Пример #1
 def validate_promise(self, promiser, attributes):
     if type(promiser) != str:
         raise ValidationError("Promiser must be of type string")
     if not "string" in attributes:
         raise ValidationError("Missing attribute 'string'")
     if type(attributes["string"]) != str:
         raise ValidationError("Attribute 'string' must be of type string")
Пример #2
 def validate_promise(self, promiser, attributes):
     if not promiser.startswith("/"):
         raise ValidationError(f"File path '{promiser}' must be absolute")
     for name, value in attributes.items():
         if name != "repo":
             raise ValidationError(f"Unknown attribute '{name}' for git promises")
         if name == "repo" and type(value) is not str:
             raise ValidationError(f"'repo' must be string for git promise types")
Пример #3
 def validate_promise(self, promiser, attributes):
     if not promiser.startswith("/"):
         raise ValidationError(
             f"Promiser '{promiser}' for 'gpg_keys' promise must be an absolute path"
     if not "keylist" in attributes:
         raise ValidationError(
             f"Required attribute 'keylist' missing for 'gpg_keys' promise"
Пример #4
    def validate_promise(self, promiser, attributes):
        if type(promiser) != str:
            raise ValidationError("Promiser must be of type string")
        if not "string" in attributes:
            raise ValidationError("Missing attribute 'string'")
        if type(attributes["string"]) != str:
            raise ValidationError("Attribute 'string' must be of type string")

        if "always" in attributes and attributes["always"] not in ("true",
            raise ValidationError(
                "Attribute 'always' must be either 'true' or 'false'")
Пример #5
 def validate_promise(self, promiser: str, attributes: Dict):
     attributes.setdefault("destination", promiser)
     except PydanticValidationError as e:
         errors = [
             ".".join(map(str, err["loc"])) + ": " + err["msg"] for err in e.errors()
         raise ValidationError(", ".join(errors))
Пример #6
    def evaluate_promise(self, promiser, attributes):
        if not promiser.startswith("/"):
            raise ValidationError("File path must be absolute")

        folder = promiser
        url = attributes["repo"]

        if os.path.exists(folder):

        self.log_info(f"Cloning '{url}' -> '{folder}'...")
        os.system(f"git clone {url} {folder} 2>/dev/null")

        if os.path.exists(folder):
            self.log_info(f"Successfully cloned '{url}' -> '{folder}'")
            self.log_error(f"Failed to clone '{url}' -> '{folder}'")
Пример #7
    def validate_promise(self, promiser, attributes):
        # check promiser type
        if type(promiser) is not str:
            raise ValidationError("invalid type for promiser: expected string")

        # check that promiser is a valid file path
        if not self._is_unix_file(promiser) and not self._is_win_file(
            raise ValidationError(
                f"invalid value '{promiser}' for promiser: must be a filepath")

        # check that required attribute feed is present
        if "feed" not in attributes:
            raise ValidationError("Missing required attribute feed")

        # check that attribute feed has a valid type
        feed = attributes['feed']
        if type(feed) is not str:
            raise ValidationError(
                "Invalid type for attribute feed: expected string")

        # check that attribute feed is a valid file path or url
        if not (self._is_unix_file(feed) or self._is_win_file(feed)
                or self._is_url(feed)):
            raise ValidationError(
                f"Invalid value '{feed}' for attribute feed: must be a file path or url"

        # additional checks if optional attribute select is present
        if "select" in attributes:
            select = attributes['select']

            # check that attribute select has a valid type
            if type(select) is not str:
                raise ValidationError(
                    f"Invalid type for attribute select: expected string")

            # check that attribute select has a valid value
            if select != 'newest' and select != 'oldest' and select != 'random':
                raise ValidationError(
                    f"Invalid value '{select}' for attribute select: must be newest, oldest or random"
Пример #8
 def validate_promise(self, promiser, attributes):
     if "outcome" in attributes and type(attributes["outcome"]) != str:
         raise ValidationError(
             "Attribute 'outcome' for promiser '%d' must be of type string"
             % promiser)
Пример #9
 def validate_promise(self, promiser, attributes):
     if ("json_data" not in attributes
             or type(attributes["json_data"]) != dict):
         raise ValidationError(
             "'json_data' attribute of type data required")
Пример #10
    def validate_promise(self, promiser, attributes):
        # check promiser type
        if type(promiser) is not str:
            raise ValidationError("Invalid type for promiser: expected string")

        # check promiser value
        if self._name_regex.match(promiser) is None:
            self.log_warning(f"Promiser groupname '{promiser}' should match regular expression '[a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*[$]?'")

        # check promiser length not too long
        if len(promiser) > self._name_maxlen:
            raise ValidationError(f"Promiser '{promiser}' is too long: ({len(promiser)} > {self._name_maxlen})")

        # check attribute policy if present
        if "policy" in attributes:
            policy = attributes["policy"]

            # check attribute policy type
            if type(policy) is not str:
                raise ValidationError("Invalid type for attribute policy: expected string")

            # check attribute policy value
            if policy not in ("present", "absent"):
                raise ValidationError(f"Invalid value '{policy}' for attribute policy: must be 'present' or 'absent'")

            # check attributes gid and members are not used with policy absent
            if policy == "absent":
                if "gid" in attributes:
                    self.log_warning(f"Cannot assign gid to absent group '{promiser}'")
                if "members" in attributes:
                    self.log_warning(f"Cannot assign members to absent group '{promiser}'")

        # check attribute gid if present
        if "gid" in attributes:
            gid = attributes["gid"]

            # check attribute gid type
            if type(gid) not in (str, int):
                raise ValidationError("Invalid type for attribute gid: expected string or int")

            # check attribute gid value
            if type(gid) == str:
                except ValueError:
                    raise ValidationError(f"Invalid value '{gid}' for attribute gid: expected integer literal")

        # check attribute members if present
        if "members" in attributes:
            # remove escape chars followed by parsing json
            members = json.loads(json.loads('"' + attributes["members"] + '"'))
            attributes["members"] = members
            # check attribute only not used with attributes include or exclude
            if "only" in members and ("include" in members or "exclude" in members):
                raise ValidationError("Attribute 'only' may not be used with attributes 'include' or 'exclude'")
            # check attributes of attibutes in members
            for attr in members:
                if attr not in ("only", "include", "exclude"):
                    raise ValidationError(f"Invalid value '{attr}' in attribute members: must be 'only', 'exclude' or 'include'")
            # make sure users aren't both included and excluded
            if "include" in members and "exclude" in members:
                duplicates = set(members["include"]).intersection(set(members["exclude"]))
                if duplicates != set():
                    raise ValidationError(f"Users {duplicates} both included and excluded from group '{promiser}'")
Пример #11
 def validate_promise(self, promiser, attributes):
     if not promiser.startswith("/"):
         raise ValidationError(
             f"Certificate path '{promiser}' must be absolute")
Пример #12
 def validate_promise(self, promiser, attributes):
     if not self.is_url_valid(promiser):
         raise ValidationError(f"URL '{promiser}' is invalid")
Пример #13
 def validate_promise(self, promiser, attributes):
     if ("lines" not in attributes or
         type(attributes["lines"]) not in (list, tuple) or
         any(type(item) != str for item in attributes["lines"])):
         raise ValidationError("'lines' attribute of type slist required")