Пример #1
def score_minimizer(board, player, alpha, beta) -> int:
    """ Minimizing Score Function """

    # setup
    enemy = 1 - player
    esign = -1 if enemy else 1
    score = 10000

    # searching all valid nodes
    for idx in range(len(board)):

        # skip invalid moves
        if board[idx] * esign < 0:

        # prune immediately if game over
        cboard = board[:]
        if engine.interact_inplace(cboard, idx, enemy):
            return -10000

        # get child score
        cscore = board_score(cboard, player)

        # update
        score = min(score, cscore)
        beta = min(beta, score)

        # alpha-beta pruning
        if alpha >= beta:
            return score

    return score
Пример #2
def load_scores(board, player, depth) -> list:
    """ Get the scores of all moves of board """

    # setup
    alpha = -10000
    psign = -1 if player else 1
    score_list = [0] * len(board)

    # searching all nodes (conditional return inside)
    for idx in range(len(board)):

        # mark invalid moves
        if board[idx] * psign < 0:
            score_list[idx] = -20000

        # interact with board
        cboard = board[:]
        game_over = engine.interact_inplace(cboard, idx, player)

        # mark winning move (no use of other scores)
        if game_over:
            score_list[idx] = 10000
            return score_list

        # store score and update alpha
        score = pruned_minimizer(cboard, player, alpha, 10000, depth - 1)
        score_list[idx] = score
        alpha = max(alpha, score)

    return score_list
Пример #3
def pruned_maximizer(board, player, alpha, beta, depth) -> int:
    """ Maximizing Tree Search Function """

    # setup
    score = -10000
    psign = -1 if player else 1

    # searching all nodes
    for idx in range(len(board)):

        # skip invalid moves
        if board[idx] * psign < 0:

        # prune immediately if game over
        cboard = board[:]
        if engine.interact_inplace(cboard, idx, player):
            return 10000

        # update score and beta
        score = max(
            score, pruned_minimizer(cboard, player, alpha, beta, depth - 1)
        alpha = max(alpha, score)

        # alpha-beta pruning
        if alpha >= beta:
            return score

    return score
Пример #4
    def expand(self):
        """ Construct child node from an untried action """

        # select one action
        action = self.unvisited.pop()

        # perform action and get state and game over
        next_state = self.state[:]
        game_over = engine.interact_inplace(next_state, action, self.player)
        next_state = None if game_over else next_state

        # construct child node and add to children
        child = MCTSVisitedNode(next_state, self, action, 1 - self.player)

        return child
Пример #5
def forward_roll_once(state, player) -> tuple:
    Choose one action randomly and return next state tuple
    If the action leads to game over, return None and winner

    # rollout policy: random
    valid_moves = engine.valid_board_moves(state, player)
    chosen_move = random.choice(valid_moves)

    # interact with env
    next_state = state[:]
    game_over = engine.interact_inplace(next_state, chosen_move, player)

    if game_over:
        return (None, player)
        return (next_state, 1 - player)