument("--params", dest="params", help="Model-fitting parameters [default: %(default)s]", type=mu.parray, action="store", default=None) group.add_argument( "--parnames", dest="parnames", help="Labels for model-fitting parameters [default: %(default)s]", type=mu.parray, action="store", default=None) group.add_argument("--molfit", dest="molfit", help="Molecules fit [default: %(default)s]", type=mu.parray, action="store", default=None) group.add_argument( "--Tmin", dest="Tmin", help="Lower Temperature boundary [default: %(default)s]", type=float, action="store", default=400.0) group.add_argument( "--Tmax", dest="Tmax", help="Higher Temperature boundary [default: %(default)s]", type=float, action="store", default=3000.0) group.add_argument("--quiet", dest="quiet", help="Set verbosity level to minimum", action="store_true") group.add_argument("--nchains", dest="nchains", help="Number of parallel chains for MCMC", type=int, action="store", default=10) group.add_argument("--walk", dest="walk", help="MCMC algorithm", type=str, action="store", default="snooker", choices=('snooker', 'mrw', 'demc', 'unif')) group.add_argument("--stepsize", dest="stepsize", help="Parameters stepsize", type=mu.parray, action="store", default=None) group.add_argument("--burnin", dest="burnin", help="Number of burn-in iterations per chain", type=int, action="store", default=None) group.add_argument( "--thinning", dest="thinning", help="Thinning factor of the chains (use every thinning-th " "iteration) used in the GR test and plots", type=int, action="store", default=1) group.add_argument("--data", dest="data", help="Transit or eclipse depths", type=mu.parray, action="store", default=None) group.add_argument("--uncert", dest="uncert", help="Uncertanties on transit or eclipse depths", type=mu.parray, action="store", default=None) group.add_argument("--savemodel", dest="savemodel", help="Filename to save out models.", type=str, action="store", default=None) group.add_argument("--modelper", dest="modelper", help="Determines how to split MC3's `savemodel`. " + \ "0 makes no split, >0 sets the # of iterations per split. " + \ "If nchains=10 and modelper=5, it will save every 50 " + \ "models to a new .NPY file.", type=int, action="store", default=0) group.add_argument("--plots", dest="plots", help="Determines whether to produce plots.", type=bool, action="store", default=True) # Input converter options: group = parser.add_argument_group("Input Converter Options") group.add_argument( "--tint", dest="tint", help="Internal temperature of the planet [default: %(default)s].", type=float, action="store", default=100.0) group.add_argument("--tint_type", dest="tint_type", help="Method to evaluate `tint`. Options: const or thorngren. " + \ "[default: %(default)s].", type=str, action="store", default='const', choices=("const","thorngren")) # Output-Converter Options: group = parser.add_argument_group("Output Converter Options") group.add_argument("--filters", action="store", help="Waveband filter names [default: %(default)s]", dest="filters", type=mu.parray, default=None) group.add_argument("--kurucz_file", action="store", help="Stellar Kurucz file [default: %(default)s]", dest="kurucz", type=str, default=None) group.add_argument("--solution", action="store", help="Solution geometry [default: %(default)s]", dest="solution", type=str, default="None", choices=('transit', 'eclipse')) # Transit options: group = parser.add_argument_group("Transit variables") group.add_argument( "--tconfig", dest="tconfig", help="Transit configuration file [default: %(default)s]", type=str, action="store", default="transit.cfg") group.add_argument("--opacityfile", dest="opacityfile", help="Opacity table file [default: %(default)s]", type=str, action="store", default=None) group.add_argument("--outspec", dest="outspec", help="Output spectrum filename [default: %(default)s]", type=str, action="store", default="outspec.dat") group.add_argument( "--shareOpacity", dest="shareOpacity", help="If True, use shared memory for the Transit opacity file " "[default: %(default)s]", type=eval, action="store", default=True) # Remaining_argv contains all other command-line-arguments: cargs, remaining_argv = cparser.parse_known_args() # Get only the arguments defined above: known, unknown = parser.parse_known_args(remaining_argv) # Get configuration file from command-line: cfile = cargs.config_file # Default: if cfile is None: cfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "BART.cfg") # Always require a configuration file: if not os.path.isfile(cfile): mu.error("Configuration file: '{:s}' not found.".format(cfile)) # Read values from configuration file: config = ConfigParser() config.optionxform = str # This one enable Uppercase in arguments[cfile]) defaults = dict(config.items("MCMC")) mu.msg(1, "The configuration file is: '{:s}'.".format(cfile), indent=2) # Set the defaults from the configuration file: parser.set_defaults(**defaults) # Set values from command line: args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args(remaining_argv) # Unpack configuration-file/command-line arguments: justTEA = args.justTEA justOpacity = args.justOpacity justPlots = args.justPlots resume = args.resume loc_dir = args.loc_dir fext = args.fext tep_name = args.tep_name logfile = args.logfile n_layers = args.n_layers p_top = args.p_top p_bottom = args.p_bottom log = args.log press_file = args.press_file abun_basic = args.abun_basic abun_file = args.abun_file solar_times = args.solar_times COswap = args.COswap cloud = args.cloudtop rayleigh = args.scattering PTtype = args.PTtype PTinit = args.PTinit in_elem = args.in_elem out_spec = args.out_spec preatm_file = args.preatm_file atmfile = args.atmfile uniform = args.uniform refpress = args.refpress params = args.params parnames = args.parnames molfit = args.molfit Tmin = args.Tmin Tmax = args.Tmax quiet = args.quiet nchains = args.nchains walk = args.walk stepsize = args.stepsize burnin = args.burnin thinning = args.thinning data = uncert = args.uncert savemodel = args.savemodel modelper = args.modelper plots = args.plots tint = args.tint tint_type = args.tint_type filters = args.filters kurucz = args.kurucz solution = args.solution tconfig = args.tconfig opacityfile = args.opacityfile outspec = args.outspec shareOpacity = args.shareOpacity # Unpack the variables from args: ''' argd = {} for key, val in vars(args).items(): if type(val) == str and val in ['True', 'False', 'None']: if val == 'True': argd.update({key:True}) elif val == 'False': argd.update({key:False}) elif val == 'None': argd.update({key:None}) else: argd.update({key:val}) vars(sys.modules[__name__]).update(argd) ''' # Dictionary of functions to calculate temperature for PTtype PTfunc = { 'iso': pt.PT_iso, 'line': pt.PT_line, 'madhu_noinv': pt.PT_NoInversion, 'madhu_inv': pt.PT_Inversion } # Check that the user gave a valid PTtype: if PTtype not in PTfunc.keys(): print("The specified 'PTtype' is not valid. Options are 'line', " + \ "'madhu_noinv', 'madhu_inv', or 'iso'. Please try again.") sys.exit() # Check that out_spec and uniform are valid specifications if uniform is not None and len(uniform) != len(out_spec.split(' ')): print('The inputs for out_spec and uniform are not compatible.') diffuniout = len(uniform) - len(out_spec.split(' ')) if diffuniout > 0: if diffuniout == 1: print('uniform has ' + str(diffuniout) + 'extra entry.') else: print('uniform has ' + str(diffuniout) + 'extra entries.') else: if diffuniout == -1: print('out_spec has ' + str(-1 * diffuniout) + 'extra entry.') else: print('out_spec has ' + str(-1 * diffuniout) + 'extra entries.') print('Please correct this and run again.') sys.exit() # Make output directory: # Make a subdirectory with the date and time dirfmt = loc_dir + "%4d-%02d-%02d_%02d:%02d:%02d" date_dir = dirfmt % time.localtime()[0:6] # FINDME: Temporary hack (temporary?): date_dir = os.path.join(os.path.normpath(loc_dir), "") if not os.path.isabs(date_dir): date_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), date_dir) mu.msg(1, "Output folder: '{:s}'".format(date_dir), indent=2) try: os.mkdir(date_dir) except OSError as e: if e.errno == 17: # Allow overwritting while we debug pass else: mu.error("Cannot create folder '{:s}'. {:s}.".format( date_dir, os.strerror(e.errno))) # Copy files to date dir: # BART configuration file: shutil.copy2(cfile, date_dir) # TEP file: if not os.path.isfile(tep_name): mu.error("Tepfile ('{:s}') Not found.".format(tep_name)) else: shutil.copy2(tep_name, date_dir + os.path.basename(tep_name)) # Check if files already exist: runMCMC = 0 # Flag that indicate which steps to run if justPlots: mu.msg(1, "\nRe-making output plots.", indent=0) runMCMC |= 16 # Atmospheric file: if os.path.isfile(atmfile): fatmfile = os.path.realpath(atmfile) shutil.copy2(fatmfile, date_dir + os.path.basename(fatmfile)) mu.msg(1, "Atmospheric file copied from: '{:s}'.".format(fatmfile), indent=2) runMCMC |= 8 atmfile = date_dir + os.path.basename(atmfile) # Pre-atmospheric file: if os.path.isfile(preatm_file): fpreatm_file = os.path.realpath(preatm_file) shutil.copy2(fpreatm_file, date_dir + os.path.basename(fpreatm_file)) mu.msg( 1, "Pre-atmospheric file copied from: '{:s}'.".format(fpreatm_file), indent=2) runMCMC |= 4 # Elemental-abundances file: if abun_file is not None and os.path.isfile(abun_file): shutil.copy2(abun_file, date_dir + os.path.basename(abun_file)) mu.msg( 1, "Elemental abundances file copied from: '{:s}'.".format(abun_file), indent=2) runMCMC |= 2 # Pressure file: if press_file is not None and os.path.isfile(press_file): shutil.copy2(press_file, date_dir + os.path.basename(press_file)) mu.msg(1, "Pressure file copied from: '{:s}'.".format(press_file), indent=2) runMCMC |= 1 press_file = date_dir + os.path.basename(press_file) # Generate files as needed: if runMCMC < 1: # Pressure file mp.makeP(n_layers, p_top, p_bottom, press_file, log) mu.msg(1, "Created new pressure file.", indent=2) # Make uniform-abundance profiles if requested: if uniform is not None and runMCMC < 8: # Calculate the temperature profile: temp = ipt.initialPT2(date_dir, PTinit, press_file, PTtype, PTfunc[PTtype], tep_name) # Generate the uniform-abundance profiles file: mat.uniform(atmfile, press_file, abun_basic, tep_name, out_spec, uniform, temp, refpress) # Update the runMCMC flag to skip upcoming steps: runMCMC |= 8 if runMCMC < 2: # Elemental-abundances file mu.msg(1, "CO swap: {}".format(COswap), indent=2) mat.makeAbun(abun_basic, date_dir + abun_file, solar_times, COswap) mu.msg(1, "Created new elemental abundances file.", indent=2) abun_file = date_dir + abun_file if runMCMC < 4: # Pre-atmospheric file # Calculate the temperature profile: temp = ipt.initialPT2(date_dir, PTinit, press_file, PTtype, PTfunc[PTtype], tep_name, tint_type=tint_type) # Choose a pressure-temperature profile mu.msg(1, "\nChoose temperature and pressure profile:", indent=2) raw_input(" open Initial PT profile figure and\n" " press enter to continue or quit and choose other initial " "PT parameters.") mat.make_preatm(tep_name, press_file, abun_file, in_elem, out_spec, preatm_file, temp) mu.msg(1, "Created new pre-atmospheric file.", indent=2) if runMCMC < 8: # Atmospheric file # Generate the TEA configuration file: mc.makeTEA(cfile, TEAdir) # Call TEA to calculate the atmospheric file: TEAcall = os.path.join(TEAdir, "tea", "") TEAout = os.path.splitext(atmfile)[0] # Remove extension # Execute TEA: mu.msg(1, "\nExecute TEA:") proc = subprocess.Popen([TEAcall, preatm_file, 'TEA']) proc.communicate() TEAres = os.path.join("TEA", "results", "TEA.tea") shutil.copy2(os.path.join(date_dir, TEAres), atmfile) # Add radius array: mat.makeRadius(out_spec, atmfile, abun_file, tep_name, refpress) mu.msg(1, "Added radius column to TEA atmospheric file.", indent=2) # Re-format file for use with transit: mat.reformat(atmfile) mu.msg(1, "Atmospheric file reformatted for Transit.", indent=2) if justTEA: mu.msg(1, "~~ BART End (after TEA) ~~") return # Make the MC3 configuration file: if runMCMC < 16: # MCMC MCMC_cfile = os.path.join(os.path.realpath(loc_dir), "MCMC_" + os.path.basename(cfile)) mc.makeMCMC(cfile, MCMC_cfile, logfile) # Make transit configuration file: mc.makeTransit(MCMC_cfile, tep_name, shareOpacity) # Generate the opacity file if it doesn't exist: if not os.path.isfile(opacityfile): mu.msg(1, "Transit call to generate the Opacity grid table.") Tcall = os.path.join(Transitdir, "transit", "transit") ["{:s} -c {:s} --justOpacity".format(Tcall, tconfig)], shell=True, cwd=date_dir) else: mu.msg( 1, "\nTransit copies the existing opacity file from:\n '{:s}'.". format(opacityfile), indent=2) shutil.copy2(opacityfile, date_dir + os.path.basename(opacityfile)) if justOpacity: mu.msg(1, "~~ BART End (after Transit opacity calculation) ~~") return # Run the MCMC: if runMCMC < 16: MC3call = os.path.join(MC3dir, "MCcubed", "")["mpiexec {:s} -c {:s}".format(MC3call, MCMC_cfile)], shell=True, cwd=date_dir) if walk == 'unif' and modelper > 0: # Clean up the output directory model_dir = os.path.join(date_dir, savemodel.replace('.npy', ''), '') # Make directory try: os.mkdir(model_dir) except OSError as e: if e.errno == 17: # Already exists pass else: mu.error("Cannot create folder '{:s}'. {:s}.".format( model_dir, os.strerror(e.errno))) # Move model files to subdirectory ['mv {:s} {:s}'.format('*'.join(savemodel.split('.')), model_dir)], shell=True, cwd=date_dir) if plots and walk != 'unif': # Re-plot MCMC results in prettier format mcp.mc3plots('output.npy', burnin, thinning, nchains, uniform, molfit, out_spec, parnames, stepsize, date_dir, ["output_trace", "output_pairwise", "output_posterior"], fext) # Run best-fit Transit call mu.msg(1, "\nTransit call with the best-fitting values.") # MCcubed output file MCfile = date_dir + logfile # Call bestFit submodule: make new bestFit_tconfig.cfg, run best-fit Transit bf.callTransit(atmfile, tep_name, MCfile, stepsize, molfit, cloud, rayleigh, solution, refpress, tconfig, date_dir, burnin, abun_basic, PTtype, PTfunc[PTtype], tint, tint_type, filters, fext=fext) # Plot best-fit eclipse or modulation spectrum, depending on solution: bf.plot_bestFit_Spectrum(filters, kurucz, tep_name, solution, outspec, data, uncert, date_dir, fext) bestFit_atmfile = 'bestFit.atm' # Plot abundance profiles bf.plotabun(date_dir, bestFit_atmfile, molfit, fext) mu.msg(1, "\nTransit call for contribution functions/transmittance.") # Run Transit with unlimited 'toomuch' argument: cf.cf_tconfig(date_dir) # Call Transit with the cf_tconfig cf_tconfig = date_dir + 'cf_tconfig.cfg' Tcall = os.path.join(Transitdir, "transit", "transit")["{:s} -c {:s}".format(Tcall, cf_tconfig)], shell=True, cwd=date_dir) # Calculate and plot contribution functions: if solution == "eclipse": # Compute contribution fucntions if this is a eclipse run: mu.msg(1, "Calculating contribution functions.", indent=2) ctfraw, ctf =, bestFit_atmfile, filters, fext) else: # Compute transmittance if this is a transmission run: mu.msg(1, "Calculating transmittance.", indent=2) ctf = cf.transmittance(date_dir, bestFit_atmfile, filters, fext) # Make a plot of MCMC profiles with contribution functions/transmittance bf.callTransit(atmfile, tep_name, MCfile, stepsize, molfit, cloud, rayleigh, solution, refpress, tconfig, date_dir, burnin, abun_basic, PTtype, PTfunc[PTtype], tint, tint_type, filters, ctf, fext=fext) mu.msg(1, "~~ BART End ~~")