Пример #1
def getGeneTable(reffile):
    E.info("Loading reference")
    table = defaultdict(dict)
    for ens_gene in GTF.gene_iterator(GTF.iterator(
        geneid = ens_gene[0][0].gene_id
        table[geneid]["models"] = dict()
        table[geneid]["start_codons"] = defaultdict(list)

        for transcript in ens_gene:

            transcript_id = transcript[0].transcript_id
            table[geneid]["models"][transcript_id] = transcript

            CDS = GTF.asRanges(transcript, "start_codon")
            if len(CDS) == 0:

            if transcript[0].strand == "-":
                start_codon = max(e[1] for e in CDS)
                start_codon = min(e[0] for e in CDS)


    E.info("Reference Loaded")
    return table
Пример #2
def annotateExons(iterator, fasta, options):
    """annotate exons within iterator."""

    gene_iterator = GTF.gene_iterator(iterator)

    ninput, noutput, noverlapping = 0, 0, 0

    for this in gene_iterator:
        ninput += 1
        intervals = collections.defaultdict(list)
        ntranscripts = len(this)

        is_negative_strand = Genomics.IsNegativeStrand(this[0][0].strand)

        for exons in this:
            # make sure these are sorted correctly
            exons.sort(key=lambda x: x.start)
            if is_negative_strand:

            nexons = len(exons)
            for i, e in enumerate(exons):
                intervals[(e.start, e.end)].append((i + 1, nexons))

        gtf = GTF.Entry()
        gtf.fromGTF(this[0][0], this[0][0].gene_id, this[0][0].gene_id)
        gtf.addAttribute("ntranscripts", ntranscripts)

        gtfs = []
        for r, pos in intervals.items():

            g = GTF.Entry().copy(gtf)
            g.start, g.end = r
            g.addAttribute("nused", len(pos))
            g.addAttribute("pos", ",".join(["%i:%i" % x for x in pos]))

        gtfs.sort(key=lambda x: x.start)

        for g in gtfs:
            options.stdout.write("%s\n" % str(g))

        # check for exon overlap
        intervals = [(g.start, g.end) for g in gtfs]
        nbefore = len(intervals)
        nafter = len(Intervals.combine(intervals))
        if nafter != nbefore:
            noverlapping += 1

        noutput += 1

    if options.loglevel >= 1:
        options.stdlog.write("# ninput=%i, noutput=%i, noverlapping=%i\n" %
                             (ninput, noutput, noverlapping))
Пример #3
def annotateTTS(iterator, fasta, options):
    """annotate termination sites within iterator.

    Entries specified with ``--restrict-source are annotated``.

    gene_iterator = GTF.gene_iterator(iterator)

    ngenes, ntranscripts, npromotors = 0, 0, 0

    for gene in gene_iterator:
        ngenes += 1
        is_negative_strand = Genomics.IsNegativeStrand(gene[0][0].strand)
        lcontig = fasta.getLength(gene[0][0].contig)
        tts = []
        transcript_ids = []
        for transcript in gene:

            ntranscripts += 1
            mi, ma = min([x.start for x in transcript
                          ]), max([x.end for x in transcript])
            # if tts is directly at start/end of contig, the tss will
            # be within an exon.  otherwise, it is outside an exon.
            if is_negative_strand:
                    (max(0, mi - options.promotor), max(options.promotor, mi)))
                tts.append((min(ma, lcontig - options.promotor),
                            min(lcontig, ma + options.promotor)))

        if options.merge_promotors:
            # merge the promotors (and rename - as sort order might have
            # changed)
            tts = Intervals.combine(tts)
            transcript_ids = ["%i" % (x + 1) for x in range(len(tts))]

        gtf = GTF.Entry()
        gtf.fromGTF(gene[0][0], gene[0][0].gene_id, gene[0][0].gene_id)
        gtf.source = "tts"

        x = 0
        for start, end in tts:
            gtf.start, gtf.end = start, end
            gtf.transcript_id = transcript_ids[x]
            options.stdout.write("%s\n" % str(gtf))
            npromotors += 1
            x += 1

    if options.loglevel >= 1:
        options.stdlog.write("# ngenes=%i, ntranscripts=%i, ntss=%i\n" %
                             (ngenes, ntranscripts, npromotors))
Пример #4
def annotateGenes(iterator, fasta, options):
    """annotate gene structures

    This method outputs intervals for first/middle/last exon/intron,
    UTRs and flanking regions.

    This method annotates per transcript. In order to achieve a unique tiling,
    use only a single transcript per gene and remove any overlap between


    gene_iterator = GTF.gene_iterator(iterator)

    ngenes, ntranscripts, nskipped = 0, 0, 0

    results = []
    increment = options.increment

    introns_detail = "introns" in options.detail
    exons_detail = "exons" in options.detail

    for gene in gene_iterator:
        ngenes += 1
        is_negative_strand = Genomics.IsNegativeStrand(gene[0][0].strand)
            lcontig = fasta.getLength(gene[0][0].contig)
        except KeyError:
            nskipped += 1

        results = []

        for transcript in gene:

            def _add(interval, anno):
                gtf = GTF.Entry()
                gtf.contig = transcript[0].contig
                gtf.gene_id = transcript[0].gene_id
                gtf.transcript_id = transcript[0].transcript_id
                gtf.strand = transcript[0].strand
                gtf.feature = anno
                gtf.start, gtf.end = interval

            ntranscripts += 1

            exons = [(x.start, x.end) for x in transcript
                     if x.feature == "exon"]
            if len(exons) == 0:
                nskipped += 1

            introns = []
            end = exons[0][1]
            for exon in exons[1:]:
                introns.append((end, exon[0]))
                end = exon[1]

            # add flank
            start, end = exons[0][0], exons[-1][1]
            upstream, downstream = [], []
            for x in range(0, options.flank, increment):
                upstream.append((start - increment, start))
                start -= increment
                downstream.append((end, end + increment))
                end += increment

            # remove out-of-bounds coordinates
            upstream = [x for x in upstream if x[0] >= 0]
            downstream = [x for x in downstream if x[1] <= lcontig]

            if is_negative_strand:
                upstream, downstream = downstream, upstream

            # add exons
            if exons_detail:
                _add(exons[0], "first_exon")
                if len(exons) > 1:
                    _add(exons[-1], "last_exon")
                for e in exons[1:-1]:
                    _add(e, "middle_exon")
                for e in exons:
                    _add(e, "exon")

            # add introns
            if introns_detail:
                if len(introns) > 0:
                    _add(introns[0], "first_intron")
                if len(introns) > 1:
                    _add(introns[-1], "last_intron")
                for i in introns[1:-1]:
                    _add(i, "middle_intron")
                for i in introns:
                    _add(i, "intron")

            for x, u in enumerate(upstream):
                _add(u, "upstream_%i" % (increment * (x + 1)))

            for x, u in enumerate(downstream):
                _add(u, "downstream_%i" % (increment * (x + 1)))

            results.sort(key=lambda x: x.feature)

        cache = []
        for key, vals in itertools.groupby(results, key=lambda x: x.feature):
            v = list(vals)
            intervals = [(x.start, x.end) for x in v]
            intervals = Intervals.combine(intervals)

            for start, end in intervals:
                r = GTF.Entry()
                r.start, r.end = start, end

        cache.sort(key=lambda x: x.start)
        for r in cache:
            options.stdout.write("%s\n" % str(r))

    E.info("ngenes=%i, ntranscripts=%i, nskipped=%i\n" %
           (ngenes, ntranscripts, nskipped))
Пример #5
def annotateGREATDomains(iterator, fasta, options):
    """build great domains

    extend from TSS a basal region.


    gene_iterator = GTF.gene_iterator(iterator)

    counter = E.Counter()

    upstream, downstream = options.upstream, options.downstream
    radius = options.radius
    outfile = options.stdout

    regions = []
    # define basal regions for each gene
    # take all basal regions per transcript and merge them
    # Thus, the basal region of a gene might be larger than the sum
    # of options.upstream + options.downstream
    for gene in gene_iterator:
        counter.genes += 1
        is_negative_strand = Genomics.IsNegativeStrand(gene[0][0].strand)

        lcontig = fasta.getLength(gene[0][0].contig)
        regulons = []
        transcript_ids = []

        # collect every basal region per transcript
        for transcript in gene:
            counter.transcripts += 1
            mi, ma = min([x.start for x in transcript
                          ]), max([x.end for x in transcript])
            # add range to both sides of tss
            if is_negative_strand:
                interval = ma - options.downstream, ma + options.upstream
                interval = mi - options.upstream, mi + options.downstream

            interval = (min(lcontig, max(0, interval[0])),
                        min(lcontig, max(0, interval[1])))


        # take first/last entry
        start, end = min(x[0] for x in regulons), max(x[1] for x in regulons)

        gtf = GTF.Entry()
        gtf.fromGTF(gene[0][0], gene[0][0].gene_id, gene[0][0].gene_id)
        gtf.source = "greatdomain"
        gtf.start, gtf.end = start, end

    regions.sort(key=lambda x: (x.contig, x.start))

    outf = iotools.open_file("test.gff", "w")
    for x in regions:
        outf.write(str(x) + "\n")

    # extend basal regions
    regions.sort(key=lambda x: (x.contig, x.start))

    # iterate within groups of overlapping basal regions
    groups = list(GTF.iterator_overlaps(iter(regions)))
    counter.groups = len(groups)

    last_end = 0
    reset = False

    for region_id, group in enumerate(groups):

        # collect basal intervals in group
        intervals = [(x.start, x.end) for x in group]

        def overlapsBasalRegion(pos):
            for start, end in intervals:
                if start == pos or end == pos:
                if start <= pos < end:
                    return True
                if start > pos:
                    return False
            return False

        # deal with boundary cases - end of contig
        if region_id < len(groups) - 1:
            nxt = groups[region_id + 1]
            if nxt[0].contig == group[0].contig:
                next_start = min([x.start for x in nxt])
                next_start = fasta.getLength(group[0].contig)
                reset = True
            next_start = fasta.getLength(group[0].contig)
            reset = True

        # last_end = basal extension of previous group
        # next_start = basal_extension of next group

        # extend region to previous/next group always extend
        # dowstream, but upstream only extend if basal region of an
        # interval is not already overlapping another basal region
        # within the group
        save_end = 0
        for gtf in group:
            save_end = max(save_end, gtf.end)
            if gtf.strand == "+":
                if not overlapsBasalRegion(gtf.start):
                    gtf.start = max(gtf.start - radius, last_end)
                # always extend downstream
                gtf.end = min(gtf.end + radius, next_start)
                # always extend downstream
                gtf.start = max(gtf.start - radius, last_end)
                if not overlapsBasalRegion(gtf.end):
                    gtf.end = min(gtf.end + radius, next_start)
            outfile.write(str(gtf) + "\n")
            counter.regulons += 1

        if len(group) > 1:
            counter.overlaps += len(group)
            counter.nonoverlaps += 1

        if reset:
            last_end = 0
            reset = False
            last_end = save_end

    E.info("%s" % str(counter))
Пример #6
def annotateRegulons(iterator, fasta, tss, options):
    """annotate regulons within iterator.

    Entries specied with ``--restrict-source`` are annotated.

    gene_iterator = GTF.gene_iterator(iterator)

    ngenes, ntranscripts, nregulons = 0, 0, 0

    upstream, downstream = options.upstream, options.downstream

    for gene in gene_iterator:
        ngenes += 1
        is_negative_strand = Genomics.IsNegativeStrand(gene[0][0].strand)
        lcontig = fasta.getLength(gene[0][0].contig)
        regulons = []
        transcript_ids = []
        for transcript in gene:

            ntranscripts += 1
            mi, ma = min([x.start for x in transcript
                          ]), max([x.end for x in transcript])
            if tss:
                # add range to both sides of tss
                if is_negative_strand:
                    interval = ma - options.downstream, ma + options.upstream
                    interval = mi - options.upstream, mi + options.downstream
                # add range to both sides of tts
                if is_negative_strand:
                    interval = mi - options.downstream, mi + options.upstream
                    interval = ma - options.upstream, ma + options.downstream

            interval = (min(lcontig, max(0, interval[0])),
                        min(lcontig, max(0, interval[1])))


        if options.merge_promotors:
            # merge the regulons (and rename - as sort order might have
            # changed)
            regulons = Intervals.combine(regulons)
            transcript_ids = ["%i" % (x + 1) for x in range(len(regulons))]

        gtf = GTF.Entry()
        gtf.fromGTF(gene[0][0], gene[0][0].gene_id, gene[0][0].gene_id)
        gtf.source = "regulon"

        x = 0
        for start, end in regulons:
            gtf.start, gtf.end = start, end
            gtf.transcript_id = transcript_ids[x]
            options.stdout.write("%s\n" % str(gtf))
            nregulons += 1
            x += 1

    E.info("ngenes=%i, ntranscripts=%i, nregulons=%i" %
           (ngenes, ntranscripts, nregulons))