Пример #1
def pull():
    Pull an update from GitHub
    :return: String on failure, None on success
    if only_blacklists_changed(GitManager.get_remote_diff()):
        return "No code modified, only blacklists reloaded."
        request = requests.get('https://api.github.com/repos/Charcoal-SE/SmokeDetector/git/refs/heads/deploy')
        latest_sha = request.json()["object"]["sha"]
        request = requests.get(
        states = []
        for ci_status in request.json():
            state = ci_status["state"]
        if "success" in states:
        elif "error" in states or "failure" in states:
            raise CmdException("CI build failed! :( Please check your commit.")
        elif "pending" in states or not states:
            raise CmdException("CI build is still pending, wait until the build has finished and then pull again.")
Пример #2
def true(feedback, msg, alias_used="true"):
    Marks a post as a true positive
    :param feedback:
    :param msg:
    :return: string
    post_data = get_report_data(msg)
    if not post_data:
        raise CmdException("That message is not a report.")

    post_url, owner_url = post_data

    feedback_type = TRUE_FEEDBACKS[alias_used]
    feedback_type.send(post_url, feedback)

    user = get_user_from_url(owner_url)
    _, _, post_type = fetch_post_id_and_site_from_url(post_url)
    message_url = "https://chat.{}/transcript/{}?m={}".format(msg._client.host, msg.room.id, msg.id)

    if user is not None:
        if feedback_type.blacklist:
            add_blacklisted_user(user, message_url, post_url)
            result = "Registered " + post_type + " as true positive and blacklisted user."
            result = "Registered " + post_type + " as true positive. If you want to "\
                     "blacklist the poster, use `trueu` or `tpu`."

    return result if not feedback_type.always_silent else ""
Пример #3
def why(msg):
    Returns reasons a post was reported
    :param msg:
    :return: A string
    post_data = get_report_data(msg)
    if not post_data:
        raise CmdException("That's not a report.")
        *post, _ = fetch_post_id_and_site_from_url(post_data[0])
        why_info = get_why(post[1], post[0])
        if why_info:
            return why_info
            raise CmdException("There is no `why` data for that user (anymore).")
Пример #4
def addblu(msg, user):
    Adds a user to site whitelist
    :param msg: ChatExchange message
    :param user:
    :return: A string
    uid, val = get_user_from_list_command(user)

    if int(uid) > -1 and val != "":
        message_url = "https://chat.{}/transcript/{}?m={}".format(msg._client.host, msg.room.id, msg.id)

        add_blacklisted_user((uid, val), message_url, "")
        return "User blacklisted (`{}` on `{}`).".format(uid, val)
    elif int(uid) == -2:
        raise CmdException("Error: {}".format(val))
        raise CmdException("Invalid format. Valid format: `!!/addblu profileurl` *or* `!!/addblu userid sitename`.")
Пример #5
def blacklist(_):
    Returns a string which explains the usage of the new blacklist commands.
    :return: A string
    raise CmdException("The !!/blacklist command has been deprecated. "
                       "Please use !!/blacklist-website, !!/blacklist-username,"
                       "!!/blacklist-keyword, or perhaps !!/watch-keyword. "
                       "Remember to escape dots in URLs using \\.")
Пример #6
def approve(msg, pr_num):
    if is_code_privileged(msg._client.host, msg.owner.id):
        resp = requests.post('{}/github/pr_approve/{}'.format(GlobalVars.metasmoke_host, pr_num))

        if resp.status_code == 200:
            return "Posted approval comment. PR will be merged automatically if it's a blacklist PR."
            return "Forwarding request to metasmoke returned HTTP {}. Check status manually.".format(resp.status_code)
        raise CmdException("You don't have permission to do that.")
Пример #7
def notify(msg, room_id, se_site):
    Subscribe a user to events on a site in a single room
    :param msg:
    :param room_id:
    :param se_site:
    :return: A string
    # TODO: Add check whether smokey reports in that room
    response, full_site = add_to_notification_list(msg.owner.id, msg._client.host, room_id, se_site)

    if response == 0:
        return "You'll now get pings from me if I report a post on `{site}`, in room "\
               "`{room}` on `chat.{domain}`".format(site=se_site, room=room_id, domain=msg._client.host)
    elif response == -1:
        raise CmdException("That notification configuration is already registered.")
    elif response == -2:
        raise CmdException("The given SE site does not exist.")
        raise CmdException("Unrecognized code returned when adding notification.")
Пример #8
def postgone(msg):
    Removes link from a marked report message
    :param msg:
    :return: None
    edited = edited_message_after_postgone_command(msg.content)

    if edited is None:
        raise CmdException("That's not a report.")

Пример #9
def do_blacklist(pattern, blacklist_type, msg, force=False):
    Adds a string to the website blacklist and commits/pushes to GitHub
    :param pattern:
    :param blacklist_type:
    :param msg:
    :param force:
    :return: A string

    chat_user_profile_link = "http://chat.{host}/users/{id}".format(host=msg._client.host,

    # noinspection PyProtectedMember
    except regex._regex_core.error:
        raise CmdException("An invalid pattern was provided, not blacklisting.")

    if not force:
        reasons = check_blacklist(pattern.replace("\\W", " ").replace("\\.", "."),
                                  blacklist_type == "username",
                                  blacklist_type == "watch_keyword")

        if reasons:
            raise CmdException("That pattern looks like it's already caught by " + format_blacklist_reasons(reasons) +
                               "; append `-force` if you really want to do that.")

    _, result = GitManager.add_to_blacklist(
        code_permissions=is_code_privileged(msg._client.host, msg.owner.id)

    return result
Пример #10
def unnotify(msg, room_id, se_site):
    Unsubscribes a user to specific events
    :param msg:
    :param room_id:
    :param se_site:
    :return: A string
    response = remove_from_notification_list(msg.owner.id, msg._client.host, room_id, se_site)

    if response:
        return "I will no longer ping you if I report a post on `{site}`, in room `{room}` "\
               "on `chat.{domain}`".format(site=se_site, room=room_id, domain=msg._client.host)

    raise CmdException("That configuration doesn't exist.")
Пример #11
def naa(feedback, msg, alias_used="naa"):
    Marks a post as NAA
    :param feedback:
    :param msg:
    :return: String
    post_data = get_report_data(msg)
    if not post_data:
        raise CmdException("That message is not a report.")

    post_url, _ = post_data
    post_id, site, post_type = fetch_post_id_and_site_from_url(post_url)

    if post_type != "answer":
        raise CmdException("That report was a question; questions cannot be marked as NAAs.")

    feedback_type = NAA_FEEDBACKS[alias_used]
    feedback_type.send(post_url, feedback)

    post_id, site, _ = fetch_post_id_and_site_from_url(post_url)
    add_ignored_post((post_id, site))

    return "Recorded answer as an NAA in metasmoke." if not feedback_type.always_silent else ""
Пример #12
def autoflagged(msg):
    Determines whether a post was automatically flagged by Metasmoke
    :param msg:
    :return: A string
    post_data = get_report_data(msg)

    if not post_data:
        raise CmdException("That's not a report.")

    is_autoflagged, names = Metasmoke.determine_if_autoflagged(post_data[0])

    if is_autoflagged:
        return "That post was automatically flagged, using flags from: {}.".format(", ".join(names))
        return "That post was **not** automatically flagged by metasmoke."
Пример #13
def iswlu(user):
    Checks if a user is whitelisted
    :param user:
    :return: A string
    uid, val = get_user_from_list_command(user)

    if int(uid) > -1 and val != "":
        if is_whitelisted_user((uid, val)):
            return "User is whitelisted (`{}` on `{}`).".format(uid, val)
            return "User is not whitelisted (`{}` on `{}`).".format(uid, val)
    elif int(uid) == -2:
        return "Error: {}".format(val)
        raise CmdException("Invalid format. Valid format: `!!/iswlu profileurl` *or* `!!/iswlu userid sitename`.")
Пример #14
def ignore(feedback, msg):
    Marks a post to be ignored
    :param feedback:
    :param msg:
    :return: String
    post_data = get_report_data(msg)
    if not post_data:
        raise CmdException("That message is not a report.")

    post_url, _ = post_data

    Feedback.send_custom("ignore", post_url, feedback)

    post_id, site, _ = fetch_post_id_and_site_from_url(post_url)
    add_ignored_post((post_id, site))

    return "Post ignored; alerts about it will no longer be posted."
Пример #15
def false(feedback, msg, alias_used="false"):
    Marks a post as a false positive
    :param feedback:
    :param msg:
    :return: String
    post_data = get_report_data(msg)
    if not post_data:
        raise CmdException("That message is not a report.")

    post_url, owner_url = post_data

    feedback_type = FALSE_FEEDBACKS[alias_used]
    feedback_type.send(post_url, feedback)

    post_id, site, post_type = fetch_post_id_and_site_from_url(post_url)
    add_false_positive((post_id, site))

    user = get_user_from_url(owner_url)

    if user is not None:
        if feedback_type.blacklist:
            result = "Registered " + post_type + " as false positive and whitelisted user."
        elif is_blacklisted_user(user):
            result = "Registered " + post_type + " as false positive and removed user from the blacklist."
            result = "Registered " + post_type + " as false positive."
        result = "Registered " + post_type + " as false positive."

        if int(msg.room.id) != int(GlobalVars.charcoal_hq.id):

    return result if not feedback_type.always_silent else ""
Пример #16
def whois(msg, role):
    Return a list of important users
    :param msg:
    :param role:
    :return: A string
    valid_roles = {"admin": "admin",
                   "code_admin": "code_admin",
                   "admins": "admin",
                   "codeadmins": "code_admin"}

    if role not in list(valid_roles.keys()):
        raise CmdException("That is not a user level I can check. "
                           "I know about {0}".format(", ".join(set(valid_roles.values()))))

    ms_route = "https://metasmoke.erwaysoftware.com/api/users/?role={}&key={}&per_page=100".format(

    user_response = requests.get(ms_route)
    user_response.encoding = 'utf-8-sig'
    user_response = user_response.json()

    chat_host = msg._client.host

    # Build our list of admin chat ids
    key = ""
    if chat_host == "stackexchange.com":
        key = 'stackexchange_chat_id'
    elif chat_host == "meta.stackexchange.com":
        key = 'meta_stackexchange_chat_id'
    elif chat_host == "stackoverflow.com":
        key = 'stackoverflow_chat_id'

    admin_ids = [a[key] for a in user_response['items'] if a[key] and a['id'] != -1]

    all_users_in_room = msg.room.get_current_user_ids()
    admins_in_room = list(set(admin_ids) & set(all_users_in_room))
    admins_not_in_room = list(set(admin_ids) - set(admins_in_room))

    admins_list = [(admin,
                   for admin in admin_ids]

    admins_in_room_list = [(admin,
                           for admin in admins_in_room]

    admins_not_in_room_list = [(admin,
                               for admin in admins_not_in_room]

    return_name = RETURN_NAMES[valid_roles[role]][0 if len(admin_ids) == 1 else 1]

    response = "I am aware of {} {}".format(len(admin_ids), return_name)

    if admins_in_room_list:
        admins_in_room_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[2])    # Sort by last message (last seen = x[3])
        response += ". Currently in this room: **"
        for admin in admins_in_room_list:
            response += "{}, ".format(admin[1])
        response = response[:-2] + "**. "
        response += "Not currently in this room: "
        for admin in admins_not_in_room_list:
            response += "{}, ".format(admin[1])
        response = response[:-2] + "."

        response += ": "
        for admin in admins_list:
            response += "{}, ".format(admin[1])
        response = response[:-2] + ". "
        response += "None of them are currently in this room. Other users in this room might be able to help you."

    return response
Пример #17
def report(msg, urls):
    Report a post (or posts)
    :param msg:
    :param urls:
    :return: A string (or None)
    crn, wait = can_report_now(msg.owner.id, msg._client.host)
    if not crn:
        raise CmdException("You can execute the !!/report command again in {} seconds. "
                           "To avoid one user sending lots of reports in a few commands and "
                           "slowing SmokeDetector down due to rate-limiting, you have to "
                           "wait 30 seconds after you've reported multiple posts in "
                           "one go.".format(wait))

    output = []
    urls = list(set(urls.split()))

    if len(urls) > 5:
        raise CmdException("To avoid SmokeDetector reporting posts too slowly, you can "
                           "report at most 5 posts at a time. This is to avoid "
                           "SmokeDetector's chat messages getting rate-limited too much, "
                           "which would slow down reports.")

    for index, url in enumerate(urls, start=1):
        post_data = api_get_post(url)

        if post_data is None:
            output.append("Post {}: That does not look like a valid post URL.".format(index))

        if post_data is False:
            output.append("Post {}: Could not find data for this post in the API. "
                          "It may already have been deleted.".format(index))

        if has_already_been_posted(post_data.site, post_data.post_id, post_data.title) and not is_false_positive(
                (post_data.post_id, post_data.site)):
            # Don't re-report if the post wasn't marked as a false positive. If it was marked as a false positive,
            # this re-report might be attempting to correct that/fix a mistake/etc.

            if GlobalVars.metasmoke_key is not None:
                se_link = to_protocol_relative(post_data.post_url)
                ms_link = "https://m.erwaysoftware.com/posts/by-url?url={}".format(se_link)
                output.append("Post {}: Already recently reported [ [MS]({}) ]".format(index, ms_link))
                output.append("Post {}: Already recently reported".format(index))

        post_data.is_answer = (post_data.post_type == "answer")
        post = Post(api_response=post_data.as_dict)
        user = get_user_from_url(post_data.owner_url)

        if user is not None:
            message_url = "https://chat.{}/transcript/{}?m={}".format(msg._client.host, msg.room.id, msg.id)
            add_blacklisted_user(user, message_url, post_data.post_url)

        why_info = u"Post manually reported by user *{}* in room *{}*.\n".format(msg.owner.name, msg.room.name)
        batch = ""
        if len(urls) > 1:
            batch = " (batch report: post {} out of {})".format(index, len(urls))

                    reasons=["Manually reported " + post_data.post_type + batch],

    if 1 < len(urls) > len(output):
        add_or_update_multiple_reporter(msg.owner.id, msg._client.host, time.time())

    if len(output) > 0:
        return os.linesep.join(output)
Пример #18
def allspam(msg, url):
    Reports all of a user's posts as spam
    :param msg:
    :param url: A user profile URL
    crn, wait = can_report_now(msg.owner.id, msg._client.host)
    if not crn:
        raise CmdException("You can execute the !!/allspam command again in {} seconds. "
                           "To avoid one user sending lots of reports in a few commands and "
                           "slowing SmokeDetector down due to rate-limiting, you have to "
                           "wait 30 seconds after you've reported multiple posts in "
                           "one go.".format(wait))
    user = get_user_from_url(url)
    if user is None:
        raise CmdException("That doesn't look like a valid user URL.")
    user_sites = []
    user_posts = []
    # Detect whether link is to network profile or site profile
    if user[1] == 'stackexchange.com':
        # Respect backoffs etc
        if GlobalVars.api_backoff_time > time.time():
            time.sleep(GlobalVars.api_backoff_time - time.time() + 2)
        # Fetch sites
        api_filter = "!6Pbp)--cWmv(1"
        request_url = "http://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/users/{}/associated?filter={}&key=IAkbitmze4B8KpacUfLqkw((" \
            .format(user[0], api_filter)
        res = requests.get(request_url).json()
        if "backoff" in res:
            if GlobalVars.api_backoff_time < time.time() + res["backoff"]:
                GlobalVars.api_backoff_time = time.time() + res["backoff"]
        if 'items' not in res or len(res['items']) == 0:
            raise CmdException("The specified user does not appear to exist.")
        if res['has_more']:
            raise CmdException("The specified user has an abnormally high number of accounts. Please consider flagging "
                               "for moderator attention, otherwise use !!/report on the user's posts individually.")
        # Add accounts with posts
        for site in res['items']:
            if site['question_count'] > 0 or site['answer_count'] > 0:
                user_sites.append((site['user_id'], get_api_sitename_from_url(site['site_url'])))
        user_sites.append((user[0], get_api_sitename_from_url(user[1])))
    # Fetch posts
    for u_id, u_site in user_sites:
        # Respect backoffs etc
        if GlobalVars.api_backoff_time > time.time():
            time.sleep(GlobalVars.api_backoff_time - time.time() + 2)
        # Fetch posts
        api_filter = "!)Q4RrMH0DC96Y4g9yVzuwUrW"
        request_url = "http://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/users/{}/posts?site={}&filter={}&key=IAkbitmze4B8KpacUfLqkw((" \
            .format(u_id, u_site, api_filter)
        res = requests.get(request_url).json()
        if "backoff" in res:
            if GlobalVars.api_backoff_time < time.time() + res["backoff"]:
                GlobalVars.api_backoff_time = time.time() + res["backoff"]
        if 'items' not in res or len(res['items']) == 0:
            raise CmdException("The specified user has no posts on this site.")
        posts = res['items']
        if posts[0]['owner']['reputation'] > 100:
            raise CmdException("The specified user's reputation is abnormally high. Please consider flagging for "
                               "moderator attention, otherwise use !!/report on the posts individually.")
        # Add blacklisted user - use most downvoted post as post URL
        message_url = "https://chat.{}/transcript/{}?m={}".format(msg._client.host, msg.room.id, msg.id)
        add_blacklisted_user(user, message_url, sorted(posts, key=lambda x: x['score'])[0]['owner']['link'])
        # TODO: Postdata refactor, figure out a better way to use apigetpost
        for post in posts:
            post_data = PostData()
            post_data.post_id = post['post_id']
            post_data.post_url = url_to_shortlink(post['link'])
            *discard, post_data.site, post_data.post_type = fetch_post_id_and_site_from_url(
            post_data.title = unescape(post['title'])
            post_data.owner_name = unescape(post['owner']['display_name'])
            post_data.owner_url = post['owner']['link']
            post_data.owner_rep = post['owner']['reputation']
            post_data.body = post['body']
            post_data.score = post['score']
            post_data.up_vote_count = post['up_vote_count']
            post_data.down_vote_count = post['down_vote_count']
            if post_data.post_type == "answer":
                # Annoyingly we have to make another request to get the question ID, since it is only returned by the
                # /answers route
                # Respect backoffs etc
                if GlobalVars.api_backoff_time > time.time():
                    time.sleep(GlobalVars.api_backoff_time - time.time() + 2)
                # Fetch posts
                filter = "!*Jxb9s5EOrE51WK*"
                req_url = "http://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/answers/{}?site={}&filter={}&key=IAkbitmze4B8KpacUfLqkw((" \
                    .format(post['post_id'], u_site, filter)
                answer_res = requests.get(req_url).json()
                if "backoff" in res:
                    if GlobalVars.api_backoff_time < time.time() + res["backoff"]:
                        GlobalVars.api_backoff_time = time.time() + res["backoff"]
                # Finally, set the attribute
                post_data.question_id = answer_res['items'][0]['question_id']
                post_data.is_answer = True
    if len(user_posts) == 0:
        raise CmdException("The specified user hasn't posted anything.")
    if len(user_posts) > 15:
        raise CmdException("The specified user has an abnormally high number of spam posts. Please consider flagging "
                           "for moderator attention, otherwise use !!/report on the posts individually.")
    why_info = u"User manually reported by *{}* in room *{}*.\n".format(msg.owner.name, msg.room.name)
    # Handle all posts
    for index, post in enumerate(user_posts, start=1):
        batch = ""
        if len(user_posts) > 1:
            batch = " (batch report: post {} out of {})".format(index, len(user_posts))
                    reasons=["Manually reported " + post.post_type + batch],
        time.sleep(2)  # Should this be implemented differently?
    if len(user_posts) > 2:
        add_or_update_multiple_reporter(msg.owner.id, msg._client.host, time.time())