def make_a_website(cf, dns, siteName, contName, indexFileContents, indexFileName): """Create a simple website on CloudFiles using specified content Create a new, randomly named, public, CloudFiles container Upload the specified file (or a default, if not specified) to the new CloudFiles container. Set the "Index Page" on the Container to be the uploaded file. Create a DNS CNAME record for the specified name pointing to the CDN URL of the new CloudFiles container. """ # Create a new, public container cont = cf.create_container(contName) print "New Container:", cf.make_container_public(cont) # Store index file contents in a new object indexObj = cf.store_object(cont, indexFileName, indexFileContents) # Make this new image the "index page" for the container cf.set_container_web_index_page(cont, indexFileName) c4.create_dns_record(dns, siteName, cont.cdn_uri.lstrip('http://'), 'CNAME') print "Done!"
c1.print_servers_info(servers) #Create CBS volumes and attach to servers for srv in servers: volname = "%s-vol" % print "Creating Block Storage Volume %s of size %d" % (volname, args.volumesize) vol = cbs.create(name=volname, size=args.volumesize, volume_type="SATA") print "Attaching volume %s to server %s" % (volname, vol.attach_to_instance(srv, mountpoint='/dev/xvdd') #Create LB, with server nodes if not args.lbname: LBName = '%s-LB' % args.FQDN else: LBName = args.lbname print "Creating Loadbalancer %s" % LBName lb = c7.create_lb_and_add_servers(clb, LBName, servers) c10.wait_for_lb_build(lb) #install ssl cert/key on LB print "Applying SSL certificate to Loadbalancer\n" lb.add_ssl_termination(securePort=443, enabled=True, secureTrafficOnly=False, certificate=cert, privatekey=key) # create DNS entries for the LB c4.create_dns_record(dns, args.FQDN, lb.virtual_ips[0].address, 'A') print "\nDone!\n" # vim: ts=2 sw=2 tw=78 expandtab
pyrax.set_credential_file(credential_file) if c1.is_valid_region(args.region, "compute"): cs = pyrax.connect_to_cloudservers(region=args.region) dns = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_dns(region=args.region) else: print "The region you requested is not valid: %s" % args.region sys.exit(2) # unbuffer stdout for pretty output sys.stdout = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), "w", 0) if not c4.is_valid_hostname(args.FQDN): print "This does not appear to be a valid host name: %s" % args.FQDN sys.exit(2) if not c1.is_valid_image(cs, args.image): print "This does not appear to be a valid image-uuid: %s" % args.image sys.exit(3) if not c1.is_valid_flavor(cs, args.flavor): print "This does not appear to be a valid flavor-id: %s" % args.flavor sys.exit(4) servers = c1.build_some_servers(cs, args.flavor, args.image, args.FQDN, 1) c1.wait_for_server_networks(servers) c1.print_servers_info(servers) pubIPv4 = cloud_server_public_ipv4(servers[0]) c4.create_dns_record(dns, args.FQDN, pubIPv4, "A") pubIPv6 = cloud_server_public_ipv6(servers[0]) c4.create_dns_record(dns, args.FQDN, pubIPv6, "AAAA") # vim: ts=2 sw=2 tw=78 expandtab