def display_values(values_list, sentence): for ind, elmt in enumerate(values_list): print(ind + 1, " - ", end="") elmt = elmt[1:] print(elmt, sep=", ") choice = Check.check_choice_list(values_list, sentence) return choice
def choice_list(great_category=None, category=None, rank=1, food=False): with open("list_categories.json", 'r') as categories_file: categories_list = json.load(categories_file) select_list = categories_list if categories_list and rank == 1: cate_name = 'grande catégorie' select_list = list(categories_list.keys()) elif (rank == 2) and (not food): cate_name = 'categorie' select_list = categories_list[great_category] elif (rank == 2) and food: cate_name = 'categorie' select_list = list(categories_list[great_category].keys()) elif rank == 3: cate_name = 'sous-categorie' select_list = categories_list[great_category][category] if select_list: Display.display(select_list) choice = Check.check_choice_list( select_list, "choisssez une %s dans la liste ou bien ajoutez une nouveauté ( tapez n ): " % cate_name) print("le choice des cates dans categories: ", choice) if (not select_list) or (choice == 'n'): choice = Categories.create(categories_list=categories_list, great_category=great_category, category=category, rank=rank) return choice
def display_menu(menu, sentence): list_menu = list() if menu == "first": list_menu = __class__.LIST_FIRST_MENU elif menu == "second": list_menu = __class__.FALSE_PURCHASE_LIST Display.display(list_menu) choice = Check.check_choice_list(list_menu, sentence) return choice
def change_code(card_code, list_card_code): Display.display_dict(list_card_code) name = Check.check_choice_list( list(list_card_code.keys()), "le nom de la pesonne à qui appartient le code: ") list_status = ["compte perso", "compte commun"] Display.display(list_status) status = Check.check_choice_list(list_status, "de quel compte s'agit-il ? ") compte = "commun" if status == "compte commun" else "perso" if list_card_code[name][compte]: Display.display(list_card_code[name][compte]) code_to_remove = Check.check_choice_list( list_card_code[name][compte], "supprimez des numéros dans %s de %s: " % (status, name)) list_card_code[name][compte].remove(code_to_remove) list_card_code[name][compte].append(str(card_code)) with open("card_list_code.json", "w") as file: json.dump(list_card_code, file)
def get_store(sentence): create = False store_name = input(sentence) store_list = Store.store_research(store_name) store_id = 0 if not store_list: print("pas de magasins à ce nom") else: Display.display_store(store_list) store_choice = Check.check_choice_list( store_list, "choissez un nmagasin parmi la liste proposée ou bien quittez (q )" ) if (not store_list) or (store_choice == 'q'): new_store = input("voulez-vous enregistrer ce magasin ? ") if new_store == 'o': store_id = Store.new_store() else: store_id = store_choice[0] return store_id