Пример #1
def load_previous_messages(request):
    if "cid" not in request.GET.keys() or "senti" not in request.GET.keys():
        return HttpResponse()

    cid = request.GET["cid"]
    senti = request.GET["senti"]

    count = Message.objects.filter(comptoir=cid, id__lt=senti).count()
    msgs = Message.objects.filter(comptoir=cid, id__lt=senti).order_by('date')[max(0, count - 150):]

    json_data = "{\"senti\": " + str(max(0, count - 50)) + ", \"previous_msgs\": ["
    for i,msg in enumerate(msgs): #Message.objects.all().filter(comptoir=cid, id__lt=17)):
        if i != 0:
            json_data += ","
        json_data += "{\"fields\":{"
        json_data += "\"owner\": \"" + msg.owner.username + "\", "
        json_data += "\"content\": \"" + msg.content.replace("\n", "") + "\", "
        json_data += "\"date\": \"" + date_to_tooltip(msg.date.astimezone(timezone_local)) + "\""
        json_data += "}}"
    json_data += "]}"

    return HttpResponse(json_data, mimetype='application/json')
    # m = IndependantMessage.objects.all().filter(id__lt=7).select_related('Message')
#    m = Message.objects.all().filter(id__lt=7).select_related('IndependantMessage')
    mid = [msg.id for msg in Message.objects.all().filter(comptoir=cid)[:7]]
    m = [IndependantMessage.objects.get(id=m_id) for m_id in mid] 
    m_json = serializers.serialize("json", m)
    m_list = simplejson.loads(m_json)
    json_data = simplejson.dumps({'previous_msgs': m_list})
Пример #2
 def save(self):
     print "SAVING"
     msg = Message(owner=self.user, comptoir=self.cmptr, content=self.content, me_message=self.me_msg)
     self.cmptr.last_message = msg
     msg_date = msg.date.astimezone(timezone_local)
     self.date = date_to_tooltip(msg_date)
     self.mid = msg.id
Пример #3
def format_time(date):
    return date_to_tooltip(date.astimezone(timezone_local))
Пример #4
def message(request, socket, context, message):

        action = message["action"]
        session_key = message["session_key"]
    except KeyError:
        print "Session key error."

    if action == "join":
        # Try to get the user from the dictionary
            user_entry = connected_users[session_key]
        except KeyError:
            print "Key Error."
        # If the user is not logged in, reject the joining
        if not user_entry[1].is_authenticated() or user_entry[1].is_anonymous():
            print "User error."
        # Updating the current comptoir of the user
        connected_users[session_key] = (user_entry[0], user_entry[1], user_entry[2], message["cid"])

    elif action == "identification":
        # Identification of the new user with the session key
        identify(socket, session_key)
        # Getting user entry in the dictionary
        user_entry = connected_users[session_key]
        # Iteration on all users
        for other_user in connected_users.values():
                osock, ouser, ocmptrs, ocid = other_user[0], other_user[1], other_user[2], other_user[3]
                # Computing the common comptoirs between the new user and each other user
                common_cid = [c.id for c in set(ocmptrs).intersection(set(user_entry[2]))]
                # If there are some common comptoirs
                if len(common_cid) > 0:
                    # We notify both entites that the other is connected
                    # For the new arrivant, the notification is of type "Already connected"
                    user_entry[0].send({"type": "connected", "user": ouser.username, "cmptrs": common_cid})
                    # For the others, the notification is of type "Just arrived"
                    osock.send({"type": "joined", "user": user_entry[1].username, "cmptrs": common_cid})

    elif action == "post":
        # Get user information from dictionary
        user = connected_users[session_key][1]
        # Get cid where to post the message
        cid = message["cid"]
        # Get the corresponding comptoir object
        comptoir = Comptoir.objects.get(id=cid)
        # If the hash of the comptoir key does not match with the db
        if (comptoir.key_hash != message["hash"]):
            # We reject the message
            socket.send({"type": "error", "error_msg": "Your message was rejected because your key is not valid."})
            socket.send({"type": "ack"})
        # If the message is empty, reject it
        if message["content"] == "":
            socket.send({"type": "error", "error_msg": "Your message was rejected because it is empty."})
            socket.send({"type": "ack"})
        # Try to determine if this is a '/me' message or not
            me_msg = message["me_msg"]
        except KeyError:
            me_msg = False
        # Creation of a new message object
        msg = Message(owner=user, comptoir=comptoir, content=message["content"], me_message=me_msg)
        # Saving the message
        # Updating last message on the comptoir
        comptoir.last_message = msg
        # At this point the date of the message is in utc format, so we need to correct it 
        msg_local_date = msg.date.astimezone(timezone_local)
        # Iteration on each connected user to deliver the new message
        for other_user in connected_users.values():
            osock, ouser, ocmptrs, ocid = other_user[0], other_user[1], other_user[2], other_user[3]
            # if the user is the one that posted the message
            if ouser == user:
                # Send acknoledgement
                socket.send({"type": "ack"})
            # If the currently iterated user is related to the comptoir
            if comptoir in ocmptrs:
                # If the comptoir is not the one where the user is connected (and if the user is not the one
                # that posted the message)
                if ocid != cid and ouser != user:
                    # We just send an update-badge message
                    osock.send({"type": "update-badge", "cid": message["cid"], "user": user.username, "msgdate": date_to_tooltip(msg_local_date)})
                    # Else we deliver the message
                                "type": "new-message", 
                                "cid": message["cid"], 
                                "user": user.username, 
                                "content": message["content"], 
                                "me_msg": me_msg, 
                                "msgdate": date_to_tooltip(msg_local_date), 
                                "mid": msg.id,

    elif action == "edit-msg":
        # Get user from dictionary
        user = connected_users[session_key][1]
        # Get the socket of the user
        sock = connected_users[session_key][0]
        # Get cid where to edit the message
        cid = message["cid"]
        # Get the corresponding comptoir object
        comptoir = Comptoir.objects.get(id=cid)
        # Get the id of the message to edit
        mid = message["mid"]
        # Get the message object
        msg = Message.objects.get(id=mid)
        # Check the owner of the message
        if msg.owner != user:
            sock.send({"type": "error", "error_msg": "You cannot edit a message that does not belong to you. The new message has not been saved on the server."})
        if msg.content != message["oldmsg"]:
            sock.send({"type": "error", "error_msg": "The edition has failed. The new message has not been saved on the server."})
        # If the hash of the comptoir key does not match with the db
        if (comptoir.key_hash != message["hash"]):
            # We reject the message
            socket.send({"type": "error", "error_msg": "Edition was rejected because your key is not valid."})
        # Update message content
        msg.content = message["newmsg"]
        msg.edited = True
        # Save modification
        # Propagate the edition to connected users
        for other_user in connected_users.values():
            osock, ouser, ocmptrs, ocid = other_user[0], other_user[1], other_user[2], other_user[3]
            # If the currently iterated user is related to the comptoir
            if cid == ocid:
                # We notify the modification
                osock.send({"type": "edit-msg", "cid": message["cid"], "mid": mid, "content": message["newmsg"]})

    # To be commented
    elif action == "wizz":
        user = connected_users[session_key][1]
        cid = message["cid"]
        comptoir = Comptoir.objects.get(id=cid)
        context["cid"] = cid
        context["username"] = user.username

        if (comptoir.key_hash != message["hash"]):
            socket.send({"type": "error", "error_msg": "Your wizz was rejected because your key is not valid."})
            for other_user in connected_users.values(): 
                osock, ouser, ocmptrs, ocid = other_user[0], other_user[1], other_user[2], other_user[3]
                if comptoir in ocmptrs:
                    if ocid == cid:
                        osock.send({"type": "wizz", "from": user.username})