Пример #1
def check_split_induct (p, restrs, hyps, split, tags = None):
	"""perform both the induction check and a function-call based check
	on successes which can avoid some problematic inductions."""
	((l_split, (_, l_step), _), (r_split, (_, r_step), _), _, n, _) = split
	if tags == None:
		tags = p.pairing.tags

	err_hyp = check.split_r_err_pc_hyp (p, split, restrs, tags = tags)
	hyps = [err_hyp] + hyps + check.split_loop_hyps (tags, split,
		restrs, exit = False)

	rep = mk_graph_slice (p)

	if not check.check_split_induct_step_group (rep, restrs, hyps, split,
			tags = tags):
		return False

	l_succs = get_n_offset_successes (rep, l_split, l_step, restrs)
	r_succs = get_n_offset_successes (rep, r_split, r_step, restrs)

	if not l_succs:
		return True

	hyp = syntax.foldr1 (syntax.mk_and, l_succs)
	if r_succs:
		hyp = syntax.mk_implies (foldr1 (syntax.mk_and, r_succs), hyp)

	return rep.test_hyp_whyps (hyp, hyps)
Пример #2
def v_eqs_to_split (p, pair, v_eqs, restrs, hyps, tags = None):
	trace ('v_eqs_to_split: (%s, %s)' % pair)

	((l_n, l_init, l_step), (r_n, r_init, r_step)) = pair
	l_details = (l_n, (l_init, l_step), mk_seq_eqs (p, l_n, l_step, True)
		+ [v_i[0] for (v_i, v_j) in v_eqs if v_j == 'Const'])
	r_details = (r_n, (r_init, r_step), mk_seq_eqs (p, r_n, r_step, False)
		+ c_memory_loop_invariant (p, r_n, l_n))

	eqs = [(v_i[0], mk_cast (v_j[0], v_i[0].typ))
		for (v_i, v_j) in v_eqs if v_j != 'Const']

	n = 2
	split = (l_details, r_details, eqs, n, (n * r_step) - 1)
	trace ('Split: %s' % (split, ))
	if tags == None:
		tags = p.pairing.tags
	hyps = hyps + check.split_loop_hyps (tags, split, restrs, exit = True)

	r_max = find_split_limit (p, r_n, restrs, hyps, 'Offset',
		bound = (n + 2) * r_step, must_find = False,
		hints = [n * r_step, n * r_step + 1])
	if r_max == None:
		trace ('v_eqs_to_split: no RHS limit')
		return None

	if r_max > n * r_step:
		trace ('v_eqs_to_split: RHS limit not %d' % (n * r_step))
		return None
	trace ('v_eqs_to_split: split %s' % (split,))
	return split