Пример #1
 def __init__(self):
     self.status = Status.uninitialized
     self.start_time = None
     self.state = StateChange()
     self.changes = ChangeStore()
     self.action = Action()
     self.device_info = device.info
Пример #2
class AndroidEvent(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.status = Status.uninitialized
        self.start_time = None
        self.state = StateChange()
        self.changes = ChangeStore()
        self.action = Action()
        self.device_info = device.info

    def init(self, start_time, start_state):
        self.status = Status.initialized
        self.start_time = start_time
        self.state.start.xml = start_state
        return self

    def is_start(self, event_property):
        return self.status is Status.uninitialized and event_property == TYPE_START_OR_END

    def is_end(self, event_property):
        return self.status is Status.initialized and event_property == TYPE_START_OR_END

    def recognized(cls, type):
        return type in EVENT_TYPES

    def changed(self, type, time, value):
        if self.status is Status.initialized:
            delta_time = time - self.start_time
            self.changes.append(AndroidEventChange(type, delta_time, time, value))
            print 'Ignored uninitialized event.'

    def preprocess(self, end_event):
            self.status = Status.preprocessed
            self.state.end.xml = end_event

            # TODO(johnliu): interpolate a curve, for now just use start and end points.
            start = self.changes.start()
            end = self.changes.end()

            if abs(start.x - end.x) <= 25 and abs(start.y - end.y) <= 25:
                if start.y >= self.device_info['displayHeight']:
                    self.action.init(ACTION_TOUCH, start.x, start.y)
                self.action.init(ACTION_DRAG, start, end, self.changes.duration())
        except Exception as e:
            self.status = Status.discarded
            print e

        print 'Got event: %s' % self

    def process(self):
            self.status = Status.processed

            if not self.action.is_back():
                if not len(self.state.start.chain) or not len(self.state.end.chain):
                    self.status = Status.discarded
        except Exception as e:
            self.status = Status.discarded
            print e

        print 'Processed: %s' % self

    def delay(self, other):
        if other is None:
            return 0
        start_time = self.changes.max_time()
        end_time = other.changes.min_time()
        return abs(end_time - start_time)

    def call(self):
        if self.status >= Status.processed:
            print 'Event not processed.'

    def __repr__(self):
        text_start = '<AndroidEvent(%s)>'
        text_end = ':\n %s'
        t, m = (None, None)

        if self.status is Status.uninitialized:
            t = 'null'
        if self.status is Status.discarded:
            t = 'discarded'
        if self.status is Status.initialized:
            t = 'unprocessed'

        if self.status >= Status.preprocessed:
            start = self.changes.start()
            end = self.changes.end()
            duration = self.changes.duration()

            t = self.action.type
            if self.action.is_drag():
                m = '\t%s ->\n\t%s \n\tin %f' % (start, end, duration)
            elif self.action.is_touch():
                m = '\t%s' % (start,)
        if self.status is Status.processed:
            if self.action.is_drag():
                m += ', \n\tfrom: %s ->\n\t%s' % (self.state.start.chain[-1], self.state.end.chain[-1])
            elif self.action.is_touch():
                m += ', \n\tin: %s' % self.state.start.chain[-1]

        text = text_start
        if m: text += text_end % m
        return text % t