Пример #1
    def update_core(self):
        batch = self.get_iterator('main').next()
        input_var = Variable(self.converter(batch, self.device), volatile='on')

        content_features = extract({'data': input_var}, self.D,
        content_features = {
            key: value[0]
            for key, value in content_features.items()
        for _, value in content_features.items():
            value.volatile = 'off'

        input_var.volatile = 'off'
        output_var = self.G(input_var)
        ouput_features = extract({'data': output_var}, self.D, self.layers)

        optimizer = self.get_optimizer('main')
        optimizer.update(self.loss, ouput_features, content_features,
Пример #2
    def __call__(self, x, img_real):
        if type(img_real) != chainer.variable.Variable:  # if validation set
            img_real = Variable(img_real)

        ## Compute latent space from BOLD
        z = self.predictor(x)
        ## Generate images from latent space
        img_fake = self.pretrained_gan.generate_img_from_z(z)
        img_fake = F.clip(img_fake, -1.0, 1.0)  # avoid slight overflow of values (after tanh, up to 1.07)

        img_fake.volatile = 'OFF' ; img_real.volatile = 'OFF'  # workaround an issue during validation

        ## Get activations of perceptual features
        _, layer_activations_fake = self.featnet( img_fake, train=False, return_activations=True )
        _, layer_activations_real = self.featnet( img_real, train=False, return_activations=True )
        # Note that featnet can also return the non-softmaxed final layer activations (=the classes, here in _ ).
        # Got some bizarre (and no better) results for natural images when also including a class-matching loss. 
        # But (as mentioned in the paper): A loss on higher layers of a convnet trained with a discrete set of 
        # classes (such as ImageNet classes) may *restrict* your reconstructions to these classes, which is 
        # not desired. Computing a loss within a continuous semantic space may be a solution here. 

        ## Compute perceptual losses
        loss = 0.0

        if self.featnet != None:
            for layer_idx in ['pixel'] + args.featn_layers: 

                if layer_idx == 'pixel':   

                    # compute pixel loss l_px
                    loss_px =  args.lambda_pixel * (
                               F.mean_absolute_error( F.resize_images(img_fake, 
                                                           (args.small_img_dims,args.small_img_dims)) )  )
                    loss += loss_px


                    layer_idx = int(layer_idx)

                    activ_fake_pos = F.hard_sigmoid( layer_activations_fake[layer_idx]*3.0 - 3.*args.featthre )
                    activ_real_pos = F.hard_sigmoid( layer_activations_real[layer_idx]*3.0 - 3.*args.featthre )
                    # using hard_sigmoid for a differentiable binarization at threshold 1.0

                    if int(layer_idx) == 0:  # negative feature activations only make sense for conv1
                        activ_fake_neg = F.hard_sigmoid( -1.0*layer_activations_fake[layer_idx]*3.0 - 3.*args.featthre )
                        activ_real_neg = F.hard_sigmoid( -1.0*layer_activations_real[layer_idx]*3.0 - 3.*args.featthre )

                        mask_real = (activ_real_pos.data + activ_real_neg.data) > 0

                    else:  # only use positive activations
                        mask_real = activ_real_pos.data > 0
                        loss_pr_neg = 0

                    if np.sum(mask_real[:]) > 0.0:  # if there are any activations above 1.0
                        # compute l_l,m
                        loss_mag =   args.lambda_magnitude * (
                                                          layer_activations_real[layer_idx][mask_real])  )

                    else:  # warn and set magnitude loss to 0.0 (does not happen)
                        loss_mag = 0.0
                        print "Warning: No magnitude loss"

                    loss += loss_mag
        report({'loss': loss}, self)

        # Use this code to check whether gradients were computed: 
        #print "Gradients: ", self.predictor.l1.W.grad
        # Do this for all new loss terms. 

        return loss