Пример #1
def send_later():
    """ This is a flask wrapper for the message_send_later function

        No parameters

        (dictionary): A dictionary containing the message_id
        of the message that was sent.
    data = request.get_json()
    token = data['token']
    channel_id = int(data['channel_id'])
    message = data['message']
    time = (data['time_sent'])

    if len(message) >= 1000:
        raise InputError(description="Message is too long")
    if not check_if_channel_exists(channel_id):
        raise InputError(description="Channel does not exist")
    if int(time) < int(datetime.datetime.now().replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()):
        raise InputError(description="Invalid time")
    if not check_if_user_in_channel_member(token, channel_id):
        raise AccessError(description="User not member of channel")

    message_id = message_send_later(token, channel_id, message, time)
    return dumps(message_id)
Пример #2
def unpin():
    """ This is a flask wrapper for the message_unpin function

        No parameters

        (dictionary): Empty dictionary.
    data = request.get_json()

    token = data['token']
    message_id = int(data['message_id'])

    if message_check(message_id) is None:
        raise InputError(description="Invalid id")
    message = message_check(message_id)
    if not message['is_pinned']:
        raise InputError(description="Already unpinned")
    if not check_if_user_in_channel_member(token, message['channel_id']):
        raise AccessError(description="User not member")
    if not check_if_user_in_channel_owner(token, message['channel_id']):
        raise AccessError(description="User not Owner")

    message_unpin(token, message_id)
    return dumps(message_id)
Пример #3
def c_details():
    """ This is a flask wrapper for the channel_details function

        No parameters

        (dictionary): A dictionary which contains details about
        the channel(the name of the channel, owners of the channels
        and all the members of the channel)
    token = request.args.get('token')
    channel_id = int(request.args.get('channel_id'))

    if not channel_check(channel_id): 
        raise InputError(description="channel id not found")
    if not check_if_user_in_channel_member(token, channel_id): 
        raise AccessError(description="User in channel members not found")

    return_dict = channel_details(token, channel_id)
    return dumps(return_dict)
Пример #4
def c_leave():
    """ This is a flask wrapper for the channel_leave function

        No parameters

        (dictionary): Empty dictionary

    data = request.get_json()

    channel_id = data['channel_id']
    token = data['token']

    if channel_check(channel_id) is None:
        raise InputError(description="Channel invalid id")
    if not check_if_user_in_channel_member(token, channel_id):
        raise AccessError(description="User not a member of channel")

    channel_leave(token, channel_id)
    return dumps({})
Пример #5
def send():
    """ This is a flask wrapper for the message_send function

        No parameters

        (dictionary): A dictionary containing the message_id
        of the message that was sent.
    data = request.get_json()

    token = data['token']
    channel_id = data['channel_id']
    message = data['message']

    if len(message) >= 1000:
        raise InputError(description="Message is too long")
    if not check_if_user_in_channel_member(token, channel_id):
        raise AccessError(description="User not member of channel")
    message_id = message_send(token, channel_id, message)

    return dumps(message_id)
Пример #6
def c_messages():
    """ This is a flask wrapper for the channel_messages function

        No parameters

        (dictionary): A dictionary containing messages which
        are between the start value and the end value. This dictionary
        contains the keys of messages, start and end.

    token = request.args.get('token')
    ch_id = int(request.args.get('channel_id'))
    start = int(request.args.get('start'))

    if not channel_check(ch_id):
        raise InputError(description="channel id not found")

    if not check_if_user_in_channel_member(token, ch_id):
        raise AccessError("User not a member of channel")

    return_dict = channel_messages(token, ch_id, start)
    return dumps(return_dict)
Пример #7
def c_join():
    """ This is a flask wrapper for the channel_join function

        No parameters

        (dictionary): Empty dictionary
    data = request.get_json()

    channel_id = data['channel_id']
    token = data['token']

    if channel_check(channel_id) is None:
        raise InputError(description="Wrong channel ID")

    if not check_if_channel_is_public(channel_id):
        raise AccessError(description="Channel is not public")
    if check_if_user_in_channel_member(token, channel_id):
        raise AccessError(description="User already member of channel")

    channel_join(token, channel_id)
    return dumps({})