Пример #1
def markgal(group, maxTemp, minRho) :
    """Mark gas particles that are likely to be in galaxies based on selected
    temperature and density thresholds. Marked particles are stored in a group
    called "mark" which will be replaced every time a marking command is run."""
    # check if simulation loaded
    if charm.getGroups() == None :
        raise StandardError('Simulation not loaded')
    # take only gas particles
    charm.createGroup_Family('mark', group, 'gas')
    # get min temp, get max density
    minTemp = charm.getAttributeRangeGroup('mark', 'gas', 'temperature')[0]
    maxRho = charm.getAttributeRangeGroup('mark', 'gas', 'density')[1]
    # reduce members according to criteria
    charm.createGroup_AttributeRange('mark', 'mark', 'temperature', minTemp, maxTemp)
    charm.createGroup_AttributeRange('mark', 'mark', 'density', minRho, maxRho)
Пример #2
def boxstat(group, family='all') :
    """Print statistics for a group as in the tipsy boxstat command
    Arguments are group and family
    Return physical parameters of particles:
        number, mass, center of box, size of box, center of mass, 
        center of mass's velocity, angular momentum vector.

    Format output to say if gas, dark, star, baryon, or all.
    Check error cases: Bad input, Not a proper data type, Box not loaded."""
    import charm
    # check if simulation loaded
    if charm.getGroups() == None :
        raise StandardError('Simulation not loaded')

    # There is a potential issue with the capitalization of "all" being mixed
    # in different implementations. Take either.
    if family == 'All':
        family = 'all'
    if group == 'all':
        group = 'All'    

    # Prepare values based on selected family
    if family == 'all':
        nPartGas = charm.getNumParticles(group, 'gas')
        nPartDark = charm.getNumParticles(group, 'dark')
        nPartStar = charm.getNumParticles(group, 'star')
        mass = charm.getAttributeSum(group, 'gas', 'mass')
        mass += charm.getAttributeSum(group, 'dark', 'mass')
        mass += charm.getAttributeSum(group, 'star', 'mass')
        bBox = list(charm.getAttributeRangeGroup(group, 'gas', 'position'))
        bBoxTmp = charm.getAttributeRangeGroup(group, 'dark', 'position')
        bBox[0] = map(lambda x, y : min(x,y), bBox[0], bBoxTmp[0])
        bBox[1] = map(lambda x, y : max(x,y), bBox[1], bBoxTmp[1])
        bBoxTmp = charm.getAttributeRangeGroup(group, 'star', 'position')
        bBox[0] = map(lambda x, y : min(x,y), bBox[0], bBoxTmp[0])
        bBox[1] = map(lambda x, y : max(x,y), bBox[1], bBoxTmp[1])
        groupfamname = group
    elif family == 'baryon':
        nPartGas = charm.getNumParticles(group, 'gas')
        nPartStar = charm.getNumParticles(group, 'star')
        mass = charm.getAttributeSum(group, 'gas', 'mass')
        mass += charm.getAttributeSum(group, 'star', 'mass')
        bBox = list(charm.getAttributeRangeGroup(group, 'gas', 'position'))
        bBoxTmp = charm.getAttributeRangeGroup(group, 'star', 'position')
        bBox[0] = map(lambda x, y : min(x,y), bBox[0], bBoxTmp[0])
        bBox[1] = map(lambda x, y : max(x,y), bBox[1], bBoxTmp[1])
        groupfamname = group
    else :
        nPart = charm.getNumParticles(group, family)
        mass = charm.getAttributeSum(group, family, 'mass')
        bBox = charm.getAttributeRangeGroup(group, family, 'position')
        groupfamname = group + 'FAM' + family
        charm.createGroup_Family(groupfamname, group, family)

    # Derive box properties
    size = map(lambda min, max : max - min, bBox[0], bBox[1])
    center = map(lambda min, max : 0.5*(max + min), bBox[1], bBox[0])
    mmoment = charm.reduceParticle(groupfamname, centmassmap, centmassreduce, None)
    cm = [mmoment[0][1]/mass, mmoment[0][2]/mass, mmoment[0][3]/mass]
    vmoment = charm.reduceParticle(groupfamname, centmassVelmap, centmassreduce, None)
    vcm = [vmoment[0][1]/mass, vmoment[0][2]/mass, vmoment[0][3]/mass]
    angmom1 = charm.reduceParticle(groupfamname, angmomMap, centmassreduce, None)

    # Apply parallel axis theorem and make specific
    angmom = [0,0,0]
    angmom[0] = (angmom1[0][1] - mass*(cm[1]*vcm[2] - cm[2]*vcm[1]))/mass
    angmom[1] = (angmom1[0][2] - mass*(cm[2]*vcm[0] - cm[0]*vcm[2]))/mass
    angmom[2] = (angmom1[0][3] - mass*(cm[0]*vcm[1] - cm[1]*vcm[0]))/mass

    # Write output header according to type of particles
    if family == 'all' :
        print 'number of dark, gas and star particles =', nPartDark, nPartGas, nPartStar
    elif family == 'baryon' :
        print 'number of baryon particles =', (nPartGas + nPartStar)
        print 'number of', family, 'particles =', nPart
    # Write physical parameters
    print 'mass =', mass
    print 'center coordinates =', center
    print 'size =', size
    print 'center of mass coordinates =', cm
    print 'center of mass velocity =', vcm
    print 'angular momentum vector =', angmom