Пример #1
def fs_from_file(filename, frq, src,  
                 del_t=900, transposed=True, subtract_avg=False):

    f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')

    times = f['index_map']['time'].value['ctime'] + 10.6

    src_trans = eph.transit_times(src, times[0])

    # try to account for differential arrival time from cylinder rotation. 

    del_phi = (src._dec - np.radians(eph.CHIMELATITUDE)) * np.sin(np.radians(1.988))
    del_phi *= (24 * 3600.0) / (2 * np.pi)

    # Adjust the transit time accordingly                                                                                   
    src_trans += del_phi

    # Select +- del_t of transit, accounting for the mispointing      
    t_range = np.where((times < src_trans + del_t) & (times > src_trans - del_t))[0]

    times = times[t_range[0]:t_range[-1]]#[offp::2] test

    print "Time range:", times[0], times[-1]

    print "\n...... This data is from %s starting at RA: %f ...... \n" \
        % (eph.unix_to_datetime(times[0]), eph.transit_RA(times[0]))

    if transposed is True:
        v = f['vis'][frq[0]:frq[-1]+1, :]
        v = v[..., t_range[0]:t_range[-1]]
        vis = v['r'] + 1j * v['i']

        del v

    # Read in time and freq slice if data has not yet been transposed
    if transposed is False:
         v = f['vis'][t_range[0]:t_range[-1], frq[0]:frq[-1]+1, :]
         vis = v['r'][:] + 1j * v['i'][:]
         del v
         vis = np.transpose(vis, (1, 2, 0))

    inp = gen_inp()[0]

    # Remove offset from galaxy                                                                                
    if subtract_avg is True:
        vis -= 0.5 * (vis[..., 0] + vis[..., -1])[..., np.newaxis]

    freq_MHZ = 800.0 - np.array(frq) / 1024.0 * 400.
    print len(inp)

    baddies = np.where(np.isnan(tools.get_feed_positions(inp)[:, 0]))[0]

    # Fringestop to location of "src"

    data_fs = tools.fringestop_pathfinder(vis, eph.transit_RA(times), freq_MHZ, inp, src)
#    data_fs = fringestop_pathfinder(vis, eph.transit_RA(times), freq_MHZ, inp, src)

    return data_fs
Пример #2
def fringestop_and_sum(fn, feeds, freq, src, transposed=True, 
            return_unfs=True, meridian=False, del_t=1500, frick=None):             
    """ Take an input file fn and a set of feeds and return 
    a formed beam on src. 

    if transposed is True:
        r = andata.Reader(fn)
        r.freq_sel = freq
        X = r.read()
        times = r.time
        f = h5py.File(fn, 'r')  
        times = f['index_map']['time'].value['ctime']

    print "Read in data"

    # Get transit time for source 
    src_trans = eph.transit_times(src, times[0]) 

    del_phi = 1.30 * (src._dec - np.radians(eph.CHIMELATITUDE)) * np.sin(np.radians(1.988))
    del_phi *= (24 * 3600.0) / (2 * np.pi)

    # Adjust the transit time accordingly                                                                                                 
    src_trans += del_phi

    # Select +- del_t of transit, accounting for the mispointing                                                                                     
    t_range = np.where((times < src_trans + del_t) & (times > src_trans - del_t))[0]

    times = times[t_range[0]:t_range[-1]]#[offp::2] test

    print "Time range:", times[0], times[-1]
    # Generate correctly ordered corrinputs
    corrinput_real = gen_inp()[0]
    inp = np.array(corrinput_real)

    # Ensure vis array is in correct order (freq, prod, time)
    if transposed is True:
        data = X.vis[:, :, t_range[0]:t_range[-1]]
        freq = X.freq
        v = f['vis'][t_range[0]:t_range[-1], freq, :] 
        vis = v['r'] + 1j * v['i']
        data = vis.transpose()[np.newaxis]

        del vis

        freq = 800 - 400.0 / 1024 * freq
        freq = np.array([freq])

#    autos = auto_corrs(256)
#    offp = (abs(data[:, autos, 0::2]).mean() > (abs(data[:, autos, 1::2]).mean())).astype(int)
#    data = data[..., offp::2] test

    data_unfs = sum_corrs(data.copy(), feeds)
    ra_ = eph.transit_RA(times)
    ra_2 = nolan_ra(times)

    #ra_ = ra_2.copy()

    if meridian is True:
        ra = np.ones_like(ra_) * np.degrees(src._ra)
        ra = ra_

    print len(inp)
    dfs = tools.fringestop_pathfinder(data.copy(), ra, freq, inp, src)    
    #dfs = fringestop_pathfinder(data.copy(), ra_2, freq, inp, src, frick=frick)
#    dfs = fringestop_pathfinder(data.copy(), ra_1, freq, inp, src, frick=frick)

#    fp = np.loadtxt('/home/connor/feed_layout_decrease.txt')
#    PH = fill_nolan(times, src._ra  * 180.0 / np.pi, src._dec * 180.0 / np.pi, fp)

    dfs_sum = sum_corrs(dfs, feeds)

    if return_unfs is True:
        return dfs_sum, ra_, dfs, data
        return dfs_sum, ra_
Пример #3
def solve_ps_transit(filename, corrs, feeds, inp, 
          src, nfreq=1024, transposed=False, nfeed=128):
    """ Function that fringestops time slice 
    where point source is in the beam, takes 
    all correlations for a given polarization, and then 
    eigendecomposes the correlation matrix freq by freq
    after removing the fpga phases. It will also 
    plot intermediate steps to verify the phase solution.

    filename : np.str
         Full-path filename 
    corrs : list
         List of correlations to use in solver
    feeds : list
         List of feeds to use
    inp   : 
         Correlator inputs (output of ch_util.tools.get_correlator_inputs)
    src   : ephem.FixedBody
         Source to calibrate off of. e.g. ch_util.ephemeris.TauA
    Gains : np.array
         Complex gain array (nfreq, nfeed) 

    nsplit = 32 # Number of freq chunks to divide nfreq into
    del_t = 800

    f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')

    # Add half an integration time to each. Hack. 
    times = f['index_map']['time'].value['ctime'] + 10.50
    src_trans = eph.transit_times(src, times[0])
    # try to account for differential arrival time from 
    # cylinder rotation. 
    del_phi = (src._dec - np.radians(eph.CHIMELATITUDE)) \
                 * np.sin(np.radians(1.988))
    del_phi *= (24 * 3600.0) / (2 * np.pi)

    # Adjust the transit time accordingly
    src_trans += del_phi

    # Select +- del_t of transit, accounting for the mispointing 
    t_range = np.where((times < src_trans + 
                  del_t) & (times > src_trans - del_t))[0]
    print "\n...... This data is from %s starting at RA: %f ...... \n" \
        % (eph.unix_to_datetime(times[0]), eph.transit_RA(times[0]))

    assert (len(t_range) > 0), "Source is not in this acq"

    # Create gains array to fill in solution
    Gains = np.zeros([nfreq, nfeed], np.complex128)
    print "Starting the solver"
    times = times[t_range[0]:t_range[-1]]
    # Start at a strong freq channel that can be plotted
    # and from which we can find the noise source on-sample
    for i in range(12, nsplit) + range(0, 12):


        # Divides the arrays up into nfreq / nsplit freq chunks and solves those
        frq = range(i * nfreq // nsplit, (i+1) * nfreq // nsplit)
        print "      %d:%d \n" % (frq[0], frq[-1])

        # Read in time and freq slice if data has already been transposed
        if transposed is True:
            v = f['vis'][frq[0]:frq[-1]+1, corrs, :]
            v = v[..., t_range[0]:t_range[-1]]
            vis = v['r'] + 1j * v['i']

            if k==1:
                autos = auto_corrs(nfeed)
                offp = (abs(vis[:, autos, 0::2]).mean() > \
                        (abs(vis[:, autos, 1::2]).mean())).astype(int)

                times = times[offp::2]
            vis = vis[..., offp::2]

            gg = f['gain_coeff'][frq[0]:frq[-1]+1, 
                    feeds, t_range[0]:t_range[-1]][..., offp::2]

            gain_coeff = gg['r'] + 1j * gg['i']
            del gg

        # Read in time and freq slice if data has not yet been transposed
        if transposed is False:
            v = f['vis'][t_range[0]:t_range[-1]:2, frq[0]:frq[-1]+1, corrs]
            vis = v['r'][:] + 1j * v['i'][:]
            del v

            gg = f['gain_coeff'][0, frq[0]:frq[-1]+1, feeds]
            gain_coeff = gg['r'][:] + 1j * gg['i'][:]

            vis = vis[..., offp::2]

            vis = np.transpose(vis, (1, 2, 0))

        # Remove fpga gains from data
        vis = remove_fpga_gains(vis, gain_coeff, nfeed=nfeed, triu=False)

        # Remove offset from galaxy
        vis -= 0.5 * (vis[..., 0] + vis[..., -1])[..., np.newaxis]
        # Get physical freq for fringestopper
        freq_MHZ = 800.0 - np.array(frq) / 1024.0 * 400.
        baddies = np.where(np.isnan(tools.get_feed_positions(inp)[:, 0]))[0]
        a, b, c = select_corrs(baddies, nfeed=128)

        vis[:, a + b] = 0.0

        # Fringestop to location of "src"
        data_fs = tools.fringestop_pathfinder(vis, eph.transit_RA(times), freq_MHZ, inp, src)

        del vis

        dr, sol_arr = solve_gain(data_fs)

        # Find index of point source transit
        drlist = np.argmax(dr, axis=-1)
        # If multiple freq channels are zerod, the trans_pix
        # will end up being 0. This is bad, so ensure that 
        # you are only looking for non-zero transit pixels.
        drlist = [x for x in drlist if x != 0]
        trans_pix = np.argmax(np.bincount(drlist))

        assert trans_pix != 0.0

        Gains[frq] = sol_arr[..., trans_pix-3:trans_pix+4].mean(-1)

        zz = h5py.File('data' + str(i) + '.hdf5','w')
        zz.create_dataset('data', data=dr)

        print "%f, %d Nans out of %d" % (np.isnan(sol_arr).sum(), np.isnan(Gains[frq]).sum(), np.isnan(Gains[frq]).sum())
        print trans_pix, sol_arr[..., trans_pix-3:trans_pix+4].mean(-1).sum(), sol_arr.mean(-1).sum()

        # Plot up post-fs phases to see if everything has been fixed
        if frq[0] == 12 * nsplit:
            print "======================"
            print "   Plotting up freq: %d" % frq[0]
            print "======================"
            img_nm = './phs_plots/dfs' + np.str(frq[17]) + np.str(np.int(time.time())) +'.png'
            img_nmcorr = './phs_plots/dfs' + np.str(frq[17]) + np.str(np.int(time.time())) +'corr.png'

            plt_gains(data_fs, 0, img_name=img_nm, bad_chans=baddies)
            dfs_corr = correct_dfs(data_fs, np.angle(Gains[frq])[..., np.newaxis], nfeed=128)

            plt_gains(dfs_corr, 0, img_name=img_nmcorr, bad_chans=baddies)

            del dfs_corr

        del data_fs, a

    return Gains
Пример #4
def fringestop_and_sum(fn,
    """ Take an input file fn and a set of feeds and return 
    a formed beam on src. 

    if transposed is True:
        r = andata.Reader(fn)
        r.freq_sel = freq
        X = r.read()
        times = r.time
        f = h5py.File(fn, 'r')
        times = f['index_map']['time'].value['ctime']

    print "Read in data"

    # Get transit time for source
    src_trans = eph.transit_times(src, times[0])

    del_phi = 1.30 * (src._dec - np.radians(eph.CHIMELATITUDE)) * np.sin(
    del_phi *= (24 * 3600.0) / (2 * np.pi)

    # Adjust the transit time accordingly
    src_trans += del_phi

    # Select +- del_t of transit, accounting for the mispointing
    t_range = np.where((times < src_trans + del_t)
                       & (times > src_trans - del_t))[0]

    times = times[t_range[0]:t_range[-1]]  #[offp::2] test

    print "Time range:", times[0], times[-1]

    # Generate correctly ordered corrinputs
    corrinput_real = gen_inp()[0]
    inp = np.array(corrinput_real)

    # Ensure vis array is in correct order (freq, prod, time)
    if transposed is True:
        data = X.vis[:, :, t_range[0]:t_range[-1]]
        freq = X.freq
        v = f['vis'][t_range[0]:t_range[-1], freq, :]
        vis = v['r'] + 1j * v['i']
        data = vis.transpose()[np.newaxis]

        del vis

        freq = 800 - 400.0 / 1024 * freq
        freq = np.array([freq])

#    autos = auto_corrs(256)
#    offp = (abs(data[:, autos, 0::2]).mean() > (abs(data[:, autos, 1::2]).mean())).astype(int)
#    data = data[..., offp::2] test

    data_unfs = sum_corrs(data.copy(), feeds)
    ra_ = eph.transit_RA(times)
    ra_2 = nolan_ra(times)

    #ra_ = ra_2.copy()

    if meridian is True:
        ra = np.ones_like(ra_) * np.degrees(src._ra)
        ra = ra_

    print len(inp)
    dfs = tools.fringestop_pathfinder(data.copy(), ra, freq, inp, src)
    #dfs = fringestop_pathfinder(data.copy(), ra_2, freq, inp, src, frick=frick)
    #    dfs = fringestop_pathfinder(data.copy(), ra_1, freq, inp, src, frick=frick)

    #    fp = np.loadtxt('/home/connor/feed_layout_decrease.txt')
    #    PH = fill_nolan(times, src._ra  * 180.0 / np.pi, src._dec * 180.0 / np.pi, fp)

    dfs_sum = sum_corrs(dfs, feeds)

    if return_unfs is True:
        return dfs_sum, ra_, dfs, data
        return dfs_sum, ra_
Пример #5
def fs_from_file(filename,

    f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')

    times = f['index_map']['time'].value['ctime'] + 10.6

    src_trans = eph.transit_times(src, times[0])

    # try to account for differential arrival time from cylinder rotation.

    del_phi = (src._dec - np.radians(eph.CHIMELATITUDE)) * np.sin(
    del_phi *= (24 * 3600.0) / (2 * np.pi)

    # Adjust the transit time accordingly
    src_trans += del_phi

    # Select +- del_t of transit, accounting for the mispointing
    t_range = np.where((times < src_trans + del_t)
                       & (times > src_trans - del_t))[0]

    times = times[t_range[0]:t_range[-1]]  #[offp::2] test

    print "Time range:", times[0], times[-1]

    print "\n...... This data is from %s starting at RA: %f ...... \n" \
        % (eph.unix_to_datetime(times[0]), eph.transit_RA(times[0]))

    if transposed is True:
        v = f['vis'][frq[0]:frq[-1] + 1, :]
        v = v[..., t_range[0]:t_range[-1]]
        vis = v['r'] + 1j * v['i']

        del v

    # Read in time and freq slice if data has not yet been transposed
    if transposed is False:
        v = f['vis'][t_range[0]:t_range[-1], frq[0]:frq[-1] + 1, :]
        vis = v['r'][:] + 1j * v['i'][:]
        del v
        vis = np.transpose(vis, (1, 2, 0))

    inp = gen_inp()[0]

    # Remove offset from galaxy
    if subtract_avg is True:
        vis -= 0.5 * (vis[..., 0] + vis[..., -1])[..., np.newaxis]

    freq_MHZ = 800.0 - np.array(frq) / 1024.0 * 400.
    print len(inp)

    baddies = np.where(np.isnan(tools.get_feed_positions(inp)[:, 0]))[0]

    # Fringestop to location of "src"

    data_fs = tools.fringestop_pathfinder(vis, eph.transit_RA(times), freq_MHZ,
                                          inp, src)
    #    data_fs = fringestop_pathfinder(vis, eph.transit_RA(times), freq_MHZ, inp, src)

    return data_fs
Пример #6
def solve_ps_transit(filename,
    """ Function that fringestops time slice 
    where point source is in the beam, takes 
    all correlations for a given polarization, and then 
    eigendecomposes the correlation matrix freq by freq
    after removing the fpga phases. It will also 
    plot intermediate steps to verify the phase solution.

    filename : np.str
         Full-path filename 
    corrs : list
         List of correlations to use in solver
    feeds : list
         List of feeds to use
    inp   : 
         Correlator inputs (output of ch_util.tools.get_correlator_inputs)
    src   : ephem.FixedBody
         Source to calibrate off of. e.g. ch_util.ephemeris.TauA
    Gains : np.array
         Complex gain array (nfreq, nfeed) 

    nsplit = 32  # Number of freq chunks to divide nfreq into
    del_t = 800

    f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')

    # Add half an integration time to each. Hack.
    times = f['index_map']['time'].value['ctime'] + 10.50
    src_trans = eph.transit_times(src, times[0])

    # try to account for differential arrival time from
    # cylinder rotation.
    del_phi = (src._dec - np.radians(eph.CHIMELATITUDE)) \
                 * np.sin(np.radians(1.988))
    del_phi *= (24 * 3600.0) / (2 * np.pi)

    # Adjust the transit time accordingly
    src_trans += del_phi

    # Select +- del_t of transit, accounting for the mispointing
    t_range = np.where((times < src_trans + del_t)
                       & (times > src_trans - del_t))[0]

    print "\n...... This data is from %s starting at RA: %f ...... \n" \
        % (eph.unix_to_datetime(times[0]), eph.transit_RA(times[0]))

    assert (len(t_range) > 0), "Source is not in this acq"

    # Create gains array to fill in solution
    Gains = np.zeros([nfreq, nfeed], np.complex128)

    print "Starting the solver"

    times = times[t_range[0]:t_range[-1]]

    k = 0

    # Start at a strong freq channel that can be plotted
    # and from which we can find the noise source on-sample
    for i in range(12, nsplit) + range(0, 12):

        k += 1

        # Divides the arrays up into nfreq / nsplit freq chunks and solves those
        frq = range(i * nfreq // nsplit, (i + 1) * nfreq // nsplit)

        print "      %d:%d \n" % (frq[0], frq[-1])

        # Read in time and freq slice if data has already been transposed
        if transposed is True:
            v = f['vis'][frq[0]:frq[-1] + 1, corrs, :]
            v = v[..., t_range[0]:t_range[-1]]
            vis = v['r'] + 1j * v['i']

            if k == 1:
                autos = auto_corrs(nfeed)
                offp = (abs(vis[:, autos, 0::2]).mean() > \
                        (abs(vis[:, autos, 1::2]).mean())).astype(int)

                times = times[offp::2]

            vis = vis[..., offp::2]

            gg = f['gain_coeff'][frq[0]:frq[-1] + 1, feeds,
                                 t_range[0]:t_range[-1]][..., offp::2]

            gain_coeff = gg['r'] + 1j * gg['i']

            del gg

        # Read in time and freq slice if data has not yet been transposed
        if transposed is False:
            v = f['vis'][t_range[0]:t_range[-1]:2, frq[0]:frq[-1] + 1, corrs]
            vis = v['r'][:] + 1j * v['i'][:]
            del v

            gg = f['gain_coeff'][0, frq[0]:frq[-1] + 1, feeds]
            gain_coeff = gg['r'][:] + 1j * gg['i'][:]

            vis = vis[..., offp::2]

            vis = np.transpose(vis, (1, 2, 0))

        # Remove fpga gains from data
        vis = remove_fpga_gains(vis, gain_coeff, nfeed=nfeed, triu=False)

        # Remove offset from galaxy
        vis -= 0.5 * (vis[..., 0] + vis[..., -1])[..., np.newaxis]

        # Get physical freq for fringestopper
        freq_MHZ = 800.0 - np.array(frq) / 1024.0 * 400.

        baddies = np.where(np.isnan(tools.get_feed_positions(inp)[:, 0]))[0]
        a, b, c = select_corrs(baddies, nfeed=128)

        vis[:, a + b] = 0.0

        # Fringestop to location of "src"
        data_fs = tools.fringestop_pathfinder(vis, eph.transit_RA(times),
                                              freq_MHZ, inp, src)

        del vis

        dr, sol_arr = solve_gain(data_fs)

        # Find index of point source transit
        drlist = np.argmax(dr, axis=-1)

        # If multiple freq channels are zerod, the trans_pix
        # will end up being 0. This is bad, so ensure that
        # you are only looking for non-zero transit pixels.
        drlist = [x for x in drlist if x != 0]
        trans_pix = np.argmax(np.bincount(drlist))

        assert trans_pix != 0.0

        Gains[frq] = sol_arr[..., trans_pix - 3:trans_pix + 4].mean(-1)

        zz = h5py.File('data' + str(i) + '.hdf5', 'w')
        zz.create_dataset('data', data=dr)

        print "%f, %d Nans out of %d" % (np.isnan(sol_arr).sum(),
        print trans_pix, sol_arr[..., trans_pix - 3:trans_pix +
                                 4].mean(-1).sum(), sol_arr.mean(-1).sum()

        # Plot up post-fs phases to see if everything has been fixed
        if frq[0] == 12 * nsplit:
            print "======================"
            print "   Plotting up freq: %d" % frq[0]
            print "======================"
            img_nm = './phs_plots/dfs' + np.str(frq[17]) + np.str(
                np.int(time.time())) + '.png'
            img_nmcorr = './phs_plots/dfs' + np.str(frq[17]) + np.str(
                np.int(time.time())) + 'corr.png'

            plt_gains(data_fs, 0, img_name=img_nm, bad_chans=baddies)
            dfs_corr = correct_dfs(data_fs,
                                   np.angle(Gains[frq])[..., np.newaxis],

            plt_gains(dfs_corr, 0, img_name=img_nmcorr, bad_chans=baddies)

            del dfs_corr

        del data_fs, a

    return Gains