def ghost_nfs_share(self, ghost_share): """Bind mount the local units nfs share to another sites location :param ghost_share: NFS share URL to ghost :type ghost_share: str """ nfs_share_path = os.path.join( TV_MOUNTS, self._encode_endpoint(hookenv.config("nfs-shares")) ) ghost_share_path = os.path.join( TV_MOUNTS, self._encode_endpoint(ghost_share) ) current_mounts = [mount[0] for mount in host.mounts()] if nfs_share_path not in current_mounts: # Trilio has not mounted the NFS share so return raise NFSShareNotMountedException( "nfs-shares ({}) not mounted".format( hookenv.config("nfs-shares") ) ) if ghost_share_path in current_mounts: # bind mount already setup so return raise GhostShareAlreadyMountedException( "ghost mountpoint ({}) already bound".format(ghost_share_path) ) if not os.path.exists(ghost_share_path): os.mkdir(ghost_share_path) host.mount(nfs_share_path, ghost_share_path, options="bind")
def create_log_dir(self, data_log_dev, data_log_dir, data_log_fs, user="******", group="confluent", fs_options=None): if len(data_log_dir or "") == 0: logger.warning("Data log dir config empty") BlockedStatus("data-log-dir missing, please define it") return os.makedirs(data_log_dir, 0o750, exist_ok=True) shutil.chown(data_log_dir, user=self.config["user"], group=self.config["group"]) dev, fs = None, None if len(data_log_dev or "") == 0: logger.warning("Data log device not found, using rootfs instead") else: for k, v in data_log_dev: fs = k dev = v"Data log device: mkfs -t {}".format(fs)) cmd = ["mkfs", "-t", fs, dev] subprocess.check_call(cmd) mount(dev, data_log_dir, options=self.config.get("fs-options", None), persist=True, filesystem=fs)
def test_mounts_and_persist_a_device(self, log, check_output, fstab): """Check if a mount works with the persist flag set to True """ device = '/dev/guido' mountpoint = '/mnt/guido' options = 'foo,bar' result = host.mount(device, mountpoint, options, persist=True) self.assertTrue(result) check_output.assert_called_with( ['mount', '-o', 'foo,bar', '/dev/guido', '/mnt/guido']) fstab.add.assert_called_with('/dev/guido', '/mnt/guido', 'ext3', options='foo,bar') result = host.mount(device, mountpoint, options, persist=True, filesystem="xfs") self.assertTrue(result) fstab.add.assert_called_with('/dev/guido', '/mnt/guido', 'xfs', options='foo,bar')
def write_fstab(self): for (mnt, dev) in host.mounts(): if self.sftp_dir in mnt: host.umount(mnt, persist=True) for entry in self.parse_config(): host.mount( entry["src"], "{}/{}/{}".format(self.sftp_dir, entry["user"], entry["name"]), "bind,_netdev,x-systemd.requires={}".format(self.sftp_dir), persist=True, filesystem="none", ) if self.charm_config["sftp-chown-mnt"]: try: shutil.chown( "{}/{}/{}".format(self.sftp_dir, entry["user"], entry["name"]), user=entry["user"], group=entry["user"], ) except Exception as e: hookenv.log("Chown failed: {}".format(e), level=hookenv.WARNING) else: try: shutil.chown( "{}/{}/{}".format(self.sftp_dir, entry["user"], entry["name"]), user="******", group="sftp", ) except Exception as e: hookenv.log("Chown failed: {}".format(e), level=hookenv.WARNING)
def setup_storage(): for dev in determine_block_devices(): if config('overwrite') in ['True', 'true']: clean_storage(dev) # if not cleaned and in use, mkfs should fail. mkfs_xfs(dev) _dev = os.path.basename(dev) _mp = os.path.join('/srv', 'node', _dev) mkdir(_mp, owner='swift', group='swift') mount(dev, '/srv/node/%s' % _dev, persist=True) check_call(['chown', '-R', 'swift:swift', '/srv/node/']) check_call(['chmod', '-R', '0750', '/srv/node/'])
def update_nfs(): rhost = relation_get('private-address') mpath = relation_get('mountpath') if len(mpath): umount('/mnt/plex/') fstab_remove('/mnt/plex') fstab_add( '{}:{}'.format(rhost, mpath), '/mnt/plex', 'nfs rw' ) mount()
def validate_nfs(): """ Validate the nfs mount device """ usr = config('tvault-datamover-ext-usr') grp = config('tvault-datamover-ext-group') data_dir = config('tv-data-dir') device = config('nfs-shares') nfs_options = config('nfs-options') # install nfs-common package if not filter_missing_packages(['nfs-common']): log("'nfs-common' package not found, installing the package...") apt_install(['nfs-common'], fatal=True) if not device: log("NFS mount device can not be empty." "Check 'nfs-shares' value in config") return False # Ensure mount directory exists mkdir(data_dir, owner=usr, group=grp, perms=501, force=True) # check for mountable device if not mount(device, data_dir, options=nfs_options, filesystem='nfs'): log("Unable to mount, please enter valid mount device") return False log("Device mounted successfully") umount(data_dir) log("Device unmounted successfully") return True
def validate_nfs(): """ Validate the nfs mount device """ usr = config('tvault-datamover-ext-usr') grp = config('tvault-datamover-ext-group') data_dir = config('tv-data-dir') device = config('nfs-shares') if not device: log("NFS mount device can not be empty." "Check 'nfs-shares' value in config") return False # Ensure mount directory exists mkdir(data_dir, owner=usr, group=grp, perms=501, force=True) # check for mountable device if not mount(device, data_dir, filesystem='nfs'): log("Unable to mount, please enter valid mount device") return False log("Device mounted successfully") umount(data_dir) log("Device unmounted successfully") return True
def test_mounts_a_device_without_options(self, log, check_output): device = '/dev/guido' mountpoint = '/mnt/guido' result = host.mount(device, mountpoint) self.assertTrue(result) check_output.assert_called_with(['mount', '/dev/guido', '/mnt/guido'])
def setup_storage(): # Ensure /srv/node exists just in case no disks # are detected and used. mkdir(os.path.join('/srv', 'node'), owner='swift', group='swift', perms=0o755) reformat = str(config('overwrite')).lower() == "true" for dev in determine_block_devices(): if is_device_in_ring(os.path.basename(dev)): log("Device '%s' already in the ring - ignoring" % (dev)) continue if reformat: clean_storage(dev) try: # If not cleaned and in use, mkfs should fail. mkfs_xfs(dev, force=reformat) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: # This is expected is a formatted device is provided and we are # forcing the format. log("Format device '%s' failed (%s) - continuing to next device" % (dev, exc), level=WARNING) continue basename = os.path.basename(dev) _mp = os.path.join('/srv', 'node', basename) mkdir(_mp, owner='swift', group='swift') options = None loopback_device = is_mapped_loopback_device(dev) if loopback_device: dev = loopback_device options = "loop, defaults" mountpoint = '/srv/node/%s' % basename filesystem = "xfs" mount(dev, mountpoint, filesystem=filesystem) fstab_add(dev, mountpoint, filesystem, options=options) check_call(['chown', '-R', 'swift:swift', mountpoint]) check_call(['chmod', '-R', '0755', mountpoint])
def place_data_on_block_device(blk_device, data_src_dst): """Migrate data in data_src_dst to blk_device and then remount.""" # mount block device into /mnt mount(blk_device, '/mnt') # copy data to /mnt copy_files(data_src_dst, '/mnt') # umount block device umount('/mnt') # Grab user/group ID's from original source _dir = os.stat(data_src_dst) uid = _dir.st_uid gid = _dir.st_gid # re-mount where the data should originally be # TODO: persist is currently a NO-OP in mount(blk_device, data_src_dst, persist=True) # ensure original ownership of new mount. os.chown(data_src_dst, uid, gid)
def place_data_on_block_device(blk_device, data_src_dst): ''' Migrate data in data_src_dst to blk_device and then remount ''' # mount block device into /mnt mount(blk_device, '/mnt') # copy data to /mnt copy_files(data_src_dst, '/mnt') # umount block device umount('/mnt') # Grab user/group ID's from original source _dir = os.stat(data_src_dst) uid = _dir.st_uid gid = _dir.st_gid # re-mount where the data should originally be # TODO: persist is currently a NO-OP in mount(blk_device, data_src_dst, persist=True) # ensure original ownership of new mount. os.chown(data_src_dst, uid, gid)
def nfs_changed(): # $ relation-get # fstype: nfs # mountpoint: /srv/data/reddit # options: rsize=8192,wsize=8192 # private-address: # Install NFS dependencies apt_install(packages=['rpcbind', 'nfs-common'], fatal=True) fstype = hookenv.relation_get('fstype') mountpoint = hookenv.relation_get('mountpoint') options = hookenv.relation_get('options') privaddr = hookenv.relation_get('private-address') if options is None or fstype is None: return if nfs_is_mounted(mountpoint): log('NFS mountpoint %s is already mounted' % mountpoint) return # Create the local mountpoint if not os.path.exists(REDDIT_MEDIA): host.mkdir(REDDIT_MEDIA, REDDIT_USER, REDDIT_GROUP, 0222) # Setup the NFS mount log("Mounting NFS at %s" % mountpoint) host.mount( '%s:%s' % (privaddr, mountpoint), REDDIT_MEDIA, options=options, persist=True, filesystem=fstype ) # Make sure Reddit knows where to look for thumbnails, # subreddit stylesheets/images, and icons. add_to_ini(values={ 'media_provider': 'filesystem', 'media_fs_root': REDDIT_MEDIA, 'media_fs_base_url_http': '', 'media_fs_base_url_https': '', 'media_domain': 'localhost', }) make_ini() pass
def setup_storage(): # Ensure /srv/node exists just in case no disks # are detected and used. mkdir(os.path.join('/srv', 'node'), owner='swift', group='swift', perms=0o755) reformat = str(config('overwrite')).lower() == "true" for dev in determine_block_devices(): if is_device_in_ring(os.path.basename(dev)): log("Device '%s' already in the ring - ignoring" % (dev)) continue if reformat: clean_storage(dev) try: # If not cleaned and in use, mkfs should fail. mkfs_xfs(dev, force=reformat) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: # This is expected is a formatted device is provided and we are # forcing the format. log("Format device '%s' failed (%s) - continuing to next device" % (dev, exc), level=WARNING) continue basename = os.path.basename(dev) _mp = os.path.join('/srv', 'node', basename) mkdir(_mp, owner='swift', group='swift') options = None loopback_device = is_mapped_loopback_device(dev) if loopback_device: dev = loopback_device options = "loop, defaults" mountpoint = '/srv/node/%s' % basename filesystem = "xfs" mount(dev, mountpoint, filesystem=filesystem) fstab_add(dev, mountpoint, filesystem, options=options) check_call(['chown', '-R', 'swift:swift', '/srv/node/']) check_call(['chmod', '-R', '0755', '/srv/node/'])
def test_mounts_a_device(self, log, check_output): device = '/dev/guido' mountpoint = '/mnt/guido' options = 'foo,bar' result = host.mount(device, mountpoint, options) self.assertTrue(result) check_output.assert_called_with( ['mount', '-o', 'foo,bar', '/dev/guido', '/mnt/guido'])
def config_btrfs(dev): status_set('maintenance', 'Configuring btrfs container storage') if has_storage(): cmd = ['lxc', 'storage', 'create', LXD_POOL, 'btrfs', 'source={}'.format(dev)] check_call(cmd) else: lxd_stop() cmd = ['mkfs.btrfs', '-f', dev] check_call(cmd) mount(dev, '/var/lib/lxd', options='user_subvol_rm_allowed', persist=True, filesystem='btrfs') cmd = ['btrfs', 'quota', 'enable', '/var/lib/lxd'] check_call(cmd) lxd_start()
def mount_volume(config): if os.path.exists(config['mountpoint']): if not os.path.isdir(config['mountpoint']): hookenv.log('Not a directory: {}'.format(config['mountpoint'])) raise VolumeConfigurationError() else: host.mkdir(config['mountpoint']) if os.path.ismount(config['mountpoint']): unmount_volume(config) if not host.mount(config['device'], config['mountpoint'], persist=True): raise VolumeConfigurationError()
def config_btrfs(dev): status_set('maintenance', 'Configuring btrfs container storage') if has_storage(): cmd = [ 'lxc', 'storage', 'create', LXD_POOL, 'btrfs', 'source={}'.format(dev) ] check_call(cmd) else: lxd_stop() cmd = ['mkfs.btrfs', '-f', dev] check_call(cmd) mount(dev, '/var/lib/lxd', options='user_subvol_rm_allowed', persist=True, filesystem='btrfs') cmd = ['btrfs', 'quota', 'enable', '/var/lib/lxd'] check_call(cmd) lxd_start()
def encrypt_device(device, mountpoint=None, uuid=None): """ Set up encryption for the given block device, and optionally create and mount an XFS filesystem on the encrypted device. If ``mountpoint`` is not given, the device will not be formatted or mounted. When interacting with or mounting the device manually, the name returned by :func:`decrypted_device` called on the device name should be used in place of the raw device name. """ if not is_block_device(device): raise VaultLockerError('Cannot encrypt non-block device: {}', device) if is_device_mounted(device): raise VaultLockerError('Cannot encrypt mounted device: {}', device) hookenv.log('Encrypting device: {}'.format(device)) if uuid is None: uuid = str(uuid4()) try: check_call(['vaultlocker', 'encrypt', '--uuid', uuid, device]) unitdata.kv().set('layer.vaultlocker.uuids.{}'.format(device), uuid) if mountpoint: mapped_device = decrypted_device(device) hookenv.log('Creating filesystem on {} ({})'.format( mapped_device, device)) # If this fails, it's probalby due to the size of the loopback # backing file that is defined by the `dd`. mkfs_xfs(mapped_device) Path(mountpoint).mkdir(mode=0o755, parents=True, exist_ok=True) hookenv.log('Mounting filesystem for {} ({}) at {}' ''.format(mapped_device, device, mountpoint)) host.mount(mapped_device, mountpoint, filesystem='xfs') host.fstab_add( mapped_device, mountpoint, 'xfs', ','.join([ "defaults", "nofail", "x-systemd.requires=vaultlocker-decrypt@{uuid}.service". format(uuid=uuid, ), "comment=vaultlocker", ])) except (CalledProcessError, OSError) as e: raise VaultLockerError('Error configuring VaultLocker') from e
def test_doesnt_mount_on_error(self, log, check_output): device = '/dev/guido' mountpoint = '/mnt/guido' options = 'foo,bar' error = subprocess.CalledProcessError(123, 'mount it', 'Oops...') check_output.side_effect = error result = host.mount(device, mountpoint, options) self.assertFalse(result) check_output.assert_called_with( ['mount', '-o', 'foo,bar', '/dev/guido', '/mnt/guido'])
def create_dir(data_log_dev, data_log_dir, data_log_fs, user, group, fs_options=None): if is_device_mounted(data_log_dev): logger.warning("Data device {} already mounted".format(data_log_dev)) return lvm = None try: lvm = manage_lvm(data_log_dev, data_log_dir) if not lvm: return except DiskMapHelperPVAlreadyTakenForLVM: # Ignore this exception for now, it means there was # a rerun of disk_map. return if len(data_log_dir or "") == 0: logger.warning("Data log dir config empty") return if len(lvm or "") == 0: raise DiskMapHelperDeviceNotDefined(lvm) os.makedirs(data_log_dir, 0o750, exist_ok=True) logger.debug("Data device: mkfs -t {}".format(data_log_fs)) cmd = ["mkfs", "-t", data_log_fs, lvm] opts = fs_options subprocess.check_call(cmd) logger.debug("mount {} to {} with options {} and fs {}".format( data_log_dir, lvm, opts, data_log_fs)) mount(lvm, data_log_dir, options=opts, persist=True, filesystem=data_log_fs) shutil.chown(data_log_dir, user=user, group=group)
def place_data_on_ceph(service, blk_device, data_src_dst, fstype='ext4'): # mount block device into /mnt mount(blk_device, '/mnt') # copy data to /mnt try: copy_files(data_src_dst, '/mnt') except: pass # umount block device umount('/mnt') _dir = os.stat(data_src_dst) uid = _dir.st_uid gid = _dir.st_gid # re-mount where the data should originally be mount(blk_device, data_src_dst, persist=True) # ensure original ownership of new mount. cmd = ['chown', '-R', '%s:%s' % (uid, gid), data_src_dst] check_call(cmd)
def validate_nfs(): """ Validate the nfs mount device """ usr = DM_EXT_USR grp = DM_EXT_GRP data_dir = TV_DATA_DIR device = config('nfs-shares') # install nfs-common package if not filter_missing_packages(['nfs-common']): log("'nfs-common' package not found, installing the package...") apt_install(['nfs-common'], fatal=True) if not device: log("NFS shares can not be empty." "Check 'nfs-shares' value in config") status_set( 'blocked', 'No valid nfs-shares configuration found, please recheck') return False # Ensure mount directory exists mkdir(data_dir, owner=usr, group=grp, perms=501, force=True) # check for mountable device if not mount(device, data_dir, filesystem='nfs'): log("Unable to mount, please enter valid mount device") status_set( 'blocked', 'Failed while validating NFS mount, please recheck configuration') return False log("Device mounted successfully") umount(data_dir) log("Device unmounted successfully") return True
def configure_lxd_block(): '''Configure a block device for use by LXD for containers''' log('Configuring LXD container storage') if filesystem_mounted('/var/lib/lxd'): log('/var/lib/lxd already configured, skipping') return lxd_block_devices = get_block_devices() if len(lxd_block_devices) < 1: log('block devices not provided - skipping') return if len(lxd_block_devices) > 1: log("More than one block device is not supported yet, only" " using the first") lxd_block_device = lxd_block_devices[0] dev = None if lxd_block_device.startswith('/dev/'): dev = lxd_block_device elif lxd_block_device.startswith('/'): log('Configuring loopback device for use with LXD') _bd = lxd_block_device.split('|') if len(_bd) == 2: dev, size = _bd else: dev = lxd_block_device size = DEFAULT_LOOPBACK_SIZE dev = ensure_loopback_device(dev, size) if not dev or not is_block_device(dev): log('Invalid block device provided: %s' % lxd_block_device) return # NOTE: check overwrite and ensure its only execute once. db = kv() if config('overwrite') and not db.get('scrubbed', False): clean_storage(dev) db.set('scrubbed', True) db.flush() if not os.path.exists('/var/lib/lxd'): mkdir('/var/lib/lxd') if config('storage-type') == 'btrfs': status_set('maintenance', 'Configuring btrfs container storage') lxd_stop() cmd = ['mkfs.btrfs', '-f', dev] check_call(cmd) mount(dev, '/var/lib/lxd', options='user_subvol_rm_allowed', persist=True, filesystem='btrfs') cmd = ['btrfs', 'quota', 'enable', '/var/lib/lxd'] check_call(cmd) lxd_start() elif config('storage-type') == 'lvm': if (is_lvm_physical_volume(dev) and list_lvm_volume_group(dev) == 'lxd_vg'): log('Device already configured for LVM/LXD, skipping') return status_set('maintenance', 'Configuring LVM container storage') # Enable and startup lvm2-lvmetad to avoid extra output # in lvm2 commands, which confused lxd. cmd = ['systemctl', 'enable', 'lvm2-lvmetad'] check_call(cmd) cmd = ['systemctl', 'start', 'lvm2-lvmetad'] check_call(cmd) create_lvm_physical_volume(dev) create_lvm_volume_group('lxd_vg', dev) cmd = ['lxc', 'config', 'set', 'storage.lvm_vg_name', 'lxd_vg'] check_call(cmd) # The LVM thinpool logical volume is lazily created, either on # image import or container creation. This will force LV creation. create_and_import_busybox_image() elif config('storage-type') == 'zfs': status_set('maintenance', 'Configuring zfs container storage') if ZFS_POOL_NAME in zpools(): log('ZFS pool already exist; skipping zfs configuration') return if config('overwrite'): cmd = ['zpool', 'create', '-f', ZFS_POOL_NAME, dev] else: cmd = ['zpool', 'create', ZFS_POOL_NAME, dev] check_call(cmd) cmd = ['lxc', 'config', 'set', 'storage.zfs_pool_name', ZFS_POOL_NAME] check_call(cmd)
def setup_storage(encrypt=False): # Preflight check vault relation if encryption is enabled vault_kv = vaultlocker.VaultKVContext(vaultlocker.VAULTLOCKER_BACKEND) context = vault_kv() if encrypt and not vault_kv.complete: log("Encryption requested but vault relation not complete", level=DEBUG) return elif encrypt and vault_kv.complete: # NOTE: only write vaultlocker configuration once relation is complete # otherwise we run the chance of an empty configuration file # being installed on a machine with other vaultlocker based # services vaultlocker.write_vaultlocker_conf(context, priority=90) # Ensure /srv/node exists just in case no disks # are detected and used. mkdir(os.path.join('/srv', 'node'), owner='swift', group='swift', perms=0o755) reformat = str(config('overwrite')).lower() == "true" db = kv() prepared_devices = db.get('prepared-devices', []) for dev in determine_block_devices(): if dev in prepared_devices: log('Device {} already processed by charm,' ' skipping'.format(dev)) continue if is_device_in_ring(os.path.basename(dev)): log("Device '%s' already in the ring - ignoring" % (dev)) # NOTE: record existing use of device dealing with # upgrades from older versions of charms without # this feature prepared_devices.append(dev) db.set('prepared-devices', prepared_devices) db.flush() continue # NOTE: this deals with a dm-crypt'ed block device already in # use if is_device_mounted(dev): log("Device '{}' is already mounted, ignoring".format(dev)) continue if reformat: clean_storage(dev) loopback_device = is_mapped_loopback_device(dev) options = None if encrypt and not loopback_device: dev_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) check_call(['vaultlocker', 'encrypt', '--uuid', dev_uuid, dev]) dev = '/dev/mapper/crypt-{}'.format(dev_uuid) options = ','.join([ "defaults", "nofail", ("x-systemd.requires=" "vaultlocker-decrypt@{uuid}.service".format(uuid=dev_uuid)), "comment=vaultlocker", ]) try: # If not cleaned and in use, mkfs should fail. mkfs_xfs(dev, force=reformat) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: # This is expected is a formatted device is provided and we are # forcing the format. log("Format device '%s' failed (%s) - continuing to next device" % (dev, exc), level=WARNING) continue basename = os.path.basename(dev) _mp = os.path.join('/srv', 'node', basename) mkdir(_mp, owner='swift', group='swift') mountpoint = '/srv/node/%s' % basename if loopback_device: # If an exiting fstab entry exists using the image file as the # source then preserve it, otherwise use the loopback device # directly to avoid a secound implicit loopback device being # created on mount. Bug #1762390 fstab = charmhelpers.core.fstab.Fstab() fstab_entry = fstab.get_entry_by_attr('mountpoint', mountpoint) if fstab_entry and loopback_device == fstab_entry.device: dev = loopback_device options = "loop,nofail,defaults" filesystem = "xfs" mount(dev, mountpoint, filesystem=filesystem) fstab_add(dev, mountpoint, filesystem, options=options) check_call(['chown', '-R', 'swift:swift', mountpoint]) check_call(['chmod', '-R', '0755', mountpoint]) # NOTE: record preparation of device - this will be used when # providing block device configuration for ring builders. prepared_devices.append(dev) db.set('prepared-devices', prepared_devices) db.flush()
def configure_local_ephemeral_storage(): """Configure local block device for use as ephemeral instance storage""" # Preflight check vault relation if encryption is enabled vault_kv = vaultlocker.VaultKVContext( secret_backend=vaultlocker.VAULTLOCKER_BACKEND) context = vault_kv() encrypt = config('encrypt') if encrypt and not vault_kv.complete: log("Encryption requested but vault relation not complete", level=DEBUG) return elif encrypt and vault_kv.complete: # NOTE: only write vaultlocker configuration once relation is complete # otherwise we run the chance of an empty configuration file # being installed on a machine with other vaultlocker based # services vaultlocker.write_vaultlocker_conf(context, priority=80) db = kv() storage_configured = db.get('storage-configured', False) if storage_configured: log("Ephemeral storage already configured, skipping", level=DEBUG) return dev = determine_block_device() if not dev: log('No block device configuration found, skipping', level=DEBUG) return if not is_block_device(dev): log("Device '{}' is not a block device, " "unable to configure storage".format(dev), level=DEBUG) return # NOTE: this deals with a dm-crypt'ed block device already in # use if is_device_mounted(dev): log("Device '{}' is already mounted, " "unable to configure storage".format(dev), level=DEBUG) return options = None if encrypt: dev_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) check_call(['vaultlocker', 'encrypt', '--uuid', dev_uuid, dev]) dev = '/dev/mapper/crypt-{}'.format(dev_uuid) options = ','.join([ "defaults", "nofail", ("x-systemd.requires=" "vaultlocker-decrypt@{uuid}.service".format(uuid=dev_uuid)), "comment=vaultlocker", ]) # If not cleaned and in use, mkfs should fail. mkfs_xfs(dev, force=True) mountpoint = '/var/lib/nova/instances' filesystem = "xfs" mount(dev, mountpoint, filesystem=filesystem) fstab_add(dev, mountpoint, filesystem, options=options) check_call(['chown', '-R', 'nova:nova', mountpoint]) check_call(['chmod', '-R', '0755', mountpoint]) # NOTE: record preparation of device - this ensures that ephemeral # storage is never reconfigured by mistake, losing instance disks db.set('storage-configured', True) db.flush()
def configure_lxd_block(): '''Configure a block device for use by LXD for containers''' log('Configuring LXD container storage') if filesystem_mounted('/var/lib/lxd'): log('/var/lib/lxd already configured, skipping') return lxd_block_devices = get_block_devices() if len(lxd_block_devices) < 1: log('block devices not provided - skipping') return if len(lxd_block_devices) > 1: raise NotImplementedError('Multiple block devices are not supported.') lxd_block_device = lxd_block_devices[0] dev = None if lxd_block_device.startswith('/dev/'): dev = lxd_block_device elif lxd_block_device.startswith('/'): log('Configuring loopback device for use with LXD') _bd = lxd_block_device.split('|') if len(_bd) == 2: dev, size = _bd else: dev = lxd_block_device size = DEFAULT_LOOPBACK_SIZE dev = ensure_loopback_device(dev, size) if not dev or not is_block_device(dev): log('Invalid block device provided: %s' % lxd_block_device) return # NOTE: check overwrite and ensure its only execute once. db = kv() if config('overwrite') and not db.get('scrubbed', False): clean_storage(dev) db.set('scrubbed', True) db.flush() if not os.path.exists('/var/lib/lxd'): mkdir('/var/lib/lxd') if config('storage-type') == 'btrfs': status_set('maintenance', 'Configuring btrfs container storage') lxd_stop() cmd = ['mkfs.btrfs', '-f', dev] check_call(cmd) mount(dev, '/var/lib/lxd', options='user_subvol_rm_allowed', persist=True, filesystem='btrfs') cmd = ['btrfs', 'quota', 'enable', '/var/lib/lxd'] check_call(cmd) lxd_start() elif config('storage-type') == 'lvm': if (is_lvm_physical_volume(dev) and list_lvm_volume_group(dev) == 'lxd_vg'): log('Device already configured for LVM/LXD, skipping') return status_set('maintenance', 'Configuring LVM container storage') # Enable and startup lvm2-lvmetad to avoid extra output # in lvm2 commands, which confused lxd. cmd = ['systemctl', 'enable', 'lvm2-lvmetad'] check_call(cmd) cmd = ['systemctl', 'start', 'lvm2-lvmetad'] check_call(cmd) create_lvm_physical_volume(dev) create_lvm_volume_group('lxd_vg', dev) cmd = ['lxc', 'config', 'set', 'storage.lvm_vg_name', 'lxd_vg'] check_call(cmd) # The LVM thinpool logical volume is lazily created, either on # image import or container creation. This will force LV creation. create_and_import_busybox_image() elif config('storage-type') == 'zfs': status_set('maintenance', 'Configuring zfs container storage') if ZFS_POOL_NAME in zpools(): log('ZFS pool already exist; skipping zfs configuration') return if config('overwrite'): cmd = ['zpool', 'create', '-f', ZFS_POOL_NAME, dev] else: cmd = ['zpool', 'create', ZFS_POOL_NAME, dev] check_call(cmd) cmd = ['lxc', 'config', 'set', 'storage.zfs_pool_name', ZFS_POOL_NAME] check_call(cmd)