Пример #1
def get_opencg_material(openmoc_material):
    """Return an OpenCG material corresponding to an OpenMOC material.

    openmoc_material : openmoc.Material
        OpenMOC material

    opencg_material : opencg.Material
        Equivalent OpenCG material


    cv.check_type('openmoc_material', openmoc_material, openmoc.Material)

    material_id = openmoc_material.getId()

    # If this Material was already created, use it
    if material_id in OPENCG_MATERIALS:
        return OPENCG_MATERIALS[material_id]

    # Create an OpenCG Material to represent this OpenMOC Material
    name = openmoc_material.getName()
    opencg_material = opencg.Material(material_id=material_id, name=name)

    # Add the OpenMOC Material to the global collection of all OpenMOC Materials
    OPENMOC_MATERIALS[material_id] = openmoc_material

    # Add the OpenCG Material to the global collection of all OpenCG Materials
    OPENCG_MATERIALS[material_id] = opencg_material

    return opencg_material
Пример #2
def get_opencg_material(openmoc_material):
    """Return an OpenCG material corresponding to an OpenMOC material.

    openmoc_material : openmoc.Material
        OpenMOC material

    opencg_material : opencg.Material
        Equivalent OpenCG material


    cv.check_type('openmoc_material', openmoc_material, openmoc.Material)

    material_id = openmoc_material.getId()

    # If this Material was already created, use it
    if material_id in OPENCG_MATERIALS:
        return OPENCG_MATERIALS[material_id]

    # Create an OpenCG Material to represent this OpenMOC Material
    name = openmoc_material.getName()
    opencg_material = opencg.Material(material_id=material_id, name=name)

    # Add the OpenMOC Material to the global collection of all OpenMOC Materials
    OPENMOC_MATERIALS[material_id] = openmoc_material

    # Add the OpenCG Material to the global collection of all OpenCG Materials
    OPENCG_MATERIALS[material_id] = opencg_material

    return opencg_material
Пример #3
def is_opencg_surface_compatible(opencg_surface):
    """Determine whether OpenCG surface is compatible with OpenMOC geometry.

    A surface is considered compatible if there is a one-to-one correspondence
    between OpenMOC and OpenCG surface types. Note that some OpenCG surfaces,
    e.g. SquarePrism, do not have a one-to-one correspondence with OpenMOC
    surfaces but can still be converted into an equivalent collection of
    OpenMOC surfaces.

    opencg_surface : opencg.Surface
        OpenCG surface

        Whether OpenCG surface is compatible with OpenMOC


    cv.check_type('opencg_surface', opencg_surface, opencg.Surface)

    if opencg_surface.type in ['z-squareprism']:
        return False
        return True
Пример #4
def is_opencg_surface_compatible(opencg_surface):
    """Determine whether OpenCG surface is compatible with OpenMOC geometry.

    A surface is considered compatible if there is a one-to-one correspondence
    between OpenMOC and OpenCG surface types. Note that some OpenCG surfaces,
    e.g. SquarePrism, do not have a one-to-one correspondence with OpenMOC
    surfaces but can still be converted into an equivalent collection of
    OpenMOC surfaces.

    opencg_surface : opencg.Surface
        OpenCG surface

        Whether OpenCG surface is compatible with OpenMOC


    cv.check_type('opencg_surface', opencg_surface, opencg.Surface)

    if opencg_surface.type in ['z-squareprism']:
        return False
        return True
Пример #5
def get_opencg_cell(openmoc_cell):
    """Return an OpenCG cell corresponding to an OpenMOC cell.

    openmoc_cell : openmoc.Cell
        OpenMOC cell

    opencg_cell : opencg.Cell
        Equivalent OpenCG cell


    cv.check_type('openmoc_cell', openmoc_cell, openmoc.Cell)

    global OPENCG_CELLS
    cell_id = openmoc_cell.getId()

    # If this Cell was already created, use it
    if cell_id in OPENCG_CELLS:
        return OPENCG_CELLS[cell_id]

    # Create an OpenCG Cell to represent this OpenMOC Cell
    name = openmoc_cell.getName()
    opencg_cell = opencg.Cell(cell_id, name)

    if (openmoc_cell.getType() == openmoc.MATERIAL):
        fill = openmoc_cell.getFillMaterial()
        opencg_cell.fill = get_opencg_material(fill)
    elif (openmoc_cell.getType() == openmoc.FILL):
        fill = openmoc_cell.getFillUniverse()
        if isinstance(fill, openmoc.Lattice):
            opencg_cell.fill = get_opencg_lattice(fill)
            opencg_cell.fill = get_opencg_universe(fill)

    if openmoc_cell.isRotated():
        rotation = openmoc_cell.getRotation(3)
        opencg_cell.rotation = rotation
    if openmoc_cell.isTranslated():
        translation = openmoc_cell.getTranslation(3)
        opencg_cell.translation = translation

    surfaces = openmoc_cell.getSurfaces()

    for surf_id, surface_halfspace in surfaces.items():
        halfspace = surface_halfspace._halfspace
        surface = surface_halfspace._surface
        opencg_cell.add_surface(get_opencg_surface(surface), halfspace)

    # Add the OpenMOC Cell to the global collection of all OpenMOC Cells
    OPENMOC_CELLS[cell_id] = openmoc_cell

    # Add the OpenCG Cell to the global collection of all OpenCG Cells
    OPENCG_CELLS[cell_id] = opencg_cell

    return opencg_cell
Пример #6
    def get_mesh_cell_indices(self, point):
        """Get the mesh cell indices for a point within the geometry.

        point : openmoc.Point
            A point within the geometry

        indices : 2- or 3-tuple of Integral
            The mesh cell indices for the point. If the mesh is 2D then indices
            for x and y are returned; if the mesh is 3d indices for x, y, and z
            are returned.


        cv.check_type('point', point, openmoc.Point)

        # Extract the x,y,z coordinates from the OpenMOC Point
        x, y, z = point.getX(), point.getY(), point.getZ()

        # Translate the point with respect to the center of the mesh
        x -= (self.upper_right[0] + self.lower_left[0]) / 2.
        y -= (self.upper_right[1] + self.lower_left[1]) / 2.
        if len(self.dimension) != 2:
            z -= (self.upper_right[2] + self.lower_left[2]) / 2.

        # Compute the mesh cell indices
        mesh_x = (x + self.dimension[0] * self.width[0] * 0.5) / self.width[0]
        mesh_y = (y + self.dimension[1] * self.width[1] * 0.5) / self.width[1]
        if len(self.dimension) == 2:
            mesh_z = 0
            mesh_z = (z + self.dimension[2] * self.width[2] * 0.5) / self.width[2]

        # Round the mesh cell indices down
        mesh_x = int(math.floor(mesh_x))
        mesh_y = int(math.floor(mesh_y))
        mesh_z = int(math.floor(mesh_z))

        # Throw error if indices are outside of the Mesh
        if len(self.dimension) == 2:
            if (mesh_x < 0 or mesh_x >= self.dimension[0]) or \
               (mesh_y < 0 or mesh_y >= self.dimension[1]):
                py_printf('ERROR', 'Unable to find cell since indices (%d, ' +
                          '%d, %d) are outside mesh', mesh_x, mesh_y, mesh_z)
            if (mesh_x < 0 or mesh_x >= self.dimension[0]) or \
               (mesh_y < 0 or mesh_y >= self.dimension[1]) or \
               (mesh_z < 0 or mesh_z >= self.dimension[2]):
                py_printf('ERROR', 'Unable to find cell since indices (%d, ' +
                          '%d, %d) are outside mesh', mesh_x, mesh_y, mesh_z)

        # Return mesh cell indices
        if len(self.dimension) == 2:
            return mesh_x, mesh_y
            return mesh_x, mesh_y, mesh_z
Пример #7
def get_openmoc_lattice(opencg_lattice):
    """Return an OpenMOC lattice corresponding to an OpenCG lattice.

    opencg_lattice : opencg.Lattice
        OpenCG lattice

    openmoc_lattice : openmoc.Lattice
        Equivalent OpenMOC lattice


    cv.check_type('opencg_lattice', opencg_lattice, opencg.Lattice)

    lattice_id = opencg_lattice.id

    # If this Lattice was already created, use it
    if lattice_id in OPENMOC_LATTICES:
        return OPENMOC_LATTICES[lattice_id]

    name = str(opencg_lattice.name)
    dimension = opencg_lattice.dimension
    width = opencg_lattice.width
    offset = opencg_lattice.offset
    universes = opencg_lattice.universes

    # Initialize an empty array for the OpenMOC nested Universes in this Lattice
    universe_array = np.ndarray(tuple(dimension[::-1]), dtype=openmoc.Universe)

    # Create OpenMOC Universes for each unique nested Universe in this Lattice
    unique_universes = opencg_lattice.get_unique_universes()

    for universe_id, universe in unique_universes.items():
        unique_universes[universe_id] = get_openmoc_universe(universe)

    # Build the nested Universe array
    for z in range(dimension[2]):
        for y in range(dimension[1]):
            for x in range(dimension[0]):
                universe_id = universes[z][y][x].id
                universe_array[z][dimension[1] - y -
                                  1][x] = unique_universes[universe_id]

    openmoc_lattice = openmoc.Lattice(lattice_id, name)
    openmoc_lattice.setWidth(width[0], width[1], width[2])
    openmoc_lattice.setOffset(offset[0], offset[1], offset[2])

    # Add the OpenMOC Lattice to the global collection of all OpenMOC Lattices
    OPENMOC_LATTICES[lattice_id] = openmoc_lattice

    # Add the OpenCG Lattice to the global collection of all OpenCG Lattices
    OPENCG_LATTICES[lattice_id] = opencg_lattice

    return openmoc_lattice
Пример #8
def get_opencg_cell(openmoc_cell):
    """Return an OpenCG cell corresponding to an OpenMOC cell.

    openmoc_cell : openmoc.Cell
        OpenMOC cell

    opencg_cell : opencg.Cell
        Equivalent OpenCG cell


    cv.check_type('openmoc_cell', openmoc_cell, openmoc.Cell)

    global OPENCG_CELLS
    cell_id = openmoc_cell.getId()

    # If this Cell was already created, use it
    if cell_id in OPENCG_CELLS:
        return OPENCG_CELLS[cell_id]

    # Create an OpenCG Cell to represent this OpenMOC Cell
    name = openmoc_cell.getName()
    opencg_cell = opencg.Cell(cell_id, name)

    if (openmoc_cell.getType() == openmoc.MATERIAL):
        fill = openmoc_cell.getFillMaterial()
        opencg_cell.fill = get_opencg_material(fill)
    elif (openmoc_cell.getType() == openmoc.FILL):
        fill = openmoc_cell.getFillUniverse()
        if isinstance(fill, openmoc.Lattice):
            opencg_cell.fill = get_opencg_lattice(fill)
            opencg_cell.fill = get_opencg_universe(fill)

    if openmoc_cell.isRotated():
        rotation = openmoc_cell.getRotation(3)
        opencg_cell.rotation = rotation
    if openmoc_cell.isTranslated():
        translation = openmoc_cell.getTranslation(3)
        opencg_cell.translation = translation

    surfaces = openmoc_cell.getSurfaces()

    for surf_id, surface_halfspace in surfaces.items():
        halfspace = surface_halfspace._halfspace
        surface = surface_halfspace._surface
        opencg_cell.add_surface(get_opencg_surface(surface), halfspace)

    # Add the OpenMOC Cell to the global collection of all OpenMOC Cells
    OPENMOC_CELLS[cell_id] = openmoc_cell

    # Add the OpenCG Cell to the global collection of all OpenCG Cells
    OPENCG_CELLS[cell_id] = opencg_cell

    return opencg_cell
Пример #9
    def get_mesh_cell_indices(self, point):
        """Get the mesh cell indices for a point within the geometry.

        point : openmoc.Point
            A point within the geometry

        indices : 2- or 3-tuple of Integral
            The mesh cell indices for the point. If the mesh is 2D then indices
            for x and y are returned; if the mesh is 3d indices for x, y, and z
            are returned.


        cv.check_type('point', point, openmoc.Point)

        # Extract the x,y,z coordinates from the OpenMOC Point
        x, y, z = point.getX(), point.getY(), point.getZ()

        # Translate the point with respect to the center of the mesh
        x -= (self.upper_right[0] + self.lower_left[0]) / 2.
        y -= (self.upper_right[1] + self.lower_left[1]) / 2.
        if len(self.dimension) != 2:
            z -= (self.upper_right[2] + self.lower_left[2]) / 2.

        # Compute the mesh cell indices
        mesh_x = (x + self.dimension[0] * self.width[0] * 0.5) / self.width[0]
        mesh_y = (y + self.dimension[1] * self.width[1] * 0.5) / self.width[1]
        if len(self.dimension) == 2:
            mesh_z = 0
            mesh_z = (z +
                      self.dimension[2] * self.width[2] * 0.5) / self.width[2]

        # Round the mesh cell indices down
        mesh_x = int(math.floor(mesh_x))
        mesh_y = int(math.floor(mesh_y))
        mesh_z = int(math.floor(mesh_z))

        # Throw error if indices are outside of the Mesh
        if len(self.dimension) == 2:
            if (mesh_x < 0 or mesh_x >= self.dimension[0]) or \
               (mesh_y < 0 or mesh_y >= self.dimension[1]):
                return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan
            if (mesh_x < 0 or mesh_x >= self.dimension[0]) or \
               (mesh_y < 0 or mesh_y >= self.dimension[1]) or \
               (mesh_z < 0 or mesh_z >= self.dimension[2]):
                return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan

        # Return mesh cell indices
        if len(self.dimension) == 2:
            return mesh_x, mesh_y
            return mesh_x, mesh_y, mesh_z
Пример #10
def get_openmoc_lattice(opencg_lattice):
    """Return an OpenMOC lattice corresponding to an OpenCG lattice.

    opencg_lattice : opencg.Lattice
        OpenCG lattice

    openmoc_lattice : openmoc.Lattice
        Equivalent OpenMOC lattice


    cv.check_type('opencg_lattice', opencg_lattice, opencg.Lattice)

    lattice_id = opencg_lattice.id

    # If this Lattice was already created, use it
    if lattice_id in OPENMOC_LATTICES:
        return OPENMOC_LATTICES[lattice_id]

    name = str(opencg_lattice.name)
    dimension = opencg_lattice.dimension
    width = opencg_lattice.width
    offset = opencg_lattice.offset
    universes = opencg_lattice.universes

    # Initialize an empty array for the OpenMOC nested Universes in this Lattice
    universe_array = np.ndarray(tuple(dimension[::-1]), dtype=openmoc.Universe)

    # Create OpenMOC Universes for each unique nested Universe in this Lattice
    unique_universes = opencg_lattice.get_unique_universes()

    for universe_id, universe in unique_universes.items():
        unique_universes[universe_id] = get_openmoc_universe(universe)

    # Build the nested Universe array
    for z in range(dimension[2]):
        for y in range(dimension[1]):
            for x in range(dimension[0]):
                universe_id = universes[z][y][x].id
                universe_array[z][dimension[1]-y-1][x] = unique_universes[universe_id]

    openmoc_lattice = openmoc.Lattice(lattice_id, name)
    openmoc_lattice.setWidth(width[0], width[1], width[2])
    openmoc_lattice.setOffset(offset[0], offset[1], offset[2])

    # Add the OpenMOC Lattice to the global collection of all OpenMOC Lattices
    OPENMOC_LATTICES[lattice_id] = openmoc_lattice

    # Add the OpenCG Lattice to the global collection of all OpenCG Lattices
    OPENCG_LATTICES[lattice_id] = opencg_lattice

    return openmoc_lattice
Пример #11
def get_openmoc_cell(opencg_cell):
    """Return an OpenMOC cell corresponding to an OpenCG cell.

    opencg_cell : opencg.Cell
        OpenCG cell

    openmoc_cell : openmoc.Cell
        Equivalent OpenMOC cell


    cv.check_type('openmoc_cell', opencg_cell, opencg.Cell)

    global OPENMOC_CELLS
    cell_id = opencg_cell.id

    # If this Cell was already created, use it
    if cell_id in OPENMOC_CELLS:
        return OPENMOC_CELLS[cell_id]

    # Create an OpenMOC Cell to represent this OpenCG Cell
    name = str(opencg_cell.name)
    openmoc_cell = openmoc.Cell(cell_id, name)

    fill = opencg_cell.fill
    if opencg_cell.type == 'universe':
    elif opencg_cell.type == 'lattice':

    if opencg_cell.rotation is not None:
        rotation = np.asarray(opencg_cell.rotation, dtype=np.float64)
    if opencg_cell.translation is not None:
        translation = np.asarray(opencg_cell.translation, dtype=np.float64)

    surfaces = opencg_cell.surfaces

    for surface_id in surfaces:
        surface = surfaces[surface_id][0]
        halfspace = int(surfaces[surface_id][1])
        openmoc_cell.addSurface(halfspace, get_openmoc_surface(surface))

    # Add the OpenMOC Cell to the global collection of all OpenMOC Cells
    OPENMOC_CELLS[cell_id] = openmoc_cell

    # Add the OpenCG Cell to the global collection of all OpenCG Cells
    OPENCG_CELLS[cell_id] = opencg_cell

    return openmoc_cell
Пример #12
def get_openmoc_cell(opencg_cell):
    """Return an OpenMOC cell corresponding to an OpenCG cell.

    opencg_cell : opencg.Cell
        OpenCG cell

    openmoc_cell : openmoc.Cell
        Equivalent OpenMOC cell


    cv.check_type('openmoc_cell', opencg_cell, opencg.Cell)

    global OPENMOC_CELLS
    cell_id = opencg_cell.id

    # If this Cell was already created, use it
    if cell_id in OPENMOC_CELLS:
        return OPENMOC_CELLS[cell_id]

    # Create an OpenMOC Cell to represent this OpenCG Cell
    name = str(opencg_cell.name)
    openmoc_cell = openmoc.Cell(cell_id, name)

    fill = opencg_cell.fill
    if opencg_cell.type == 'universe':
    elif opencg_cell.type == 'lattice':

    if opencg_cell.rotation is not None:
        rotation = np.asarray(opencg_cell.rotation, dtype=np.float64)
    if opencg_cell.translation is not None:
        translation = np.asarray(opencg_cell.translation, dtype=np.float64)

    surfaces = opencg_cell.surfaces

    for surface_id in surfaces:
        surface = surfaces[surface_id][0]
        halfspace = int(surfaces[surface_id][1])
        openmoc_cell.addSurface(halfspace, get_openmoc_surface(surface))

    # Add the OpenMOC Cell to the global collection of all OpenMOC Cells
    OPENMOC_CELLS[cell_id] = openmoc_cell

    # Add the OpenCG Cell to the global collection of all OpenCG Cells
    OPENCG_CELLS[cell_id] = opencg_cell

    return openmoc_cell
Пример #13
    def tally_fission_rates(self, solver, volume='integrated', nu=False):
        """Compute the fission rates in each mesh cell.

        NOTE: This method assumes that the mesh perfectly aligns with the
        flat source region mesh used in the OpenMOC calculation.

        NOTE: The user must supply 'fission' as well as 'nu-fission' multi-group
        cross sections to each material in the geometry. Although 'nu-fission'
        is all that is required for an MOC calculation, 'fission' is what is
        used to compute the fission rates.

        solver : {openmoc.CPUSolver, openmoc.GPUSolver, openmoc.VectorizedSolver}
            The solver used to compute the flux
        volume : {'averaged' ,'integrated'}
            Compute volume-averaged or volume-integrated fission rates
        nu : bool
            Find 'nu-fission' rates instead of 'fission' rates

        tally : numpy.ndarray of Real
            A NumPy array of the fission rates tallied in each mesh cell


        global solver_types
        cv.check_type('solver', solver, solver_types)
        cv.check_value('volume', volume, ('averaged', 'integrated'))

        geometry = solver.getGeometry()
        num_fsrs = int(geometry.getNumTotalFSRs())

        # Compute the volume- and energy-integrated fission rates for each FSR
        fission_rates = \
            solver.computeFSRFissionRates(int(geometry.getNumTotalFSRs()), nu)

        # Initialize a 2D or 3D NumPy array in which to tally
        tally = np.zeros(tuple(self.dimension), dtype=np.float)

        # Tally the fission rates in each FSR to the corresponding mesh cell
        for fsr in range(num_fsrs):
            point = geometry.getFSRPoint(fsr)
            mesh_indices = self.get_mesh_cell_indices(point)

            if np.nan not in mesh_indices:
                tally[mesh_indices] += fission_rates[fsr]

        # Average the fission rates by mesh cell volume if needed
        if volume == 'averaged':
            tally /= self.mesh_cell_volume

        return tally
Пример #14
def make_opencg_cells_compatible(opencg_universe):
    """Make all cells in an OpenCG universe compatible with OpenMOC.

    opencg_universe : opencg.Universe
        Universe to check


    if isinstance(opencg_universe, opencg.Lattice):

    cv.check_type('opencg_universe', opencg_universe, opencg.Universe)

    # Check all OpenCG Cells in this Universe for compatibility with OpenMOC
    opencg_cells = opencg_universe.cells

    for cell_id, opencg_cell in opencg_cells.items():

        # Check each of the OpenCG Surfaces for OpenMOC compatibility
        surfaces = opencg_cell.surfaces

        for surface_id in surfaces:
            surface = surfaces[surface_id][0]
            halfspace = surfaces[surface_id][1]

            # If this Surface is not compatible with OpenMOC, create compatible
            # OpenCG cells with a compatible version of this OpenCG Surface
            if not is_opencg_surface_compatible(surface):

                # Get the one or more OpenCG Cells compatible with OpenMOC
                # NOTE: This does not necessarily make OpenCG fully compatible.
                # It only removes the incompatible Surface and replaces it with
                # compatible OpenCG Surface(s). The recursive call at the end
                # of this block is necessary in the event that there are more
                # incompatible Surfaces in this Cell that are not accounted for.
                cells = \
                    get_compatible_opencg_cells(opencg_cell, surface, halfspace)

                # Remove the non-compatible OpenCG Cell from the Universe

                # Add the compatible OpenCG Cells to the Universe

                # Make recursive call to look at the updated state of the
                # OpenCG Universe and return
                return make_opencg_cells_compatible(opencg_universe)

    # If all OpenCG Cells in the OpenCG Universe are compatible, return
Пример #15
def make_opencg_cells_compatible(opencg_universe):
    """Make all cells in an OpenCG universe compatible with OpenMOC.

    opencg_universe : opencg.Universe
        Universe to check


    if isinstance(opencg_universe, opencg.Lattice):

    cv.check_type('opencg_universe', opencg_universe, opencg.Universe)

    # Check all OpenCG Cells in this Universe for compatibility with OpenMOC
    opencg_cells = opencg_universe.cells

    for cell_id, opencg_cell in opencg_cells.items():

        # Check each of the OpenCG Surfaces for OpenMOC compatibility
        surfaces = opencg_cell.surfaces

        for surface_id in surfaces:
            surface = surfaces[surface_id][0]
            halfspace = surfaces[surface_id][1]

            # If this Surface is not compatible with OpenMOC, create compatible
            # OpenCG cells with a compatible version of this OpenCG Surface
            if not is_opencg_surface_compatible(surface):

                # Get the one or more OpenCG Cells compatible with OpenMOC
                # NOTE: This does not necessarily make OpenCG fully compatible.
                # It only removes the incompatible Surface and replaces it with
                # compatible OpenCG Surface(s). The recursive call at the end
                # of this block is necessary in the event that there are more
                # incompatible Surfaces in this Cell that are not accounted for.
                cells = \
                    get_compatible_opencg_cells(opencg_cell, surface, halfspace)

                # Remove the non-compatible OpenCG Cell from the Universe

                # Add the compatible OpenCG Cells to the Universe

                # Make recursive call to look at the updated state of the
                # OpenCG Universe and return
                return make_opencg_cells_compatible(opencg_universe)

    # If all OpenCG Cells in the OpenCG Universe are compatible, return
Пример #16
    def tally_fission_rates(self, solver, volume='integrated'):
        """Compute the fission rates in each mesh cell.

        NOTE: This method assumes that the mesh perfectly aligns with the
        flat source region mesh used in the OpenMOC calculation.

        NOTE: The user must supply 'fission' as well as 'nu-fission' multi-group
        cross sections to each material in the geometry. Although 'nu-fission'
        is all that is required for an MOC calculation, 'fission' is what is
        used to compute the fission rates.

        solver : {openmoc.CPUSolver, openmoc.GPUSolver, openmoc.VectorizedSolver}
            The solver used to compute the flux
        volume : {'averaged' ,'integrated'}
            Compute volume-averaged or volume-integrated fission rates

        tally : numpy.ndarray of Real
            A NumPy array of the fission rates tallied in each mesh cell


        cv.check_type('solver', solver, openmoc.Solver)
        cv.check_value('volume', volume, ('averaged', 'integrated'))

        geometry = solver.getGeometry()
        num_fsrs = geometry.getNumFSRs()

        # Compute the volume- and energy-integrated fission rates for each FSR
        fission_rates = solver.computeFSRFissionRates(geometry.getNumFSRs())

        # Initialize a 2D or 3D NumPy array in which to tally
        tally = np.zeros(tuple(self.dimension), dtype=np.float)

        # Tally the fission rates in each FSR to the corresponding mesh cell
        for fsr in range(num_fsrs):
            point = geometry.getFSRPoint(fsr)
            mesh_indices = self.get_mesh_cell_indices(point)
            tally[mesh_indices] += fission_rates[fsr]

        # Average the fission rates by mesh cell volume if needed
        if volume == 'averaged':
            tally /= self.mesh_cell_volume

        return tally
Пример #17
    def __init__(self, moc_solver):
        """Initialize an IRAMSolver.

        moc_solver : openmoc.Solver
            The OpenMOC solver to use in the eigenmode calculation


        cv.check_type('moc_solver', moc_solver, openmoc.Solver)

        self._moc_solver = moc_solver

        # Determine the floating point precision for Solver
        if self._moc_solver.isUsingDoublePrecision():
            self._precision = np.float64
            self._precision = np.float32

        # Determine if the user passed in a CUDA-enabled GPUSolver
        if 'GPUSolver' in type(moc_solver).__name__:
            self._with_cuda = True
            self._with_cuda = False

        # Allow solver to compute negative fluxes

        # Compute the size of the LinearOperators used in the eigenvalue problem
        geometry = self._moc_solver.getGeometry()
        num_FSRs = geometry.getNumFSRs()
        num_groups = geometry.getNumEnergyGroups()
        self._op_size = num_FSRs * num_groups

        # Initialize solution-dependent class attributes to None
        self._num_modes = None
        self._interval = None
        self._outer_tol = None
        self._inner_tol = None
        self._A_op = None
        self._M_op = None
        self._F_op = None
        self._a_count = None
        self._m_count = None
        self._eigenvalues = None
        self._eigenvectors = None
Пример #18
def get_openmoc_universe(opencg_universe):
    """Return an OpenMOC universe corresponding to an OpenCG universe.

    opencg_universe : opencg.Universe
        OpenCG universe

    openmoc_universe : openmoc.Universe
        Equivalent OpenMOC universe


    cv.check_type('opencg_universe', opencg_universe, opencg.Universe)

    universe_id = opencg_universe.id

    # If this Universe was already created, use it
    if universe_id in OPENMOC_UNIVERSES:
        return OPENMOC_UNIVERSES[universe_id]

    # Make all OpenCG Cells and Surfaces in this Universe compatible with OpenMOC

    # Create an OpenMOC Universe to represent this OpenCG Universe
    name = str(opencg_universe.name)
    openmoc_universe = openmoc.Universe(universe_id, name)

    # Convert all OpenCG Cells in this Universe to OpenMOC Cells
    opencg_cells = opencg_universe.cells

    for cell_id, opencg_cell in opencg_cells.items():
        openmoc_cell = get_openmoc_cell(opencg_cell)

    # Add the OpenMOC Universe to the global collection of all OpenMOC Universes
    OPENMOC_UNIVERSES[universe_id] = openmoc_universe

    # Add the OpenCG Universe to the global collection of all OpenCG Universes
    OPENCG_UNIVERSES[universe_id] = opencg_universe

    return openmoc_universe
Пример #19
def get_openmoc_universe(opencg_universe):
    """Return an OpenMOC universe corresponding to an OpenCG universe.

    opencg_universe : opencg.Universe
        OpenCG universe

    openmoc_universe : openmoc.Universe
        Equivalent OpenMOC universe


    cv.check_type('opencg_universe', opencg_universe, opencg.Universe)

    universe_id = opencg_universe.id

    # If this Universe was already created, use it
    if universe_id in OPENMOC_UNIVERSES:
        return OPENMOC_UNIVERSES[universe_id]

    # Make all OpenCG Cells and Surfaces in this Universe compatible with OpenMOC

    # Create an OpenMOC Universe to represent this OpenCG Universe
    name = str(opencg_universe.name)
    openmoc_universe = openmoc.Universe(universe_id, name)

    # Convert all OpenCG Cells in this Universe to OpenMOC Cells
    opencg_cells = opencg_universe.cells

    for cell_id, opencg_cell in opencg_cells.items():
        openmoc_cell = get_openmoc_cell(opencg_cell)

    # Add the OpenMOC Universe to the global collection of all OpenMOC Universes
    OPENMOC_UNIVERSES[universe_id] = openmoc_universe

    # Add the OpenCG Universe to the global collection of all OpenCG Universes
    OPENCG_UNIVERSES[universe_id] = opencg_universe

    return openmoc_universe
Пример #20
    def get_subdivided_universe(self, target):
        """Subdivide some universe along the specified mesh.

        * target : openmoc.Universe
            the target universe to subdivide

            filled with a cell containing `target' discretized along
            the Subdivider
        cv.check_type("target", target, openmoc.Universe)
        if self.ndim == 2:
            return self._subdivide2d(target)
            return self._subdivide3d(target)
Пример #21
    def from_lattice(cls, lattice, division=1):
        """Create a mesh from an existing lattice

        lattice : openmoc.Lattice
            Uniform rectangular lattice used as a template for this mesh.
        division : int
            Number of mesh cells per lattice cell.
            If not specified, there will be 1 mesh cell per lattice cell.

            Mesh instance

        cv.check_type("lattice", lattice, openmoc.Lattice)
        cv.check_type("division", division, Integral)
        if lattice.getNonUniform():
           raise ValueError("Lattice must be uniform.")
        shape = np.array((lattice.getNumX(), lattice.getNumY(),
        width = np.array((lattice.getWidthX(), lattice.getWidthY(),
        lleft = np.array((lattice.getMinX(), lattice.getMinY(),
        uright = lleft + shape*width
        uright[np.isinf(width)] = np.inf

        mesh = cls()
        mesh.width = width
        mesh.lower_left = lleft
        mesh.upper_right = uright
        mesh.dimension = [s*division for s in shape]

        return mesh
Пример #22
def get_opencg_geometry(openmoc_geometry):
    """Return an OpenCG geometry corresponding to an OpenMOC geometry.

    openmoc_geometry : openmoc.Geometry
        OpenMOC geometry

    opencg_geometry : opencg.Geometry
        Equivalent OpenCG geometry


    cv.check_type('openmoc_geometry', openmoc_geometry, openmoc.Geometry)

    # Clear dictionaries and auto-generated IDs

    openmoc_root_universe = openmoc_geometry.getRootUniverse()
    opencg_root_universe = get_opencg_universe(openmoc_root_universe)

    opencg_geometry = opencg.Geometry()
    opencg_geometry.root_universe = opencg_root_universe

    return opencg_geometry
Пример #23
def get_opencg_geometry(openmoc_geometry):
    """Return an OpenCG geometry corresponding to an OpenMOC geometry.

    openmoc_geometry : openmoc.Geometry
        OpenMOC geometry

    opencg_geometry : opencg.Geometry
        Equivalent OpenCG geometry


    cv.check_type('openmoc_geometry', openmoc_geometry, openmoc.Geometry)

    # Clear dictionaries and auto-generated IDs

    openmoc_root_universe = openmoc_geometry.getRootUniverse()
    opencg_root_universe = get_opencg_universe(openmoc_root_universe)

    opencg_geometry = opencg.Geometry()
    opencg_geometry.root_universe = opencg_root_universe

    return opencg_geometry
Пример #24
 def upper_right(self, upper_right):
     cv.check_type('mesh upper_right', upper_right, Iterable, Real)
     cv.check_length('mesh upper_right', upper_right, 2, 3)
     self._upper_right = upper_right
Пример #25
def store_simulation_state(solver, fluxes=False, sources=False,
                           fission_rates=False, use_hdf5=False,
                           directory = 'simulation-states',
                           append=True, note=''):
    """Store all of the data for an OpenMOC simulation to a binary file for
    downstream data processing.

    This routine may be used to store the following:

        * type of Solver used
        * floating point precision
        * exponential evaluation method
        * number of FSRs
        * number of materials
        * number of energy groups
        * number of azimuthal angles
        * number of polar angles
        * track spacing
        * number of tracks
        * number of track segments
        * number of source iterations
        * source convergence tolerance
        * converged $k_{eff}$
        * total runtime [seconds]
        * number of OpenMP or CUDA threads

    In addition, the routine can optionally store the FSR scalar fluxes, FSR
    sources, and pin and assembly fission rates.

    The routine may export the simulation data to either an HDF5 or a Python
    pickle binary file. Users may tell the routine to either create a new binary
    output file, or append to an existing file using a timestamp to record
    multiple simulation states to the same file.

    solver : openmoc.Solver
        The solver used to compute the flux
    fluxes : bool
        Whether to store FSR scalar fluxes (False by default)
    sources : bool
        Whether to store FSR sources (False by default)
    fission_rates : bool
        Whether to store fission rates (False by default)
    use_hdf5 : bool
        Whether to export to HDF5 (True by default) or Python pickle file
    filename : str
        The filename to use (default is 'simulation-state.h5')
    directory : str
        The directory to use (default is 'simulation-states')
    append : bool
        Append to existing file or create new one (False by default)
    note : str, optional
        An optional string note to include in state file

    This routine may be called from Python as follows:

        >>> store_simulation_state(solver, fluxes=True, source=True, \
                                   fission_rates=True, use_hdf5=True)

    See Also


    cv.check_type('solver', solver, openmoc.Solver)
    cv.check_type('fluxes', fluxes, bool)
    cv.check_type('sources', sources, bool)
    cv.check_type('fission_rates', fission_rates, bool)
    cv.check_type('use_hdf5', use_hdf5, bool)
    cv.check_type('filename', filename, basestring)
    cv.check_type('directory', directory, basestring)
    cv.check_type('append', append, bool)
    cv.check_type('note', note, basestring)

    # Make directory if it does not exist
    if not os.path.exists(directory):

    # Get the day and time to construct the appropriate groups in the file
    time = datetime.datetime.now()
    year = time.year
    month = time.month
    day = time.day
    hr = time.hour
    mins = time.minute
    sec = time.second

    # Determine the Solver type
    solver_type = ''

    if 'CPUSolver' in str(solver.__class__):
        solver_type = 'CPUSolver'
    elif 'VectorizedSolver' in str(solver.__class__):
        solver_type = 'VectorizedSolver'
    elif 'GPUSolver' in str(solver.__class__):
        solver_type = 'GPUSolver'

    # Determine the floating point precision level
    if solver.isUsingDoublePrecision():
        precision = 'double'
        precision = 'single'

    # Determine whether we are using the exponential
    # linear interpolation for exponential evaluations
    if solver.isUsingExponentialInterpolation():
        method = 'linear interpolation'
        method = 'exp intrinsic'

    # Determine whether the Solver has initialized Coarse Mesh Finite
    # Difference Acceleration (CMFD)
    if solver.getGeometry().getCmfd() is not None:
        cmfd = True
        cmfd = False

    # Get the Geometry and TrackGenerator from the solver
    geometry = solver.getGeometry()
    track_generator = solver.getTrackGenerator()

    # Retrieve useful data from the Solver, Geometry and TrackGenerator
    num_FSRs = geometry.getNumFSRs()
    num_materials = geometry.getNumMaterials()
    num_groups = geometry.getNumEnergyGroups()
    zcoord = track_generator.getZCoord()
    num_tracks = track_generator.getNumTracks()
    num_segments = track_generator.getNumSegments()
    spacing = track_generator.getTrackSpacing()
    num_azim = track_generator.getNumAzim()
    num_polar = solver.getNumPolarAngles()
    num_iters = solver.getNumIterations()
    thresh = solver.getConvergenceThreshold()
    tot_time = solver.getTotalTime()
    keff = solver.getKeff()

    if solver_type is 'GPUSolver':
        num_threads = solver.getNumThreadsPerBlock()
        num_blocks = solver.getNumThreadBlocks()
        num_threads = solver.getNumThreads()

    # If the user requested to store the FSR fluxes
    if fluxes:

        # Allocate array
        scalar_fluxes = np.zeros((num_FSRs, num_groups))

        # Get the scalar flux for each FSR and energy group
        for i in range(num_FSRs):
            for j in range(num_groups):
                scalar_fluxes[i,j] = solver.getFlux(i,j+1)

    # If the user requested to store the FSR sources
    if sources:

        # Allocate array
        sources_array = np.zeros((num_FSRs, num_groups))

        # Get the scalar flux for each FSR and energy group
        for i in range(num_FSRs):
            for j in range(num_groups):
                sources_array[i,j] = solver.getFSRSource(i,j+1)

    # If using HDF5
    if use_hdf5:
        if append:
            f = h5py.File(directory + '/' + filename + '.h5', 'a')
            f = h5py.File(directory + '/' + filename + '.h5', 'w')

        # Create groups for the day in the HDF5 file
        day_key = '{0:02}-{1:02}-{2:02}'.format(month, day, year)
        day_group = f.require_group(day_key)

        # Create group for the time - use counter in case two simulations
        # write simulation state at the exact same hour,minute, and second
        time_key = '{0:02}:{1:02}:{2:02}'.format(hr, mins, sec)
        counter = 0
        while time_key in day_group.keys():
            time_key = '{0:02}:{1:02}:{2:02}-{3}'.format(hr, mins, sec, counter)
            counter += 1

        time_group = day_group.require_group(time_key)

        # Store a note for this simulation state
        if not note is '':
            time_group.attrs['note'] = note

        # Store simulation data to the HDF5 file
        time_group.create_dataset('solver type', data=solver_type)
        time_group.create_dataset('# FSRs', data=num_FSRs)
        time_group.create_dataset('# materials', data=num_materials)
        time_group.create_dataset('# energy groups', data=num_groups)
        time_group.create_dataset('z coord', data=zcoord)
        time_group.create_dataset('# tracks', data=num_tracks)
        time_group.create_dataset('# segments', data=num_segments)
        time_group.create_dataset('track spacing [cm]', data=spacing)
        time_group.create_dataset('# azimuthal angles', data=num_azim)
        time_group.create_dataset('# polar angles', data=num_polar)
        time_group.create_dataset('# iterations', data=num_iters)
        time_group.create_dataset('convergence threshold', data=thresh)
        time_group.create_dataset('exponential', data=method)
        time_group.create_dataset('floating point', data=precision)
        time_group.create_dataset('CMFD', data=cmfd)
        time_group.create_dataset('time [sec]', data=tot_time)
        time_group.create_dataset('keff', data=keff)

        if solver_type is 'GPUSolver':
            time_group.create_dataset('# threads per block', data=num_threads)
            time_group.create_dataset('# thread blocks', data=num_blocks)
            time_group.create_dataset('# threads', data=num_threads)

        if fluxes:
            time_group.create_dataset('FSR scalar fluxes', data=scalar_fluxes)

        if sources:
            time_group.create_dataset('FSR sources', data=sources_array)

        if fission_rates:
            compute_fission_rates(solver, use_hdf5=True)
            fission_rates_file = h5py.File('fission-rates/fission-rates.h5', 'r')
            f.copy(fission_rates_file, time_group, name='fission-rates')

        # Close the HDF5 file

    # If not using HDF5, we are pickling all of the data
        filename = directory + '/' + filename + '.pkl'
        if os.path.exists(filename) and append:
            sim_states = pickle.load(open(filename, 'rb'))
            sim_states = {}

        # Create strings for the day and time
        day = str(month).zfill(2)+'-'+str(day).zfill(2)+'-'+str(year)
        time = str(hr).zfill(2)+':'+str(mins).zfill(2)+':'+str(sec).zfill(2)

        # Create dictionaries for this day and time within the pickled file
        if not day in sim_states.keys():
            sim_states[day] = {}

        sim_states[day][time] = {}
        state = sim_states[day][time]

        # Store a note for this simulation state
        if not note is '':
            state['note'] = note

        # Store simulation data to a Python dictionary
        state['solver type'] = solver_type
        state['# FSRs'] = num_FSRs
        state['# materials'] = num_materials
        state['# energy groups'] = num_groups
        state['z coord'] = zcoord
        state['# tracks'] = num_tracks
        state['# segments'] = num_segments
        state['track spacing [cm]'] = spacing
        state['# azimuthal angles'] = num_azim
        state['# polar angles'] = num_polar
        state['# iterations'] = num_iters
        state['convergence threshold'] = thresh
        state['exponential'] = method
        state['floating point'] = precision
        state['CMFD'] = cmfd
        state['time [sec]'] = tot_time
        state['keff'] = keff

        if solver_type is 'GPUSolver':
            state['# threads per block'] = num_threads
            state['# thread blocks'] = num_blocks
            state['# threads'] = num_threads

        if fluxes:
            state['FSR scalar fluxes'] = scalar_fluxes

        if sources:
            state['FSR sources'] = sources_array

        if fission_rates:
            compute_fission_rates(solver, False)
            state['fission-rates'] = \
                pickle.load(open('fission-rates/fission-rates.pkl', 'rb'))

        # Pickle the simulation states to a file
        pickle.dump(sim_states, open(filename, 'wb'))

        # Pickle the simulation states to a file
        pickle.dump(sim_states, open(filename, 'wb'))
Пример #26
def restore_simulation_state(filename='simulation-state.h5',
    """Restore all of the data for an OpenMOC simulation from a binary file for
    downstream data processing to a Python dictionary.

    This routine may import the simulation state from either an HDF5 or a Python
    pickle binary file created by the store_simulation_state(...) method. The
    method may be used to restore the following information:

        * type of Solver used
        * floating point precision
        * exponential evaluation method
        * number of FSRs
        * number of materials
        * number of energy groups
        * number of azimuthal angles
        * number of polar angles
        * track spacing
        * number of tracks
        * number of track segments
        * number of source iterations
        * source convergence tolerance
        * converged $k_{eff}$
        * total runtime [seconds]
        * number of OpenMP or CUDA threads

          Note: If the fission rates were stored in a hdf5 binary file,
          they are not restored and returned in this method.

    filename : str
        The simulation state filename string
    directory : str
        The directory where to find the simulation state file

    states : dict
        The dictionary of key/value pairs for simulation state data

    This method may be called from Python as follows:

        >>> restore_simulation_state(filename='simulation-state-v1.3.h5')

    See Also


    cv.check_type('filename', filename, basestring)
    cv.check_type('directory', directory, basestring)

    filename = directory + '/' + filename
    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
        py_printf('ERROR', 'Unable restore simulation state since "{0}" ' + \
                  'is not an existing simulation state file'.format(filename))

    # If using HDF5
    if '.h5' in filename or '.hdf5' in filename:

        import h5py

        # Create a file handle
        f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')

        states = {}

        # Loop over all simulation state timestamps by day
        for day in f.keys():

            # Create sub-dictionary for this day
            states[day] = {}

            # Loop over all simulation state timestamps by time of day
            for time in f[day]:

                # Create sub-dictionary for this simulation state
                dataset = f[day][time]
                states[day][time] = {}
                state = states[day][time]

                # Extract simulation state data
                solver_type = str(dataset['solver type'])
                num_FSRs = int(dataset['# FSRs'][...])
                num_materials = int(dataset['# materials'][...])
                num_tracks = int(dataset['# tracks'][...])
                num_segments = int(dataset['# segments'][...])
                spacing = int(dataset['track spacing [cm]'][...])
                num_azim = int(dataset['# azimuthal angles'][...])
                num_polar = int(dataset['# polar angles'][...])
                num_iters = int(dataset['# iterations'][...])
                thresh = float(dataset['convergence threshold'][...])
                method = str(dataset['exponential'][...])
                precision = str(dataset['floating point'][...])
                cmfd = str(dataset['CMFD'][...])
                time = float(dataset['time [sec]'][...])
                keff = float(dataset['keff'][...])

                # Store simulation state data in sub-dictionary
                state['solver type'] = solver_type
                state['# FSRs'] = num_FSRs
                state['# materials'] = num_materials
                state['# tracks'] = num_tracks
                state['# segments'] = num_segments
                state['track spacing [cm]'] = spacing
                state['# azimuthal angles'] = num_azim
                state['# polar angles'] = num_polar
                state['# iterations'] = num_iters
                state['convergence threshold'] = thresh
                state['exponential'] = method
                state['floating point'] = precision
                state['CMFD'] = cmfd
                state['time [sec]'] = time
                state['keff'] = keff

                if solver_type is 'GPUSolver':
                    state['# threads per block'] = \
                        int(dataset['# threads per block'])
                    state['# thread blocks'] = int(dataset['# thread blocks'])
                    state['# threads'] = int(dataset['# threads'][...])
                if 'FSR scalar fluxes' in dataset:
                    state['FSR scalar fluxes'] = \
                        dataset['FSR scalar fluxes'][...]
                if 'FSR sources' in dataset:
                    state['FSR sources'] = dataset['FSR sources'][...]
                if 'note' in dataset:
                    state['note'] = str(dataset['note'])
                if 'fission-rates' in dataset:
                        'WARNING', 'The restore_simulation_state(...)' +
                        'method does not yet support fission rates')

        return states

    # If using a Python pickled file
    elif '.pkl' in filename:
        states = pickle.load(open(filename, 'rb'))
        return states

    # If file does not have a recognizable extension
            'WARNING', 'Unable to restore the simulation states file %s' +
            ' since it does not have a supported file extension. Only ' +
            '*.h5, *.hdf5, and *.pkl files are supported', filename)
        return {}
Пример #27
 def dimension(self, dimension):
     cv.check_type('mesh dimension', dimension, Iterable, Integral)
     cv.check_length('mesh dimension', dimension, 2, 3)
     self._dimension = dimension
Пример #28
def get_openmoc_geometry(opencg_geometry):
    """Return an OpenMOC geometry corresponding to an OpenCG geometry.

    opencg_geometry : opencg.Geometry
        OpenCG geometry

    openmoc_geometry : openmoc.Geometry
        Equivalent OpenMOC geometry


    cv.check_type('opencg_geometry', opencg_geometry, opencg.Geometry)

    # Deep copy the goemetry since it may be modified to make all Surfaces
    # compatible with OpenMOC's specifications
    opencg_geometry = copy.deepcopy(opencg_geometry)

    # Update Cell bounding boxes in Geometry

    # Clear dictionaries and auto-generated IDs

    # Make the entire geometry "compatible" before assigning auto IDs
    universes = opencg_geometry.get_all_universes()
    for universe_id, universe in universes.items():


    opencg_root_universe = opencg_geometry.root_universe
    openmoc_root_universe = get_openmoc_universe(opencg_root_universe)

    openmoc_geometry = openmoc.Geometry()

    # Update OpenMOC's auto-generated object IDs (e.g., Surface, Material)
    # with the maximum of those created from the OpenCG objects
    all_materials = openmoc_geometry.getAllMaterials()
    all_surfaces = openmoc_geometry.getAllSurfaces()
    all_cells = openmoc_geometry.getAllCells()
    all_universes = openmoc_geometry.getAllUniverses()

    max_material_id = max(all_materials.keys())
    max_surface_id = max(all_surfaces.keys())
    max_cell_id = max(all_cells.keys())
    max_universe_id = max(all_universes.keys())

    openmoc.maximize_material_id(max_material_id + 1)
    openmoc.maximize_surface_id(max_surface_id + 1)
    openmoc.maximize_cell_id(max_cell_id + 1)
    openmoc.maximize_universe_id(max_universe_id + 1)

    return openmoc_geometry
Пример #29
def store_simulation_state(solver,
    """Store all of the data for an OpenMOC simulation to a binary file for
    downstream data processing.

    This routine may be used to store the following:

        * type of Solver used
        * floating point precision
        * exponential evaluation method
        * number of FSRs
        * number of materials
        * number of energy groups
        * number of azimuthal angles
        * number of polar angles
        * track spacing
        * number of tracks
        * number of track segments
        * number of source iterations
        * source convergence tolerance
        * converged $k_{eff}$
        * total runtime [seconds]
        * number of OpenMP or CUDA threads

    In addition, the routine can optionally store the FSR scalar fluxes, FSR
    sources, and pin and assembly fission rates.

    The routine may export the simulation data to either an HDF5 or a Python
    pickle binary file. Users may tell the routine to either create a new binary
    output file, or append to an existing file using a timestamp to record
    multiple simulation states to the same file.

    solver : openmoc.Solver
        The solver used to compute the flux
    fluxes : bool
        Whether to store FSR scalar fluxes (False by default)
    sources : bool
        Whether to store FSR sources (False by default)
    fission_rates : bool
        Whether to store fission rates (False by default)
    use_hdf5 : bool
        Whether to export to HDF5 (True by default) or Python pickle file
    filename : str
        The filename to use (default is 'simulation-state.h5')
    directory : str
        The directory to use (default is 'simulation-states')
    append : bool
        Append to existing file or create new one (False by default)
    note : str, optional
        An optional string note to include in state file

    This routine may be called from Python as follows:

        >>> store_simulation_state(solver, fluxes=True, source=True, \
                                   fission_rates=True, use_hdf5=True)

    See Also


    global solver_types
    cv.check_type('solver', solver, solver_types)
    cv.check_type('fluxes', fluxes, bool)
    cv.check_type('sources', sources, bool)
    cv.check_type('fission_rates', fission_rates, bool)
    cv.check_type('use_hdf5', use_hdf5, bool)
    cv.check_type('filename', filename, basestring)
    cv.check_type('directory', directory, basestring)
    cv.check_type('append', append, bool)
    cv.check_type('note', note, basestring)

    # Make directory if it does not exist
    if not os.path.exists(directory):

    # Get the day and time to construct the appropriate groups in the file
    time = datetime.datetime.now()
    year = time.year
    month = time.month
    day = time.day
    hr = time.hour
    mins = time.minute
    sec = time.second

    # Determine the Solver type
    solver_type = ''

    if 'CPUSolver' in str(solver.__class__):
        solver_type = 'CPUSolver'
    elif 'VectorizedSolver' in str(solver.__class__):
        solver_type = 'VectorizedSolver'
    elif 'GPUSolver' in str(solver.__class__):
        solver_type = 'GPUSolver'

    # Determine the floating point precision level
    if solver.isUsingDoublePrecision():
        precision = 'double'
        precision = 'single'

    # Determine whether we are using the exponential
    # linear interpolation for exponential evaluations
    if solver.isUsingExponentialInterpolation():
        method = 'linear interpolation'
        method = 'exp intrinsic'

    # Determine whether the Solver has initialized Coarse Mesh Finite
    # Difference Acceleration (CMFD)
    if solver.getGeometry().getCmfd() is not None:
        cmfd = True
        cmfd = False

    # Get the Geometry and TrackGenerator from the solver
    geometry = solver.getGeometry()
    track_generator = solver.getTrackGenerator()

    # Retrieve useful data from the Solver, Geometry and TrackGenerator
    num_FSRs = geometry.getNumFSRs()
    num_materials = geometry.getNumMaterials()
    num_groups = geometry.getNumEnergyGroups()
    zcoord = track_generator.getZCoord()
    num_tracks = track_generator.getNumTracks()
    num_segments = track_generator.getNumSegments()
    spacing = track_generator.getDesiredAzimSpacing()
    num_azim = track_generator.getNumAzim()
    num_polar = solver.getNumPolarAngles()
    num_iters = solver.getNumIterations()
    thresh = solver.getConvergenceThreshold()
    tot_time = solver.getTotalTime()
    keff = solver.getKeff()

    if solver_type is 'GPUSolver':
        num_threads = solver.getNumThreadsPerBlock()
        num_blocks = solver.getNumThreadBlocks()
        num_threads = solver.getNumThreads()

    # If the user requested to store the FSR fluxes
    if fluxes:

        # Allocate array
        scalar_fluxes = np.zeros((num_FSRs, num_groups))

        # Get the scalar flux for each FSR and energy group
        for i in range(num_FSRs):
            for j in range(num_groups):
                scalar_fluxes[i, j] = solver.getFlux(i, j + 1)

    # If the user requested to store the FSR sources
    if sources:

        # Allocate array
        sources_array = np.zeros((num_FSRs, num_groups))

        # Get the scalar flux for each FSR and energy group
        for i in range(num_FSRs):
            for j in range(num_groups):
                sources_array[i, j] = solver.getFSRSource(i, j + 1)

    # If using HDF5
    if use_hdf5:
        if append:
            f = h5py.File(directory + '/' + filename + '.h5', 'a')
            f = h5py.File(directory + '/' + filename + '.h5', 'w')

        # Create groups for the day in the HDF5 file
        day_key = '{0:02}-{1:02}-{2:02}'.format(month, day, year)
        day_group = f.require_group(day_key)

        # Create group for the time - use counter in case two simulations
        # write simulation state at the exact same hour,minute, and second
        time_key = '{0:02}:{1:02}:{2:02}'.format(hr, mins, sec)
        counter = 0
        while time_key in day_group.keys():
            time_key = '{0:02}:{1:02}:{2:02}-{3}'.format(
                hr, mins, sec, counter)
            counter += 1

        time_group = day_group.require_group(time_key)

        # Store a note for this simulation state
        if not note is '':
            time_group.attrs['note'] = note

        # Store simulation data to the HDF5 file
        time_group.create_dataset('solver type', data=solver_type)
        time_group.create_dataset('# FSRs', data=num_FSRs)
        time_group.create_dataset('# materials', data=num_materials)
        time_group.create_dataset('# energy groups', data=num_groups)
        time_group.create_dataset('z coord', data=zcoord)
        time_group.create_dataset('# tracks', data=num_tracks)
        time_group.create_dataset('# segments', data=num_segments)
        time_group.create_dataset('track spacing [cm]', data=spacing)
        time_group.create_dataset('# azimuthal angles', data=num_azim)
        time_group.create_dataset('# polar angles', data=num_polar)
        time_group.create_dataset('# iterations', data=num_iters)
        time_group.create_dataset('convergence threshold', data=thresh)
        time_group.create_dataset('exponential', data=method)
        time_group.create_dataset('floating point', data=precision)
        time_group.create_dataset('CMFD', data=cmfd)
        time_group.create_dataset('time [sec]', data=tot_time)
        time_group.create_dataset('keff', data=keff)

        if solver_type is 'GPUSolver':
            time_group.create_dataset('# threads per block', data=num_threads)
            time_group.create_dataset('# thread blocks', data=num_blocks)
            time_group.create_dataset('# threads', data=num_threads)

        if fluxes:
            time_group.create_dataset('FSR scalar fluxes', data=scalar_fluxes)

        if sources:
            time_group.create_dataset('FSR sources', data=sources_array)

        if fission_rates:
            compute_fission_rates(solver, use_hdf5=True)
            fission_rates_file = h5py.File('fission-rates/fission-rates.h5',
            f.copy(fission_rates_file, time_group, name='fission-rates')

        # Close the HDF5 file

    # If not using HDF5, we are pickling all of the data
        filename = directory + '/' + filename + '.pkl'
        if os.path.exists(filename) and append:
            sim_states = pickle.load(open(filename, 'rb'))
            sim_states = {}

        # Create strings for the day and time
        day = str(month).zfill(2) + '-' + str(day).zfill(2) + '-' + str(year)
        time = str(hr).zfill(2) + ':' + str(mins).zfill(2) + ':' + str(

        # Create dictionaries for this day and time within the pickled file
        if not day in sim_states.keys():
            sim_states[day] = {}

        sim_states[day][time] = {}
        state = sim_states[day][time]

        # Store a note for this simulation state
        if not note is '':
            state['note'] = note

        # Store simulation data to a Python dictionary
        state['solver type'] = solver_type
        state['# FSRs'] = num_FSRs
        state['# materials'] = num_materials
        state['# energy groups'] = num_groups
        state['z coord'] = zcoord
        state['# tracks'] = num_tracks
        state['# segments'] = num_segments
        state['track spacing [cm]'] = spacing
        state['# azimuthal angles'] = num_azim
        state['# polar angles'] = num_polar
        state['# iterations'] = num_iters
        state['convergence threshold'] = thresh
        state['exponential'] = method
        state['floating point'] = precision
        state['CMFD'] = cmfd
        state['time [sec]'] = tot_time
        state['keff'] = keff

        if solver_type is 'GPUSolver':
            state['# threads per block'] = num_threads
            state['# thread blocks'] = num_blocks
            state['# threads'] = num_threads

        if fluxes:
            state['FSR scalar fluxes'] = scalar_fluxes

        if sources:
            state['FSR sources'] = sources_array

        if fission_rates:
            compute_fission_rates(solver, False)
            state['fission-rates'] = \
                pickle.load(open('fission-rates/fission-rates.pkl', 'rb'))

        # Pickle the simulation states to a file
        pickle.dump(sim_states, open(filename, 'wb'))

        # Pickle the simulation states to a file
        pickle.dump(sim_states, open(filename, 'wb'))
Пример #30
def restore_simulation_state(filename='simulation-state.h5',
    """Restore all of the data for an OpenMOC simulation from a binary file for
    downstream data processing to a Python dictionary.

    This routine may import the simulation state from either an HDF5 or a Python
    pickle binary file created by the store_simulation_state(...) method. The
    method may be used to restore the following information:

        * type of Solver used
        * floating point precision
        * exponential evaluation method
        * number of FSRs
        * number of materials
        * number of energy groups
        * number of azimuthal angles
        * number of polar angles
        * track spacing
        * number of tracks
        * number of track segments
        * number of source iterations
        * source convergence tolerance
        * converged $k_{eff}$
        * total runtime [seconds]
        * number of OpenMP or CUDA threads

          Note: If the fission rates were stored in a hdf5 binary file,
          they are not restored and returned in this method.

    filename : str
        The simulation state filename string
    directory : str
        The directory where to find the simulation state file

    states : dict
        The dictionary of key/value pairs for simulation state data

    This method may be called from Python as follows:

        >>> restore_simulation_state(filename='simulation-state-v1.3.h5')

    See Also


    cv.check_type('filename', filename, basestring)
    cv.check_type('directory', directory, basestring)

    filename = directory + '/' + filename
    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
        py_printf('ERROR', 'Unable restore simulation state since "{0}" ' + \
                  'is not an existing simulation state file'.format(filename))

    # If using HDF5
    if '.h5' in filename or '.hdf5' in filename:

        import h5py

        # Create a file handle
        f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')

        states = {}

        # Loop over all simulation state timestamps by day
        for day in f.keys():

            # Create sub-dictionary for this day
            states[day] = {}

            # Loop over all simulation state timestamps by time of day
            for time in f[day]:

                # Create sub-dictionary for this simulation state
                dataset = f[day][time]
                states[day][time] = {}
                state = states[day][time]

                # Extract simulation state data
                solver_type = str(dataset['solver type'])
                num_FSRs = int(dataset['# FSRs'][...])
                num_materials = int(dataset['# materials'][...])
                num_tracks = int(dataset['# tracks'][...])
                num_segments = int(dataset['# segments'][...])
                spacing = int(dataset['track spacing [cm]'][...])
                num_azim = int(dataset['# azimuthal angles'][...])
                num_polar = int(dataset['# polar angles'][...])
                num_iters = int(dataset['# iterations'][...])
                thresh = float(dataset['convergence threshold'][...])
                method = str(dataset['exponential'][...])
                precision = str(dataset['floating point'][...])
                cmfd = str(dataset['CMFD'][...])
                time = float(dataset['time [sec]'][...])
                keff =  float(dataset['keff'][...])

                # Store simulation state data in sub-dictionary
                state['solver type'] = solver_type
                state['# FSRs'] = num_FSRs
                state['# materials'] = num_materials
                state['# tracks'] = num_tracks
                state['# segments'] = num_segments
                state['track spacing [cm]'] = spacing
                state['# azimuthal angles'] = num_azim
                state['# polar angles'] = num_polar
                state['# iterations'] = num_iters
                state['convergence threshold'] = thresh
                state['exponential'] = method
                state['floating point'] = precision
                state['CMFD'] = cmfd
                state['time [sec]'] = time
                state['keff'] = keff

                if solver_type is 'GPUSolver':
                    state['# threads per block'] = \
                        int(dataset['# threads per block'])
                    state['# thread blocks'] = int(dataset['# thread blocks'])
                    state['# threads'] = int(dataset['# threads'][...])
                if 'FSR scalar fluxes' in dataset:
                    state['FSR scalar fluxes'] = \
                        dataset['FSR scalar fluxes'][...]
                if 'FSR sources' in dataset:
                    state['FSR sources'] = dataset['FSR sources'][...]
                if 'note' in dataset:
                    state['note'] = str(dataset['note'])
                if 'fission-rates' in dataset:
                    py_printf('WARNING', 'The restore_simulation_state(...)' +
                              'method does not yet support fission rates')

        return states

    # If using a Python pickled file
    elif '.pkl' in filename:
        states = pickle.load(open(filename, 'rb'))
        return states

    # If file does not have a recognizable extension
        py_printf('WARNING', 'Unable to restore the simulation states file %s' +
                  ' since it does not have a supported file extension. Only ' +
                  '*.h5, *.hdf5, and *.pkl files are supported', filename)
        return {}
Пример #31
def get_scalar_fluxes(solver, fsrs='all', groups='all'):
    """Return an array of scalar fluxes in one or more FSRs and groups.

    This routine builds a 2D NumPy array indexed by FSR and energy group for
    the corresponding scalar fluxes. The fluxes are organized in the array in
    order of increasing FSR and enery group if 'all' FSRs or energy groups are
    requested (the default). If the user requests fluxes for specific FSRs or
    energy groups, then the fluxes are returned in the order in which the FSRs
    and groups are enumerated in the associated paramters.

    solver : openmoc.Solver
        The solver used to compute the flux
    fsrs : Iterable of Integral or 'all'
        A collection of integer FSR IDs or 'all' (default)
    groups : Iterable of Integral or 'all'
        A collection of integer energy groups or 'all' (default)

    fluxes : ndarray
        The scalar fluxes indexed by FSR ID and energy group. Note that the
        energy group index starts at 0 rather than 1 for the highest energy
        in accordance with Python's 0-based indexing.


    cv.check_type('solver', solver, openmoc.Solver)

    if isinstance('fsrs', basestring):
        cv.check_value('fsrs', fsrs, 'all')
        cv.check_type('fsrs', Iterable, Integral)

    if isinstance('groups', basestring):
        cv.check_value('groups', fsrs, 'all')
        cv.check_type('groups', Iterable, Integral)

    # Build a list of FSRs to iterate over
    if fsrs == 'all':
        num_fsrs = solver.getGeometry().getNumFSRs()
        fsrs = np.arange(num_fsrs)
        num_fsrs = len(fsrs)

    # Build a list of enery groups to iterate over
    if groups == 'all':
        num_groups = solver.getGeometry().getNumEnergyGroups()
        groups = np.arange(num_groups) + 1
        num_groups = len(groups)

    # Extract the FSR scalar fluxes
    fluxes = np.zeros((num_fsrs, num_groups))
    for fsr in fsrs:
        for group in groups:
            fluxes[fsr, group-1] = solver.getFlux(int(fsr), int(group))

    return fluxes
Пример #32
    def tally_on_mesh(self, solver, domains_to_coeffs, domain_type='fsr',
                      volume='integrated', energy='integrated'):
        """Compute arbitrary reaction rates in each mesh cell.

        NOTE: This method assumes that the mesh perfectly aligns with the
        flat source region mesh used in the OpenMOC calculation.

        solver : {openmoc.CPUSolver, openmoc.GPUSolver, openmoc.VectorizedSolver}
            The solver used to compute the flux
        domains_to_coeffs : dict or numpy.ndarray of Real
            A mapping of spatial domains and energy groups to the coefficients
            to multiply the flux in each domain. If domain_type is 'material'
            or 'cell' then the coefficients must be a Python dictionary indexed
            by material/cell ID mapped to NumPy arrays indexed by energy group.
            If domain_type is 'fsr' then the coefficients may be a dictionary
            or NumPy array indexed by FSR ID and energy group. Note that the
            energy group indexing should start at 0 rather than 1 for the
            highest energy in accordance with Python's 0-based indexing.
        domain_type : {'fsr', 'cell', 'material'}
            The type of domain for which the coefficients are defined
        volume : {'averaged', 'integrated'}
            Compute volume-averaged or volume-integrated tallies
        energy : {'by_group', 'integrated'}
            Compute tallies by energy group or integrate across groups

        tally : numpy.ndarray of Real
            A NumPy array of the fission rates tallied in each mesh cell indexed
            by FSR ID and energy group (if energy is 'by_group')


        cv.check_type('solver', solver, openmoc.Solver)
        cv.check_value('domain_type', domain_type, ('fsr', 'cell', 'material'))
        cv.check_value('volume', volume, ('averaged', 'integrated'))
        cv.check_value('energy', energy, ('by_group', 'integrated'))

        # Extract parameters from the Geometry
        geometry = solver.getGeometry()
        num_groups = geometry.getNumEnergyGroups()
        num_fsrs = geometry.getNumFSRs()

        # Coefficients must be specified as a dict, ndarray or DataFrame
        if domain_type in ['material', 'cell']:
            cv.check_type('domains_to_coeffs', domains_to_coeffs, dict)
                          domains_to_coeffs, (dict, np.ndarray))

        # Extract the FSR fluxes from the Solver
        fluxes = get_scalar_fluxes(solver)

        # Initialize a 2D or 3D NumPy array in which to tally
        tally_shape = tuple(self.dimension) + (num_groups,)
        tally = np.zeros(tally_shape, dtype=np.float)

        # Compute product of fluxes with domains-to-coeffs mapping by group, FSR
        for fsr in range(num_fsrs):
            point = geometry.getFSRPoint(fsr)
            mesh_indices = self.get_mesh_cell_indices(point)
            volume = solver.getFSRVolume(fsr)
            fsr_tally = np.zeros(num_groups, dtype=np.float)

            # Determine domain ID (material, cell or FSR) for this FSR
            if domain_type == 'fsr':
                domain_id = fsr
                coords = \
                    openmoc.LocalCoords(point.getX(), point.getY(), point.getZ())
                cell = geometry.findCellContainingCoords(coords)
                if domain_type == 'cell':
                    domain_id = cell.getId()
                    domain_id = cell.getFillMaterial().getId()

            # Tally flux multiplied by coefficients by energy group
            for group in range(num_groups):
                fsr_tally[group] = \
                    fluxes[fsr, group] * domains_to_coeffs[domain_id][group]

            # Increment mesh tally with volume-integrated FSR tally
            tally[mesh_indices] += fsr_tally * volume

        # Integrate the energy groups if needed
        if energy == 'integrated':
            tally = np.sum(tally, axis=len(self.dimension))

        # Average the fission rates by mesh cell volume if needed
        if volume == 'averaged':
            tally /= self.mesh_cell_volume

        return tally
Пример #33
def get_compatible_opencg_cells(opencg_cell, opencg_surface, halfspace):
    """Generate OpenCG cells that are compatible with OpenMOC equivalent to an
    OpenCG cell that is not compatible.

    opencg_cell : opencg.Cell
        OpenCG cell
    opencg_surface : opencg.Surface
        OpenCG surface that causes the incompatibility, e.g. an instance of
    halfspace : {-1, 1}
        Which halfspace defined by the surface is contained in the cell

    compatible_cells : list of opencg.Cell
        Collection of cells equivalent to the original one but compatible with


    cv.check_type('opencg_cell', opencg_cell, opencg.Cell)
    cv.check_type('opencg_surface', opencg_surface, opencg.Surface)
    cv.check_value('halfspace', halfspace, (-1, +1))

    # Initialize an empty list for the new compatible cells
    compatible_cells = list()

    # SquarePrism Surfaces
    if opencg_surface.type in ['x-squareprism', 'y-squareprism',

        # Get the compatible Surfaces (XPlanes and YPlanes)
        compatible_surfaces = get_compatible_opencg_surfaces(opencg_surface)


        # If Cell is inside SquarePrism, add "inside" of Surface halfspaces
        if halfspace == -1:
            opencg_cell.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[0], +1)
            opencg_cell.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[1], -1)
            opencg_cell.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[2], +1)
            opencg_cell.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[3], -1)

        # If Cell is outside the SquarePrism (positive halfspace), add "outside"
        # of Surface halfspaces. Since OpenMOC does not have a SquarePrism
        # Surface, individual Cells are created for the 8 Cells that make up the
        # outer region of a SquarePrism.
        #                 |                    |
        #           0     |        1           |    2
        #           ______|____________________|______
        #                 |     SquarePrism    |
        #           7     |   (-)  halfspace   |    3
        #           ______|____________________|______
        #                 |                    |
        #           6     |        5           |    4
        #                 |                    |

          # Create 8 Cell clones to represent each of the disjoint planar
          # Surface halfspace intersections
          num_clones = 8

          for clone_id in range(num_clones):

              # Create a cloned OpenCG Cell with Surfaces compatible with OpenMOC
              clone = opencg_cell.clone()

              # Top left subcell (subcell 0)
              if clone_id == 0:
                  clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[0], -1)
                  clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[3], +1)

              # Top center subcell (subcell 1)
              elif clone_id == 1:
                  clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[0], +1)
                  clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[1], -1)
                  clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[3], +1)

              # Top right subcell (subcell 2)
              elif clone_id == 2:
                  clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[1], +1)
                  clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[3], +1)

              # Right center subcell (subcell 3)
              elif clone_id == 3:
                  clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[1], +1)
                  clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[3], -1)
                  clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[2], +1)

              # Bottom right subcell (subcell 4)
              elif clone_id == 4:
                  clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[1], +1)
                  clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[2], -1)

              # Bottom center subcell (subcell 5)
              elif clone_id == 5:
                  clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[0], +1)
                  clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[1], -1)
                  clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[2], -1)

              # Bottom left subcell (subcell 6)
              elif clone_id == 6:
                  clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[0], -1)
                  clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[2], -1)

              # Left center subcell (subcell 7)
              elif clone_id == 7:
                  clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[0], -1)
                  clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[3], -1)
                  clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[2], +1)

    # Remove redundant Surfaces from the Cells
    for cell in compatible_cells:

    # Return the list of compatible OpenCG Cells
    return compatible_cells
Пример #34
def get_opencg_lattice(openmoc_lattice):
    """Return an OpenCG lattice corresponding to an OpenMOC lattice.

    openmoc_lattice : openmoc.Lattice
        OpenMOC lattice

    opencg_lattice : opencg.Lattice
        Equivalent OpenCG lattice


    cv.check_type('openmoc_lattice', openmoc_lattice, openmoc.Lattice)

    lattice_id = openmoc_lattice.getId()

    # If this Lattice was already created, use it
    if lattice_id in OPENCG_LATTICES:
        return OPENCG_LATTICES[lattice_id]

    # Create an OpenCG Lattice to represent this OpenMOC Lattice
    name = openmoc_lattice.getName()
    offset = openmoc_lattice.getOffset()
    dimension = [1, openmoc_lattice.getNumY(), openmoc_lattice.getNumX()]
    width = [1, openmoc_lattice.getWidthY(), openmoc_lattice.getWidthX()]
    lower_left = [-np.inf, width[1]*dimension[1]/2. + offset.getX(),
                  width[2]*dimension[2] / 2. + offset.getY()]

    # Initialize an empty array for the OpenCG nested Universes in this Lattice
    universe_array = np.ndarray(tuple(np.array(dimension)[::-1]), \

    # Create OpenCG Universes for each unique nested Universe in this Lattice
    unique_universes = openmoc_lattice.getUniqueUniverses()

    for universe_id, universe in unique_universes.items():
        unique_universes[universe_id] = get_opencg_universe(universe)

    # Build the nested Universe array
    for y in range(dimension[1]):
        for x in range(dimension[0]):
            universe = openmoc_lattice.getUniverse(x, y)
            universe_id = universe.getId()
            universe_array[0][y][x] = unique_universes[universe_id]

    opencg_lattice = opencg.Lattice(lattice_id, name)
    opencg_lattice.dimension = dimension
    opencg_lattice.width = width
    opencg_lattice.universes = universe_array

    offset = np.array(lower_left, dtype=np.float64) - \
             ((np.array(width, dtype=np.float64) * \
               np.array(dimension, dtype=np.float64))) / -2.0
    opencg_lattice.offset = offset

    # Add the OpenMOC Lattice to the global collection of all OpenMOC Lattices
    OPENMOC_LATTICES[lattice_id] = openmoc_lattice

    # Add the OpenCG Lattice to the global collection of all OpenCG Lattices
    OPENCG_LATTICES[lattice_id] = opencg_lattice

    return opencg_lattice
Пример #35
def compute_fission_rates(solver, use_hdf5=False):
    """Computes the fission rate in each FSR.

    This method combines the rates based on their hierarchical universe/lattice
    structure. The fission rates are then exported to a binary HDF5 or Python
    pickle file.

    This routine is intended to be called by the user in Python to compute
    fission rates. Typically, the fission rates will represent pin powers. The
    routine either exports fission rates to an HDF5 binary file or pickle file
    with each fission rate being indexed by a string representing the
    universe/lattice hierarchy.

    solver : openmoc.Solver
        The solver used to compute the flux
    use_hdf5 : bool
        Whether or not to export fission rates to an HDF5 file

    This routine may be called from a Python script as follows:

        >>> compute_fission_rates(solver, use_hdf5=True)


    cv.check_type('solver', solver, openmoc.Solver)
    cv.check_type('use_hdf5', use_hdf5, bool)

    # Make directory if it does not exist
    directory = openmoc.get_output_directory() + '/fission-rates/'
    filename = 'fission-rates'
    if not os.path.exists(directory):

    # Get geometry
    geometry = solver.getGeometry()

    # Compute the volume-weighted fission rates for each FSR
    fsr_fission_rates = solver.computeFSRFissionRates(geometry.getNumFSRs())

    # Initialize fission rates dictionary
    fission_rates_sum = {}

    # Loop over FSRs and populate fission rates dictionary
    for fsr in range(geometry.getNumFSRs()):

        if geometry.findFSRMaterial(fsr).isFissionable():

            # Get the linked list of LocalCoords
            point = geometry.getFSRPoint(fsr)
            coords = openmoc.LocalCoords(point.getX(), point.getY(), point.getZ())
            coords = coords.getHighestLevel().getNext()

            # initialize dictionary key
            key = 'UNIV = 0 : '

            # Parse through the linked list and create fsr key.
            # If lowest level sub dictionary already exists, then increment
            # fission rate; otherwise, set the fission rate.
            while True:
                if coords.getType() is openmoc.LAT:
                    key += 'LAT = ' + str(coords.getLattice().getId()) + ' (' + \
                           str(coords.getLatticeX()) + ', ' + \
                           str(coords.getLatticeY()) + ', ' + \
                           str(coords.getLatticeZ()) + ') : '
                    key += 'UNIV = ' + str(coords.getUniverse().getId()) + ' : '

                # Remove trailing ' : ' on end of key if at last univ/lat
                if coords.getNext() is None:
                    key = key[:-3]
                    coords = coords.getNext()

            # Increment or set fission rate
            if key in fission_rates_sum:
                fission_rates_sum[key] += fsr_fission_rates[fsr]
                fission_rates_sum[key] = fsr_fission_rates[fsr]

    # Write the fission rates to the HDF5 file
    if use_hdf5:
        f = h5py.File(directory + filename + '.h5', 'w')
        fission_rates_group = f.create_group('fission-rates')
        for key, value in fission_rates_sum.items():
            fission_rates_group.attrs[key] = value

    # Pickle the fission rates to a file
        pickle.dump(fission_rates_sum, open(directory + filename + '.pkl', 'wb'))
Пример #36
def load_from_hdf5(filename='mgxs.h5',
    """This routine loads an HDF5 file of multi-group cross section data.

    The routine instantiates material with multi-group cross section data and
    returns a dictionary of each Material object keyed by its name or ID. An OpenMOC
    geometry may optionally be given and the routine will directly insert the
    multi-group cross sections into each material in the geometry. If a geometry
    is passed in, materials from the geometry will be used in place of those
    instantiated by this routine.

    filename : str
        Filename for cross sections HDF5 file (default is 'mgxs.h5')
    directory : str
        Directory for cross sections HDF5 file (default is 'mgxs')
    geometry : openmoc.Geometry, optional
        An optional geometry populated with materials, cells, etc.
    domain_type : str
        The domain type ('material' or 'cell') upon which the cross sections
        are defined (default is 'material')
    suffix : str, optional
        An optional string suffix to index the HDF5 file beyond the assumed
        domain_type/domain_id/mgxs_type group sequence (default is '')

    materials : dict
        A dictionary of Materials keyed by ID


    cv.check_type('filename', filename, basestring)
    cv.check_type('directory', directory, basestring)
    cv.check_value('domain_type', domain_type, ('material', 'cell'))
    cv.check_type('suffix', suffix, basestring)
    if geometry:
        cv.check_type('geometry', geometry, openmoc.Geometry)

    # Create a h5py file handle for the file
    import h5py
    filename = os.path.join(directory, filename)
    f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')

    # Check that the file has an 'energy groups' attribute
    if '# groups' not in f.attrs:
            'ERROR', 'Unable to load HDF5 file "%s" since it does '
            'not contain an \'# groups\' attribute', filename)

    if domain_type not in f.keys():
            'ERROR', 'Unable to load HDF5 file "%s" since it does '
            'not contain domain type "%s"', filename, domain_type)

    # Instantiate dictionary to hold Materials to return to user
    materials = {}
    old_materials = {}
    num_groups = int(f.attrs['# groups'])

    # If a Geometry was passed in, extract all cells or materials from it
    if geometry:
        if domain_type == 'material':
            domains = geometry.getAllMaterials()
        elif domain_type == 'cell':
            domains = geometry.getAllMaterialCells()
            py_printf('ERROR', 'Domain type "%s" is not supported',

    # Iterate over all domains (e.g., materials or cells) in the HDF5 file
    for domain_spec in sorted(f[domain_type]):

        py_printf('INFO', 'Importing cross sections for %s "%s"', domain_type,

        # Create shortcut to HDF5 group for this domain
        domain_group = f[domain_type][domain_spec]

        # If domain_spec is an integer, it is an ID; otherwise a string name
        if domain_spec.isdigit():
            domain_spec = int(domain_spec)
            domain_spec = str(domain_spec)

        # If using an OpenMOC Geometry, extract a Material from it
        if geometry:

            if domain_type == 'material':
                material = _get_domain(domains, domain_spec)

            elif domain_type == 'cell':
                cell = _get_domain(domains, domain_spec)
                material = cell.getFillMaterial()

                # If the user filled multiple Cells with the same Material,
                # the Material must be cloned for each unique Cell
                if material != None:
                    if len(domains) > geometry.getNumMaterials():
                        old_materials[material.getId()] = material
                        material = material.clone()

                # If the Cell does not contain a Material, create one for it
                    if isinstance(domain_spec, int):
                        material = openmoc.Material(id=domain_spec)
                        # Reproducibly hash the domain name into an integer ID
                        domain_id = hashlib.md5(domain_spec.encode('utf-8'))
                        domain_id = int(domain_id.hexdigest()[:4], 16)
                        material = \
                            openmoc.Material(id=domain_id, name=domain_spec)

                # Fill the Cell with the new Material

        # If not Geometry, instantiate a new Material with the ID/name
            if isinstance(domain_spec, int):
                material = openmoc.Material(id=domain_spec)
                # Reproducibly hash the domain name into an integer ID
                domain_id = hashlib.md5(domain_spec.encode('utf-8'))
                domain_id = int(domain_id.hexdigest()[:4], 16)
                material = openmoc.Material(id=domain_id, name=domain_spec)

        # Add material to the collection
        materials[domain_spec] = material

        # Search for the total/transport cross section
        if 'transport' in domain_group:
            sigma = _get_numpy_array(domain_group, 'transport', suffix)
            py_printf('DEBUG', 'Loaded "transport" MGXS for "%s %s"',
                      domain_type, str(domain_spec))
        elif 'total' in domain_group:
            sigma = _get_numpy_array(domain_group, 'total', suffix)
            py_printf('DEBUG', 'Loaded "total" MGXS for "%s %s"', domain_type,
            py_printf('WARNING', 'No "total" or "transport" MGXS found for'
                      '"%s %s"', domain_type, str(domain_spec))

        # Search for the fission production cross section
        if 'nu-fission' in domain_group:
            sigma = _get_numpy_array(domain_group, 'nu-fission', suffix)
            py_printf('DEBUG', 'Loaded "nu-fission" MGXS for "%s %s"',
                      domain_type, str(domain_spec))
            py_printf('WARNING', 'No "nu-fission" MGXS found for'
                      '"%s %s"', domain_type, str(domain_spec))

        # Search for the scattering matrix cross section
        if 'consistent nu-scatter matrix' in domain_group:
            sigma = _get_numpy_array(domain_group,
                                     'consistent nu-scatter matrix', suffix)
                'Loaded "consistent nu-scatter matrix" MGXS for "%s %s"',
                domain_type, str(domain_spec))
        elif 'nu-scatter matrix' in domain_group:
            sigma = _get_numpy_array(domain_group, 'nu-scatter matrix', suffix)
            py_printf('DEBUG', 'Loaded "nu-scatter matrix" MGXS for "%s %s"',
                      domain_type, str(domain_spec))
        elif 'consistent scatter matrix' in domain_group:
            sigma = _get_numpy_array(domain_group, 'consistent scatter matrix',
                      'Loaded "consistent scatter matrix" MGXS for "%s %s"',
                      domain_type, str(domain_spec))
        elif 'scatter matrix' in domain_group:
            sigma = _get_numpy_array(domain_group, 'scatter matrix', suffix)
            py_printf('DEBUG', 'Loaded "scatter matrix" MGXS for "%s %s"',
                      domain_type, str(domain_spec))
            py_printf('WARNING', 'No "scatter matrix" found for "%s %s"',
                      domain_type, str(domain_spec))

        # Search for chi (fission spectrum)
        if 'chi' in domain_group:
            chi = _get_numpy_array(domain_group, 'chi', suffix)
            py_printf('DEBUG', 'Loaded "chi" MGXS for "%s %s"', domain_type,
            py_printf('WARNING', 'No "chi" MGXS found for "%s %s"',
                      domain_type, str(domain_spec))

        # Search for optional cross sections
        if 'fission' in domain_group:
            sigma = _get_numpy_array(domain_group, 'fission', suffix)
            py_printf('DEBUG', 'Loaded "fission" MGXS for "%s %s"',
                      domain_type, str(domain_spec))

    # Inform SWIG to garbage collect any old Materials from the Geometry
    for material_id in old_materials:
        old_materials[material_id].thisown = False

    # Return collection of materials
    return materials
Пример #37
def get_opencg_surface(openmoc_surface):
    """Return an OpenCG surface corresponding to an OpenMOC surface.

    openmc_surface : openmoc.Surface
        OpenMOC surface

    opencg_surface : opencg.Surface
        Equivalent OpenCG surface


    cv.check_type('openmoc_surface', openmoc_surface, openmoc.Surface)

    surface_id = openmoc_surface.getId()

    # If this Surface was already created, use it
    if surface_id in OPENCG_SURFACES:
        return OPENCG_SURFACES[surface_id]

    # Create an OpenCG Surface to represent this OpenMOC Surface
    name = openmoc_surface.getName()

    # Correct for OpenMOC's syntax for Surfaces dividing Cells
    boundary = openmoc_surface.getBoundaryType()
    if boundary == openmoc.VACUUM:
        boundary = 'vacuum'
    elif boundary == openmoc.REFLECTIVE:
        boundary = 'reflective'
    elif boundary == openmoc.BOUNDARY_NONE:
        boundary = 'interface'

    opencg_surface = None
    surface_type = openmoc_surface.getSurfaceType()

    if surface_type == openmoc.PLANE:
        openmoc_surface = openmoc.castSurfaceToPlane(openmoc_surface)
        A = openmoc_surface.getA()
        B = openmoc_surface.getB()
        C = openmoc_surface.getC()
        D = openmoc_surface.getD()
        opencg_surface = opencg.Plane(surface_id, name, boundary, A, B, C, D)

    elif surface_type == openmoc.XPLANE:
        openmoc_surface = openmoc.castSurfaceToXPlane(openmoc_surface)
        x0 = openmoc_surface.getX()
        opencg_surface = opencg.XPlane(surface_id, name, boundary, x0)

    elif surface_type == openmoc.YPLANE:
        openmoc_surface = openmoc.castSurfaceToYPlane(openmoc_surface)
        y0 = openmoc_surface.getY()
        opencg_surface = opencg.YPlane(surface_id, name, boundary, y0)

    elif surface_type == openmoc.ZPLANE:
        openmoc_surface = openmoc.castSurfaceToZPlane(openmoc_surface)
        z0 = openmoc_surface.getZ()
        opencg_surface = opencg.ZPlane(surface_id, name, boundary, z0)

    elif surface_type == openmoc.ZCYLINDER:
        openmoc_surface = openmoc.castSurfaceToZCylinder(openmoc_surface)
        x0 = openmoc_surface.getX0()
        y0 = openmoc_surface.getY0()
        R = openmoc_surface.getRadius()
        opencg_surface = opencg.ZCylinder(surface_id, name, boundary, x0, y0, R)

    # Add the OpenMOC Surface to the global collection of all OpenMOC Surfaces
    OPENMOC_SURFACES[surface_id] = openmoc_surface

    # Add the OpenCG Surface to the global collection of all OpenCG Surfaces
    OPENCG_SURFACES[surface_id] = opencg_surface

    return opencg_surface
Пример #38
def get_openmoc_surface(opencg_surface):
    """Return an OpenMOC surface corresponding to an OpenCG surface.

    opencg_surface : opencg.Surface
        OpenCG surface

    openmoc_surface : openmoc.Surface
        Equivalent OpenMOC surface


    cv.check_type('opencg_surface', opencg_surface, opencg.Surface)

    surface_id = opencg_surface.id

    # If this Surface was already created, use it
    if surface_id in OPENMOC_SURFACES:
        return OPENMOC_SURFACES[surface_id]

    # Create an OpenMOC Surface to represent this OpenCG Surface
    name = str(opencg_surface.name)

    # Correct for OpenMOC's syntax for Surfaces dividing Cells
    boundary = opencg_surface.boundary_type
    if boundary == 'vacuum':
        boundary = openmoc.VACUUM
    elif boundary == 'reflective':
        boundary = openmoc.REFLECTIVE
    elif boundary == 'interface':
        boundary = openmoc.BOUNDARY_NONE

    if opencg_surface.type == 'plane':
        A = opencg_surface.a
        B = opencg_surface.b
        C = opencg_surface.c
        D = opencg_surface.d
        openmoc_surface = openmoc.Plane(A, B, C, D, surface_id, name)

    elif opencg_surface.type == 'x-plane':
        x0 = opencg_surface.x0
        openmoc_surface = openmoc.XPlane(x0, int(surface_id), name)

    elif opencg_surface.type == 'y-plane':
        y0 = opencg_surface.y0
        openmoc_surface = openmoc.YPlane(y0, surface_id, name)

    elif opencg_surface.type == 'z-plane':
        z0 = opencg_surface.z0
        openmoc_surface = openmoc.ZPlane(z0, surface_id, name)

    elif opencg_surface.type == 'z-cylinder':
        x0 = opencg_surface.x0
        y0 = opencg_surface.y0
        R = opencg_surface.r
        openmoc_surface = openmoc.ZCylinder(x0, y0, R, surface_id, name)

        msg = 'Unable to create an OpenMOC Surface from an OpenCG ' \
              'Surface of type {0} since it is not a compatible ' \
              'Surface type in OpenMOC'.format(opencg_surface.type)
        raise ValueError(msg)

    # Set the boundary condition for this Surface

    # Add the OpenMOC Surface to the global collection of all OpenMOC Surfaces
    OPENMOC_SURFACES[surface_id] = openmoc_surface

    # Add the OpenCG Surface to the global collection of all OpenCG Surfaces
    OPENCG_SURFACES[surface_id] = opencg_surface

    return openmoc_surface
Пример #39
def parse_convergence_data(filename, directory=''):
    """Parse an OpenMOC log file to obtain a simulation's convergence data.

    This method compiles the eigenvalue and source residuals from each iteration
    of an OpenMOC simulation. This data is inserted into a Python dictionary
    under the key names 'eigenvalues' and 'residuals', along with an integer
    '# iters', and returned to the user.

    filename : str
        The OpenMOC log filename string
    directory : str
        The directory where to find the log file

    convergence_data : dict
        A Python dictionary of key/value pairs for convergence data

    This method may be called from Python as follows:

        >>> parse_convergence_data(filename='openmoc-XX-XX-XXXX--XX:XX:XX.log')


    cv.check_type('filename', filename, basestring)
    cv.check_type('directory', directory, basestring)

    # If the user specified a directory
    if len(directory) > 0:
        filename = directory + '/' + filename

    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
        py_printf('ERROR', 'Unable to parse convergence data since "{0}" is ' +
                  'not an existing OpenMOC log file'.format(filename))

    # Compile regular expressions to find the residual and eigenvalue data
    res = re.compile(b'res = ([0-9].[0-9]+E[+|-][0-9]+)')
    keff = re.compile(b'k_eff = ([0-9]+.[0-9]+)')

    # Parse the eigenvalues
    with open(filename, 'r+') as f:
        data = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0)
        eigenvalues = keff.findall(data)

    # Parse the source residuals
    with open(filename, 'r+') as f:
        data = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0)
        residuals = res.findall(data)

    # Create NumPy arrays of the data
    eigenvalues = np.array([float(eigenvalue) for eigenvalue in eigenvalues])
    residuals = np.array([float(residual) for residual in residuals])

    # Find the total number of source iterations
    num_iters = len(residuals)

    # Store the data in a dictionary to return to the user
    convergence_data = dict()
    convergence_data['# iters'] = num_iters
    convergence_data['eigenvalues'] = eigenvalues
    convergence_data['residuals'] = residuals
    return convergence_data
Пример #40
def get_openmoc_geometry(opencg_geometry):
    """Return an OpenMOC geometry corresponding to an OpenCG geometry.

    opencg_geometry : opencg.Geometry
        OpenCG geometry

    openmoc_geometry : openmoc.Geometry
        Equivalent OpenMOC geometry


    cv.check_type('opencg_geometry', opencg_geometry, opencg.Geometry)

    # Deep copy the goemetry since it may be modified to make all Surfaces
    # compatible with OpenMOC's specifications
    opencg_geometry = copy.deepcopy(opencg_geometry)

    # Update Cell bounding boxes in Geometry

    # Clear dictionaries and auto-generated IDs

    # Make the entire geometry "compatible" before assigning auto IDs
    universes = opencg_geometry.get_all_universes()
    for universe_id, universe in universes.items():


    opencg_root_universe = opencg_geometry.root_universe
    openmoc_root_universe = get_openmoc_universe(opencg_root_universe)

    openmoc_geometry = openmoc.Geometry()

    # Update OpenMOC's auto-generated object IDs (e.g., Surface, Material)
    # with the maximum of those created from the OpenCG objects
    all_materials = openmoc_geometry.getAllMaterials()
    all_surfaces = openmoc_geometry.getAllSurfaces()
    all_cells = openmoc_geometry.getAllCells()
    all_universes = openmoc_geometry.getAllUniverses()

    max_material_id = max(all_materials.keys())
    max_surface_id = max(all_surfaces.keys())
    max_cell_id = max(all_cells.keys())
    max_universe_id = max(all_universes.keys())


    return openmoc_geometry
Пример #41
def get_opencg_lattice(openmoc_lattice):
    """Return an OpenCG lattice corresponding to an OpenMOC lattice.

    openmoc_lattice : openmoc.Lattice
        OpenMOC lattice

    opencg_lattice : opencg.Lattice
        Equivalent OpenCG lattice


    cv.check_type('openmoc_lattice', openmoc_lattice, openmoc.Lattice)

    lattice_id = openmoc_lattice.getId()

    # If this Lattice was already created, use it
    if lattice_id in OPENCG_LATTICES:
        return OPENCG_LATTICES[lattice_id]

    # Create an OpenCG Lattice to represent this OpenMOC Lattice
    name = openmoc_lattice.getName()
    offset = openmoc_lattice.getOffset()
    dimension = [1, openmoc_lattice.getNumY(), openmoc_lattice.getNumX()]
    width = [1, openmoc_lattice.getWidthY(), openmoc_lattice.getWidthX()]
    lower_left = [
        -np.inf, width[1] * dimension[1] / 2. + offset.getX(),
        width[2] * dimension[2] / 2. + offset.getY()

    # Initialize an empty array for the OpenCG nested Universes in this Lattice
    universe_array = np.ndarray(tuple(np.array(dimension)[::-1]), \

    # Create OpenCG Universes for each unique nested Universe in this Lattice
    unique_universes = openmoc_lattice.getUniqueUniverses()

    for universe_id, universe in unique_universes.items():
        unique_universes[universe_id] = get_opencg_universe(universe)

    # Build the nested Universe array
    for y in range(dimension[1]):
        for x in range(dimension[0]):
            universe = openmoc_lattice.getUniverse(x, y)
            universe_id = universe.getId()
            universe_array[0][y][x] = unique_universes[universe_id]

    opencg_lattice = opencg.Lattice(lattice_id, name)
    opencg_lattice.dimension = dimension
    opencg_lattice.width = width
    opencg_lattice.universes = universe_array

    offset = np.array(lower_left, dtype=np.float64) - \
             ((np.array(width, dtype=np.float64) * \
               np.array(dimension, dtype=np.float64))) / -2.0
    opencg_lattice.offset = offset

    # Add the OpenMOC Lattice to the global collection of all OpenMOC Lattices
    OPENMOC_LATTICES[lattice_id] = openmoc_lattice

    # Add the OpenCG Lattice to the global collection of all OpenCG Lattices
    OPENCG_LATTICES[lattice_id] = opencg_lattice

    return opencg_lattice
Пример #42
 def width(self, width):
     cv.check_type('mesh width', width, Iterable, Real)
     cv.check_length('mesh width', width, 2, 3)
     self._width = width
Пример #43
def get_opencg_surface(openmoc_surface):
    """Return an OpenCG surface corresponding to an OpenMOC surface.

    openmc_surface : openmoc.Surface
        OpenMOC surface

    opencg_surface : opencg.Surface
        Equivalent OpenCG surface


    cv.check_type('openmoc_surface', openmoc_surface, openmoc.Surface)

    surface_id = openmoc_surface.getId()

    # If this Surface was already created, use it
    if surface_id in OPENCG_SURFACES:
        return OPENCG_SURFACES[surface_id]

    # Create an OpenCG Surface to represent this OpenMOC Surface
    name = openmoc_surface.getName()

    # Correct for OpenMOC's syntax for Surfaces dividing Cells
    boundary = openmoc_surface.getBoundaryType()
    if boundary == openmoc.VACUUM:
        boundary = 'vacuum'
    elif boundary == openmoc.REFLECTIVE:
        boundary = 'reflective'
    elif boundary == openmoc.BOUNDARY_NONE:
        boundary = 'interface'

    opencg_surface = None
    surface_type = openmoc_surface.getSurfaceType()

    if surface_type == openmoc.PLANE:
        openmoc_surface = openmoc.castSurfaceToPlane(openmoc_surface)
        A = openmoc_surface.getA()
        B = openmoc_surface.getB()
        C = openmoc_surface.getC()
        D = openmoc_surface.getD()
        opencg_surface = opencg.Plane(surface_id, name, boundary, A, B, C, D)

    elif surface_type == openmoc.XPLANE:
        openmoc_surface = openmoc.castSurfaceToXPlane(openmoc_surface)
        x0 = openmoc_surface.getX()
        opencg_surface = opencg.XPlane(surface_id, name, boundary, x0)

    elif surface_type == openmoc.YPLANE:
        openmoc_surface = openmoc.castSurfaceToYPlane(openmoc_surface)
        y0 = openmoc_surface.getY()
        opencg_surface = opencg.YPlane(surface_id, name, boundary, y0)

    elif surface_type == openmoc.ZPLANE:
        openmoc_surface = openmoc.castSurfaceToZPlane(openmoc_surface)
        z0 = openmoc_surface.getZ()
        opencg_surface = opencg.ZPlane(surface_id, name, boundary, z0)

    elif surface_type == openmoc.ZCYLINDER:
        openmoc_surface = openmoc.castSurfaceToZCylinder(openmoc_surface)
        x0 = openmoc_surface.getX0()
        y0 = openmoc_surface.getY0()
        R = openmoc_surface.getRadius()
        opencg_surface = opencg.ZCylinder(surface_id, name, boundary, x0, y0,

    # Add the OpenMOC Surface to the global collection of all OpenMOC Surfaces
    OPENMOC_SURFACES[surface_id] = openmoc_surface

    # Add the OpenCG Surface to the global collection of all OpenCG Surfaces
    OPENCG_SURFACES[surface_id] = opencg_surface

    return opencg_surface
Пример #44
def get_openmoc_surface(opencg_surface):
    """Return an OpenMOC surface corresponding to an OpenCG surface.

    opencg_surface : opencg.Surface
        OpenCG surface

    openmoc_surface : openmoc.Surface
        Equivalent OpenMOC surface


    cv.check_type('opencg_surface', opencg_surface, opencg.Surface)

    surface_id = opencg_surface.id

    # If this Surface was already created, use it
    if surface_id in OPENMOC_SURFACES:
        return OPENMOC_SURFACES[surface_id]

    # Create an OpenMOC Surface to represent this OpenCG Surface
    name = str(opencg_surface.name)

    # Correct for OpenMOC's syntax for Surfaces dividing Cells
    boundary = opencg_surface.boundary_type
    if boundary == 'vacuum':
        boundary = openmoc.VACUUM
    elif boundary == 'reflective':
        boundary = openmoc.REFLECTIVE
    elif boundary == 'interface':
        boundary = openmoc.BOUNDARY_NONE

    if opencg_surface.type == 'plane':
        A = opencg_surface.a
        B = opencg_surface.b
        C = opencg_surface.c
        D = opencg_surface.d
        openmoc_surface = openmoc.Plane(A, B, C, D, surface_id, name)

    elif opencg_surface.type == 'x-plane':
        x0 = opencg_surface.x0
        openmoc_surface = openmoc.XPlane(x0, int(surface_id), name)

    elif opencg_surface.type == 'y-plane':
        y0 = opencg_surface.y0
        openmoc_surface = openmoc.YPlane(y0, surface_id, name)

    elif opencg_surface.type == 'z-plane':
        z0 = opencg_surface.z0
        openmoc_surface = openmoc.ZPlane(z0, surface_id, name)

    elif opencg_surface.type == 'z-cylinder':
        x0 = opencg_surface.x0
        y0 = opencg_surface.y0
        R = opencg_surface.r
        openmoc_surface = openmoc.ZCylinder(x0, y0, R, surface_id, name)

        msg = 'Unable to create an OpenMOC Surface from an OpenCG ' \
              'Surface of type {0} since it is not a compatible ' \
              'Surface type in OpenMOC'.format(opencg_surface.type)
        raise ValueError(msg)

    # Set the boundary condition for this Surface

    # Add the OpenMOC Surface to the global collection of all OpenMOC Surfaces
    OPENMOC_SURFACES[surface_id] = openmoc_surface

    # Add the OpenCG Surface to the global collection of all OpenCG Surfaces
    OPENCG_SURFACES[surface_id] = opencg_surface

    return openmoc_surface
Пример #45
def compute_fission_rates(solver, use_hdf5=False):
    """Computes the fission rate in each FSR.

    This method combines the rates based on their hierarchical universe/lattice
    structure. The fission rates are then exported to a binary HDF5 or Python
    pickle file.

    This routine is intended to be called by the user in Python to compute
    fission rates. Typically, the fission rates will represent pin powers. The
    routine either exports fission rates to an HDF5 binary file or pickle file
    with each fission rate being indexed by a string representing the
    universe/lattice hierarchy.

    solver : openmoc.Solver
        The solver used to compute the flux
    use_hdf5 : bool
        Whether or not to export fission rates to an HDF5 file

    This routine may be called from a Python script as follows:

        >>> compute_fission_rates(solver, use_hdf5=True)


    global solver_types
    cv.check_type('solver', solver, solver_types)
    cv.check_type('use_hdf5', use_hdf5, bool)

    # Make directory if it does not exist
    directory = openmoc.get_output_directory() + '/fission-rates/'
    filename = 'fission-rates'
    if not os.path.exists(directory):

    # Get geometry
    geometry = solver.getGeometry()

    # Compute the volume-weighted fission rates for each FSR
    fsr_fission_rates = solver.computeFSRFissionRates(geometry.getNumFSRs())

    # Initialize fission rates dictionary
    fission_rates_sum = {}

    # Loop over FSRs and populate fission rates dictionary
    for fsr in range(geometry.getNumFSRs()):

        if geometry.findFSRMaterial(fsr).isFissionable():

            # Get the linked list of LocalCoords
            point = geometry.getFSRPoint(fsr)
            coords = openmoc.LocalCoords(point.getX(), point.getY(),
            coords = coords.getHighestLevel().getNext()

            # initialize dictionary key
            key = 'UNIV = 0 : '

            # Parse through the linked list and create fsr key.
            # If lowest level sub dictionary already exists, then increment
            # fission rate; otherwise, set the fission rate.
            while True:
                if coords.getType() is openmoc.LAT:
                    key += 'LAT = ' + str(coords.getLattice().getId()) + ' (' + \
                           str(coords.getLatticeX()) + ', ' + \
                           str(coords.getLatticeY()) + ', ' + \
                           str(coords.getLatticeZ()) + ') : '
                    key += 'UNIV = ' + str(
                        coords.getUniverse().getId()) + ' : '

                # Remove trailing ' : ' on end of key if at last univ/lat
                if coords.getNext() is None:
                    key = key[:-3]
                    coords = coords.getNext()

            # Increment or set fission rate
            if key in fission_rates_sum:
                fission_rates_sum[key] += fsr_fission_rates[fsr]
                fission_rates_sum[key] = fsr_fission_rates[fsr]

    # Write the fission rates to the HDF5 file
    if use_hdf5:
        f = h5py.File(directory + filename + '.h5', 'w')
        fission_rates_group = f.create_group('fission-rates')
        for key, value in fission_rates_sum.items():
            fission_rates_group.attrs[key] = value

    # Pickle the fission rates to a file
        pickle.dump(fission_rates_sum, open(directory + filename + '.pkl',
Пример #46
def get_compatible_opencg_surfaces(opencg_surface):
    """Generate OpenCG surfaces that are compatible with OpenMOC equivalent to
    an OpenCG surface that is not compatible. For example, this method may be
    used to convert a ZSquarePrism OpenCG surface into a collection of
    equivalent XPlane and YPlane OpenCG surfaces.

    opencg_surface : opencg.Surface
        OpenCG surface that is incompatible with OpenMOC

    surfaces : list of opencg.Surface
        Collection of surfaces equivalent to the original one but compatible
        with OpenMOC


    cv.check_type('opencg_surface', opencg_surface, opencg.Surface)

    surface_id = opencg_surface.id

    # If this Surface was already created, use it
    if surface_id in OPENMOC_SURFACES:
        return OPENMOC_SURFACES[surface_id]

    # Create an OpenMOC Surface to represent this OpenCG Surface
    name = str(opencg_surface.name)

    # Correct for OpenMOC's syntax for Surfaces dividing Cells
    boundary = opencg_surface.boundary_type

    if opencg_surface.type == 'x-squareprism':
        y0 = opencg_surface.y0
        z0 = opencg_surface.z0
        R = opencg_surface.r

        # Create a list of the four planes we need
        min_y = opencg.YPlane(y0=y0 - R, name=name)
        max_y = opencg.YPlane(y0=y0 + R, name=name)
        min_z = opencg.ZPlane(z0=z0 - R, name=name)
        max_z = opencg.ZPlane(z0=z0 + R, name=name)

        # Set the boundary conditions for each Surface
        min_y.boundary_type = boundary
        max_y.boundary_type = boundary
        min_z.boundary_type = boundary
        max_z.boundary_type = boundary

        surfaces = [min_y, max_y, min_z, max_z]

    elif opencg_surface.type == 'y-squareprism':
        x0 = opencg_surface.x0
        z0 = opencg_surface.z0
        R = opencg_surface.r

        # Create a list of the four planes we need
        min_x = opencg.XPlane(name=name, boundary=boundary, x0=x0 - R)
        max_x = opencg.XPlane(name=name, boundary=boundary, x0=x0 + R)
        min_z = opencg.ZPlane(name=name, boundary=boundary, z0=z0 - R)
        max_z = opencg.ZPlane(name=name, boundary=boundary, z0=z0 + R)

        # Set the boundary conditions for each Surface
        min_x.boundary_type = boundary
        max_x.boundary_type = boundary
        min_z.boundary_type = boundary
        max_z.boundary_type = boundary

        surfaces = [min_x, max_x, min_z, max_z]

    elif opencg_surface.type == 'z-squareprism':
        x0 = opencg_surface.x0
        y0 = opencg_surface.y0
        R = opencg_surface.r

        # Create a list of the four planes we need
        min_x = opencg.XPlane(name=name, boundary=boundary, x0=x0 - R)
        max_x = opencg.XPlane(name=name, boundary=boundary, x0=x0 + R)
        min_y = opencg.YPlane(name=name, boundary=boundary, y0=y0 - R)
        max_y = opencg.YPlane(name=name, boundary=boundary, y0=y0 + R)

        # Set the boundary conditions for each Surface
        min_x.boundary_type = boundary
        max_x.boundary_type = boundary
        min_y.boundary_type = boundary
        max_y.boundary_type = boundary

        surfaces = [min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y]

        msg = 'Unable to create a compatible OpenMOC Surface an OpenCG ' \
              'Surface of type "{0}" since it already a compatible ' \
              'Surface type in OpenMOC'.format(opencg_surface.type)
        raise ValueError(msg)

    # Add the OpenMOC Surface(s) to global collection of all OpenMOC Surfaces
    OPENMOC_SURFACES[surface_id] = surfaces

    # Add the OpenCG Surface to the global collection of all OpenCG Surfaces
    OPENCG_SURFACES[surface_id] = opencg_surface

    return surfaces
Пример #47
def get_scalar_fluxes(solver, fsrs='all', groups='all'):
    """Return an array of scalar fluxes in one or more FSRs and groups.

    This routine builds a 2D NumPy array indexed by FSR and energy group for
    the corresponding scalar fluxes. The fluxes are organized in the array in
    order of increasing FSR and enery group if 'all' FSRs or energy groups are
    requested (the default). If the user requests fluxes for specific FSRs or
    energy groups, then the fluxes are returned in the order in which the FSRs
    and groups are enumerated in the associated paramters.

    solver : openmoc.Solver
        The solver used to compute the flux
    fsrs : Iterable of Integral or 'all'
        A collection of integer FSR IDs or 'all' (default)
    groups : Iterable of Integral or 'all'
        A collection of integer energy groups or 'all' (default)

    fluxes : ndarray
        The scalar fluxes indexed by FSR ID and energy group. Note that the
        energy group index starts at 0 rather than 1 for the highest energy
        in accordance with Python's 0-based indexing.


    global solver_types
    cv.check_type('solver', solver, solver_types)

    if isinstance('fsrs', basestring):
        cv.check_value('fsrs', fsrs, 'all')
        cv.check_type('fsrs', Iterable, Integral)

    if isinstance('groups', basestring):
        cv.check_value('groups', fsrs, 'all')
        cv.check_type('groups', Iterable, Integral)

    # Extract all of the FSR scalar fluxes
    if groups == 'all' and fsrs == 'all':
        num_fsrs = solver.getGeometry().getNumFSRs()
        num_groups = solver.getGeometry().getNumEnergyGroups()
        num_fluxes = num_groups * num_fsrs
        fluxes = solver.getFluxes(num_fluxes)
        fluxes = np.reshape(fluxes, (num_fsrs, num_groups))
        return fluxes

    # Build a list of FSRs to iterate over
    if fsrs == 'all':
        num_fsrs = solver.getGeometry().getNumFSRs()
        fsrs = np.arange(num_fsrs)
        num_fsrs = len(fsrs)

    # Build a list of enery groups to iterate over
    if groups == 'all':
        num_groups = solver.getGeometry().getNumEnergyGroups()
        groups = np.arange(num_groups) + 1
        num_groups = len(groups)

    # Extract some of the FSR scalar fluxes
    fluxes = np.zeros((num_fsrs, num_groups))
    for fsr in fsrs:
        for group in groups:
            fluxes[fsr, group - 1] = solver.getFlux(int(fsr), int(group))

    return fluxes
Пример #48
 def upper_right(self, upper_right):
     cv.check_type('mesh upper_right', upper_right, Iterable, Real)
     cv.check_length('mesh upper_right', upper_right, 2, 3)
     self._upper_right = upper_right
Пример #49
def parse_convergence_data(filename, directory=''):
    """Parse an OpenMOC log file to obtain a simulation's convergence data.

    This method compiles the eigenvalue and source residuals from each iteration
    of an OpenMOC simulation. This data is inserted into a Python dictionary
    under the key names 'eigenvalues' and 'residuals', along with an integer
    '# iters', and returned to the user.

    filename : str
        The OpenMOC log filename string
    directory : str
        The directory where to find the log file

    convergence_data : dict
        A Python dictionary of key/value pairs for convergence data

    This method may be called from Python as follows:

        >>> parse_convergence_data(filename='openmoc-XX-XX-XXXX--XX:XX:XX.log')


    cv.check_type('filename', filename, basestring)
    cv.check_type('directory', directory, basestring)

    # If the user specified a directory
    if len(directory) > 0:
        filename = directory + '/' + filename

    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
            'ERROR', 'Unable to parse convergence data since "{0}" is ' +
            'not an existing OpenMOC log file'.format(filename))

    # Compile regular expressions to find the residual and eigenvalue data
    res = re.compile(b'res = ([0-9].[0-9]+E[+|-][0-9]+)')
    keff = re.compile(b'k_eff = ([0-9]+.[0-9]+)')

    # Parse the eigenvalues
    with open(filename, 'r+') as f:
        data = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0)
        eigenvalues = keff.findall(data)

    # Parse the source residuals
    with open(filename, 'r+') as f:
        data = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0)
        residuals = res.findall(data)

    # Create NumPy arrays of the data
    eigenvalues = np.array([float(eigenvalue) for eigenvalue in eigenvalues])
    residuals = np.array([float(residual) for residual in residuals])

    # Find the total number of source iterations
    num_iters = len(residuals)

    # Store the data in a dictionary to return to the user
    convergence_data = dict()
    convergence_data['# iters'] = num_iters
    convergence_data['eigenvalues'] = eigenvalues
    convergence_data['residuals'] = residuals
    return convergence_data
Пример #50
def get_compatible_opencg_cells(opencg_cell, opencg_surface, halfspace):
    """Generate OpenCG cells that are compatible with OpenMOC equivalent to an
    OpenCG cell that is not compatible.

    opencg_cell : opencg.Cell
        OpenCG cell
    opencg_surface : opencg.Surface
        OpenCG surface that causes the incompatibility, e.g. an instance of
    halfspace : {-1, 1}
        Which halfspace defined by the surface is contained in the cell

    compatible_cells : list of opencg.Cell
        Collection of cells equivalent to the original one but compatible with


    cv.check_type('opencg_cell', opencg_cell, opencg.Cell)
    cv.check_type('opencg_surface', opencg_surface, opencg.Surface)
    cv.check_value('halfspace', halfspace, (-1, +1))

    # Initialize an empty list for the new compatible cells
    compatible_cells = list()

    # SquarePrism Surfaces
    if opencg_surface.type in [
            'x-squareprism', 'y-squareprism', 'z-squareprism'

        # Get the compatible Surfaces (XPlanes and YPlanes)
        compatible_surfaces = get_compatible_opencg_surfaces(opencg_surface)


        # If Cell is inside SquarePrism, add "inside" of Surface halfspaces
        if halfspace == -1:
            opencg_cell.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[0], +1)
            opencg_cell.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[1], -1)
            opencg_cell.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[2], +1)
            opencg_cell.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[3], -1)

        # If Cell is outside the SquarePrism (positive halfspace), add "outside"
        # of Surface halfspaces. Since OpenMOC does not have a SquarePrism
        # Surface, individual Cells are created for the 8 Cells that make up the
        # outer region of a SquarePrism.
        #                 |                    |
        #           0     |        1           |    2
        #           ______|____________________|______
        #                 |     SquarePrism    |
        #           7     |   (-)  halfspace   |    3
        #           ______|____________________|______
        #                 |                    |
        #           6     |        5           |    4
        #                 |                    |

            # Create 8 Cell clones to represent each of the disjoint planar
            # Surface halfspace intersections
            num_clones = 8

            for clone_id in range(num_clones):

                # Create a cloned OpenCG Cell with Surfaces compatible with OpenMOC
                clone = opencg_cell.clone()

                # Top left subcell (subcell 0)
                if clone_id == 0:
                    clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[0], -1)
                    clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[3], +1)

                # Top center subcell (subcell 1)
                elif clone_id == 1:
                    clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[0], +1)
                    clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[1], -1)
                    clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[3], +1)

                # Top right subcell (subcell 2)
                elif clone_id == 2:
                    clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[1], +1)
                    clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[3], +1)

                # Right center subcell (subcell 3)
                elif clone_id == 3:
                    clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[1], +1)
                    clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[3], -1)
                    clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[2], +1)

                # Bottom right subcell (subcell 4)
                elif clone_id == 4:
                    clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[1], +1)
                    clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[2], -1)

                # Bottom center subcell (subcell 5)
                elif clone_id == 5:
                    clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[0], +1)
                    clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[1], -1)
                    clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[2], -1)

                # Bottom left subcell (subcell 6)
                elif clone_id == 6:
                    clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[0], -1)
                    clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[2], -1)

                # Left center subcell (subcell 7)
                elif clone_id == 7:
                    clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[0], -1)
                    clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[3], -1)
                    clone.add_surface(compatible_surfaces[2], +1)

    # Remove redundant Surfaces from the Cells
    for cell in compatible_cells:

    # Return the list of compatible OpenCG Cells
    return compatible_cells
Пример #51
 def lower_left(self, lower_left):
     cv.check_type('mesh lower_left', lower_left, Iterable, Real)
     cv.check_length('mesh lower_left', lower_left, 2, 3)
     self._lower_left = lower_left
Пример #52
 def lower_left(self, lower_left):
     cv.check_type('mesh lower_left', lower_left, Iterable, Real)
     cv.check_length('mesh lower_left', lower_left, 2, 3)
     self._lower_left = lower_left
Пример #53
 def width(self, width):
     cv.check_type('mesh width', width, Iterable, Real)
     cv.check_length('mesh width', width, 2, 3)
     self._width = width
Пример #54
 def dimension(self, dimension):
     cv.check_type('mesh dimension', dimension, Iterable, Integral)
     cv.check_length('mesh dimension', dimension, 2, 3)
     self._dimension = dimension
Пример #55
    def tally_on_mesh(self,
        """Compute arbitrary reaction rates in each mesh cell.

        NOTE: This method assumes that the mesh perfectly aligns with the
        flat source region mesh used in the OpenMOC calculation.

        solver : {openmoc.CPUSolver, openmoc.GPUSolver, openmoc.VectorizedSolver}
            The solver used to compute the flux
        domains_to_coeffs : dict or numpy.ndarray of Real
            A mapping of spatial domains and energy groups to the coefficients
            to multiply the flux in each domain. If domain_type is 'material'
            or 'cell' then the coefficients must be a Python dictionary indexed
            by material/cell ID mapped to NumPy arrays indexed by energy group.
            If domain_type is 'fsr' then the coefficients may be a dictionary
            or NumPy array indexed by FSR ID and energy group. Note that the
            energy group indexing should start at 0 rather than 1 for the
            highest energy in accordance with Python's 0-based indexing.
        domain_type : {'fsr', 'cell', 'material'}
            The type of domain for which the coefficients are defined
        volume : {'averaged', 'integrated'}
            Compute volume-averaged or volume-integrated tallies
        energy : {'by_group', 'integrated'}
            Compute tallies by energy group or integrate across groups

        tally : numpy.ndarray of Real
            A NumPy array of the fission rates tallied in each mesh cell indexed
            by FSR ID and energy group (if energy is 'by_group')


        global solver_types
        cv.check_type('solver', solver, solver_types)
        cv.check_value('domain_type', domain_type, ('fsr', 'cell', 'material'))
        cv.check_value('volume', volume, ('averaged', 'integrated'))
        cv.check_value('energy', energy, ('by_group', 'integrated'))

        # Extract parameters from the Geometry
        geometry = solver.getGeometry()
        num_groups = geometry.getNumEnergyGroups()
        num_fsrs = geometry.getNumFSRs()

        # Coefficients must be specified as a dict, ndarray or DataFrame
        if domain_type in ['material', 'cell']:
            cv.check_type('domains_to_coeffs', domains_to_coeffs, dict)
            cv.check_type('domains_to_coeffs', domains_to_coeffs,
                          (dict, np.ndarray))

        # Extract the FSR fluxes from the Solver
        fluxes = get_scalar_fluxes(solver)

        # Initialize a 2D or 3D NumPy array in which to tally
        tally_shape = tuple(self.dimension) + (num_groups, )
        tally = np.zeros(tally_shape, dtype=np.float)

        # Compute product of fluxes with domains-to-coeffs mapping by group, FSR
        for fsr in range(num_fsrs):
            point = geometry.getFSRPoint(fsr)
            mesh_indices = self.get_mesh_cell_indices(point)

            if np.nan in mesh_indices:

            volume = solver.getFSRVolume(fsr)
            fsr_tally = np.zeros(num_groups, dtype=np.float)

            # Determine domain ID (material, cell or FSR) for this FSR
            if domain_type == 'fsr':
                domain_id = fsr
                coords = \
                    openmoc.LocalCoords(point.getX(), point.getY(), point.getZ())
                cell = geometry.findCellContainingCoords(coords)
                if domain_type == 'cell':
                    domain_id = cell.getId()
                    domain_id = cell.getFillMaterial().getId()

            # Tally flux multiplied by coefficients by energy group
            for group in range(num_groups):
                fsr_tally[group] = \
                    fluxes[fsr, group] * domains_to_coeffs[domain_id][group]

            # Increment mesh tally with volume-integrated FSR tally
            tally[mesh_indices] += fsr_tally * volume

        # Integrate the energy groups if needed
        if energy == 'integrated':
            tally = np.sum(tally, axis=len(self.dimension))

        # Average the fission rates by mesh cell volume if needed
        if volume == 'averaged':
            tally /= self.mesh_cell_volume

        return tally
Пример #56
def get_compatible_opencg_surfaces(opencg_surface):
    """Generate OpenCG surfaces that are compatible with OpenMOC equivalent to
    an OpenCG surface that is not compatible. For example, this method may be
    used to convert a ZSquarePrism OpenCG surface into a collection of
    equivalent XPlane and YPlane OpenCG surfaces.

    opencg_surface : opencg.Surface
        OpenCG surface that is incompatible with OpenMOC

    surfaces : list of opencg.Surface
        Collection of surfaces equivalent to the original one but compatible
        with OpenMOC


    cv.check_type('opencg_surface', opencg_surface, opencg.Surface)

    surface_id = opencg_surface.id

    # If this Surface was already created, use it
    if surface_id in OPENMOC_SURFACES:
        return OPENMOC_SURFACES[surface_id]

    # Create an OpenMOC Surface to represent this OpenCG Surface
    name = str(opencg_surface.name)

    # Correct for OpenMOC's syntax for Surfaces dividing Cells
    boundary = opencg_surface.boundary_type

    if opencg_surface.type == 'x-squareprism':
        y0 = opencg_surface.y0
        z0 = opencg_surface.z0
        R = opencg_surface.r

        # Create a list of the four planes we need
        min_y = opencg.YPlane(y0=y0-R, name=name)
        max_y = opencg.YPlane(y0=y0+R, name=name)
        min_z = opencg.ZPlane(z0=z0-R, name=name)
        max_z = opencg.ZPlane(z0=z0+R, name=name)

        # Set the boundary conditions for each Surface
        min_y.boundary_type = boundary
        max_y.boundary_type = boundary
        min_z.boundary_type = boundary
        max_z.boundary_type = boundary

        surfaces = [min_y, max_y, min_z, max_z]

    elif opencg_surface.type == 'y-squareprism':
        x0 = opencg_surface.x0
        z0 = opencg_surface.z0
        R = opencg_surface.r

        # Create a list of the four planes we need
        min_x = opencg.XPlane(name=name, boundary=boundary, x0=x0-R)
        max_x = opencg.XPlane(name=name, boundary=boundary, x0=x0+R)
        min_z = opencg.ZPlane(name=name, boundary=boundary, z0=z0-R)
        max_z = opencg.ZPlane(name=name, boundary=boundary, z0=z0+R)

        # Set the boundary conditions for each Surface
        min_x.boundary_type = boundary
        max_x.boundary_type = boundary
        min_z.boundary_type = boundary
        max_z.boundary_type = boundary

        surfaces = [min_x, max_x, min_z, max_z]

    elif opencg_surface.type == 'z-squareprism':
        x0 = opencg_surface.x0
        y0 = opencg_surface.y0
        R = opencg_surface.r

        # Create a list of the four planes we need
        min_x = opencg.XPlane(name=name, boundary=boundary, x0=x0-R)
        max_x = opencg.XPlane(name=name, boundary=boundary, x0=x0+R)
        min_y = opencg.YPlane(name=name, boundary=boundary, y0=y0-R)
        max_y = opencg.YPlane(name=name, boundary=boundary, y0=y0+R)

        # Set the boundary conditions for each Surface
        min_x.boundary_type = boundary
        max_x.boundary_type = boundary
        min_y.boundary_type = boundary
        max_y.boundary_type = boundary

        surfaces = [min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y]

        msg = 'Unable to create a compatible OpenMOC Surface an OpenCG ' \
              'Surface of type "{0}" since it already a compatible ' \
              'Surface type in OpenMOC'.format(opencg_surface.type)
        raise ValueError(msg)

    # Add the OpenMOC Surface(s) to global collection of all OpenMOC Surfaces
    OPENMOC_SURFACES[surface_id] = surfaces

    # Add the OpenCG Surface to the global collection of all OpenCG Surfaces
    OPENCG_SURFACES[surface_id] = opencg_surface

    return surfaces