Пример #1
    def __init__(self,
        self._src = src
        self._dst = dst
        self._projection = None
        self._inclusion = None
        self._homotopy = None

        if projection is not None:
            self._projection = projection
            self._projection = ChainMap(self._src, self._dst)

        if inclusion is not None:
            self._inclusion = inclusion
            self._inclusion = ChainMap(self._dst, self._src)

        if integral is not None:
            self._homotopy = integral
            self._homotopy = ChainMap(self._src, self._dst, 1)
Пример #2
    def SNF_reduction(self):
        while True:
            self._computedSNF = False
            all_diag = True
            for p in self.dimensions:
                T = np.zeros_like(self.D[p])
                T[:min(self.D[p].shape), :min(self.D[p].shape)] = np.diag(np.diag(self.D[p]))
                all_diag = all_diag and np.all(T == self.D[p])
                if not all_diag:
            if all_diag:

        f_A = ChainMap(self, matrices={q: self.A[q].T for q in self.dimensions})
        f_G = ChainMap(self, matrices={q: self.G[q].T for q in self.dimensions})
        f_D = ChainMap(self, matrices={q: self.D[q].T for q in self.dimensions}, degree=self._degree)

        M = ChainComplex(cell_class=self.cell_class)
        M._degree = +1
        for q in self.dimensions:
            M[q] = self[q]
        M.d = f_D

        return Reduction(
            src=self, dst=M,
            integral=ChainMap(self, degree=-self._degree)
Пример #3
 def chain_complex(self):
     result = ChainComplex(cell_class=self.cell_class)
     for q in self.dimensions:
         result[q] = tuple(cell for cell in self(q))
     diff = ChainMap(result, result, degree=-1)
     for cell in self:
         if cell.dim > 0:
             diff.set_image(cell, cell.differential())
     result.d = diff
     return result
Пример #4
 def diagonal(self):
     M, f, g = self.dst, self.projection, self.inclusion
     M2 = M @ M
     D = ChainMap(M, M2)
     for cell in M:
         aw = AW(g(cell))
         f_aw = sum((aw[cell] * (f(cell[0]) @ f(cell[1])) for cell in aw),
         D.set_image(cell, f_aw)
     return D
Пример #5
    def from_am_model(cls, am_model):
        H = am_model.dst
        d = ChainMap(H,
                     matrices={(q - 1): mat.T
                               for (q, mat) in H.d._matrices.items()})
        free = {
            q: [cell for cell in H[q] if d(cell) == 0]
            for q in H.dimensions
        tor = {q: [] for q in H.dimensions}
        for q in H.dimensions:
            for cell in H[q - 1]:
                delta = d(cell)
                if delta != 0:
                    for face in delta:
                        l = delta[face]
                        tor[q].append((l, face))

        objects = {}
        generators = {}
        for q in free:
            rank = len(free[q])
            torsion_list = tuple(abs(t[0]) for t in tor[q])
            objects[q] = FiniteGeneratedAbelianGroup(rank, torsion_list)
            generators[q] = tuple(free[q]) + tuple(t[1] for t in tor[q])

        return CohomologyGroups(objects, generators)
Пример #6
    def cup_product(self):
        D = self.diagonal()
        M2 = D.dst
        M = D.src
        cup = ChainMap(M2, M)
        for cell in M2:
            t_0, t_1 = cell[0], cell[1]
            c_0, c_1 = Chain(t_0), Chain(t_1)
            p = t_0.dim
            q = t_1.dim

            result = Chain()
            for s in M[p + q]:
                d = D(s)
                result += sum(d[c] * c_0(c[0]) * c_1(c[1]) for c in d) * s
            cup.set_image(cell, result)
        return cup
Пример #7
def test_chain_map():
    local_env = {"a": 1, "b": 2}
    global_env = {"a": 3, "c": 4}

    chain_map = ChainMap(local_env, global_env)

    assert 'a' in chain_map
    assert 'c' in chain_map
    assert chain_map['a'] == 1
    assert chain_map['b'] == 2
    assert chain_map['c'] == 4
Пример #8
    def chain_complex(self):
        result = ChainComplex(cell_class=CubicalCell)
        for q in self.dimensions:
            result[q] = tuple(cell for cell in self(q))

        matrices = {}
        for q in range(1, self.dim + 1):
            src = np.array([cell.cube_map for cell in result[q]]).astype(np.int32)
            dst = np.array([cell.cube_map for cell in result[q - 1]]).astype(np.int32)
            threadsperblock = (16, 16)
            blockspergrid_src = math.ceil(src.shape[0] / threadsperblock[0])
            blockspergrid_dst = math.ceil(dst.shape[0] / threadsperblock[1])
            blockspergrid = (blockspergrid_src, blockspergrid_dst)
            diff = np.zeros((dst.shape[0], src.shape[0]), dtype=np.int32)
            create_cubical_differential_array[blockspergrid, threadsperblock](src, dst, diff)
            matrices[q] = diff
        result.d = ChainMap(result, result, degree=-1, matrices=matrices)
        return result
Пример #9
    def __matmul__(self, other):
        assert isinstance(other,  self.__class__)
        result = ChainComplex(cell_class=TensorCell)

        dimensions = {}
        for i, j in product(self.dimensions, other.dimensions):
            if i + j in dimensions:
                dimensions[i + j].append((i, j))
                dimensions[i + j] = [(i, j)]

        for p in dimensions:
            result[p] = tuple(map(lambda l: l[0] @ l[1],
                                  chain(*[product(self[i], other[j]) for i, j in dimensions[p]])))
        d = ChainMap(result, degree=-1)
        # for cell1, cell2 in product(self, other):
        #     t = cell1 @ cell2
        #     if t.dim > 0:
        #         d_t = t.differential()
        #         d.set_image(t, d_t)
        result.d = d
        return result
Пример #10
    def reduction(self):
        cplx = self.decomposition()

        d = self.src.d
        pi_t, pi_s, pi_c, iota_t, iota_s, iota_c = self._projections_inclusions(cplx)
        d_33 = pi_c * d * iota_c
        d_31 = pi_c * d * iota_t
        d_21 = pi_s * d * iota_t

        d_21_inv = ChainMap(d_21.dst, d_21.src, degree=+1)
        for p in self.dimensions:
            d_21_inv[p] = np.linalg.inv(d_21[p + 1]).astype(np.int32)
        d_23 = pi_s * d * iota_c

        cplx['c'].d = d_33 - d_31 * d_21_inv * d_23

        f = pi_c - d_31 * d_21_inv * pi_s
        g = iota_c - iota_t * d_21_inv * d_23

        h = iota_t * d_21_inv * pi_s

        return Reduction(self.src, cplx['c'], f, g, h)
Пример #11
 def id(self):
     return ChainMap.identity(self)
Пример #12
    pi_c = {p: np.zeros((n, C.n[p]), np.int32) for p, n in n_c.items()}

    for p, m in m_s.items():
        for i, j in enumerate(m):
            pi_s[p][i, j] = 1

    for p, m in m_t.items():
        for i, j in enumerate(m):
            pi_t[p][i, j] = 1

    for p, m in m_c.items():
        for i, j in enumerate(m):
            pi_c[p][i, j] = 1

    cplx_s = ChainComplex(C.cell_class)
    for p, m in m_s.items():
        cplx_s[p] = tuple(C[p][i] for i in m)

    cplx_t = ChainComplex(C.cell_class)
    for p, m in m_t.items():
        cplx_t[p] = tuple(C[p][i] for i in m)

    cplx_c = ChainComplex(C.cell_class)
    for p, m in m_c.items():
        cplx_c[p] = tuple(C[p][i] for i in m)

    pi_s_cm = ChainMap(C, cplx_s, matrices=pi_s)
    pi_t_cm = ChainMap(C, cplx_t, matrices=pi_t)
    pi_c_cm = ChainMap(C, cplx_c, matrices=pi_c)
    print('V Decomposition calculated in {:.3f}s'.format(time() - st))
Пример #13
from chain import ChainLink
import sys
from Selector import Selector
from chain_map import ChainMap
import getopt

opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "i:m:")
opts = dict(opts)
my_index = opts.get("-i")
if my_index is not None:
    my_index = int(my_index)
map_file = opts["-m"]

map = ChainMap(map_file)
sel = Selector()

class CallBack(object):

    def messageConfirmed(self, msg):
        print("Message confirmed: %s" % (msg,))
    def messageReceived(self, msg):
        print("Message received: %s" % (msg,))

cs = ChainLink(my_index, map.chainMap(), CallBack(), sel)

cs.broadcast("Hello all", need_confirmation=True)

while True:
Пример #14
    def am_model(self, do_SNF=True, verbose=False):
        st = time()
        pt = time()
        reduction = self.reduction()
        if verbose:
            print('Vector field reduction calculated in {:.3f}s'.format(time() - pt))

        pt = time()
        V = create_vector_field(reduction.dst)
        if verbose:
            print('Reduced vector field built in {:.3f}s'.format(time() - pt))

        while V != 0:
            pt = time()
            reduction = V.reduction() * reduction
            if verbose:
                print('Vector field reduction calculated in {:.3f}s'.format(time() - pt))
            pt  =time()
            V = create_vector_field(reduction.dst)
            if verbose:
                print('Reduced vector field built in {:.3f}s'.format(time() - pt))

        if do_SNF:
            # Compute SNF if necessary
            if reduction.dst.d != 0:
                pt = time()
                snf_reduction = reduction.dst.SNF_reduction()
                if verbose:
                    print('SNF reduction calculated in {:.3f}s'.format(time() - pt))
                pt = time()
                reduction = snf_reduction * reduction
                if verbose:
                    print('Final reduction built in {:.3f}s'.format(time() - pt))

        # Make all differentials have positive coefficient
        pt = time()
        f_sign = ChainMap(reduction.dst)
        h_sign = ChainMap(reduction.dst, degree=1)
        for sigma in reduction.dst:
            co_d = reduction.dst.d.T
            c = co_d(sigma)
            if c:
                tau = next(iter(c))
                if c[tau] < 0:
                    f_sign.set_image(sigma, -sigma)
                    f_sign.set_image(sigma, sigma)
                f_sign.set_image(sigma, sigma)

        new_dst = ChainComplex(cell_class=reduction.dst.cell_class)
        for p in reduction.dst.dimensions:
            new_dst[p] = reduction.dst[p]
        new_d = ChainMap(new_dst, degree=-1)
        for p, M in reduction.dst.d.matrices.items():
            new_d[p] = np.abs(M)
        new_dst.d = new_d
        reduction = Reduction(reduction.dst, new_dst, f_sign, f_sign, h_sign) * reduction
        if verbose:
            print('Signs adjusted in {:.3f}s'.format(time() - pt))
            print('Full time {:.3f}s'.format(time() - pt))
        return reduction
Пример #15
 def _projections_inclusions(self, decomposition):
     cplx = decomposition
     target_projection = ChainMap(self.src, cplx['t'])
     source_projection = ChainMap(self.src, cplx['s'])
     critical_projection = ChainMap(self.src, cplx['c'])
     target_inclusion = ChainMap(cplx['t'], self.src)
     source_inclusion = ChainMap(cplx['s'], self.src)
     critical_inclusion = ChainMap(cplx['c'], self.src)
     for sigma in self.src:
         if self.is_source(sigma):
             source_projection.set_image(sigma, sigma)
             source_inclusion.set_image(sigma, sigma)
         elif self.is_target(sigma):
             target_projection.set_image(sigma, sigma)
             target_inclusion.set_image(sigma, sigma)
             critical_projection.set_image(sigma, sigma)
             critical_inclusion.set_image(sigma, sigma)
     return (target_projection, source_projection, critical_projection,
             target_inclusion, source_inclusion, critical_inclusion)