Пример #1
    def g10_plot_gdp_cpi_une(self, start_date, finish_date, data_type='cpi'):
        country_group = 'g10'

        if data_type == 'cpi':
            df = self.get_CPI_YoY(start_date, finish_date, country_group)
        elif data_type == 'gdp':
            df = self.get_GDP_QoQ(start_date, finish_date, country_group)
        elif data_type == 'une':
            df = self.get_UNE(start_date, finish_date, country_group)

        df = self.hist_econ_data_factory.grasp_coded_entry(df, -1)

        from chartesians.graphs import PlotFactory
        from chartesians.graphs.graphproperties import GraphProperties

        gp = GraphProperties()
        pf = PlotFactory()

        gp.plotly_location_mode = 'world'
        gp.plotly_choropleth_field = 'Val'
        gp.plotly_scope = 'world'
        gp.plotly_projection = 'Mercator'

        gp.plotly_world_readable = False

        gp.plotly_url = country_group + "-" + data_type
        gp.title = "G10 " + data_type
        gp.units = '%'

        pf.plot_generic_graph(df, type='choropleth', adapter='plotly', gp=gp)
Пример #2
    def usa_plot_une(self, start_date, finish_date):
        country_group = 'usa-states'
        source = 'bloomberg'

        une = self.get_UNE(start_date,
        une = self.hist_econ_data_factory.grasp_coded_entry(une, -1)

        from chartesians.graphs import PlotFactory
        from chartesians.graphs.graphproperties import GraphProperties

        gp = GraphProperties()
        pf = PlotFactory()

        gp.plotly_location_mode = 'USA-states'
        gp.plotly_choropleth_field = 'Val'
        gp.plotly_scope = 'usa'
        gp.plotly_projection = 'albers usa'
        gp.plotly_world_readable = False
        gp.plotly_url = country_group + "-unemployment"

        gp.title = "USA Unemployment"
        gp.units = 'pc'

        pf.plot_generic_graph(une, type='choropleth', adapter='plotly', gp=gp)
    def g10_plot_gdp_cpi_une(self, start_date, finish_date, data_type = 'cpi'):
        country_group = 'g10'

        if data_type == 'cpi':
            df = self.get_CPI_YoY(start_date, finish_date, country_group)
        elif data_type == 'gdp':
            df = self.get_GDP_QoQ(start_date, finish_date, country_group)
        elif data_type == 'une':
            df = self.get_UNE(start_date, finish_date, country_group)

        df = self.hist_econ_data_factory.grasp_coded_entry(df, -1)

        from chartesians.graphs import PlotFactory
        from chartesians.graphs.graphproperties import GraphProperties

        gp = GraphProperties()
        pf = PlotFactory()

        gp.plotly_location_mode = 'world'
        gp.plotly_choropleth_field = 'Val'
        gp.plotly_scope = 'world'
        gp.plotly_projection = 'Mercator'

        gp.plotly_world_readable = False

        gp.plotly_url = country_group + "-" + data_type
        gp.title = "G10 " + data_type
        gp.units = '%'

        pf.plot_generic_graph(df, type = 'choropleth', adapter = 'plotly', gp = gp)
    def usa_plot_une(self, start_date, finish_date):
        country_group = 'usa-states'; source = 'bloomberg'

        une = self.get_UNE(start_date, finish_date, country_group, source = 'bloomberg')
        une = self.hist_econ_data_factory.grasp_coded_entry(une, -1)

        from chartesians.graphs import PlotFactory
        from chartesians.graphs.graphproperties import GraphProperties

        gp = GraphProperties()
        pf = PlotFactory()

        gp.plotly_location_mode = 'USA-states'
        gp.plotly_choropleth_field = 'Val'
        gp.plotly_scope = 'usa'
        gp.plotly_projection = 'albers usa'
        gp.plotly_world_readable = False
        gp.plotly_url = country_group + "-unemployment"

        gp.title = "USA Unemployment"
        gp.units = 'pc'

        pf.plot_generic_graph(une, type = 'choropleth', adapter = 'plotly', gp = gp)
    def europe_plot_une(self, start_date, finish_date):
        country_group = 'all-europe'

        une = self.get_UNE(start_date, finish_date, country_group)
        une = self.hist_econ_data_factory.grasp_coded_entry(une, -1)

        from chartesians.graphs import PlotFactory
        from chartesians.graphs.graphproperties import GraphProperties

        gp = GraphProperties()
        pf = PlotFactory()

        gp.plotly_location_mode = 'europe'
        gp.plotly_choropleth_field = 'Val'
        gp.plotly_scope = 'europe'
        gp.plotly_projection = 'Mercator'

        gp.plotly_world_readable = False

        gp.plotly_url = country_group + "-unemployment"; gp.title = "Europe Unemployment"
        gp.units = '%'

        pf.plot_generic_graph(une, type = 'choropleth', adapter = 'plotly', gp = gp)
Пример #6
    def world_plot_cpi(self, start_date, finish_date):
        country_group = 'world-liquid'

        cpi = self.get_CPI_YoY(start_date, finish_date, country_group)
        cpi = self.hist_econ_data_factory.grasp_coded_entry(cpi, -1)

        from chartesians.graphs import PlotFactory
        from chartesians.graphs.graphproperties import GraphProperties

        gp = GraphProperties()
        pf = PlotFactory()

        gp.plotly_location_mode = 'world'
        gp.plotly_choropleth_field = 'Val'
        gp.plotly_scope = 'world'
        gp.plotly_projection = 'Mercator'

        gp.plotly_world_readable = False

        gp.plotly_url = str(country_group) + "-cpi"
        gp.title = "World Liquid CPI YoY"
        gp.units = '%'

        pf.plot_generic_graph(cpi, type='choropleth', adapter='plotly', gp=gp)
Пример #7
    def europe_plot_une(self, start_date, finish_date):
        country_group = 'all-europe'

        une = self.get_UNE(start_date, finish_date, country_group)
        une = self.hist_econ_data_factory.grasp_coded_entry(une, -1)

        from chartesians.graphs import PlotFactory
        from chartesians.graphs.graphproperties import GraphProperties

        gp = GraphProperties()
        pf = PlotFactory()

        gp.plotly_location_mode = 'europe'
        gp.plotly_choropleth_field = 'Val'
        gp.plotly_scope = 'europe'
        gp.plotly_projection = 'Mercator'

        gp.plotly_world_readable = False

        gp.plotly_url = country_group + "-unemployment"
        gp.title = "Europe Unemployment"
        gp.units = '%'

        pf.plot_generic_graph(une, type='choropleth', adapter='plotly', gp=gp)
    def world_plot_cpi(self, start_date, finish_date):
        country_group = 'world-liquid'

        cpi = self.get_CPI_YoY(start_date, finish_date, country_group)
        cpi = self.hist_econ_data_factory.grasp_coded_entry(cpi, -1)

        from chartesians.graphs import PlotFactory
        from chartesians.graphs.graphproperties import GraphProperties

        gp = GraphProperties()
        pf = PlotFactory()

        gp.plotly_location_mode = 'world'
        gp.plotly_choropleth_field = 'Val'
        gp.plotly_scope = 'world'
        gp.plotly_projection = 'Mercator'

        gp.plotly_world_readable = False

        gp.plotly_url = str(country_group) + "-cpi"
        gp.title = "World Liquid CPI YoY"
        gp.units = '%'

        pf.plot_generic_graph(cpi, type = 'choropleth', adapter = 'plotly', gp = gp)
    if yoy_ret is True: df = 100 * (df / df.shift(freq) - 1)

    df = hist.grasp_coded_entry(df, -1)

    from chartesians.graphs import PlotFactory
    from chartesians.graphs.graphproperties import GraphProperties

    gp = GraphProperties()
    pf = PlotFactory()

    gp.plotly_location_mode = 'USA-states'
    gp.plotly_choropleth_field = 'Val'
    gp.plotly_scope = 'usa'
    gp.plotly_projection = 'albers usa'
    gp.plotly_url = country_group + data_type.replace(' ', '-')
    gp.plotly_world_readable = False
    gp.title = title
    gp.units = 'Value'

    # do a map plot by US state
    pf.plot_generic_graph(df, type = 'choropleth', adapter = 'cufflinks', gp = gp)

#### uses CommonEconDataFactory to get more common forms of economic data and plot
if True:
    logger = LoggerManager.getLogger(__name__)

    cedf = CommonEconDataFactory()
    start_date = '01 Jan 2014'
    finish_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    if yoy_ret is True: df = 100 * (df / df.shift(freq) - 1)

    df = hist.grasp_coded_entry(df, -1)

    from chartesians.graphs import PlotFactory
    from chartesians.graphs.graphproperties import GraphProperties

    gp = GraphProperties()
    pf = PlotFactory()

    gp.plotly_location_mode = 'USA-states'
    gp.plotly_choropleth_field = 'Val'
    gp.plotly_scope = 'usa'
    gp.plotly_projection = 'albers usa'
    gp.plotly_url = country_group + data_type.replace(' ', '-')
    gp.plotly_world_readable = False
    gp.title = title
    gp.units = 'Value'

    # do a map plot by US state
    pf.plot_generic_graph(df, type='choropleth', adapter='cufflinks', gp=gp)

#### uses CommonEconDataFactory to get more common forms of economic data and plot
if True:
    logger = LoggerManager.getLogger(__name__)

    cedf = CommonEconDataFactory()
    start_date = '01 Jan 2014'
    finish_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
Пример #11
                vendor_fields = ['Close'],                          # which Bloomberg fields to download
                cache_algo = 'internet_load_return')                # how to return data

    ltsf = LightTimeSeriesFactory()
    tsc = TimeSeriesCalcs()

    df = tsc.create_mult_index_from_prices(ltsf.harvest_time_series(time_series_request))

    gp = GraphProperties()
    gp.title = "S&P500 vs Apple"

    # plot first with PyThalesians and then Plotly (via Cufflinks)
    # just needs 1 word to change
    # (although, note that AdapterCufflinks does have some extra parameters that can be set in GraphProperties)
    gp.plotly_username = '******'   # note: need to fill in Plotly API key on Constants and change this!
    gp.plotly_world_readable = True
    gp.plotly_plot_mode = "online"      # will render on Plotly website

    pf = PlotFactory()
    pf.plot_generic_graph(df, type = 'line', adapter = 'pythalesians', gp = gp)
    pf.plot_generic_graph(df, type = 'line', adapter = 'cufflinks', gp = gp)

# test simple Plotly bar charts - average differences in EURUSDV1M-1Y vol and USDJPYV1M-1Y slope over past sixth months
if True:
    from datetime import timedelta
    ltsf = LightTimeSeriesFactory()

    end = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    start = end - timedelta(days=180)

    tickers = ['EURUSDV1M', 'EURUSDV1Y', 'USDJPYV1M', 'USDJPYV1Y']
Пример #12
        cache_algo='internet_load_return')  # how to return data

    ltsf = LightTimeSeriesFactory()
    tsc = TimeSeriesCalcs()

    df = tsc.create_mult_index_from_prices(

    gp = GraphProperties()
    gp.title = "S&P500 vs Apple"

    # plot first with PyThalesians and then Plotly (via Cufflinks)
    # just needs 1 word to change
    # (although, note that AdapterCufflinks does have some extra parameters that can be set in GraphProperties)
    gp.plotly_username = '******'  # note: need to fill in Plotly API key on Constants and change this!
    gp.plotly_world_readable = True
    gp.plotly_plot_mode = "online"  # will render on Plotly website

    pf = PlotFactory()
    pf.plot_generic_graph(df, type='line', adapter='pythalesians', gp=gp)
    pf.plot_generic_graph(df, type='line', adapter='cufflinks', gp=gp)

# test simple Plotly bar charts - average differences in EURUSDV1M-1Y vol and USDJPYV1M-1Y slope over past sixth months
if True:
    from datetime import timedelta
    ltsf = LightTimeSeriesFactory()

    end = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    start = end - timedelta(days=180)

    tickers = ['EURUSDV1M', 'EURUSDV1Y', 'USDJPYV1M', 'USDJPYV1Y']